Item 5 - TTM 86-01 - J. L. RobertsI of 23 :�;�c I T c:f "' Amok A enda Report' March 1>8, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project Description on February 4j, 1986 the City Council heard Tentative Tract Map 85-02. that proposed the creation of 88 lots on 12:7 .acres: located west of Espola Road and south. of Del Poni.ente Road The project was derived based on inconsistencies with the Circulation Element of the General. Planr project density as; it related to slope., traffic impact asso ciated with the Espola Road./Del Poniente Road intersection. and ndivi- 1 dual parcel access to MidlandRoad.. The applicant has submitted a new map TTM. 86-01, that follows the: basic design of TTM 85-02., but has been modified to,address the issues that led to the denial of the previous map.- Tentative Tract Map: 86-01 is. composed of 83 lots ranging in size from 1 to 18 acres. The subject. site is characterized by rolling terrain with several prominent, knolls. Two drainage coursesr with riparian vegetation traverse the east and. central sections of the: project. The drainage courses have been placed in dedicated open space easements to preserve the creeks and associated riparian vegetation as required by, the environmental impact report prepared for this project. The conventional design of the subdivision whose oversize average. ' slope is 1.4.89 percent is consistent with Section. 17.081.170 of the Zoning Development Code that requires a minimum one acre parcel'on slopes, less than 15 percent .and. a. two -acre parcel on slopes that range from: 15 to 2.5 percent Lot 88, which is located. west of. Midland. Road, exceeds 2.5 percent, slope and requires a four -acre minimum parcel The'l.ot is 18 acres in size and contains 'a large open, space easement to preserve a. drainage course, the associated riparian vegetation, and archaeol.o gical _slites. Lots -36, 73,, 74, 7-61 77, and: 80r range from 15 to 25 percent slope and have been enlarged to two acresto comply with the City, Is slope requirements. Surrounding properties are designated for single family residences on logs approximately one. -half acre or greater in size. The proj; ect site is bordered by RR -C and RS -2 to the north.. RS -Z' to the: east, QS' (Twin Peak Elementary School): and RS -2 to the south, ancT RR -A and RR -3 to the! west. B. Development Facilities The: project is divided into: three units. Unit 1 is located in the f 32 lots Unit 2 is northeast corner of the pro�;ect and consists o located south and adjacent to Unit 1 and contains 38 lots. Located within the westerly 40 acres. is Unit 3, comprised of 13 lots. 3 of 23 Nine Agenda Report March 25, 1986 Page 3 Access to the property will primarily be from Del Poniente Road. An additional, access, point will. occur via the extension of Midland: Road. south to Twin Peaks Road. The internal circulation is based on a long cul--de-sated road, Midland Road, and across lateral which intercon- netts. the two roadways. Midland Road, through the length of the pro- ject., shall be dedicated to a 60 foot width and improved to 46 feet of paving with concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk., The extension of Midland Road south to Twin Peaks Road shall be improved to a width of 2`8 feet and include asphalt. berms.. The road extension will lie: within a 30 foot wide sewer easement between Del Poniente and.Midland.Road. The alignment. of the easement is currently being plotted. The entire length of Midland Road from Del Poniente to Twin. Peaks Road should be constructed- prior to the issuance of building permits. for unit 2. of the: proposed subdivision.' The remaining interior roads: shall be improved to 36: feet wide and 5 shall include concrete curb and gutter. Although this, project abuts the west side of the: North County Estates subdivision and three i separate roads Hat Creek;, Old Station, and F ddletownIr none of the _. roads will interconnect with the interior roads, proposed in this sub- division.-. A 40 foo . wide emergency vehicle: access: will be provided between the knuckle- at the Tierra Bonita/Fddletown Road intersection and the end of the cul-de-sac for Street: B of the proposed subdivision.,7' Within this: 4G foot easement will be a pedestrian access way providing convenient access for children and others to Tierra. Bonita Road, and the adjacent �= schools.. The applicant hass provided that no lot adjacent to Midland Road. except.. Lot 83 will take direct access: onto Midland road. The width of. Del Poniente. Road will be increased to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the project. The Espola/Del Poniente Road intersection will be improved tol provide the ability for simultaneous: left. and/6'r right turns.. The City is also proposing to create a left turn pocket for north -bound traffic at the intersection. Grading for the project shall be Limited to that which is necessary fo:r building pad,: streets, driveways, and. utility improvements. 3 The dashed lines within each lot located on the tentative map repre.- sent the building setbacks and. does not represent the extent of grading. The actual extent of grading will be determined during Development Review or Minor Development Review. Drainage for the pro ject will be directed either into the street or toward the drainage channels --depending upon pad, locations. Street drainage will be directed southeast to the storm drain system Located under Fiddletown Road. A public water and sewer system shall be designed and constructed by lots within the the developer to serve all subdivision. 