Item 1 - Pre-Development Conference 04-06 Lowes TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Niall Fritz, Director of Development services/ February 22, 2005 Pre-Development Conference (PDC) 04-06; Harlan Lowe, Applicant . ABSTRACT Harlan Lowe, the owner of property located at 15348 Mina De Oro, h;;IS submitted a request that the City Council consider: 1) amending the Master Water System Facilities Update Report to make provisions for the extension of City water to east Poway along SR 67 that are not currently in the City water service area; 2) study the costs of providing City water to east Poway; and 3) potentially fonning an assessment district to cover the costs associated with providing City water to east Poway. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Thisitem is not subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT , None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was sent to the applicant. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council provide direction to staff and the applicant. ACTION - I M:\plannlng\05reportlpdclO4'06\sum.doc 1 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # I CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Jam~ L B_=~ City Ma~ I Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services . Patti Brindle, City Planner fJ.!::. Jason Martin, Senior Planne~ February 22, 2005 INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Pre-Development Conference (PDC) 04-06; Hanan Lowe, Applicant BACKGROUND Hanan Lowe, the owner of property located at 15348 Mina De Ore, has submitted a request that the City Council consider the following: 1. Amending the Master Water System Facilities Update Report to make provisions for the extension of City water to east Poway along SR 67 that are currently not in the City water service area; 2. Study the costs of providing City water to east Poway; 3. Potentially forming an assessment district to cover the costs associated with providing City water to east Poway. The applicant's submitted PDC request and the Agreement of Understanding is included as Attachments A and B. FINDINGS On August 14, 2001, the City Council approved Resolution No. 01-081, adopting the Master Water System Facilities Plan Update, which is also referred to as the Master Plan Update. This Master Plan Update investigated the impacts of changes to land use and water demands, and provided a basis for a capital improvement plan and rate structure for water improvements. The Master Plan Update was completed with the understanding that the City would provide water only to those areas that could be served from both the existing City water system and two new reservoirs in North Poway planned by developers for projects 2 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # ~ Agenda Report February 22, 2005 Page 2 already underway. In maintaining this philosophy, the Master Plan Update included adoption ofa policy related to future extensions oHhe water system. Under this policy, the City defined the limits of the areas that can be. served by the existing water system. Those areas that cannot be served are designated as " no service" areas and would not be provided City water service. The City Council Resolution is included as Attachment C. The service area limits were established using a hydraulic model that determined the maximum elevation at which the existing water system could meet City fire protection criteria. The approximate limits of the service area and "no service" area are depicted in Attachment D. A large segment of the "no service" area lies within the eastern portion of Poway. Recently, several owners of properties in the "no service area" of east poway expressed interest in extending the City's water system. Their primary concems include the drying up of wells and the cost of trucking in water; and the lack of a steady, reliable source of water, especially during wildfire events such as the Cedar Fire. The general area in which the water system would be expanded consists of the area south/south east of High Valley and north/northeast of Blue Crystal Trail and along Highway 67. The area is approximately 1,800 acres in size and sparely developed with approximately 80 homes. The Area Map is included as Attachment E. Water Extension Costs The costs associated with extending water to east Poway can be generally categorized into 3 main areas: design and construction, environmental, and assessment district formation and administration. A brief discussion of each, and very preliminary estimates of costs (where possible to estimate), follows: Desion and Construction - In proposing an extension of the City's existing water system to the "no service" area, it is likely that there are several alternative design schemes to be considered. While each altemative would have its own merits and shortcomings, it is expected that any aitemative to extending the City's water system beyond the existing service area would require the provision of new major facilities such as reservoirs, pumping