Item 3 - MDR 04-90 Fitch AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manai/f> INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services ff DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 04-90, Property Owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road/John Fitch, Applicants: A request for City Council approval of the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north ofthe poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential A zone. APN: 321-111-16 and 11. ABSTRACT This item was continued from the October 26, 2004, City Council meeting at the request of neighboring property owners to allow time to research legal access rights to Mina De Oro Road. The property owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and in the 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road, have submitted an application and are formally requesting City Council approval of a proposal to install an automatic (electronic) vehicle gate across Mina De Ora Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection for security purposes. The signed petition for the gate cites security issues having to do with automobile and residential break-ins and the dumping of debris and trash along Mina De Oro Road as problems that the installation of the gate would hopefully prevent (Attachment A). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuantto Section 15303 ofthe CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the construction of a small structure. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was mailed to the 9 applicants on this project, and to 27 property owners within 500 feet of the applicants' properties and Droperties located adjacent to Mina De Oro Road. RECOMMENDATION It is requested and recommended that the City Council provide staff with direction whether or not to proceed with the processing of a Minor Development Review Permit to allow installation of a vehicle entrY Qate on Mina de Oro Road. ACTION M:\pJannrng\04report\Gates\mdra0490 Mlna de Ora Gate~an 18 summary2.doc 1 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ~ CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members....~~. 0 he City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services j?' Patti Brindle, City Planner ~ Carol Rosas, Associate Planner ~ TO: FROM: DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 04-90, Property Owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road/John Fitch, Applicants: A request for City Council approval of the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential A zone. APN: 321-111-16 and 11. BACKGROUND In the initial project hearing on October 26, 2004, the City Council approved a 90-day continuance for this item to allow adjacent property owners, Mr. and Mrs, Menachem Shoval at their request, time to consult with legal counsel concerning access issues that may result from the proposed gate installation (Attachment B). During the 90-day continuance period, staff sent a letter in November 2004 to the nine project applicants and their representative, and to Mr. and Mrs, Shoval, to request that any additional project related information (i.e., letters, legal easement documentation concerning access rights to Mina de Oro Road, official court decisions) be submitted to the City by December 7, 2004 for inclusion in this report. At the time of the preparation of this report, no new project related information had been submitted. Therefore, the project information presented in the October 26, 2004, agenda report remains relevant and is attached (Attachment A). Letters from Mr. Shoval and the Shovals' consultant that were submitted for the October 26, 2004 public hearing are also attached (Attachments B and C), along with an e-mail letter dated December 9, 2004, that was received from Denny Keena, one of the applicants, about recent property damage experienced (Attachment D). Staff followed up with the Poway Sheriffs office to check on crime in the Mina De Oro Road project area. The applicants cited security reasons having to do with automobile and residential break-ins and the dumping of debris and trash along Mina de Oro Road as problems that the gate installation would hopefully prevent. Reported crime calls and actual cases on Eucalyptus Heights Road and in the 14800 block of Mina de Oro Road from January 2001 through December 14, 2004, were as follows: 2 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ,~ Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 2 . 