3 3 of 23 Nine I Agenda Report March •25 , 1986 t Page 4 Pursuant to the City's Master Plan. of Trails, a number of regional and, community trails will traverse the property. The regional trail from. North County Estates: shall be extended north along the project's: east property line to Del. Poniente Road. The community trail will then follow along the south side of Del. Poniente Road west to Midland Road, where it will turn south and follow along the east sde,of Midland Road.. Thefourth trail segment will. bisect. the Del Poniente� Road (between Lots 19 and 204and traverse the east side of the. creek.: The. trail proposed. for ° Del Poni.ente Road will be located within the public right-of-way. The applicant has proposed that the sidewalk required on the south side of Del Poniente be relocated off' -site to. the north side of the road to accommodate! the equestrian trail. and landscaping proposed for this project. Tentative Tract Map 86-01 will be served by the City fire and police. { Utilities will. be provided by the respective utility companies (Pacific Bell and 'San Dieqd Gas and "Electric) Educational services will be provided by the Poway Unified. School District D C., Environmental Review The Planning Servi..cea staff completed an Initial Study of potential environmental impacts which could occur as a result of the proposed project.. On May 28, 1985, the City Council conducted a public hearing to obtain public comment on the: project. The Council, determined that: a focused EIR addressing following the hearing, e g _po.tential impacts in the areas, of soils and geology, hydrology and water quality, biology, archaeology, and traffic circulation should be prepared. After reviewing and considering the draft EIR prepared by the City's; environmental. consultant for the project., the City Council on February 4, 1986 certified the Environmental Impact Report. D. Correspondence Public notices regarding consideration of this project were sent: to all property owners within. 500 feet of its boundaries, and notice was advertised in the Poway News Chieftain. No.correspondence, either- written itherwritten or oral, has been received by the Planning Services Department as of March 1.4, 1985: } FINDINGS The proposed project is consistent with the City's -Comprehensive Plan in terms of its design and improvements. The site is physi cally suitable for the type and density of development proposed.. The design of the subdivision and 'proposed improvements will not, cause serious.health. problems because City services. will be pro- vided, nor,will they cause substantial environmental damage because conditions to mitigate such impacts are included in the attached r g P resolution. The subdivision design: will not conflict with: any, t public access easements. G 4. OF 7_. j R , i�it. ? �: f Agenda Report March 25, 1986 Page RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 86-01 subject to the mitigation measures and additionalconditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:JEB::JHL:is Attachments: 1.. Proposed` Resolution: (TTM 86-01) 2. Standard Conditions (TTM 86-01) 3. Site Plan. (TTM 86-01Y 4. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan. 5.> Slope Calculation 6., Proposed Alignment of Midland Road Extension. SF L r 5 i F RESOLUTION NG., P- A RESOLUTION: OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' POW.AY', CALIFORNIA APPROVING. TENTATIVE: TRACT` MAP 816-01 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER:: 32:1. -ell -2.0',. 21 32;1-020-72 THROUGH 74 and 3:14-031-06 WHEREAS,. Tentative Tract Map No. 86-01.,. hereinafter "Map" sub:- { mitted. by J. L.. Roberts-,. applicant, for' the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway.. County of San Diego, State, of California. described as the south, one half of the northwest quarter and portions of the northwest quarter of the: southwest, quarter of Section 6 ,, Township 1.4 _ south, Range. 1= west and the southeast quarter of thenortheast quarter of Section 1, Townships 14 south, Range: 2; west,. San Bernardino Meridian into 83 lots, regularly came before the City Council for publics hearing and s� action on. March' 25 198:6; and: WHEREAS, the Director' of Planning Services has recommended approval of the Map. subject to all conditions. set forth in, the Planning Services Department report, and WHEREAS,: the City Council has: read and considered said: report` and has, considered other evidence presented at the public hearing._ NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of: Poway does: resolve as follows: Section 1s Findings: The City Council makesT the following findings in regard. to Tentative Tract No.. 86-01: and the Map thereof: a. Thetentative tract is consistent with all applicable general and specificplans because single family residential lots; are. proposed; for an area designated by, the General Plan for that use; b. The design or improvement of the: tentative tract: is con,sistent will all applicable general, and specific plans because the lot sizes, arrangements::.,. and improvements provided meet those required for resi.- de:ntial development. by the General Plan' C. The. site is physically suitable for the type or development. proposed because minimal grading for building sites are proposed and the: creek channels and additional areas are retained is open space, d.. The site: is: physically suitable for the density- of the development proposed because- all lots are one acre in size; or larger and consistent with. the General Plan; requirements: for that area;: e. The design of the substantial envir+ tohumans_ and will damage or injury sign and the, crea f The tentative tr& nihl' n haa7 th: inrn'. s Resolution: No. P - Page 2 ,ubdivis.ion.is not likely to cause imental damage and avoidable injury Afe or their habitat because such Ls been reduced through lot reds ..on of open space.areas, is: not likelyto cause serious. pma hPna intz- city water and Sewer` HCl Y.��.Ga cii.-G czv�s�.caasi`, a.ca.v►. ...........�.�...