Item 14 - MDRA 86-13 - Timothy J. SeipelTO FROM: INITIATED DATE:. SUBJECT: ABSTRACT 'AGENDA RE'•P RT CITY OF POWAY VIsL Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manik - • BY: John. E. Bridges, Acting Director March 18, 1986 Minor Develo went Review 86-13 of Planning Services Timoth J. Sei e Applicant: Staff is recommending a modification to the resolution of approval for MDRA 86-13 in order to provide the applicant with an alternate method of screening theproposed residential structure. BACKGROUND Staff has been in contactwiththe applicant regarding the proposed resolution of approval for MDRA 86-13. The applicant has expressed concern regarding Condition No. 2 which pertains to the building pad. elevation. The originally approved grading plan for Tentative Tract Map 81-03 called for a pad elevation of 945 feet.. Due to the padrelocation and unsuitable soil conditions` theconstructed pad is actually 947 feet in elevation (based on "as built" drawings G 164-83). In order to allow the applicantto construct the house ata pad elevation of 947 while simultaneously achieveing visual screening, Staff is recommending that additional shrubs be incorporated along the perimeter of the western elevation of the structure. Therefore, Staff is recommending that Conditions No. 2 and No..4 be modified to include the following wording: 2. The building pad shall be at or below the existing height of the pad.: ALIO: MAR :181986 ITEM 14 1 of 2 Agenda Report March 18, 1986 page 2 . A landscape plan delineating vertical plant materials, a shrub foundation planting scheme, and an irrigation plan shallbe sub- mitted to. the Director of Planning Services prior to the issuance of building permits. Said landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy of the residence. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review 86-13 subject to the modified conditions, contained in the aforementioned text. ti LB JEB : JDG is of 2 MAR 18` 1986 ITEM AGENDA REPORT 1r CITY OF POWAY rrreport port. is included on the Consent Calendar. There, will be no. separate discussion of the prior to approval by the. City Council unless members of the Council,' staff or public request it to be -removed from the Consent. Calendar and discussed separately. If youwish to IN THE � have this report, pulled for discussion, please: -fill out a. slip indicating the report; number and: give: it to the City Clerk prior -to the beginning of the City Council meeting. 1 TO-:: Honorable Mayor. and Membersi of. the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox:, City Mana INITIATED BY John E., Bridges, Acting Director of Planning Se.rvi es: DATE.: March 18, 1986 SUBJECT`- Minor Develooment Review,. MDRA 86-13 Timothy J. Se vel,iAv�l.i_cant A, request to construct a: 3,100 square foot. single family residence, within. an area. "identified on the major topographical features map, located at 1.456.5 Cedar Ridge Court (Resideatial; Rural Al. ; APN32:1-370--0:5 f ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: Joseph D.. Gamble,: Associate Plan PARCEL; SIZE-- 5.1:9 Gross acres: 'GENERAL: PLAN DESICNAIT'ION: Residential Rural A, ZONING: Rural. Residential. A SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN: See -Attachment 4 AND' ZONING,;-; RELATEI?, CASES:,TTM 81-03 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED-:. None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION i�uNDATIQN; ` Categorically Exempt CZzss. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve with conditions ACTION: r s [s , x ` r Agenda Report March 11, 1986. Page 2 BACKGROUND; A.. Project Description The applicant is requesting approval for the construction of a single family r.esidercem. The project site is located with n the boundaries: of the Comprehensive Plan designated major topograph- cal features es: map..: On April 2. 1985, theCity Council adopted Resolution No.. 85-01.9 r requiring Council review of all minor development review applica- tions dealing with thet construction of single family dwellings located on parcels lying. within the -major topographical features" area.: The Community Desiga Resource poli.cies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, identify physical characteristics which typify these areas.., It also identifies methods of analysis for the siting of architectural elements_ (single family dwellings) The Dolicies also identify recommendedprocedures of review relating to. land alteration. i grading 1.. The City Counc=il has reviewed and considered additional methods of analyzing developments: located within. the "maj-or topographical features:" area during; two: Thursday workshops. Staff has utili- til .-zed. zedthe previously Council. reviewed criteria as a basis for, �l analyzing MDRA 86-1.3. r The subject site is. Lo 5 of Tentative Tract Map 81-03. This. map-, 'known as Mechling Ranch,: is composed of eight lots on 35.6 t gross acres.. The subdivision was: created based on, a lot: averaging method.. The lot, averaging method was utilized to el .