Item 2 - Reimbursement Agreement Old Coach Golf Estates and Heritage Ranch Estates AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development servicesf DATE: March 1, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Reimbursement Agreement for Certain Public Improvements in Conjunction with Old Coach Golf Estates TIM 89-13R and Heritage Ranch Estates TIM 98-02; Northpoint Development, Inc., Applicant ABSTRACT Northpoint Development, Inc. has requested the City process a Reimbursement Agreement (Agreement) for certain public improvements in conjunction with Old Coach Golf Estates TTM 89-13R and Heritage Ranch Estates TTM 98-02. The Agreement has been prepared and is ready for execution after adoption of the Resolution approving the Agreement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15061 (a)(3) of the General Rule, where it can be said with certainty that the proposed project will have no impact on the environment. FISCAL IMPACT The City collects five percent (5%) on all reimbursement to cover administrative costs incurred by the City. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Bruce Tabb of Northpoint Development, Inc., and all owners of benefiting properties as listed in Exhibit 2 of the Reimbursement Agreement. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution approving the Reimbursement Agreement, authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement, and direct the City Clerk to record the Agreement in the office of the San Diego County Recorder. ACTION M:lengservl05ReportslReimburs Agrmnt TTM89-13Rlsum.doc 1 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # L CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ I P/ Niall Fritz, Director of Develop~t ServicesJJ Javid Siminou, City Engineer ~7 Kenneth Quon, Senior Civil Engineer 14J<<L Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer ~ March 1, 2005 INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Approval of Reimbursement Agreement for Certain Public Improvements in Conjunction with Old Coach Golf Estates TTM 89-13R and Heritage Ranch Estates TTM 98-02; Northpoint Development, Inc., Applicant BACKGROUND Northpoint Development, Inc. (Northpoint) has requested the City process a Reimbursement Agreement (Agreement) to recover the cost of certain public improvements associated with the development of Old Coach Golf Estates TIM 89-13R (TIM 89-13R) and Heritage Ranch Estates TTM 98-02 (TTM 98-02). On May 6, 2003, City Council held a public hearing for approval of the Agreement. At that meeting, a request was made to continue the public hearing to June 10, 2003, to provide more time for the affected property owners to examine the supporting documents that led to the identification of the scope of improvements and associated costs thereof. Staff instructed Northpoint to provide the documents to two of the affected property owners, Mr. Tom Liguori and Mr. Ed Malone, but was unable to deliver them in time for the June 10 hearing. This matter was then continued two more times pending Northpoint assembling the requested information. On October 7, 2003, action on this matter was indefinitely continued to a later date to allow an agreement to be reached among the affected property owners. Staff continued to follow through with the progress of Northpoint working with Mr. Liguori and Mr. Malone. 2 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 2 During a May 26, 2004, meeting, with some documents already provided to both Mr. Liguori and Mr. Malone, there were still some disagreements on the methodology of calculating the assessment amounts and the extent of items considered reimbursable. At this time, Mr. Liguori and Mr. Malone would not totally accept the scope and costs of the improvements. Another meeting was held on January 21, 2005, in which it was discussed that since the last meeting, Northpoint had provided most of the requested information, but the request for a detailed breakdown of other certain costs does not exist. Mr. Liguori and Northpoint agreed to utilize the original estimate and scope of improvements to be the basis of the Reimbursement Agreement. Mr. Malone was unable to attend this meeting. On February 4, 2005, staff met with Mr. Malone, who expressed his disagreement with the overall methodology of determining the assessment amounts and therefore, has not reached concurrence with Northpoint on the Reimbursement Agreement. It should be noted that while several methods may be identified for the purposes of putting together a Reimbursement Agreement, it is likely that their outcomes would result in similar assessment amounts. TTM 89-13R, a 156-unit residential and golf course subdivision, and TTM 98-02, a 39- unit residential subdivision, were approved by the City Council per Resolution Nos. P-90-91 and P-00-59, respectively, on November 27,1990, and August 1, 2000. TTM 89-13R is located north of Espola Road at Old Coach Road, and TTM 98-02 is located immediately north of and adjacent to TTM 89-13R at Old Coach Drive (Attachment 1). The approval for development of these subdivisions was conditioned to construct, among other things, public water and sewer improvements and appurtenances. The improvements are more particularly described as the new water reservoir and booster pump station in TTM 98-02, and sewer pump station and sewer force main in TTM 89-13R. All of the improvements were constructed to City's standards and specifications. The development of the subdivisions, which caused said improvements to be constructed, has created the opportunity for various properties adjacent to the subdivisions to be much more economically developable, in that there is now no one- parcel owner responsible for construction of these utilities alone. Because the improvements were designed to accommodate more than the needs of the development, and to include these potentially developable properties, it is incumbent that a share of the cost shall be borne by all who benefit from them. Hence, the reason the applicant is requesting the Reimbursement Agreement (Attachment 2). The applicant has determined the reimbursable cost as $3,354,258.85 ($1,906,811.61 for the sewer improvements + $1,447,447.24 for the water improvements). Harris & Associates, prepared the reimbursement report, consisting of Exhibits 1 thru 5 of the 30f39 March 1, 2005 Item # ;J.. Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 3 Agreement, and has certified the amounts paid to contractors and design engineers, herein referred to as the Engineer's Certification of Reimbursement Costs (Attachment 3). Exhibit 1 describes the legal description of the properties where improvements are located. Exhibit 2 is the listing of benefiting properties by Assessor's Parcel Numbers, owners' names and addresses. Exhibit 3 is the plat depicting the location and description of the improvements. Exhibit 4 is the project cost, and Exhibit 5 is the reimbursement schedule. In accordance with Section 13.24.070 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), the applicant is entitled to reimbursement from the date of the Agreement for a period of fifteen years. The reimbursement received by the City, which is collected from owners of benefiting parcels for the privilege of using such improvements, shall be collected by the City as a condition of approval of any development of the benefited parcel. Payment to the applicant shall include the interest to be collected from benefiting property owners at a rate of five percent (5%) compounded annually from the date of the Agreement (PMC Section 13.24.070G) less the administrative charge of five percent (5%) (PMC Section 13.24.080) to cover the administrative costs incurred by the City. FINDINGS The applicant and staff have determined that the attached Reimbursement Agreement reflects the reasonable reimbursement district boundary, reimbursable cost, and benefit charges on the benefiting properties. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15061 (a)(3) the General Rule, where it can be said with certainty that the proposed project will have no impact on the environment. FISCAL IMPACT The City collects five percent (5%) on all reimbursement to cover administrative costs incurred by the City. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Bruce Tabb of Northpoint Development, Inc., and all owners of benefiting properties as listed in Exhibit 2 of the Reimbursement Agreement. 4 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # 0< Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 4 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt the Resolution approving the Reimbursement Agreement (Attachment 4). 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement. 3. SDirecDt .the City Clerk to record the Reimbursement Agreement in the office of the an lego County Recorder. ATTACHMENTS 1. Vicinity Map 2. Reimbursement Agreement 3. Engineer's Certification of Reimbursement Costs 4. Resolution Approving the Reimbursement Agreement M:lengservl05RepartslReimburs Agrmnt TTM89-13Rlagnd.dac 5 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :L !) VICINITY MAP 6 of 39 ATTACHMENT 1 ; .i!= 0:: o z- NOT TO SCALE . !I. March 1, 2005 Item # :L CITY CLERK CITY OF POWAY P.O. BOX 789 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE POWAY, CA 92064 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (This space for Recorder's Use) Recording Requested by: CITY OF POWAY When Recorded Mail to: AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS OF PERMANENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 13.24) THIS AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF PERMANENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ("Agreement") is entered into this day of , 2005, by and between NORTH POINT DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California Corporation, ("Owner") and the CITY OF POWAY, a Municipal Corporation, ("City") for the reimbursement of a portion of the costs expended by Owner for the installation of permanent public improvements. The parties hereto agree as follows: Section I. Authoritv City is authorized by its general police powers, and by statutory and case law to require Owner to install certain permanent improvements ("Improvements"), hereinafter described in Section IV, as a condition of Tentative Tract Map 89-13R and Tentative Tract Map 98-02 ("TM"). The City Council of the City of Poway ("City Council") approved the TM pursuant to Resolution Nos. P-90-91 and P-00-59. In addition to servicing Owner's property ("Owner Property"), the Improvements also provide additional capacity for City to service existing residents and benefit other undeveloped propertylies in City ("Benefiting Property/ies"), hereinafter described in Section III. At this time, the owners of the Benefiting Propertylies are not being required to pay for any portion of the Improvements. City is authorized to provide a method for partial reimbursement for the costs of the Improvements from such non-participating owners in accordance with Chapter 13.24 of the Poway Municipal Code ("Chapter 13.24"). City shall have no payment or reimbursement obligation to Owner for the cost of the Improvements, other than as specifically provided herein. Section II. Definition The terms used in this Agreement shall be as defined herein and as set forth in Chapter 13.24. 