stations, pressure reducing stations and pipelines, as well as a program to maintain these facilities. Staff has performed a conceptual analysis of one altemative that involves the expansion of the existing Blue Crystal water system. Currently, this system serves the area south of Poway Road, south and east of Espola Road, and west of Highway 67. Water to this system is supplied from the City's water treatment plant and pumped via the Woodcliff pump station to the Blue Crystal Reservoir. It is anticipated that expanding this water system to the "no service" area would require the following: 3 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # l Agenda Report February 22, 2005 Page 3 . A 1.5-million-gallon reservoir, to be located east of Highway 67, qt an elevation of 1,800 feet, probably on the lower slopes of Iron Mountain. . A pump station and a 16" force main pipeline to feed the new reservoir from the existing Blue Crystal Reservoir. The pump station would be located near the Blue Crystal Reservoir site. The required length of the force main pipeline is estimated to be a little over 3 miles (or 16,600 feet). . Three pressure-reducing stations and 10.4 miles (55,000 lineal feet) of10" water main pipeline to provide water for three pressure zones. within the subject area. These pressure zones will be established at elevations 1100, 1450, and 1800. . Approximately 1 mile (5,000 lineal feet) of additional water main pipeline to connect this new water system to the Skyridge Reservoir in High Valley to create a looped system and address water quality issues. . Provision for the City to maintain and upkeep these facilities. . An evaluation of the existing City facilities that provide water to the Blue Crystal system to determine whether there is adequate capacity within these existing components to accommodate the expansion, or if upgrades are required. For example, an expansion of the City's treatment plant may be required to accommodate the expanded water system, the cost of which could be as high as $15 million. The facilities, as described above, would serve as the primary components of the expanded water system. Additional water main pipelines, branched off from these facilities, would be provided as development occurs. Environmental- Extension of water to east Poway would have costs in the areas of habitat impact mitigation, and costs associated with the prepqration of an Environmental Impact Report. Extension of water infrastructure (pipelines, reservoirs, and PLlmp stations) will impact a large amount of natural habitat that will need to be mitigqted at the rate of approximately $10,000 per acre. It is likely that some new pipeline construction could occur within existing roadways where mitigation would not be needed. It is also likely that some new pipelines could be installed by developers; in this case, responsibility for mitigation would be boms by the developer. The installation of remaining pipeline and. construction of the pump stations and the reservoir would need to be mitigated. Preliminary estimates of this impact range from 10 - 1.4 acres of impact, requiring 20 - 28 acres of mitigation. Assessment District - The costs associated with the extension of water could be financed though an assessment district, which ultimately would need to be approved by 4 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # l Agenda Report February 22, 2005 Page 4 benefiting properties. ' There are added costs associated with establishment and administration of an assessment district, including the interest costs for borrowing the initial construction money. The cost would typically be allocated to benefiting properties through the assessment district. The minimum estimated costs are as follows: Design and Re$ervoir (1.5 million oallons) $ 3,000,000 Construction Pumc station Blue Crvstal Reservoir (1) 1,500,000 Force Main (16,OOO feet) .2,500,000 Pressure reducino station (3) 600,000 Water Main Piceline (55,OOO feet) 8,500,000 Looced Une to Skvridoe Reservoir . 750,000 Rioht of Wav ACQuisition * Unknown Existino System UDOrades" Unknown Sub Total 16,850,000 30% Continaencv 5,000,000 Estimated Annual Maintenance 200,000 Sub Total 22,050,000 Environmental Habitat Impact Mitioation 200,OOO~ 280,000 Environmentallmcact Recort 150,000-250,000 Sub Total 22,240,000 - 22,580,000 Asses$ment Formation and Administration* Unknown District Interest at 5% for $23 million over 20 36,640,000 vear$ Sub Total 36,640,000 Estimated Minimum Total Costs (including Interest) $ 59,040,000 ~ 59,220,000 "It is important to note that this cost estimate lists as "unknown" the cost$ associated with potential upgrades to the existing water system facilities. It is likely that the existing water main leading to Blue Crystal Reservoir would need to be up sized, the costs of which can only be estimated following additional analysis andevaluatipn. Powav Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan Consistencv (HCP) The HCP fulfills requirements pursuant to Section 10(a) of