Item 14 - Water Treatment Policies and RamonaAGENDA REPORT �� °F CITY OF POWA 1 Cfi' tx THE �°fir TO,: Honorable, Mayor and Members. of the City Council James L. Bowersox,, City Manager FRC1t4: Bob Emery Councilmember-% i ',. DATE. April- a. 1986: SUBJECT Water Treatment Policies and Ramona Attached find a copy of the Ramona Sentinel which contains interesting comments regarding our providing treated: water to Ramona.. ; It. is my distinct recollection that on two specific occasions. we have taken actionto direct staff to notify, Ramona that Poway will no longer be in. the "water. business"' at the:end of the current contract. Unfortunately, according to the article,Alan Archibald is continuing to meet with. Ramona officials and expressing interest in, continuing to, provide treated water after 1989.. The article: further states that "one or more council: meimbers are the only, ones against continuing the agreements We made our original policy so that Ramona wmuld have a full 5 -years to prepare for the cut-off of Poway vaater.. The time limit is now down to 3 -years and. Ramona: is being strung, along believing they will stili get water after 1989.; I am placing; this on the agenda for April- 8 for discussion and. action I also direct your attentionto the comments: made by RMWD manager,; Robert: Bradford. states, that "Ramona receives no benefit it from the water agreement's and; Poway reaps all the benefits.: If this. is the case:, why, do they want our water?` k BE:lc f ACTION: i l of 2. APR 8 1986 ITEM 14 `x CAR—f T PRESORT 54 —j/13/86 t R. C. EMER;' ' 14360 i1t11Ji'ITAIN RD. vi' .��elwy• 0 3`islr� - F OWAY fCid. 120 1., Al - � 1 �� /y: .. (1 . (j 1 ' •�r �`.,+5\L �!� i ''�;1. ; .eb�w.f` • _-1 4..w6....... �! �. �` / � � �'� y t'iire Y r� �,,;�.��-�: II�JJimty{1! ., �, r� Sti n, �ti i� -►'"i� f � .. ,�N (( �t1(\4t�, � t �\ � .��1 �j,� •�r �'�l' 1 �.� t is e ♦�7 .4 1 a }, fir_ } 7�.^,y l�� � 111 �t 1i. � '♦- �l} ..�:' 1 � � �� •.1 � �w' � � r' 1'sa±a��•:J �;�.�rL"�:f"/�+*/ Si(,_jLfl:w� u.�f �i`c'i�C/( .�r�. {x�' {�. S j•- / +-T��. (:. -.�:�i �� �. d d. 'I'iiE ACIt COUNTRY NEWSP:APEIZGcResslvev>tocRtsstve y N£1NSP�ePER WITH A CONSCIENCE -- No decision Ve .. - Water options. probed OfCutis Reynolds Of! the Bemire! Shippingtreatedwaterdirectly. to Ramona from. the aqueduct Directors of the Ramona would eliminate the need for the Municipal Water District this district to builda.water treatment week received a list of alter- plant of its own: After construe natives for finding a� source of tion of the Ramona Dam,: which doniesticwaterforRamonawhen. will: provide only untreated, I agreement with the city of Poway expires in 1989, agricultural'water,.unsuitable for home useY the district would need Continued from one t, The water, district buys its to, build' a 310 million treatment aviI ui construction costs benefit from a project the Sutherland. The capacity the t domestic water from the San y" Ramona: Dam—that all district plant is five million gallons per Diego County Water Authority; plant to make the Ramona lake. Water Board President Bill ratepayers are footing,the bill for. day, but during peals demand' a source of domestic water )avies said the district is a part Bradford said an savings s in # but 39. percent of that water is Na final decision on extending �f the water authority and water costs will be g times Ramona, uses; 12 million treated at a, plant in Poway and passed' on to the Poway, piping. it pays for water subsidizes con- the districtas a whoIeand pointed per day. Pumped to Ramona. treated water from an aqueduct. � struction of other. projects.. He po Weils provide a percent of Poway Public Works Director ora 1 q p ] out that Ramona Lake would be Ramona's wafer,. although Brad - Alan, Archibald "remains in- y PR Yin m'thewaterauthori- said it seems fair that Ramona there `a long. ti"me:` A treatment ford does.not expect wells. to terested in extending the agree- t for a low-interest loan to build reap the benefits from some of the plant could be• built later;; the` become a major supply source: Ment," RMWD General Manager; a water treatmpen� nt for Lake for months authority,it pays' to the water waterlinewouldprovide Ramona The remaining 39. percent is, Robert Bradford toldwater board: Ramona is with the time it needs to plan for purchased from the c3un directors at their March, iS But ech'to cion a B the options ; ; ; ' Board member Charles Paul' constructing the treatment lent:. g P autharityandisfunnel""ed hr, ug�i� ' beginnow;. radfordsaici said he was concerned about Poway rex economic benefits meeting: But "one or more" y ps He noted, that three ears is: z• needing to upgrade the districts Poway's treatment plant_ members ofPowayscitycouncil' fide6me"tobuildawater ` need p by supplying water to Ramona y are opposed : to extending, the delivery BradEordsaid_Poway'streatment Water. board directors voted p� expire- treatment plant, and the district is built. Construction. of the plant is set for expansion now and unanimously to direct Bradford to - agreement past the 1989 - likelywiII needto b some time treated water line might be a tion date; Bradford'said �' g it may want the: money it gets by send a letter to the county water y water authority until the plant can be built. ~ "trade-off" to building. a treat being a conduit for Ramona's authority to invoke its aid lit con The count Michaels told Bradford the ment plant, he said. water, to help may have some concerns of its right of way needed to build a Board member Fred Reese p`pay for that expan- struction of thatreatedwater line own about extending the agrees < siom But apparentiysome coun or funding, through a loam, con- water line from the aqueduct to *! noted that one justification. for cfiman see it (extending the struction of its own treatment bent; however,. Bradford says, Ramona is already available and building the RamonaDam was to because it pays. Poway more r agreement) as a political' Iiabili- ,.plant. The district will also con construction costs for the line !� make the district more: self. ty,:` he said. • - Ort an extension of its money for treating the water than would appeal to "considerably ti sufficient and to prevent. it from they collect for supplying it to buff cutofffro prevents lies Ramona receives no benefit agreement with :Powayoiiashort Ramona'. less"'thanthe:costofa treatment i g pp from the Poway water treatment term basis to provide the district plant if an earthquake damages the a with time to develop longe -range Bradford said: he met with aqueducts from the Colorado greement, Bradford added. p ge-range Archibald and Larry Michaels; But because the waterauthori- River and Northern California. Ramona has three sources of plans. county water authority general tyserves a.number, ofcustomers treated water. "Privitization =finding a manager, Tiiesdayafternoon ofd` countywide: and the water line The water line would provide The Bargar plant is owned by private lender that would build Michaels had expressed addi- would: only serve Ramona, the neither benefit, he said. the district and supplies about 50 the treatment plant then, lease it tionalinterestinanother option — district may have to--partici ate the also said that only percent of the treated water for to the district on a, long-term extending. a line from a: treated' p agricultural water users would Ramona, which comes from Lake basis—will also be explored, water aotteducL Sea' Water, page AN