Item 4 - MDRA 86-10 and MDRA 86-11 - Philip ButzenP TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox,: City Maria INITIATED BY: Reba. W. T'ouw, Director of Planning Services DATE: April 8, 1986 SUBJECT; Minor Development Reviews, MDRA 86-10 and MDRA 86-11. Philip ButzenNr_Applicant,:, A request to construct a 4,00:0 square foot,residenceon Lot 3 and a 4,500 square foot residence on Lot 4 of TVA 84-10., within an area identified on the "Major Topographical Features" map, located at. the terminus of Monte Vista Road in the Rural Residential A and C zones. APN: 275-470-05 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: Sharon Crockett, Assistant Planned PARCEL. ` SIZE: Lot 3 - 4.5 gross acres, Lot 4 - 12.4 gross acres GENERAL. PLAN DESLGNATION: Rural Residential A and C ZONING: Residential Rural A and C f SURROUNDING: DESIGNATIONS. (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES: TTM 84-10 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Categorically Exempt - Class 3 STAFF RECOMMENDAT'IONa Approve with conditions i k ACTT NO } s i,. APR 8 1988; 1 T E M �. tnF` 8 Agenda Report - April 8, 19`86 Page: 2,, BACKGROUND A. Project Description The applicant is requesting approval for the construction of two single family residences . a 4,0:00 square. foot residence on ;Lot 3 and a 4r500, square foot residence on Lot 4 of TTM 84-10. ,: The Properties are located at the terminus of Monte Vista Road and in. the area covered by the "Major Topographical Features" map as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. On April 12, 1985 the Council. adopted. Resolution.No. P-85-0,19. The resolution required Council review for the -construction of single family residences located on. parcels lying within the: "Major Topographical Features.", area., The policie . in the- Comprehensive heComprehensive Plan and the proposed policies and standards in the Ridgelne/Hillside Study report. assist Staff with the evaluation. of minor development review applications. Lots 3, and 4 of TTM 84-10 were approved- on March 19, 1,985 (P -85-11Y. As a condition of approval, Council approval. was. required for the construction of all single family residential units within said map. A.Resolution Amendment (P-85-53) adopted t March 19, 1985, modified the _required private road improvements._ Although the lots are, located within the area covered.by the "Major Topographical` Features:" maps.: the building pads are not..: As a condition of the map, an open space easement was grunted over the approximate location of the RR -A zone. Said area is also the approximate location of the area covered. by the "MA or Topographical. Features:"' map (see Attachment 4); . Lot 3 Approximately fifty percent of Lot 3, a 45 acre site, has a slope of 25 percent or more. The General Plan requires. the construction of a multi. -pad foundation: when the building pad is proposed for an area with a 25 percent or more slope. Approximately one-third- of the proposed building pad,, and created slopes:, are within: the 25 percent slope area (see Attachement 5J.. However, only -a small corner of the building's foot print is within the 25 percent slope area. The proposed residence is: a one-story structure,. approximately 4,000 square feet in area, with a three -car, attached` garage:. The architectural style is "'Cal,ifornia Ranch"'. Building materials are as follows::: dark brown concrete roof tiles; tan stuccos, dark brown wood facia.; and: yellow -rust brick.: Building design, style, colors, materials, and location. of the pad will help. to visually blend the proposed residence into the; adjacent. hills.. The proposed Location of the pad will allow for a buffer area. between the commercial uses. on Monte Vista Road and the proposed residence. r APR: $. 19$.6, 1. is E M 4: Agenda Report April 8, 1986 Page 3 .Lot 4 Lot 4, a 12.4 gross acre site, proposes; a 4,.500: square 'foot resi- dence on a 10,,000 square foot pad, the proposed residence is a one-story s:truct.ure with a three-ca.r attached ` garage The architec- tural style is. "French Country. Building materials are as follows gray concrete roof tiles.; ivory stucco, and used brick. The building pad for Lot 4 is within the 0 to 15 percent slope area (see Attachment 5) The proposed: pad is located outside of the open space and the "Major Topographical Features area -B. Development_ Facilities. Lots. 3 and 4 of TUR 84-10 are located at the terminus of Monte Vista Road.: Conditions of the. map required improvements, per- taining to access and equestrian trails. Development facilities E pertaining to access, street improvement., drainages public se -r-, I vices,- and other facilities to serve the proposed use presently exist at adequate: service levels . Therefore,: upgrading of these facilities is not required.. A Grading Plan (G 24.6-85) was approved for the construction of the.. extension andd cul-de-sac of Monte Vista Road, the pad on Lot 1 (the 60 -unit senior housing project), and the.acces.s driveway to Lots 4 and 6. A conceptual grading plan for Lots 3 and. 4 has been over.layed upon the approved plan.` The plan shows access to Lots and 4 via an 18 percent sloped road with a 15 foot Wide raved driveway within a 25 foot easement across Lot 6 The grading plan,, the elevations, and the site plans are included as supplementary documents. with the staff report_. The Public Services, Department. is recommending revising the con ceptual grading plan -to reduce the: height of the slopes: within the existing 60 f oot. road easement C. Environmental Review Topographically,the site ranges from gentle to steep slopes. Native grass and shrubs are interspersed between rocky topography. The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and an exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. D Correspondence Notice of the public hearing has been sent to property owners adjacent to the project prior to the hearing. APR 8 1-986 [ T E M 4. LF 2j APR 8 1986 i l t M lj ... _ T. Agenda Report April 8, 1986 Page 4 - FINDINGS The proposed development is consistent with, the General Flan and the Zoning Ordinance. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic, -safety, or architectural nature upon adjoining public and private properties will occur. because rooflines., construction methods, materials, building locations:, and elevations will have a low profile and will be compatible withthe tone and, textures of the surrounding r. biology and: landform.. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance criteria and encourages the orderly development of the City because it is similar to `and complements adjacent development. I I RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Reviews 86-10 and 86-11 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution.:' _f JLB. RWT:SEC. js Attachments. -r 1. Proposed Resolution.. 2. Standard Conditions 3. Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 4. Mayor Topographical.Features. Area 5... Site Plan and Slope Analysis 6 . Resolution of Approval , t P-85-53 ? for 'TVA 84-10 7'. Resolution of Approval (P-85-11) for TTM. 84-10 LF 2j APR 8 1986 i l t M RESOLUTION NO. P' A RESOLUTLON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAYr CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT' REVIEWS 86-10 AND 86-,1:1 ASSESSOR`S PARCEL NUMBER 275--4.70-05 WHEREAS , Minor Development Reviews 8,6-10 and _ 8 6 -'l , submitted by Philip Butzen applicant,. requests approval to construct a 4,,00 square Foot single family residence on Lot 3 and a 4,500 square foot • single: family residence on Lot 4 of TTDX 84--10, within an area identified on the "Major Topographical Features" map, located at the terminus of Monte Vista Road, in the RR: -A and C (Rural Residential) a: zones; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 198`6, the City Council held a hearing on the above -referenced. item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does- hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings I. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan. k - 2. That the proposed development will not have an adverse: aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 4.. That the proposed development encourages: the orderly and r harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. Section 2 Environmental Findings:: The City Council finds that this project will not have signifi- cant ignificant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. r Section 3 Cit _Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Minor Development Reviews 36-10 and 86-1.1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days: of approval,: the applicant shall submit in z writing that all conditions of approval have been; read and understood.. } APR 8 1986, I T E M 4 APR 8 t988 1. T E Resolution No. P 2 Page 2. This _project must, meet any applicable requirements related to Ordinance No. 103 (street improvements, drainage zees, _ park fees:, traffic mitigation fees) to the satisfaction of - ` '' the Director of Public Services i. 3. A landscape placer to the satisfaction of the, Director; of Planning Services and Director of Public Servicesr shall be approved prior to building permit. issuance for Lots 3 and 4. 4. All new utilities shall be undergrounded. 5.- The appropriate building department approvals shall be received prior to initiation of construction. 6. The equestrian/pedestrian. trails, within TTM 84;-10 shall be improved to City standards prior to occupancy to the - satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Community Services. -7'.. The revised grading plan for the building pads and access driveways for Lots 3 and 4 shall comply with Ordinance No. 77,, and shall not restrict the future: utilization of: the exi sting 60, foot. private road easement., 8. All slopes over five feet in height shall be planted with ground cover, shrubs, and trees to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Public Services. 9. All structures shall meet the setback requirements: of the Rural Residential C. zone., Cit Council Decision: Suction 4 �_- -3 The City Council hereby approves Minor Development Review 86-i0' E and 86-11.,subject to the attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 8th day of April, 1986. Carl R. Kruser Mayor t ATTEST ;. Marjorie K. WAhlitenr City Clerk APR 8 t988 1. T E ;i P OV�tL oTANDAPD CONDITIONS OF , Subject:e( - - _ Applicant: Location: CST 1D c 'rTW g ESE 1 Those items checked are conditions of approval. CRY OF POWAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT Of" PLANNING: AND BUILDING SERVICES} REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SITE DEVELOPMENT' W-11,1. Site: shall be developed in. accordance with the approved site: plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall. be submitted to the Planning Services.Department prior to issuance of building permits. W"I. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Development. Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building; Permit issuance. 4.r The developer shall provide a minimum. of 25$ of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant to Citystandards.,, and the C.C.aR.`s shall prohibit the storage of recreational vehicles in the required front yard setback., 5�., Mail boxes, oni lots 10,000% square feet or less in. size, and in areas where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and. located.by the developer subject to approval by the: Planning Services Department.. 6. The developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of approved roof' materials; and colors into the design, of the residential. development in a manner which is both compatible and complementary among each of the residential units. 7.. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed: by a 6 foot high: masonry wall with view -obstructing gates. pursuant to� City standards.. Location- shall be subject to approval by the Planning: Services Department. M -,*"8'. All roof appurtenances:, including air conditioners., shall be architecturally, integrated,. shielded; from: view and. sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, as required by the Planning Services: Department. 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon,, all conditions of approval contained, herein, shall be completed to the satisfaction;, of the Director of Planning Services._ The applicant shall comply with; the latest adopted Uniform: Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, ?' National Electric Code,Uniform: Fire Code,: and all other applicable: codes and ordinances in effect at. the time of building. permit issuance.; i i.. Prior to: the issuance: of building, permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted; to the Director of; Safety Services. that water supply and facilit..es:far fine protection, is available.. where additional fire protection is { required by the Director of Safety Services:, it shall be f serviceable prior to the time of construction. 12., For a new residential dwelling uni.tts),. the applicant shall pay development fees at the established, rate.. Such fees may include, but not be limited' to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees:, School Fees: tin; accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid.: a. Prior to final map approval.. j - ITTL41A APS? b'• Prior to building permit issuance. ; r 41•d` .13`.. For a new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an. the: applicant: shall pay development existing development, fees at the: established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited tot Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These'.fees shall be paida a.. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 0/ 14. This approval shall become null and' void If building., permits are not issued for this project. within one year, from the date of project approval. k 15. Street names shall be approved by the Planning. Services Departmentprior to the recordation: of the final map, and street. addresses shall be provided prior to to issuance of building; permits-. 