Item 5 - EA, CUP 86-01 and DR 86-01 - Texaco USAAPR 1 1966 I T E M J Agenda Report April 1, 1980 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. ProjectDescription The proposed project is a 1,344 square foot convenience food store with canopy covered self-service. gasoline pumps located at 13341 Poway Road adjacent. to the Poway Plaza shopping center A Texaco` gasoline station currently occupies the site:.. Texaco; recorded a lease of the subject property in March of 1974 and soon after constructed a full service gasoline station. Eight years later, in August 19812, Texaco applied for a Conditional Use Permit and Development Review to demolish the existing service sta tion and reconstruct a new station to -include a food mart and self- service carwash . The applicant was informed in a letter dated September 3, 19 8 Z ( Attachment 8) that if Texaco were . to proceed; with th.e.application,architectural. modifications such as the use of wood or, stucco: on the building and canopy would be necessary. All signs: would additionally have to be brought into conformance. On September 15, 1982 Texaco formally withdrew their applica.tion.. In the summer of 1983, the applicant modi.fied the building to eli- minate the service -repair area of the station and replaced the flag stone _siding with corregated metal- This modification did not require a Conditional Use Permit or development revi:ew, but it did. create the area within the, building for a convenience store. The use of the station area for a mini -market however, could not occur without approval of a. Conditional Use Permit. Since th.e building modification-, Texaco has operated only as a self serve gasoline station. Texaco is now requesting then approval of a, Conditional Use Permit to expand the station by adding a mini -market within the: existing building.. Section 17..44..050 of the Municipal Code: allows this type of alteration when, any nonconformity with present performance standards is eliminated. The, concept and the types of products to be sold would be similar to the ARCO am -pm mini -market. Section 17.10'.08 of the Poway Municipal Code indicates that service stations: are not permitted in the Commercial Community/Towne Canter zone.. Since the service station existed as a permitted use prior to the adoption of the city's comprehensive plan, the station may continue as a legal non -conforming use. The Poway Municipal Code - also indicates that non -conforming structures and uses shallnot be altered or enlarged so as to: increase the discrepancy between the existing conditions and current property performance standards... The previous modification of the service station resulted in repla- cement of the exterior. siding and removal of the automotive repair equipment from the interior, but did not enlarge the building -_ APR i 1966 IT C NI, 5 Agenda Report April 1, 1986 Page . 3 The most si.gnif ica.nt. effect that would result from the approval of the mini -market would be an increase in traffic Studies conducted by Texaco- and Berryman and. Stevenson Inc. (BSI) on additional traf fic generated from the conversion of other service stations to mini -markets indicated an overall increase of seven percent.,. This number is based on the comparison of the: totalnumber of gallons of gasoline sold before and after of the conversion. The percentage. of vehicles pa.troni zing the station solely for food items, was not coup ed, but was: indicated to be not significant by BSI studies If the project is to comply with. the requirements of the. Towne Center area. and the Commercial'Comm:unity Zone the previous con- ditions proposed in Attachment 8 are still appropriate. These con ditions: would include the modificationof the building and canopy Siding through th.e,use of textured materials such as: wood, block, stucco: or. simulations- of these materials. The use of projections. and architectural, details should be encouraged: toi enhance the building facade. Staff has proposed in Attachment 6-a. recommended design that incorporates the use of the suggested materials. The design, proposes theuse of gray stucco on the majority of the building: with medium brown wood accents. and trim,. The canopy and building parapet would remain black but would be enhanced with wood: trim.. The existing freestanding sign -must be reduced to eight feet x in height- and forty square feete Additional landscaping in. the front and .side setbacks and around the building should also be required as shown in Attachment. 4. Approval of the Conditional. Use Permit will require that the existing lighting: system be, converted to low pressure sodium and the light standards to be lowered to. 18 feet in height. B.. Development Facilities Mainn access to the site is from the two curb cuts; located on Poway Road.. Additional access can be gained via the Poway Plaza shopping center with access points located. to the west. on Poway Road and from the east from Community Road. Street improvements will. be limited toth.e replacement, of damaged: curb, gutter and/or sidewalk Within . the subject property. when the Poway Plaza shopping center is- rehabilitated or redeveloped,.. T'exaco's westerly driveway should be closed and access for both parcels should be combined.to match the median opening on Poway Road. The existing four foot planter adjacent to Poway Road should be widened to twenty four feet and landscaped to: include street, trees at ' an average spacing of twenty feet. Additional planters should be created or'enla,rged around the buildings, perimeter as illustrated in Attachment. 