Item 17 - Administrative Action Taken AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Paolo Romero, Management Assistant r. t INITIATED BY: DATE: March 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-Initiated and Public Inquiry Items ABSTRACT A policy for the disposition of issues introduced during Public Oral Communications or under a City Councilmember's agenda item has been established by the City Council. The City Council requests staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the consent calendar. This report covers the period of October 1, 2004 through December 31,2004. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION N.\Clty\share\agenda-sum.doc 7/1/03 1 of 14 March 15, 2005 Item # \ I CITY OF POW A Y AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fiU out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Member~ o~ity Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Paolo Romero, Management Assistant 1fl. INITIATED BY: DATE: March 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-Initiated and Public Inquiry Items BACKGROUND Resolution 86-135 (attached) outlines the policy for the disposition of issues introduced at Public Oral Communications or under a City Council member's agenda item. The City Council requests staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the Consent Calendar. FINDINGS This report of administrative action covers the period of October 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Date Name Topic Disposition 10/13/04 Rich Falda Update on City's Adopted Letter from Unit - 151 LAR Battalion Mavor 11/16/04 R.W. Stavros PGSL 501 (c)(3) Status Letter from City Attorney 11/17/04 Tom Scott Praised City - City Hall Letter from Mavor 11/17/04 Barbara Lerma Praised City - City Hall Letter from Mavor 11/17/04 Andy Patapow Thanked City for Letter from Participation in "Red Mayor Ribbon Week" 2 of 14 March 15,2005 Item #~ Administrative Remedy Report (Oct-Dec '04) March 15, 2005 Page 2 11/17/04 Linda Thanked City for Letter from Vanderveen Participation in "Character Mayor Counts" Week 11/24/04 Joe St. Lucas Praised City Staff for Letter from Addressing Code Mayor Compliance Issues 12/14/04 Scott Higley Annual Holiday Greetings Letter from to Citv Council Mavor 12/14/04 Tom Farley Annual Holiday Greetings Letter from to City Council Mayor 12/21/04 Joe St. Lucas Request for Additional Letter from Weekend Code Mayor Enforcement ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. Attachments: A. B. Resolution 86-135 Administrative Action Letters 3 of 14 March 15,2005 Item #---.Ll.- ~CN 00. 86-U5 A RESOWl'ICN CF ':tHE CITY COONCIL CF ':tHE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFCi'I'UA, ESTlIBLISHING mx:EOORAL RILES ro CCMPLY WITH ~ CXDE SECl'ICNS 54954.2 AND 54954.3 WHEREAS, except as provided therein, California Govermnent Code Sections 54954.2 and 54954.3, effe::tive January 1, 1987, establish limitations upon discussing, and prohibit taking action upon itans of blsiness introduced at City Camcil meetings rot not appearing on the agenda1 and ~, the City Council wishes to CCIIP1y with both the spirit and the letter of said se::tions and to be as responsive to members of the pililic as possible1 and WBEREAS, the City Attorney has opine:i that, except as provided in said sections, the City cooncil should neither discuss nor act upon off-aqenda items initiated by staff or Camcilmembers1 and WHERFAS, the city Attorney has opine:i that said sections do not prohibit discussion of off-aqenda items introduce:i by the pililic provided that no action is taken. N:W, TIIEREFORE, 'lBE CI'IT COONCIL OF 'lBE CITY OF PCI'IAY, CALIFI::eIIA, OOES HERE2Y ADOPr 'lBE FOI.I.CHING RILES OF ~ GO\1ERNING rrs MEETINGS CCJM;:NCING JAWARY 1, 1987: Section 1. Items of business not appearing on a City Council agenda and introduce:i by a coonci1member or by staff shall be referred autaoatically and without 8roJ discussion or action whatever by cooncil to the City Manager (1) for action by the City Manager if the mtter is atininistrative in nature1 or (2) for placenent upon a City cooncil agenda within four (4) weeks if the mtter requires action by the Camcil. '!he city Manager shall report to the city cooncil within four (4) weeks any administrative action taken. Nothing herein shall prohibit or limit any Camcilmember fran announcing or introducing at a meeting of the Camcil any mtter of ooncern to such cooncilmember. Section 2. Items