16.. Building. idefitification and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and: existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from:the street, or access road; color of identification and/or addresses -shall contrast with their background. color. B. PARKING AND. VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one fifteen ('15) gallon size tree for every three (3) parking: spaces.. For parking lot islands:, a. minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a 6 incht high, '6, inch wide portland concrete cement curbing 2. Parking lot: lights shall be lova pressure sodium -and" have a maximum height of eighteen (lafeet fromc the finished grade of the parking surface and be- directed away from; all property linen:, adjacent. streets. and. residences.: 3. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and: emergency access shall beprovided, maintained: free: and clear, a minimum of '24 feet wide at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department. requirements., 4. All parking spaces shall be double str.ipedi. C.- LANDSCAPING 1. A detailed:landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and appznved by the Public Services,Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits:. 2. A, Master Plan of the, existing: ort -site, trees shall be provided to the Planning. Services Department prior to the issuance: of building permits; and prior to grading, `to;determine which trees; shall be retained. 3...: Existing on --site trees, shalh be retained wherever possible and shall. 'be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shad be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the s Master Plan of existing on.-aite trees. Those trees: which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning Services: Depsrtmeat. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15. gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway ordinance and shall be planted: at an average of every 30 feeton interior streets and 2.0 feet oa exterior streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following; sizes, shall. be provided within the developmentr- 201 24" box or larger, 700 - 15 gallon:, and lat 5 gallon: to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and in- accordance naccordance with the approved landscape plan: in all, multifamily and PRD' projects .. 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in. aL healthy and thriving condition.,, free from weeds, trash, and debris. ,J APR 8' 1986 1i N D. SIGNS'. 1,. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance.. Z. A Comprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be F submitted to the Planning Services Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits. Approval shall be by the City Council., Z. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to: have contained within the C.C.&R.''s the following statement.- tatement:In Inpurchasing the home:, I have read. the C.C.&R.'sand understand a that said: lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. 2. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted. sign standards and to the satisfaction of the. Directors: of Public and Planning Services: '. a. Prion to final: map approval.: {` b. Prior to building permit. issuance.. 3. An open space easement. shall be granted to the City over, upon., across and under the area defined on the final maps as an equestrians trail and no building,e structures or :other things shall. be constructed,erected,: placed or maintain: ed on subject easements except for the construction and: a maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4.. Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails: to° the satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments o, Public and Planning Services in accordance with. the Master Plan of Trails Element.. 5.: Parkland Dedication .or payment of Park Fees at ` the established: rate shall be,made:: a... Prior to final map approval. b. Prior -to building: permit issuance.' F. EXISTING STRUCTURES 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering: use, area: and fire -resistiveness of existing buildings. f 2. Existing bu.ilding(s) shall be: made- to comply with; current building: and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building -shall. be demolished.. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilitiee shall- be removed, filled � and/or capped to comply with appropriate: grading practices �. and the Uniform Plumbing-Code,..r. r. G.: ADDITIONAL•APPROVALS REQUIRED, 0- 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be U accomplished prior to the issuance of a building. permit. �. 2:. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be f accomplished prior to recordationof the final subdivision map.. 3,: This: Conditional Use Permit, is ranted for a. s. g period of monthtsY at the end of which time the City Council may add or ; delete conditions, or revoke the, Conditional Use Permit., t �. 4.. The developer. shall display a current Zoning. and Land Use Map -• '" `- in the sales. office- at all times, and'/or, suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services:. APR g 1986 f E F S. When public or private equestrianlpedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivision, the developer shall _ display a_ map in the sales. office, of said subdivision, indicating the trails. 6. A11 sales: maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schoolsr parks, and streets. i. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfeation of the planning Services Director. f' The .display shall include the site plan and noise study.- 8;t Working drawings shall include a certification by a recognized acoustical expert. that the: requirements of, the, City of' Poway" s noise ordinance will be met. 9. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, anterior and exterior CNEL shall be determines: by field testing at -developer's expense.: Tests toL be. conducted: by a recognized acoustical expert.. No occupancy permitsshall be granted: until Land' tion G-7 is met to thesatisfactionof the Building Code (latest ad opted edition) °'Sound, Transmission. Control.' 10..• The applicant shalt provide verification of State Board of Equalization notification and that appropriate reviews and'/br approvals have been accomplished to' the satsfac- tionof the,- Director of Administrative Services. z; APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE' PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT' REGARDING== CONP'LIANCE WITH"THE FOLLOW-ING CONDITIONS:. } H.. GRADING: 1. Grading of the subject property, shall be in accordance with theuniform, Building Coder City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan, and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices. 2.. The grading- plan shall contain a•certificate. signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading: plan has preserved a minimum. of 1.00 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unt.and for each future bulding-site w hin the ubdvision:. 43. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer. licensed by the State of California to perform such work: 3 . a.. Prior to final map approval. b Prior to building permit issuance. 4., A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and: submitted at the time of application; for grading plan' check., $ The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval 5. 