the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA); Sections 2081 and 2835 of the State Fish and Game Code and the Califomia Endangered Species Act (CESA); and the State of Califomia's Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act of 1991. It is also consi$tent with regional and sub-regional planning efforts within San Diego County, pursuant to the NCCP Act. The HCP reflects the biological resource conservation goals, 50f17 February 22, 2005 Item # L Agenda Report February 22, 2005 Page 5 implementation strategies and mitigation measures of thE! Poway General Plan, as well as the objectives of the NCCP Act. Section 6(A)(4) of the Implementing Agreement for the HCP that exists between the City and the Federal and State. resource protection agencies states as follows: Approximately 8,000 acres within the Mitigation Area are designated Rur~1 Residential and are potentially available for .low~ensity residential development under the Poway General Plan. As discussed in detaif in Section 4 of the PSHCP, this designation could potentially support up to 1,100 dwelling units, with a resulting disturbance of approximately 1,870 aces of land, if the City is able to extend a potable water supply to these lands. Prior to approving any project that would extend water hook-ups to those areas within the Mitigation Area that are not currently serviced by the City's municipal water supply system, the City shall confer with the USFWS and CDFG to insure that extension of the water supply is designed and structured in a manner that minimizes habitat disturbance, fragmentation and edge effects within the Mitigation Area. All land disturbance within the Rural Residential zoning classification shall, to the maximum extent poss.ible, be confined to areas of lower biological sensitivity consistent with the preserve design, shall be subject to the special development requirements and mitigation measures provided in Section 7 of the PSHCP, and shall insure the permanent conservation of approximately 6,930 acres ofland. Prior to the extension of water to the area, consultation with the resource agencies will be required. Many properties in east Poway have significant biological value. Currently in the study area, approximately 110 acres are within recorded Biological Conservation Easements (BCEs) and are zoned Open Space-Resource Management (OS-RM). This acreage is part of along range, habitat preserve design for the area which is considered under the HCP to be an important wildlife corridor. While the HCP included. the possibility of City water being extended throughout the preserve with additiorialhomes as allowed by the General Plan, more development may affect the preserve design through fragmentation and could adversely affect wildlife movement. These are two major HCP implementation concems that have been raised in recent years by the USFWS and CDFG. Growth-Inducinq Imcact The extension of City water service to the area would enable additional residential development within east Poway. Approximately 80 homes have been built or are expected to be built in the upcoming year. Continued use of private water wells may allow an estimated 70 more homes to be built, .for a total of approximately 150. Based upon previous studies, the extension of the City water is estimated to enable about 200 additional. homes to be developed, for a total of 350. The Area Map included as 6 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # l Agenda Report February 22, 2005 Page 6 Attachment E shows existing dwellings and dwellings expected to be constructed this year. During the last several years, east Poway has come under increasing development pressure. Last year, a General Plan amendment initiative (Proposition E) to redesignate 20 acres to Automotive/General Commercial was Tejectedby voters. The City has previously been approached by the Palomar Community College District to explore building a 100-acre campus along SR 67. Several residential development inquiries involving more intense development than allowed by the General Plan have also been made. These include the Tierra Thoroughbred Farms properties on the southwest comer of Poway Road and SR 67 (235 acres), the undeveloped Phase Hportion of the Lucidi Farms project at the northwest. comer of PoWay Road and SR 67, the Poway Development Company properties on the east side of SR 67 (approxiniately 600 acres), and the SAN REX property (317 acres) located southwest of the Thoroughbred Farms properties. All of these proposals require the extension of City water. The growth inducement resulting from the extension of City water to east PoWay would include impacts to biological resources, open space, traffic, air quality, and public services including police, fire and schools. Because of these issues, any proposal to extend water would require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to the requirements of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was sent to the applicant RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council. provide