Item 3 - Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ro: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ L. Diane Shea, City Clerk~ February 22, 2005 FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACT The minutes of the February 1 , 2005 Regular Meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. - FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of February 1, 2005. ACTION - 10f5 February 22, 2005 Item # -3 CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2005 The February 1, 2005, Regular Meeting of the City Council ofthe City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cafagna at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Merrilee Boyack, Bob Emery, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, and Mickey Cafagna COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Jim Bowersox Penny Riley Tamara Smith Diane Shea Warren Shafer Robert Clark James Howell Deborah Johnson Mark Sanchez Charlie Campe Niall Fritz Patti Brindle Javid Siminou Kristen Crane Paolo Romero City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Director of Administrative Services Director of Community Services Director of Public Works Director of Redevelopment Services Director of Safety Services Sheriff's Captain Director of Development Services City Planner City Engineer Senior Management Analyst Management Assistant FLAG SALUTE Deputy Mayor Emery led the flag salute. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Cafagna explained the procedures for Public Oral Communications. Dee Fleishman, 14428 Midland Road, Poway, thanked Council for improvements at Poway Lake and commented on the City's warrant register. 20f5 11;302 February 22, 2005 Item #~ Page 2 - CITY OF POWA Y - February 1, 2005 Jeff Figler, 14438 Harvest Court, Poway, and Poway Sister City Foundation, announced a letter has been received from Marijampole, Lithuania, saying that they are likewise interested in becoming a sister city with Poway. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, and seconded by Councilmember Rexford to approve the Consent Calendar Items 2 through 6.4. 2. Ratification of Warrant Register for the period January 3 through 7, 2005. (0475-20) 3. Approval of Minutes - City Council January 11, 2005 Regular Meeting 5. City's Investment Report as of December 31, 2004. (0450-80) 6. Adoption of Resolution No. 05-007, entitled: "A Resolution ofthe City Council ofthe City of Poway, California Ordering the Summary Vacation of a Portion of a Landscape Easement in Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 19453." (Vacation 05-01). (0780-60) 6.1 Approval of a Community Contribution for the Poway Mustangs Baseball Academy in the amount of $500. (0160-10) 6.2 Approval of a Community Contribution for the Poway Unified School District Even Start Program in the amount of $500. (0160-10) 6.3 Adopt Resolution No. 05-008, entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Rescinding Resolution No. 05-005 Regarding Emergency Suspension of Notice and Bidding Requirements" and Acceptance of Final Report of Expenditures pertaining to the Emergency Erosion Control Repair Work in the Earthen Channel next to Community Road, made under authority of Resolution No. 05-005, adopted January 18, 2005. - (0480-07) 6.4 Approval of Temporary Sewer Connection, 13427 Olive Tree Lane, Scott and Ellen Riffenburgh, Applicants. APN No. 323-18041. (0700-10) Motion carried unanimously. 30f5 8,303 February 22, 2005 Item #~ Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - February 1, 2005 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 1 (0200-60) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TIM) 04--02 SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF WELTON LANE APNs 323-090-59 and 323-090-67 APPLICANTS: GREG BRANDALlSE & TED NEHER City Manager Bowersox requested this item be continued to the City Council meeting of February 15, 2005, in order to allow for more time to reconcile differing results of surveys completed for the subdivision and the Welton Lane sewer main extension. Motion by Councilmember Higginson, and seconded by Councilmember Rexford, to continue the public hearing to February 15, 2005. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 1.1 (0100-10) CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES UPDATE City Manager Bowersox and Senior Management Analyst Crane gave an overview of the Goals and Objectives update process. Each councilmember proposed additional goals and objectives for the upcoming 12 months. Dee Fleishman, 14428 Midland Road, Poway, made several suggestions for additional goals. Council directed staff to incorporate their comments into a report and return to the Council within 60 days for approval. ITEM 1.2 (0200-25) MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION RESOLUTION DENYING REQUEST FOR GATE MINA DE ORO ROAD APPLICANTS: JOHN FITCH AND PROPERTY OWNERS APN 321-111-11 AND 16 City Manager Bowersox gave the staff report saying that on January 18, 2005, the City Council denied Minor Development Review Application 04-90. A Resolution is now before the City Council for denial which confirms the City Council's decision and action. Councilmember Rexford moved, and Mayor Cafagna seconded, to continue this item to March 22, 2005, to allow property owners to work together to resolve their issues. 40f5 8..304 February 22, 2005 Item #~ Page 4- CITY OF POWAY - FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Motion carried 3/2 with Mayor Cafagna, Councilmember Rexford and Councilmember Boyack voting "Aye" and Deputy Mayor Emery and Councilmember Higginson voting "No." CITY MANAGER ITEMS 7. City Manager Bowersox announced that City Council agenda staff reports are now available on the City's website approximately 10 days prior to the meeting date. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 9, Councilmember Boyack commented favorably on having staff reports available on the website and suggested an article be placed in Poway Today with that announcement. She met with more department directors this week and complimented them on their work for the City. 10. Councilmember Rexford reported City of San Diego and Riverpark JPA, through work with City staff, approved the Heritage II Trail Route to go through to the San Dieguito Riverpark Trail. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, California 50f5 8~05 February 22, 2005 Item #.J:L