1 by the: Planning: Services and Public Services: Department and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance. of building permit, whichever comes: first. 6. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall. be conducted: to the satisfaction cof the: City Engineer prior to any rock. blasting;.. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blas inq-'shall occur only at locations and: levels approved. by the City Engineer. I. STREETS' AND' SIDEWALKS I. All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and to the specifications: of the. Director of Public Services. s Z APR 8 ITEM t 2.. The dloper shall pay a pro -rata share fc :he installation or moaificaton of the traffic signals at x ti a,. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to -building permit issuance. 3. vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads: shall be dedicated: to the City of Poway and labeled on the final map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. 4. Ail interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed' to public street standards. } 5.. Sidewalks t4.5 / 8Y feet is width shall be required on, (both/one!`` side t s I of So: Reciprocal_ access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be: provided insuring access to all parcels over, private, roads., drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to -the satisfaction. of the Director of Public Services. �i 7'. Street striping and sigaing shall be installed: to then satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. R. All street structural sections: shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. 9.. Street improvement plans prepared` on standard size. sheets by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director. of Public Services. Plan: check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the -developer.: 10.. All. exterior street improvements shall be constructed' prior to } issuance of building permita'L to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. �ll. Street improvements that include, but are not limited' to a. Sidewalks. e. Cross, gutter, b. Driveways E. Alley gutter c. Wheel chair ramps g.. Street pavngi d.. Curb ane gutter h. Alley paving shall be: constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the. Director of Public Services.. rTViZ. All damaged off-site public works facilities including parkway trees-.• shall be repaired or replaced_ prior t* exoneration of bonds- and: improvements, to- the satisfaction of the Department. of Public Services:.: MI -13• Prion to any work being performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained: from -the Public Services office and-. appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required.• 14.. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved landscaped median along- the project frontage is is: a:. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building= perm t issuance. 15. Street_ improvements and maintenance shall. be made in, accordance with: City Ordinance standards for: a.. Urban: streets, _ b. Semi -rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets d. Nan -dedicated rural streets 16. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation, Fee at the established rater �qq r7 -P a. Prior to final map. approval. APR 8r 96 ITEM b•- Prior to building: permit issuance-., 0 J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD` CONTROL 1. Intersection drains will be required: at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices,: 2.> The: proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the: National Flood Insurance Program -and is subject to the provisions: of that program and City Ordinance. 3.. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within- the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision frour adjacent lands, shall be required. Said: drainage system shall include: any easements, and structures as required by the Director of Public Services: to properly, handle the. drainage. 4.. Portland cement concrete cross: gutters shall be. installed where watercrosses the roadways. S. lan of' paid at. the Frate �with: Ythe established nDaccordance �Drainage- Ordinance: a. Prior to final map approval., b. prior to building permit issuance.. 6. Concentrated' flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not. be permitted.; K. UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall bel installed underground including existing utilities along Circulation: Element roads and/or highways less: than 34.5 KV. 2. Utility easements, shall be provided' to the specification• of the serving utility companies. and the Director of Public Services. I. The developer shall be responsiblefor the relocation and undergroundng of existing public utilities, as. required." Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans. shall be designed and constructed to meet. requirements of the City of Poway" and the. HealtiT Department of the County of San: Diego. 5. Prior to acceptance. of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shaIr occur. 6. The: applicant shall pay. for a water system analysis to s: establish the: proper size and location for the public water system:.. The amount will be determined♦ by the cost of' the analysis- and'shall be paid: a. Prior to. final mag approvals 1 b. Prior to: building permit issuance. 7.. The applicant shall, within as days after receiving approval of the tentative, tract map-, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, : apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a: nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20%1 of the appropriate: sewerage•connection fee: in effect at thele time: the. LOA is issued. 8. Developer shall construct a light system conforming, to City of Poway Standards at no7 cost to, the public, subject to the following:, a.. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will. provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal. from, the lowest point of the lamp: or lightemitting retractor or device. b.. ALI fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor C F light source. PR IT It .SPR 8: 19$6 ITEM;, T C. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid. by the developer. Annexation to the lighting district. shah' be accomplished: and` evidence of annexation, and payment of lighting fees• shall be presented to the City prior to final map approval or, building, permit issuance, whichever occurs first. 9. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities. is, to, be accomplished. L. GENERP.L REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Permitss, from other agencies will be required a& follows: a. Caltrans b. San. Diego "County Flood Control District c.