2005 05-03 Agenda CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL ABuB AGENDA "."...k...".';;.......,............."...., MAY 3,2005 - REGULAR MEETING -7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE (MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIUPLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) ROLL CALL BOYACK, EMERY, HIGGINSON (jj\~n1), REXFORD, CAFAGNA (al>$~t) FLAG SALUTE COUNCILMEMBER REXFORD PRESENTATION The Tierra aonita ElementarySehool FilmPredntatiQn Tales of Paws)" Pastwas $hoWn. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Three (3) people spoke under Oral Communicaticms. CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS 2 THROUGH 9. Motion b~ CouneilmemberR&xford, seconded by Coul'lcilmember Boyack to $pprove th& Consent calendar. Motion passed 3-0 with Mayor Cafagna and Councilmethber Higginson absent STAFF REPORTS 1. Minor Development Review 04-125 Appeal: Mr. Richard Brower, Appellant. An appeal by the property owner of the conditions of approval requiring a grading permit and dedication of a public water easement for construction of an 1,100- square-foot detached guest house at an existing single-family residence. The subject 1.3-acre property is located in the RR-C zone and addressed as 14924 Huntington Gate Drive. APN: 321-410-12 (0200-25) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Deny the appeal and adopt Planning Resolution approving MDRA 04-125 with conditions. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Motion by Councilmember Rexford, seCOnded by Courlcilmember Boyack to adoptReso No. P.os-29 entitled "A R&solution of the Oity Council of the City of Poway. Ca ia, Denying the Appeal and Approving Minor Development Revi&w 04-125Assessor's Number 321-41 0-12. Motion pass~d 3-0 with Mayor Cafagna Md Counoilm Higginsoo al>$ent. 1 CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 3, 2005 CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Ratification of Warrant Reaister for the period April 4 - 8, 2005. (0475-20) 3. Approval of Minutes - Citv of Powav April 12, 2005 Regular Meeting April 19, 2005 Canceled Regular Meeting 4. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Aaencv April 12, 2005 Regular Meeting April 19, 2005 Canceled Regular Meeting 5. Approval of City's Investment Report as of March 31,2005. (0450-80) 6. Receive and file the Real Propertv Ownership Disclosure Report Health & Safety Code Section 33130.5. (0730-40) 7. Adoption of Resolution No. 05-032, entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving the Director of Public Works to Submit a Fundina Application to the California Department of Water Resources and State Water Resources Control Board to Obtain an Integrated Regional Water Management I mplementation Grant Pursuant to the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 for the Emergency Treated Water Line Project," and Resolution No. 05-033, entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving the Director of Public Works to Submit a Funding Application to the California Department of Water Resources and State Water Resources Control Board to Obtain an Integrated Regional Water Management Implementation Grant Pursuant to the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 for the Ramona By-Pass Line Project." (0490-53) 8. Adoption of Planning Resolution No. P-05-30, entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Comprehensive Sian Proaram 05-01 Assessor's Parcel Number 317-281-09"forthe property located at 13125 and 13135 Danielson Street, within the South Poway Planned Community zone. Pomerado Leasing No.9, L.P., Applicant. (0280-20) 9. Award of Bid to .... in the amount of $..... for the Powav Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation ProiecUBid No. 05-015. Item removed from agenda. (0700-10) 2 CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 3, 2005 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 13. Councllmember Rexford feportec:l on the County's progress on rebuilding the GOOden Ranch House. She attended the presentation by the N Fires and hOpes that .thE! City of powa equipment avallableforthe City's flrefig Fite D$partment about the Cedar the bE!st and newest fire retardant re. 15A. Dep~ty Mayor Emery gave a re8ta\1rant revjew on th. KQngExpress at Stowe and SCripps POway Pl!:tKWay and reporfedthe food excellent. ADJOU RN M ENT Deputy Mayor Emery annOuflc:eclthat1he AdjOumed Regular M&etlng for Thursd~y, May 5, 2005, has been can.c9led. The ul~rM&etlngis scheduled for May 10. 2005. Deputy Mayor Ernery adjourned the rnee at 8:08 p.m. 3