Item 6 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting, Joint Meeting City Council/PUSD Board of Education February 6, 1986CITY Ce War, CALIFORNIA. MINUTES OF TBE CITY =CIL ADJOURNED REGULAR METING JCIINT remn-An CITY COJ IL/PCJrmY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARDOF EDUCATIC FEBRUARY 6, 1986 The February 6, 1986, jointmeeting of the City Council of the City of Poway and the Board of Education, Poway Unfiied School District, adjourned: from the February 4, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Emery at Meadowbrook Middle School, 12320 Meadowbrook Lane, Poway, California. CCUICILMEMERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Emery, Mary Shepardson, Carl Kruse cannammens ABSENT AT ROLL CALK Linda Oravec .(:Councils nber Oravec arrived at 7:19 P.M.) Bruce Tarzy (Councinber Tarzy arrived at 7:10 P.M.) BOARIZEIMERS PRESENT AT ROIL CALL Adelito Gale, Roger Keithly, NieKohler CITY` STAFF MISERS PRESENT James Bowers= Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick' Foley John Bridges Jo Seibert Sharon Purviance, Stan Rodkin City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Acting Director Planning Services Deputy City Clerk. DISTRICT STAFF' MEMBERS 'PRS' Robert Reeves Donald Naught James Abbott PLEDGE QF ALLIANCE Superintendent of Schools Deputy Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Mayor Kruse led the Pledge of Allegiance. President Kohler led the invocation.. He expressed regret for the loss of the space shuttle "Challenger" ` andasked those present to observe a manent of silence for the crewmembers who were killed in the explosion. .. 3 • �. t .: t-. Page 2 - CITY OF PCWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR M�iING - February 6. 1986, R QUEST OF SCHOOL BOARD` Jim Dyer, 12744 Beeler Creek Trail, President of Poway Federation of Teachers, spoke regarding his: organization's negotiations with the District. He requested that a pay increase for the teachers in the District be approved.. ITEM 4 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS President Kohler welcomed all on ,behalf of the District. Mayor Kruse stated the '+ meeting will be in the form of a workshop session, and no action will be taken. ITEM. S REDEVELOPMENT City Manager. Bowersox gave background, information; on the Poway Redevelopment Agency and. the Paguay Redevelopment Project. He listed., the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and the means of financing the proposed improvements. Discussion centered around prioritizing projects to be completed with£ Redevelopment Funds, fi f JOINT --FTSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS' City Manager Bowersox reported on proposed projects, funded with Redevelopment funds, that could be used jointly by both the City of Poway and the Poway Unified School District. He recommended the City Council and. Board of" Education each appoint two members of their respective boards to•a joint -use facilities cc mn ttee. E Council concurred in appointing the subcommittee members at thein next regularly scheduled meeting. RECESS AND. CALL: TO ORDER Mayor Kruse recessed the meeting at 8:30 P.M. and called. it back to order at 8:43 P.M. All, Councilmembers and Boardmembers were present. ITEM 7 PCWAY HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM REVITALIZATION Assistant Superintendent Abbott reported on the stadiums project. He stated the 2071 MAR 4 1986 IT E. M b Page 3 - CITY OF PCWAY ADJOURN= REGULAR r4E=NG - February 6,,'- 1-98 Y cost of the project exceeds the preliminary, estimates by $400P000, or $500,000 if, an all weather track is included. He suggested opening discussion with the City at a later date to discuss options for additonal funding. Brian Arnold. and Brian Merrick, Poway High School students, spoke regarding the revitalization of the stadium. They thanked. the City, and Board for this effort to reduce the. inequality of Poway High School and Mt. Care High School facili.- ties. ITEM 8 PXCIPROCAL. LAND AGREEMENTS Assistant Superintendent Abbott reported on a draft agreement which has beeir prepared by the City regarding a land exchange. involving School District pro— perty at the corner of Valle Verde and Espola Roads, and City property adjacent to Poway High School. He suggested that -this type of transaction be encouraged,; to the -benefit of both entitiees ITE 9 4RDINAr10E REGARDING SCHOOL FEES Mayor Kruse opened the public: hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated on December 17, 1985, the city Council held a public hearing, introduced and set for second reading ordinance No. 184, which pertains to the collection of fees to mitigate the impact of residential development on schools. Second reading of the Ordinance was.cons r tnued in order to allow input at this joint meeting of the City Council: and the Board of Education. Recommendation is to continue the hearing to February 11., 1986, for second reading. Discussion centered on the percentage of fees to be: used in Poway or to the benefit of Poway and the facilities list which would require Council approval. t There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. 4 Follcw:ing discussion, Mayor Kruse read the: title of ordinance No. 184, "An ordinance of the City, of Poway, California Repealing Chapters 16.26 Through. 16.34 of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting Regulations Implementing the Fduccational Facilfties motion of the Public Facilities Mlementof the General Plan and Requiring a Written Certification frcm the School District Prior to the Approval. of Proposed Land Developments.' 2072 MAR 4 1986 IT E ivi 6 • Page 4 CITY or PCMAY ADJC JRNED RD LIAR MEETING - February 6, 1986 Motion by Councilmember F3rnery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec to waive further reading and continue the hearing on Ordinance No. 184 to February 11, 1986, for second reading Motion carried unanimously. MK 10 IM PPT' OF CITY CONSTRUCTION PRW C`PS ON DISTRICT Duty Superintendent Haught reported on City projects which have inconvenienced the bussing operation of the District. He stated there is a need for staff level discussions between City and District regarding City projects which might affect the ability of students to travel to schoolin a safe and timely manner. ITEM 11: LONG --TERM COMUNICATION BETWEEN ENTITIES Following discussionregarding the need for ongoing cannunicati.on, ` Council suggested: 1) joint staff meetings be held on a regular basis; 2) a subcc nnittee consisting of two members of Council. and two membersof the Board be formed to meet quarterly; and 3) a joint session of both elected bodies be held yearly. noJaosrrmar Upon motion. by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Brery, Mayor. Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 10:28 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 2073 MAR ?: 1996 I T L ava