4.. To providea. visual separation:. from the Security Pacific -Bank, a five foot wide landscape planter should. be constructed along the east property line. APR 1985. i.T WEN 51 GF24 I Agenda Report y April 1, 198.6 a f P age. 4 Texaco has proposed three parking spaces adjacent to the; buldin s i' p P F 9 L 1 �, east side. Section 17..42A.3, of the Poway Municipal Code requires F five spaces for a 1,334 square foot building.Staff has proposed, as depicted,in Attachment 4 that the. parking spaces be relocated and provide four parallel parking spaces adjacent to the east pro perty liner and one handicap space on the west side, of the building. The existing trash enclosure should be modified, to E comply with City standards and be architecturally, integrated into the main. building:. The Fire Marshall has: conditioned this application to require a r second rear door in the storage room, sprinklers to be installed Within the building and a Fire Department "Knox. key box for emergency access inside Water, sewer and other utilities; are currently available to the: site. Police and fire protection will be provided by the City. C Environmental Review The site is currently occupied by a 1,.344 square foot service sta— t ioa.. The `remainder, of the site i s completely covered with: asphalt The site is essentially void of any. plants,, animals., archeological resources or rock outcroppings . The potential impact. that may be possible would. relate: to traffic and the possible.. seepage: of gasoline into the underground water table. Condit.ions of approval and the design of the project will. mitigate these potential impacts to. a level of insignificance. D. Co:rrezoondence Notice DF eubl ic� Hearing was sent to property owners within 500: feet of thel property an oubl.ish;ed in the Poway News Chieftain. No correso:ndence? either written or, oral, has been received for the orojec v FINDING The• -proposed project :with staff modifications conforms with, the City°'s. General Plan and Zonnq Devolooment Code.. The us.e of the. oroj;ect is allowed to, continue at the noted location, and the design vtith staff recommendations meat the criteria and standards for that use. The proposed project with s:t:aff modifications; is compatible with surrounding commercial rias; and its architecur,al style and scale; wil.l not result in negative health: or safety impacts:.. The proposed project. with the incorporation of staff recommendations encourages: the orderly harmonious appearance of structures and property in the City. r OF APR 1 80 ITEM Agenda Report April 1, 1986 Pages RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council. approve Conditional Use Permit 86-01 and Development Review 86-01 subject to the conditions in the attached resolution and: issue a Negative Declaration.: JLB. JEB: JHL:: sr. Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution (CUP 86-01, DR 86-0.1. ) 2. Standard Conditions (CUP 86-01, DR 86-01) 3. Site Plan 4. Staff Recommended Site Plan 5. Building Elevations 6. Staff Recommended Building Elevations 7. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan. 8. Letter to Texaco. APR 11986: ITEM RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COtUNCI.G OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA AP`PROVTNG CONDITIONAL USE PERf4IE 86-01 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-01 ASSESSOR' S PARCEL; NUMBER 317-473-13 WHEREAS, Conditional. Use Permit 8601. and Development Review 8,6-01, submitted by Texaco USA,: applicant, requests to convert an existing 1,344 square foot service station to a convenience store with canopy covered self s=ervice gasoline pumps, in the CC' (Commercial Commercial l zo:n.e; and WHEREAS,. on April 1 , 198.6, the City Council held a duly adver- tised public hearing to solicit comments. from the public,: both pro and con, relative to this application.. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows. - Section ofLoweSection 1 Findings CONDITLONAL,USE PERMIT 1. That the location, size, design, and operating charac- teristics of the proposed use with staff recommendations ,fill- be compatible with: and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residents, buildings., structure'Sr or natural resources; 2... That the harmony in scale, bulk, coverage, and density is consistent with adjacent uses; 3.: That there are available public facilities, services., and. utilities; 4. That there will not be a harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood characteristics; 5. That the generation of traffic will. not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the City's Circulation Element 6.. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity o use or, development which is proposed; 7. That there will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources, 8.. That there are no: other relevant negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated; -'and �APR 1 19865 IT EM' Resolution. tio., P - - Page. 2 9.; That the impacts, as described abover and the location of the proposed, use will not adversely affect the City of: Poway General. Plan for future as well as; present develop menu DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, 1. That the -proposed development is with the incorporation of staff recommendations in 'conformance with. the Poway. General Plan. 2 That the proposed development. with. the incorporation of staff recomendations will not have an adverse aesthetic,, health, saFety, or architecturally related impact upon t adjoining properties.. 3..; That the proposed development is in compliance with. the. Zoning Ordinance. The proposed use . : s legal non- conforming 4.; That the proposed development: with the incorporation of staff recommendations encourages the orderly and har- monious; appearance of structures and property c„rithn. the City.: } Section: 2 Envi:ronmPnt:al_F`ndncs:: The: City Council finds that this: project will not have a s3n - f cant adverse imoac. on the environment and: hereby issues a Negative Declaration., Section 3: Gi y_CounciT_Deciisi-_ 3 The City Council hereby apgrove:s Conditional Use Permit 8'6--01 and Development Re -view 86:-01 subject to the following con- ditions.- 'I. onditions'T. The applicant shall remove- and replace damageddriveways, curly, gutter and sidewalks.. 2 The landscape planter adjacent to Poway Road shall be expanded in width to 24 feet. Four feet of thel existing nine foot s-.dewalk shall be removed and landscaped.. 3.. A five foot landscape planter shallbe- constructed along: the east property line.• south to. the. terminus. of the Security Pacific Bank. Minimum 15 gallon treess will be required every thirty feet. �� APR 119B 1:TES 15 i 7 3 Resolution No. P Page 3 4 Additional planters similar to those indicated in Attach. 0 meat 4 shall be constructed around the perLueter of the b-uilding. The size and. design specification of the. plan. tern: shall be submitted for approval prior to the issuance of building permits and be subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. Landscaping shall also x be provided. within the Eotomat planters. E{ 5 The exterior metal siding of the building shall be replaced: with gray colored stucco with. contrasting wood trim. Canopy support. posits shall be: covered with wood with contrasting colored. wood trim around the canopy face. Said modif cat.i.ons or variations thereof shall be subject to satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services 6. A trash enclosure shall be constructed to. City standards. ; on the rear of the building and be architecturally integrated into the building., 7. In lieu of the one: hour fire restrictive construction, required between the B-1 gasoline ramp. and the 3-2 market use the applicant. shall construct a rear exit, door is the storeroom onthe south, wall between the electric panels and f'l.00r sink. Automatic fire sprinklers on 6 foot. cen. �- ters on both, sides, of storefront glass with_ sprinklers supplied by the: large domestic water meter and copper pipe_ shall be required. And a "knox" key box;for emergency access: to an attendant when locked inside is required. 8. The: existing sign program shall be modified to, comply with the comprehensive sign ordinance guidelines.. This would require the exis ing freestanding sign to be reduced. to .. eight feet in height. 9 Existing and proposed exterior lighting fixtures shall be replaced with low pressure sodium. 1G.. The owner of. the property and the applicant shall agree to close the service station's westerly driveway and utilize a combined access drive to be located on the! Poway Plaza, property when Poway Plaza. is rehabilitated or redeveloped. The landscaping along the Poway Road frontage shall be extended into the driveway closure area and a1.1 costs associated with these improvements shall be borne by the, applicant, and property owner. Section 4 _: Ci ty_Council_Deoi ss. on : The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 86-01. and Development Revi`w 86-01 subject to the attached Standard Conditions.. L APR 1 1986 IT E tri 5 t: Resolution. No. P-- Page: APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 1st day of Apri1, 1986 . ATTEST: arjorie: K. Wahiste.n. City Clerk GF74. Carl R. Kruse APR 11985 ITEM STANDARD +CONDI`i` ONS: OF APPROVAL Subject.: _ Applicant: --oi Location: Those items: checked are conditions of approval. CITY OF'POWAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE'WXTH A. SITE DEVELOPMENT. .' 1. Site: shall beideveloped in accordance with the: approved site plans on file in. the Planning Services Department and the t conditions contained herein. 2.. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating; all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services: Department prior to issuance -of building permits. t 3.. Approval of this request shall not waive: compliance with. all sections of the Zoning Development. Code and all other applicahle. City, Ordinancesin effect at the time of building; Permit issuance. 4. The developer shall provide a minimum of 25$ of the. lots with { ad'equate^ sdeyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant. the to City standards.: and the C`.C.&R.`s shall prohibit in. the required (rant yard ; storage of recr.'eational vehicles setback,. 