Item 5 - Hillside/Ridgeline MDRA 04-105 Catrambone AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development services"-- DATE: March 1, 2005 SUBJECT: Staff Report for Hillside/Ridgeline Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 04-105; Mark Catrambone, Applicant. APN: 278-240-20. ABSTRACT The applicant is requesting the approval of a Minor Development Review Application to permit the construction of a 4,700-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence, measuring a maximum of 26 feet in height, and a 660-square-foot garage. The site is a vacant 7.69-acre parcel located along the north side of Eastvale Road, east of Canyon Pass and adjacent to the south side of Skyridge Road. The parcel is located within the Rural Residential B2 zone and within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. Access to the site is along a private easement through the adjacent parcel to the south. Pursuant to Section 17.52.050, City Council approval is required for grading and development within the identified Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed residence as it is located in areas of generally 25% slope, is low in profile to the surrounding hillsides, and blends with the terrain. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is Categorically Exempt from the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project proposes the construction of a single-family residence. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Public Meeting was mailed to eioht adioinino proDertv owners. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve MORA 04-105, subject to the conditions contained in the attached DroDosed Resolution. ACTION M:lplanningI05reportlmdralmdra04-105 CatrambonelSUM.DOC 1 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Niall Fritz, Director of Deve~oR ent services'-- Patti Brindle, City Planner Peggy Chapin, Contract PI nner INITIATED BY: DATE: March 1, 2005 SUBJECT: Staff Report for Hillside/Ridgeline Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 04-105; Mark Catrambone, Applicant. A request to allow construction of a 4,700-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence, and a 660-square-foot garage north of Eastvale Road and adjacent to the south side of Skyridge Road. The vacant 7.69-acre parcel is located within the Rural Residential B2 (RR-B2) zone and within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. APN: 278-240-20. BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 04-105 to construct a 4,700-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence measuring a maximum height of 26 feet, and a 660-square-foot garage. The site is a vacant 7.69-acre parcel zoned RR-B2, within High Valley, and within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area (Attachment B). The property is accessed off of Eastvale Road in the High Valley area. The subject site is one of three lots created in 1979 with Parcel Map 9427, under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego (Attachment C). Parcel 1 was the subject of an approved Hillside Ridgeline Minor Development Review Application (MORA 02-114, approved March 18, 2002) for a single-family home currently under construction. Parcel 2 is currently vacant. The proposed single-family residence would be located on Parcel 3 of that subdivision. The majority of the property is now, or once was, planted in avocado trees. The biological resource report prepared by RC Biological Consulting, dated September 18, 2004, indicated that the site consists of two habitat types: avocado orchard and developed. Much of the 7.35 acres of avocado orchards on-site suffered fire damage during the Cedar Fire of 2003. Re-growth over many of the avocado trees is now evident, promising that the grove may again produce. The balance of the parcel, approximately 0.34 acres, is developed with a grove road that traverses the property from east to west. 2of24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 2 The subject site has the potential for re-subdivision into 2 or 3 lots. The applicant has indicated he intends to submit a subdivision map in the future, which is one of the reasons the proposed residence is located on the upper portion of the lot (Attachment D). FINDINGS Compliance with General Plan and General Plan Gradina Standards The average slope ofthe 7.69-acre property is 37.33%. The project site gently slopes from Eastvale Road, at an elevation of 1,233 feet, to a peak of 1,420 feet at the building pad location. The applicant has attempted to avoid slopes greater than 45%, and sited the proposed residence in an area of approximately 24.46% slope, at an elevation of 1,415 feet (Attachment D). The General Plan provides direction for development in hillsides, requiring that development be sited on areas that minimize the amount of disturbance and impact on prominent ridges. Specifically, within hillside development, the General Plan permits grading of 10% of the lot or20,000 square feet; whichever is greater, for parcels where the average slope is 25% to 44.9%. Since the average natural slope of this property is 37.33%, then 33,497 square feet of the site may be graded. The applicant proposes to grade approximately 32,620 square feet. The proposed project complies with a stated goal ofthe Poway General Plan, Site Design Section, that building pads, driveways, roadways, and structures shall follow and not significantly alter the natural contour of the land. The proposed project involves the least amount of grading and landform alteration in comparison to other possible alternatives. Architecture and Visibilitv As indicated above, the building pad will be at an elevation of 1 ,415 feet and the maximum height of the single-story house will be 26 feet. Rising above the project site to the east is a 1,462-foot peak, which serves as a backdrop to the house. An existing residence to the north of the project site sits above the lot at an elevation of approximately 1,430 feet. The exterior is proposed as tan stucco, with rock fac;:ade at the entrance, and a blended grey/tan tile roof (Attachment E). As illustrated in Attachment G, the proposed residence would have a low profile against the rising hillsides to the east. Availabilitv of Sewer and Water Services and Fire Safetv The property is situated outside of the public sewer system and is dependent on a septic system for the parcel. A percolation test for the proposed septic system was submitted to the County Health Department and found to be adequate for the septic system. 3 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 3 City water is available to the proposed residence, but there is not adequate water pressure for emergency fire suppression. The subject site is located within the service area known as the "1460 Zone," which is supplied from the Skyridge Reservoir. The closest water main to the project site is an existing 8-inch line that branches off a water main in Eastvale Road. This branch was recently installed to serve a fire hydrant for the adjacent lower property. The applicant originally proposed the provision of water by extending the recently installed 8-inch branch to the northeast to serve the project site. This same line would then continue to the south and then west to Eastvale Road to create a looped water system. However, a water systems analysis indicates this proposed looped system would not meet the City's fire flow criteria. One method to meet the City's fire flow criteria is to install a looped system on Skyridge Road between Skyridge Reservoir and the project site, instead of the looped system to Eastvale Road. Preliminary results indicate this alternative loop would consist of2,OOO feet of an 8-inch water main to meet the City's fire flow criteria, as well as potentially benefit several parcels along Skyridge Road who currently are not on City water. Further investigation is required to determine the feasibility of installing this looped system, including the constructability, easement requirements, and environmental permits. For development of a single lot, imposing the provision of the alternative looped system would be considered excessive. Instead of a fire hydrant, the project has been conditioned to provide a residential fire sprinkler system for both the residence and garage, and a minimum of a 10,OOO-gallon water tank for fire protection purposes. In addition, the applicant has provided a fire fuel management plan that will provide a 100-foot buffer around the exterior of the structure. The attached proposed Resolution includes a condition to provide a landscape and irrigation plan that incorporates fuel retardant landscape material. As stated previously, there is a potential for future subdivision of this site. The recommended Resolution contains a condition that the property owner records a covenant on the property that states if a subdivision is proposed for the subject parcel, the owner of the property at that time agrees, at his expense, to connect this parcel to any future extension of the water system from Skyridge Reservoir that meets the City's fire flow criteria. This requirement would not be in lieu of any City subdivision requirements. It is possible that construction of this improvement could also be designated as a future City project if required by the City's Water Master Plan, at which time the subject parcel, and any other parcels resulting from the subdivision, would connect to the water system. Compliance with Zonina Standards The proposed project complies with all of the development standards of the RR-B2 zone. 40f24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Agenda Report March 1, 2005 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEOA Guidelines, in that the project proposes the construction of a single-family residence. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Public Meeting was mailed to eight adjoining property owners. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve MORA 04-105, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed Resolution. Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Location and Zoning Map C. Adjacent Parcels D. Conceptual Grading/Site Plan E. Building Elevations F. Floor Plan G. Photo Simulations M:\planningI05report\mdraIMDRA04-105'agd.doc 5 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION (MDRA) 04-105 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 278-240-20 WHEREAS, Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 04-105 submitted by Mark Catrambone, Applicant, requests approval to permit the construction of a 4,700-square- foot, single-story, single-family residence, measuring a maximum height of 26 feet, and a 660-square-foot garage on a vacant 7.69-acre parcel located north of Eastvale Road and adjacent to the south side of Skyridge Road, within the Rural Residential B2 zone and within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2005, the City Council held a public meeting to solicit comments from the public, both pro and con, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The project, MDRA 04-105, is found to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project proposes the construction of a single-family residence. Section 2: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.52 of the Poway Municipal Code, to approve MORA 04-105 to construct a 4,700-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence, measuring a maximum height of 26 feet, and a 660-square-foot garage on a vacant 7.69-acre parcel located north of Eastvale Road and adjacent to the south side of Skyridge Road, are as follows: A. That the home and garage have been sited to minimize landform alteration and conform to City zoning and grading standards. Therefore, the proposed use respects the interdependence of land values and aesthetics to the benefit of the City; and B. That the approved project will not have an adverse affect on the aesthetics, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties, as the residence is consistent with surrounding residences. Therefore, the proposed design, size, and scale of the proposed addition is compatible with and will not adversely affect, or be materially detrimental to, adjacent uses, residents, buildings, structures, or natural resources; and C. That the granting of the Minor Development Review Application would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare since the proposed use will complete improvements necessary for the new residence; and 6 of 24 ATTACHMENT A March 1, 2005 Item # ~ Resolution No. P- Page 2 D. The project has been designed to minimize impacts on the surrounding community by utilizing a low-profile architectural design, and earth-toned wall and roof materials. Therefore, the proposed development respects the public concems for the aesthetics of development; and E. That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, nor be contrary to the adopted General Plan because it will meet all development requirements; and F. That the proposed development will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. Section 3: The findings, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 for the public improvements, needed as a result of the proposed development to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, are made as follows: A. The design and improvements of the proposed development are consistent with all elements of the Poway General Plan, as well as City Ordinances, because all necessary facilities will be available to serve this project. The construction of public improvements is needed as a result ofthe proposed development to protect the public health, safety, and welfare as identified below: 1. In accordance with the Poway General Plan, the project requires the payment of drainage, park, affordable housing, and traffic fees, which are assessed on a pro-rata basis to finance public infrastructure improvements, which promote a safe and healthy environment for the residents of the City. Section 4: The City Council hereby approves MORA 04-105, to allow the construction of a 4,700-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence measuring a maximum height of 26 feet and a 660-square-foot garage on a vacant 7.69-acre parcel located north of Eastvale Road and adjacent to the south side of Skyridge Road, per site plans, grading plans, floor plans, and elevations on file with the Planning Division dated September 14, 2004, subject to the following conditions: A. Approval of this MDRA request shall apply to the subject project and shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. B. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. C. The conditions of MDRA 04-105 shall remain in effect for the life of the subject residence, and shall run with the land and be binding upon future owners, successors, heirs, and transferees of the current property owner. 7 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Resolution No. P- Page 3 D. Prior to grading, the applicant shall obtain a Grading Permit. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following: (Engineering) 1. A grading plan for the development of the lot, prepared on a City of poway standard mylar at a scale of 1" = 20', shall be submitted, along with a Grading Permit application and applicable fees, to the Development Services Department, Engineering Division, for review and approval. A grading plan submittal checklist is available at the Engineering Division front counter. At a minimum, the grading plans shall show the following: 8 of 24 a. Tops and toes of graded slopes shall be shown with a minimum 5-foot setback from open space areas and property lines. Structures shall be located at least 5 feet from tops and toes of slopes, unless waived by the Planning Division and/or Engineering Division prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. b. Proposed driveway access, in compliance with the specifications provided in Section 17.08.1700 ofthe Poway Municipal Code, including minimum structural sections, together with their elevations and grades. The driveway approach shall comply with the Regional Standard Drawings. c. A separate erosion control plan for prevention of sediment runoff during construction. The plan shall provide for an on-site de-silting basin with a volume based on 3,600 cubic feet per tributary acre drained. d. Locations of all utilities (proposed and existing), together with the appurtenances and any easements. Encroachments are not permitted upon any easement without an approved Encroachment Agreement/ Permit. e. All new slopes shall have a maximum 2 to 1 ratio (horizontal to vertical). f. Locations of all utility boxes, clearly identified in coordination with the respective utility companies, and approved by the City prior to any installation work. Screening of utility boxes shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. All utilities are required to be undergrounded. g. Fire Fuel Management Zones consistent with City Standards and as approved by the Fire Marshal. h. A minimum 1 O,OOO-gallon water tank, with Fire Department Connection, is required for the fire protection system. The water tank location shall March 1, 2005 Item # ...5-.- Resolution No. P- Page 4 be approved by the Planning Division, Building Division and Fire Marshal, and shown on the grading plan. Said tank shall be painted an earth-toned color and be sited to observe all required setbacks to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. i. Septic and leach fields in an area approved by the County of San Diego Health Department. 2. A soils/geological report shall be prepared by an engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. The report shall be submitted with the grading plan. 3. A drainage study using the 100-year storm frequency criteria shall be submitted with the grading plan. The drainage system shall be capable of handling and disposing all surface water within the project site and all surface water flowing onto the project site from adjacent lands. Said system shall include all easements required to properly handle the drainage. Large concentrated flows across driveways are not permitted. 4. If construction of this project is to disturb one acre or more, the applicant shall file with the State Regional Water Quality Control Board a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the Statewide General Permit that covers storm water discharges. Proof of filing of the NOI and an assigned Waste Discharge Identification Number shall be submitted to the Development Services Department, Engineering Division, prior to issuance of a Grading or Building Permit. Applications may be obtained by contacting: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 467-2952 5. If construction of this project is to disturb one acre or more, the applicant shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that effectively addresses the elimination of non-storm runoff into the storm drain system. The SWPPP shall include, but not be limited to, an effective method of hillside erosion and sediment control; a de-silting basin with a capacity of 3,600 cubic feet of stor;'lge per acre drained, or designed to remove fine silt for a 10-year, 6-hour storm event; a material storage site; measures to protect construction material from being exposed to storm runoff; protection of all storm drain inlets; on-site concrete truck wash and waste control; and other means of Best Management Practices to effectively eliminate pollutants from entering the storm drain system. The engineer shall certify the SWPPP prior to issuance of a Grading or Building Permit. 90124 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Resolution No. P- Page 5 6. The applicant shall pay all applicable engineering, plan checking, permit, and inspection fees. 7. Grading securities in the form of a performance bond and a cash deposit, or letter of credit, shall be posted with the City prior to grading plan approval. A minimum $2,000 cash refundable security deposit is required. 