2005 05-10 Agenda CITY OF POWAY . CITY COUNCIL .ACIIONS AGENDA MAY 10, 2005 . REGULAR MEETING. 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE (MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIUPLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) ROLL CALL BOYACK, EMERY, HIGGINSON, REXFORD, CAFAGNA FLAG SALUTE DEPUTY MAYOR EMERY PRESENTATION presentati~ by SANDAG (San. DiegqAssoCiatiQnOf Govemmems)EEnergy Working GrOup regarding nergy cons~mption fOr the&.n IOiegQ R~iol'l. HenlY Abarbamill, City Councilme ber of Del Mar gave the presentation. PROCLA!\IIATION Presentation of Proclamation declaring the week of May 15 - 21, 2005 as "Emergency Medical Services Week." Mayor Cafagna presented the.prOclamation to Jon Canavan, Fire Division Chief. (0710-40) PUBLIC RAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 people s oke under Oral Communications, CONSENT CALENDAR. NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS 4 THROUGH 10.1 MotlonofoeputyIMayorEm~'Y,$f!condep byCounc;ilmeml;ler Rexford, tolapprove the Consent Calendar items 4 through 10.1 as submitted. Motion passed 5-0 STAFF Rj::PORTS 1. Initiation of General Plan Amendment 05-03, Amending the Community Development Element of the General Plan. A City-Initiated request to permit grading in excess of that allowable by the General Plan when driveway or road slopes cannot comply with the City's 20% slope requirement. (0220-40) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution initiating General Plan Amendment 05-03. CI~.. CQUNCILACTIONtMoti()nbYCQl:l~~IIfl)~m~t6oyac;kiaOd seconded by Cou cilmember+:Iligg,in$Qhto adopt ResolutionNQ; Q~~,I$tltill~pmA ResOlution of the ity Council oUhe City of Po way. California, Initiatiog.GeneralPlan Amendment 05- 3. 1 CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA- MAY 10, 2005 2. Beautification of Utilitv Boxes through Local Artists. (1000-10) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction to staff. Cia COU~CILACTIONI: Motion by C9~ncilmember Rexford, seconded i;ly Cou cilmemberBoyClc~. to liIPprove artwol"k on two to three utility bOxeS in Old Pow y Park area, as a trial. MotioI'lPM$$d4,,0. with Deputy Mayor Emery voting no. 3. Pre-Development Conference (PDC 05-01) A request for comment and direction on a proposed amendment to the South Poway Specific Plan involving changes to land use and designation and the roadway plan on a portion of the site located at the southeast corner of Scripps Poway Parkway and Gateway Place, commonly known as the Lively property. Slough Estates, USA, Inc., Applicant. APN: 323-091-06. (0200-30) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Provide comments and direction. CITtCOUNICILACWlq~: The City Council received the information, provided com ent, but no action was taken. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Ratification of Warrant Reaister for the period April 11 - 15, 2005. (0475-20) 5. Approval of Chanqe Order No. 01 to extend the duration of the "Demolition of Residential and Other Miscellaneous Structures and Hazardous Materials Abatement As-Needed Services Contract" with Clauss Construction until June 30, 2006. (0700-10) 6. Approval of Authorization to add the Assistant to the City Manaaer position to the staffing plan for the City's Manager's Office and appropriate $1,320 from the General Fund's Undesignated fund balance to accounts 0013-1100 Salaries $620, 0013-1300 Benefits $200, 0013-3110 Reimbursed Mileage $400, and 0013-3310 Telephone $100. (0500-35) 7. Acceptance of the Sheriffs Substation and Skate Park Fencinq Improvements Project (#161 OA) from Alvand Construction, Inc. (0700-10) 8. Acceptance of the Cloudcroft Pump Station (#1745) located at 17087Cloudcroft Drive from SCW Contracting. (0700-10) 9. Award of