Item 7 - Minutes of Meeting March 4, 1986The March 4, 1986, rtemeeting; of the City Council of the City of Poway was called to ` order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center. Drive, Poway, California. Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Carl Kruse 0:1011MIKEKIERS ABSENit A Rall CALL Bruce Tarry' Janes. Bogersox Marjorie Wah1sten. Steve Eckis • John Fitch Patrick Foley Kay Jam' Alan Archibald Bill Toon John Bridges Jiro Decker Joe Gamble: Jim Bentz Jo Seibert PLEDGE Cr =MIA= City Manager City Clerk: City Attorney Assistant City Manager - Assistant to the City Manager Director of Administrative Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Acting Director Planning Services Sheriff is stain- Associate, Planner Cannunity Services Manager Deputy City Clerk Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PMC ORAL COSENICATICNS Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Oral Canuunications. no one present, wishing to speak.: 6 14 aliSE CALENDAR Motion by Ccuncilwarker Scary,, seconded by COUtleikErObeZ Shepardson, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: MAR 18 1986 ITEM 2099. Page' 2 CIW cF PCJWAY - March 4 : 1986 6. Approval of Minutes City Council:-. February 6, 1986, Adjourned. Regular Meeting February U. 1986:0, Regular Meeting February` 13, 1986,. Adjourned Regular Meeting FdnMary 18, 1986,: Regular Meeting` a*, Ratification of- Warrant Register - February 2G�,: 1986.. s 9. Denial. of Claims, for Damages. A.. Coates B: Wil ic= Farrington 101. Appointment of JeffreyC`. y Parker, Administrative Analyst in they public Services Department, to the: Citizen Advisory. C=dtgee for the review of San Diego= County Solid Waste. Managenent. Plan.: ' `. Lt A. Authorization tonegotiate: and iSe the performance.- of an engz._ 1 neering study to update: the` Nater System Master Facilities Puna � R. Appropriation of $45:,,000; for the.,, performance of this; study frem the water- connection feespaid: by, Cadillac Fairview €or the, Panerado Business. Park".. ,x 12.. -Adoption, of Resolution No., 86=017 entitled, "A Resolution: of the. City- E Council, of the: City, of Poway,., California, Establishing° a. No Stan ding or! Parking, Zcn� on: the- West Side of Midland. Road{, fran Hilleary, Place: to "Cynthia Lane; and on: the Fast, Side and: South Side of Cree Drive frim. Papago Drive toy Tuscarora: drive,. 13.. Adaption. of Resolution, N6 86-018: entitled: "A ,, Resolution of the City: Council of the City of Poway, California, Redevel t J Y Authorizing ?� a Loan. tQ thePoway�. Alas Its Budget toProvide for Said Loan., 14.. Adoption. of Resolution No,.. 86-019 entitled,; "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, - California, Approving the Mid-Year, Budget. Amendments. for Fiscah Year 1985=1986.," Motion carried. 4-0 with: Councilmenber Tarzy absent. IR'En 4 CRDnMNM. NOW 185. SEC= READIIUG PENALTY FM. VIOLATION CF: GRAD= CttD11VANCE', Mayor Kruse read the: title of Ordinance. No. 185, "An. Ordinance: of the City of Poway,. California. Amending Section, 16,.52-.010of the Poway Municipal Code,' Changing the Penalty, for7 etiolation of the: Grading Ordinance; from an nfraction to: a. Misd�n LIAR 18 1986 ITEM 7' 2100 Page 3 CITY OF POWAY March 4, 1986 Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to close the public hearing, waive further readings and adopt Ordnance No 185. Motion carried 4-0 on a roll call vote., with Councilmember Tarzy absent, ' Ym- 5 DEIT,REVIEN, 85-1.9 APPLICANT: POKY CG Com; Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. He. stated the requestis for a light industrial complex located: in the 14200 block of Pasay Road.; Rec tidation is for approval with c:andto�as., Staff: report fY, Acting Director of Planning Services Bridges. He stated. a change. has, bin made in the: staff report regarding the parking requsrements. A redesign of the: site plan will not be necessary to meet parking s rds, only minor revisions to the parking scheme Speaking in