of business not appearing on a City cooncil agenda and introduce:i by a member of the pililic my be discussed by the City Camcil, rot no action shall be taken thereon. All such itans shall be referre:i autanati- cally and without any action whatever to the City Manager (1) for action by the City Manager if the mtter is administrative in nature1 or (2) for placenent upon a city cooncil agenda within four (4) weeks if the mtter requires action by the Camcil. The City Manager shall report to the City cooncil within four (4) weeks' any administrative action taken. PASSED , California, 1986. AWJ:'~= AND APPR:J\IED, by the City Camcil of the City of l'cJiia.y, at an adjourne:i regular maeting thereof this 11th day of Decanber, ATl'FSl' : E1/i;~ 'Th ~~-6:: Marjor e ,K. Wahlsten, City Clerk '- 4 of 14 March 15,2005 Item #~ ,CC-!J"l-B/P/t!?!SN/ ~~~~/ F IL-f /C/ll(cl/ ' ~ITY OF POWA'~' MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY. Councilmember BETIY REXFORD, Councilmember October 13, 2004 Richard M. Falda Poway VFW Post 7907 12342 Old Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. Falda: Thank you for attending the September 28, 2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your update of the supporting programs for the 1st Light Annored Reconnaissance (LAR) Battalion. The Council was pleased to hear of the return of 1st LAR, and we look forward to the future opportunities of including members in City events and gatherings. As we gain experience in the Adopt-A-Military Unit program, I have no doubt that the City and its residents can provide continuous support to the adopted Unit. City staff is currently reviewing the 2004 and 2005 Calendar of Events for possible inclusion of the I sl LAR, and wilt work in conjunction with the Poway VFW prior to any decision. Should you require any supporting material from staff or the Council, please contact Paolo Romero, Management Assistant, at (858) 668-4506. With continued communication, we can lay the foundation for a successful program, which supports the 1st LAR year-round. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. The City of Po way truly values its continued partnership with the Poway VFW Post 7907. Sincerely, h\~9C_ Mickey t:i[I;'J Mayor cc: Members ofthe City Council James 1. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager 5 of 14 March 15,2005 Item #--Lt- . . ~.i. . ,\:, I;G:~;....; ,\.~"':' . . MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor OON HIGGINSON, Depury Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY. Councilmember BEITY REXFORD, Councilmember CITY OF Po WAY tU Jib (PM-{ Tlt$( 1:r<1<"{ c~ November 16, 2004 R.W. Stavros 13639 Jackrabbit Road Poway, CA 92064 Re: Poway Girls Softball League 501 (c)(3) Status Dear Mr. Stavros: We are in receipt of your letter of November 9, 2004, regarding the tax-exempt status of the Poway Girls Softball League. The tax-exempt status of the league would have no impact on the bid process, inasmuch as any contributions to the City of equipment and material are also deductible, if eligible. Bids for the project were opened on November 2, 2004, and the City Council awarded the contract on November 9. Thank you for your continued interest in this project. cc: Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager 6 of 14 March 15, 2005 Item #--.l.:1- J:D. '" MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON, Depury Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY. CounciImember BETTY REXFORD, Councilmember .; CC-/ :V.Y / fAR IKM(;,/~;~'T / F II E /c.-HfJOA/ . CITY OF !-JQWl1.Y November 17, 2004 Tom Scott 13038 Creek Park Drive Poway, CA 92064 .~ ) DearMr.sco~ ~ Thank you for attending the October 19, 2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your praise of the new City Hall Complex. As the City's center of operations, the City Council was delighted to have members of the community attend the complex dedication and participate in the public tour and open house. The consolidation of departments in one central location now enables City staff to serve the public in an efficient manner using state-of-the-art equipment. All this would not have been possible without the outstanding support of the Park Creek Homeowner's Association. We were pleased to work in conjunction with the HOA in reducing associated neighborhood impacts during construction and in completing needed improvements to our shared fence. Once again, thank: you for speaking at the City Council meeting. The "City in the Country" commends your continued involvement in the community. Sincerely, ~,y Mickey ca~ Mayor ~ cc: Members ofthe City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager 7 of 14 March 15, 20051tern #--D- .' .