34 total calls received by the Sheriffs Department Dispatch section for miscellaneous crime-related issues (i.e., false alarms, trespass, burglary, security check, disturbance, theft, suspicious person, vandalism). . Only 2 actual crime reports filed/prepared after deputy response and follow up to the 34 calls. FINDINGS To date, the applicants have not provided definitive proof as to all those with access rights on Mina De Oro Road from its southerly terminus at Poway Road to where it terminates at Highway 67. Mr. and Mrs. Shoval also have not provided definitive evidence of legal access rights (Grant Deed or court decision) over the subject segment of Mina De Oro Road. Should the City Council authorize the establishment ofthe requested gated access, at some time in the future another property owner may come forward to the City claiming access rights. The gate approval would put the City in the middle of a legal issue that would normally be handled as a civil matter. As presented in the initial October 26, 2004 project agenda report, the City Attorney has advised staff that the applicants for the gate across Mina De Oro could initiate a Quiet Title Action in order to resolve the legal access question. A Quiet Title Action is a lawsuit to establish a party's title to real property against anyone and everyone, and thus "quiet" any challenges or claims to the title. As stated previously, there is a concern that approval of the installation of the proposed Mina De Oro gate could preclude access by other unidentified rightful users and possibly would cause their rights of use to be taken away. In the event that the proposed gate is approved a condition of approval should be that priorto any project related permits or approvals from the City (i.e" building permit, grading permit) that the applicants complete a Quiet Title Action. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the construction of a small structure. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was mailed to the 9 applicants on this project, to 27 property owners within 500 feet of the applicants' properties or properties located adjacent to Mina De Oro Road. 3 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # .:3 Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is requested and recommended that the City Council provide staff with direction whether or not to proceed with the processing of a Minor Development Review Permit to allow installation of a vehicle entry gate on Mina De Oro Road. Attachments: A. Agenda Report dated October 26, 2004 B. Letter Dated October 25, 2004 from Menachem Shoval (with two letters attached) C. Letter Dated October 21, 2004 from Mitchell Berner D. E-mailed letter from Dennis Keena dated December 9, 2004 M:\plannlng\04report\Gates\mdra0490 Mina de Orc Gate\Mina de Orc Gate.jan 18 agd.doc 4 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # .3 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ .I ~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services /V ' AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: October 26, 2004 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 04-90, Property Owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road/John Fitch, Applicants: A request for City Council approval of the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential A zone. APN: 321-111-16 and 11. ABSTRACT The property owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and in the 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road, with the representation of John Fitch, have submitted an application and are formally requesting City Council approval of a proposal to install an automatic (electronic) vehicle gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection for security purposes. The signed petition for the gate cites security issues having to do with automobile and residential break-ins and the dumping of debris and trash along Mina De Oro Road as problems that the installation of the gate would hODefullv prevent (Attachment A, B and D). EN~RONMENTALRE~EW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the construction of a small structure. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was mailed to the 9 applicants on this project, and to 27 property owners within 500 feet of the applicants' properties and properties located adjacent to Mina De Ora Road. RECOMMENDATION IUs requested and recommendeo that the City Council provide staff with direction whether or not to proceed with the processing of a Minor Development Review Permit to allow installation of a vehicle entry aate on Mina de Oro Road. ACTION L M:lplannlng\04reportlGateslmdra0490 Mlna de Oro Gatelsummary2.doc 5 of 26 ATTACHMENT A October 26, 2004 Item # ~ January 18, 2005 Item # ~ CITY OF POWA Y AGENDA REPORT FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services r Patti Brindle, City Planner /U--' Carol Rosas, Associate Plahner c,VV'\'V TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: October 26, 2004 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 04"90, Property Owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and 