�... — --�' lots: will be provided,; g., The design of the tentative tract. will not conflict with: any easement acquired by the public at. large, now of record, for access- through or use. of the prop- erty within the proposed subdiv sIon h. The effect of subdivision approval. on the. housing needs of the San Diego region: has been considered and balanced against the public service needs of Poway residents, and: available fiscal. and. environmental resources.x ' i. , The.. design. of the subdivision has provided, to the - extent feasible, for future passive or, natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision; and j .. That this project. will not. create: adverse impacts on the. environment: in that the mitigatson.meanures pro- poses in the Environmental impact Report prepared for this project and certified on; February 4, 1:9.86 were sufficient to reduce the. proposed impacts to insigni- ficance.. Section 2' Tentative Tract Map No. 56-01, a: copy of which is on, file in the: Planning.gervices: office, is hereby approved. subject to all the following conditions'::: l.; Within 30 days of approval,, the applicant shall submit in> writing that all conditions of approval have been read. and understood.. 2.` Midland Road shall be dedicated to- a width of 60- feet and be fully -improved to urban. street standards. with 46 feet of paving, concrete curbs and gutters, and concrete sidewalks on both sides. 3.. Midland Roadextension from the project's south boundary } to Twin Peaks Road,shall be improved to 2.8 feet. with asphalt, paving and berms. f cr3q, P At �� iQS {_.._.._..:_..�............._.:.:..e-.«...:.....a--.n-+..rc..we--...-. r.... ..-.—e..r -. .. ....., _... _ ... ...-cern-�... ....-w-`V'.,... --.4.+-a.-t..:_.. .. .. _ .. . - .. ..- _ .s, >...-... <i..ai� ■ Resolution No. P- Page 3' 4.. Prior to the issuance of building permits for Unit 2: Midland, Road shall be constructed between. Del Poniente Road. and Twa. n Peaks Road-. 5. Del Poniente, Road shall. be dedicated to a width of 65 feet and improvements completed to urban street standards with 40 feet, of paving, , concrete curb and gutter t and concrete sidewalk on the. soutth. side to Espola Road 6. Internal public streets -shall be dedr`cated to a width of 54 feet and be fully improved to urban street standards: with 36 feet, of paving and concrete curbs and, gutters. 7. The ends of existing Hat Creek Road, Derringer. Road, Old Station Road,, and. Fiddletown Road shall be completed with 4.0 foot radius cul-de-sacs or knuckles with concrete curb and gutter and full structural. section., 8. A temporary turnaround shall be constructed to the -satin faction of the Directors of Safety and Public. Services at the southerly terminus of Midland Road.. Any streets par- tially constructed due to phasing shall be provided. with temporary turnarounds-.. 4 .. Road with the exception of the: northerly 15. feet of Lot. and. 85, the southerly 15 feet of Lot 84., and the; southerly, 20: feet of Lot 75., Abutter'srights of access shall be. waived along Del Poniente Road, Hat Creek: Road, Derringer Road., Old Station Roads. and, existing Riddletown Road. A11 ocher driveways shall; be consolidated as; shown on the tentative _ map and reciprocal access: and maintenance agreements recorded`.: 10. The developer shall reimburse: the City for all costs., ^ including reasonable. interests associated with extending =° the sewer south of Manhole No_ 18 to the connection with Tierra Bonita Road as shown on plans. for TTNf 3551 prior to approval of 'a final map: for Unit. 1. 11. The developer shall reimburse the City, for pro rata costs, including reasonable interest associated. with constructing the Midland Road.sewer through Unit 3 prior to a.final map f o.r Unit 3 12. The developer shall grana su.ffi.cieni right-of-way for the construction and maintenance of the Midland Road sewer within 30 days of approval of the final map.. Resolution No. P- Page 4 13. Sewer mains in Unit. 3. shall be: redesigned to utilize the ' Midland Road sewer that will extend south to Twin. Peaks: Road allowing the elimination of the pump station on, Dei Poniente; Road and minimizing the impacts; on the Tierra Bonita Road sewer, lines. : } 1.4:. The developer shall dedicate a 20 foot wide serer easement from -the existing pump station north of Lot 83 southerly r, through Lot U and continuing southeast to Midland Road. 15. -.All grading activities,with the exception of that necessary for streets and driveways, shall be. confined within the building setback lines unless specifically allowed by the Directors of Planning and Public Services. 16 Prior to f inal map approval, the. developer's: engineer shall prepare: and submit a detailed hydrologic and hydraulic: report on the project and the proposed storm: drains., Necessary drainage easements: shall be dedicated on the. final map. § 17'.; Certain -landscaped areas, not on private property shall be PI aced in a landscape maintenance,district at the dscre- �I tion of the, Director of Public Services. This would 1 k' include specialentrance improvements: along Del Ponientef' Road.. 1&.. A six footwide paved, pedestrian access point shall be- econstructed constructedwithin the: 40 foot emergency vehicle access x easement: located at the, intersection of Eiddletown aril Tierra Bonita Road and, the, end of the cul-de-sac: of Street B.. 15., trail improved to regional trail An equestran/�pedestrian p g standards shall be dedicated and constructed along the east. side of Lots 3 and; 4:. A community trail shall be constructed along the south side of Del Ponente Roads r south and in conjunction with the sewer easement that starts, between Lots 19 and 20 and along the east side of Midland Road. 20 A grading and building construction time schedule for each of the three units shall be provided to the Planning and: Engineering Services: Departments priori to the issuance of a grading: permit.. 