direction to staff and the applicant Attachments: A. B. C. D. E. Applicant's Pre-Development Conference Request Agreement of Understanding City Council Resolution No. 01-081 No Service Area Map Area Map with Dwellings M:\plannlngI05repartlpdc\04-06\agn.dOC 7 of 17 February 22, 2P05 Item # I CITY OF POWAY Development Services Department Planning Division Application 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668-4600 FAX (858) 668-1211 . SITE INFORMATION Name of Project Wp-fer 11;;> ~ T- !fbU/jII\../ Property Address !3f).,J ~ f70/N'''''/ f I APN Zoning . REVIEW REQ(,IESTED o CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT o DEVELOPMENT REVIEW o EXTENSION OF TIME FOR o GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT o MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT o MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW o MODIFICATION TO Rle Number FOR CITY USE ONLY fDC--- 04 - 0 fo t~ . /- 0 'f Application Date Related FUe(s) Fees % Receipt Staff Planner Existing Square Foota.ge Hazardous Material Site (circle one} Site Acreage Redevelopment Area (cln;Jeone) Proposed YES NO YES NO o SPECIFIC PLAN o SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT o TENTATIVE PAACEl MAp o TENTATIVE TAAcT MAP O. UNDERGROUND WAIVER o ZONE CHANGE o VARIANCE o PRE-APPLICATION ~HER · COMPLETE PROJECT DESCRIPTION (fJ N4e,J. -blee-verro ? r?o / 1:/ ~ (/hbfJI!. / dLMJ..o.... ""=> C;-PAl.J.e a.re.a. t:)~ ~": d'Pf'IAtP _ (;).f':l-U+,;;I ~~ .!w-/'1of jA/,,-:k.r rv ;(e..>>e!..?_r.=r o.,/.. ett.JJ:r rrav.,.C:__ _r-......<..- __~ .:;/, :. fflC--h - (~ ~~t*-6tt=$) THIS SEC110N MUST BE COMPLETEt)-. · PROPERTY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ~ame #.c...r~.., A.C7~ ~:;:~~a~:'~~:S ~{: c::J;;j~ O~ relephone /- ~_ r CERTIFY THA T I AM THE LEGAL OWNER'S ~EPRESENTA TIVE AND THA T ALL THE ABOVE WFORMA TION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE rHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 3~DATE 8 of 17 ,jngapp,doc ATTACHMENT A . PROPERTY OWNER Name S/.A.,YMe...- MaJlJnll Address City, State, Zip Telephone I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO BEST OF MY K~ SIGNATURE and DATE February 22, 2005 Item # , Bring City Water to East Poway for the Health, Safety and Welfare of Those in Need. fD c.. Ot(.. ~ 8-3-04 To: Jim Bowersox (City Manager) Niall Fritz (Director of development Services) City Council Members R12C12IV12D DEC 0 I 2004 CITy. DEVELOPI.r PC/WAY . ENT SERVICEs Residents of East Poway Request a Master Study be completed to determine the cost to bring city water services to those of us in East Poway. The study should consider: 1) The cost with our present ability to distribute the expenses over the number of 4-acre- minimum lots that will be avaDable to participate financially, and 2) The future higher cost, if large parcels are divided into 20 acre lots and cannot be further subdivided further into 4-acre lots; This would mean fewer participants to share in the ~~sts at a time when the draught could possibly be worse & the City would have no alternative but to extend water. Residents of East Poway incurred devastating losses during the fire of October 2003 due in part to the lack of city water services in the area. Most of us have had our water wells either dry up or dramatically lower production. Some have had to drill multiple wells recently; well drillers are finding that a minimum amount of water is available due to the continued lowering of our water table. Some of us truck in water just to meet their everyday needs. Longtime residents have drilled new wells, 1000' feet and deeper, only to get 11> a gallon of water a minute - imagine trying to live in those conditions and then expect firefighters to fight a fire with that amount of water. Our city council members should and must develop a plan to bring water to ALL East Poway residents before our water table lowers to the point that requires us to spend more on new wells than we would spend on paying for the city water to be extended to us, or worse yet finding we can't find water any longer. While at the same time, reducing the likelihood of SUch a catastrophe like we had with the cedar fire from ever happening again. We believe that extending city water services to tIle residents of East Poway is feasible, necessary and beneficial for our health safety and welfare. Our zoning allows RRA. zoning of20-acre minimum lot size without city water and 4-acre minimum lot size with city water available. As the remaining large parcels in our area life split into 20-acre parcels, more wells are being drilled, thus creating even more competition for our dwindling water supply. Wby the economics sbow it is wise to bring City Water Eastward now insteadoC later? Example, at the 20-acre minimum, without city water, a 100-acre parcel can support a maximum of only five homes; this is before allowing for reduction due to slope criteria. With city water a l00-acre parcel could support a maximum of25 homes if the land was flat <not the case) and less