Item 2 - Transistion of Blue Sky Interpretive Services AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ .A) Robert A. Clark, Director of Community servic?>~R/ Peggy Stewart, Community Services Manager Belinda Romero, Senior Recreation supervi~ January 18, 2005 FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Transition of Blue Sky Interpretive Services from County of San Diego to City of Poway ABSTRACT The County of San Diego has operated the interpretive programming for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve on behalf of the City of Poway and the County of San Diego for ten years, With the planned future development of the Blue Sky Education Center, this report details the transition of the responsibility for interpretive services from the County of San Diego to the City of Poway is deemed to be in the best interests of all parties, This report details the transition plan. '- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT The FY 04-05 budget includes funding in Lake Poway Operations to cover Blue Sky Ecological Reserve interpretive programming, No additional appropriation is requested. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Tim Dillingham, State Department of Fish and Game, Renee Bahl, County of San Diego, Friends of Blue Sky Canyon. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION - N.\clty\share\agenda_sum.doc 7/1/03 1 of 6 January 18, 2005 Item # 2., CITY OF POWA Y AGENDA REPORT FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L, Bowersox, City Mana~ Robert A. Clark, Director of Community Services Peggy Stewart, Community Services Manager, Belinda Romero, Senior Recreation supervis~ January 18, 2005 TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Transition of Blue Sky Interpretive Services from the County of San Diego to the City of Poway BACKGROUND On July 11, 1989, the City Council approved participation in interpretive programming forthe Blue Sky Ecological Reserve through the California Wildlands Program and coordinated with the State Department of Fish and Game to provide public interpretive programming. On December 3 1994 the State Department of Fish and Game ceased providing services and the City and County of San Diego verbally agreed to continue the provision of Interpretive Services through County staffing. The County of San Diego has operated the interpretive programming for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve on behalf of the City of Poway and the County of San Diego since 1995 and at a cost of $45,000 per year. Over the past 2 years, the City and County have continued interpretive services, operating without a formal contract, and have been unable to agree to the structure of a contract. Over this time, the County provided a decreasing level of oversight and stated that all costs for the service must be covered by the City, raising the possible contract cost to an estimated $80,000 per year. In May 2004, the County formally requested that the City consider assuming total responsibility for Blue Sky, citing County budgetary issues, and the inability to provide part-time assistance to the Senior Park Ranger who would be assigned to the Reserve, With the planned future development of the Blue Sky Education Center and potential expansion of programming, both agencies concluded it was in their mutual best interests for the City to assume responsibility for interpretive services and the docent program. In exchange the County agreed to assume responsibility for the operation and funding of Goodan Ranch, 20f6 January 18, 2005 Item # Z, Transition of Blue Sky Interpretive Services from the County of San Diego to the City of Poway January 18, 2005 Page 3 FINDINGS The Community Services Department proposed to assume responsibility for Blue Sky interpretive services by adding an Interpretive Specialist position and a part-time Park Ranger position. Total costs, including labor, benefits, and operational items are budgeted at $76,749. The FY 04-05 budget contained an initial appropriation of $55,060 in Lake Operations for Blue Sky. On June 29,2004, Council approved an additional $21 ,689 to sufficiently fund programming and staffing, With the FY 2004-05 budget approval, City and County staff developed a 6-month transition plan. The attached document details each agency's responsibilities and the transition plan for the first 6-months of the fiscal year. To date, the Community Services Department has accomplished the following transition plan steps. · Joint announcement of the transition to the employees, volunteer docents, and the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon. · Coordination of a City - County meeting, held on September 23, 2004, with the active docent volunteers and the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon. · Transition of 26 volunteers from the County to the City by December 16, 2004, · Employment of a part-time temporary park ranger to continue programming and development of the job description and compensation for the full-time Interpretive Specialist position. The final steps of the transition plan include hiring the full-time Interpretive Specialist and a part- time permanent Park Ranger, and full review of all current interpretive programming and volunteer docent program components. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA Review. FISCAL IMPACT The FY 04-05 budget includes funding in Lake Poway Operations to cover Blue Sky Ecological Reserve interpretive programming. No additional appropriation is requested. 3of6 January 18, 2005 Item # Z, Transition of Blue Sky Interpretive Services from the County of San Diego to the City of Poway January 18, 2005 Page 4 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Tim Dillingham, State Department of Fish and Game, Renee Bahl, County of San Diego, Friends of Blue Sky Canyon. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. JLB: Attachments: 4 of 6 January 18, 2005 Item # t. MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, CouncHmember BETTY REXFORD, Councilmember CITY OF POW Al July 14, 2004 Renee Bahl, Director Department of Parks & Recreation County of San Diego 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite P San Diego, CA 92123 Dear Ms. Bahl: As you know, the County of San Diego has been operating the interpretive programming for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve on behalf of the City of Poway and the County of San Diego. With the planned development of the Blue Sky Education Center and expansion of interpretive programming at the site, both parties have determined that it is in their mutual best interests for the City of Poway to assume responsibility for the interpretive programming and the docent program. Following discussions between City and County staff, a plan has been developed to transition responsibilities within the next six months, which includes the following: 1. The transition period will begin July 1, 2004 and will be completed no later than December 31, 2004. The City will give the County a 30-day notice for the actual date of transition. 2. During the transition period, the City will pay the County $3,750 per month to cover the costs of staffing. and supervision. The County will maintain the two part-time positions at Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, with supervision by the Department of Parks and Recreation. 3. The County will bill for the second half of FY 03/04 services and for any and all outstanding charges by the end of July 2004. 4. The City and County will coordinate a joint announcement of this transition to the employees, docents, County Board of Supervisors, Poway City Council, Friends of Blue Sky Canyon, and, the media. l City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789. (858) 748-6600, 695-1400 @ f5nefc6RecycledPape, ATT~~N155 January 18, 2005, Item # z, . .' Renee Sahl Slue Sky Transition July 14, 2004 Page 2 5. The City of Poway will assume responsibility for the existing Blue Sky Ecological Reserve docent program. The County will provide a list of names and addresses for the existing docent volunteers. The County and City will coordinate a joint meeting with the active docent volunteers to announce the transition of the program and to sign up those who are interested in becoming a City volunteer. The City of Poway is grateful for all of the service provided by Mike McFedries, Maureen Abare-Laudy, Susie Wilbur, and Annie Ransom in the development of quality programming, the coordination of an extended docent program, and the provision of environmental and interpretive public education at Blue Sky. We look forward to working with them on a successful and smooth transition. On a separate matter, it was determined at the April 23, 2004 Goodan Ranch Policy Committee Meeting that having an increased presence at Goodan Ranch/Sycamore Canyon would be beneficial to the area. Due to the October 26, 2003 Cedar Fire, many archeological sites are bare, and the park remains closed to the public. The City of Poway has agreed to provide the Poway Volunteer Mounted Reserve Rangers to patrol Goodan Ranch during the interim period while it remains closed. It is anticipated that Goodan Ranch will reopen in August 2004. When the County of San Diego notifies the City that Goodan Ranch has reopened, the Poway Volunteer Mounted Reserve Rangers will return to their normal patrolling areas within the City of Poway and patrols within the Goodan Ranch area will cease. We are pleased to be able to provide this service. , To confirm our mutual understanding of the items outlined in this letter, I have enclosed two originals. Pease sign each original, return one of the originals to me, and keep the other for your records. Once I receive the signed letter, we can proceed with the implementation of the two plans. Sincerely, Accepted, ~~.~ Robert . Director of Community Services City of Poway Renee Bahl, Director Department of Parks and Recreation County of San Diego 6 of 6 January 18, 2005, Item # 2..