21 The open space easement along the easterly creek shall be dedicated to the City and placed in a Landscape Maintenance Dis:tr, ict .; Both sides of the open space ease - meet: shall be fenced with the location and design to be subject to the: satisfaction of the Director, of Planning Ser, vices,. SAAR P 0 -F r Resolution No. P Page 5 Section 3 The following mitigation measures shall be implemented to reduce the significant adverse environmental effects of the project to a level, of insignificance, as identified in the project' s EIR. A.., Archaeological Resources _ The following mitigative and/or test programs; for each of the following archaeological sitesis required prior, to the issuance of a grading per- mit and recordation of the final tract. map. 1. SDM-W 2396 Due to the absence of soils around this site, these: is: no chance of the presence of subsur- face deposits Thereforer the features shall be mapped, measured, and photographed. This recording process will adequately mitigate potential impacts to the: site:. 2. SDM-W-2395,: Locations 2, 4. 5., 6 and 8; These features shall. be mapped, measured., and photo graphed. In addition, auger samples shall, be taken from around the boulders to make:: certain that no buried midden is present. Assuming that no deposit p is found, impacts to -these locations will be miti- gated by the recording process. Should subsurface` deposits: be found, further mitigation, will be recommended. at that time.. 3. Locations: 1. and 3: These: features shall be recorded in the same manneras previously recommended for other locat.ions`. In addition, a single hand excava- tion unit shall be placed is the possible midden so.il.. Barring the appearance of the: unexpectedly rich deposit, these measures should adequately mit,- gate impacts to the artifacts. 4. Location 7: The milling features of this camp shall also be recorded and its midden thoroughly tested. Testing shall. consists of four one -meter square hand excavation units dug at this site and placed to ensure that all. areas. of the midden are tested. In addition., surface cultural material shall be mapped and collected..: The project sponsor/developer shall maintain a 50 foot minimum setback from this location to any property or lot lines. The site shall also be preserved in its natural state. 0 ■ Resolution No. P- Page 6 S. SDM-W-214 Because this tie may represent the oldest prehistoric use of the area, surface: finds shall be transit -located and. mapped. in addition, the site- shall iteshall be tested, for a significant deposit by hand excavation of three, one -meter square units and a. series of backhoe trenches shall be placed around the site in order to. ensure that no buried deposit, exists outside the perimeter of the surface scatter. Additional mitigation may be required, basted on sub- sequent testing 6. The series of tests and other recordation procedures identified above shall be undertaken. by a qualified archaeologist: The archaeologistretained ile- meetmwith { ment the testing/recordation program an representatives, of the San Diego County Archaeological. Society,_ Inc., prior to undertaking the subject program for the purpose of establishing the testing methodology and basis upon which further Mitigation will be necessary.. Upon completion of the program., test. results and mitigation recommendations,, if determined necessary, shall be made available to the Society,- for review and comment to ensure: that mitigation measure are s.astisfactory. However, this ; review and comment. process should not. unnecessarily delay approval of the final tract map-.; Biological Resources - The following measures shall be implemented to reduce significant impacts, to-, biological resources 1 The developer shall be required to fence the Midland Road side of the open space easement over the westerly portion. of the project site. The. area shall also be posted, and fenced,; prior to the commencement of the construction period for unit. 3. 2. In regard to the designated open space easements, the developer shall also be required to;; a. Improve the: habitat quality,: if necessary, by revegetating disturbed areas with plant species i indigenous: to the coastal sage scrub�on-site. b. Prohibit activities that will degrade habitat quality {e.ga, dumping, brushing of native vege:- tation, etc.). CLI. Prohibit uses: disruptive to: wildlife, including those which create loud noise, excessive lighting, etc. (e.g.., off-road vehic°les) i j. i. 4F a,r1r: i,r�fl i 1 d N 1 Resolution No. P- Page 7 d. Ensure. that landscaping in the v%ci:nity of the open space areas includes non-invasive exotic or native plant species so as not. to create adverse competition to the native vegetation, and there- fore:, enhance conditions for native wildlife. e. Require future homeowners with lots, fronting an in their open space area to maintain. said areas . natural. state. 3. Pursuant to State Law, alterationof or encroachment into either of the on. -site stream courses (westerly and central riparian corridor) require a.Sectioand1.603 permit from the California Department of Fish Game. A permit. from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could also be required.. C. Other- mitigation measures to -offset impacts to the biol:o.- gi.cal, resources which were not considered significant shall include the followings. 1. Reduce all habitat losses to, the maximum extent possible by minimizing grading on each individual lot . 2. Grade in phases in order to forestall mpacas to wildlife as long as. possible. 3. F All cut. and fill slopes thatresult from earthmoving - operations; shall be immediately revegeta ted native plant species. 