7 of 39 ATTACHMENT 2 March 1, 2005 Item # :;L Section III. Description of Properties Affected The real properties affected by this Agreement shall be the Owner Property, a legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and the Benefiting Propertylies, a legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. The obligation of each owner of the Benefiting Propertylies to pay for a portion of the cost of the Improvements shall become a lien upon the owner's property within the Benefiting Property/ies for the term of this Agreement, payable upon the earlier of (1) recordation of a Final/Parcel map for a Benefiting Property/ies or (2) the connection of a Benefiting Property/ies to the Improvements. Such obligation shall be a lien upon and run with the land and shall be binding upon the subsequent owners of the Benefiting Property/ies during the term of this Agreement. Section IV. Description of Improvements The precise locations and descriptions of the Improvements subject to reimbursement and the complete dimensions (including frontage) of the Benefiting Propertylies are set forth in Exhibit 3 attached hereto. The detailed project cost for design and construction of the Improvements subject to reimbursement is set forth in Exhibit 4 attached hereto. Section V. Reimbursement bv Benefitinq Propertv/ies The reimbursement schedule ("Reimbursement Schedule") required by Chapter 13.24 was approved by the City Council after a public hearing pursuant to Resolution No. . The Reimbursement Schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit S. All references in this Agreement to reimbursement or to the Reimbursement Schedule shall mean reimbursement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Reimbursement Schedule. Section VI. Reimbursement bv Citv City has requested that Owner provide additional capacity in the Improvements to service existing residents of City, which is not required by the TM conditions of approval. City has further determined that it is not feasible or prudent to construct the additional capacity subsequent to or independent of the construction of the Improvements. Therefore, Owner agrees to construct the additional capacity, which is included in the Improvements as described in Exhibits 3 and 4 attached hereto, and City agrees to reimburse Owner for the added cost attributable to providing this additional capacity. The parties have agreed that the added cost of providing the additional capacity is $150,000.00. City shall pay this amount to Owner within thirty days (30) of the execution of this Agreement. 8 of 39 2 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ Section VII. Term The term of this Agreement, and all obligations and liens created hereby, shall be for fifteen (15) years from the date of this Agreement, as set forth on the first page hereof. Upon expiration of said term, Owner shall be entitled to no further reimbursement pursuant to the terms hereof, owners of Benefiting Property/ies shall be under no obligation to Owner pursuant hereto, and any lien created hereby shall automatically, and without any further administrative or judicial process whatsoever, be null and void and of no further force or effect. Section VIII. Aareement of Pavment for Reimbursement City agrees during the term of this Agreement to collect from the owners of the Benefiting Property/ies upon the earlier of (1) recordation of a Final/Parcel Map for a Benefiting Property/ies or (2) the connection of a Benefiting Property/ies to the Improvements, and reimburse to Owner, those benefit charges set forth in the Reimbursement Schedule, plus interest of five percent (5%) per year, compounded annually, less the administrative charge provided in Chapter 13.24. The method and obligation to reimburse Owner shall be subject to the terms of Chapter 13.24, as the same may, from time to time, be amended. Any amendment or repeal of Chapter 13.24 decreasing the entitlement of Owner under this Agreement shall be binding upon Owner immediately upon the effective date of such amendment or repeal, and this Agreement shall be automatically amended by such repeal or amendment, effective the effective date of such repeal or amendment. No amendment of Chapter 13.24 purporting to increase the liability of a benefiting owner shall be binding upon an owner of Benefiting Property/ies or upon City. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the requirements of Chapter 13.24, the requirements of Chapter 13.24 shall control. Benefit charges shall be paid, collected, and reimbursed in accordance with the terms of Chapter 13.24 in effect at the time of such payment, subject to the terms of this Section VIII. Section IX. Trust Aareement Promptly upon collection of all or any part of a benefit charge, City shall deposit such funds in a local financial institution in a separate account in the name of City in trust for Owner and City. Payments from such account by City to Owner and to City in accordance with the terms of Chapter 13.24 shall be made at such times as are convenient to City, but in no event less often than annually if City has received payment of any benefit charges. Payments to Owner shall include interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum from the date of deposit on the principal portion of such deposit to which Owner is entitled to payment. City shall be entitled to payment of its administrative charges of five percent (5%) of all amounts deposited, plus all interest income on the full amounts deposited except the 5% interest payable to Owner. The right of Owner to payments from said trust account shall be personal and shall not run 9 of 39 3 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ with the property of Owner, be assignable by Owner, or survive the dissolution of Owner. In the event of dissolution of Owner, all monies on deposit in said trust account shall be automatically, immediately, and without notice or administrative or judicial process payable to City. Section X. Hold Harmless bv Owner Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless City from any liability whatsoever, based upon any legal theory whatever, for any loss or damage, direct or consequential, to Owner resulting from the failure of City to collect all or any part of any benefit charge collectible under this Agreement or resulting from the failure of City to pay to Owner in timely manner any trust funds to which Owner is entitled. Owner has identified and prepared the list of benefiting property owners, the corresponding Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APN) and mailing addresses and hereby assumes responsibility of the accuracy thereof. Section XI. Recordation City shall record this Agreement after full execution hereof and promptly following acceptance of the Improvements by City. If for any reason this Agreement is not recorded, Owner holds City harmless from any loss or damage