depending on the slope. The additional lots that could be created by having City Water prior to dividing into large 20-acre lots would enable more participants to share in the costs for the water bonds necessary for the extension of city 9 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # L water. With 4-acre minimum lot sizes ml!l city water our area would be one of the most desirable in the County, Similar to North Poway, The Trails in RB and portions of Rancho Sante Fe. Probably the most common response that you will hear when talking to others about bringing water to east Poway is, "but it will bring high density to the last remaining rural area in our city". This is Not the case, in order for future lots to be created smaller than 4 acres, there would have to be a petition followed by a proposition.. A recent example of someone trying to change the zoning was the recent prop A that was overwhelmingly voted down in our last local elections. Bringing water to East Poway will not enable someone to build high-density housing or commercial property. Consider the High Valley area, they have City water and 2 acre minimum zoning were we would have four acre minimum zoning ftomany new land divisions. . Some of the ways city water would help those of us in East Poway: · Provide a steady and reliable source of water for our Health Safety and Welfare. · Providing water for fire fighting which will save lives and homes. · Beautification of landscape that will enhance the area. · Peace of mind for residents who have had to wony about wells drying up and the expenses associated with providing needed water, or worse yet finding we can't find water any longer · Increased property Values (which should more than offset the cost to bring us water) Other benefits · Providing a larger fire fighting defensible space around the city would help firefighters fight future fires. · Increasing the tax base/revenue would help the City. It would benefit all Poway residents by: · Knowing that they have helped their fellow Poway residents swvive the next wild fifes and, that by helping their neighbors they have helped prevent future tires ftom destroying their own homes and property by creating a larger defensible space for fire fighters. We a1110ve our city and are proud to live here. We ask our city council to never forget the losses of houses and property, but homes, memories, and lives reduced to ashes. We're not asking for much. Water, At the rate our wells are drying up, the day is nearing that their successors will ask why the previous Mayor and city council allowed this to happen. Thank you, Harlan Lowe 15348 MinaDe Oro Poway, Ca. 92064 10 of 17 February 22, 2005 Item # I ,- 11 of 17 ,,; '5 .., 'f) ~ ... .... C> '" -s~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ z u .8_ Z ..... -;; ~ ~ "B<s ..... ~ 0 1 ~ 0 p::j ~ u rn "'::!:i >-< .- C> ~~ ~ E-o 0 ~] 0 ..... Z ~ ~ u !~ 0 u gen . ~:E 1<1 :s ~:I: ~\ ,# -- \ -- \ ,--_.~) -- --:--~+_._-\ "- ~ ~2~,~ L-_._". ~ ~ I rn o . RECEIVED DEC 01"''', E-o U ~ .... o~ ~~ P-...... :>- o~ E-o~ E-08 u~ ~..... ....u p:j~ ~o... rnrn r UuW/.Y Cll Y {Jr r (Tr7 'jrh.\ [)~\I'" "p"ern Item #i- 22 2005 February , - --~I --J --:-- ...-... .. AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING v"OG ott.....OCo RE:CE:IV12D . DEe 0 1 lOOf .cITy OF D8IELOPMEJ;oWAY SERVIOES CiIy Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as 'City' and J!rV/rLJ1 L& ~ . hereinafter. referred to as 'Proponenf enter into tHis Agreement of Understanding based upon the fonowing facts: . Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax Assessor's Parcel 3"Z-1 - 1/(;;1- &1 7-a::::> Number(s) -:2. 7~ :< Cb- /7 -iC> . Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless CiIy assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understanding: a. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. b. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular development plan. c. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision . in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. d. If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: J/-28'-OY Proponent: ~ " Signature . 12 of 17 ATTACHMENT B February 22, 2005 Item # I .- RESOLUTION NO. 01-081 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MASTER WATER SYSTEM FACILITIES PLAN UPDATE: - POTABLE WATER,INCLUDING A POLICY REGARDING FUTURE EXTENSIONS OF THE POTABLE WATER SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Poway currently provides potable water service to many areas within the City limits. The existing wilter distribution system currently extends service to most of the areas that can be readily served; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway has established water system criteria in order to provide water that meets service goals (such as pressure), regulatory requirements (such as water quality), and safety requirements (such as fire flow capacity); and WHEREAS, the City of Poway has caused a study to be done of current and future needs for potable water, in