Bid to Har Construction, in the amount of $3,500,000, for the new Fire Traininq Tower Project (#5542) located at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle. (0700-10) 2 CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - MAY 10, 2005 10. Receive and file the Supplemental Retirement Plan for Non-Safety Employees. (0540-20) 10.1 Award of Bid to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. in the amount of $89,617.71 for the Powav Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation ProiectlBid No. 05-015. (0700-10) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 11. Mr. twersoxcongratuiated Kristen Craneqn her promotion to A$$ist~m to the City anager, effective today with the City Council's action approving Item 6. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 12. Closed Session A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT Government Code 354957 Position to be filled: City Manager CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code 354957.6 Agency Representative: Mayor Unrepresented Employee: City Manager qi~~~~c;il'reCeS$e9,q~~11~9~~'~~~$iQnat'8:~2'p;m...Q~l!lOi!'returl'ledintq.qp~n sess 00.9:04 p.m. No reportablel,action, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL.INITIATED ITEMS 13. cou~Cilmember Soyackreported she is meeting with arnCit~urradiooperators ahd are orking on an ordinance. 14. cou~Cilmernber Rexford repqrted on LAFCO meetings relating to regional fire servl e. 16A. oepJty Mayor Em~ry gave.a restaurantrevifi'A'qHq\1tdeSuite;13y09urtlilod deli sho at 13339 Poway Road, noting they have exceUentsandwiches. Depty Mayor Emeryal>k~p,~h~t ,the grapefruits. that hCive faUen from the grove tree at Ted Williams Pal"kWaybecleaned up. 17. May1r Cafagna thal'lked. theoornmunit~, ~taff"aod the9ity Council for their outp uring of support and weU wishes during his recent illness. ADJOURNMENT 9:05 p.m. 3 c c..1 Jlf>!fAt-f 1)'51 ~/ ~lO Proclamation Emergency Medical Services Week May 15 - 21, 2005 tw.JllB~ emergency medical services are a vital public service; and tw.JllB~, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and tw.JllB~, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and tw.JllB~ emergency medical services teams consist of physicians, nurses, medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, educators, administrators, and others; and tw.JllB~ the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and tw.JllB~ it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical service providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week. .wow, <J!J{tE~fJ:/FC>>1!A I, Mickey Cafagna, Mayor of the City of Poway, on behalf of the entire Poway City Council, do hereby proclaim May 15 - 21, 2005, Emergency Medical Services Week in Poway and encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. Date: May 10,2005 yor . I AM HERE TO PRESENT TO YOU, THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF POWAY, THE PETITIONS SIGNED BY OVER 200 PERSONS WHO REJECT THE PROPOSAL TO MOVE THE FOOD AND BREAD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMS FROM THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER TO A NEW LOCATION. THE INTERIM DIRECTOR OF THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER HAS MENTIONED THE ELIMINATION OF THREE PROGRAMS AT THE CENTER. WE HAVE BEEN GRATEFUL FOR THE ASSISTANCE THE CITY HAS PROVIDED FOR OUR CENTER AND ARE NOW SEEKING YOUR HELP IN KEEPING THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS AT THE PRESENT LOCATION. FOR THE PAST TWENTY YEARS, VONS GROCERY STORE IN RANCHO BERNARDO, HAS DONATED BREAD EVERY THURSDAY TO THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE NEEDY. EVERY WEDNESDAY, BREAD AND OTHER FOOD ITEMS ARE GIVEN OUT TO THOSE IN NEED. THE FOOD BANK