- mi,nate- the necessity of having a. road and driveway cross a natural drainage course. Loa 5, the largest lot within the, Mechling: Ranch subdivision, has an average slope of 15 percent. In order to avoid those areas in excess of 25 percent slope, the applicant haschosenthe northwest corner of the parcel to site i the house. With a slope of approximately two to five percent, this, corner is also the highest (elevationallyI portion of the lot. Although one might consider the higher, elevational level to be: more visually impactive.,. the alternative of siting the struc - tune within the 25 percent slope- areas would necessitate a more ambitions grading, scheme for both the structures s: pad and required; access d.rive., a' MAR ° 18 1986 ITEM14 Agenda Report" March 111 1986 Page 3 Realizing the potentially visualimpacts of siting a structure within a "ridge: top"' area., the applicant's architect has employed a variety of design features to lessen the potential: impacts associated with ridgeline development. The most significant feature of the. structure s design is its overall. height. The one story structure has a maximum ridge (top of roof) height of 16 feet. In addition to this feature, staff is recommending that the building pad be excavated to 944. so the structure will maintain a.l.ow profile appearance. In order to supplementthe mountain top, and provide a more natural: appearance adjacent to structure, the, installation of vertical lanscape plant material is recommended. (Refer to. Attachment 6A Earthtone flat: concrete tile., ear.thtone stucco,- and redwood siding will be used on the structure's; exterior, Staff feels, that these materials will be harmonious,in both, tone and texture with surrounding biology and: landform. B.. Development Facilities h. The site will tape accessfrom the northern terminus: of Cedar Ridge Court va,aprivate driveway. The driveway will parallel the existing driveway at 1.45.64 Cedar Ridge Court. The subject property is, Lot 5 of TTM 81-03., Conditions of the neap required improvements: pertaining to access and equestrian pedestrian trails;.- Development facilities pertaining to access,.. street improvements, grading, drainage,, flooding, public se:r vices, and other facilities to serve: the proposed, use presently exist at adequate service levels-... Therefore, upgrading of these: facilities isnot required. C. Environmental Review Topographically, the site ranges from gentle. to steeper slo pee.. Native grasses and shrubs are interspersed between the rocky, topography. The only animals known to exist on site are small rodents and reptiles To the north and west of the site i.sPoway Road, a scenic roadway To the southwest are two two-story single: family residences. 3 GP 19' MAR IS 1988 ITEM 14 4 QF 19 MAR I S 1986, ITEM 14 Agenda. Report March 11, 1986 Page 4 ~� An: on site inspection and site analysis from adjacent pr- nate and: publiceproperties has identified view corridors emanating from public places,: residential properties, and designated scenic roadways; and therefore the potentially s° . gnificant impacts of the. structures appearance can be mitigated by the: conditions of approval. This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental- Quality Ac and subsequently an ; exemption has been f iled. with the County Clerk. D. Public Notification Notice of the public hearing has: been sent. to, property owners adjacent to -the project prior to the hearing. FINDINGS The ptoposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. No adverse impacts of an aesthe- safety, or architectural. nature upon adjoining gublic and private properties- will occur because--' roof lines,, methods and materials, and building location Construction and elevations will. have a low profile and will be compatible with the tone and textures of the surrounding biology and The meets the Zoning Ordinance criteria landform.. proj,ect and encouragethe orderly apperance of the. City because it s: is similar, to and complements adjacent development RECOMMENDATION j It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor. Development. Review 86-13 subject to conditions contained, in the attached Resolution. Attachments:: 1. Resolution. tMD:RA 86-13-? t 2.. Standard Conditions z 3:. Surround nq_General Plan. and Zoning 4., Site. plan/slope analysis 1 S. Adjacent Scenic Roadways. Map: 6.a. Site cross section f.b:., Site cross. section 7- Architectural elevations 4 QF 19 MAR I S 1986, ITEM 14 RESOLUTION NO.. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF:POWAYF: CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR, DEVELOPMENT, REVIEW, 86-113, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL, NUMBER 321-3170-05 WHEREAS, Minor Development Review -86-13, submitted by Timothy J.