arising there from. Section XII. Void abilitv In the event that Owner fails or refuses to complete the Improvements in a timely manner to the satisfaction of City in its sole discretion, this Agreement shall be unilaterally void able by adoption of a Resolution of the City Council declaring this Agreement null and void for failure of performance by Owner. Section XIII. Governinq Law and Venue The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. Jurisdiction and venue for any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be the County of San Diego, State of California. Section XIV. Severabilitv If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. The parties agree that they would have entered into this Agreement and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional, and would have approved the same 10 of 39 4 March 1, 2005 Item # ,;l. even though any parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases that may be held invalid had been omitted there from. Executed at City of Poway, California, on the date first stated above. OWNER: NORTH POINT DEVELOPMENT, INC., A California Corporation, By: Bruce E. Tabb, President CITY: CITY OF POWAY, A Municipal Corporation By: Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor M:\engserv\05Reports\Reimburs Agrmnt TTM89-13R\Reimb Agrrnt.doc 11 of 39 5 March 1, 2005 Item # ,:J- Northpolnt Development Inc./ Golf Estates Sewer Pump Station, Force Main, Sewer Lines, Water Reservoir, and Booster Pump Station Reimbursement Agreement EXHIBIT 1 - Owner Property Legal Description LOT 1 THROUGH 63 OF CITY OF POWAYTRACT NO. 89-13R, THE HERITAGE PHASE 1, UNIT 1, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 13708, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, DECEMBER 17,1998. AND .lOT 1 THROUGH 43 OF CITY OF POWA Y TRACT NO. 98-D2, HERITAGE RANCH ESTATES, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF AS FILED WITH THE CITY OF POWAY. ~ 12 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :L c o ~ th c. E ::I Q. ... ~ o o m ... c IV .. .: -10 u; i:: w 3: :!:: .. 00:: C) ... ~~ -=> ~ ~ e Q. 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REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 LEGEND ~ HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT IIIWIIIIS . 1.5SOCIAJ[S WA TER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STA 1100 HERITAGE II PROJECT KEY MAP Sheet 1 of 21 14 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :L ) I SHEET 131 I SHEET 121 I SHEET 141 -- I SHEET 171 I SHEET 181 I SHEET 19 I I SHEET 20 I ----, LEGEND ~ OLD COACH ESTATES C8888:I REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT II HARRIS' ASSOaATtS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 s[WER PUMP STA f1{)N & fOftCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES KEY MAP Sheet 2 of 21 15 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ ) LEGEND IZ2LZI HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ) ">"'.""+~ o @ 276-071-01 ~ .. n HoIIIIS . ASSOCIATtS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 3 of 21 16 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :l.. ~-\ I . 276-071-04 LEGEND , ~ HERITAGE II PROJECT IS8.5S88I REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION - .. IWIIIIS . ASSOCIATIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 4 of 21 17 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :J.. j ,. -. .......~,.,.~~ LEGEND ILLLZ1 HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ~ .. _ IIWJS . ASSQCIA1[S REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WAlER RESERVOIR & WAlER BOOSlER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 5 of 21 ____m_._ 18 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :L- '" ,i) 272-150-35 272-150-29 IX) N I o '" "I N " N 272-150-12 o o 272-150-06 277-170-06 LEGEND ~ HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITlONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORM A TlON .. - n IWIRIS * ASSQCIAIES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WA TER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 6 of 21 19 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # J- LEGEND ~HERIT AGE II PROJECT ~REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT 3 OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION 277-020-17 @ 277-020-18 @ @ @ @@ 277-020-26 @ 277 020 27 / /277-020-29 -..; (JUD ..... ~~ 277-010-16 277 277-080-11 277-080-12 15 - _ !WIllIS A ASSOCIATES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 7 of 21 20 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :;... ~~ , ~ '" I o '" o I .... .... '" ~ 6 '" o I .... ~ I') '" ~ o I .... .... '" w z -< ...J ...J .: ~ 277-020-11 277-020-10 1R/>.IL G BUC\<'S_-- 0\_-- OAK mAIL CT. 277-020-24 DEER '" -< o (BIG BUCKS WAY) VALL Y I 277-020-13 @ 277-020-12 277-020-16 277-080-09 LEGEND Izz:;:J HERITAGE II 'PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMA 110N 277-080-05 ~ - .. _ t AmCI411S REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR &: WATER BOOSTER STA110N HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 8 of 21 21 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :;... ) LEGEND [Z;z3 HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION LJ - --- ~ - _ IWIIIIS t ASSOaAItS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 9 of 21 22 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # .;L ) 277-071-14 277-071-06 277-071-05 277-080-04 ~ 277-070-33 277-080-03 LEGEND ~ HERITAGE" PROJECT 188888 REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT ~ o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION .. _ IWIIIIS t ASSOCIAns REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR & WATER BOOSTER STATION UCDITAf't:" II DO" ICf'T ShAAI 10 nf 71 23 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ ) " I 277~080-06 277-080-03 277-080-21 '" '" '" 6 '" / I co 0 0 co I 0 .... I .... .... '" '" i'" ~ '1 LEGEND .. ~ HERITAGE II PROJECT ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDIllONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION .. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WA1ER RESERVOIR & WA1ER BOOS1ER STATION I ____1[$ I HERITAGE II PROJECT Sheet 11 of 21 I 24 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # c:l.. ) LEGEND ~ OLD COACH GOLF EST A TES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION o @ .. 276-071-01 - _ _ t ASSOCIAItS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 12 of 21 25 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # .:l- ) . 276-070-28 276-070-29 ROAD 276-071-04 LEGEND ~ OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ~ 8_._m REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 13 of 21 26 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # :L ) ) LEGEND IZ?ZZJ OLD COACH GOlf ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 fOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INfORMATION ~ III_~~ REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & fORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 14 of 21 27 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ . 272-150-35 LEGEND f:Z2LZ) OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMA nON . . !WIllS ~ _ItS 28 of 39 272-150-29 ao N I o '" I N l"- N 272-150-12 CD o 272-150-06 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 15 of 21 March 1, 2005 Item # .:L //--'/.:'/ ~ ~ _ .d ,~~ / A / /'/ /' Z / / / \ /_.LL//" ~' /r7////// ~..-.~ W~ ~ ~ ' .~ ~r ~ ~ 7 1 't;o<: () ';;:::~0\~6 2 2 11 1 :t:l\, L. J(s! ~ <!> ~ ~X ~ ~ <1~~!~~ 1 ~ 5~~~ ~ ~ 1 /~ @. ) 277-020-26_ K/~ 7?~ @~ / -<';Mc. :/ 3 -"".5 .~ @ ~7-020 27 77 70 6 ~ ~ @ ~ @ @ /:77-020-29 ~ ~ '" 0 '-.../ SUD 11 @ I ..... \S' ./ /~I24 f,:: ~ ~ N 277-010-16 277-08-?.t."" " 3 ~)C7 @ 277-130-021 x:m~ ~ ~~~ / \@277-'080-11 "'/ ?:;(I-- ~!36) 8' T rk 1 ~ /' rs1 1/@ ~ @ 277-080-12 ~?~ N a ~ 7~YV< tj"; @ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~J(^'-X~ /(:.:; ~ ~;oy~ /////~r~/ ///:0:/:/) 277-020-17 @ 277-020-18 @ 11_ t ASSOQATES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 16 of 21 29 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # .;.. N '" ... '" '" I I I 0 0 0 W '" '" '" Z 0 0 0 ~ I I I ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... --' 277-020-10 '" '" '" <( OAK lRAlL CT. I!': '" -< 277-020-24 0 (BIG BUCKS WAY) OEER VALLEY I 277-020-11 . iR"'L \3\~\3;!.~S- -- 277-020-13 @ 277-020-12 277-020-16 277-080-05 277-080-09 ~ H _ ~ ASSOCIATES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES LE Gli:tJb , OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION Sheet 17 of 21 ~ 30 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # . 98 o E L 44 45 46 47 ~ - -- LEGEND ~ OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT OSEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDItiONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ~ II_._IES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 18 of 21 31 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ ) 277-080-04 LEGEND ~ OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT OISTRICT OSEE SHEE:T 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ~ .. _ !MIlS a ASSOCIA1[S REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 19 of 21 32 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ).- ') ..1 277-080-06 277-080-21 '" '" I o CO o I .... .... '" ,., '" I o CO o 1 .... '" LEGEND ~ OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT o SEE SHEET 21 FOR ADDITIONAL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATION ~ - _ II.III1IS ~ ASSOCIATES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 SEWER PUMP STATION & FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES Sheet 20 of 21 33 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # ,;).- ) /' q. APN :: . - AP-N--. C' 1 272-140-03 26 77~020-19 51 2 272-150-20 27 77-020-14 52 3 272 150 23 28 77'- 020 25 53 4 272-/!KJ-26 29 77 170 1Q"4 5 272-150-37 30 77-170-14 55 6 272-(.<;0:"'36 31 77- 170 18 Sf; 7 272-150-33 32 77-170-17 57 8 272-150-11 JJ 77 170 16 58 9 276-071-10 34 77-170-15 59 10 276 071 11 35 77 130 01 60 11 276-071-03 36 77-/30-10 61 12 276-071-05 37 77-130-09 62 13 276 071 06 38 77 130 Pi 63 14 276-070-24 39 77 13fJ- Of' 64 15 276 070 J3 40 77 I.JO- 06 65 16 ?76-D70 26 4/ 77-130-11 66 17576-070-35 42 j7:"'180 01 67 18 276 070 25 4J 77 18D-02 68 19 277-fJl0-17 44 77-18G-OJ 1169 20 277 010 15 45 77 180- 4 1170 21 277-010-17. 46 '77-1- Ii>) 71 22 277-010-13 47 ~80 IR 7? 23 277-010 20 48 77-180-07 73 24 277 010 21 4.0 '77-18t1:...M 74 25 277-020-20 50 77-180-09 75 APN 77-180-10 77-180-1/ 77 180 12 77 180 13 77-180-14 77 181-01 77-181-02 77 181-03 77 181-13 77-181 14 77-181-28 77-181-15 77 181 25 '77 181 04- '77 181 05 77 181-12 77 181 29 77-181 06 "7 IRt-07 77-181-08 7 -181-09 181 10 7 -181-11 77 181-30 77-181-19 APN 76 77 181-18 77 77 181-17 78 77 181 16 9 77 ./81 21 80 77-181-22 81 77-181-23 82 77-181-24 OJ 77 181 25 ~ 77-190-25 85 77-190-24 ~ 77-190-20 87 77-190-23 88 77-190-22 89 77-190-21 90 77-190-17 91 77 190 1R ~ 77-190-33 ~ 77~190-.'fII 2!- 77-190-14 ~6 77-19tJ-0?- gt 77 190 03 !g. 77-190-13 ~ 77-190-04 99 77-190 12 100 277-190-05 APN I..... APN ..... APN IY"- APN 101 277 190 11 126 277-200-06 /!i1 277 201 18 176 277-202-10 102 277-190-06 127 277-200-07 152 277-201-15 177 277 202 11 103 277-190-10 128 277-200-08 153 277-201-14 178 277-202-12 104 277 19fJ-0? 179 777 -700 09 .<;. 277.701 07 179 277 202fJ3 105 277-190-09 130 277-200-10 155 277-201-'08 180 277-202-04 106 277 190 08 111 277200 11 156 277 201-1t 181 277 202 05 102 277-191...21 132 277-200-12 15 277-201-09 182 277-202-06 108 277 191-22 133 277-200 13 158 277 201 12 183 277 202-07 109 277-191-23 134 277-200-14 159 277-201-10 184 277-202-08 1/0 277 191-04- 135 277-:300 18 160 277 201 29 185 277-202-09 111 277 191 05 136 277 200 19 161 277 202 01 186 277 071 13 1/2 277-191-06 13 277-201-01 16~ 277-202-20 187 277-210-10 1/ 277 191 07 138 277 201 02 163 277-202-21 188 277-210-01 1/4 277-191-09 139 277-201-03 164 277-202-22 189 277-210-02 1/5 277-191-10 140 277-201 04 165 277-202-24 190 277 2 o 03 1/6 277 191-17 141 277 201 05 166 277 202 23 191 277-2 0-04- 1/ 277-191-19 142 277-201-fJ6 16 277-202-30 I/Q~ I 777-17 'fJ_n.