14800 block of Mina De Oro RoadfJohn Fitch, Applicants: A request for City Council approval of the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential A zone. APN: 321-111-16 and 11. BACKGROUND City CouncilPolicv Concernina Gated Communities - In May 1998, the City Council established a policy that all requests for gated communities would require City Council consideration and approval (Attachment A). The objective of the City Council was to discourage gated communities because they were considered not to be in the best interest of the community. Since the policy was established, five applications for .gated communities have been submitted to the City for consideration. To date, the City Council has approved vehicle entry gates at the following four locations. An application for a gate across Creek Park Drive at the Bowron Road intersection is pending City Council consideration on October 19, 2004. . Two gates in the Old Coach Estates Planned Community (on Cascade Crossing - Approved October 2000 and on Old Coach Road - approved May 2001). . One gate at the entrance to the Umbria Estates residential project located near Poway High School on Umbria Way (approved July 1998). . One gate on Orchard View Lane at the entrance to Country Ridge Estates in the High Valley area (approved February 2004). The four referenced instances when entry gates were approved by the City Council involved situations where it was clearly documented by an established, long-standing master plan or intent to install entry gates (the specific plan for the Old Coach Planned Community references gated streets and the developers of both Umbria Estates and . Country Ridge Estates provided historical documentation). 6 of 26 October 26, 2004 Item # .!l.- January 18, 2005 Item # .3 - - - . Agenda Report October 26, 2004 Page 2 In accordance with a goal of the General Plan, which seeks to provide a safe, realistic, efficient, and integrated transportation system (Goal IV) to serve the present and future mobility needs of all the residents of Poway, since 1998 the City has implemented a City Council policy that discourages new gated communities. Per City procedures (Attachment A), it is requested that the City Council provide staff with direction whether or not to proceed with actions necessary to allow installation of a gate across Mina De Oro Road. Current Reauest - The property owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and in the 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road, have submitted an application and are formally requesting City Council approval of a proposal to install an automatic (electric) vehicle gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection for security purposes (Attachments B and.C). The signed petition for the gate cites security issues having to do with automobile and residential break-ins and the dumping of debris and trash along Mina De Oro Road as problems that the installation of the gate would hopefully prevent. Mina De Oro Road extends from Poway Grade approximately one (1) mile in a northeasterly direction to intersect with Highway 67 near the northeasterly boundary of the City. Residential development along the road is concentrated at either the improved southerly (by Poway Road) or northerly (by Highway 67) ends; the middle section of Mina De Oro is unimproved and while the precise alignment of the road is not mapped, a general alignment is shown on a variety of records on file with the City. Mina De Oro Road is a private road. An Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate the southerly leg of Mina De Oro Road where the vehicle gate is proposed was provided to the County in 1976 when the underlying Parcel Map 4857 recorded. The City has no interest or intention of the accepting the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication to make the subject segment of Mina De Oro a public roadway. The applicants have not provided definitive proof as to all those with access rights on Mina De Oro Road from its southerly terminus at Poway Road to where it terminates at Highway 67. Should the City Council authorize the establishment ofthe requested gated access, at. some time in the future another property owner may come forward to the City claiming access rights. The gate approval would put the City in the middle of a legal issue that would normally be handled as a civil matter. Proposed Gate DesiQn - The proposed gate would have a parting swing design, mounted on masonry columns and wowld be located on Mina De Oro Road, approximately 200 feet north ofthe intersection with Poway Grade (Attachment D). The proposed gate would be set back from the Poway Grade intersection enough to allow at least 9 cars to stack outside of the gate without interfering with traffic on the Grade. The Zoning Code requires that the maximum height of the gate, the side support walls and the wall pilasters not exceed a height of 6 feet. If the gate is approved the gate plans would be required to be revised to show that the gate and all associated support wall structures not exceed 6 feet in height above grade. 