COMMODITIES ARE HANDLED BY VOLUNTEERS FROM THE CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS AND DISTRIBUTIONS OCCUR ON THE FOURTH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. THIS, ALONG WITH THE BREAD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM, LASTS FROM 7 AM TO 9AM. THE THURSDAY PROGRAMS CONSIST OF ALL VOLUNTEERS INCLUDING PRIVATE VEHICLES BEING USED TO PICKUP THE BREAD. ALL WE ARE ASKING FOR IS SPACE TO DISBURSE THESE ITEMS. MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO PARTAKE OF THESE PROGRAMS ARE SENIORS AND TO MOVE THESE PROGRAMS WOULD CREATE A HARDSHIP FOR THOSE WE WANT TO HELP. THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SIGNED THESE PETITIONS ARE REQUESTING THAT YOU KEEP THE DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMS AT THE PRESENT LOCATION, THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER, WHICH IS CENTRALLY LOCATED WITH AMPLE PARKING. FINALLY, WHY WOULD YOU CONSIDER THIS MOVE WHEN IT HAS BEEN EFFICIENTLY PERFORMED FOR SO MANY YEARS? PLEASE HONOR OUR REQUEST AND KEEP THESE PROGRAMS AT THE SENIOR CENTER. ALSO, A COPY OF THE PETITIONERS HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THE INTERIM DIRECTOR OF THE POWA Y SENIOR CENTER. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION TO THIS MATTER. J):4~4/uT/j;~-tdtyIJ/ 1tff, J.f'li O(SS-~ ~ -I ... . -. ~- -.r-'-~'--,~ _ ---,.-y---- ~ -. - . APRIL 15TH.2005 PETITION TO KEEP THE BREAD AND FOOD ~ - l:>ISTRIBUTION._AI\o-II"1 "tHE F-DQl:>, COAt^".9t>!TI~S IN THE POWAV SENIOR CENTER .,....'-. .-- IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS/DIRECTORS ARE TRYING TO REMOVE A PROGRAM THAT HAS BEEN IN THE CENTER FOR 20 YEARS plus. THIS WOULD CREATE A HARDSHIP ON 85% OF THE SENIOR POPULATION AS THEY CAN NOW WALK TO THE CENTER OR OUR DROPPED OFF BY FRIENDS AND HAVE TO WALK HOME. THIS IS A PROGRAM THAT SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED. WE ARE ONLY HERE 4 HOURS PER WEEK. AND THERE ARE NO PROGRAMS FROM 7AM TO 9AM THAT NEE[)s THE ROOIIlA THAT THIS PROGRAMED IS OPERATED FROM. .THIS PETITION WILL BE SENT TO THE CITY SO WE CAN GET HELP. PLEASE SIGN T . S 79 WE CAN KEEP OU~~:E AT THE CENTER. I.. I Vn A " 02.k" ~ Wv<- U ~ J.. 9? I~ ( ~ r&."'l'c4.-vf ~ ' ~ 7., -r::/ -:fA :L'j)u;~~ ~~ (~l#21~ ~ 'l... (J~ J1~ '^1- ~ ~ L""~ M~ 30, ') ~ ~~~~,. ;L~~ 3. .~~~J<I. 33._~/C{ ~~ q i#44~ . ~ 3t W,,-jw fiX.e/;;,r; ~ 1O.?1t<><- ~ . 35 . . ~~ Lf. ~kt17~ (" I -i~, ~tZ ~r . (J. "k ~ J)~, 3'1, ~~.. 13. UO""'J n' ct/.J/~ 3! f)c~ /~ {}AA/ _ Ii '{-, "- I( 3f f'~ j~ If. ~ 10. ja.;ef1--1. ~~ :', ~ 1/. ~)?1 4~ ~. 1~ (.-<"~'C"'~ ~/<l~ W' ~.- ~ ,.~. 1~ ... n ~ 1ft, ~~V'o. J! ,. l /i L"';V",,-), 2...... ~h ... ~.t~t~tA :~~40 Jc3.~U~ ~ 1$. --r~ ',. Jjf~ . ~ . vt. S. -I- //1. L,J.- '- .:7., ~ :1.5. ,~4.{.fiC;~~_(..\? ~.<-<.<. 1- 47,~. ~ t~. . --.-'-"-- ---- . . - . APRIL 15TH,2005 PE 11110N TO KEEP THE BREAD AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION, AND THE FOOD COMMODITIES IN THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS/DIRECTORS ARE TRYING TO REMOVE A PROGRAM THAT HAS BEeN IN THE CENTER FOR 20 YEARS plus. THIS WOULD CREATE A HARDSHIP ON 85% OF THE SENIOR POPULATION AS THEY CAN NOW WALK TO THE CENTER OR OUR DROPPED OFF BY FRIENDS AND HAVE TO WALK HOME. THIS IS A PROGRAM THAT SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED. WE ARE ONLY HERE 4 HOURS PER WEEK. AND THERE ARE NO PROGRAMS FROM 7AM TO 9AM THAT NEEDS THE ROOM THAT THIS PROGRAMED IS OPERATED FROM..THIS PETITION WILL BE SENT TO THE CITY SO WE CAN GET HELP. PLEASE SIGN THIS so WE t;AN KEE~R PROGRAM HERE AT THE CENTER. 51 4l~ f'/. ~ 'It 'ft::/ PoY:Z-- ~7-~C A f~' ... 11. ...... . o:M ~~.. . Sf~~,- ~",_~'~~I -!-Y, 'rJ,.n'V1/e<.n.,: . ..... .s(~J:7-<'_(1.~ep ~{, UJ()l'lJ~ 4- (}(!If1Z'ro 55. . . . ~.. f;z, /hff</tIhJ tt'A'I/lc?JS' 5~. I?