- Seipel, 'applicant, requests approval to construct a 3,100- square foot. single- family residence., within an area identified on, the Major Topography Features,Map-,r located at 1456 s, .5 Cedar Ridge Court in the RR -A (Rural Residential): zone; and WHEREAS,?. on March 18, 1986:the City Council held a hearing on the: above -referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE'r the CityCouncil does hereby resolve: as follows: Section 1: Findings. I., That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway, General Plan. 2. That, the proposed development will not have an adverse aesthetic,health,, safety. or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties. 3.; That they proposed development isin compliance with the, Zoning Ordinance., 4.. That the proposed development, encourages, the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property, within, the City. Section, 2: Environmental Findings; - This, project is,, categorically exempt (Class, 3) from the provxl­ slons, of the, California. Environmental Quality Act.. Section. 3; City Council Decision-, The -City Council hereby approves, Minor, Development. Review 8.6-13 subject to thefollowing conditions-.; 1Within 30 days of approvalt the applicant shall. submit in 1' 1 writing that all conditions, of approval have been read and understood., MAR. 18 1986, [,TEM, k (IF Y 4 MAR 18 1986. tT E M 14 Resolution No.: P Page 2 2. The building; pad shall not exceed an elevational. height of 944 feet above sea level 3. No filling of excavated material shall occur within areas of 25 percent or more slope. E. . 4.. A landscape plan delineating vertical plant materials and be submitted an irrigation plan shall d. to the Director of Planning Services prior -to the. issuance of building per-_' mitis.. Said. landscape -ng. shall be installed prior to occu pancy, of the residence. 5, This project must meed any applicable requirements- related to Ordinance: No.. 103 (street improvements, drainage fees, to the satis;fact:on park fees, traffic mitigation fees I of the- Director of Public Services. 6.. All, applicable. construction standards pertaining to the. extension of the private driveway shall be in compliance with Municipal Code Section 17.08.1g0P!to the satisfaction . of the: Director of: Public Services,,: 7. Prior to issuance! of the Building permit, `the applicant shall approval, of; a viable. septic system pursuant. receive f San,Diego ;o health Department requi.rements.. to the County; o g , Section 4: City Council Decision.: The: City Council hereby approves Minor Development Review, 86-13 subject to the attached Standard Conditions,. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the: city Counc l of the City of oway, State of Cal fornia.,r, this. 18th day of March_,; 1986.0, Carl, R. Kruse r Mayor AT, ¢e Marjorie K. Wahlsten, pity clerk W7 k (IF Y 4 MAR 18 1986. tT E M 14 Pojfl STAND. D CONDITIONSOF; �7?PROVAL. Subject., Applicants:?' ' r N THE u���' Location: k Those items checked are conditions of ,approval. CITY OF P®WAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SITE` DEVELOP14ENT', 06 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions co t-ained: herein. 2. Revised site plans and building; elevations. incorporating all =` conditions of approval shall be submitted to the, -Planning Services, Department prior- to issuance.of building permits. 3. Approval of this; request shall not waive compliance with. all sections of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable. City Ordinances in effect, at the time: of building Permit issuance.. &. The -developer, shall provide a minimum of 25$ of the lotswith adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storage:pursuant. to City standards, andthe,C.0&R.ts shall prohibit the storage:of recreational vehicles in the required front yard setback. MJ 5. Mail boxes., on: lots 10,000. -;square feet or less in size. and in areas where sidewalks are required, shal be installed and located: by the developer subject to approval by the Planning: Services Department. 6.. The developer. shall integrate an appropriate variety of approved roof materials and colors. into, the design. of the residential development in -a manner°which:is both compatible and: complementary among each of the residential units. 7`.. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed by a G foot. high masonry wall with. v ewrobstructing gates pursuant to°City standards. Location shall be subject to ` approval, by the Planning Services Department.S. Allaroof appurtenances:, including. air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated,- shielded from view and: sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets- as. required by the: Planning Services. Department.. 9.. Prior to: any use of the projectsite or business activity being. commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to: the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 10. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Huildinq-Code., Uniform. Mechanical Code, Uniform, Plumbing Code, National. Electric Code, Uniform:Fire: Coder and all other applicable codes. and: ordinances: ineffect atthe time of building permit issuance. 