5. Mail. boxes..'om lots 10.000 square feet or less in size and in where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and ' areas located: by, the developer subject tofapproval by- the Planning Services Department..: x 6.. The developer shall. integrate an: appropriate variety of `r approved: roof materials and colors. into the design of the is. both compatible residential development in a manner which; of the residential units.: and complementary among. each t—t T. Trash receptacle shall be enclosed 3 by a 6 foot. high masonry wall with view -obstructing. gates. pursuant to= City standards., Location shall, be subject to approval: by the Planning Services Department. R. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be s; architecturally integrated.; shielded; from: view and, sound required by buffered from adjacent properties_' anal streets as. the Planning Services: Department, S. Prior tol any use of the project site or business activity of approval contained being commenced thereon., all conditions herein shall be completed to the satisfaction; of the Director of Planning: Services. �v 10. The- applicant shall comply with the latest adopted; Uniform: Building; Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code,. Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes: and ordinances in effect at the time -of building: permit issuance:. .11. Prior to the issuance of building: permits for combustible: construction, evidence shall be submitted to: the Director of supply -and facilities for fire Safety Services that water protection is available.. Where additional fire protection is required by the- Director of: Safety Services, it. shall be. serviceable; prior to the time of construction. = 12. Far- a new residential dwelling; unittsl, the applicant shall pay development fees, at the established rate. Such fees may include., but not. be limited' to: Permit and Plan Checking, Rees, School Fees Gin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance!, Water and. Sewer Service Fees,.. These fees shall be - paid:: f a. Prior to final map. approval.. ,�R 11980 !TEM �b:. Prior to.building permit issuance. % x 13. For a. new commercial or, industrial development, or addition to an existing. development, the applicant shall pay fees. at the established rate. Such. fees may tnclude, but not I e limited tot Permit and Plan Checking Fees,,. Water and Sewer dery ce'Fees These fees: shall:be paidr a.. Prior to final map approval.. b. Prior to building permit issuance:. W 4. This. approval shall become null and void; if building permits: are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approvaL. M 15. Street names. shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior. to the recordation of the final maps and: street addresses; shall be provided prior to the issuance of building: permits. 16. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on } all new and' existing: buildings: so as. to be plainly visible from; the street or accessroad; color of; identif ica.tion and/or addressen shall contrast with. their background color. { r B. PARKING AND -VEHICULAR. ACCESS 1. All parking. lot landscaping shall. consist of a minimum of one fifteen (151 gallon: size: tree- for every three t31 parking spaces- For parking lot, islands, -a minimum l2 inch wide: walk adjacent to.parking stalls shall be provided and be separated froml vehicular areas by a. 6 inch high. 6 inch Wide portland. concrete, cement curbing., Mr 2. Parkinq lot lights shall. be low pressure.sodium,and have a: maximum height of eighteen (1.8.1 feet from the finished grade of the parking surface: and be directed`. away from all property } lines.. adjacent streets. and: residences. 3:. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a: minimum, of 24 feet wide and emergency access shall be provided,: maintained free and clear P a minimum of 24 feet wide, at all times during construction in accordance with, Safety Services Department requirements., s [� 4. All parking spaces: shall be double striped... C'.. -LANDSCAPING 1. A. detailed landscape: and, irrigation plan shall be, submitted to and approved by the Public Services Department and Planning Services Department prior to the: issuance of building permits:. Z. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided' to the Planning; Services Department prior to the issuance, of building: permits: and prior to grading, to determine which trees: shall be retained'.. 3.. Existinq on-s.ite trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall, be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially.- dangerous otentiallydangerous treesz shall. be approved for removal at the discretion of the: Planning. Services: Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on; -site trees.. Those trees: which, are approved for removal shall be replaced; on a tree -for -tree basis. as required: by the Planning Services. Department., 4« Street trees=, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed: in accordance with. the: City of Poway Ordinance and shall, be planted at an, average of every 30 feet on, interior streets and 20 feet on: exterior streets:. 