~.. . 63.. /ll//4 .17?-c=-(JJt7ME ~ SV4;&; -- gf (f1JtiN;)~ !;(. . . r"j-rep# &-<- Pc; ebJ~. __.. .!fJ. ~ F~ 0.. L... ~~ ~O.(~F~ g1~L~:t- (PI. t.~":~:~;D':~&~')LtU,>^-JI 10, .6~~ ~~ (;J.. 4 k'~ ' 4. ,. . / Lr- <- ' .<. ~ :;. ''- fer A ~ . {2 1'03. fij,'clt/?c ~/,. dL . - " ...-/ 1IJ, ~._--<.. - .",. ,.. .!,-(.. '--l.. J"- ~~ /l.(:7lc' "4/. ...~ 1/, ."-" "'0-" ~-;;J ~~(Tb i,c./I ~ ~ ~ {~ ( ---;l3"-' ~. h . . . . i.. -1 dh1 G ~--~.. ~. "y~v C? ~. CS'.-$'fx.e. I~:.t''fe~t{ ~1 ~j4J~ b~N_~ 91~ -v ~8r fI)l~~'oJ;-t"'f~~ '~,._._,___._. qs;' ~ )v~ 01,_ -",.LI.!!' fQ )~JYv t)... . 1~, ~~ 12,~g ,,~.!/~~ 1;,' .,.. .......... ....... 7~9 ,,{ ,;;;tX'/pC#l~ erg.. ~ ~ '-':. 1,,<,,/'1v f,6<1J1>>1<k/ 12. ocr /'nl:,c,' 1r. - ... /00-.. --- L. .. ..... .---.' .-...---,. ---- - "--- APRIL 15TH.2005 PE I .L lION TO KEEP THE BREAD AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION, AND THE FOOD COMMODITIES IN THE POWAY SENIOR CENTER IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS/DIRECTORS ARE TRYING TO REMOVE A PROGRAM THAT HAS BEEN IN THE CENTER FOR 20 YEARS plus. THIS WOULD CREATE A HARDSHIP ON 85% OF THE SENIOR POPULATION AS THEY CAN NOW WALK TO THE CENTER OR OUR DROPPED OFF BY FRIENtlS AND HAVE TO WALK HOME. THIS IS A PROGRAM THAT SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED. WE ARE ONLY HERE 4 HOURS PER WEEK, AND THERE ARE NO PROGRAMS FROM 7AM TO 9AM THAT NEEDS THE ROOM THAT THIS PROGRAMED IS OPERATED FROM..THIS PETITION WILL BE SENT TO THE CIlY SO WE CAN GET HELP. PLEASE SIGN THIS SO WE CAN KEEP OUR PROGRAM HERE AT THE CENTER. IOS. D 130, j6b, 13/. ---- .".-~. IG:)., .J3.;(. ~_._,---_.._-_._-- -.-. log . __J3.3. -- I o.$:. 1M. ___'.d_ ~_.- --~.'_.- , -' ......,--- -_._~..,._._-_. --,...-. <' ~ ~, - ---... -" .~ ,~..... -." J]fo. , 131- /3t "-- ~'- -...... -..- ._---. [39. ) 46, /4('~ .. - '-'~'-'..-"'-'-'-- }>J.~, . --_.-,~-' -- ,_. - O"~ '__'___'~_~__"_"_ _.~ ...... . . ~- /13, -' -" -"-"'--,-. /1:1. / 1S. _____p_ . _ ...,,""'.~ "'- - /~.: - . ..~ .'. ,~_.. ..... ,-, ,.- .~ ..'-~~.- - --"- . --. ......-.---....-. ..... -. '-'~"--' ..'-.-.-- NL__.__..... . ." ._ ~.~_ _,__... -_..' _~ _ w' ..~ -'-" ~L __h _. ..._._ I . ""._" ". --,_.-"~'-~ ' -"~'-~' ..-.-- _H _r" .__...,. .. .. ......_ J'!:1:.-..,_._..." - .--.- " ..._._~~.----. {50 .. ,.._',"~ ..--...., n." 15'. . .,~_.~ - . -.'-- '._'..-. "'.....~." --,",., -~""-.,.. ~ _ _ ,,'k. 151. ..' .....- .'- .~~_...._....._........--_."._-..~------~ i i!:S. --------"'-_.--- _..._.._'_ -1- _O~.~''-..__",._._____.'~~''_' . --. ~ ... ~-- - .-.--- .~._- .~_., 0'1:._ .. .. _.".~._.'_,""'__. .,. __..~_..,~. ....__u;~_ ,____,~,..._.. ----. -- --..--------.------.-"....--.---.----.----- TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the lmdersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution prob'ram. We are very grateful for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated be the comlTIlmity. NAME ADDRESS I. __Y-~~A~Y _F!:_k~~J2~!~__~l1q!f!.J?j2 Irptf1;P;!; ,1, b J2d 2\~_CAM_JaL/__~.;!'::?.-:~e._____~J:/.LdL 1 , V ...<-p JL~h-~-_p--.-~ ;'~ ~_____8j:'_~_':LJ~~~__td~-:if L( I (~ q'l.( >-L 4. ~ell_~~!fL J.t~~IJ~__ _!~_~_~___~~~~ ;r!__~__!~_1~~~L ~ _~~_________01__t.~___tJtTfef 7 j_3.-'t'Lt-~6f(z__c&~J4.i?2.__ )'0 - {.? 'f __'-~~.f-,:,:J2__~~~~P.IS.-.-::: )ik'1.J.LAlli~---~-~-t~-Q 'I Z i Z g JQ_r..l,b12j)IL?q~RR4___5~I2___~A 1.:11 ~ 1 ::~~i~ -J?J!i-~~~-fPifF2Y-~9~~'1 j!!t'fs.j3.+da13:L-&a41-~ r;2/,;l,j' 13~--- n!f&_'!_____SCP-/f2__mC:c~4_JJA. J'lM d~ oA {U~& J~~t~_______S.Llll_rLji~-J-LBL---)l J>i"'7 . C~';~y 14. ________n________________ -- ---".------- TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the undersih'l1ed are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution program. We are very grateful for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated bt the community. NAME ADDRESS ]. __c}_\&JM.._B_~ ______L:}_~.2_\;>___~_~2~::;:__:~_".::._'c.:.:sL"'L_.9 "'''"-' j 2.~~E /~_~~e___~__________ 3. --ki.~----f{grstuQ2 _~~~_~Q__~__~~~~L_~_p__:1J ~O(g.9G.L( 4 R.D.b.:)DO__~QmeiD j2-_VtQ.__B.D.\&~Q!':.d3_\~~fS1S:_~~\ 5 t::_<;?LutLGY..J:.l~-y-- _1g_;2_~Jl?.1~.Lr+1l._~___--:_______m____________ 6. -'::f!_':'..LL€.__G:~j.d?._:?"__J __~.?:_~_?~_~_.&_~_=_:-_-=-__L_(f~~__~ y/ ~A-]2Jf_~_'flA;r,;.o^( E ___LJ1~_Q___~QXLl~7:\6.LL~___R::D..~__~ 1 ~-I<,------iIl7riH.MJfa{"<j;il4,1- ~' ,JU, ____i<ML~ -----I%LL-'lf/.--.J--dfk-Jlf:::r- 10 __ __ _ ____ --- __j~j/LCJt1<JklJJtfJ<..,~J;Yf7-/)d r II TY - :fL._,__ ___~l- R-!Z----2~-~t?qlLt5'.te, 12.L//~LV-------- ----~-~------------------------- )3 --~g_-llft-------_----- 0_~J~3'J~,-F~____________m______________ ]4 ---J~-f}.~ __L~_f_?::L_~_Jh:o_____>--J2__ -- TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the tmdersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution program. Weare very grateful for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated ~ the community. NAME ADDRESS 1. ~~~k __-LL~_~__~____~S 1> q2-{~ 2. Q~j2_~ _[p'_~::_'LJp..~__~~___?:J:~ 3. -k~- l-iL~_1:t_!..1!!:@e.~f'!..&____:::!L 7# J.- &-- 4~~~ LLfLl__f:-_~____~!?.___1.._-?:_~_~~ 5. ~----------~ ~;;};f___~_~~;_!jf_~~ y 'VIM- /~/!f 'OL 6 ------------------------------- -.--------------.-.------------------------------------- 'Muw /:':.~2-~-~~-----f& c;4 7. - ---li~ 8. ------ _________L~____ _f! jC~~_____________ __________________~__ (>2t~ ___J~i::7--IZi{l!{:L~:~(J)L~ .~~' j38L~__t.9_1:.'!..~!':..LL?~j:!q}::::~~---c;:4 9d, 06 Y 10. ------------------- _t;)./ ~ ,\ 111~-~-!:- L;?.rf..Zk._f?::'!::C]_c..!~'2~__'!:L_J~:.~7t-x..~ () (, y I~L~[.Kt~_.a~____ J~~__~_~dldJ?dJ?Q_~ q LOCo 1 l~-~ jJ..t:J.?:::_.!!.!..!...!J-'-'~fl~J;;:d2_.6_tdl3..y 7'dH t Y 14ldi..IJ.-!T-1b.lit-~L-!..-- jdJ.--~:'3:.-!!.!-;j!P..~,Lei:--&':!!:t_-[;~-~J~- 0 c. f TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favol- Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the undersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution prob'fam. We are very grateti.ll for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated bt the community. NAME ADDRESS l:!C-/11;f.A K oc (/ I z& ') I jJ;{'N /)/1 (J )) k '70 '9 z 0- ~ 1. ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 1. ---!.--~-~-~ ____________uu____uu_u____________________ 3 . J:;!:g!:!!?j/L~:~~~_I!= _~?:~_I_?:___~~Ku~~Q.~_Ei_.#.@~j? cv..w-y 92- 06 'f G)lfr/ uNJ/lo ~7f'-':; CAIZ-^-1r;L 4z)v./JiZjl/lv P'()014c.1' 4 .________.._.__~.------- ._______________________________n_____u.._n_J._.._.n' -/ . ____ 5 )jl!~____M___~~ j!d~__f!!2/!Y:~:(od~_~~__fEj:l r;- Pru (j)dJ.-<.J 6. J'LLI)_~_n._\~.~jq-0-~.0:j) )2l:_5Q___f;Yl~__~i~t'!:_C___it.--~r /) (/ tV 11 v' ~:---f:;l,~ --f,2.J3'L~Jh'.3---h.,----r:::::z 8 ~~~~~m_~____~~ _Ly__~2~_._~_.____~_:i~_____~ ('. q 1L?:LXfrJ..--LN.~t1LI..c.F I< R" _.LiZ:L2___/JI::EJll.fi$TIn5.r..r.D.& Jfj I o. --f:--f3...-{~--~ ~!!~?___C!..~~.c!..~':_.J2.!.:?_!i~~___!:..~_~f.(-_{'-1 ll-r~-~ _f:"Q!!ttcEt'2c,_____~'3--------------- 12~-.--~i -rQJ1{E7)lR------l-~---------.---.-- 1 J .--~-I'-~-ifi~- j-::-,l~~-Li:Jl-J::lli;lL&d..-----------p 14.----r-=r- _1-____J_'i:___]JL?J~Jl,'''7J_y (j TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the undersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution program. We are very grateful for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated bF the community. NAME ADDRESS l. E~___&1i:5: ----------------------------------------------- 2. _;~_~; w"--:___j22__l_f____~.d!:___6/}i~!:_~_ ~cI~1 3. ~!':::'!L~~ __L::__~__3__t__t2A.t____f;_~!f!