Item 11 - Temporary Sewer Connection for APN 275-071-11; Victor R. and Nancy LigtenbergAGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the 'Consent Calendar. There will be ,no separate discussion of the �y report prior to approval by the. City Council unless members, of the Council, staff or public: FC.IN THE 4«..s request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled.for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and.give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L., Bowersox, City Manag #* INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services,' Alan. F Schuler, Senior. Civil Engineer,,r-,-- DATE: April 1, 19a6 SUBJECT: Temporary Sewer Connection. for APN 275-071-11,. Applicant: Victor R. and Nancy Lgtenberg BACKGROUND. The ub.ject parcel, located at the end of Green Terrace (Attachment 1.) is .90 acres in area. The owner of the subject parcel has requested a temporary sewer connection to the existing 8"' sewer maim in Avenida La,Valenci.adue to repeating problems with their septic system (Attachment 2) Two parcels may benefit from an extension of the sewer main in Avenida La Valencia; the applicants and the adjoining parcel to the south. All other parcels to the east are below the subject_ parcel and will require individual private sewer pumps or an alternate route. Consequently, it is only necessary to extend the sewer main to the end of Avenida. La Valencia and install a manholer at the terminus. The neighboring property owner to the south. has installed a recent septic system and therefore has no intentions: in: the immediate future to participate in the construction.of this sewer main. RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the City Council. approve the temporary sewer connection to serve: the applicant's parcel on the condition that the sewer main be extended with a manhole at the terminus of Avenida La Valencia and. authorize the City Clerk to execute ACTION z APR 10 3 N'+ { ` 1 of 6 Y� AGENDA: REPORT - April 1.. 1986 Temporary Sewer Connection, for APN 2.75:-071-11 (Ligtenber y Page 2 4 the Agreement Respecting Temporary Sewer Connection. subject. to the 1 owner executingsa.i.d agreement within. 30 days and paying the: applicablefee for its recordation.. JLB::ADA.:AFS:KLCmh Attachments: 1. Plat Location Map. 2., Letter from Owner 3,: Evaluation of Request for 'Temporary ' Sewer Connection r -. - f o 6 -APR, 198 1 i E � F � v . a t ;: r e or b' APR 1 1960 1:TENT: , I . 13406 Green Terrace Poway,, California 92064 Telephones 487-x9568 l January 18, 1986: Re c1r, Y Alan D. Archibald: �tBctE SEntES QEF;: Director,. Public: Services City of Poway 133,25. Civic Center Drrive ' Poway, California92064-0120 � w y, Subject:. Application. for temporary sewer connection F Dear Fx` . Archibald, t . Due to, problems- with my septic system I would I_ like , t:o: connect to the Poway sewer system.. Di scus.- sions with; both. IYarianne Humphrey and F'atri,ck Foley k indicate that a temporary s:ewer= connection would be ' the, easiest, and least expensive metho.d.. One ne.gh,- 4 1 bor and I are th.e; only two parties; able to connects. i intot the end of the sewer line= on Avenida La Valencia. The neighbor has recently installed a new septic:; sys— tem and has no desire: to connect. to: the sewer.: Being the only household connectins at.this end of the sewer,, line-,,. I would like to: avoid the exp:ense of' ex-- tending the main line and adding a manhole:.. l there- fore apply for a temporary, sewer° connection, at. the end of :Avenida La Valencia, Enclosed.. $200..00 application, catio:n fee Sincerely, V ., R Lib erg Parcel14'25-071'-11 ATTACHMENT 2 4 of 6 AP.R IT IE, M1_ Date March 17, 19 EVALUATION OF ` REQUESTFOR TEMPORARY WATER & SEWER CONNECTION Assessor's Parcel No.. 275-071-11 YES NO i. Placement of main a. snow- on master maps as logical extension?' X b. property front on dedicated road? X e. property fronton access easement? X: 2. Pressure gradient a.. would service to this: parcel require pumping? N/A. b.. is limit, of hydraulic. gradient within 100 feet?` N%A 3. Fire Service a.. nearest hydrant within. feet., b., meets: spacing criteria7 a. apparatus access ("travelled way, "I ? X 4:.. Existing services: a- surrounding property served?X. i s if yes, show on attached map green —temporary agreement red -no, agreement I: E 5. Property ownership a. owner owns surrounding property?` If yes.. indicate: on attached map 6- Development Activity, a.. contact by other property in area within past 6 months?, e. If yes, document ' ATTACHMENT' 3 5 of 6 APR,103ITM - i YES t 7.. velo P P ment. potential � a .� .�D a, present land use Residential b.. present. zoning RR-C c. zoning:. permit splitting? X 8 .. Cost r : a., from. nearest main, to front parcel (if recommended} $ N/A ('see attached cost estimate de-tall), Findings, l„ Extension logical X 2 Lf yes a.; construction by owner - b.. construct. through, 1911 Act. proceedings c., construct. through service area proceedings. - '- (if yes-,. see Project Cosa. Analysisl -d. temporary water connection wk(future) pro rata e... ` remote service r Project Cost Analysis TO.tal. Cosa N/A Service Area formulas Service Area Size - acres" Cost per acre $ r z Size of parcel,- - Coast this: parcel = e Of 6 49 1% �T I i' 13406 Green Terrace. Poway, California 92064 April 289 1986 Mr., James Bowersox _ City Manager - f City of Poway Poway, California 92064 3 Dear Nine Bower.sox, Today Z received the agenda for the, April / City Council meeting in the mail.. Number 11 under the Consent Calendar is the item, referred to in this letter.. The staff report is in error and: the recommendation is not what 'we asked far-, We, applied for this well over a. month ago and were not informed that the staff had changed the recommendation. F This change which they made without our knowledge will ultimately cost us in excess of $500over what we had applied for. Please remove this item: from the agenda. We do not, want it presented as islie are leaving on vacation and will not be able to discuss this with the staff until after April IT., Yours, truly, Nancy A.. higtenberg APR 1 1986 t T E .r