Off Docket - Approval of Recommended Fare Subsidy Structure for Poway Airport ServiceABSTRACT' On.February 2:5,. 198:6 bids:for airport transit service were opened.. Attached is a recommended fare: subsidy structure that requires City Council concurrence prior to the County Board of Supervisors executing a contract with the operator. BACKGROUND In.Dec;ember 1984 airport transit service: between Poway and Lindbergh Field was.initiated.to provide service to the residents of Poway. {' The: two operators awarded. contracts; were Airport Stage Lines=. and Capital./Fleetwood Arporter.: Airport Stage Lines- discontinued service in October 19185 without prior notice and Capitol/Fleetwood Airporter discontinued service in January 1:986 with, just three days notice. On February 3, 1986 they County of San -Diego distributed requests:. forbid proposals to 40- contractors to. provide the airport serviced Three bids were received on February 21, 1986 They were..- El ere:El Camino Livery Service California Paratrans t Palomar Airporter FINDINGS The three: proposals were deemed technically qualified by an evaluation panel and were opened on February 25, 1985 with El Camino Livery Services submitting the low bid and rate structure. AerT�� �..... ,n FEB G 5 986 IT E M- (� l JTJ Agenda Report February, 25,. 1:985; Page 2 a Based on. City Council approval of the fare subsidy structure, a ° contract wth.El Camino Livery Services will be: executed by the County Board of Supervisors on March 18, 1986, subject to the contractor's. submittal of a, performance bond and certificate of insurance,. As a matter of comparison attached is the current subsidy schedule �. approved by City Council: on the: previous, contract agreement for Poway !' Airport Service. RECOMMENDATION - i it is recommended that the City Council approve..the attached subsidy, and rate structure for airport service between -Poway and Lindbergh Field. JLBzJD3 sf. Attachments-: 1), Fare Structure 2) Comparison subsidy schedule r from, County f San. Diego 33Y Lette m o Co y o_ g FEB, 2 59861TEM Petit �Y a e t s O; C Lr) o Lc)Lo n tn i Q) s- a O ;^ cr) M p `— M �. tMa 4J` W N oix, 0 '� ,. Jim(. 44 s, e U _' • 4J § �.. ••itt ' 4j JQ o o •t- CJ) Q r r to Q ' '_ r- ii V w M _ Mi: co tn M-' - �., i -a o �- vQ r7: O. ¢ 4J N Rf t,p; co �a 0- Q3: - W t- QJ.: 'p .G. �— O d; E W p CQ p M p M- �.Lo N. N Lo N. CL. GQ1L' . C S- SZ rte. LL too. r: _. ER: CCl:.S. 'tLi' r Ln Q' Q ® �✓ rr-� U) 4J t/!: Q} c ` 0- cL,oa aFS cL o in C, tn: !;Cfm • c cis � � 3 .c ®; � � c e� N; M ct VD FES 2:51986, IT E M The County reserves the right to withdraw this RFB at any time without prior noti ce. Further, the County makes no presentations that any agreement will be awarded to any bidder responding to this, RFB.. The County expressly reserves. the right to reject any and al T bids respondi nto this RFB without indicating= any reasons for such q re jection t o .. The County expressly reserves the right to waive any minor irregul'ariities.. D. Ci ty of PoM. Subsidy The: passenger fares WIT be, based on -the per, trip fare provided by the Contractor an.d the subsidy level set: forth by the: City of Poway. The following is an example: of the passenger fare format and subsidy level' provided by the City of Poway:, Tota.T Subsidy Max. Max.. Subsi dy To Be Net Total PerL Paid` Pass., San Diego International Airport. Fare Pass. Contractor Fare 1. One passenger picked,up, or delivered to a single location in Poway. $17 $ 8 $ 8 $ 9 2.. Twoz passengers picked' up or delivered to a s' ngl a Tocati on In: Poway., $34 $ 8; $16 $18 3. Th.r. ee passengers_ picked: up or delivered to a single location, . i:n. Poway. $36 $ 5; $15 $21 4. Fourpassengers picked up or del isvered. to a s ngl'e, location in Poway. $38 5 $20 $28 5. Five or six passengers picked up or delivered to a si ngl e location in Poway. $60 $ 5' $25* $35 *Maxim= total subsidy is $25. This example was