Item 21 - PDC for Charles J. SherAGENDA REPORT OF POq CITY OF PO AY 17J' THE TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the. City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City -Man INITIATED BY: John E. Bridges, Acting Director of Planning Service DATE: February 27, 1986 f SUBJECT:. Pre -development Conference Analysis for Charles J. Sher, Applicant ABSTRACT' REQUEST: Approval of a Conditional Use, Permit to allow, construction of an auto service complex,. This would include small offices with adjoining shop' areas containing roll -up doors for service bay- type activities LOCATION: 14137 through 14147Poway Road (approximately 60 f " feet southwest of the intersection of Poway and. ti Garden Road).. APN: 323-270-51 GROSS ACREAGE'.:; 1.71 Acres SURROUNDING' LAND ,USES: Residential Single Family 2 (RS -2,) and Manufacturing Service (MS). SLOPE: Entire site less than 15% slope. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING: Manufacturing Service: (MS") zoning and General Plan designations for the entire: site. GENERAL PLANT ` GUIDELINES: LAND USE -ELEMENT Policy 2..a Incompatible land use shall not be rade contiguous without adequate buff ening and/or setbacks. 1 I ACTION: Agenda. Report February 27, 1986 OWN Page 2 i Policy 2.c In the event a question of com- patibility exists between two uses"or inten- sities, the lower intensity use shall take precedence. - Policy 13.b Manufacturing service land uses =i should be primarily designed for light manufac- turing, assembly, packaging, processing, fabr-- cation, and storage of products to be sold on-site where. the retail area is limited to 25 { percent of the overall floor area. i Policy 13.c Manufacturing service land uses . adjacent to residential land uses shall include a ` buffer zone or noise attenuation wall to reduce outside noise levels at the property, line` to 60 dBA CNEL or less. Policy 13..e All outside storage shall be completely screened from view. ZONING; Section Property Development a Standards -Special Requirements. (Poway' i Municipal. Code) A. In any K zone, a_ minimum setback of 25 feet shallr be required wherever a lot in the M zone abutsa lot in any residential zone. Said set- back may be used for required,open off' -street parking area. { D. Along all street frontages situated across from any residentially zoned property, a minimum, three foot high landscaped earthen berm shall be constructed. Along all other lot lines adjacent to residential zones, an eight foot high masonry wall shall be constructed.. Where the adjacent grade of the abutting -residential property is four feet or more lower or higher than the pro- perty site, the masonry wall shall be a. minimum of six feet in height. Fences and walls should blend in with the site's architecture. In addi- tion, along adjacent lot lines to residentially zones property, 15 gallon trees 20 fee on -center and shrubbery shall be installed and maintained along the inside of the wall in five foot wide, raised landscape planter to provide a dense landscaped screen. c FEB 13 1996 ITEM 21 z E 4 Agenda. Report February 2.7, 1986 Page 3 Section 17.12.150 Performance Standards A. In all M zones the required setback shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall consist predomi- nantly of plant materials and. shall be irrigated_ by automatic sprinklers. All planting and irri- gation shall. be in accordance: with the City's Landscape Manual. Section 17.12.150 B. All ground -mounted mechanical equipment, including heating and air-conditioning units and trash receptacle areas, shall be completely screened from surrounding properties by use of a parapet, wall, or fence:, or shall be enclosed within. a building. Exposed gutters, downspouts:, vents, louvers, and other similar elements shall be. painted to match the surface to which there are attached: unless they are used. as part of the design theme. C. All roof appurtenances, including but not limited to air-conditioning units and, mechanical. equipment shall be shielded. and architecturally screened form view from on: -site parking areas,, adjacent public streets, and adjacent residen- tially- zoned property. D Reciprocal ingress and egress, circulation and parking arrangements shall be required to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement bet- ween adjoining properties. M. outdoor. Stora a Areas. Outdoor storage areas g g shall be entirely enclosed by solid masonry walls not less than eight feet in height to ade- quately screen view from the external boundaries of the. property. Reasonable: substitutions such as masonry, wood, or metal pilasters with wrought iron or chain link and view -obscuring material may be approved by the City Council COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ORDINANCE 4830 Section 68.148 Industrial Liquid Waste and Industrial Sewage Disposal Before granting an Industrial Waste ' Discharge Permit to any applicant to discharge an industrial. liquid waste or industrial. sewage �' FEB 13 1980 ITEM 21. FE$ 13 1986 IT E M 21 t Agenda Report February 13, 1986 Page 4 into any public sewer, the Director shall deter- mine either that the waste is one which will not damage or destroy the public sewer or cause an unwarranted