_0..gc/ ~/ 4. _~i&:f_--~--~~~---J!JM!J1~/JJ!db--R~----------- 5 _~~~~!S:_____~~-~ ___________~~------------------------------------ 6 _1i'~~ ______P~------m----------------m 7 F-dL-J-lQ..-7-cL~ ---CV-12-':1f-~i-----LJj-~--qj~!(k-<<da L ~ 8 fr:J:;ff;;,""": ____E'~?U$Ik:,~A.-<-.f q __m___________m _ _~c -J}r1:--?---~-~r=J---m--------m ] o. _!??f..~!..s..__<&:8:!l.. 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NAME ADDRESS )>Jff'1!?~~al/?~ Yl'l/<;\M AfWPp PflJzA' 1. -------------- -- ------ ----------------------------------------------- " 2. .I1!.U_t~j.e..\iJ_gI.O ( 11.5..'i.1._{.!A.b.)s..N.'O"~b._J!.d.__Et.ff.._j~Q w ({ V ~ L 3. .:1l.al1L~LN.!S:l;,.L~_~___ -L-----------/ii------f:r--r--1)V------- 'J}t:;t~.I~.~~Yill.W-Lt'-92!;:!d~... ;CJZ. ,.. .. ri . _.~-.p.LM-:1Z~~ ~.~ . a - ~ ,(; . i.,' - 30---' . , . . ~~,2/.& "'u--.~--~~.-~_3- ~ 0-\ ;/L~~---~:::!:2::x _____!l:1lf.____~~__==__-d1----/~:-Lh) I H' IT ~ w . 8. --~~-~-~--~" ~~ -1~J2-~kLlt-"~---- ~------~-------------------------- ~ S ~ v: ;}, 9. _____!L_ ---if-:-~-:..) _________IL-::._._____________________________________ '\ 1:' 'J' c- \ '.tA- U"ltc - ~ -. J / .. 1 OJ;---~L----------------- __ i.1L:bLL________~----:--------------- . Gir: 4J - r p,qJ''7 g . 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We are very gratenu for this program and are lmhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated bt the community. NAME ADDRESS tLiIL J_~:_~~_____~J~___(~~~~_~___~~i___~__2:~___ 1. -,~- --------------- --- 2. __~~~:!~~_..c:4::~~~:~1 I / v <l "~ ~ - ;.I'fl ----------------------------------------------- 3 . j.3~2~~-.fY)-c:.fd:.::.----- J_~~P~__~~~E:_~~j~~~____________~~_~____ 4. }LDgL~~_~d~r~______ ___~_~_~_~;!__Y~~~_f~~~~______________________ --~ J2?:2_?.c___~:!j<'~!--jjf-JL-:!:-?:3:::.2. ~~__.dL~~__~_________________ __Ctf.!~L_~--IfL~--~d~ l!E~~__(2lfkJ:;;jj~--fd-- _ ____ , J-( l l ,1 l 1.- t '1."-- - L\ -------------------------------------------------------- r'~ I I / > -------------------------------------------------------- ill TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the undersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution program. We are very grateful for this prograJ11 and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated qe the community. NAME ADDRESS 1. _~--fso..~ ----------------------------------------------- 2. b----~ ----------------------------------------------- 3ft1/tt ----------------------------------------------- 4. . t~:tu:ft,-. -------------------------------------------------------- 5. ~~ -------------------------------------------------------- 6. ea-e~~P-=1=-------.----------- ~~-------- -~~-------------------- ~ ( , )fJ 0'1 . L1 I.J JUt. fi/;tf/!; 8. ______(,{,u:c.lZt4-----L- lUUtr - jdd)--p"bt4-~ .et:i'- - --'l-~0 . ,!#-_d}&J2u,<J.i<<. _________~~----'!2'--!:':. u.6~7 1 ;f~--il-(;!();j/7' _1J.rJ.2----~J.t--.1Jp/&:t---j...-J1F11(t q ll~~~ -~~~~----------------------------------- 12._L()L(J-.((t~--G-0.~<1..J u.5'..t..t.r(~i1L-~t!.---S.jLflJjjf 13.~u---~-cy-<<i I (J.LZL_lt.i/.l----aIL&Jf-fL--~!_LL-s..JL q j /) f 1'4p.1~~:fv --f-(A~~1------------------- TO WEINGART SENIOR CENTER Petition in Favor Of Keeping the Food Distribution at the Weingart Senior Center We the undersigned are expressing our feelings about discontinuing the food and commodities distribution program. Weare very grateful for this program and are unhappy to see it discontinue. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated ~ the conuntmity. NAME ADDRESS 1. lM%_1X._f.~~,,;_____ e_~~:_~__f~~_0!:!~~~t:!~!_~::__~~~c,~~.? )6 c, 1 2. ..jjA;1!..~..<?.__P...._fA^' erA !.:!..!9:~-8-':!1!!:_~-&o/f.:..('f..c;jA:vOY ~ ~.? 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'€..h~~",__w.J._&1I:'!1. _L:llla_fu:ln:a::U.4{\~i~__~~.,I_Q..._-:fbw ~I C' f}9aJY&j '~!f"--ht---- f',,"-A1j~1:-Ikt;~ q~;4Y 6. _lrJJe.r_ ~J -'--:1-ctt-I1un1J1L__I2(k~~L____~__:_ -------- --l-3...fLL__<::~<;?