7 of 26 October 26, 2004 Item # q January 18, 2005 Item # 8 Agenda Keport October 26, 2004 Page 3 " FINDINGS During the past year, the City was contacted by Menachem Shoval, a project area property owner about access rights claims over the southerly leg of Mina De Oro Road (Attachment E). Per the easement information shown in the title report for Mr. Shoval's property, legal access to his site is not over Mina De Oro Road but through the Lucidi horse boarding complex located to the east. However, the Tecorded Parcel Map also shows a generalized alignment of Mina De Oro through his property. Mr. Shoval was advised by the City that his claim of access rights over Mina De Oro Road was not evident from review of the title report, and that his easement claims are considered to be a private property issue that may need to be resolved in a civil court setting. The City Attorney has advised staff that the applicants for the gate across Mina De Oro could initiate a Quiet Title Action (i.e" a lawsuit to establish a party's title to real property against anyone and everyone', and thus "quiet" any challenges or claims to the title) in order to resolve the legal,access question. As stated previously there is a concern that approval of the installation of the proposed Mina De Oro gate could preclude access by other unidentified rightful users and' possibly would cause their rights of use to be taken away. In the event that the proposed gate is approved a condition of approval should be that prior to any project related permits or approvals from the City (i.e., building permit, grading permit) that the applicants complete a Quiet Title Action. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the construction of a small structure, FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A courtesy notice was mailed to the 9 applicants on this project, to 27 prope.rty owners within 500 feet of the applicants' properties or properties located adjacent to Mina De Oro Road. RECOMMENDATION It is requested and recommended that the City Council provide staff with direction whether or not to proceed with the processing of a Minor Development Review Permit to allow installation of a vehicle entry gate on Mina De Oro Road. October 26, 2004 Item # 3- 8 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # (; Agenda Report October 26, 2004 Page 4 Attachments: A. Copy of Memorandum Concerning Gating of Streets Policy B. Vicinity Map for Roads in Project Area C. Petition and Letter from Applicants D. Site Plan and Gate Elevation E. Copy of Parcel Map 18327 with Legal Access of Mr. Shoval's Lot M:\planning\04reportlGateslmdra0490 Mina de Ora Gate\Mina de Ora Gate.agd.doc 9 of 26 October 26, 2004 Item # l January 18, 2005 Item # 8 ~~ Memorandum PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT l To: From: Date: Subject: Staff Reba Wright-Quastler, Director ofPIanning Services ~Jl September II, 1998 . Gating orStreets At least t!11til o1her direction is received, we will continue to forward all requests for gated streets to the Council. _ RequestS to gate existing streets should go to Council for direction before any engineering or design work'is done. The concept should be taken to Council as soon as 1he residents conoemedhave reques~ed gating. We will not make a recommendation pro or con, rather reconunendation will be ~provide staffwith direction whether or not to proceed with studies and actions necessary to vacate the streets to.allow installation of g-ates". For new projects 1he issue should be addressed in 1he staff report and resolution. If no gates are proposed but streets will be private, a condition should be included that specifiCally requires- Council .. approval prior to installation of any gates on the streets. If gates are proposed, that should be specifically discussed in 1he staff report and alternative-conditions presented fur. Council consideration ( .(both allowing and specifically not allowing 1he gates). . . ~ - e., ~.~ ,. ., 10 of 26 October 26, 2004 Item # q January 18, 2005 Item # ~ { ~ >- 1 r \ VICINITY MAP, FOR ROADS IN PROJECT AREA 11 of 26 I 'I 11\\ I-- October 26, 2{)04 January 18, 2005 J I i- t z. E :0:( () o -1 UJ I- '<( (!)- o UJ CI) o Q..., o a::: Q... > if " .. t~d . .). . .j1 ,'{,.t..... '?'