Item 8 - Establishing Speed Warning Devices AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services iP INITIATED BY: DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: A Resolution Establishing Speed Warning Devices on Poway Road at the lola Way Intersection ABSTRACT Traffic Engineering staff received a letter from an area resident who expressed some safety concerns regarding traffic driving over the posted 45 mph speed limit through the signalized intersection of Poway Road and lola Way, which makes it very difficult to exit lola Way even during the protected green phase. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. '- FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds are available in the Signal Revitalization Project Account (1331 A) to cover the costs of the improvements, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notification has been sent to property owners located on lola Way north of Poway Road. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution to establish Speed Warning Devices on Poway Road at the lola Way Intersection, ACTION . M:\engserv\b"affic\Agenda 04\Poway-lola Way Speed Warning Devices'agenda summary.doc 10f9 January 18, 2005 Item # g CITY OF POWA Y AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L, Bowersox, City Man~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services ~ Javid Siminou, City Engineer -.6 lJJt Zoubir Ouadah, Senior Traffic ~ngineer Carl Hickman, Assistant Engineer, Traffic · TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: January 18, 2005 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Speed Warning Devices on Poway Road at the lola Way Intersection BACKGROUND In May 2004, Traffic Engineering staff received a letterfrom a resident of the Poway Portal area who requested that the City of Poway Traffic Engineering staff investigate the possibility of reducing the speed limit on Poway Road between Oak Knoll Road and the Western City Limits from 45 mph to 35 mph (see attachment B). The resident expressed concerns regarding vehicles driving over the posted 45 mph speed limit through the signalized intersection of Poway Road and lola Way, which makes it very difficult to exit lola Way even during the protected green phase. Traffic/Site Conditions Poway Road is classified as a four-lane Major Arterial that runs east/west through the City of Poway with an average daily traffic volume (ADT) of approximately 40,000 vehicles per day in this area. The roadway width within the subject intersection is 80' from curb to curb. There are two travel lanes, a bike lane in each direction, and a landscaped median that provides a left-turn lane at the intersection. There are very few residential driveways along this section of Poway Road. The posted speed limit is 45 mph; however, the speed limit to the west in the City of San Diego is 50 mph, and east of Oak Knoll Road the speed limit is 35 mph, The prevailing speed or 85th percentile through this section of Poway Road is 53 mph. It is important to note that Poway Road west of the subject intersection and within the City of San Diego is a six-lane Prime Arterial with higher traffic volume and speed. As noted earlier, the posted speed limit within the City of San Diego's segment is 50 mph. lola Way is a Local Residential street that provides access to Poway Road from a residential area to 20f9 January 18, 2005 Item # a Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 2 the north also known as Poway Portal. lola Way is a 25 mph residential speed zone and is controlled at its intersection with Poway Road by a traffic signal. Investigation of the accident history reveals that there have been 21 collisions at the subject intersection in the past 12 years. Four of these collisions involved vehicles broadsided while turning left from lola Way by vehicles traveling westbound on Poway Road. These types of collision tend to be severe and could involve injuries and/or fatalities. Fourteen of the reported collisions were due to unsafe speed. FINDINGS Upon investigation, City of Poway Traffic Engineering staff concluded that many concerns were legitimate and needed additional attention. After performing field investigation and gathering speed and volume data, staff found that the subject intersection is within a speed transition zone. The speed limit to the west is 50 mph and to the east (east of Oak Knoll Road), 35 mph. Therefore, drivers leaving the City of Poway begin accelerating to a higher speed as they travel westbound and drivers coming into the City need to decelerate in order to travel at a lawful speed as they enter Poway's City limits. This change in speed between the two approaches through the subject intersection of Poway Road and lola Way makes it difficult for drivers to maintain a uniform traveling speed. The westbound drivers accelerating to reach a higher speed as they approach the City of San Diego section concern lola Way area residents. Residents complain that it is difficult to enter this intersection, even on a green phase, because the westbound traffic is moving and accelerating too fast for them to stop at the intersection for the signal red light. Staff also noticed that later in the evening, when the sun is setting in the west, the traffic signal appears less visible to westbound traffic because of glare from the sun. To address these issues and improve the level of safety at the subject intersection, City of Poway Traffic Engineering staff has adjusted the traffic signal clearance time (yellow and all red) to comply with the City's traffic signal clearance time guidelines. The traffic signal clearance time for the yellow and all-red phases follow the guidelines provided