the maximum.fare schedule. for the 1985 contract. period. You w.i l.i: note the $8, and $5 per passenger subsidy level. Fallowing the bid: opening; the City., of Poway wi11: make a final determ%nation: of the: subsidy amount. The subsidy level shown above: should be used only as an example and in no way be considered a guaranteed level:. The actual' subsidy may be higher or., lower than: the level shown in the. above chart.. E.: RFB Addendums Any changes to the: RFR requi.r.ements wi11 be made by addendum. All addenda shalt. be signed' and attached to the respective Ud, Form., Failure to attach any, addenda may cause the bid to be. considered nonresponsive., Such -bids may be rejected.. i POWAY/TRANS ..3- AIRPORT/SRY.4 2 `' o r` a�Qt`yE IS TyFQ, too 7. SAN DIEGO 0 5-0 0 1 Ergo UNT' C UO Y v?s 1 0 ,pM�CGC�`sd DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC R 4 � U C WQ OCS BUILDING2 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE GR'ANVILLE M. BOWMAN, Director SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 921:23 Offices. of: TELEPHONE; (619) 565-5177 County Engineer County Road:' Commissioner February 25, 1986 County Surveyor County Airports; Flood Control Liquid. Waste Solid Waste Transportation. Operations. Lee Lewis. Ai:. Di rector of Community Services =j 13325 C1 vi c Center Drive: : Ci ty, of Poway Poway, CA 92064 }! Dea.r Mr. Lewis: Subject: Subsidy for. Poway. Public Transit Airport Service The County. of San Diego. has; received; birds for the provision: of Public Transi`a fr Airport., t Ser. vice for the City, of Poway. Basted on the low bid,received, a sub: .e s.i dy level is recommended for your City Council approval'. On February 34: 1.986 , a request for bids was distributed: to approximately 40 contractor/operators., Three bids were received' on February 21, 1986 from the fob l owi n.g, operators 1. El Caminol Livery 2.. California Paratr. ansi°t Services 3. Palomar Ai rporter On February, 2.4,: 1986 a Technical Qualifications Committee deemed' all, three pro. osal.s. as technically i qualified anresponsive.- al res a P y 4 P On: February, 25,, 1986 the price bids were opened. E1. Camino Livery submitted the low bid rate structure-. Based on the law bi d rate structure, fares and subsidy levels are. recommended' in the attached table. Based on: estimated trips, on an annual basis., the annual contractor subsidy- required ubsidyrequired would approximate $43,000. This represents a 13 percent increase over the. previous airport services. { The contract term. will be: from: March 19`, 1986 tol June 30,. 198T with two option years thereafter if the City of Poway so desi res. G 4 . .:+. u..r..-.-:...-..,.. _.. ...-.. ..--.i.. .Lia �4..."..'-•.""w..-.. .. :�..." N'. ": ..- •: ..... _ -. - - _...._ ... .s:-.., » u. -.. +._}rs 5Nn r 18 February 1986. escsvED FEB 201986 DIY MANAnrrr—"" To: Mr. Bruce Tarzy, Council Member, City of Poway From: Virginia Masten, 14127 Ezra. Lane, Poway Re ` Concern over the noise from the North County Soccer Park Dear Mr. Tarzy, 1 have enclosed a copy of a letter that 1 have sent to the Director of Planning and a copy of a petition from the residents of my street, aski ng for a reduction in the operating hours' of the North County Soccer Park. 1 have sent. you copies because 1 believe it wasyou who voiced concerns over the noise problem in our valley, when the Conditional Use Permit was granted,_ Please let me know if I have taken the proper steps to have this problem reduced., Thank. you. Si nnerel y, Virginia Masten s r 18 February 1986 To: -Director of Planning, City of Poway From; Virginia Masten, 14127 Ezra Lane, Poway Re The North .County Soccer Park Dear sir: I live on Ezra Lane in Poway, facing.the new North County Soccer'Park. I` havel been -incontact. with the owners as -well as Jinn Lyons in your office in recent weeks expressing my, concerns over this new business My,neighbors and I have been