12. Prior to the issuance of building, permits: for combustible construction.,evidence shall be submitted to: the Director of Safety Services that water, supply and' facilities. for fire protection is: available:.. Where additional fire., protection: is required by the Director of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to:the time of construction. Ci12. For a new: residential dwelling unit(SY, the applicant shall pay development fees at,the.established rate.. Such fees. may include, but not be limited: to Permit and Plan Checking Fees., School Fees. Cin accordance with City-adoptedpolicy and/or ordinancel, Water and: Sewer Service Fees.. These fees: shall, be paid s OF 19 a. Prior to final map approval. 7 b.. Prior. to building permit issuance:.: MAR. 18 1986L I T L M 1.4 n 13.. For a neer commercial or industrial development, or addition to development x an existing: development, the applicant shall pay fees at the, established rate. : Such fees may include, but not be limitedtat Permit and, Plan Checking Fees. Water and Sewer Service'Fees-. These: fees shall be paida a. Prior to final map approval. H b. Prior to: building permit issuance. 14.. This approval, shall. become; null and. void if buildinq permits are not issued for this: project within, one year from - the date of project approval. 1S. Street names shall be: approved by thef Planning, Services Department prior. to the recordation- of the final mapr and to. the issuance of street addresses shall be provided prior building permits. 16. Building identification and/or addresses shall. be. placed on to be visible; all new and existing buildings so as: plainly road= color of identification, and/or. from -the -street or access addresses. shall contrast: with; their background color.- s., PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS' 1. All, parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimcm of one fifteen iaSl gallon; size tree for every three, C34 parking spaces.: For parking; lot islands, a minimum - I2 inch wide walk adjacent to>parkng stalls: shall be provided and, be separated fromi vehicular areas by a 6, inch. high, 6 inch wide: portland I concrete cement curbing. F f 2., Parking:: lot: lights shall be low pressure sodium. and have a maximum- height. of eighteen. USY feet from the finished grade of the: parking- surface and: be directed away from all property lines,: adjacent streets and residences.. 3. All two-rwa ` traff ic aisles shall. be. a: minimum of 24 feet wide and emergencyaccess shall be provided,, maintained free and:., clear,, a minimum; of 24 feet wide. at:, all time& during construction in; accordance with Safety Services Department. requirements.. 4:. All parking spaces shall be double striped. C:.. LANDSCAPING Jr L- A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted' to and approved by the Public Services -Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of buildinq permits. 2. A: Master Plan. of the existing: on-site trees shall be provided: to the Planning, Services: Department prior to the: issuance of building: permits- and prior to grading, to, determine which trees shall. be>retained. 3.. Existing on-site trees: shall be retained wherever possible and shall: be trimmed. and/or topped. Dead, decayins or potentially dangerous trees: -shall. be approved for removal.at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan: of existing on-site trees. Those- trees which are approved, for removal. shall be replaced on, a tree -far. -tree basis _ as required by tha Planning. Services Department., 4. Street trees, a, minimum. of 15: gallon size- or larger,- shall be; installed in accordance. with the- City of Poway ordinance and shall be planted at an average: of every, 30 feet- on. interior streets and: 2.0: feet on exterior streets,. S. A minimum, of 50 treess per gross acre, comprised: of the following sizesc shall be provided within the development, 2Q$ z - 24" box or. larger M - 15 gallon, and 10:t - S gallon to: the: satisfaction of the Director of Planning. Services: and in accordance: with: the appzoved.landscape plan in, all multifamily and PRD orr� je4ts a. S. All landscaped areas: shall be maintained in a healthy and. thriving condition, free: from weeds., trash:, and: debris. J � n $; OF F 9 MAR 19 19.86 i. � s�1 1 D., SIGNS' 1. Any signs: proposed for this: development shall be desianed and. approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. 2'. A Comprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be. submitted toT the Planning, Services, Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits.. Approval shall be by the; CityCouncil.. L:. : RECREATION 2.: On lots havinga private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the, developer is required to have contained within the C.C.BR."s the following statement.- tatementsIn Inpurchasing the home, I have: read, the: C C.sR."a and understand that said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing' equestrian/pedestrian traffic-. 