• Other: 2. A copy of the Covenants,, Conditions and' Restrictions (CC&RIs)` and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Hom'eown'ers Association. shall- be subject tol the: review for compliance with, conditions herein., to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the -County Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 1. Prior to recordation, a Notice of Intention, to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall- be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs. involved in district formation shall be borne by the developer., 4:. 'Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to, City standards ands procedures. Sw By separate. document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the, final subdivision map•, there shall be„granted to the City, an opens space- easement over - = Lots e,, common areas Said open space easement shall be approved as to form by the, City Attorney and: shall limit the use, of said open• space to recreations Purposes:,,- including: buildings, structures and improvements. 0 6.. Should this subdivison: be further divided, each°h final map shall be submitted: for approval by the Director of Public Services. 7.. All provisions, of the Subdi.vison Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall, be met as they relate to the division of land:. 8'.Those portions, of the subject property proposed. to be held under common ownereship shale be labeled: such, and identified by, a+separate lot number on the final map. 9.. Prior, to final map approval, all of theabove improvements and requirements: shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within: two yeare from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement,t secured with sufficient securities., in a form approved by, the city Attorney_. All necessary processing fees:, deposits, and charges shall be paid, prior to final map approval. t 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall, be made and easements granted as required above. ' 11., The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an application. for time: extension is received q0 days prior to expiration in. accordance: with the City'`s Subdivision Ordinance.. .SPR 8: 19$6 ITEM;, T ITEM Mum €36)-)1 TITLE '64.4'� zit"i:fa 4-4144 SCALE; ATTACHMENT APR 19P IT tY F, «.. • e'•:.e• e..trs • • er• •rr lrrrrr wr• a -r. •: •rrr • • • r. r •• a r • • e 1 e • •: • r:• e 1 I, •1: r • r e r e'owe- .......... reesarrrrr..r e •• e. 1 s+ •, r r a: r •' r a •. 0,00 e r a r r r err - e. e: • e' r 1 • • • w •' • • • e • • r r r o • r �a a e. �• • • r • r • • r m, • e. ' e.•. r r m .. r a ••• •'.r • e.• a •: 1 a r s • r o%r • • • •: •.• • r r •-a. •. :. :.e • • r r • e a r.e • • •-• • o r. • • •.r. r s • •%... e • s r. e'. e.♦ rrr r r e, r r r e •• r • e e e a w �� •:. • •- r. e s • �`i=' I t: •: e:. i. • a: �` m: r. •: . - �<•:re♦�.•ae:•'.•••.e a.•rrrl•e 4ws•i. sy,•rrrwr. - e •: • e e•.1 • m e-• •• a r s e r_s. • r rte•' • e r r i y.r a• rr ►�•.f• ra-Terre era• • rrr• o•a a e'' -s • ri, a'e,r w a•• ♦ r r �' • •. r' �: a rre- e • a r ♦ s •'. a a. r s'. r' •' ii - 'r•re• •:r•.ae; •. e: a •:.}. terre:rs:s Irra'r1� s - '. r. •:' a' w e; .� r a r a ��- e' •. � e 1 r r a'- • ♦ e- r e • •. - 0 rr•=a w r w•r re:rr• I'' ees e'• r1. r s• •. r•. • r 1• • i'e i 1•� m 1' • �: w r - •' • rre w 1' •. • ♦ a ••-v f:-♦*a'.�a`rrw• <W e e'a wee' ; • w•. r re'• I' • rr • �. r rre rr • • • •:r• • e,crre we: •',w• s wi • e - •. w e • • • •' w • • • e. e .e • rre �s.. • • • r w 0- 1 0 • e°r a r v rre rre a at r r - S a•' � �;e •- .rre • r e a= r •'• rrr i • •.'A.• •ee �' r*•: r r. e: . w s, � • r .rre. •. •: a' 0- 0. we war_rr.r era • ;s • • •,. •wr 910- • re a r 3 e. •. • e. e,r • r• a rr t r r'. • r r • e= r • =1 r Iir • a ar .c 0, • S r e'. e.r• rre r r • ••cIe e. •' a •r j'', .� • e r ..0 fJ.•• M .• •r we>a:ef•rrr'r • R ~-• :td0 ? • w r r •. r • r.. a r.R '• • • e • • r. s-� e r v r e• r ••I ' e.. • ', s` r • r a'r r a • • a. es re, • • r Y a.-•' «'•.- a ••e, ..see r: •' • w r;rr. ♦.a e e • r • rr• • e •: ? �- y ,• • .r= r r• e. r re w r i e r a. r r r: •• r e: a a• e.s �. ••1 e� 4wl • • a; r • r- e: s e • r r • r • • • a • e. • " " -' •� ' e ms• - r K a • •• • a • • e: r a+ • e+ r r • • - all r • r • r .• 0, f._ 416 ti y' .•a:'.-.: S`.�Y.-,..._W 1:Iy:;j '• �•r a v•ta..e:••erres••-I.arrr rr erer•r - R: r • a• • •V• •' - 'fir ' w r -•:- e, r r •= w r •- r. e r r w r r r r r m. s• •. •= r a •s ,�. ••r e�y.Rs•♦es: •.1� •Ah• .« - ee:rsese• a • e••` - • - e e • r e •ea, •fs I • •• a • • • r. r o s r.��1A/M�•►Yi • l` • e• e: • o; a- • Y V• 101H•!� A e. :. 5•• r t�f i^ r r r •. r s 'w w 7•ty_ w e e: a: r 1. T e r �.r • w r• e w e e, e r �. r "'W •: a • e, r •: •erre •• a e•i.1 v Vie', e • v. •r • • •, • • r • rre`. Q r e - • • • :. • � kiY • � e e • �• f � w a s' a e. • e e • R r • r • • a r r • f- • • r e: e�• • s •' •^ e • r e. • r 4. y �K � � , .fY • ` • • • , e o • • e. • • • r •• o • •- • • •. o: e • •' a' y • • •:•. a err • r. - le_ .e .• ••..' • :. •a •. ewrs• R r.e-• e • e•,r• ►ewe •. • • r. •: • ••• e:e'r •°. ^ .. • . . . . . . .. . • ... . .. . . .. :ra . . ... . . r . ... �� - •. i-� i ♦ • • • • - a e • • e • e w a f • •` R •: • a • • • e r r • • • �:a^ o • o: • • e. r. e • r • •' - - I _ a. 1. •. a w. a •. •: • •. •. •. •' •'. • •. e: a • • a r • 1 • •' O R O. a •• e r- r • • a .'•'tied •• :... , 1�............ r� ...�. .•� .. a Vie•` 5e, `•` • r •.. r e • � a •. • R a:.• r • r r e e • Tee e R e: r • • •. ♦ r • a r • • o a' 1. RI{'-• • r r • • a v • r a • • •: a •.r • e r:r v a e: 1 • • r e:• • 1 •. r o: •:• •♦:asa• aawa•.r e. •+r •: •.r� • •. e�a e.r• • a.r el. f.• e'••. R'a. e'.0 •' r. • e• R. •' r R r • • • + •' a • e: e • • • e �- e: • r r •. a s r f •.. w e: v • e. e, r �. ii:s• a. •. e: •. •: •: a • • f r. • • a •:a• • w.r • e.• -r a eras• • ar e. o:ew .r. e- • •. e. e: e • •, a 1' •. r: • • w. •: • • •. •' e- O. a •.• r e • e •:. e • • •'rrr •' -r •. w. •. •. e'. r o. a r r e r •: •r e w e • a a r e' r •. a a r r r r r e: a •• e. r •: •: e r ee' •. •' r • • • ere. •. •' a e • • • rr e • •: r a r a. r •: • e r. r • r e •:+ •' f. e - r e:rr • r •: s •: a ee •. e. • • • aa •: e • a e •�e•. •. r• a -e• a e a• •••' 4 is k �� _ : •: e • : s a • : o•• s. • • • : • e. •. a a • • • r a • a •- •'• •. e s: ► • •►.• a • • • a • • • rre • •• • • • ♦ r r •'• • • r • • e • •• •.• r • • •: o e: a r • • • r a • o a a . • erre • e- s • ♦ • • • e or a re •: • a • • • r. r•• s e v • r r • 1 • • a. a • a e. a • r r r 4 • ._ • • r e a a • e 1•'- • • a e a o • e•_ ►• •. •: e`• • r ro e a •♦ • • • r• a r we • a o w• -s Rw• • N1n- fib= ao Cmc ^�. c�d✓A 2y M:DR->�• g 6 - t t ITE, :_ l� rrr-�,a C JLr" F P o ro w T I T L E:. QQ e L ATTACHMENT: ®•tom, t•a^-HN 15 OF z S APR: 8 1986 t T IVi � r k 0� i • • •�•,,•'s� •• • r•�e • • • •y ' • i ♦�. I o • •o-�oo,��re•re s�-��•�f'✓tee• •• s r• •! 1%i •• •• -t•. • • f • k • • �` °- • ;sY;° • / ••}e •.yi� • • e • e1 �� e• • eo •• a •! ° �• •' °fid. • • .•_.', • '�r ° •' • » •,. rr°.• j!�''ei. �••�''� ;';i- ;!J�• .'i ��• ��• �� �'�'r�• :ii :�!•• : F • • �. • • e e •�e.. e • �. • ).: r l • • e- r �; �•� ✓.;e;.��•: i .�.;�!;o•.�e.•� :e�� ►•• o e••� .. •� • b • • • • • ., r s~ -�Ir •• a •. o • �'e of �i%�: e. jo o •��jo� • • i• t'�: • • • e'. r r¢f e, s •'fir a r� • s " '' •�!!� ��,i.,yf�. j •�;ss/ti ;��o!• ;�•i ;��! �;• i fir: •eJ7• e: ; ;i: �i•'.�• ;� 411 c /y� ri.Fi:•: �.r e. •` • • s•! •��'•••f �fa,.•:`'•i;••ir��•�C••i•I°o:s;•;:�••'os�••• ►i - �./:mss •' .:.rr'e� Jr re,• s, .•jt ;••!�s�;•!_•%• i•;•;;e.:;!;•i.�::.;;•i°:�11;;•;'�•'`• •:�.•, � : °, j:r B•=T �.�JJ:�•: •ie�sr•r.!I:r�ijd��l �j�•j•�•o_ee�e•�`°♦!r!.•�ei���s :�'`:!•If;L%:ice-%•�:�•'%:�i!