favor, of staff recammerL lat on . Sheldon. ..Feinstein; architect, representing Engineering Alliance#,1717 Kettner Blvd.,San Diego. Be displayed exhibits showing the effect of the grade difference between the site and surrounding properties on the required block wall. He requested the use of in conj = 'tion with; a low wall.l on the property line adjacent. to the: apartments M1 instead. of the eight -foot wall ,because of the difference in elevation of the two properties.. Council concurred that the: eight -foot blockk wall is necessary between residen- tial and manufacturing service zones for noise attenuation regardless: of the grade: differential but. asked for clarification frim staff on the elevations shownonthe grading plans... Council expressed concern regarding the; appearance: of the building wed to, other recently approved projects in, that ,area, the: roofing materials; as well. as the shape of the roofline, and the darxerous: situation that will. result fran motorist turning left onto Poway Road from the easterly driveway. Council and staff discussed the possibility of redesigning the access frau this project in cooperation. with the other existing camercial. developments; in the: area to permit access: to Olive Tree Vane as: well as. the possibility of requiring reciprocal access., with, the adjacent Mount Olive. Lutheran: Church. Left turns onto Poway Road, from the., nori Ivm driveway should be: prohibited. dais, will require redesign of the median and will cut off access to Mt.; Olive's southerly driveway, frau. Poway Road. Following : discussion, motion. by Councilmember Emory, seconded, by Councilmember Oravec,, tG close the publiq hearing, issue a Negative Declaration, and adopt Resolution No.. P-86-12: entitled, nA Resolution of the City Caux;il of the City of Poway. California,,L Approving D V lopWnt Review 85-19, Assessor tis. Parcel Number 323-190-66,, 21, and 22 adding, the following requirements: 1? use the �wroofing .r., tori a1 2), extend the: roof facade a ^= he corners of the building;; MAR 18 1986;- IT E Vit! ?' 2-101. Page 4 - CITY OF POSY - March 4, 1986, 1986 3) prohibit left turns onto Panay Road frau the project; 4) resolve the questions regarding the, elevations on the grading plans; 5) participate in the development of a future extensionof a. westerly access to Olive Tree Lane. Marjorie Wahlsten, 13353 Suttermill, speaking as a member of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, expressed concern regarding lien ting left turns fran Paway Road into the oh*march's southern driveway._ She suggested restriping POzay Road, or modifying the median to provide a turn lane into the north driveway of the church. Cauncilmember Eery amended his notion to include directing staff to investigate aging a turnpocket in that area.. Councilmanber Oravec concurred with the . endnent to the motion.. Motion carried 4-0 with Councxinenber' Tarzy absent. City Manager Bowersox introduced the new- Secretary to the. City Manager, Cathy Brokaw. Ms. Brokaw will start work on March 10th. City Manager. Bo ersox announced the new. Director of Planning Services, Reba Tow, will assume, her position on March 19th. Be gave her background, which includes a Doctorate in Social Sciences frau the University of Utrecht,: Netherlands. 17. Ccuncilmemer gneryrequestedan ordinance bedrafted for the protection and preservation of historical buildings. in Poway. 21. A. Mayor Kruse requested a single purpose workshop with the Parks and: Recreation Ca nitteebe scheduled. Council concurred toholdthe meeting on April: 24, 1986. Mayor. Kruse announced he has receiveda requests for Pre -Development ent conferences from Leon, Parma, Philip Butzen, and Temple: Adat Shalom._ Ca ncil concurred to hear al.1, three requests on March. 13, 1986. * ponmotion by Counci1n uber Shepardson,. seconded by Councilme ber Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 8:05 P.M.. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway MAR 18. 1986. ITEM 7 2102