_~____M._'4___i!l?_~_~1- 8 -- - --~ _L2W_~_r.JflvuJ?L.d~__e~_______ 9: t1~~'ijjlM!-'2~~~ (32...~i~i~fJLI.ftcfi_Ait__fEl7 b _ ,~/1,~ 13f.6-/Lmfj)~5-<iL~l:r;:/~/---, ] . __ ~L~~~ L?dP-Lil1!l.,:;_J2~_'!:!'!_~_~_'!:._?--'i__? v' LA q;J./.LJ. 12.------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 13.------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ] 4. ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- - Spring, 2005 To: Mayor and City Councjlmembers From: Henry Abarbanel, City of Del Mar Re: SANDAG, Energy Working Group As a result of the energy crisis (not yet passed, but somewhat abated) SANDAG carried out a community based assessment of policies for energy generation, distribution, and pricing in the San Diego region. This resulted in a Regional Energy Strategy and then in the formation, in December, 2003, of the Energy Working Group (EWG) to implement this strategy. The EWG began its work in March 2004 with membership from each of the usual sources of elected officials: North Coastal Cities, North Inland Cities, South Coastal Cities, South Inland Cities, City of San Diego and County of San Diego, I and added representatives from large businesses, SDG&E, small busine$ses, San Diego Regional Energy Office, UCAN, Port of San Diego, San Diego Chamber of Commerce, and SDSU. It has subsequently expanded to include UCSD and a regional business organization. Henry Abarbanel of Del Mar and Art Madrid of La Mesa have been Co- Chairs of EWG since March, 2004. EWG adopted as a specific goal the submission, along with SDG&E, of the C$lifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) mandated Long Term Resou~ce Plan due in July, 2006. This is now to be a regional plan, not just a utility plan, incorporating the views of all the regional stakeholders. SDG&E and the rest of the EWG have studied the plan submitted to the CPUC in July, 2004, identified the critical policy and resource issues, and are now preparing the plan due in 2006 together. In the process of preparing this plan, EWG became aware of the requirement of the California Energy Commission (CEC) of a similar planning document, the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR), due in 2005 which effectively is an "odd numbered year" plan which influences decisions of the State legislature and the CPUC. We expanded our activities to work with SDG&E to prepare this document as well. EWG accomplishes its goals through two subcommittees: Public Policy, chaired by Alan Ball of Qualcomm, and Resources, chaired by Steve Hoffman of the SD Chamber. Through this structure we identify critical policy issues on which SANDAG should take positions and weigh in at the State level for ~.~. expressing regional views, and to organize our work with SDG&E on the planning for energy generation, distribution, and pricing questions. Some of EWG accomplishments and actions include: . Has selected, for its major focus, to submit, as a region, led by EWG and SOG&E, the CPUC mandated Long Term Resource Plan (L TRP). A workplan for this effort has been developed. It is the intention of EWG and SOG&E to present their regional, stakeholder based L TRP to the CPUC in July, 2006, together. In the past SOG&E has done this alone, and it retains the CPUC designated accountability for the L TRP. EWG and SANOAG add the substantial values of public discussion, scrutiny, and cooperation. The CEC IEPR has been added to this goal, and will be submitted for the SO region along with SDG&E in 2005. . Has initiated a pilot project for energy efficiency (EE) among SO region municipalities. The pilot City was chosen among four applicants to be Carlsbad and energy audit, matching grant, engineering, and