<; 1/8 277 191-13 14 277 201 16 168 277-202-19 193 277 110 06 1/9 277-191-14 144 277-201-17 169 277-202-18 194 277-210-07 120 277 191 08 145 277 20'/ 23 170 277-202 17 195 277-210-08 121 277-200-01 146 277-201-24 171 277-202-16 196 777-210-09 122 277-200-02 14 277-201-25 172 277-202-15 123 277-200-03 148 277-201-20 173 277-202-14 124 277 200 04 149 277 201-21 174 277-202-13 125 277-200-05 150 277-201-22 175 277-202-02 - _ !WIllS t ASSOCIAItS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 3 WATER RESERVOIR &: WATER BOOSTER STATION HERITATE II AND SEWER PUMP STATION &: FORCE MAIN IN OLD COACH ESTATES ASSESSOR'S PARCEL INFORMATIQ"'- Sheet 21 34 of 39 of 21 March 1, 2005 Item # .:;.- 35 of 39 12/9/2002 Northpolnt Development Inc. I Golf Estates Sewer Pump Station, Force Main, Sewer Lines, Water Reservoir, and Booster Pump Station Reimbursement Agreement EXHIBIT 4 - Detailed Project Costs SEWER Soft Costs: Dexter Wilson Edward Bohrer Kleinfelder Landmark Consulting Pacific Soils Dev. Design Servo Hydro Equip City of Poway Rick Eng. Construction Costs: Civil Constructors (Force Main & Sewer Pump) Civil Constructors (Sewer Line 1) Civil Constructors (Sewer Line 2) Civil Constructors (Sewer Line 2A) Total Costs: $9,903.56 $43,087.00 $9,938.95 $21,319.35 $3,452.00 $1,582.50 $24,349.75 $13,088.40 $24,656.00 $161,377.51 $598,539.10 $354,789.00 $268,222.50 $533,883.50 $1,755,434.10 $1,906,811.61 WATER Soft Costs: Dexter Wilson Edward Bohrer Kleinfelder tandmark Consulting City of Poway Env. Engineering Lab Construction Costs: Civil Constructors Water Tank Civil Constructors Booster Sta. All Preferred Hydroseed Inc. SRM Contracting & Paving Ridgeline Landscape Toni Dyke Drilling & Blasting Schilling Corp. ~ Total Costs: $138,098.44 $106,479.48 $13,660.00 $50,715.65 $27,241.39 $356.00 $336,550.96 $435,168.24 $422,675.20 $28,912.od $119,537.79 . $88,352.00 $2,819.90 $13,431.15 $1,110,896.28 $1,447,447.24 March 1, 2005 Item # :;... I i ! I )1 ..!! ;~ ~ "~I'5 8i ~ i_~1 l!~~ !IJ~ t!~i"" '&..5"'15 i" - zi ~ &. c j <L E " D. J 36 of 39 ~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~o~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O~~ ~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~W~~W~Wm$um w~m~w~~~~~w~ . tI't- tit (It ;;; IS , g ~ ~ ~ ,.: '" 8 ... ~ ~ ~ - - '" ~ ,.: '" Ii! 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Harris & Associates March 21, 2003 Program Managers Construction Managers Civil Engineers Mr. Ninoy Basuil Associate Engineer City of Po way 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064-5755 Re: Reimbursement District for the Heritage Estates / Old Coach Golf Estates Pump Station, Force Main, Sewer Lines, Water Reservoir, and Booster Pump Station Dear Mr. Basui1: Harris & Associates was hired on behalf of the City of Po way to review docUlllentation related to the subject improvements for a Reimbursement Agreement being proposed by NorthPoint Development (the "Developer") and provide the appropriate Exhibits to the Agreement. The Developer has submitted for our review the improvement plans, contracts, change orders, invoices, and cancelled checks for the design and construction of the subject improvements. We hereby state to the best of our knowledge, infOlmation and belief; based upon the doclUIlentation provided by the Developer that: l. The Developer has complied with what we perceive as the requirements of Chapter 13.24 of the City of Po way Municipal Code; and 2. The costs to design and construct 1I1e subject improvements have been appropriately apportioned in accordance with the benefits that each parcel receives ftom 1I1e improvements. If you have any questions regarding the above, please call me at 800-827-4901 ex!. 337. Respectfully submitted, Harris & Assodates <:. ;;,~ ====- - Associate / Project Manager , CC: David Davis, NorthPoint Development Jeff Cooper, Harris & Associates ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF REIMBURSEMENT COSTS IlLA2\DatalPowaylmmb"""-\Hatris em.doc 17140 8ernardo Center, Suite 212 San Diego, California 92128-2093 858.674-5552 FAX 858.674-5553 sandiego@harris-assoc.com 37 of 39 ATTACHMENT 3 March 1, 2005 Item # "- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES TTM 89-13RAND HERITAGE RANCH ESTATES TTM 98-02 WHEREAS, Northpoint Development, Inc. has requested the City process a Reimbursement Agreement (Agreement) to recover the cost of certain public improvements associated with the development of Old Coach Golf Estates TTM 89-13R (TTM 89-13R) and Heritage Ranch Estates TTM 98-02 (TTM 98-02); and WHEREAS, TTM 89-13R and TTM 98-02, collectively referred to as the "Subdivisions", were approved by the City Council per Resolution Nos. P-90-91 and P-00-59, respectively, on November 27, 1990, and August 1, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Subdivisions were conditioned to construct, among other things, public water and sewer improvements and appurtenances (Public Improvements) to service the development; and WHEREAS, said Public Improvements were designed to accommodate more than the needs of the Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the construction of these Public Improvements has opened up the potential of other various properties adjacent to the Subdivisions to be much more economically developable, in that no one-parcel owner will be shouldering the cost of construction of the improvements; and WHEREAS, it is just and fair that the cost of said Public Improvements shall be borne by all who benefit from it; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1. Approve the Reimbursement Agreement for Certain Public Improvements in Conjunction with Old Coach Golf Estates TTM 89-13R and Heritage Ranch Estates TTM 98-02. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement. 3. Direct the City Clerk to record the Reimbursement Agreement in the office of the San Diego County Recorder. 38 of 39 ATTACHMENT 4 March 1, 2005 Item # ;J. Resolution No. Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 1st day of March 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 1 st day of March 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway M:\engserv\05Reports\Reimburs Agrmnt TTM89-13R\reso.doc 39 of 39 March 1, 2005 Item # .:t ~ep 09 03 08:03a Envi~on~ental Develop~ent 619-696-7487 EXHIBIT 3 BENEFmNG PROPERnes Total Units - I i - -- ! 470 --- I - - ---. - T_ CoeIS-- .- + I 11,81''''47 n___ -.- I -+-s2~" -- A=--c.c .....Unit - -- --~-+-E-- 1-- =1= - -- r- -~--- -i---'--' -- -. I _ - __n - 3013 p.8 ~ ~ ~ /' /' (.~ "/'//,/, .k/v-/. /A?'~~ ~V/ /// /~ A /lfM '/~ 0~/: :~~ '~ >'. ; .~ ~/ "" . ;~- I...../~ XXX~o' '\1/. ''1i 272-150-29 ~ "J. 'Iii .... 1~ f;",iA;y( ~X" ~'9.. ~ :'-.: co N . I o ~ 272-150-12 I N ..... N '11 ':=; ~7 .' o ' , '~" ,~ . , \1J v': ~L()'\.7": 2 ". ~ ,', "2 1 277-020-17 - :J:; /'- '@ 7 277-020-18 I @ , -" ~ <!V..' 28 ,.) 277-020-26 Vh"/77/ @ -' / ~ 'nY"/ /;;; @ 672~-27 'fl '" ~ " ~ ~ @ ~ 0@ /277-020-29 ~ 0 '--./ 6vQ :T1:s. ~@ ,!. ~ ~ ti 277-010-16 277 IR-?"'" I ~ @ 277-130-02 j 2~~ ~ co \ @ 27F080-11 I xx: I'YM/ 1X l36) /{. ., I 0 ~ I----'~ 37::? ~ 277-080-12 2 ~-X> /@ ~/@'- ~/L/.A ~~ffi~ m-_.. ,~~~ ' .'7, ~~~. .... 'l; ,- ~//( ,. 'Ci;(~ ,'~ ~- - ~ ~ .L 8 -34 (2) 0 .~. /' 17 X 3 . - 272-150-06 '/' 77 ~" . ~ :~~~"1'~. ,- ., '. .,. J "'.t --.EiN-IT"~~ ) ~~p ~""'TlON f2.16 D.O~ ~'5TlJo.lC: " ~O~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~, ~,.. , V.,J'95 96' i~ @I <Co""".'!.'" ~ J!:'1 r ~L'.L 98 , ~ _L ~/ ~94' ' 10' ~~, "FORCE @':x97.99 '--' ~# Q' , ~ -:-\' ~f*~15 . ~91 '. r:;: ~J86 64..1..: 6P"I!iiY~e @),/c.;;;-;I~t:;::i 42 ~~ I..E:. ~I t.I\\04. ' ;J/~I~ ~ 43 tz4=i D.U,j. II $1).\(44 ~ [45 ~ '(46 ~' (47 ....- ~ 67 @ll~ s5' 49 @~}Yr' _ ~ ~ @@10 66 ~~ @ ~ W @/,.-. ~B 60 ' i--. ~ 0' ~ (62f~'\ ,/" \ r:;;;.. ~ \(,;'i)f, -::,..........'~ 61 \!3J @j\~@ 63)~ - ESPOlA ROAD /.... \\ 1 -J'l ".", . ^ , , " Gi> R:V .::- MAIN \ N"TZ) ~ \$"IING;. s=.WEii~ 4-70 ~U. \ , ttlOPeN VALLffY IltANc:\I '-IHI!! I .. ~ ~1f.C.. MAIN ~ ""....rA. I D.O. 6Y ~EGN1a..11 . 1 \ ,. .i!o .. LEGEND IZ22I OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES ~ REIMBURSEMENT DISTRICT . .. r'\ ~ ~1-f1::"i:'T ">1 ~nD' Ant'\.ITlna.IAI ~ep 09 03 08:03a Envi~on.ental DevelopMent 619-696-7487 p.7 EXtIIBIT 3 8ENEFITING PROPERTIES Old_ IDe. I 1 I sz.-.2I Lot-40 . =+ . .. J $2.499.29 .n I=-c-.' . . . . , ..' .. 0Id_ Iooc. 4 I $1~.'7' Lot 80. 61 62.63 I _'._'-p]33.29 _. --"--- --. .-- '01d_ Roaltv Inc. . i-t. s.cm.i6 .u ! Lot41,59 . .' ---..-i. $2,439.93 - Old CoIIch - IDe. .-- -.-- '-5 $11.21'''2 I -- .- Lot 42 43.44 SI S2 .--:-=t ! ..~~.36 ._ Old c_ RIia -j. $12.m.U . n. Ine. . !!!t~47,48...~ I .-----..- $2.126.62 .. ... i _. . iidCOllCh .........Inc- ~--_._--_. ---- 4 $10~ Lot 53. M. 55. 56 , ._- ~.... $2,585.62_ ______r__. .-' - -.- m:38' - .-------- Old C_ _.Ine. 2 LDtS7 56 on - .' 837.119 NOIiTHEAIT ~~.."':I T OW(!ER8: . .. " --.- M $140,031.91 I . -\. $2,500.68 Io.~ I ...- -'..1.36 . . . . I Z , IAPN 27~70-34-00 -------- I .- $2.500.1!8__ l- I .. . $2iiiiiii:iI . aod _ __ 10 APN 276-1-4Q.OS.OO ---. 2 .-------- $2.500.68 IAPN 27&-1_ -------- 2 --.---" u._ iAPN 276-14CW1-OO ---- 2 '---=~~-\:.. =::. ."= APN 27&-14Q.Q1.OO .-.------- 4 'u-. LId. _ _ ....... tn.. I Z IAPN 276-140-11-00 ---- I ~,500.68 APN 276-140-12-00 '-' 1 .- ------- .-.--- -- JahnD._ -- 3 . .. $7 APN 276-140-13-GO n ----- $2.500.68 _ ~A. Uiiuori Trust ._---~-- '-'Wi01.3i --"_.- 2 276-140-14-00 =;I. ... S2.500.81!. ..'.- ~LId. . _'FaoiiiV tram I -.IlO'l.36-- :. .. z . ~276-140-15-00 .. . I . I SbSOO.68 .- ~. ._' ! 3- ~. I ----- .. --- $7 .-z.03 I 276-140-17-00 n I i ---- -~.~ . liiiiiOD anoiI(av ICIaIfaId ------ . -I -----.- t--.. ..-.. z $6,0111.. APN277.o11.QS.OO . - . - $2.500,68. -- LoIII.CIeoIdo -..------ .-.--- ---. - 6 512,503.311 APN 277.021.QS.OO . --_.- $2.500.68 _ -A. Trust . on 211 $&2.&16.16 . - - ~ 277.021-G6-00 . 13 .. - 500.68 277-021.07-00 2 ..- n 277-021.08-00 =--~._:~. 277-021.09-00 ---- n.___ N 277-021-10-00 . ---_.~ -- -- N 277.o11..Q4.00 .----. . 1 201 3 ~ep 09 03 09:02a EnvironMen~a1 Deve1opMen~ 619-696-7497 p.b / . EXHIBIT 3 BENEFITING PROPERTIES . u . -\----. --I- I-- -------~__-~~+- .1=--=-:--=-=~-r--:--:--=-:-:: ~___ - __~~-.- ~~~ =L~21. ,_ .:~:: j: Cost_eDU_ SaiRt A.. Jnws J p....., DB.. ___- ___-. _ _.___' .~,290.2iL- .__ - -.- .- 4 $1714U.- \ --~--$il~,2i1:08 =--4 _ ~~732___ . -\- . __f--. ~.2S6.21 -in- ,,_17 ------- :T_ ___- ---~.<< - 1 I -$3M1.1i .------ - _ $3,401.88 ---- -- 1IcCu.........- 1&iii.1273-1011-04 Ioidc.... RUiiY.1nc. Lots 73 14 15 16. 11 -- G Cal.c:tioJII. Lois 1-14 of Mop 13435 ._--~" - n --.---- -- .- ------- ---- --_...... LoI18 0loI_ ..... 1 LoIs11a1 ~ I.LC CIuIIhouoe ___- ..____ I ! 'Oid_~.nc.__-- - --- a I,:.:::, _ _. _~- IAPN21&-O~18-00 _ . 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ME2- --r~- ~M, tt. ~. ) 8- ~- MeJ-T'f"""M, ~. \ ~vf: C~1'f-1UE: D 'T::? ~ N ( 1-1 t:?'1 ~ -n.I-{~ 11-l~~""€7 U , '/1' J.4e., C,A.;U~ A#-ID ~D ~ -!4--p.,t:::' a;,f..J- -r;zs..c~D ~ \ ~ 1--(, .,6.Gf-,~ I:..l . .1. ~~6 wA~ A ~~ ~"'~I.--..::r::= -tTM~ -1 ~ (~ -n:::' ~.,;&..tFJ ~ , Nr~.- ~~ f..+e'-~S:>.,(, ~ -1~ '~l~rzI t:=I.oI ~ y~ HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH ,:.. 17150 OLD COACH ROAD. POWAY, CA 92064 TEL (858) 673-4644 . FAX (858) 673.0123 E-MAIL MAlONEHVR@AOL COM DATE ." I, \ / ~':i$ MEMO/FAX: t$.6B ...lAV' I? h t M t I-4e'V P /Si. ~ MA~E- , . . I t:'l--'P ~ ~fZ: ~~~~,... ~,... . Y/9-74?<t3, 1A e. ~ . *-f/!f.I. ~J{ TO FROM SUBJECT THIS IS PAGE 1 OF PAGES MESSAGE: CI'N t'Wf..IC.ll- 1A"t"G- Ai'1'"' 1""!4~ M'.A'-I li? ~A r a: ~ \.-{~.....~I ~Rue$(Gt;;? A- """ " .N-49 evrz. ~~. ~t1-'JI....\VAI~ -rd A~ -nM~ ~ ~A~ , rt:'e l( ( e:;,. w -r:H-~ ~A-FF- tzE1::b.t..z:r .4- ~iI!' e"f2'Is;.. ~. ~ t>o./o-I,At,..>-{lot? I ~~~A ~I~;t/F~ ~A~/~ ~ ~I A~nf'~ ~I f-tC::;'O-Is> ~ ~e::. CI-r"i c.:;n-A,q::;. ~t7 ~ ~V'Ew~ \,.-; 1:Ae: t:;::r'N # I I _~ ~. 4 PMVJl~~ ~Ill ~$ W-'-\tCH I ~Vlew'~) ~ ~ ("e::f1e;.$. f4D.r:r:;;. ~ ~E:- J'7UMML.wr:if+ ?Ac~ - t 12"'~~...l:> A-. Nr"r"", ""/ ~'Ft==, . -~~$~. .. ~j..