2. The: developer shall. improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted sign.: standards and to the satisfaction, of the Directors of Publia and Planning Services:. aw Prior to final, map approval. f MJ b: Prior to- building permit issuance C3- 3.• An open space: easement shallbe granted to the City over, upon:, across and: under, the area defined on. the final maps.as an equestrian trail and no, building, structures: or other things shall be: constructed, erected, placed orl maintain ed on subject, easement& except for the, construction and maintenance of said trail.and structures appurtenant to the trail.. T: Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction, of the Directors of the. Departments. of Public and Placining Services' in accordance, with the Master. Plan of Trails Element. S.:` Parkland Dedication or, payment of; Park Fees at the established rate shall. be made:. &0z Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance.. F. EXISTING STRUCTURES _ 1.; Provide compliance: with the: Uniform: Building Code for ` property line clearances considering use, area and'. fire -resistiveness of existing buildings:. 2. Existing buildingt32 shall be made to comply with current building and: zorring regulations: for the intended use or the: building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be -removed, filled and/or capped to comply with: appropriate: grading practices and the, Uniform Plumbing Code.: G. ADDITIONA& APPROVALS REQUI.RED . I. Development Review or Minora Development Review shall be accomplished, prion to the issuance of a building permit,. 2-. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation: of the: final. subdivision map. 3., This Conditional Use. Permit is. granted for- a period! of _ month(s)' at the, end: of which time the City Council may add or delete conditions,, or, revoke the Conditional. Use Permit. 4. The developer 'shall display a current. Zoning and Land Use Map in: the: sales-of.fice. at. all times, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. r q OF MAR: 18 1886 IT E M 14 Z S. When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are required: as a part of the subdivision, the developer, shall display a map in the sales office,: of said: subdivision, indicating the trails-. 6. All sales maps: that, are distributed or .made available to the public shall include but, not. be limited to trails,; future and , existing schoolsil, parks,, and streets.. I.. The developer shall. provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfeation of the planning Services Director. The display shall incuda the. site plan and noise study. 8; Working drawings shall include a cer-tf kation by a recognized: acoustical, expect that the requirements-of the City of Poway`s noise ordinance will bemet.• 4 At the: completion. of construction,; and: prior to occupancyr Interior and' exterior CNEL shall be determined by field testing at-developer's. expense. Tests to be conducted by a. recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits. shall be granted' until Condition G-T is met to, the satisfaction of the: Building Code:tlatest ad'.opted:edition); 'Sound Transmission: Control.,'' a 10.: The: applicant shall provide verification of State Hoard of Equalisation notification and; that appropriate reviews and/or, approvals have been: accomplished to the.satisfac- tionof the Director. of Administrative: Services'.. d Ir. APPLICANT' SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES= DEPARTHENT' REGARDING COMPLIANCE- WITH -THE "FOLLOW'ING CONDITIONS't. 8'., G ADINt3i L. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with r the: Uniform. Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved` grading plan and. geotechnical. report, and accepted grading practices. Z. The grading plan shall contain a- certi.ficate.signed by a 4 registered civil engineer that the. grading plan has preserved a m nimum- of 100-square feet of . solar access for each dwelling:: unit, and for each. future. building site within. the, subdivision. I. A soils. report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer' licensed by the Stater of California to perform such work. a. Prion to final map app=oval.. b. Prior.' to building permit issuance:. 4. A geological report shall, be prepared, by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time: of: application for grading plan: check. S. The final. grading: plan shall be subject to review- and approval by the•Planning Services andPubl:ic Services Department and shall be completed. prior to final issuance; of building permit,,*AWokeMer 6. A.pre.-blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted) to the satisfaction oaf the City Engineer prior to any, rock blasting.. Seismic recordings shall be taken: for all blasting and, blasting; shall occur only at locations and. levels. approved M by the City Engineer. L. STREETS' AND SIDEWALK& ' 1.. All, Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated:ands improved to Circulation Element road standard's and to the specifications of'the-Director of Public Services., 1GC-F1g MAR' 1& 1986 !TEM 14 �he 2, The d doper shall pay a pro-rata, share fo installation or modification of the traffic signals at a,. Prior to final map approval. f, b. Prion to building permit: issuance. I Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled on the. final. map to the-satisfaction,of the. Director of Publie Services or by separate document. 