2005 01-04 Agenda CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA JANUARY 4, 2005 - REGULAR MEETING -7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE (MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIUPLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) ROLL CALL BOYACK, EMERY, HIGGINSON, REXFORD, CAFAGNA FLAG SALUTE DEPUTY MAYOR EMERY On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Cafagna presented a plaque of appreciation to former Council member Jay Golby. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Three people spoke under Oral Communications. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1 THROUGH 6. Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, seconded by Council member Rexford, to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 1. Ratification of Warrant Register for the periods of November 29 to December 3, 2004. (0475-20) 2. Rejection of Claim for Damages (1) Jeffrey & Carol Goodall. (0190-10) 3. Adoption of Resolution No. F-05-01, entitled, "A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Poway Public Financing Authority Waiving Its Annual Meeting." (0718-20) 4. Acceptance of the Community Road Widening Phase 2 Project (#1280) from McLaughlin Engineering & Mining, Inc. (0700-10) 5. Adoption of Resolution No. 05-001, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Commending Eagle Scout Michael G. Hansen," and Resolution No. 05-002, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Commending Eagle Scout Manuel V. Garcia." (0710-40) CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 4, 2005 6. Approval of Annual Redevelopment Agency Report for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 including an Independent Financial Audit Report and Opinion Regarding the Agency's Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Administrative Requirements Governing Activities of the Agency; the Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (State Controller's Report); and the State Department of Housing and Community Development Schedules A, B, C, D, and E; list of Property Owned by the Redevelopment Agency; Summary of Agency Expenditures. (Continued item to January 25, 2005.) (0410-10) Motion carried 5/0 for approval of Consent Calendar actions. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 7. City Manager announced new Poway resident, Timothy Alan Thomason, who was the first poway baby born in 2005. The City will present him with a $100 savings bond. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 8. None MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 9. MERRILEE BOYACK: Recommended that the City contribute towards relief efforts in Asia and asked staff to investigate ways to provide relief, especially through President Bush's relief campaign. Council concurred. 10. BETTY REXFORD: Commented on Poway's strong financial condition. 11. DON HIGGINSON: None 12. BOB EMERY A. Limiting Negative Impacts of Redevelopment Loans for Commercial Rehabilitation on Local Businesses. (0240-05) DEPUTY MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Discuss. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Deputy Mayor Emery asked staff to look at possibility of assisting businesses that are forced to move or close because of building refurbishments/renovations obtained through Redevelopment Agency loans. Council concurred. 13. MICKEY CAFAGNA A. Regional Governance update. (Removed from the agenda.) (0150-20) CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 4, 2005 B. Request for concurrence to hold a pre-development conference (PDC 04-06) for comment and direction on the extension of City water service to the eastern portion Poway. Harlan Lowe, Applicant. (0200-30) MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Concur to hold on February 3, 2005. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To hold pre-development conference on at the regular City Council meeting of February 22, 2004. C. Appointment of a City Councilmember representative to: Teen Issues Committee (1) Metro Commission (1) City Councill Poway Unified Joint Subcommittee (1) (0710-60) MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Concur with appointments. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Appointed Council member Boyack to Teens Issues Committee and Metro Commission; and appoint Deputy Mayor Emery and Council member Higginson to the City CouncillPoway Unified Joint Subcommitttee. ADJOURNMENT: The Adjourned City Council Meeting/Workshop scheduled for January 6, 2005, was canceled at City Council direction. The items to be discussed (Housing Solutions Presentation and the City Council Goals and Objectives) will be placed on a future City Council meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.