Item 7 - Flashing Beacon School Zone Device TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development services' January 18, 2005 A Resolution Establishing Two Flashing Yellow Beacon School Zone Devices on Twin Peaks Road Between Midland Road and Espola Road ABSTRACT Traffic Engineering staff received a letter from an area resident who expressed some safety concerns regarding traffic on Twin Peaks Road, near Twin Peaks Middle and Tierra Bonita Elementary schools. In her letter, the resident indicated that she is worried about some of the drivers, who are mostly school parents, making U-turns on Twin Peaks Road in front of high speeding traffic, which could cause accidents. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW L This action is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT Appropriate $12,000 from the Signal Revitalization Project Account (1331A) to cover the cost of the improvements, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notification has been sent to property owners near the subject segment, the Poway Unified School District, along with the principals and the PT A at both nearby schools. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution to establish two solar- powered, flashing yellow beacon school zone warning devices on Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road and Espola Road. ACTION L M:\engserv\traffic\Agenda 04\Twin Peaks btw Midland Rd & Espola Rd\agenda summary.doc 1 of 8 January 18, 2005 Item # 1 CITY OF POWA Y AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. FROM: Honorable Mayor and Memberz ~~e City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ' tt: Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services r Javid Siminou, City Engineer P _~ Zoubir Ouadah, Senior Traffic Engineer Carl Hickman, Assistant Engineer, Traffic . TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: A Resolution Establishing Two Flashing Yellow Beacon School Zone Devices on Twin Peaks Road Between Midland Road and Espola Road BACKGROUND In September 2004, Traffic Engineering staff received a letter from an area resident who expressed some safety concerns regarding traffic on Twin Peaks Road, near Twin Peaks Middle and Tierra Bonita Elementary schools (see Attachment B). In her letter, the resident indicated that she is worried about some of the drivers, who are mostly school parents, making U-turns on Twin Peaks Road in front of high speeding traffic, which could cause accidents, Traffic/Site Conditions Twin Peaks Road is classified as a four-lane Major Arterial that runs east/west through the City of Poway with over 23,000 vehicles per day on the subject segment. Twin Peaks Road along the segment is 80-feet wide with two vehicular and bike lanes in each direction, a 14-foot Two-Way-Left-Turn Lane (TWL TL), and a parking lane along the north side of the street. The posted speed along this section of Twin Peaks Road is 45 mph with an 85th percentile, or prevailing speed, of 48 mph. There are existing 25 mph signs "When Children Are Present" for the school zone. The surrounding area is primarily residential on both the north and south sides of the roadway; however, there are other types of usage in the area, The Poway Unified School District has offices and parking lots on the north side of Twin Peaks Road, just west of Budwin Lane. Further to the east, Tierra Bonita Elementary and Twin Peaks Middle schools are located just north of the intersection of Twin Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita Road. 20f8 January 18, 2005 Item # 1 Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 2 Twin Peaks Road is straight and there are no horizontal or vertical curves that would influence driver sight or stopping distances. During morning and afternoon school pick-up and drop-off hours, this section ofTwin Peaks Road and its intersection with Tierra Bonita Road become highly congested due to school and commuter traffic. The congestion is a direct result of the intersection of Twin Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita Road being the primary access to both schools. Added to the high volume of traffic in this area, there are a large number of school children in the area walking to and from the two schools. Investigation of accident history data reveals that there have been 5 collisions associated with this segment of Twin Peaks Road and 25 collisions at the intersection of Twin Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita Road in the past 12 years. Based on the time that they occurred, at least 15 of the collisions could be associated with school traffic congestion. FINDINGS The traffic issues associated with the schools in the vicinity of Twin Peaks Road are not new to staff, Last year, staff presented a report to City Council recommending improvements for striping and signage on Tierra Bonita Road, south of Twin Peaks Road. The recently implemented improvements were needed to alleviate traffic congestion caused by school parents parking and maneuvering in an unsafe manner. The traffic congestion on Twin Peaks Road, next to Twin Peaks Middle and Tierra Bonita