Item 10 - Minutes of RDA Meeting March 11, 1986err!. cr. PaillYr MIXIMES CF THE ply MOLAR M Mai 11, 1986 The March 11, 1986, regular meeting of the P.y Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7: 05 P.M. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECICRS ANMERING ROLL Bob flr ery,. Linda Oravec, MaryShepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl. Kruse James Bailers= Executive Director John Fitch Assistant.Eutive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary Jo Seibert Deputy Secretary Director Shepardson led the Pledge: of Allegiance. was pulled by staff Motion by Director EMery, seconded by Director Oravec, to adopt Iter 6 Consent. Calendar: 6., Approval of Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 25, 1986, Regular Meeting February 27, 1986, Adjourned: Regular Meeting Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 10 ZW�A�R�DD OFTTsm �7��}��( nnTT �+T�y��7� �j METATE. IJ. . &: GARDEN RD r SIDE IAI KS Executive Director Baiersox.stated eleven bids were received with. B-1 Enterprise submitting the lowest bid, Recarnendation is to award the bid to B-1. Enterprises for construction of sidewalk and asphalt concrete walkway on Metate Lane and. Garden Road in the amount of $97,059.85. He stated the work willbegin in three weeks. Staff has beenworking for the past month with residents: on Metate who have improvementsin the right-of-way that willneed to be moved. MR 2 985 ITEM tt 200 Page 2 - CITY OF PCMYREDEtTE OPNENP AGENiCY March 11, 1986 Motion by Director Emery,: seconded by Director Oravec, to adopt staff recannen- dation.. Motion carried unanimously. DIREUIrR ITEMS 18 Chairman Kruse announced the.. appointment of the Redevelopment Advisory Cammittee Joyce Nolte, Betty Rexford, Lois Downs, Gordon; Meyer, Jeannie Niles, Neville Bothwell, Alan Dusi, Richard Adams, Sue Herndon, Riley' Fleishmann, and. John Mullin, Chairman. 21nraoRrr¢rrZ Upon notion by Director Effery, seconded by Director Oravec, Chairman Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The ` time of adjournment was 8:00 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahisten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency