Item 7 - Minutes of RDA Meeting February 18, 1986- �v /��'yy�� cF, r Vwu,, .. TES- OF THE - - - FE8M3AMr 18, 1986 The February 18 , 1986 , regular meeting of the Poway Re%velcprent Agency was called to order at 7.05 P.M. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Bob Sh dson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse Emery,, Linda Oraveo, eP�' ,STAFFPRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary Jo Seibert: Deputy Secretary per. OF M.TBGIANM' Director Shepardsoa led the: Pledge of Allegiance.. i ,--, ITEMS 8 AND '11 4 f CONSENr CAiEMAR Motion. by Director Shepardson, seconded by Director Oravec to adopt Items 8 and 11 of the Consent Calendar-. 8., Approval of Minutes. - Redevelopment. Agency; February 4 1986, Regular Meeting. il., Authorization. to take the following actions in connection with the Poway Road sidewalk and drainage facilities project, Damon Construction Ccmpany, contractor: A. Formally accept the improvements in accordance with the provisions of the specifications. B Authorize final payment to the contractor in the amount of $21,961.84. C Authorize the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion. D. Authorize payment of the. 10% retention to the contractor in the; amount of $32,996.30, if unencumbered 40 days after filing the. Notice: of Cccmpletion. t Motion carried. unanimously. YEAR 1986 ; z F 194 i Ir --s i Page 2 CITY OF PCWAY REDEVEMPMENT AGEWy-February 18,, 1986 UTIVE DIRECTOR ITEMS 15, Off -Docket Item - E2Lay High. School Football Stadium Reconstruction Ex,= cutive Director Bowersoxstated, that the School District reported. on the -progress of the stadium reconstruction project at the joint. Agency/ School Board meeting on February 6, 1986. District, staff stated the cost of the project has risen from the original $750,000 to: approximately 1.2 million dollars. Recommendation is to adopt the resolutions and agreement which will facilitate the expenditure of as additional $150,7,000 for the reconstruction of the stadium. Motion by, Director Emery, seconded by Director Shepardsont to,, adopt Resolution No. R-86-06 entitledr ,A Resolution of the Poway. Redevelopment Agency Deternuning That the Construction Of Certain Public Facilities is of, Benefit, to the Paguay Redevelopment Project and the Lmediate, Neighborhood in Which the Project - is Located and, Determining That There Are No Other Reasonable, Means Of Financing. Said - Public� Improvements," and to authorize the ChAirman, to executethe, agreement providing for expenditure of funds. Motion carried unarm- mously; FF 'AWCURNMW upon motion by Director, Tarzy, seconded. by Director Oravec,, ChairmaA Kruse- , . ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was8�: 05 P.MP.M. 1. Marjorie K. K-:Lhlsten,, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency MAR 4: 19s6 I T E M 7 195