. ~ i ;;! Item #~ . Item # ,.., Mina De Oro Road Security Gate Petition We, the undersigned, petition the City of Po way to approve the Minor Development Review (MDRA) for the construction of a security gate on M:ii1a De Oro Road, a private easement road located off of Po way Road. The residents who live on Mina De Oro Road (off of Poway Road) and Eucalyptus Heights Road have experienced break ins to their homeS' and cars, we are continualIy picking up beer cans and debris left behind by people who park along our S'treets at night and trash and other materials that people dump in our neighborhood. As a result, we desire to construct a S'ecuritygate as shown on the attached plans to prevent intruders ttom entering our community. 14875 Mina De Oro Road 14825 Mina De Oro Road 16071 Eucalyptus Heights Road -.... --- , r J-. ~"""A-5' ...- '" sf e.....-. 16041 Eucalyptus Heights Road /(Po~'f 6vCALyff<.J(' tfgcO#'N ~ . ~,. ~ ,. d . f 01')'" ~. . . ~. .... ~ October 26, 2004 Item #~ 12 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # .3 r-- q(8"~r 7b wk.J1 'C~~ tJ.e, f~ C4-)t(P1 ~ff)A...J ~J 1 f(PtJ{{ ea~3f-l<<-.s Ht6, b,J~ Ct1-1 P-''';t / Mr~ /'J1ftk.J l~ ~ w-t'- t1A-l'.- ~ r:: ( fA- . ~.~ ~4 ~l- ffL - ~se.d/~ t/ wt I~ c1t-&rt> ~ Pd -t2-d. '0 MM*- 3~/-1(1-/"-()(). -K~~ / ~-'7;: y~ 13 of 26 October 26, 2004 Item # q January 18, 2005 Item # :3 - -- . . - <~ ~o:: i3~ wO Uw ~o t-<C z~ w:E a::!;(~ o I ~~C! CL~~ ;;iz::!: g~~ ~:s:~ ~o1( O~IL UI-O - Wtil). t-a::t- Ci5U::u ...... .... III!! - - -. .. 14 of 26 i~' . ,IT i . I ~~i if i !g \ II!I ~:~ I ~ l___~ ita .~ ~ I~!! 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Ts ' vVl fJtKv,e. )..,e.t:.'9L f)~~,R.$.5 f\;t1)''krr"P/7 1'1./'Y?~ 0/ tPro Tp pJLf( /Q.!> I7c/fES 2~y1JJ rh/L1 Lt:Jcl9~..d d#Ly 19}p)<T ",be )!~r"'-' /J vV>,;;, tloliJhl PI' Th,( /v?Jfirfclc--r;',p/V. of f?;'v1&.. ~~ 0 rv Cl ~ LJ ? P J,N/l)l I?. 1.> /1 t:) I 11'1'> T /) 11 / .1; ~ tJ-.;::) 7;< (?/'" rh/-E IIYTEI/. $l-cT,'L'/V/ IF I')l'l'rp J.ji?1J vV L /.' 7 .I oU {) E~/n/ na E L! tl-1l2 /J c t:!JS' ,-h~7'....v"i Htfl ~/< rp , (fPIlIJ fJ",t> "..,LL E;=;=-lE'c7 LJ H/n~ ()"t LPrO t/uA r /"p ~,Rr7Y Cl '?CJ 71-< ::r1-t1Y\ ., q <::..[_t.a_. ,nl~, '''''Ii 16 of 26 ATTACHMENT B January 18, 2005 Item # 3 . , F r P I'll r'l51 &> F &> 'Tj,~,. d> &A/' YJ.-e ,.. .r '2 - - I1JY1ft. f)~ c>;p /(pJ9 j) 15 0 ~ ,;: rNz z> LO"R,S7- /(t1>,t}JH IN 5'/1# f)/E.?4' (8 H,'LT /'" '7-'< .>?C........ ./ t? g.6 4.1..6t.J. ,T .sTar7 Frp/7 jDpvv/9Y ftL?/l~ /# So,,7~ Ot.."'O - .E JlD S 47 J/,:?h ...vi9Y <5'7 /'1 7h"e /'ItJ /"7h - /# /)1.1. L.R. ;;'-91 /"1/l;>~ IT /9 fl'/-te.r- U 14'1/'< 7:zJt14Y ~ ~ Its Ex/~7;''MJ HI;v-4 OE ~/.t;? jr.p/jf) , Thl- pf/ /1"t.:rp r-/Ty /1Y /2 $"' of H/'YI~ LY- tP,p fil.t>A)LJ , IS /J<::;-~s La'" ~ ;1 /Z.t>/lt). Ft>/ iJv F t? (( t? J/"R- ;- / Q ?> Y~-'t r- .$ ~ .F I J; /.$ L~ t.-, t:J f r /0 / 'T c9 t1;' 1/f-'t /Jr- cP i"?> '" ...., pf " , \ v--.ry v 7'.,d) 6'- .tP J;l. f) "';l )?/ k ~ I,?/ ,;Y ;Z <::t r- S (fl. L L rJ,,,R C> lA/ v?~ ,.. -' Z IJh L,Itj ~ / y-v?,--R u ~ L> T.t>P.& v/"'/Y tJ~ C//,e> fiC>4.~ Th/ /9j3I'''! ;~/? ~ 7' Fu;- ;'YI~/7t&-<:! L /'/ Th; ~ c..79 7:t: ~iTE<; /~ S,-R,cu,;T/ /$>'u'&s Cll/>.o /)J..o...,~;YJc. t1! r DE P /?;,~ $ # i4 t:7 'T/'.A..~ It /) 1. t? Y1 of 1-7/'1'1 d( ;CJr< pIt-> Xo/JD // /) I~ Th~ /fjZp,,s 0# ~ 7h~?- Ih~Y vt/a117 7h/5' (J.-/9fE'. JVI I1;Vl~ , c ; / 0-7~ J J?? V /~ VV' t!> ~ P p L./' C.-R. fC.R fJ b /' 7$ For- c..r/~~ Of< .' t1>r& ~OA{) s-ht;?<-1/S )Vb EX c;..L;o7 C> "'Y< Ti~ 7' h 4. '/ . 17Y V7,R /;ri ~t>I<r- 17 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # 3 ~;LJ/,,-e [) tfE Ftf1r- t::>tA. Ii/JiitIIf- CO/1,-1'. Tt9 T)/'?~ 10 t9V1 /?y QP?~ /' /"'1 'tM- c CL pw,.( AFJ/c r 'ih/ 1'/<'/'<< " . r-.P C'P/7/ ~ I.-( /lj();"',R ?-- r r.><' Sf' I' "l .s' f~' ~ ~ vv';' 'ij" ~ t?' / ..,L. ~ '" (;L:IaS hY C>l.A/t4 L~L'ft:J P ~ · ~ ~. ,tV /:-,-Jr,~" 7:": t! (A/ jJ.aL.'~,L .o/"~ 19 r-;-/ c!''/ ~ 8u7 IT 7b"k $D /7'r< c.tP""v/'f/7t!'/ 7h/ jOe>LJ'("/ rh.,.z-a-'-"- LauLJ .1! {hiS /lft;>/'.-R.... 0"1 ~;V-/' L- a ~ LJ "" "''' 1'A/ r- 7/ ~J2 ,p~ 'T""eJ :/1'- " r- Q"'" -:? rh ~ or r h" /', D<< 7D h.Y L~ n/.) 7':> ,IJ r/'-/~:;:>-- /?~ IV #.";;t!' bO<d- <: k /<< '" W h .If rhJZ pun,?/V1; c:>F r/'~$), 0 1/1 p/""~' p~ (!>/"'O /<t?lItJ flp!,I'F'" 0 P" LJ/ c!>'" frY L0<4 <J ""."" 'II> ih/ ,5/$/ c>/' frY '" ",<>~k<bC..tO 8 y Th,< "-b..,'Tr-~e7pr-~ Th~/ 1}<<;.'6 Th-< H,,;>HMS o~ EuCIJDI''T'd fie,'~ j-/;c1h,-i!'/ fib"," ~h;c" I $ / j./ J' ,. tJJii rhR /' /"-d /'6 f/ <J tJ-.'9/ E LP L I> 7/ bk ; I ttfPF Hf'LtJ r-h,f' To C L/ettV1 7hE$s II tt> 17/ D t.<./ t-t/ I'- 5 , K)j2 p~~.s A utJ rJ,R L ;0 t:: I:J H~ y.:1P"'~ t ( o 1-1".e // P H/ ~ l.,:/ i-tA? /'- //'1 7h,~ L a$ T 1.5 )?pl'Z/h C L:> V1,!Z '//'-w<::T.,'o r? DE,t3fi/E-S DlA.. /'1f>~O tf/l1?Y 7>'/7r€$ ~;v I1)Vl~ 18 of 26 12.e 0 r 0 If <(1) /J .0 -::r t<5T p~F.tPr ~ January 18, 2005 Item # 8 l/ - rh,..t EY'//'-A' r>,c/ T& C> t-1 ;>.t-{;- /" ~~ ~ F /'L:>/7 EfVT,R/'/n.,J' I1Y L 4 J-dl . ()~ t:>r-~ IC?Lt-"o# fI~ /JL$o /7..>1 La- '" .0 Tt:> s To!' 11/ -+h J 111' VI 4f J rpu:L11 13 Lv <:P/z{) /1Y .8147'/'.)1 tA/)7A fi.C)C~ .r" -r h a H ;..- .(' (J,. 