8. The applicant shall attend a pre-construction meeting, at which time they shall present an Action Plan that identifies measures to be implemented during construction to address erosion, sediment, and pollutant control. Compliance for erosion control can be provided using one or more of the following guidelines: a. Provide an on-site de-silting basin with a volume based on 3,600 cubic feet per tributary acre drained. b. Cover all flat areas with an approved mulch. c. I nstall an earthen or gravel bag berm that retains 3 inches of water over all areas prior to discharge, effectively creating a de-silting basin from the pad. 9. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall record a covenant to encumber the subject property. This covenant shall state that if a subdivision is proposed for the subject parcel, the property owner agrees, at his expense, to connect the parcel under this application to any future extension of the water system from Skyridge Reservoir that meets the City's fire flow criteria. These requirements are not in lieu of established City subdivision requirements. The covenant document shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review prior to recordation. 10. The following easements are shown on the November 23, 2004, "Site Plan Conceptual Grading Plan and Natural Features Map" and are not described in the First American Title Report DIV-1283389 (09). These easements shall be described in the above referenced title report, and no structure(s) shall be built over them: a. 40-foot private road easement per F/P 1973-140318 recorded May 24, 19730.R. b. 4-foot SDG&E easement per DOC 82-200804 recorded June 29, 1982. c. 30-foot private road easement per F/P 1973-140218 recorded May 24, 1973 O.R. and B.K. 7674, PG 549 O.R. 10 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Resolution No. P- Page 6 d. 15-foot road and utility easement per F/P 1998-0491528 recorded August 5, 1998. 11. The following easement described from First American Title Report DIV- 1283389 (09) shall be shown on the grading and building plans, and no structures(s) shall be constructed over them. a. A proposed 1S-foot private road easement as delineated and designated on Parcel Map No. 9427. 12. Leech field layout or seepage pit layout for the residence sewage disposal system shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Division for review prior to obtaining a septic system installation. If a County permit is obtained without a City approved layout, a copy shall be submitted prior to installation of leach lines. Leach field and septic system shall be shown on grading plan prior to issuance of grading plan approval. 13. Construction staking is to be installed and inspected by the Engineering Inspector prior to any clearing, grubbing, or grading. As a minimum, all protected areas as shown on the project plans are to be staked by a licensed surveyor and delineated with lathe and ribbon. A written certification from the engineer of work or a licensed surveyor shall be provided to the Engineering Inspector stating that all protected areas are staked in accordance with the approved project plans. 14. Prior to any rock blasting, a pre-blast survey of the surrounding properties shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services, and a Blasting Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting. Blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the Director of Development Services. 15. Construction activity on the project site, including equipment preparation (i.e., warming up engines), shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Grading activities, including equipment preparation, shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 16. All erosion control and pollutant control measures shall be installed and maintained by the developer throughout the duration of the construction period. 17. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the City of Poway. 11 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ Resolution No. P- Page 7 (Planning) 18. A landscape/irrigation plan for slopes over 5:1 and Fire Fuel Management Zones, in accordance with the applicable requirements of the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements, shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Development Services. Said plan shall show the following: a. Irrigation, and sizes and species for: i. Landscaping all manufactured and disturbed slopes greater than a 5:1 slope, ii. The Fire Fuel Management Zones. b. In accordance with said requirements, and the Poway General Plan requirement for hillside development, the landscaping shall utilize materials similar in appearance to the existing native vegetation. c. Trees shall be planted at the rate of one tree per 750 square feet of slope area and shrubs shall be planted at the rate of one shrub per 100 square feet of slope area. Groundcover shall be hydroseeded, or hand planted cuttings appropriately spaced, to eventually control soil erosion. 19. A 10,OOO-gallon water tank for fire suppression purposes is required. Prior to installation, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department exterior colors for approval. E. Prior to construction the applicant shall obtain a Building Permit. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following: (Engineering) 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans and conditions of approval contained herein. Grading shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, the City Grading Ordinance, the approved grading plan, the approved soils report, and grading practices acceptable to the City. 2. Erosion control, including, but not limited to, desiltation basins, shall be installed and maintained by the developer throughout the duration of the construction period. The developer shall maintain all erosion control devices throughout their intended life. 3. Rough grading of the lot is to be completed and must meet the approval of the City Inspector and shall include submittal of the following: a. A certification of line and grade prepared by the engineer of work. b. A final soil compaction report for review and approval by the City. 12 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # ---5- Resolution No. P- Page 8 4. Prior to delivery of combustible building materials, on-site water systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be fully operational. 5. Prior to start of any work within City-held easements or rights-of-way, a Right- of-Way Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department. All appropriate fees shall be paid prior to permit issuance. 6. The following development fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to Building Permit issuance. These fees are currently in effect and are subject to change. Water: Meter Size :y. inch *1 inch Cost $130 $270 Expansion Fee $3,710 $6,678 **SDCWA Fee $2,461 $3,938 Service Line $1,430 $1,430 * If a 1" meter is required for fire safety only, %" meter fees for expansion and SDCWA will be applicable. To be paid by separate check made payable to the San Diego County Water Authority. ** Sewer = Traffic Mitigation = Park = Drainage = Septic System $ 990 $2,720 $1,570 (Planning) 7. The building plans shall be consistent with the approved site plans, grading plans, floor plans and elevations dated December 15, 2003, on file in the Development Services Department, except as modified by the conditions herein. 8. School impact fees shall be paid at the rate established at the time of Building Permit issuance. Please contact the Poway Unified School District for additional information at (858) 748-0010, ext. 2089. 9. The maximum height of any fence or wall shall not exceed 6 feet. Any walls proposed shall be reflected on grading plans and shall be of decorative block or stucco finish consistent with the exterior of the proposed residence. 10. An Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee in the amount of $4,500.00 shall be paid prior to Building Permit issuance. 11. All living quarters shall be equipped with low-flow plumbing fixtures. 13 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ Resolution No. P- Page 9 12. The Building Permit shall include proposed color for the tank and a site plan that identifies access to the tank. The location of the tank shall meet the approval of the Fire Department and Planning. The tank shall be painted a muted earth-tone color to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. F. The applicant shall comply with the following conditions prior to occupancy: (Engineering) 1. Driveways, drainage facilities, slope landscaping and protection measures, and utilities, shall be constructed, completed, and inspected by the Engineering Inspector. The driveway shall be constructed in accordance with Poway Municipal Code, Section 17.08.1700, and its structural section shall be shown on the grading plan. 2. An adequate drainage system around the building pad capable of handling and disposing all surface water shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Engineering Inspector. Run-off shall not be permitted to pond near the house foundation or cause surface erosion along the slopes. Large concentrated flows over the driveway and onto the street are not permitted. 3. The applicant shall repair any and all damages to the streets caused by construction activity from this project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. All proposed utilities within the project site shall be installed underground. 5. A private road maintenance agreement, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, shall be executed by the property owner per Municipal Code Section 12.20.060. The agreement shall provide for maintenance of the private road between the terminus of the public portion of Eastvale Road and the driveway entrance of the subject property. The applicant shall provide to the City a legal description and plat map prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer for this agreement. 