Elementary schools, is increasing. School parents driving to and from the schools have a difficult time finding adequate gaps in the traffic flow to turn and/or maneuver at uncontrolled locations. This situation increases driver frustration and, as witnessed by Sheriff's deputies and some of the parents, causes them to turn in front of fast oncoming traffic, endangering their lives and the lives of others, The proposed flashing beacons on Twin Peaks Road, approaching the school zone in both directions, are appropriate and commonly used as part of school zone warning devices along major roadways that have high speeds and traffic volumes. These warning devices are designed to emphasize the importance of the 25 mph school zone and the heightened need for motorists to reduce their speed to 25 mph when school children are present. The through traffic's reduction in speed would give motorists time and distance to stop in the event of a potential conflict with other motorists and/or school children. Attachment C shows the proposed locations for the proposed flashing beacons on Twin Peaks Road. The proposed flashing yellow beacons would be installed with the existing 25 mph school zone speed signs and will be solar-powered to reduce the installation and energy costs. These devices cost approximately $6,000 each, and if approved, would be installed by the City's Signal Maintenance contractor. Traffic Safety Committee At a meeting on October 20, 2004, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) concurred with Traffic Engineering staff's recommendation to add two solar-powered, flashing beacons. 30f8 January 18, 2005 Item # 1 Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 3 They discussed a proposal to add "No U-Turn" signage on Twin Peaks Road next to the schools, but recommended against it because of the fact that U-turns are legal maneuvers on the subject segment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Appropriate $12,000 from the Signal Revitalization Project Account (1331A) to cover the cost of the improvements. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notification has been sent to property owners near the subject segment, the Poway Unified School District, along with the principals and the PTA at both nearby schools. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution (Attachment A) to establish two solar-powered, flashing yellow beacon school zone warning devices on Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road and Espola Road. Attachments: A - Proposed Resolution B - Site Diagram C - Proposed School Zone Improvements M:\engserv\traffic\Agenda 04\Twin Peaks btw Budwin & Tierra Bonita\agenda report.doc 40f8 January 18, 2005 Item # 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING FLASHING YELLOW BEACONS ON TWIN PEAKS ROAD BETWEEN MIDLAND ROAD AND ESPOLA ROAD WHEREAS, Section 21100 of the California Vehicle Code permits local authorities to adopt by resolution traffic control measures meeting the requirements set forth under Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of flashing beacons in the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, this Council has determined that flashing beacons should be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Po way as follows: Section 1: In accordance with said Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code flashing yellow beacons shall be installed to warn motorists of a school zone on Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road and Espola Road. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 18th day of January 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk 50fS ATTACHMENT A January 1S, 2005 Item # 1 Resolution No. Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 18th day of January 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway 60f8 January 18, 2005 Item #~ ,,- z S: o ::.J CO - ~ I I NOT TO SCALE SEPT. 30, 2004 70f8 TiERRA 80NIT A ELEMENTARY TWIN PEAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL VICINITY MAP o Ct: <C _.J o Q Vi W T IN PEM<S \SUb ject Area I l -....,.."'--- , (1/'(" , , TWIN PEAKS RD. (BETWEEN BUDWIN 8: TIERRA BONITA) ATTACHMENT B January 18, 2005 Item # 1 ~-- ""I " z- " 0 " '0 OJ" ~ 0),,'" N CI)._ CD O.<=aJ Q.(/);;: !2lS! 0 o...LL= 0) ~ >- ro ~ " E 0 , ~ ~ ~ l' "' 'ptJ BI!UOS BJJB!l ~ " ~~ w E . "'C . '5 iJj '0 0::: .!J ':E " .. J:! 0 c: 0 0 ~ ro <D . Q) ~ Q. :t: " Q) "" ";; c: ~ ~ ~ C:' 0 0 Q) ro (/) ..0 1:' ro Q) . ~ " ~ E "'C ~ -0 Q) Q) . .... > 0::: "'C '- CD\") 0::: " " ' 0 ro as:sm(2 il CD :::::I 010::: (/) ~ I- ~f-;" roO -'" E (/) t- OJ E en Q.=> ,,<.) '" i' o,caO ~ 0) ~ Q.=> ,,<.) Q) E 0 .2>1- CL 0 e 0.2'1- " ro CLZUJ=> ro 0 ~ CLZUJ=> '"- E- " "' N Q) .....J .~ E- o a.. t- o c: .<= " CIJ c: ':;:: '0 :;:: Q) "'C on 0 I- :::J Q. e ro D.- " " 0 0 ~ ~ 'ul U!Mpns 0 ~ OOQ] " ~ ~ ~:s<vC2 (/) t- OJ o I coD "5 Q.=> ,,<.) -' . E 0.2'1- '" " CLZUJ=> " j ~ E " E- o i' 0 " Q. ~ ~ 0 0 . '0 OJ" on ro 0),,'" Q) ~ ::J ~ "' C/)._ Q) 0 Q. O.<=aJ CU g-~;;: <.) 0 ~- 0 en N CLLL.= I 0) 0 ~ >- - - ....: I 0 <.) I z C --_.~--_.__._- -------~--- J 80f8 ATTACHMENT C January 18, 2005 Item # 1