5. A minimum: of 50. trees, per gross acre, comprised of the. following sizes. shall be provided withim the. development;, 20 24"'box or larger, 701 - 15: gallon,. and 10_& _, 5 gallon: to the satisfaction. of the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plari in all multifamily and. PRD projects. r 6.. All landscaped areas: shall be, maintained in; a heal.th.y and thriving condition, free fromweeds� trash;, and debris,. r L F 1 (_ ,"t 1 198 ITEM _. i D .. SIGNS 1. Any s-.- nsproposed for this, development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance, 4 �I 2. A Comprehensive Sign Prcgram.for this development shall be submitted' to; the Planning Services Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits. Approval shall be by, the City Council.. E. RECREATION l.. on: lots having a private:or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is: requred:to have contained within: the C.C.&R.'s the following statement-* In purchasing: the home:._ I have: read. the C'.,C.&R.'s and, understand: that said. lot is subject to aneasement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. Z.. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted sign -standards and: to - the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Services: �. a. Prior t0 final map approval. b. Prior, to� building; permit. issuance.. 3. An open space easement shall be granted to the City over, upoat across and under the area: defined on- the, final maps as: an equestrian. trail and no building, structures. or other things shall: be constructed,, erected, -placed or maintain ed on. subject. easements except, for the, construction and maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail.. 4: Dedicate the caster planned equestrian/pedestrian trails- to the satisfaction of the Directors, of the Departments of Public and: Planning Services im accordance with: the Master Plan of Trails. Element.: 5.. Parkland Dedication: or payment. of Park Fees; at the established rate shall. be made: �! a Prior to final, map approval. b.. Prior to building permit issuance. ; F. EXISTING STRUCTURES ;< �] 1..; Provide- compliance with: the, Uniform. Building: Code for property line clearances considering- use, area: and fire -resistiveness. of existing: buildings. 2.. Existing buildingts.l shall be; made to comply with current � building and zoning; regulations; for the intendedd use or the " building, shall be: demolished., 3'. Existing: sewage disposal facilities shall be removed,: filled and/or capped to, comply with: appropriate grading Practices and the: Urtiformz Plumbing Code.: j a G. ADDITIONAL. APPROVALS REQUIRED. I. Development Review: or Minor- Development Review shall be accomplished prior to, the issuance: of a building: permit..; 2°. Development Review, or Minor Development Review -shall be accomplished prior' to recordation of the final subdivision: map. 3. This: Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of y month;tsl at the end of which time the City Council may add: or f' delete, conditions, or: revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 4. The developer, shall display a: current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales. office at all times., and/or suitable alternative to, the satisfaction, of the, Director of, Planning Sekp3 ces *e 8 1 TE M _ i It �. A r R 11-.6 T EM 1 S'. When public or private- equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as a part of the: subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office,, of said subdivis.ion,. indicating the trails. 6-.. All sales maps that, are distributed or made available to the, public shall include but'no be limited to trails, future and existing schools,; parks, and streets. 7. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the: satisfcation, of the planning Services! Director. Thedisplay shall include the site pian: and noise study.: 6 Working drawings shall include a certification. by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the -City of Poway`s: noise ard'inance will be met..: 9`.. At the completion of construction, and: prior to occupancyl,. interior and exterior. CNEL shall be: determined by field testing at -developer's expense.: Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical. expert.. No occupancy permits shall be granted until Condition G-7 is: met to the satisfaction of the Building; Code t latest ad. opted: editont '''Sound Transmission Control."' 101. The: applicant shall provide verification of State Board`; of Equalization notification and that appropriate reviews: and/or approvals have.been accomplished: to. the satisface- tion of the Director of Administrative Services.: Ir. APPLICANT-SSALL.CONTACT'THE PUBLIC SERVICES' ERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING' COMPLIANCE: WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS':: 8. GRADING 1. Grading; of the subject property shall be. in accordance- with: the Uniform. Building Coder City Grading. Ordinance,, approved radin plan, and. g g' p geotechnical report, and accepted grading, practises.., 2. The grading plan shall containa certificate signed: by a. registered civil engineer that the: grading; plan has: preserved: a minimum of 10G. square feet of solar access: for each, dwelling; unit and for each future: building site, within: the subdivision,.. 1. A soil's report shall be prepared by a qualified; engineer licensed by the State. of California, to. perform= such. work,; a. Prior to final map approval.. }�! b. Prior to building permit issuance.. 