0 LJ 'tyR /'/ f-A./ c'u' /V'L.> E /':7~ 1"6-,R .." e Y c:JI-t F ;' If ,K: t::/ I ;' Vl;)'U I" )I d VI /? y 1..A: ... 0 t::/ J< .,-hR Z a L'I LJ ,AI ~ d r /'-7/.../' dP"I 51 ; 14 (~ 7ivz ;;"17'/'Y vv<<.r 8Lbe;C-~o /Lt,.<c-"Rj..t<y 4....,LJ 1-1 C? F / /"R ;:>;:;. It 7;R r t::/ ~ /J h /5 k <. At) ~ <',At' CPtAL.o C-c/'?~ /0 /7.:>1 /.cAc:~ LJ ''T'v ,'-n '.~--( D ;r--.~ rh;-Ol-{' 1'7/14-'1:: ;::J~ C])r-o /f6'.-4,cJ &t:: I I 7 h i$ 1V);e /;J; bi!1> r C! L..:!! ; ff ,,'11/ rh <-7'- //". '?? 4 .t:>~ d)/,-o./ 1/1/OI/{ 1"1 Y .L~h O.J ,B<b ~ a ~ /I/h 4'. ~.tJ //~ E v,..eL1 C r/-~'7;ctO !fc;)AO F/'Oh /7/u"t O~ c> re;? to ///'S /> 1^--C'~~/'-7Y ).Ire ~ r /'7.Y Zq Vl~ / L L..rt 6-- 4 .<. <.)1 A "t ~ /J 6'-.4,: n .:f T .,.. h)< F"'9 <:::' ?-- ih4:/' /7~f> ;5'::S8"S"" L.L/-"'</'/Y $A,'LJ 'Jh.k?' 1/1 b f?, b/) L) . cPt"- /J <:: ~~,s {' /J,; S N::zh 6 <1.>i!</'- C ~." f/a{/~ F ;-bh /7".'1/1 "'f: 0;<. d)/"-e> fie:. 4,& (I 5"~1'- Pit:. 7<-</i'p' > DV7~ (7;;:T~. hI J ~ 'nR..#~ pe>r PH I9fJ/'~: !2tt>Oi( C~(-.fl 7d /1Y L4:."O C"Le./OA-;-c1, /T /> Blu:.c....J1 /b> h/i'? t:!J.l-<h 7/'r.la./.rlr-, TIP kill J1",t I./' I ",v,'Le. .....p7 L . ,. I1Y 1 P" /) I , ~a..t/t vJh/l.-< hI~ ~~ puT 11/> . /;!R4..() 0'-' hY f~ /J ai? f) ,S'RYI,vc;. r;>S"c:-,{jq.........,. V1$. ?,/'-tP 7hr,.4A7;k...,':'l fIIYCJI9,,- <::P!1/1-R,..."/-A;" I~ M...e. 19 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # 3 "",. TAc:Jt.V1#.> (j'-b() HY SpVl (/\/"~S V1P/ ~ F p r I) vv"lY C!-H!J 0't'LJ 196 ~ 7'.0 f/~Cl.;- 1M.. s c r~e!'( VV' -' VI/, t:t /;t t:J If U H /.c> )-/,J2.<! /' h,.e . v/h,Rw I~ V'.l-~hbPM" $AJV j4Y gpt.-t ;fU"'''/~ II~ ,A/I' TAR $U IJ,O,.< V? v.-I '/ H~.j <: ,&~~ '1-h~ Bp,IJ,Rr /0 ,hI~'s Lal.1~ Vl-7L..,:/ /loHA'. ~V1{) c:'A.// /0-,( ;?d>L/"(/( Ft1r Jrr'?-~>;o"'3~_~,..'~ rh,'.t' /-S 7h,R Try1f ~/J~$/~ t9r /9~;--I''I. e~7' TI,fl.~plr'<:fl Cbfr~ /.t> ~,--/'-,R57 /'7',R:, :r Ex,Pl~/N..-R.tJ tlwtJ pr()v/-JJ ip 7h~ f'p).,/"('~ 'The:r7 r AI . ,~ &<Y"< ~4 I7Y }../['" t) . ~~JIJ ;J.L.s {? 10L /,J /h~ fA- 7h,tr..'T /// '7hr-~(f!J( ~ ""e~ TP f!,,-lL H.,,-e. Th~ f>/'.<:!/C/fC ,:!/)/,IJ n~?- 2 gh&pL tl V1l~/!.A-/LJ jJ r- r:. p.~,.tI 'Th&!./- h".<' /~ )rr-- , \A LY ~I>.! . A!/k", ..... t!'., r <.e f),.'!J '\..1>> T ()~ a..'.-/Y 7Q/f..tr ? Abpu'T"" I?Y C".t'I''/I~.!I9/ A.--1F (/ . . c:y,t:: ,It'''' Tfi/Z- f.h> Tr',;R s-r (>/1$..$ "."",1 /J2.t>w! flu T j!')R: <'f!. A ....L., ~f"~.Jr lup/, --1, \. I .i..' Ie' 0'> ~t;>'';i to ~'d..L r~aewhlv"-"l. V""'-& - d b......., ut Th<e.r eJ,\.Il n" ~"!~,,_ j4='91'cdl tNe,,"y 14 I)r:V/ Thf?-JI' ~a/".sj1. 'f?Avr~ ~..t1 E- ~I'.f",; ?)-' a:....td fC)..t.)c.'/ "V'I/!l>.yLt/ frPJ>.cPLJ If Y . f.;;kr ~P"" t.--?P TI"/!'sS,J'I/) :;f>'M / (: tJtJ.wr 1N9,~J.,J;?o..,;, \-lS.ft1 ""'~ luio\.ot +0 walk i'ke:r lCi.r<Je io')~ - ofter\ l-e It''''s tkf'"", ltH)se, "J tl/u-"e fi /''; '.0 #';1 t /,pp/r7.Y j1Jv7A.. p~ c>/"c> 1ft>/)tJ ,'r. /)boV,/ ,?t:?CJ YM.""~ LC'VI,j' C:U10 E.NtJ t9 \.-? H Y V,:e c /j~' T Lkl.-t./:.J A'. L.. tJ tlN~ C".... // /VI/'"'L' I;/C-"""~.S/!.f tD"< l..y ( fUt! 111./Y'/U i H/'jth/27 j(c>~t) h I'? L::; D /?bc>L(/' '3 tP D )fA:.. r 1J 1-17 lA j tf9 n I:J JI~ L;R.. /),L4 LJ E V1 t:J e> N '""- / I V~I"_y T;)lL fll.!,!.}. t!'l'v/IJ Sl.x I/C'/-I,$',e~ ~..... ;/ 20 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ,:3 -rhr'~ l? H~tL-~~~ vV/:'i.,,/l' TJ> 11ft-V?- (..,.-hrU-~ tlLr-...R. 7'J;yt/t' S:,H Ehl'./Y 1.b7i . 7',,-7/J1. f'~5>;6.L,e Ijph~,5 i.> Ie>) I . . C tl VI Yc> V( J HA!.1/ VI/!- ThA-/ EV~ rY Uk lj>7~ a>F Lh-VI f) ~;e TE/V tJ~h,l.s J)/ ?.tPvVt/9Y \/,/,/LI- /vt,gT/3l.L 17 t9-1J.Ti: F~r- s~("ur/;-Y ~ ~fI( :; t!> V1 ? Q 1 1/1./' h.At. 7' #-./ n ,() ,p ,r _ e> - I) J-.-9 /'-R. /~) , !/&1!. v~ I;: /! v~rY I?' !hI'- /-7 $ fZ- if ,B.R.// / HD tJ--rJ. ~ $ r:(~ c:! / '7Y vv~ t..v,..'L L F;9n;<J~ C.L~~/Z . , p~ L/ L;f ~ Vt tJ F ,.;f~ b.<? t:t-...6<< Tb p.t-' FA?/ E Vlb1<tJlh. .,. AI. L--<' ..., r' '/'y ,p F T Jut t'H'/ C'!.p HPU ~,,' T:Y s~ r Y',..' <:;R s; vVr '.I. L.... V1 t:1J' 7' rnczr-p"" ~ y ~,..<.ri/'/"C~ S J..! LP "/ 7' ~ J7,..e" "" ?-'" '<X> ..., 7h A;, r- ~)/./ C!l '-"/J F#~": rI/ ~~ lA/,...' .,( -< VI d) r Ex:)..,g;-- I I IF f hR. V?rf fA/ "~I AH_-7 t9 /,?C-F/,..e.s L!>t..? ft-<C/>l</jeJ/J-Cf. J-//rJ-hl I\OJ)/J r/'V"^CL<-.7 'J.~('LU.,.7)I rhj2" ~hY 7),jl >' vv"l.<! L V) c!, T )0$/;9./1 C't;> L-1 "D / /'. '-.""- ~ ~ <; 0 S-a..7;? at(i>U"'LJ Ek<:,A /t-t/.}'V'OP'9./ /' I' /', .<;, ~c>~5'-k?; IJrPU'10 lAY L -r-I,,? II ~<4lJ / n", r,R;~ /9/" L &'4,~ 7"- lI~D .r- . . /J ('r~_s ""F U~,M~lb;tJ~ tJ L~( YI HII-14' L)t? c:>' ''/ ~ ~ /Y e>t'IO '" 0,.--..."11> /~ 7-11/ C)""'!Y 1--14//-<,,/;1<- L:,.-){, ,.S' ./ ~ Y1 '9' J(> FIA/ur,R! ::,~:/,~:iJ /6 s~rV~ 'Th~1'? /.., ThX 21 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # 5 -;?! Thfl ~;7Y )VI-f!./J Ie> J..o~f: F~I'-/"'J/J.~tJ 7'LJ TA/ FuTv(l"/ C!