in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the Caltrans Traffic Manual, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Manual on Traffic Signal Design. Staff found that the existing clearance time is shorter than what it should be for the existing speed. This adjustment or correction in clearance time will add approximately 70 feet for the westbound driver's stopping distance. In addition to the signal clearance time adjustments noted, staff also proposes the following safety improvements: 1, Replace the westbound secondary signal head (on the signal pole) from 8" to 12" lenses; 2. Install a "Signal Ahead" sign with flashing LED lights for westbound traffic; and 30f9 January 18, 2005 Item # 8 Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 3 3. Install a "Variable Speed Warning" (VSW) sign for eastbound traffic. Changing the secondary signal head to 12" lenses will increase the visibility of this secondary signal head and the active color from a longer distance. The existing yellow and green signal lenses are 8" in size, with only the red lens being 12". The improvement in visibility should help drivers' visibility by giving them more time and distance to see the yellow or red phase and come to a complete stop before the limit line. The "Variable Speed Warning" (VSW) sign will remind drivers of their traveling speed as they approach the intersection from the City of San Diego, where the posted speed limit is higher, Within the proposed location for the VSW sign is the City's posted "45 mph" speed limit sign. Important to note is that installation of this type of VSW sign supplemented by the use of "Reduced Speed Ahead" and speed limit signage has been implemented successfully to reduce speed on Community Road, just north of Metate Lane, for northbound traffic. Soon after the installation of the above-mentioned devices, Traffic Engineering staff received much praise from the Sheriff's Department and residents. Attachment B shows the proposed safety improvements within the subject area of Poway Road. Traffic Safety Committee At a meeting on October 20, 2004, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) concurred with Traffic Engineering staff's recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds are available in the Signal Revitalization Project Account (1331 A) to cover the costs of the improvements. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notification has been sent to property owners located on lola Way north of Poway Road. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution (Attachment A) to implement the following safety improvements at the intersection of Poway Road and lola Way: 1, Replace the westbound secondary signal head lenses (on the signal pole) from 8" to 12" lenses. 40f9 January 18, 2005 Item #~ Agenda Report January 18, 2005 Page 4 2. Install a "Signal Ahead" (W-41) sign with flashing LED lights for the westbound traffic and a standard W-41 sign (without LED lights) for the eastbound traffic approaching the signal. 3, Install a "Variable Speed Warning" (VSW) sign for eastbound traffic approaching the intersection. Attachments: A - Proposed Resolution B - Site Map C - Proposed Safety Improvements M:\engserv\traffic\Agenda 04\Poway-lola Way Speed Waming Devices\agenda report.doc 50f9 January 18, 2005 Item # 8 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING SPEED WARNING DEVICES ON POWAY ROAD AT THE 10LA WAY INTERSECTION WHEREAS, Section 21100 of the California Vehicle Code permits local authorities to adopt by resolution traffic control measures meeting the requirements set forth under Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code; and WEREAS, Section 21351 ofthe California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of speed warning devices in the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, this Council has determined that speed warning devices should be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: In accordance with said Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code the following safety improvements shall be installed at the intersection of Poway Road and lola Way: 1. Replace the westbound secondary signal head lenses (on the signal pole) from 8" to 12" lenses. 2. Install a "Signal Ahead" (W-41) sign with flashing LED lights for the westbound traffic and a standard W-41 sign (without LED lights) for the eastbound traffic approaching the signal. 3. Install a 'Variable Speed Warning" (VSW) sign for eastbound traffic approaching the intersection, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 18th day of January 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk 60f9 ATTACHMENT A January 18, 2005 Item # ~ (- \ r- Resolution No, 05- Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No, 05- , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 18th day of January 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway 70f9 January 18, 2005, Item #L ~ Subject Intersection . to Sa tJowa'J B,O (/) - :~. ....J. BL .. / . . L.. NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF: SEPT. 29, 2004 POWAY RD / IOLA WAY "C a:: o "C ro '- QJ E o (L 80f9 ATTACHMENT B January 18, 2005 Item # <6 " z- oo I .!:::c .c m o ~ I m.c .c ::: m c. 0" E c c '" g~5> "' I " ~= "w ~ me oW .E-' "" "' '" I j I b ~ i I ~ . I ^BM BIOI ~ ,,~.~ SEN oo~ ,g.::::;: w" . ~ m c ~~.9 -5 ~~ ~.@ g> 15617; B m'~ '" - 'E ~ ~ (J .c o ~~ ~ en:15 $~ .s} ~~ 90f9 -ci --. a: i '0 i c '" . ~ .. m ~ 0 i B "' ~ W !jQQJ i . ! , u ATTACHMENT C o~ c ~ gi ~ ~(ij'iij S c w oo v:: .:m~ ~~(7j ~ .2 Q) ~ Jg:g "E 11! "I:: ctI ~~~ "0 Ct1 o c:: >- Ct1 ~ o Il. '6. -&. '5. "5. .. E E E E -cLO!:21.00 c::C'?....vLO >. 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