�'ri` �'%�'•F�w•: %dd'.•;.,�,A•:�;.:..;. p�.•;�se';;.,.eek:;;•;;,•,��.. 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P-85-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE= CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMENDMENTTO CONDITION, 9 OF' SECTION 3 OF` THE RESOLUTION P-95-11 APPROVING TENTATIVE: TRACT MAP' 8.4-10 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL. NUMBER 275-470-05 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 84-101, submitted: by Philip, Butzen, applicant, requested and subsequently received approval of a tentative map located in the RS -4, RR -C' and RR -A zones; and described as the real property situated in the City of Powayr County of San: Diego, State, of California. at the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 35,: Township: B South, Range= 2 West, San Bernardino Base and. Meridian,. in the County of San Diego into 6 lots, which-, came: before the City Council for public: hearing and action on March. 19, 1985;: and WHEREAS., on March. 19, 1985, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the publics both pro and con:,: relative to this application., and i` WHEREAS, on August 20,, 19-85, the City Council reviewed and t considered the modification of Condition No.. 9 of Section 3 of the originally approved Planning Resolution 'P-8,5-11. �j f NOWT THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does. F�ereby resolve as follows: j. Section; 1 The City Council makes the following, amendment to Section 3 of Resolution p-85-11 approving Condition. too. 9 of Tentative Tract Map. No-.. 84-190 and the Map thereof-. a..; That, all co.ndi.tions'contained within the orig ,nal y ap proved: Resolution P-85-11, with the exception; of Condition No. 9'Section: 3, shall be fulfilled, as required; b,.. Original Condition No. 9, of Section 3 of Resolution P-85-11 is amended as described in the following language. 9.. The developer shall execute. an. T:rrevocable Offer of Dedication over the existing 60! foot wide road; easement, from the turnaround at the end of the extension: of Monte Vista Road: to. the south property lime. A residential driveway shall be permitted to be- constructed serving: Loaf 4., Lots. 3 and: 6 shall. take access. from the cul-de-sac. t'� tpt S;&— io APR 8 1986 J i' E M 4. i r RESOLUTION: NO. P-85-11 A RESOLUTIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAYr CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE° TRACTMAP 8.4-10 ASSESSOR' S`, PARCEL NUMBER. 275-470-05 Wi EREAS,r Tentative Tract Map No. 84 -IG, submitted by. Philip. Butz:en, applicant, requests approval of a. Tentative Map located in the RS -4, RR®C'r ` and: RR -A zone; and described as the real: property situated: in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, at the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Township B Southp Range 2 West- San Bernardino Base and Meridan, in the: County of San Diego into. S lots,: regularly came before theCity Gounail for public hearing and action on March 19, 1985; and WHEREAS:, on March: IS, 1985,. the City, Counci held-. a duly advertised y public: hearing to solicit comrfents from: the public, bath pro and: con, relative to this application. NOW,: THEREFORE, the City Councilof the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows. Section 1: Findings: Tentative Mai The City Cou=ncil makes: the following: findings in regard to Tentative Tract N"o 84--10° and the Map. thereof:. a.; The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and speci f is plass., h.. The design: or improvement of the tentative tract. is consistent: with all applicable., interim. and proposed general and specific plans; Ce The site. is physically suitable for the type. of development proposed: d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development, proposed; The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause _ subs, tantial:. environmental damage and avoidable injury to- humans. and wildlife or, their habitat,; f., The tentative tract. is not. likely to causeserious pub -Ila health problems. A 19 or Z8 ISR 8 1986 13 E Nt 4 Resolution No.. P-95-11 Page Z g. The design of the, tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at. larger now of record, for access through or, use of thel property withinthe proposed subdivision;, h. That this project will not, create adverse iatpacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issue; i. The effect, of subdivision approval:, on the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the. public services needs of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. and .. The design of the subdivision has provided, to- the extent. passive or natural heating, or coolin feasible, for future 9: g opportunities in: the subdivision. Section 2: Environmental Findings ; The: City Council finds that this project will not have: a, significant adverse impact on the, environment and hereby issues ategative Declaration., `; Section. 3 Tentative Tract Map: No. a4 -10,r a copy of whish is on file: in the Planning Services office,: is hereby, approved, subjec:t to, the following conditions. 1.. The applicant shall make a proportionate contribution to the bus f shelter at the corner of Monte. Vista. Raced; and Pomerado Road.; } 2... The applicant shall dedicate: an open: space -easement over that portion-; of the property prior to recordation of: the: map. The exact location of said open space easement shall. be approved; by the Director of Planning Services in, accordance to the Eine drawn on the mapi of: Exhibit Aa 3. Proposed parcels 4 , 5 r and 6. of TTM` 8 4-10 should provide a: maximum of 5,0'0`0 square foot. building pad in the location of the slope area. Parcels 2 and.. 3. shall require the development of a. building pad to accommodate the required multiple foundations for the proposed s is family residences. Development Review is required for lots 2, 3 4, S and 6, 4. The exact street and driveways: alignment, design,; loc°ation,. grades:, geometrics, and construction details for the development of the residential sites shall be. approved: by the Directors: of Planning and Public Services; prior to building permat issuance. i SPR 8 19$6 ITEM 4 Resolution. No. P Page: 3 5. A Landscape plan for all manufactured slopes providing a permanent irrigation systemand consisting of drought -resistant plant species_ shall, be approved and implemented tothe of Planning, and Public Services. satisfaction of. the: Directors 6. All on- and off-si.te drainage- improvement. designs shall be approved by the. Directors, of Planning; and Public. Services.: ?., Monte Vista Road shall bez dedicated to a width of 6:a feet to the southeast corner of Parcel. 1. and shall be fully improved to U than Street Standards for a Local collector road. The road: shall be - satisfaction of the terminated with a permanent turnaround; to the Public and: Safety Services:. An offer of dedication Directors of shall, be, made for an offset cul-de-sac having. a 50v foot right-of-way radius and: a 40 foot curbl ne radices. 8'L The developer shall execute an 1rrevocab1e offer of Dedication over, the: existing 60; foot. wide; road easement up to the northeast corner, of Parcel. 1t and execute an Irrevocable Offer of eastern: half of the 60 foot. wide road easement, Dedication for the along the west ro err line of Parcel S. Street A g P' y " " shah be improved toy nondedicated local rural street standards.: 9. The, developer shall execuutean I rrevocable offer of Dedication ,' G over the existing: 60,' toot wide road easements fromthe turnaround at the end of the extension: of Monte Vista Road to the south property line. Street a3" shall be improved to nondedicated: local rural street standards.:, 1G., The,, existing; City sewer line in Monte Vista Road shall be extended easterly to the end of the proposed street. All required sewer related fees and, charges shall. be, paid: prior to building: permitss,uan.ce.; 11.; A. sewer main shall be extended northerly in: Street "A!" to the. applicant shall b-e� north property, line of Lot 1. The PP cant responsible for acquiring any easements needed.. 12.. The; existing City water main. shall be extended in the Monte Vista Road extension:, and north along: Street, "A" to the north. property Lane of Lot 1. This main shall be saz.ed as: required to, provide necessary dome is and fire flows and shall be provided with; fire directed by, the City hydrants and looped into, existing: systems as Fire- Marshal and Director of Public Services.. The applicant. shall be responsible for acquiring any ` off-site easements; needed. 13:.: The developer shall pay for a water system: analysis to establish the proper size and location, for the, public water system. The cost of the analysis and will. - amount will be determined by the be a full cost recovery deposit.: ��.0F2S APR 8 1980 IT E M 4 i Resolution No. P-85-11 Page 4 14.; Prior to final map approval, the developer's engineer shall prepare and submit a detailed hydrology and hyraulic report. on. - the project and the proposed storm drains. This study shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer, and its results shall be implemented in the site grading and drainage improvements. 15. Prior to the issuance of a building, permit for Lot 5,. the owner shall install the extension of Street "A`" and sewer and water { mains contained within, to the northwest corner •o€ Lot 5., If the improvements are installed by other parties:, the owner of Lot 5 will pay a pro -rata share of those costs prior to a building permit being issued. on Lot 5 A covenant to this, effect shall be recorded prior to map recordation. Section 4: Tentative Tract Map No. 84-10, a copy, of which is on file_ in the Planning Services office, is. hereby, "approved subject to the following Standard Conditions. I. APPLICANT SHALL.CONTACT'THE:DEPARTMENT'OFPLANNING AND BUILDING: SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCEWITH THE. FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: t A. SITE DEVELOPMENT I. Approval. of this request shall not waive compliance: with all sections of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinance in effect. at the time of building: permit issuance. 2. The applicant. shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform: Building: Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code_, and all other applicable codes and ordinances' in effect at the time of building permit issuance., 30 Prior to the issuance of building; permits for combustible construction., evidence shall be submitted: to the Director of Safety Services that water, supply and facilities for fire protection is available.. Where additional fire protection. is required by the Director of Safety Services:, it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction. 4.: For, a new residential dwelling; units) the applicant. shall: pay development fees at the established rate:., Such, fees may include, but not be limited to:: Permit and Plan Checking Fees,. School Fees, (in accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), Water and Sewer Service- Fees. These fees: shall be paid prior., to building- permit issuance.. �. 5.. For a new commercial or industrial. development.t or addition to an existing developiae nt the applicant shall pay development fees at the established. rate.: Such fees may include,: but not be limited toa Permit. and: Plan Checking; Fees:, Water and Sewer Service Fees.. These fees shall be paid, prior to building permit issuance-. OF:' PAPR 81 1986 ITEM R10 REC'REA i. rO 1., On lots having: a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail, on or adjacent to. their property, the developer is: required to have, contained _within the. C..C. &R..''s the following statement:. In purchasing, the home, I have read the C..C'.:&ff.'s and: under stand that said lot is subject to. an; easement for- the purpose of .allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic, OF n APR 8 1986 1TEM t i Resolution No.; P®65-11 Page, 5; 6. Building identification and/or addresses shall. be placed on all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from: the street or access road; coloro:f identification and/or addresses shall contrast with their background color.. R.; PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS is All. two-way traffic aisles shall be a: minimum. of 24 feet. wide and emergency access shall be provided, maintained free: and clear, a, minimum of 24 feet wide at alltimes during construction in: accordance with Safety Services Department requirements.. C. LANDSCAP'I'NG 1.; A detailed landscape and: irrigation. plan, shall, be submitted to and: approved by the Public Services, Department and Planning; Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits-.. 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning. Services Department prior to, the issuance: of building, permits and, prior to grading,. to determine which trees: shall, be retained. ,,may 3. Existing on-site trees: shall be retained wherever possab ler and shall be trimmed and/or. topped.; Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved: for removal at, thea discretion of the, Planning Services. Department during the review of the Master, Plan of existing, on-site trees.. Those trees which are approved: for,removal. shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by -the; Planning. Services Department. 4.: Street trees, a, minimum of 15: gallon size- or larg.er,: shall: be installed in accordance: with. the City of Poway. Ordinance: and, shall be planted at ars average of every 30 feet. on interior, streets and; 20 feet on exterior streets., 5. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving, condition, free from, weeds:,: trash,_ and. debris., D°.: SIGNS Not Conditions R10 REC'REA i. rO 1., On lots having: a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail, on or adjacent to. their property, the developer is: required to have, contained _within the. C..C. &R..''s the following statement:. In purchasing, the home, I have read the C..C'.:&ff.'s and: under stand that said lot is subject to. an; easement for- the purpose of .allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic, OF n APR 8 1986 1TEM e v. Resolution: No. P 8.5 Page 6 &M. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private, or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or, adjacent to their, property, the developer, is required to have. contained within the C.C.&R..'s the: following statement: in purchasing the home,. I: have read the C.C:.&R.;'s and understand that: said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian' traffic: 2 The developer shall improve and/or bond for improvements the. equestrian/pedestrian trail system in. accordance- with the: adopted; sign standards and to. the satisfaction; of the Directors of Public and Planning Services prior to final. map approval.., 3.: An open space easement shall be granted to the City overt upon, across and under the area defined on: the final maps; as an: `equestrian trail and: no building, structuress or ether things shall be constructed, erected,placed. or, maintain ed on subject easements except for the- construction and maintenance of said trailand structures appurtenant to thea trail., 4. Dedicate the Master, planned: equestrian/pedestrian trails to the, satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public anal', Planning services in accordance with the Master Plan of Trails, Element.: 5. Parkland: Dedication or payment. of. Park Fees at the established rate shall be made prior to building permit issuance... P. EXISTING S=TRUCTURES' No Conditions _f G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REOQIREO 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall. be accomplished prior to the issuance of' a building permit. j 2;., When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are, required as a part of the subdivision., the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said' subdivision, indicating: the trails. II;. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE: PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WI:TF THE FOLLOWING CONDI.TI;ONS H.. GRADING 1.. Grading: of the subject property, shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading; Ordinance, approved grading plan _! and: geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices., Z4 OF 2 8 APR 8 1886 ITEM Resolution No. P-85-11 Page; ;i.ls report shall be. prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by 2. Aso P the State of California to perform such work: prior to final map approval approval. . A eologicai report shall be prepared. by a quayifiedfo eenginee®r 3 9oan geologist and. submitted at the time of: application grading check- 4. heck4. The final. grading, ., plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services: and Public Se=rvices; Department and shall be: rdation of the final subdivision map completed prior to recoor whichever comes. first. issuance, of: building permit,: pre -blast survey o€` surrounding property shall be conducted to the satsf:ac.ton oof the City Engineer prior to any rock. blasa3.ng.: Seismic reo®riling shall be taand blasting ken for all, blasting shall. occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer,,., I.. STREETS: ` AND SIDEKWALK . a. pro -rata. share for the installation or 1. the developer shall pay, P 4 modification of the traffic signals at Pomerado Hosp.i,t�al, prior to final map aPp rovale, 2., All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to: public: street standards• 3.. Sidewalks i4.5). feet in width shall be required on (both,} si -> Resolution No. P-85-1'. Page 8 9.. Street improvements that. include,, but are not limited to:: X ae. Sidewalks = e Cross gutter X b. Driveways f. Ailey gutter X. c--.. Wheel chair ramps ` g. Street. paving do. Curb and, gutter h. Alley paving shall be constructed prior -to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public. Services. r 10.: All damaged off-site public works facilitiest including parkway treese shall be repaired or replaced prior to. exoneration of bonds: and improvements, to the satisfaction.of the Department of Public Services. 11.. Prior to. any work be -Ing performed: in the public right -of. -ways an encroachment permit shall be obtained: from the Public Services office and appropriate fees: paid, in addition to any other permits required. j 12.: Street improvements: and maintenance shall be made in accordance with City ordinance standards for urban streets Monte Nista Road C,60/404 and; non -dedicated rural streets st.. "`A and: B," ( Local 40/20) r�5 13.. The developer shall pay the: Traffic: Mitigation Fee at the £� established: ratez prior to final map.. J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL le Intersection. drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 219, A drainage, system capable- of handling and:d disposing of, all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision. from adjacent. lauds, shall, be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the. Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage.. 3. The Master Plan of Drainage: Fee shall. be paid at the: established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance 'prior to final snap: approval. i K. UTILITIES 1. A11 proposed utilities within: the project shall be installed underground including existing utilities, along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5 KV. 2. Utii.ity easements: shall be provided to the specification. of the serving utility companies and the Director of Public Services:.; 26 OF Z8 APR 8i9 6 APR 8 1986 1TEM 27oF`8 Resolution No., P-85-11 Page 9 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation andel undergrounding of existing public utilities, as require 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed, of the City of Poway and the and constructed to meet requirements Health Department of the: County of San Diego. 50 Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall occur.. 60 Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway the following. Standards at no: cost bo the: public, subject to a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide. true 9Q degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above: the light emitting horizontal from the lowest, point of the lamp or. refractor or device.. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source.. c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developers d. Annexation: to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation: and payment of lighting fees shall be ! presented to the City. Evidence of fee and, deposit payment and annexation; to the Lighting District. 7. Cable television servicesshall be provided and installed The developer shall notify the Cable company when: undergrounds. trenching for utilities. is to- be accomplished. Lam. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and. procedures. By sepaent. prior to the recording of the final subdivision rate document be to the map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall granted easement over Lots 2, 3, 4, and, 5. Said open City,: an open space space: easement shall bet approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said open.space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements. 3. Should this subdivision be further divided, each: final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Pub -lie Services. APR 8 1986 1TEM 27oF`8 ■ 3 OF 2. APR' & 1986 --ITEM 4