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall. be constructed' to public street standards:. S. Sidewalks t.4:.5 / tl feet in width shallbe required ant (booth/anal sidet's of 6. Reciprocal access and maintenance: and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or panting areas and, maintenance therecE• to the satisfaction of the Director of Public: Service*. T. Street striping and- signing; shall beinstalled, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. @. All street structural, sectional shall be submitted to, and approved-. by the Director of Public Services. 9 —Street improvement plans prepared on:standard size sheets by a. Registered • Civil. Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the: Director. of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be. Paid by the developer.. 10. All exterior, street. Improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance. of building permits, to the satisfaction of: the Director of Public Services-.. ll.. Street improvements that include:, but are: not limited for a.= Sidewalks C. Cross gutter _b. Driveways: E. Alley ° gutter tea:. Wheel chair ramps ,meg. Street paving; d'.. ;Curb and gutterh:. Alley paving shall b%constructed prion to the occupancy of the units to the, satisfaction of the Director, of Public Services. �= 12.. All damaged off.-site public works facilities. Including, parkway trees't shall, be aepaired or' replaced prior to exoneration of 6vnds and impro-vements. to the satisfaction of the: Department of Public Services.. 13. Prior to any work. bding performed in the public right-cf-way, an encroachment- permit. shalt. be obtained from the Public Services office, and appropriate fees paid, > inaddition to any other= permfts required:. it.. The, developer shall. pay one-half the. cost of: a City approved ardacaped median along the project frontages g a. Prior to finalmap approval. b. Prior to building permit Issuance. � 15. Street improvements, and maintenance shall be made Ln, accordance with City Ordinance standards fors a. Urban streets b. Semi-rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets- d. Non-dedicated rural:°streets 15. The developershall pay the Traffic Mitigation: Fee at the established rate: Of I a• Prior to final nap approval. b. Prior to building; permit issuance. IWAR�$�_ J. DRAINAGE. AND FLOOD CONTROL 1.. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and: in accordance: with standard engineering practices. 2. The proposed projeet. falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the. National Flood Insurance Program and is subject. to the provisions, of that, program and City- Ordinance. 1. A drainage system capable of handling. and: disposing of all. surface: water originating within thesubdivision, and all surface waters that, may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent. Janda# shall be required.. Said. drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required- by the: Director. of Publie Services to properly handle the drainage. 4.. Portland cemat.concrete:cress: gutters shall be.installed where water crosses the roadways« S. The Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid: at the established rate In. accordance with the Drainage Ordinances �:. a.- Prior to final. map: approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance.. 6. Concentrated flows across driveways ;and/or sidewalksshall not be permitted. ls's EfTZLITYES? -2. All proposed utilities within the -project shall be installed`. underground: including existing utilities along Circulation; Element roads and/or highways less than U.S RY. Z. Utility, easements shall be provided to the: specification of theserving utility companies: and the. Director of Public Services. t 3. The developer shall be responsible. Eor the relocation and underground ag•of existing public util'ities, as required. 4.. Waters sewer', and fire protection systems plans shall. be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City -of Poway.and the Health. Department of the. County, of San: Diego.: S. Prion to acceptance: of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall occur.. } [� 6. The applicant. shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and: shall be paid-. a.. Prior to final asapapproval., b.: Prior to building; permit issuance.,' . T. The applicant shall,; within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative, tract, map; tentative parcel map:, use permit, ok development review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a nonrefundable: reservation fee. equal. to 20s:of the appropriate sewerage,. connection fee in effect -at the time the LOA is issued. 