\ 'R::'t~T "'T?:'~t;:.CU~ -1"'He ~~~. ~I .,J~ \'1 A M11,jio>. I,(,?A'$ ~;w/ \0.44?i....) 1M I r 1>/&f\.J I~ &ueru j:J~ ~ Et- ~I....U~ ~t;:E:tZ~ O~ 1.k.A~t;~.) ~6 t7A.V/~ ~ ~?a;: ~~~Tj hU.9 'VI'-I~L-r. --rE7V4 LA~I ~ ~ ~ H4Vl"t'"EQl MY et2Vlew ~~ 1f..4~ ~~'L',ACj( -cY A-~Y ~~AL- .o...f...U.L.Y~~ vV ~~ ~ iQt,;'bJ-(rlT'u;::z;. ~ ~.. ~ ~'-I<G(~ 'AlA"- TRANSMITTED By:.... ~ M;;:t:" ~ ~es:.~ ~ ~ t..-!j.J€ I I ~ I ~A.. 1 t:="~, It ~"', c:::E:V1 r;::e::o fiiIJ-I V', I...'. Line 1 with D.U.s assigned each section however w/o construction costs. The Pump Sta. and Force Main costs were included. It is important to note that this analysis allocated 216 D.U.s to the transfer of sewage from the St. Andrews Pump Station to Line 1, and allocated 470 D.U.s of use to the new Heritage pump Station. I called Krls at Northpoint on 8/25/03 to ask about the segmental cost breakdown for Line 1. She said she did not know why I hadn't received it and would check with Dave; I called 8/29/03 and left: message; 9/2/03 and left message; 9/3/03 I called again and left message; 9/4/03, Dave Davis called me 1:30, apologized for delays and said Kris had not told him of my calls. He thought the info had been sent and if not would have it Faxed that afternoon. I received a Fax on 9/9/03 from Dave with the segmental breakdowns by property and Line. Unfortunately the fax pages (dated 9/3/03), were reduced and difficult to read. Dave in the cover letter acknowledged this and said he would FedEx clear copies. I called Dave and asked that a map of the system be Included, and for backup on the extraordinary cost of section "I" I also asked why the City was assigned 216 D.U.s for the St Andrews use of Line 1 and had been assessed only $150,000 In lieu of the $926,690.30 cost assigned In the breakdown. He replied that they, Northpoint, had negotiated the $150,000 with the City and eaten the rest. WIth the Hearing set forlO/7/03 I told Dave I would be unable to complete my analysis without this information. Dave Faxed that he would FedEx clean copies immediately. Not having received them I called Dave on 9/19/03 to please send again. On 9/25/03 I called Kris to advise her that I had not received the Fedex. She said she would check on it and send another copy if needed. I E- mailed Javid requesting an Indefinite Time Extension, due to the difficulty in obtaining the documents from Northpoint. He requested I put it in writing. I did. The Extension was approved on 10/7/03. On 12/10/03 Ninoy by letter ask if I had completed my review? I responded that I had requested backup documentation for Sectton "I" of Line 1, which had not been received. Ninoy E-mailedNorhpointon1/28/03.Ireceivedthebreakdownon3/12l04.This section of Line 1, 1040' in length w/ 3 MH cost $429,884.00 or $413.35 L.F. to construct. According to the Harris Report 8" sewer typically cost $17.50 L.F. I believe that an extraordinary cost difference such as this begs a review. At our 5{26/03 meeting I learned that the backup on this is now available at the City. 111 review it next week. I was prepared at the Meeting to attempt to reconcile the accounting and methodology of assessment. Unfortunately we didn't accomplish that. The information I was provided differs substantially from that used in the Harris Report that went to the Council. I believe another meeting between City staff, Harris Associates, the property owners and their consultants should be held to see if these discrepancies can be resolved. I will be out of town all of July and part of Aug. 2 , MEMORANDUM TO: JAVID SlMINOU POWAY CI1Y ENGINEER FROM: ED MALONE A.I.A. SUBJECT: HERITAGE SEWER REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT DATE: 6/6/04 CC: PLEASE DISTRIBUTE TO YOUR STAFF AND NIALL FRITZ Thank you for arranging the Reimbursement Agreement Meeting on May 26,2004. The Harris Report, used as the basis for the Staff recommendation of approval by the Coundl on May 6, 2003, Included an assessment of $201,716.22 for Hidden Valley Ranch. To verify the fairness of that Assessment the following is a brief summation of my efforts to analyze and understand the methodology used. On April 28, 2003. I received notice of a May 6, 2003 City Council Hearing on a Reimbursement Agreement for certain pUblic Improvements In conjunction with TIM 89-13R and TIM 98-02. I obtained a copy of the staff Report on May1, 2003. With little time to review It, I appeared at the May 6, 2003 Hearing and requested a continuance. The Council decided to bifurcate the Proposal; it approved A $150,000 Assessment to the City, and continued the remainder until June 10 2003. I Immediately requested backup InfonnatJon on the Harris Report from City staff who said they had only what was included in the Staff Report and referred me to Hartis Associates and Northpolnt Development. I Immediately contacted Hartis Associates for this Information. On June 3, 2003, I received some of the requested documents. City staff then determined additional time was needed to allow property owners and theIr consultants to examine these documents. The Hearing was continued until July 8th. ~ On June 19, 2003 I received from Harris AssocIates and additional 15 pages of documents. The requested detailed sewer construction costs for Unes 1,2 and 2a were not Induded, and a note said that the Pump Station and Force Main costs would be forwarded as soon as they re- obtain that Information. I was primarily Intel estedln Une 1 since It was the Une which will be used by HVR. A summary attached assigned Une 1 a total construction cost of $354,789. The additional 10 pages dealt with engineering costs not construction. On June 26, not having received the Line 1 or Pump Station and Forced Main construction costs I contacted Mr. Anderson and Ms. Cox at Hartis Assodates. They did not have those records and referred me to Nlnoy at the City. I called Nlnoy on June 27. He said the City had no backup files to the Harris Report. On June 30, 2003 I called Mr. Anderson at Hartis. He said that Northpolnt must have them, and that Dave Davis was searching for them and also the segmental costs on Line 1 which I had requested. Not having received this Information, on 7/11/03 I sent a Memo to Javid requesting his help In obtaining It. On 8/6/03 I received by FedEx a segmental breakdown of