Item 18.1 - Approval of Position on Pending Legislation - SB 911 (Dunn) AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY Distributed: April 22, 200 c,~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager.~ INITIATED BY: Paolo Romero, Management Assistant J?,lt. DATE: April 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Position on Pending Legislation - SB 911 (Dunn) ABSTRACT The City has been notified of SB 911 (Duhn) - Telecommunications: 911 System. Currently, 911 calls dialed using a cellular phone in California are first answered by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and then routed to the nearest local public safety agency, unless the location ofthe caller is under the jurisdiction of the CHP. This routing process causes delays and squanders critical minutes in an emergency situation. This bill allows a cellular 911 emergency call to be answered by a public safety agency whose jurisdiction includes the location origin of the emergency call. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council support SB 911, and inform members of the State Legislature, organizations, and committees of the City's position. ACTION N:\city\share\agenda-sum.doc 7/1/03 1 of 3 April 26, 2005 Item #.JH CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager .~~ INITIATED BY: Paolo Romero, Management Assistant 1% DATE: April 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Position on Pending Legislation - SB 911 (Dunn) BACKGROUND Currently, 911 emergency calls dialed using a cellular phone in California are first answered by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and then routed to the nearest local public agency, unless the location of the caller is under the jurisdiction of the CHP. For most areas in the state, cellular 911 calls also do not provide an instant location to the dispatcher, as the land line system has done for many years. Dispatchers must query the cellular 911 caller about his or her location, determine which local agency should respond, and transfer the call to that jurisdiction. At that point, the caller must repeat the story to the next dispatcher in the assistance chain. This routing process causes delays and squanders critical minutes in an emergency situation. It can truly be a frustrating and confusing process for those persons in need. In Poway, all 911 cellular phone calls are first answered by the CHP prior to being routed to the San Diego County Sheriffs Department Dispatch Center. FINDINGS Staff was recently notified of SB 911 (Dunn) - Telecommunications: 911 System, which would allow a cellular 911 emergency phone call to be answered by a public safety agency whose jurisdiction includes the location origin of the emergency call. In recent years, technological advancements have made it possible to locate cellular phone callers via an embedded GPS chip in the phone. Federal regulations require cellular phone companies and handset manufacturers to implement this technology. The ability to locate the cellular 911 caller makes it possible to directly connect the call to the public safety agency responsible for the emergency response. It is believed that SB 911 would help to promote public safety in Poway and reduce response times to 911 calls generated using a cellular phone in the City. 20f3 April 26, 2005 Item # I~.. \ Approval of Position on Pending Legislation April 26, 2005 Page 2 SB 911 does not remove the CHP's responsibility to answer and to respond to 911 cellular phone calls dialed on highways or other areas under their jurisdiction. In addition, SB 911 requires the consent ofthe CHP and local public safety agencies prior to any transfer of routing responsibilities as outlined in the bill. SB 911 seeks to streamline the process and response for 911 emergency calls dialed on a cellular phone. By directly connecting the cellular 911 caller to the appropriate public safety agency, emergency response will be expedited and potentially deadly delays will be reduced. This bill has widespread support from various public safety agencies throughout California. It is recommended that the City Council support SB 911. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council support SB 911, and inform members of the State Legislature, organizations, and committees of the City's position. 30f3 April 26, 2005 Item # \ \ . \