Item 7 - Street Name Sign ProgramV AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable: Mayor, and Members of the City- Council FRCM- James. L. Bowersox,,City Mang INITIATED BY: John D.. Fitch,, Assistant City, Manager Alm, Archibald.. Director, of Public- SE;r�ices' DATE Or March 25, 1986 SUBJECT: Street Name Sign Program CT° is It is recamiended that the: City Council advise staff regarding the street name: sign program. BALEMM Last year the City Council. requested that staff begin a progran tostandardize the City.. As, a result -86 the appearance of streetname signs in t . op the: FY 85 capital inprovenent budget provides the first $20,:000; of what was, anticipated to be a $100,X00 five-year program- to replace all of the existing street, name-, signs,.., Since preparation, of the budget, at least one of the, City Council mwbers, has ajor indicated that only nic intersections should joe replac the street- at ed Another CouncibTember has indicated that, in addition. to replacing the signe at majprintersections,, sane of'the: older style: street signs should be replaced.. Staff is requesting direction on this matter regarding two issues:. the scope of the; replacement program, and the type and color of the replacement signa. A choice of at least two signs will be presented at the -meeting for,the C,lt_%Vr Council. to choose from. ACTION. Of 2 NI "TEM � II �+ itch 25,5, 18 March 25,r, Page 2 FnWINGS T11,ere are 1200signs located along the major streets in pay at other! than, k signalized intersections.. If these signs are replaced:, it is estimated that at least 50 percent of the poles will also. have to be replaced. The replacement cost. is based. upon the style of the: sign. the: City Council chooses. usedupon the: two: street sign examples the replacement cost would, range:, from $12,000: to, $18,,,000• if half of the poles: had to be replaced.. If all of the estimated 72.4'street name signs in the City, were replaced, it is, estimated that it would cost between $71,000: and $120,,000. Staff does. not. have. a specific count of the old type signs:,; but is conducting a. ` survey to determine what the cost would be if only these old signs were replaced'., It is: reamu ended that the: City Council select the: type and style of street. name; sign tobe used in the replacement program; and: that. they instruct staff ` regarding the scope of the replacement program. JLB:JDF:ADA.,lc - Attachments: a/sign-1 I :1 1 2'. of 2 a