Item 9 - Minutes of Meeting March 11, 1986The March 11, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway was called to order at 705 P.M.. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California., Bob Briery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse. STPD E= Jams Bowers= Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch. Kay Jimno Alan Archibald Bill Toon Jin Bentz Brad Kutzner Alan Schuler Jo Seibert. City Manager City Clerk. City Attorney Assistant City Manager Director of Administrative : Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services. Ccninuni ty Services Manager Senior Civil Engineer' Senior Civil Engineer Deputy City Clerk Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COSENICATICIIS Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Oral Camnunications. no one present wishing to speak.. City Manager Bowers= requested Item 11 be removed from. calendar. Motion. by Councilmember. Brew, seconded by Counci]member Oravec, to remove. Iter 11 fraucalendar and adopt the Consent Calendar as follows:, 5. Approval of Minutes - City Council. February 25, 1986, Regular Meeting February 27, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting '11.A1.1. 2 19B6 I: i EM 2103 AR ,7 210`4- k a a Page.2 - CITY OF POWAY - :March U. 1986 7.: Ratification of warrant.Register— - February 27, 1986. 8'e Adoption of. Resolution No. 86-020. entitled, "A. Resolution. of the, City Council of the City of Poway, California, Accepting the, Grant of Cpe3 Spasce Easement. on Portion ; of Lots: 98t and 99 of U4 4092.-R,,, irr '.�b* 11320, n Hirsch Ranch., 9. Approval of Progress Pay Estimate #2. (final payment), in the amount of $33,968, Lightning Fence Company,, for the trail fence: project. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 4 ACCEPTANCE OF FEE: OWi1 SHIP LOTS IN, TH- 40908, 4091% 44928, 4093R. AND ABANDM ESI . OF; CPEN- SPACE' EAM20 ON LOT A: OF 24 40938 APPLICANT: DTERIAL SAVINGS/H iRANCH Staff, report by City Manager° Bvwersox. He: stated the developer of Hirsch Ranch. is; required to convey the= Lettered lots in each tract as open. space to be: . included in Landscape Maintenance District. 86.1,. and Lot F on. 2 40918. tobe used for the futurer expansion of the. City's maintenace and Operation facilities. In return, Lot A. of TK. 4093R is, to be as an open space lot.. Recommendation is to: 1 Accept, in fee title,. the ownershiph of Lots A, B, Crand D of � 409OR, Lots A, B, C',: D, E, and F of ZM 40918,, Lots A, B, C, D, and E' Of -1M 4092R and Lots B:, Cr,D, F` . and. G of TK4093R;. 2. Close the public. hearing, for the abandon ment- of the open space: on Lot A of TH 4093R 3. Adopt. Resolution. No-. 86-021 entitled, "A Resolution of the. City Council, of the. City of Poway, California, Ordering , the Termination ` of An Open -Space Easement on Lot A. As, Dedicated by County of San Diego- Tract No. 4093RF Map = No.. 11396. n. and direct: its- recordation, after the aban- donment fee has: been paid., Motion. by Council member Emery, seconded, by Councihmember Oravec, to adopt staff recommendation -Motion carried unanimously. CITY MANAGER rJEML 12. A. off -Docket item - Request for Rehearing - CUP 85-14 City Manager Bowersox stated. a letter requesting a rehearing of CUP 85-14, denied, on February 25,; 1986, has :peen, submitted by AR ,7 210`4- Page: -3 - CITY OF POWAY - March 11, 1986 Attorney Donald_ A. Nunn. This application was by Andrew Iai for a. motel at 12430 Poway Road, tion is to direct staff to pro-- vide a written report regarding the new evidence on March 18, 1986. Fray the report, Council will make a decision on whether or not to hold a new hearing. Speaking in: favor of a rehearing: Donald A. Nunn, 13426 Gam mnity Road, Mr. Lai,'s attorney. George L. Gessinger, 1049 Caminor del, Mar, Del Mar, Mr. W'`s architect.: Council suggested that since: the project will require extensive redesign, a new application for a Conditional Use Permit be submitted. Motion by Councilm ember S lepardson, seconded by Mayor Kruse, to. -sche- dule the written staff report for March la. 1986.. Motion carried 3:-3 with, Councilmembers Oravec and.Tarzy opposed. B. City Manager Bowersox suggested staff be directed, to develop standard and guidelines for motel. construction. Council concurred in holding a. workshop session to discuss this issue.. 4r. C'., City Manager Bowersox showed a video tape of the hydroseeding process COUDETIXENM at Lake. Poway.: 14.. A. Councilmember Derry requested aV report regarding the effect of a recent court decision which, declared. Escond dols, drug paraphernalia ordinance unconstitutional... B.. Councilmember Brery stated the City of San Diego has: paid- a developer to reduce the density on his project. C. Councilmember Emery on a. recent. Sanford Goodkin article.. D. Councilmsmber wry asked for and received Council concurrence- to direct staff to draft a letter supporting the San Marcos location for the.rorthcounty campus of San Diego State University, since it is more j centrally located for north county cities. E. Councilmsnber Emery requested staff respond to a letter frau Assemblyman Gary Condit regarding AB 2666, which would outlaw a, telephone lottery. t, AAA 29 18-6 1 T IE NI 2105 Page. 4 - CITY OF POW March 1.1:, 1986 F'. Cauncilmember Emery requested that the time of the subcmmttee meeting scheduled- with the School District. be changed to 7:00 P.M. instead of 7:30: P.M. Citi Manager Bvwersox stated he will notify then. of pre-- E fere..ce for March 27th at 7:00 P.M. Councilmember Tarzy statedhe will j be out of tafm that date.. Mayor Kruse,; as, alternate, will attend in } { his place,. G. Councilmmber. IInery asked for and received Council concurrence to ` appose the. formation of a North County Planning Group as suggested in a, ' Tetter frcm Council.mmber Fettine: of thel City of Carlsbad, because: the proposed organization does not include the City of San Diego. Council concurred: that SANDAG is: the proper- forum for regional planning issues., I H. Councilmember Emery asked if the yellow "P" real estate sign on Espola: Road meets the sign ordinance regulations. City Manager Bowersox stated staff will investigate. 15.:Councilmember Oravec requested Council register support for A$ 3031 regarding builders who have major violations of building codes and AB 2835 regarding covering. the: loads in sand and gravel; trucks. Council concurred.. t 4 16.. Council.mmber Shepardson asked if any news has been received regarding the-, ` "Fvway Bear." City Manager Bowersox stated two unrelatedsightings of a bear in: the High Valley area. have been reported. The sheriff's de�aartrnt and Fish and Came did an extensive: search,- however no physical, evidence was discovered 17. A. Counc l member Tarzy asked when the playing fields at the school sites are scheduled for. improvement.: It is too late for this season. City Manager Bowersoxstated the project should be started; this; summer. B Councilmember, Tarzy asked. when street resurfacing will begin. City Manager Bow+ersox suggested staff report at the workshop- of March 27th on the:two year plans for street resurfacing. 18 A. Mayor' Kruse announcedd he will be absent for the March lath Council meting. B. Mayor Fuse: announced -the appointment of the Redevelopment Advisory Camnittee: 'Joyce Nolte,Betty Rexford, Lois Downs:, Gordon. Meyer,. Jeannie Niles, Neville Bothwell., Alan Dusi Richard Adams., Sue. Herndon, Riley Fleishmann, and. John Mullin, Chairman. Upon motion by Councivmember Emery,, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned._ The time of adjournment was 8:0 i}.M. MAR Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk.. City of Pty 2106