talking at length about the: noise problem that has arisen after the Soccer Park opened.. We feel that the disruption to our lives by the continual pounding of bails against the backboards- and walls of the soccer field and the "roar"of the crowds is bad enough, -to call this to your attentions As was pointed out .by Counci 1 Members at the City Council meeting when. the Con- di tional Use Permit was granted, ' the valley i n which we live has a soundi resonating quality to i -t, sound being carried.at great distances as well as bouncing off of the surrounding hillsides. We are . not against the North County Soccer Park or the idea of a. healthy sport being played by the: children of our. area. We -are against the noise We feed that, as the enclosed' petition states,'the Soccer Park could continue .to: operate: but at a reduced operating schedule. We chose- the new hours to reflect closing at 8 pm instead" of 10 pm on work .nights. and opening, at 10 am instead of 8 am on weekends (and Holidays) so that we can get to sleep without :the use of ear.plugs�and awaken on our own instead of by the noise. We do, not feel that this is unreasonable The signatures reflect all 10 homes: polled. lit, The first home on Ezra Lane* was. not polled 'due to •its distance from the soccer field and:. its, setbackfrom the street. Added to the polling was- the: home which ki lies between Ezra' Lane: and, Tierra Bonita Rd. because of. its close proximity to the field . Absent from the petition, yet still an important -point, was a concern as to the choice. of trees which; will be planted 'along Rattlesnake Creek at 10 foot: intervals.. We are to understand that only one. -third of the trees are evergreen and fast growing. The choice of deciduous, slow growing; trees leads us. to wonder what good they will do (particuarly in: the winter) to buffer the sound of the field. Could you please check into- this? Lastly, the fi el.d` lights are: a problem, although a lesser one than the noise. Look'n.g north: from Ezra Lane,; the lights on the north *s:i de of the field glare into our homes. Could you. please also look into what could: be done here? Possibly., they have been mismoun-ted at a slight upward angle thereby shading only their northern exposure and not the south. If that is nat the case, maybe an extender shade could be added to: eliminate this problem.. I hope that we can work out these 4ifficulties as'soon as possible As -the spokesperson for the residents involved, I -would appreciate a reply. Thank ou. Virg..4a Masten. R _ PETITION We, the residents of Ezra lane and adjoining properties facing the North County Soccer Park, do hereby petition the City of Poway to change the hours of operation in the Conditional Use Permit issued to the own- ers of the above business from the present operating schedule of 8 am to l 10 pm seven days per week to the following schedule: Monday through: Thursdays 8 am to 8' pm; Friday, 8 .am to 10 pm; Saturdays, 10 am to 10 pm and Sunday 10 am to 8 pm NAME ' ADDRESS SIGNATURE: s • ' '1 tR (AA MA=W 1 12 = ------ QoAq s 1441 04 ibrw '00 &' 0 r e 00. ------------ CIA hr - ld its' C7- r&- I k/Aa" i Sfle17 ,&'2f¢1A-Pr Luc: f jtrC�Ui' 1 .er=e eler_ _� Pr_ P Peasa:.Z=sus=Dasa--.SQL"=SYS'% t CL PQ w r4,44 r } p i r �yEt7&.(. l4 (41 ----------------- ------_-_ e------ i�7 IN Rm /A Al -C. -J, e Le: e ire ee�.eere .r =.r=Q:.==S:�3:SCi'Z�S :.'rSZS�S$Q'S=Q�:.SS �:.®:.Q:CSSeZSSQsSS:.Q:.=:i®S��St3SSSS�.Y•:ZS:.TS. - _ s rye _ m, SS;:-eaaTss.-�=____ ea s ee _:PS.-.aaa a-P.-i'raSSZZ _SP=`S1'erSwQ=_��e eS�a��a===S'iZS=a=S==aair- -�-sas=�a=�===safer-P-a,==oSaS=re�ee�rPoaS=Sr-Baa=SSa�=a.�err�e��aP_�-_aao=�Pw_e=a a=s � - ._ S=0�OPre=a=baa=.ae�=_,P__�r._�r.�_�ev�e_Ps=_-_Pee�.eeer_Pr rrP.are��P� eTie Qtr e�Pr� ,- $'._P_PP_.r_err.ee__rreZ`ee.rP__e_r_Zire.�.iPri..r�S�'..'-_s�.asrre_O�Prsse.P�.rsersos-SPO_. _r..��.reP'Z_e rPZS==a�.e%S�_ PPeQP_��erier�w _P_..r_e�ee-rPse�eeee