-l. L4fJ f>~I')J.t jhl FUI/A.;~ 0-- ,of i' IA/ 7)., ~ V( tJ If If> 19 IJ> F p r- Yt!' v./ J7 C? fr / .s 1M ThI vJ /1)1 -rh"r </JiLl #,LR /' r1ul !3 Fllu 7)1 ~.,,2 TN? f>~.J./<:Y / F'/";f~ ~ ~ M~ ~ h j u {f5J VI c/ f..,-e. " 1/';' C;.(' .! F 1"7-/ T~ n.p ~ IJ~ 0/1 tX.$ /7:r 19~/V\ C'/,,/,,''':iE!~ V"J /'-'1 fA/ Va-I' I~ ~.c.f f> /"J I"- r;-- p /' ~ e ,. 7' Y , ct ""IJ . )1-'; 11;;1 tJ>/'/IA/,tJ...... J/r\-f""r I ~ / /? fJC) If 7;&. VI r ;g 7'rJ? .(' / r-- ,r-, / -b I"- ,{),( v/~, (>17/"''!- &A" rh. <! "'7.)', .o,R to ;-c:!J If c> ;f. ~ 7'M F t-L 7' LA /'- .--k? T h f C /' 7)J #.4' J' II? If J-V C/ <: "IJ,6 ,(.~ a> ~ /"' ~ ,r- ~"" /1r'1-1k ,o~ & ra> ;fc::>,'? tJ ~'W r.J /l-( ThR F fA Tu".-/ T~t <: ;' 7;J I/r"lA7' /7""- t;:-f ,l-/6h/ Y TPI/~ k-,(' ) T ftAh,z/(' ;fLJ>,A I'J tPr 1//1,)/ i~ 3c>H~ C?;:: 7h/ {Vu/hj!" s ~F ;h/ L~L" /:J /~~'}- 1'7' ~ i V)i' <::' /) VI '/ 'V? 0 IA/ v-V' /' '.! L J.,< /P ~ .(A' )1"'c:.' ,..f ..1J /,;J'-", -;At' ~?~V1/y ;h4. 7' f1,: Vl Of .or< I? c) I'J /) I , VI,'?/: b~ JJ /e..> 17;t:1( k/ cD f' 0 /fD/9 ~ )<J i2.,;9 ) /v" P" / .J . vt." h y' t>-< b <. /' C' , /'6 ~ L cD fA' r-h..1C ;9 P1 0 /CI /9 < <' CJ 0 (J, /9 << '7' ~ " e>/Y 7>'0 VI 5 22 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ,3 ~ + After discussing the issue of blocking access to MilIa De Oro Rd. for safety reasons with Menachem Shoval I decided to make a calI to the Poway Sheriffs Department to check on the crime issues affecting safety in this area. On 10(25/2004 I spoke with Ted of the Crime Prevention Desk at the Poway Sheriffs Department. We spoke about the details of any crimes in this area and what I was looking for and he said "there will be very few cases, probably only vehicle vandalism since most of the people in this area are parking their cars and walking along the nature trails in this area but I will run a detailed search and call you back." At !0:45am he called me back with the details. He informed me that he ran a search ITom January 1, 2004 through October 15, 2004 in the area near the intersection of Po way Rd. and MilIa De Oro Rd. in Poway and these are the only incidences that occurred since the beginning of the year: I. Officer was calIed out regarding a Well-Fare check, no one was home. 2. There were 2 incidences of traffic hazards; rocks, cars, trees blocking the road one incidence in June and one in July, 3, Accident - Non-injury reported, 4. Reckless driving incident at intersection of Po way ReI, and MilIa De Oro. 5. False alarm in April on Eucalyptus Heights Rd. 6. Vehicle vandalism in March on Eucalyptus Heights Rd. 7. Tress-passing in April on/or near Eucalyptus Heights Rd. I am concerned about the fairness to all that will arise ITom putting up a gate for only a few to have access too. I am also very concerned about the safety of my fiiend and family while enjoying their land along Mina De Oro, without this public access the Police, Fire Department and others will not have easy access to the property. This area was in the middle of our most recent fire devastation, without proper access would this area have been more damaged? Poway is a beautiful open area and I believe it should stay this way. S~y,~ 'i5'~. Culver 23 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ::3 . -- / r/ d t I .~ ~' '. 'J; Ja.nuary ~~n 1~~~\ D ',vI \0'Qjl( \ I TO: HOnORABLE: 3JARD OF SJPEHVI50RB FROM: com~TY PLAnNING COI'J!ISSI0.N REFERENCE: 12-1-"-7 (g9) ~h1s 1s 1n.answ~r to your letter ot Deoember 5. 19"-7. in regard to vaoating two. port1ons ot Count,. Road D-9. uh1ch has beeh superseded by Road Survey 110. 472. ':'bat: oerta1n easement tor a portion ot County Road Survey No. 472 in Seotlon g. 'l'ownsb.1.p 11i- South, nange 1 deals only with an 1m!::rovement on ourvature. At tbe Eaatur1y end 0 D-9 the road has been relocated by County Road Survey Ho. 472. , That porti.on to be vacated 1s deecribed aa follows: That oertain.publ10 road in Sect10n 4, T. 14 5., R 1 W., S.B.B~' & n., known a.s Oounty Road D-9. from the north U.ne at Oounty Road Survey No. 472, accordi.ng to the plat thereof onf'l1e 1n the. Clf'rlce .ot the Surveyor otSan D1ego Oounty. northeasterly to the north line of' the SEi of' the REi of' said Seot1on 4. I Upon ti.e1d l.nvest~at1on the committee observed tbatthe ve.Clltir- 0 these two portions ot County H.aad D-9 ,,'ould not proMb1 t egrest d ingress to a County road. -,.-....... ....-...... . .".".........._"....~ ~-~--....-..._""'.~~Jo_,,..;...-w.....,.~ ~...~'"'~I>'- At its re~llar meeting of' January 9; 19~. the Planning Commission recGmmended. the vacati.on of' the two portions. SAR DIEGO CO!J'R~Y PLANNIRG OOHlaSSION By Lorin H. Deew211. Eng1neer . L\iD: , \i "IJC and EnCl. to County Oounsel - , +; ~'b 0- b g; ,-/8 v fV(?7c -rh! 'II ( ;> 7/0 IV _.' WP~. iI VJ v,T' j">1'-~~ 6- /; 6- If. t::":;., s.- (/{ " ;;::J I .1" .... J^..... T . nv-""{:'s.I 57'! I' 'Pt.""'?',)! f(('>/9~. 