accordance with the curFent General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway has recently completed aniJpdate to the Water Master Plan (August 2001). The Master Plan investigated the impacts of changes to land use and water demands, and identified future capital projects needed to maintain the desired levels of service within the existing service area; and WHEREAS, as part of the recent Water Mast~ Plan Update, the limits of the areas that can be served by the existing water system have been determined. The service area limits were delineated using the hydraulic model results and the maximum elevation that the existing water system could provide fire protection for the reasons stated by the Department of Safety Services. (A flow of 1,500 gallons per minute with a pressure of at least 20 pounds per square inch.) In remote areas a hypothetical , , extension of an 8-inch diameter pipe was assumed in order to calculate the maximum fire protection elevation. The limits (fringe area) defined in the Master Plan are approximate and are considered a guideline. ! \ Fringe areas that cannot be served by the existing water system, as defined above, are generally characterized by elevations above the existing water reservoirs. Also, these areas are zoned for very low-density rural residential development and Open Space-Resource Management. To extend water service beyond the existing system service area typically requires the installation of major new facilities, such as pumping stations, storage facilities, and pipelines; and WHEREAS, the results of this study prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation are contained in the document entitled"Master Water System FacUities Plan Update _ Potable Water (August 2001)." 13 of 17 ATTACHMENT C February 22, 2005 Item # . Resolution No. 01-081 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the "Master Water System Facilities Plan Update - Potable Water (August 2001)" accurately represents the future potable water needs ofthe citizens of Poway. Therefore, the City Council does hereby adopt the aforementioned Master Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Poway has defined the limits of the areas that can be served by the existing water system. Areas that cannot be served by the existing water system are designated as "no service" areas. The approximate limits of these areas are depicted in the "Master Water System Facilities Plan Update - Potable Water (August 2001)." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Poway will not provide water service to a parcel or parcels located in a "no service" area. Property owners who are on the border of the sefVice area limits may prepare an individual hydraulic study for review by City staff to better define the service area limits on their property. Depending upon the results of such a study, the City may allow City water service to be extended to the parcel(s). . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City will allow water ser'Vlceto be extended from the existing City water system to an existing parcel for an individual house that is in the "no service" area, only where abutting homes at equal or greater elevations have already been provided potable water service. All water delivery facilities shall comply with City codes, standards, and requirements; and all costs shall be borne by the property owner. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Poway also approve the Negative Declaration. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council ofthe City of Poway at a regular meeting this 14th day of August 2001. ./ / r ATTEST: 14 of 17 solutions'9o!ablewaterservicearea.0814.DOC February 22, 2005 Item # . I Ie' "" 4 )- Resolution NO.OI-081 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury that the foregoing Resolution No. 01-08lwas duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 14th day of August 2001, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: ~MERY, HIGGINSON, REXFORD, CAFAGNA NOES: GOlDBY ABSTAIN: NONE NONE ~ ~ : . () \ '. . &u- A~ .cPPliJr Lori nne Peoples, City ClerkF< City of ~ow!lY .ABSENT: , , 15 of 17 ution$'f>oIablewaterserviceareasos14.DOC February 22, 2005 Item # I . AJ<. C nvA. O....A&oI:I; .I. =ouuu COLOR CODING D CITY BOUNDARY . NO SERVICE . OS-RM . SUBJECT TO PROJECT I SPECIFIC REVIEW 16 of 17 ATTACHMENT D February 22, 2005 Item # I j""""j -''''- ."""""" APPROX. SCALE: 1"=5000' ,- t iI': I ,.j !'':' i i '1'1 i !'1''\1.~ i - _ '-.Ir .WI ~,_l ;-~___-' I ~ -~p~~~ i(~,p;:Ui /' i__~~,-j,_' , , 1\.,'nirl"'lfL~'ll' .', ' .:1",\\,\ \~_.;/.','/- '_,!._..' T ,"~,il',u_...il J. \ . , '. \i .L! .: 1.i'."~,IJ).lt .j>.',!i{\ r i , k "P""iJj1iJITiI! 1.,',11, I ":,~ ,.,\\,*ICI] m'J1ln, -'i- .' ~A!)t .( :~'_ ,1,-\\ T]~ tl: ~ , ~~/\\, I f-'cc ".Jltu,! j~. C. I j. ' r~<>":...'(r_, "\, I I ' ; 'I )-i'~": ...1,\ '~;:-"---l ,. \ 'illr fA 1 '~1} ")' UlJf COLOR CODING D CITY BOUNDARY . NO SERVICE . OS-RM -rei -~;~l SUBJECT TO PROJECT SPECIFIC REVIEW 16 of 17 ATTACHMENT D February 22, 2005 Item # I