increase in the cost of maintenance of the public sewer, or retard or inhibit the treatment of the sewage, or is one that can be made acceptable by pretreatment. Section 68.1.49. Pretreatment Plants Required' In the event pretreatment is. required to make the water acceptable as provided under Section 68.148, the. application for a permit to dispose of industrial liquid water or industrial sewage shall be accompanied by suitable plans and specification showing the: method of collec- tions and pretreatment proposed to be used, and a permit shall not be issued until said. plans, and specifications or required modification` thereof have been checked and approved by the Director.. dLB : JEB :MVD : is f[ G Attachments: -E 1.. Agreement of Understanding 2. Applicant Project Description 3. Site Plan 4. Elevations 5. Site Plan; ' TPM 15901 FE$ 13 1986 IT E M 21 t — OF UI4DSRSTA2Q nr., a City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City'° and hereinafter referred to as. "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax I` assessor ° s: parcel number ( s) 3.2- 3 - .2 7o 14 Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the f City and without: the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development pians unsatisfac tory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on, unsatisfactory develoii plans unless City, assists in directing Proponent. yl' Based upon the above-mentioned facts,. City will grana Proponent a hearing ,. prior to filingg any application for development upon the following } understanding: a A. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence:, specific in nature, in support of a. par- ticular development ar-ticulardevelopment plan. r C. City will make no representations thatwill obligate. the City to render a. decision in favor of or against any development proposal or, part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will s proceed as its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: I — 1 o -TU Proponent: Signature a 5-11. F ilFEB 13 1986 1T E M 21 Hutu �.r.lv-iP.n vr_ cvw ii, P DUCED BY APPLICANT Project Definition is The AUTO CENTER OF POWAY is a proposed two building high: quality development consisting of approximately 22,000 square feet of rentable area. � Due to a: decrese in "service station" repair shops and a higher sophistication of todays automobile, a need has: arisen for automobile service specialists in centralized employment or commercial shopping areas.. Benefits to Poway of the AUTO CENTER OF P'OWA.Y Some of the benefits which the City of Poway will realize as a direct result of our proposedprojectare: t I. Income from sales tax' revenues by direct automotive I: parts sales.. Z. Income from sales tax revenues produced by consumers spending. dollars in the city while their, vehicles are in the. shop. {If the residents have to leave the city to have their, vehicles serviced they may spend their disposable income outside of Poway. 3. A pro j,ect design that will blend in with neighboring praperties and not be detrimental to the area. The buildings are oriented perpendicularto Poway Road, thereby reducing unsightly direct visibility into service bays. Additionally, extra landscaping is^ proposed to soften the project. Finally, decorative r walas are proposed parallel to Poway Road extending east from each respective building to further reduce direct visibility into the: service bays. Function of the. Project: It is anticipated the project will be utilized as follows: Office and display area - 200 Vehicle servicing area 60% Storage and light manufacturing area 20l. Parking will be provided for approximately 84 vehicles on site. Special. Functions:; Disposal of: Crankcase oil hydraulic fluids Solvents Antifreeze A contract will be signed with NELCO- Refining to pick up any waste materials of the above nature. NELCO will supply 53 gallon drum.s for the"Liquids and set up a frequency of pick up as needed Hany automotive tenants do not use the fluids in their 6. business, therefore there should be no negative ATTACHMENT A CF.. envirocnmental impact. s _FEB 1 3 1986 ITEM 21 a {� jt up,iI ydµ i t .. i_ ��i ,„t '!►D .r4`� ,=.. 1 �. - -—�a���. • .s��,a0. l SOS :11110111 1111 k 114 ifsftl•• a/ttf011I11:ta$ •011110/[011.1•: 11, ttta110e.$ 10/ O11O• {•1111/1.0 •• 0• 111 tt1/t �.111 11111111. O$$IIO•l$ Ott: {,1110,1• 111.11110; #1111 Of tem1.11,10 ,•11'.it11.- assts./. 0111,11.0 11/4 Sta. 1111)t0•f11 •111110 1/ 111 ISO % 111 �'�' �.,ye�.a11 4111.1•• 11111: 11/0 •.t01.Olt: 111401 f0 111144 411 Ia0I0.1$1t/01 1144. 4/41010. -'14tH: I1►. a - ,•�� t1f1aY 1114!0 i' T i _ 1 ut i dc at • �I r F Fti � �i l , f 1111. 3tt'L 1 VL tL•a J •:`, SI L• i. .r i. f ;•- r � �•� , jj � � i I�' 1 ' j �• � - Ilf f �. yam" , IIIi111u1ii:: ' . f rimp if 1 ' Fs 3 198 ITEM �1" , MAP ul.eata absoe/nuu �.uue'raalal y+e- urea tea s,aa u.uats Ifnerte C- a te: isnsrar ala baa attalttu se assets*. �tlta ruse rtsat ^ .....est sousts neettart tal a:caeua Haleness also it art slf• csttaursr a e,u rs as sfs rsa •••-Z.,�, AW aansaar IIs nr os�larsa'. acus ae stateless Itere.sse:eaer •et haat 'tiles f;t % .ts) j � VQ IQ eC" Sas • ZI !LI V 1.412 SZe A uir S:£9 I t1. •�. Foci t js I! r., i2�:-16 FEB 13 1986 ITEM - al