4. A, geological report shall be prepared: by a, qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at: the time of application for grading plan check,. S. The final grading plan: shall be: subject to reviev and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall. be completed; prior to recordation of the final aubdivis:ion map -or issuance of building permit,: whichever comes, f irs t.. 6.: A pre -blast survey of surrounding; property -shall be conducted - to the satisfaction oof the City Engineer prior to: any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall. be taken for all. blasting and blas:ting:shall occur only at locations and levels approved' by, the City Engineer.. I. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1.: All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation. Element road standards- and to th.e specifications - j of the Director of Public: Services.. It �. A r R 11-.6 T EM 1 I 2. The c }Loper shall pay a cro-raga stare fc jhe installation or moctsfication of the traffic signals at "Iftl'+i'l a. Prior to final mao approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. q 3!. Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element '.roads shall be dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled on the sinal map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. 4.. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed toc public: street standards., S. Sidewalks, (4.5 / 8) feet la width: shall be required on tboth/one) side(s) of S. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring: access to all parcels over private roads, , drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction: of the -Director of Public -Services.;, T., Street striping and signing shall be installed 'to the satisfaction. of the Director of Public Services.. i� 81. All street structural sectionaL shall be, spbmitted to and approved by the -Director of Public Services. 9`. 1 `Street improvement plans prepared' on: -standard site sheets by a. : Registered: Civil Engineer sha be submitted for approval by the Director of Puhlic- Services.. Plan, check. and inspection, expenses- shall. be paid: by the developer.. =IG. sim rovements shall be constructed prior to sP All exterior street : issuance ooE building. permits:r to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.. Ll. Street improvements that include,, but are not limited to.. a., Sidewalkser. Crosa glitter �L b,, Driveways- f. Alley gutter mac., Wheel. chair, ramps g. Street paving_ - dt:.; Curb; and gutter Alley paving shall be construc.tedpri.or to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the: Director of Public Services.. Ez***l%., All damaged.off-site public works: facili.ti.es,indluding parkway. trees, shall. be repassed or replaced prior tol exoneration of bonds: and improvements, to the sa.tisfactom of the Department of Public Services:. j `11., Prior to an.y, work being; performed: in the public' right-of-ways att encroachment permit shall be obtained from. the Public Services office. and appropriate fees- paid_ in: addition to any other permits required... Uri t.. Ther developer shall, pay one halE the cost of a City approved' landscaped median along the project frontagess.),r a. Prior to final. map approval. - b.. Prior to. building; permit Issuance. IS.. Street, improvements and maintenance shall be made, in accordance with City ordinance standards: fort a... urban, streets. b. Semi -rural streets; c Dedicated rural streets d. Non -dedicated: rural streets: ua'15. The developer shall, pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rater a. Prior to final map: approval. wr r C�Ci b. Prior to building permit issuance. �� ITEM ■ � T•APR 1 "985 ITEM 5 J. DRAINAGE, AND FLOOD CONTROL: 1« Intersection drains will be required at locations -specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard: engineering practices. 2. The proposed prcject falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. 3.. A drainage system. capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and.ali' x surface waters- that may flow -onto the subdivision. from adjacent lands, shall: be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required: by the Director of Public Services to, properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland' cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed, where. water crosses the: roadways:.. 5. The Master Plan of Drainage, Fee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: 4 a. Prior to final map -approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance:. 6. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not. bepermtted. R., UT2LYT2ES [� 1. All. proposed utilltiem within the project shall be installed: a underground including; existing utilities. along Circulation Element, roads and/or highways less: than 34.5 RV. & Z. Utility easements shall be providedd to the specification of the serving utility companies and the Director of Public Services. 3. The: developer shall be responsible for the: relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 4. Wates, sewer,-,, and fire protection systems plans shall: be designed and. constructed to meet requirements of the City of { Poway, and the Health Department of the County,ofSan Diego. 