9. Developer shall construct a light system: conforming to City of: Poway Standards, at no cost to the public, subject to- the following: a. Cut-off luminaries shall be, installed. which will provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent. projection of light: above the horizontal, from the lowest point of the lamp or device. emitting retractor or, b. All fixtures: shall use a. clear,- low pressure sodium.vapor 12 OF 19 Light source. MAR 18 1996 1 T E N 14. c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. € d. Annexation to. the lighting district shallbe accomplished and: evidence of. 'annexation and payment of lighting fees shall be presented' to thel City prior to final map approval. or building permit. issuance* whichever occurs first. Q 9 Cable television services shall be providedd and installed. underground. The developer shall notify the: Cable., company } when trenching for utilities is to be, accomplished. I.. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AN APPROVALS } 1. Permits from other agencies will be required. as follows: a:., Caltrans b. San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other: - 2 A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions fCCGR and/or, Articles -of incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be : subject, to the review for compliance- with: conditions herein, to the: satisfaction: of the: City Attorney and Director of Planning Sarvices, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the: County Recorder -and,the, City Clerk at the; time of final map consideration.: 3. Prior, to recordation, a Notice. of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the: City Council. The engineering, costs involved in district. formation,, shall be: borne by the developer. 4. Final: parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. S. Ey separate. document prior to the recording of the: 'final subdivision map, or on: the final. subdivision map, there shall. be granted to- the City, an; open space easement. over Lots;_r-common areas: Said open, space easement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and: shall limit- the iise of said open: space to recreational purposes_,- including: buildings, structures and improvements.. 1 6. Should this subdivison be further divided,, each, final map shall be,submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. , H' 7: All provisions of the Subd,vison Ordinance of the Poway- Municipal owayMunicipal Codeshall be met, as they relate to the ' division of land. 8. Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled: such and identified. by a separate lot number, on the final map r: 09.. Prior to final. map approval, all of the above improvements; and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeingi installation ! within two years from. map. recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs. first, by the execution of a_performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved. by the: city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits., and charges shall be paid prior to final. map approval.. 10. Prior to final map.. approval, all dedications shall be made and easements: grantedas required above. 11. The: tentative map approval shall expire on unless an. application for time extension. is received QD days` prior, to expiration-in accordance with_ the City'`s: Subdivis ion. Ordinance. Iz OF 1 9 MAR 8' 1986 i'T E M k 14 OF l 9t ITEM TITLE ATTACHMENT C � MAR 111 8 '1966 ITEM 14, psi^ t f =F z T f ;1 x f e" syr• ss•' •.. �� ,S •sass.• ` Iae l••!°•ilii« •P•a•e••!-��'�•• ss • s.s re•. ° • •'�• **sea « -ilii « ii • • ! • • a s o°is���.��� e • - a ��•�•iii'1i�«� « • ii s� i •. •` so s••�..-• a•ss :iii%i��a �i se/���i«�« �o i�••�:'-��si•-�• °e•� oesi°eii�is�. • -•• ♦-- --ses ofas-. rj.. ' • rs • •• • l ►e •i�� f.«i •a•e1i«tea •ii �� iii sero e«-elei�y' a - i /{�e•e es •1° �iiii ••-i s•.a�•! same• A.. ° ° •-� - • a • ° ♦e «f���-°'•lea:: -« �; Oen °�•! `i�e�-�rl-- ��l-.r-• ���� lace • ��. Jyae� sf •! •a -i• -r •-e►• ••••l- '•'• '. •-•• •ser! •-�i-•--••-"-• «�«� �•e•°O«��� �.�«rim« •�• �« s �••rs••. r«so'�is« «'O-•i«s �O! «ii��ii ►sisse slsss-.�sesii�ea • • • •ale - ° a' • • r si«soisiiiii � ei« • iii--�•�i � i iii « �• iii ioii«i �� ei « is o si i � e � �� ei•° '- ' w` e • • • - s • si« • � • • e i�:'•• • � • �iiii ioiiiii i° • � � -� ii � l i isii«ii. O e«a• •° e • v •�- i «ii iii«•i«e° e!- iii«ii �iiiiii iiiiii iii �•ii •> ie ie °i•�iiii i•f • ►iii« r •' d� i i � i�� ilii i�� � � a s - !� �-s 1i iil� iaf •i s i� � �• i �it�•� ei a Pw�� i e ° ° • • • i«! i� �!• °iii :i s� • • • it o � i iii i si�i i�f�- 0i « ae �' • • •. r !iw•�a� I s - e• ei �' •: ...a,• • ee iii « ��iiiio«��iiii •��i s�ra�e�. �.� �.r�/r-e• •srR{r•. •..t R•"• - - --s• acs a. e.a -. asa- • 'ee•• • ei-�i• • a • �sii i� s• -a •• ��s �:•••ii°rat �� �•i«iii ilii aid i a°soil •-s •e•-• ss• 1rea•ee •' • a s °• iii a is« �i ii �iiisii« i�•i « �i�i iii o eiiii «•a { viii i �°" eii v 1 s.e -e• salll-1 a•elio a•fere •arl ss• l-•i�e♦ I0.