4. The large or indigenous granite rock outcroppiags in the riparian habi- throughout the site, especially tats, shall remain undisturbed. Section 4 Tentative Tract Map No. 86-01t a copy, of which is on file in the is hereby approved subject to the Planning Services office, attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of. California, this 25th day of March, 1986. Curl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST-. Marjorie K., Wahlsten F City Clerk V •i 1 M pF POW STANDARD CONDITIONS OF AvPROVAL Subject: —o pplicant:0 L Applicant:- - 0Location: �►�C' Those items checked are conditions of approval. CITY OF POW"' I. APPLICANT SH ALL CONTACT'THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES: REGARDING,COMPLIANCE:WITH:THE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SITE: DEVELOPMENT l.. Site shad be developed in accordance with the approved site Services Department and the plans on filei'n the Planning conditions contained herein. 2'. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all be to the Planning conditions of approval shall submitted. Services Department prior to issuance: of building permits. Approval of this request,shall not waive compliance with all 3•. ' Code and, all other sections of the Zoning Development. applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building; Permit issuance. 4. The, developer, shall provide a minimum of 25:% of the lots with vehicle storage pursuant adequate sideyard.area.for recreation to City, standards, and the-C.`C.&R.'s.shall prohibit the 3n e requited front yard. th storage of recreational vehicles setback.. S. Mail boxes:. an lots 10:.000 square feet. or less in size and in sidewalks are required, shall be -installed and areas where located by the 'developer subject to approval by the Planning Services Department.. P-~ 6. The developer shall.. integrate an approPria a variety of Cl: materialsand colors .into the design of the approvedroof residential development in a manner which is both compatible ,the: residential units. and complementary among°each of ; ltifamily developments shall be enclosed Trash receptaclemu` v ew-cbstructing: gates by a 6 foot high masonry wall with. pursuant to City standards. Location. shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services: Department.- 8. All roof appurtenances-, including air conditioners.,; shall be, integrated, shielded fr.omview and sound architecturally buffered.from,adjacent properties- and` streets as? required by the Planning Services.Department. r QL 9.. Prior to any use of the: project: site or business activity of approval contained being commenced thereon, all conditions herein shall be completed: to the -satisfaction of the Director of Planning: Services. IO. The applicant shal1. comply with the: latest adopted Uniform Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Building Codes Unform,Mechanical National. Electric Code-, Uniform Fire Code.,: and all: other in. at the time of applicable codes. and ordinances: effect building permit issuance. 1. Prior to the issuance of building permits: for combustible: for of Safety construction, evidence shall be! subbmitted to, les Dtheire Services that water supply additional fire: protection is protection. is available.. Where required: by the Director, of Safety Services, it. shall be serviceable-- prior to the time of construction. IZ. For a, new residential dwelling unit(s)t the applicant shall fees at the established rate. Such fees may pay a, development. include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking with: City -adopted policy Fees, School Fees: tin accordance and/or ordinance) -,.water and Sewer Service Fee .. These fees shall be paid: a.. Prior to final map approval. b:.. Prior to building permit: issuance. 4t�MR 25 :986 1_ •�t3, yy _ r®•fix 3 13. For at new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant.shall pay development Such.fees may include,•but not . fees at the established rate. be limited tae Permit and. Plan: CheckingFees,. Water and. Sewer Y Service Fees. These fees shall be paid:: a. Prion to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit. issuance., 14. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are., not, issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. 15. Street names shall be approved. by the Planning Services • Department prior to the recordaaiow of the final maps and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 16. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed: on all new. and existing; buildings so as to. be plainly visible from the street or access road; color of identification and/or addresses shall contrast. with their background. color. B. PARKING AND VERICULAiRACCESS [� -1. All parking lot landscaping. shall. consist of a minimum of one rJ fifteen t154;gallon.size tree for every three t31 parking. spaces=.. For pasting lot. islands, a minimum 12, inch wide walk: ;I adjacent to parking stalls; shall be provided and be separated from, vehicular areas by a. 6 inch high, 6 -.inch. wide portland concrete cement curbing... 2.. Parking; lot lights: shall be Low pressure sodium and: have a maximum height of eighteeittlaY feet from: the finished grade of the parking: surface and be directedaway, from all property lines, adjacent streets and resiidences,. 3. Alla two. -way traffic aisles; shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and emergency access: shall be provided,: maintained: free and clear, a minimum of 24 feet wide at: all times during construction in accordance with'S`afety ServicesT Department requirements.:, 4. All parking spaces shall be: double striped. C. LANDSCAPING Z. A detailed landscape: and irrigation plan shall be submitted, tan andd approved by ,the Public Services.Department and: Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A Masten Flan of the existing. on-site trees shal-L be provided to= the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine: which trees: shall be retained. 