5. Prior to acceptance: of property for sewer service, annexation to: the sewer. improvement area shall occur.. 5. The applicant shall pay for a, water system analysis to 3 establish the proper size and location for the public water system- The amount will be. determined by the cost of the analysis, and: shall be paid: } a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant. shall, within 30 days after receiving approval. of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development. review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and postwith the City, a nonrefundable reservations fee equal. to: 2G% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee, in effect at the time: the LOA is issued..: L 8. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards: at no cost. to: the public, subject to the following: a... Cut-off luminaries: shall be instal.led.which will provide true 90 degree--: cutoff and prevent projection of light: above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting- refractor or device;.: b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light. source, . � T•APR 1 "985 ITEM 5 C. Advance energy charges and' Di -strict engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. d Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence- of annexation and payment of: lighting fees shall be presented to the City prior to final, map approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. Q 9.: Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground.. Thedevelopershall notify, the Cable company when trenching for utilities: is to be accomplished. L.. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS l.: Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: a. Caltrans b. San Diego' County Flood Control District c. Other,: 2.., A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's). and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shallbe subject ."to.the:review for compliance with conditions_ herein.,. to� the satisfaction ` of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with they Secretary of State,, the County' Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 3.. Prior' to recordation, a Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council.; The engineering- costs involved in district formation shall be borne by the developer. 4 Final parcel and tract maps shall. conform to City standards and ,pr.ocedures.. S'. By separate' document prior to the recording of the: final subdivision: map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted, to the: City, an open space: easemment. over Lots: , common areas. Said open space easement shall be approved. as to. form by the City Attorney and shall, limit the use of said open space to, recreational: purposes, including buildings, structures- and improvements. G.- Should th- sl subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted: for -approval by the: Director of Public. Services:. 7. All provisions of the S-ubdi.vison Ordinance of the Poway Municipal. Code shall be metas they relate to the division. of land. 8 Those portions of the subiect property proposed to be held under common ownership shall. be labeled' such and identified by a separate lot number on the final map. 9. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be: installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation: within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit, issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution: of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the: city Attorney. All necessary processing fees:, deposits, and charges: -shall be paid prior to final map: approval... 10 Prior to: final. map: approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above:. ll.. The tentative map approval shall. expire on unless an application for time extension is received 10.0 days prior to expiration. in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. € ffi wa0E EASE MEN Ir !PARCEL' 63). A/C PA Y4 . k N'a9't3ffi�` PL it! A!�'" — _ c�asrasru.e:+rs r esea, 1. s wr eurmr , ®awe N„s, m rs � r, o II j `� rilTir/r0�1'4p.'.. 4 WAM 46 O 1Y y i �) ' !. CptO' p; ws �, t - r1. aw - c9.e.. a �•. ti L_1-t_.j f tt b V I ` t--- A' r - ss [3° cars` •c, sum, "W ► c �cRs• I 1i�R0iCMI lie Off au7m, Cam _ !!'R �flW cocoTt !7lilf I O _ D I 1 IT Y' -, F ISE TITLE: s. SrCALE ATTACHMENT OF APR: 1 19ATE 5 r '4 2' MI'QE J%,9E WCN'T 1 IF�u10EL •�l 1-4�41C. OAVWS Nif'4SD�' R lfi:df` t7•SARftK. Laraam< WIND /a0w01'S. !Ys•O'NolW: cTO: RL : �+ ♦ - -fit [ t If7iJ[a fs`afii omwm +.. NOT". sums S s. air • 'K '' 1� j '.. i, °QtsQ, - •fie +': 6 r'•' f 0 - • j 1 p{�� �y � is w—Suffroms, Mo_F.Li�) Ir -A. c Q. It 9 SCAMOMW a.0 -:/colt ... i 1 I CO«TIV i1N01CW 119" n: - -. 1 CClM. fPPINMiR [ ml a. (' i 4 � Ivv T'l ITEM' TITLE : - f a 'CALK a` ATTACHMENT APR. 1198OZ IT o ism All VZZ:7oY SCALE ATTACHMENT r 7 , fir , rR 1198 .: ITE .0 RA s tt• 'c Li r •a, CO Raii� (j�^y{ •/�((� Ra. Z RA RR-C: 1 � CC _ 1 ..... �a HP, Aos Re f. f i QRS CRs y a/ /' RR- RS-3 ` r 11 HP - - tt 1 ♦ � � � ♦ / • ��•�• moi �o. •,. •A:&PW ',&P 00 �E� � •tit � .i' �-�� r• I�f, j z F OrZ M • I�' ' 4�*'' .