implementation resources for EE will be focused there. If this is as successful as we expect, we will approach the CPUC or CEC for funds to carry out the same focused effort in all SO regional cities as rapidly as funds allow. EE is the number one goal of the CPUC in its energy strategy for California. This EWG effort is done in cooperation with the regional energy utility SDG&E. . Has represented the region in letters over the signature of the Chair of the SANOAG Board on issues ranging from long term planning, critical peak pricing, energy costs, transmission lines, renewable resources... to the CPUC. . Has represented the region in personal appearances of EWG members at CPUC, SDG&E and other relevant workshops and hearings. . Has initiated a working relationship with senior staff and commissioners of the CEC including attendance at EWG meetings. EWG is working on extending this to the CPUC as well . Has integrated previously conflicting entities and views on debating and presenting a unified view on energy planning, production, distribution, and overall policy for our region. . Has sent elected official members to meetings of several local City councils to convey to them the work EWG (and SANDAG) is engaged in on their residents' behalf and simultaneously sought input from these Councils for their views on the tasks EWG should address. . Has selected to sponsor, under EWG/SANDAG leadership, a series of workshops (see attached table) focusing on critical matters associated with planning for our energy future. The first workshop was held on the issue of transmission lines into the SD region on March 15, 2005. The EWG has taken a leadership role in unifying, under the SANDAG banner, a broad spectrum of stakeholders in energy production, . distribution, and pricing. The cooperation among former disputants has Shown that there is a regional will to work together productively. EWG intends to foster that good will and use it for the advantage of San Diego's residents and businesses. It is the long term goal of EWG to partner with our regional utility $DG&E to include the voice of a broad spectrum of stakeholders in Jlllanning our energy future with an emphasis on energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, reliable energy generation, effective and eonstrained cost allocations of energy, and involvement of all residents in San Diego County through the action of local government where they live. We will integrate energy planning into the overall planning effort of $ANDAG to achieve energy use reductions and efficiencies as we pursue smart growth policies through our region. EWG Sponsored Workshops 2005/06 Topic Date CommentslTimina Transmission March 15, 2005 Well Attended Good discussion Involvement of local interests (UCAN, SDG&E, Duke Power, Baja California) and State interests: CPUC, ISO Summer 2005 Energy May 4, 2005 CEC Summer Outlook Issues reports tight supply margins in a hot summer CPUC report on Resource Adequacy due soon Offer ratepayers Energy Efficiency tools CECIIEPR Border Issues May 18, 2005 CEC requested EWG cosponsor this at SANDAG; will involve SANDAG Borders Committee 2006 Long Term June/July 2005 First step in public Resource Plan Kickoff discussion of State Meeting required energy planning process Renewable Energy September, 2005 Local Renewable Energy Study Complete Associated with SD Regional Energy Office "Solar Week" Legislative Briefing OctoberlNovember 2005 Presentation of Regional Energy Issues to local State Senators and Assemblypersons Develop input into 2006 leaislative actions Climate Change December, 2005 Organize jointly with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Advanced Metering and January/February 2006 SDG&E BPL pilot project Broadband over Power Lines