'L. (' <I'~ " 6- t:J T K L-< /11 I-? "I' oj{ ,,~;.;-.t'.), 24 of 26 January 18, 2005 Item # ::3 f.!~, .' Distributed October 22,2004 Thursday, October 21, 2004 The HonOrable Mayor Cafagna and Members of the City Council Attn: Jeanne Bunch, Intelim City Clerk City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 HAND.DELlveRED AND FAXED: (858) 668.1207 Subject: Item #9 on the Council's Agenda of Tuesday, October 26, 2004: Minor Development Review 04-90, property owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and 14800 Block of Mlna De Oro Road, John Fitch, Applicant. A request for approval of the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential A zone. APN: 321-111-11 & 16. (0200-25) Dear Mayor Cafagna and Members ofthe City Council: On befualf'oHI.>1r. and Mrs, Menachem Shoval, owners of the affected Parcels 321-110-25& 32.1-111 -02, I _)artt-Wfi~"t!9TeSpeCtfuIfY'T~uest a9Q.-day continuance on Item 9 from the 'Council Agenda of Tuesday, October 26, 2004 because the application, if approved, would eliminate legal access the Shovals have to Mina DeOro Road. We were retained last night by the Shovals, and need the additional time to review with Legal Counsel the impact the proposed gate would have on the Shoval's property and access rights. Because we will not have adequate time to hire Legal Counsel and to allow Legal Counsel time to obtain the necessary legal documents and to review them prior to Tuesday night's City Council meeting, we would respectfully request a 90-day continuance on this item in order to more formally prepare for this hearing. We are riot aware of any time-sensitivity or urgency to this application or to the Council's consideration of this item. For these reasons, we request the 90-day continuance to fully ensure that the Shoval's legal access rights to Mina De Oro Road are fully documented and provided to City Council and City staff prior to the next public hearing. I will be present at the Council meeting to address Item #9 in person. Thank you in advance for your consideration and the courtesy of a continuance. . s~~ Mitchell Bemer, ~~nt - Public Solutions cc: City Manager James Bowersox City Attorney Tamara Smith Direcior of Development Services Niall Fritz tma.fIPI~er C8I'ol~8sas October 26, 2004, Item #9 . HOW DO YOU REACH THEM? 25 of 26 402 W. Broadway, Suite 1050 . San Diego. California 92101. . P 619.501.3660' F 619.501.3667 ATTACHMENT C January 18, 2005 Item # :3 . Page 1 of 1 Dear Bob Hahn, I e-mailed you last night regarding the designated horse trail on my property at 18058 Eucalyptus Heights Road. After I sent the message I went out and observed my property atlhe area in question. As you we. know, Mr Manny Shovel contacted you last week 10 complain about my lack of Maintaining the horse trail. You also sent out employees 10 photograph the area that was being tergeted. I called you and we had a discussion about my property, you advised me that the area lIad goUen a Iftjje rougherltlan /twas wilen we agnIed (0 tITe Irorse!rall easement at my property. I immediately got heavy equipment In and spent 6 hours improving the conditions In 'mal 1111118 \1) COTI1fII1 ~ \M ~ \)f P-'1'~ .~. 01\ ~2n~ tAf SOO>IQI e.ge.iI\ Iwod ~ dbj oftd6Is lain him on my property again, including yourself, as you well know when you left my property, I approached you and asked If my W01k bad satisfied the needs of the city re9ardlng the horse trail. You told me that you felt I was in compliance regarding the horse trail easement. Yesterday 12/8104, the very next day, Mr Shoval with numerous people ceme to my property and drove a 4 wheet drive vehicte on my property where I hed just perfunned the work to comply with your demands. He hes damaged the property with excessive ruts, as it was reining that day and his oversized tires have destroyed the smooth surface that I worked hard to provide. He elso than drove onto Mina De Oro Road and driving rnadtf, he spewed mud Bxcesslvefy a" over the road, it'llie city nowhBs any issues wtth runoff, and concerns for the storm drains, I do not feel responsillle for It, as Mr Shovel deUberately Oam1lDW my JIIopeTty ant! CIIfUSe6 ront>ff'mal 'I'IYa'f ant! up In ~\'j ~~ ~\\'&. \ 'aW> ~ t\\e O;)un\'j ~ Dept. today to flle a complaint regarding damage to my property. I am also going to give them your name in f9{JBTd8 to dIr9ctJon J was gWlNI by )'DV fo compJy, and the fact that I did so, prior to the deJlberate dam8ge that Mr Shovel did to my property. Sincerely , Denny Keena 16056 Eucalyptus Heights Road Poway, CA 92064 CC: John Fitch, Larry Murnane (peterson and Price Law Finn), Carol Rosa ( Planner, Poway) RECEIVED DEC 0 9 2DD4 CITY OF POWAY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES http://mail.isp.netscape.com/email/scriptslcompose.pl ?EV 1 = 11 0260 14168238220 12/9/2004 26 of 26 ATTACHMENT D January 18, 2005 Item # :3