$ ..: �•� ear • RXEE�s• ••, �•. t •'a i • ! • • • • b • ♦. • •°i - _ -may. - Xi •+ �� �{•.f • i a•• � tai • � i t,/ r�♦/�/moi f -•/•j •i �• .t ITEM CITY OF ��Pac..Js�t�t� 2.cxtc+V4 SCALE : - + e ATTACHMENT ; 21 o APR 11986 !`TEM - J R CITY OF 0 U01'NCIL .C;EMIREF -OE P�1 N ARY SHEPARIaSC 'vtavnr LANDA, nRAVEC.. D . M . . ia013JER r C'. EMERY, C ounri[ Mcalber ' BRUCE TARZY, Coundi NI-mhrr CAR It, KRUSE.'Councti Memhcr September 3 ,. 1982 Mr Mark R. -.Murphy Clyde Carpenter and Associates, Inc- Z760--c- nc_Z7GQ S. Harbor Blvd, Suite H Santa. Ana;. CA 92704 Subject Conditional Use Permit 82-09 Development Review 82-06, Variance 82-1-7, and Sign Permit 82-08, for the Texaco Service Station at 13341 Powayr Road, Poway, California Dear ftr . Murphy This letter is intended to formalize planning staff comments made during our August 31;. 1982, discussion of the subject applications for redevelopment of the Texaco service station located on Poway Road.. As indicated in that discussion, our analysis of your proposal included the following: issues or ureas of concerns 1. Given that the.- City of Poway,is prepa.rinc its State -mandated General Plan and that the area. surioundina the Texaco property will be part of the "Town (eater" or focal point of the future community, is a service station of any type consistent with the City's desires for development in that area? Simply stated,, should the City advocate continuance or elimination of a service stationuse at that, location. through its General Plan? if the service, station use were to be continued, what modifications to the submitted plans would be necessary to receive a favorable recommendation from the. Pla ina stair to the CityCcuncil the body that ultimately approves or denies such discretionary permits? In answer to the first area of concern, staf-f feels that a community ccmmerc al/ retaT center i8 the, appropriate future. use of the group of properties at the southwest corner of the intersection of Powa%r and. Community Roads in accordance with our concept of the Town Center area. Frankly, we do not peel that a service station use is consistent with that concept.. Althouah not formally approved as part of the City's General Plan at this - point in time, the City Council's desires for the Town Center may also exclude service station uses ATTACHMENT 8 Admin.tsr; ariae Offices Lo, a 11 _reti at 32'5 Citic Center DrOve tai�R 1 19f�� IT E 1���iitat* Address: rc�<=: P. . Boxr83, . -rat•, Cal'" r z a �� �C- . t i 1) i �-t)600, fir ?-r) " -=rt Texaco Service Station September 3, 1982 Page 2;' x in; that area.. Should. you decide to go forward with the submitted: applications, is it is recommended that a predeve.lopment conference with the Council be scheduled ' through the City Clerk's office to ascertain their feelingsl on the project_ if you wish to proceed with the project, the secondd area of concern must be addressed. Modifications of the site layout, architectural design and materials, and signage will be necessary. The basic site plan should be modified as shownon the attached drawing. This change will reduce the tunnel -like appearance from Poway Road of the service island drive-through area which occurs if that area is oriented in a north -south manner. The entrance and exit to the car wash can be effectively screened by landscaping and earthwork. Architecturally,. several modifications are necessary. The metal materials proposed are not in character with. the City's rural atmosphere and any exterior evidence ofmetal should be minimized_ Extensive fascia changes on both buildings and the service island canopy,. incorporating such materials as wood: and stucco., are .recommended. The box -Like lines of the service island canopy and buildings should be softened by, the usel of some form of trim material such as wood or tile. The Poway* Town .and Country Center, on the northeast corner of thea same intersecticn,, is an example of the desired appearance. The color scheme for the station -should also be modified so that the overall f coloration consists of earthentones:.' The red, gray,, and black combination, could still be utilized, but int a much. reduced manner around the wall and canopy signs to provide the desired. identity sought by Texaco, Inc. Regarding signs,, the use of monument and wall signs is recommended. The proposed: pole sign should be reduced. to a monument sign no higher than eight feet. All of the information proposed for the pole sign, including -pricing, could be utilized as copy for the monument sign. is The number of walla signs should be reduced to two per structure or building. This should: provide adequate identification for the separate functions and services provided. modifications of the submitted plans in accordance with. the changes recommended } - above will be necessary in. order that staff may provide a favorable recommendation for your proposal to: the City Council. Should you wish: to withdraw the submitted-` f APR i a i ._ Texaco Service Station _ September 3 1982 Page 3 of . lcati ons,; a partial refund of the: filing fees can be made_ If you have Scott Gray .at 748-66Q0 ,,iP g question'regardin this matter, P lease contact Mr: any § or 695-140Q.> �cerel ' r l 90 n 1 ctor o OPlanning Services: Bgx -John E_ Bridges 44�r Associate Planner BXHzJEE :sf ect City Manager Cita Council members J..F. Alley, Texaco k Inc:; A=t 198p. ITE E M D