6. Record drawings, signed by the engineer of work, shall be submitted to Development Services prior to a request of occupancy, per Section 16.52.130B of the Grading Ordinance. Record drawings shall be submitted in a manner to allow the City adequate time for review and approval prior to issuance of occupancy and release of grading securities (Planning) 7. All permanent landscaping and an automatic irrigation system for landscaping on all manufactured slopes greater than 5:1 shall be installed and operational at time of final inspection. 14 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Resolution No. P- Page 10 G. The applicant shall construct the following improvements to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services: 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Sections 1503 and 1504, UBC Standard 15-2, and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64 and its amended Ordinance No. 526. 2. Approved numbers or addresses measuring 4 to 6 inches in height shall be placed on the building in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Address shall be required at private driveway entrances. 3. Each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace shall be maintained with a spark arrester. 4. Dead end access roadways in excess of 150 feet long shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of Fire Department apparatus. Curves and topographical conditions could alter the requirements for turnarounds and the width of access ways. 5. This dwelling is being constructed on a 7.69-acre parcel and is beyond 500 feet maximum from the nearest fire hydrant. The dwelling will have to have standby water for firefighting and a residential sprinkler system. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for details. 6. A residential fire sprinkler system is required. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 7. The applicant shall comply with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements as it relates to fire Fuel Management Zones. 8. A 1 O,OOO-gallon water tank, with a fire department connection, will be required for fire protection purposes. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for placement of the water tank and fire department connection. 9. The driveway shall have a minimum width of 16 feet. Section 5: This MDRA 04-105 shall expire on March 1,2007, at 5:00 p.m. unless a Building Permit has been issued and construction or use of the property in reliance on this permit has commenced prior to its expiration. Section 6: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or exactions imposed pursuant to this approval shall begin on March 1, 2005. 15 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 Resolution No. P- Page 11 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 1 st day of March 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. P- , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 1 st day of March 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway M:\plannlngI05reportlmdralmdra04_105 Catrambonelres.doc 16 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # ~ \ >1F~~"'-~ -R h.) "'-~ \ LAK OWA~ ~ RECREA nONAJ. '\ '-Q~~~ ./ -' ~ "-.... ~ ~ \ ;:;: ~ \~ . OAK CAN~"" ') ~~ .._ r!!(y!) f/J ~-\ ~I RM Ix l I~)!. ,4TVl, RDI ~"y---. J . > SKY"DG RD QUAi MOUNTAIN RD C~'(OTE C ~ 11,,,- f ~v -1 -u'rv:fJ I I I ~ __---- ~ --7 j , ,\\s :" o~ f/ 1 -/ RR-A - t--t I ..=t ~@- l~-L - .__~,~ ,~r -H,' 2:Jb \ I 1. f-' ~s~ 70S.RM ~ :- 3J~\\' / I ~~~l ~ OS.RM ~ ~ ~1G f-NMI't'~ AI DU ~ ~S'R~..,~__ II I 1 -.1 - OS.RM W9>) (/ ; / i I . . \ ~ ( g ~ C2 . I 01 , I . OS-RM r SUBJEC --1.- PROPERTY - -RM " a: g a: DGECREST ~ I' c c ,. OS.~ M f RR-A --j '4- vt ""Ji ~/ (' ....."0,..,,() 1---. - ,,---- // -~~ Fl:~'-~ ~~--- .....1 ... --. -_/ t \...,A" ,. - <!$o--- /;:' V c_ '-I ,OS-RI}.-1- p.!'EIC TS R.,<, I [ F R-A c-" CITY OF POWAY ITEM: MDRA 04-105 SCALE: N.T.S. g TITLE: ZONING/LOCATION MAP 17 of 24 ATTACHMENT B March 1, 2005 Item # .5 18 of 24 SUBJECT SITE PARCEL 3 OF Parcel Map 9427 Phil 0427 , ... ., ::I ~~ PAA , @ 7.90AC ~ , ~ ~ '" M '" . . " ~~'.6 m.~ " I . , e' ~~ ~ : ." @ ~ 8.2S....C ~ . . ATTACHMENT C March 1, 2005 Item # : t ~ 5 ~ ;::;: ~ . ~ I ! ~ ~ I ~ ! 5. j ~ w ; Ii!! illi I h I ~ 1_llrldl It: II I - --- I Il.uII i I 1!11 il ~ 1 1111111 --,,--I. 1 ~!!i N u. ! I ~ i 1':1 I I "" I o . I '- 1,II,t1im illll . 1'1 8 11'- if jjj I - --- {'IJ r.:I ~ ~ ~ i ~ r.:I' "'" ~ ~ ~ E-< -< Z ~! j Po. o Z ..... Q -< ~ o ....:I -< ~ E-< I:J,., r.:I C) Z o C) j I:J,., ~.,.~o 1 .,. il ., ~ .6 '6 t~ ~ March 1, 2005 Item # 5 19 of 24 _ ATTACHMENTD \~-I -- ,;, L.EFT EL.EVATION ~AT1Q<1I<E'fflOTM 0....---'--, @...........- @...._---- @---_......- @--..--- @.---'--- @--......- ~_.__._-- @----- ~---_._- RIGHT E1.EVATION ~ " ~-I. ;.;.. FRONT EL.EVATION (1)..........-- 0....-___..._ @----.....- Ij)------ @--_._-- 0__._ @-.--.--- ID____ @--_.- ;. !II: -- --- REAR EL.EVATION 20 of 24 ATTACHMENT E March 1, 2005 Item # 5 e e J e If I "z 0( e ..J II. 0: o e 0 ..J, lLi :====~===:~:=::= @ I!d II II 'In !Inl e e e ~---- e II e 21 of 24 ATTACHMENT F March 1, 2005 Item # 5 'f'~~--r <S I"'t't':- 22 of 24 ATTACHMENT G March 1, 2005 Item # . S CanYQn Pass View 23 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5 24 of 24 March 1, 2005 Item # 5