Item 15 - Approval of Revised Resolution of Approval for TPM 84-10 - Michael I. Greera AGENDA REPORT F CIT'Y OF POAY l This report is included 'on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the aF 4� report prior. to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council., staff or public cry"` w THE request it to be:removed from.the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. if you.wish to: have this. report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior ta the beginning of the City Council_ meeting.. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City` Council ERQM'Z James L,..Bowersoxi, City Mana INITIATED BY*- John E,. Bridges, Acting Direc r of Planning Services DATES. March, 18, 1986 SUBJECT: Approval of Revised Resolution. o" Ai?2roval for r T'entati:ve Parcel May (TPM) 84-1U, Michael I. Gree_r,� Applicant. ABSTRACT The attached resolution of approval (TPM 84-10), contains Language of clarification as recommended by the City Attorney. t s recom mendedthatthe originally approved Resolution P-85-22 be re coded and that the attached resolution beapproved. BACKGROUND At the April 34, 1985 meeting, the City Council approved _TPM $4-1U (Applicant Michael I. Greer based on a staff recommended Lost con figuration. Subsequent to. that hearing, the: City Attorney has r�fi, ed. recom.ended that the originally approved r _sol ut:4n be; cls The revised resolution of approval; contains language of clari.fica- tion regarding bo h the processing of the map and conditions, of approval regarding the waiving of the undergrounding of existing on-site: utility poles:.; The items which have been clarified are contained in the preamble and, Section 1 of the resolution—specifically, the addi. tion of the City Attorney's determination of the: applica.tion pro- cess.ing time frame. and the necessary language regarding the waiving of undergrounding of existing ut�lites. ACTION 'VAR 18 1986, 1 T E M 1 Agenda Report. March 18, 1986 Page. 2 Three conditions regarding the original map design, that Staff recommended, have been deleted from Section 2 of the resolution since they are no longer applicable. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolu tion thereby approving TPM 84-10 as originally submitted. JLB JEBaJDG is Attachment: I Proposed,Resolution 2. Tentative Parcel Map. 84-10 MAR; 18° 198& ITEM 15 j RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF' THE, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWA-Y,,-CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLUTION P-8'5-22 AND g APPROVING TENTATIVE: PARCEL IdAP: 8.4-10` ASSESSOR."S PARCEL: NUMBER. 2:78:-1.80-34 WHEREAS,, Tentative Parcel Map No. 84-10,; hereinafter "Map,",sub mi:tted by Tri' City Engineers:.,. Michael I. Greer owner/applicant,. for the: purpose: of subdividing= the real, property situated in'. the City, of Poway,. County of San Diego, State: of Ca ifornia, described as the southwest quarter of the. southeast quarter of Section. 32, Township 13 South, Range 1 West,. San Bernardino. Meridianin the County ° of San Diego into 4 lots, regularly came; before the City Council for public hearing and action on April 30 , 158:5,• and ` A WHEREAS,. on March 18, 19186° the City Council reconsidered the: timeframe associated with 'the processing of the map;: and. WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services; has. recommended APPROVAL. of the Map subject to all conditions. se.t forth in the Planning; Services Department `report.;. and WHEREAS:, the CityAttorney, has; determined that. 50 calendar days had elapsed prior to the City, Ccunai.l taking action; oa the map, therefore,. they, map isl deemed approved since the. City Council has determined that all the necessary findings- of + consistency can be made, that' the map was properly noticed,: and was, presented at a public hearing; and; WHEREAS',. it has been determined that thel proposed projectt area is as area: that predominantly contains overhead service, and that new poles: will not be added as a result of this* subdivision since undergrounding of service: is still. required from existing poles to, future residential, Lots:, unless the closest service _point is over 1,.0.0.0 feet. away; and WHEREAS, the City -Council has read and considered said report and: has considered other evidence. presented at the public hearing of April 30., 198.5.: NOW, THEREFORR, the City Council of the City of. Poway does resolve as follows.: Section. 1 Findincrat The: City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Parcel Na. 84-10 and the. Map thereof a. The: tentative parcel is: -consistent with all appli- cable interim and proposed general and. specific plans b. The design or imp-rovement. .,f the tentative per• C__, consistent with all applicable interim. and proposed general and specific plans, --- 30F q- lans,30 - MAR 1.8 1986, ITEM. 15 r r E Resolution No. P- Page 2- � f Co. The site is physically suitable for the type of develop- ment. proposedr F d The site is physically suitable. for the density of the E development proposed; k. •e. The design of the, subdivision. is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and. ;avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their hab,ta.t; f . TTe tentative parcel is not likely to cause serious public health, problems-, g.: The design of the tentative parcel will not conflict with, any easement acquired by the public at large, now of ` record,- for access: through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision; h.: That this project. will not create adverse: impacts. on the environment and a negative Declaration is issued . - 11. The effect of subdivision approval on the housing needs of, the San, Diego region, has. been cons=idered and balanced against, the public- service: needs of Poway residents and. . available:.fiscal and environmental. resources; 1. The design of the subdivision has pr.ovi.ded, to the. extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling:; opportunities in; the subdivision-,, and k.. That the. necessary findings for waiving of the underground of existing overhead. utilities have been identi.fie Section 2:- _ Tentative Parcel Map No 84-10,. a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services officer is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions: I. U1 perimeter roads shall, be iuliy improved to nondedicated rural street standards and. to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2.. Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall provide recommendation of a viable septic systzm pursuant to County ot. San_ Diego Health Department requirements for all parcels. % ®F 9 WR 18 19.85 ITEM: 15 Resolution. No.. P-- Page 3 3: Water system requirements shall be required subject to the: satin- faction of the Director of Safety Services. S'ect.i.on. 3 Tentative Parcel Map No. 84-1.0, a copy of which is on file in the. Planning Services 'office, is hereby approved subject to the following Standard Conditions:: I. APPLICANT SHALL�CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING: AND BUILDING SERVICES- REGARDING .COMPLIANCES WITH THE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:; A. SITE DEVELOPMENT' 1.: Site shall be developed. in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the: Planning Services Department and the conditions c.on toined herein. 2.; Approval of this request shall not waive: compliance with all sec- tions of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable. City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance.> 3.. For a new residential.' dwelling unitlsY 7 the applicant. shall pay, development fees: at. the established rate. Such fees:` may, include, but not be limited to Permit and Plan. Checking Fees, School: Fees. t i.n accordancewith. City -adopted policy and/or ordinance) , and; water prior to final map, approval.: B. PARKING : AND VESICULAR ACCESS No Conditions C. LANDSCAPING, 1 A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall _ be submitted to. and approved by the Public Services Department and. Planning Services. Department. prior to the issuance of building permits.. Z. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and, thriving condition, free,- from weeds.,., trash., and debris.: D . S:IGNS No Conditions R RECREATION, 1.. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees: at the established rate. shall be made prior, to final map approval.., F. EXISTING STRUCTURES No Conditions:. ;J_ Resolution, No.. P- Page 4: G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building p.ermit-, 2. The developer shall display a current ZoningandLand Use Map in the sales office at. alltimes, and/or suitable alternative ,'to the, satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services.. II. APPLICANT�SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THRFOLLOWING CONDITIONS:, H.- GRADING: shall be in accordance with theI. Grading.., of the, subject property, Unifo,rm,'Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted,, grading. practices. 2 'A soils report shall be: prepared by a. qualified, engineer licensed of California to such work prior to 'b -.y, the State final map ­ approval - geological report shall, be prepared by a. qualif i -ed engineer or - ng glare. geologist and.' at, the, time of application for- gradi check. 4. - review by -final.grading plan shall be: subject to. rev and approval The 1; the Plannin9 Services and Public, Services Departmentand shall be -, completed prior to recordation 'of the final subdivision map or Issu ance of b,,uildinq perm. it, whichever, comes first. 1. STREETSAND SIDEWALKS 1. anmaintenance and/or agreementshall be. Reciprocalaccess d s. . 'insring access to all parcels, over 'private roads, drives. providedu or parking areas, and maintenance_ thereof to, the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 2, : Street improvement plans prepared on standard sizesheets by a. Registerad Civil, Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and, inspection expenses shall be, paid by, the developer. 31. shall be constructed prior to - All exterior street improvements p issuance. of building permits, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.. 6 CF9 MAR 13 1-91H IT E M 15 ;J_ 0 y Resolution No.. P- g Page 5 4. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: a,. Sidewalks_. Cross: gutter - ._._b;. Driveways �f • Alley, gutter Wheel chair ramps X g. g Street pavan. d.. Curb a. -Lid gutterh. Alley paving shall be constructed prior, to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director- of -public Services.. 5.. All damaged off-site , public; works facilities, includ:ing par kwaynds of o trees shall be:. repaired or replaced pr�.o,r toy exoneration and improvements,, to th.esatisfaction of the Department of "Public . Services. 6:. Street: improvements and maintenance shall be made in accordance with City ordinance ,standards for non -dedicated rural streets. 7'.. ll the Traffic 'Mi:tigatioan Fee at ithe The developer sha pay- establched rate prior to final map.. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL i. . surface: . A drainages system capable of handlingand disposing,of' all .. .. F water originating within the subdivision, and. all surface waters: from adjacent lands, shall ,be that may flow onto the s:ubd viaian required. Said drainage_ system shall include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to pFro- perly handle the drainage:. 2 . They Master Plan of Drainage Pee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance prior to. final map: approval.: 3. Concentrated f lows across, driveways and/or sidewalks. shallnot be permitted. K UTILITIES 1. Waterr, sewers and fire protection systems: plans: shall be designed the City of Poway- and the and constructed to meet requirements of health Department of the County of San Diego. L. GENERAL REQtIIREMEiiTS AND APPROVALS 1, Final parcel and. tract maps shall conform to City, standards and procedure .; 7 OF MAR 19 1986 ITEM Resolution No.. P Page 6 . Should this subdivision be further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. ▪ All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. Those portions of the subject Property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a separate lotnumber on the final map. • Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed andprovided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation: within two yearsfrom. map recordation of prior• tobuilding permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the City Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final maP approval. • The tentative map approvalshall expire on April 30, 1987 unless an application: for time ;extension is received. 90 days prior to expira- tion. in accordance with the City's= Subdivision. Ordinance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the ;City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 18th day of March, 1986. ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahl sten, City Clerk 8 OF 9 - Carl R Kruse, Mayor .MAR 18. 196` 1 I