3. Exist.i.ng on-site trees shall beiretained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and/or topped. Oead,. decaying or, potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those trees. which' are approved for removal shall be replaced on:a tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. �4. Street trees,: a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be Installed in accordance with the City of Poway ordinance and shall be planted at an average. of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20' feet on exterior streets. 5. A minimum: of 50 trees: per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be provided within the development;; 208 2.4" box or larger, 701 - 15 gallon, and: 101. - 5 gallon to the satisfaction: of the Director. of Planning.: Services: and: in i accordance: with; the approved landscape plan in all multifamilyg 02(6. and'. PRD pro-jects:. All landscaped, shall be; in a healthy and areas maintained thriving condition, free from: weeds, trash, and debris:.; D. SIGNS 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance. with the Sign Ordinance. 2..- A Comprehensive'Sign Program for this development shall be 'Department submitted to the. Planning. Services for their review prior to issuance: of building permits.. Approval shall be by the City Council. RECREATION 1. E Ow lots. having aprivate, or public equestrian/pedestrian is trail on-or adjacent to their property, the developer a required to have: contained within the. C.C.&R.`s the following statement: Ia purchasing the home, I have read the C.C.:&R.''s and. understand i that-said lot is subject. to am easement for the purpose of u allowing.equestrian/pedestrian traffic. 2.- The-developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system: in accordance with- the adopted sign standards: and to - the satisfaction.. of the: Directors of Public and Planning r Services::' t a.. Prior to: `final map approval., t b. Prior to building permit issuance. `3. An open space: easement shall be granted to thea City over, upon, across and: under the. area defined on the final maps as, an equestrian trail: and: no� building, structures of other things shall be constructed, erected, placed: or maintain ed - on subject easements except for the: construction; and; maintenance of said trail and. structures appurtenant to. the trail. x ` J:d4. Dedicate the. Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to. Directors: of the Departments: of the satisfaction of the. Public and Planning Services_ in accordance with the: Master Plan of Trails Element. S. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park. Fees: at the established rate=shall be made:, a;. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. F. EXISTING STRUCTURES' 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building: Code for property line clearances considering user area and; fire-resistiveness of existing: buildings. E: 2. g Existing building.{sl;. shall be made to comply with current. building; and zon"fng, regulations for the intendeduse or the building shall be demolished. > 3. Existing. sewage disposal facilities shall be. removed, filled and/or capped to: comply with appropriate grading practices and the-Uniform Plumbing Code. G. AODTTIONAL; APPROVALS` REQUIRED 1.. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished, prior to the issuance of a: building permit. P 2. Development Review. or Minor. Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. 3. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of _ t month-WO aa- the end of which. time the City Council may add of delete conditions., or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 4. The developer shall display a current ?ening and: Land: Use Map, t in. the: sales: office at all times, and/or suitable alternative to the: satisfaction of the Director of Planning: Services,. TF-p r� 11AR 3 i k" 5. When. public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are zeq.uired'.as>a part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office+ of said subdivision, indicating. the trails.•` S. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the z public shall include but not be limited tol trolls, future and: existing schools, parks,: and streets.. M. 7. The developer shall provide: a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfcation of the planning Services Director. The display shall, include the site: plan and noise study.: 8E Working drawings, shall include a certification, by, a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the City of Poway's noise ordinance will be; met:.. M' T. At the completion of construction, and: prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL shall be determined by field testing at developer's expense. Tests" to, be.conducted by a 4 recognLzed acoustical expert. No occupancy permits shall be granted: until. Condition G-7is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (latest ad opted edition) 'Sound: Transmission Control,'."- ontrol..'1=10. 1=71U.The applicant shall provide' verification of State Hoard of Equalization notification and that appropriate reviews and/or approvals have been arcompished to the satisfac- tion of the Director of Administrative; Services.. ' - Ir. APPLICANT' SHALT, CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE" WITH:THE=FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ff. . GRADING' I. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance, with, the Uniform Building. Code, City Grading; Ordinance,: approved grading plan and geotechnical: report,: and accepted grading practices- 2. The: contain by grading plan shall a-certificate signed a registered civil engineer, that the grading pian has preserved a minimum-.of 10% square feet of solar access for each... dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision:. T. A soils report shall. be prepared: by a qualified engineer licensed by the, State of California tol perform such: work: a.: Prior, to final maP PP . a roval.. b. Prior, to building; permit issuance:.. 4. A geological report shall, be- prepared by a. qualified. engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 5. The final grading, plan shall. be subject to review. and=approval by the Planning- Services and Public Services, Department. and shall. be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or. issuance, of building permit,. whichever comes first. 6. A pre-blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction oof the, City, Engineer prior to any rock. blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting -and blasting shall occur only at, locations and levels. approved: by the City Engineer, X. STREETS AND,SIDEWALKS L. All, Circulation Element roads ° shall. be dedicated and improved: to Circulation-Element- road standards and to, the specifica:tions of the Director of Public Services.. MAR .. 1985 i i Z. The developer shall pay a: pro -rata share. for t..e installation or modification: of the traffic signals at a.. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building; permit issuance. 3. Vehicular access rights to Circulation, Element roads shall be, dedicated_ to the. City Y of Poway and labeled on the. Final map to the: satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards.: S. Sidewalks t;4.S / at feet in. width shall be required' on fboth/onet sidetal of -_ 6. Reciprocal access, and maintenance and/or agreements shall, be provided insuring access to all parcels; over private roads. drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the° Director of Public Services.: T. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the: satisfaction: of the Director of Public Services:. 8. All. street structural sections shall be submitted toe and approved by the Director of Public: Services,. 4. Street improvement plans prepared: on standard' size sheets by a Regtstered� Civil Engineer shall be submLtted for, approval, by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid; by the developer. Odm. All. exterior street improvements shall be constructed: prior to: Issuance of building; permitstto the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. Ile ll. Street improvements that include.: but are not. limited toe a. Sidewalks �_e• Cross gutter b. Driveways- E. Alley gutter e. Wheel chair rampsX001, g'• street paving. d. Curb and gutter h." Alley, paving: shall. be constructed prior to the. occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 13:. All. damaged off-site public works, faciliti J DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL- `1. intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of: Public. Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices.. 2. The proposed project falls within areas Indicated as subject to flooding under- the: National Flood insurance program+and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. J. AArainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision:, and! all surface waters 'that may flow onto the; subdivision:- froar adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage, system shall include any easements and structures as required; by the: Dtrector`of: Public Services to properly handle the drainage:,: 4. Portland cement concretecr.oss'gutter9. shall be installed where water crosses the roadways. S. The Master Plan of Drainage Fee: shall be paid at the established.rate in'accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: -=-i a. Prior to final ma approval.. P' t b. Prior to building permit issuance:. fi. Concentrated' flows across, driveways, and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. R.• UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities withri the., project shall be installed underground including existing utilities along: Circulation Element roads and/or highways less. than 34..5: KVV. 2. Utility easements shall be-provided to the:specifcation of ; - the serving utility companies and the Director of Public Services. 3. The de shall responsible for the relocation and j. under rounder g g existing public utilities, as required.. FI 4. Water,: sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall., be ' designed and constructed to: meet requirements of the City of Poway-and the Health Department of the- County of San Diego-. s 5. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service,: annexation to the sewer improvement area shall occur. 6,. The applicant shall pay, fora water'sys"tem analysis to: establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis- and shall be paid:,! a. Prior to final magapproval. 7. b. Prior to.building: permit issuance. The applicant shall,, within, 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map,: use permit, ok development review, applyr for a Letter of Availability (LOAI to reserve sewerage availability and post with. the City, } a nonrefundable: reservation fee, equal to 201 of the appropriate sewerage connection.f'ee in effect at the time the: LOA Ls issued. 8:. Developer shall construct a light systemconforming to_ City of Poway standards at no: cost. to the public, subject to the following:: s a. Cut-off luminaries shall. be installedwhich= will provide: true. 40 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light r above the horizontal from -the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b°. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodun:vapor light. source. as 2 i�t{.tC•j i _ter: Ce Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall: be paid, by the developer. ' d. Annexation, to the lighting district shall, be accomplished and, evidence ofd annexationand payment of lightingfees shall be presented tol the City prior to final map. ` approval or building permit issuance., whichever occurs+ first. 4. Cable television services shall be provided and installed . underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L.: GENERAL MUIREMENTS' AICD APPROVALS 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows`:: a. Caltrans b.San DieqoI County Flood. Control District C. Other: 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners, Association shall be subject to the review for compliancewith conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of Stater the County Recorderr and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 3. Prior to recordation, a Notice of Intention, to, form. Landscape and/or Lighting: Districts. shall' be filed with. the City Council. The engineering' costs involved in district formations shall be borne by the developer. 4.* Final peoweir awt tract maps shall conform, to City standards And procedures:, 5. By separate: document. prior to the recording of the: final subdivision map,_ or on the final subdivision: map, there shall:, be granted to the City, an open spaceeasement 4 av As -S=- �0 ,::A'T� 4r -M. , ...,.� _,.� �------- ., Said open space easement shall be approved IT to form, by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said. open spacer to recreational purposes, Lncludinq buildings., structures and improvements. ,s 6.1 Should this subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted: for approval by the Director of Public Services - T. All provisions ofthe Subd'ivison ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land`s R. Those portions of the subject property, proposed to be held: under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a separate lot number on the final map. 9. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation, or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs,first, by the execution of a.performance agreement, secured with, sufficient securities, in a form approved. by the city Attorney_. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges: shall be paid prior tol final map approval. 101,10'.. Prior to final map approval, all dedications. shall -be made and easements granted as required above. 'expire ` . l I. The: tentative. map: approval. shall on Z5' 145 unless: an application, for time extension; is received W.q0 days prior' to expiration inaccordance with the City's Subdivision. Ordinance. - e'AAR 2A �; `' .; 1.966 11 1 ` _ L 4 E X217, o f �� �ix'• s�is� ' r. a. so•r-� r�lrae• � ... i� , 'was,.. '.. .. •. ,.��.,.• _� t.ar. wow �= e.r�o -• - . ..j .i' •. � � j« �o ..•�r..,.r..l...r.. w.�r ®' L""'..r• ,,1' Naw' 1 vs .............a., r® -710 o X 12,. 40 der rr 00 CW � aorrwr•w. sw��. _ ! t_ � (��tswT. (3' ...S1i � t'''C/ 770 IV All toot rr®o�wNw�r�r w�t•ri /E .. I" 3i nl� lrt.\ ;`...•=� i. .• ms r. w. s..sew.o.�.. a®rits.N►r+�aar: '__ •'�s , - _:f _,` s` � � "�� .e � ..n. .r . •_.�. � �� r.+iti•oeocf5--�r�a.Sd�a� 7}d � �-souFWATT own �����•-___���e w �. .e � �wr�.. . �.i�_ allow�flsr.,��®.raarw• s _ � „yy�� � ..� r �. �....3i' `__. - �..... �t� PDDR 110e9 • � • yr 1. ^IGCI�SrT- � ��y�� �sw�. •r�fnwmm ITEM ��(. TITLE siT ATTACHMENT �1Ak r 98 IT -A �� ✓ • irv-o..es- eeaea=a ee' CITY OF POWAY • ITEM : et, -z,1 TITLE.s... ,4ot�, � wo.44 t4cst4E. ATTACHMENT SCALE p SLOPE CALCULATIONS FOR EACH LOT' + - - - (07) LOT NET AREA. HET`AREA CONTOUR' AVERAGE HO S0. M ACRES, LEHGM SLOPE Z 47353: i. 1380 14.6 43 43560' 1.0` 600 6.9 0! 02• 43560 !.0 S00' 09.2: 44 43560 1.0 1095: 12.6 03' 43560 1.0 77S 08.9' 45 43560; 1.0 1143 13.1 04 43560 1.0' 92S 104 46 43560` 1.0' 1108' 12.7 py 43560 1.0 1110 l2.7- 47 -43560 1.0` 1144 13.2 +Ob 43560' 1.0 1040' 11.4' 48 43560 _ 1.0`777 11.2 47 43560 1.0 1300' 14.4 49 43560 1.0 903 10,4 t OE 58446 !.3 !?02: 14.5 50' 43560 1.0 1065. 12:2 44 43560 1.0' 855 09.8 51 47916- 1.1 ! 784' 08..^. 10 43560 1.0- 870 10.0 52 47916 1.1 1064' ll.i 11 43560' 1.0 1170 13.4: 53 4356OF 1.0 1114` 12.6. 12 43560 1.0. 1100 12.6 54 47916. 1.1 1440 Y4.4 F _ 13 43560' 1.0 825, 09`.5 55: 43560 1.0 1270' 14..6 , 14' 43560`: 1.0 1007 11.5 5b 43540 .47916 1.0 1057 12.1 I r 15 43560': i.0 1060 12;26; 57 1.1_ 1015, 10.6 ib 43560 !.0` 960t !!.0 SOL 43560 f.0 1104• lZ7- z_ !7= 43540' 1.0: 1090`. 12.5; 59 43560 1.0' 431 10,7 !8 43560 1.0 860 04.9 60 43560' 1.0' LOBS 12.5 14" 43560 1.0 1045 12.0: 61 50130' 1.1. 1349 135 210' 44350 !.1 1475. 14.9' 62 44990 1.0 131$ 14.6 ' 21, 43560; 1.0 765. 08.81 63 47416 1.11 100@' E6.7- 22' 43540 1.0 loesi 12.5 64 47916 1.1 1105 12.1 t 23: 43560' 1.0� 1'11.0 14.0 6S 53200 1. ' 1560 14.7 24 552%5 1.1 1245 11.3' 66. 51433: 1.2 1480' 14'.4 2S'. 43540• i.0 439' 10.8 67'43560 1.0: 772 08.4 6 47416• l.1, 1425: 14.8. 68 43560 1.0 2138 13.1 27 43560 1.0' a32` , 10.7 69 44540, 1.0 ' 942 10.6 1.0 1018 11.7 '70- 45600 1..0 134S 14.7 1a 2g 43560` 43560 1.0: 776 00.9 71 43560 1.0 635 07.3 i 30 43560 1.0 1027 il$ 72 43560 1.0 695. 08:0 31- 43560 1.0 1065, 12.3 73' X371.,0 2.0 3300 32, 43560' 1,0' 744 48.5 74 87120 1.0 3500' 75.. 47416 1.1 1169 12:1A 43560 1.0' 1,041 11.9' 76 87120' 2.0 4164 23.9 34 52,^.72' L. 1475; 14,1 77, 87120' 2.0 3995 .2« 4 35 47414 !.1 1354; 14.1 36 87120 2.0 3264 28.7 78: 47916 1.1 1210 37 43560. 1.0 12W 14.4 79' 44765 1.0: 1327 14.7 38 43560 1.0 1110 1«.7 80 95832 s.2" 4554 'MS 81 48300: 1.1 1410 14.6, 39` 435E0 S.0' 1220 40 43560 1.0� 1050 1:,1 82 54825: 1.3 1600 14.6. F J 83 784080• 18.0 s 38212 24.4 41 43560` 1.0 1000 11.5 s Sumi 4759368 109.3 141258 14.8 42` M60 1.0 5200 13. $' IT i f z ATTACHMENTT 15 J v J