Item 5 - Minutes of Meeting March 27, 1986CITY OF PCWAX, CALT. UTA. _NMVMI C" THE CITY COMEM, AWC URIE RBS MEMTMG Vii' 271 1985 The March 27, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned frcan the March 25,. 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:00 p.m.: by Mayon Kruse at. the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic. Center Drive, Poway, California, a CAM BobEmery, Linda Or, avec, Mary Shepardsonr Carl Kruse: ABSM, AT WM CAI; Bruce Tarzy STAFF' MEMBW PRES M' James Bouersox City Manager Karjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Lynn McDougal Deputy City Attorney Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Alan Archibald Director of Public._ Services", Reba.Touw Director of Planning Services John: Bridges Assistant Director of Planning Services Brad. Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer Ken, Cablay- BSI Project Engineer Sharon CrockettAssistant Planner Jim Lyon Assistant Planner' Jeff Parker Administrative Analyst ITEM 2 PRE-DEVELOPNENT" CONFERENCE APPLICANTS LEON PARMA Introduction by City Manager- Bowersox.. This is a. request for a mixed use, commercial/residential,- on the: west side of Midland Road between Fdgemoor and Tule Street. There is presently no zone that.allows:for mixed uses. David Kressi.n., 635 Wrelton Drive, La Jollar representing Leon Parma.," presenteda proposed plan for the: two acres:. He asked about the importance of the: western theme,, the necessity for a block wallat. the rear of the property since there is. an alley there, and the future of the building presently used by the Hayloft. APR 8; 1986 IT E W1 2121 APR 8 198E ITEM 5 2122 i - r Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY ADJOURNED RBGULAR NMING - March 27 1986 , Council concurred;: l) the architectural, them does not have to be „westerns but it must blend into the area; 2) Zoning Code requires masonry wall separating residential and commercial uses. The alley easement could be vacated with half givento this" property and half to the property owners on. Sycamores and 3)r the Ha loft building needs to be Y g preserved and. the City could assist:.. in its relocation.. r, Mr'. Bill HedenKamp, HedeftKanpl & Associates, 1331. India Street, San Diego, Mt..` Pa -na's architect, spoke about the necessity of two accessPo ints to Midland for, their proposed plan to work. Council concurred only one: access should be frau Midland, with a second from. Temple, Street.: ITEM' 3': PRE--DEVEL4PNENTCONFERENCE` TEMPLE. ADAT SHALCM - 15905 PO ERADO ROAD Introduction by City Manager Ba ersox This is a request: for the construction. of a new complex to replace the existing Temple:Adat Shalom. Mr. Howard Schuss, 9636, Tierra Grande Street,; San. Diego, architect, presented the plan for a sanctuary, social hall, school andadministrativecenter. It r j will: require a: variance because they are encroaching into the front setback.,-' There is a sewer easement.running through the property which dictates the siting of the buildings,, Council, discussed the: desirability' of the Temple discussing this plan with the neighbors, prior to the public hearings: in order to, answer their questions.: E r4r. Len Jacobsen, 18124 Sencillo Driver San Diego, representing. the; Temple, asked about the necessity of doing this., Council. stated it ,is not required, but could save time at the public hearing. ITEM 4 PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE POWAY' WESLYAN CHURCH - 15244 ESPOI A ROAD Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Thee Poway Weslyan Church proposesto convert anexisting residence to a church. Primary, concerns are traffic and. road improvements, Rev. John Schletewitz, 13433 Suttermill Road, presented the church's, proposed plan. Council concurred the use is appropriate but. urged the church. to have fullknow- ledge of the public improvements that will be required and their cost before they proceed. APR 8 198E ITEM 5 2122 ofE- Page 3 -CITY OF POWAy ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - March.27r 1986 I7.'F�1 5` STRmr REPAIR. SCHEDULE Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. There is $1.3 million fran various fund ing sources available for street maintenance in 1985-86 and 1986-87 Staff is proposing a series of overlays and slurry seal projects on approximately 20 miles of streets.. Notion by Councibmember Rneryl, seconded. by Councilmember Shepardson,. to proceed. with the street maintenance program as: outlined in the staff report. Motion: carried 4-0. with Councilmenber Tarty absent.. r ITEM. b` MODIFICATIONS To, TTM 85-04 :i PCMERADO BUSINESS PARK Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated that when the Panerado- Business Park was approved, there were three unresolved issues that were to cane> back to. Council: 1) alignment of Pcmcrado Road,: 2) spring biological :survey:. and. 3) alignment. of Camluni.ty Road.. Umber one is. in the hands of the- City of San Diego, number two is in progress.and three is being presented today.. Director of Public- Services Alan Archibald reviewed the proposed. alignment of; the intersection of Canmunity° Road. and Metate Lane., It is designedwith no traffic sgnah. The south loop road was redesigned to a 45 NCH design road and: the intersection of Panerado Road. and South Poway Parkway has: been. changed so that traffic: flows from Pamerado Road onto South: Poway Parkway, The other proposed.change is relocation of the recreation area. Director Archibald stated: that when the map= is finaled it must be found to be in substantial conformance with the tentative. map., The, changes being proposed would allowthat finding to. be made..: Barry Hagan.,, wN Engineering,. 4845 Ronson Court,. San Diego, and: Douglas Miller,; Cadillac/Fairview, 17455: Gibralter Court, Sen Diego., asked that Council. authorize staff toproceed with Phase I, as changed,, which is the area west of Cannunity Road,. north of Seth Panay Parkway.. The recreation area is in Phase: II, and.they would Like to work with staff further regarding its, location.. I Council concurred that road alignment changes in. Phase I were acceptable. as presented and Cadillac/Fairview could proceed to final the map on that portion. SESSIT Mayor Knase called for a closed session at 5.44 p.m. asrequestedby the City s Manager for a. personnel. matter. CounciLmaTiber anery left the meeting at this, timeR k APR 81986 ITEM t 2123 Page 4 CITY OF POWAY ADJOURIM R GUEAR METING March 27, 1986 Mayor Kruse called the meeting back to order at 5:50 p.m. and announced no action had been taken. TJponmotion by Counci erShepardson, seconded by Counciliranar aravec, Myor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 5:51 p.m. Marjorie: K. Wahlst<h..n, City Clerk City of Poway APR 8 1986 ITEM 5