�s•• seoe-s, •ale •_•. •'• •a•I° eiii��! e«isaiiii«iii��/1 -'-'s«i 11i «e�iei i •o••._•. e -e -iso e i•i s.e� s• ••e•� esee e• - {• si R-�s ewe �• i�.11 ••-ee�« ♦�1}.-i ii •s••r�a•.Y'••-Xv. �'•-'s saw •iiii•.� aa«o,si«ai-i el : •` '` �• -moi. f ii eai iii s ii ai ! { w �F « i«i •ei«�«ii ilii« «moi iii epi « i viii :ii «' - • • • • -«i •i i• -.-s of«iii«�'1��; i ° e • ii i•� i�' •"siiiiiiiws es eo •-o.- aiisia ie � siiii iii i� � e i«ilii «.• s a e ii •iii « - i ii iii i°. �. ��e s a a r i s o • e. e • a .. .� • l • - I s e es ail«ii-i i° f « ire i• e" a a. -_i i� R is siiii « r f r. i-i�i. i• o, s - es i�ii « ski ��'. °°°•a• - a•is• s-•eeii�oiio s•ii�i���-ss-a1-�,� _ • �iiiiir�-i�iii�ii«�•i !•«oii�r e -!s e••s-e���.l �e•. °�••°R•w1! ee-ee.:Ii4o�•p. •a. •. • •. • r t « ♦ i i• is«i « wiii « s'i •«ei i«� r « - r r •i «�� �. •. iser-ii iW1 e, ii ii ii ii a4 ! j ems••« f«fie* ail ae! 1. ° • • e i R°R ••� � •IeY�O� O re �i 0•�� a� « � ��►� F•� �� L.•.: •_rl�'«•.� j��� � t��«ri«� rt �re e.-'-rr-a•e! .i �! - • ! ee. -� • If a • e«!1 !O«� � w•••-��� �«O«1« �� O�•e���� i�f.f•0 ��1•��� ��� 'r1 �••e���«F•���«•�1• • `s a. '"ei« •se- ���T�111a°•s se. w, •,• a,-O�a. �. rsle• ---as r r ea '. r a'•afOr a«-•a�e1���������tr���e0�« �Ot��!•�� . •: '•. °, •. ' f 1: • � « �••� ��F l� « rhe-� ��� a'a �•-�� �a�� ����• �R� ���{-e��� ��r� �: •�la-.O � i��b��« �«rte ss••.!•sr�ir •si i•• is�� ��«{i �• •e•«moi rs s{�r ee r•le���- �s •l •faf ee •-a�ff •ii�� •l�•�"•a, ya �-a'r liie-• •'iiii!•�s«i'e •{-�-a{si e _ ! ° r •" a r: a o/fjli«ilii iii i oiR�l• �! a si{ii •i i�iis i •R •«ilarii «ii«i •i i �i«Nslit a ��o°1�ii i► si « r •" s • sem' _ • s - • s«��- r •' a eiii i� eiiiiir s �' ii si�i viii i� s 1 i•-• ii �! s Y r rir iii i�ss •• i �.I - • e i � i oii«si iii a �'iii i� ilii! o�iiii i�iii �'s i�.iiiriii«� i°" � ��ir siiiY��% '� • s. r y i� iiiii« • r. a. • • - - - a. e - e • ♦ • iii i� R •- I. • • eat r �• •ilii« • {ii-' aiiii iso Y :�•. ° '`i`.:a « .►6��� ���«ice► t •-� «� •������ �� ri �i��• t� f«� •-���460"a• 6���a1 ••« O •. ��l. arm« ���� t�°I �•!•aalra �f f �%N-%- %N,��.� �•-� �� i�� 0��«I�«r0'a-���«S� • •ewes see{.��.� re-l-iiiriiiiissi�i or i«a •�• «I•s �i orii•�«�«ia • i • •• • • - -•0.1 f « e«L t « e « 10 �« ••� 1 • ! « e �� a • �•r �r �- i • �• a i-fele ! •- -. • e e• '.c«"�`� l •, f « I�,f•}.{ii iii call « i �• • « s �i it ! �s �i s « i « a �� iii a i eir • ilii « ► e ilii sii s« •' .w • • o: .a' `. ii i i �i aiiii- o� -ilii« a s �� eii ii« -6:47474V • - viii: �i �i«- a �` i « moi{ ® • t! •� •iris a • !- { - e� ie'ri«ii«i- « •iiiiri • ei i �iiir ii ski i� •. �••iiiiilis oil « •«' ��eiiir o e �' r • e«' • i s iso e • •«moi i • s e•i • ! s. o isiiii sisii i• sii« « iii i �i « iiiiii • !!''•sures ° '• « • •«�iiiiiiir • i«! f i « •�i iii« a•a li/iii er -ilii« e s a, ir • - a -iii « e -i«s«`r �' • Iii « • s i s r" .{ fa • � ��-••i o��ae� iA«i«i s ♦ f r� �!•� •--e•� �������i-�� �•���•«i��«��� �e 1 `• ii s « �• e s e -iiiir a • • o iii i• r • ei' �- i !i .«ilii«'ii1 «irii CNN: i �s� aiii« �i si ids - - �• acs •°ia i� a iar� ••�a iiiil�� i « ii �i •ei�iiR « •• �i«��sra` _ ilii i ��-i«i -.« - 22 "• .l �irs°s�r i�lf-f1�r i� •i �«-�:e«e -�.......... ��«�-fie! ���s�-• iii iii 0:�i«i •.-: ♦� �% .�. {/1.♦•af!-«r�:O re1a-���f. •..{Rlf•1 .a. 1� i{{fe •�:�-�!•1e •�f•:� •rte•• ". � _ { � a � � � • �r e 1 ^ f. • �e �. 1. • • •- � �•. •. e � • 1f- • • �•! �� a •. 1; {. {jJ • e - e r f ♦ �' --1 •. •. f •se • - e •' ! f r •:� jt«1�«l•� �f�! r a•�•!�a! ��•sf �«-«es: ♦f «i�f%.-�•r ��{«!•«ii • ���-«:�--«� �r�l� �� - �. �.fa a�o{••-, ala• �a•a•-�.•f 1'!l •f♦a a ••-. •a0 •IeO� a��-:Pe« •-�'••••-lr-f•-•� J� aw•eOfre fi• f� • i -1•s Ilii i� �' a !i i�-• r « i• l it �iRi i� •' �" • o e. �.-."eiii« viii: viii. - a call o :i ti iii! .. • e • e e • e s i�isi{ �! ii «i r • � -ii: ii � a��: ii �i « � s`S►i i e « iirir •ii«�• o��i: i«moi « •o ii e�' a, �iiii «moi« ra!-iie •sa-« •f.�{-a ar e•.•I •e sa sf s"• •fr. � r /s e• �• ego s� •r ale � e-•ee.-•/�•••�si a._•�'e--sa. • R s ee• -♦ ei•«��iee•iiiis •oe�e feiiiii�e i�:••!-••w• aro�'rr. )/}.. • �•w ri-ii i�iiiii sill« ••� -. � cif i e - s l i'r� a f { e e e � ! �� - �( • ei•ii•�aio ilial i�a-i•Ye �°Ojs•i«e�ait «a ra• •'r• e air•r1 •i«Foierii•• ♦� ler iii i�lii�r •. - • i« o moi• {ii i� � oiiii �' a�• •i i• • •, i i iii.•/��.� -.! . ! • I��' � /: S- L P p 5, g t113 16% - 25°% less e a ITEM k... CITY'WT PYOUTAY - ism T l TTL' 35OFI9 AR 381986 ITEM L y 'a a a ,'i SCENIC ROADWAYS MAP r t • SITE LOCATION IN RELATION. TO SCENIC ROADWAYS LEGEND DENOTES SCENIC ROADWAY MAR 18 Asea ITEM LCITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ) 16 OF 1 9 ATt'i-41,AT" j3 � r ra.uaaat icer,+- ' fy/ ' S fl�tilriC" " ol • `iii -,- a, • MORA- 86,-613 _ !/ ,.� r J f fir, , N C• • :' •,, b �° • K. �raodtT ., - 2 MORX*8 -1 - ' - 4&A" cLT I POW A V1 (f) F V, V, . E' TITLE. .04, SCALE ; A.TTA,GH.MENT I'll QE I �. MAR, 1:8 1986 7EN 14, ITEM 11 , TITLE eiloc tc. .t 6 SCALE : r'i ATTACHMENT SCALE galm ITEM : t 7 i30 ( TITLE 4"WITtcatJ ATTACHMENT_ : 7