- ~' '*' b...~t.:>;"~ni(1)\;.;...~~,;"c)L~~ .'~ ..; -,-.'i,"", , MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor OON HIGGINSON, Depury Mayor BOB EMERY. Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BETTY REXFORD, Councilmember C G / Jl-fJ / fA P. / KMC-! ~;~'r if 11-[; /cHf(OA! 'CITY OF POW~Y November 17, 2004 Barbara Lenna 12877 Carriage Road Poway, CA 92064(6 V ' rr' Dear Ms. Lenna: Thank you for attending the October 19,2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your praise of the new City Hall Complex. As the City's center of operations, the City Council was pleased to have members of the community attend the complex dedication and participate in the public tour and open house. The consolidation of departments in one central location now enables City staff to serve the public in an efficient manner using state-of-the-art equipment. With its intended purpose of serving the community, the public wilt soon have the opportunity to reserve the Council Chambers for meetings and gatherings. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. The "City in the Country" commends your continued involvement in the community. ~~~'~ ) Mickey Cafa' ~ Mayor U- cc: Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager 8 of 14 March 15, 2005 Item #--1:L ~ v. - ",,'., ' f"S"1 pi-tilt",,.. A...!I'::t~,1-aPol'D";~~~ ,- '\-;~"";;'\'.-",." ,.r, "., fl.'." MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor OON HIGGINSON. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Coundlmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BETTY REXFORD, Councilmember C (,1 JL[) / fAR I 1\)/((,1 ~;~'T J F lL-E /c.H/'10Jt/ , CITY OF }lOWnY November 17, 2004 Andy Patapow 13331 Carriage Road Poway, CA 92064 r n Dear Mr. Patapow: ~ 6 Thank you for attending the October 19, 2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your praise of the City's participation in Red Ribbon Week. The City Council is dedicated to promoting the healthy lifestyle associated with a drug- free community. Each year, the City of Po way provides red ribbons to City employees to coincide with the distribution of ribbons to students, teachers, and administrators of the Poway Unified School District. This year's phrase, "Respect Yourself...Don't Use Drugs," is a reminder of the City's zero-tolerance policy against illegal substances. Through our combined campaigns, the red ribbon has become a symbol of the community effort necessary for drug prevention, and discouragement towards the abuse of illegal and legal drugs. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. In addition, congratulations on your successful re-election to the Poway Unified School District Board of Education. Your re-election is a testament to your hard work and dedication to the community and its students. Sincerely, ~. Mayor cc: Members of the City Council James 1. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager 9 of 14 , . March 15, 2005 Item # \1 . ~,;,-: fI;\ 6'J~,);, ;;;!'(dIt~;.k,lJj_k'i_._c' , ' 0-, . ~ ' , . , . MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY. Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BETTY REXFORD, Councilmember c C- / :fLY I flt{J..Il<..M("/~;~fT J f IL-E /c..Hf(O/V CITY OF l-'OWrtY November 17,2004 Linda Vanderveen 13571 Summit Circle ~ "- Poway, CA 92064 .Q u y\- Dear Ms. Vanderveen: Thank you for attending the October 19, 2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your praise of the City's participation in "Character Counts" Week. Based on the City Council's commitment to providing the best possible education for the youth of the Poway Unified School District, we were pleased to participate in "Character Counts" Week and to recognize the importance of good character and citizenship for the youth of our community. As the Aspen Declaration states, "Effective character education is based on core ethical values, which fonn the foundation of democratic society." The Six Pillars of Character - trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are values that represent our community and its young people. With the promotion of character development and ethical behavior, today's youth can build a future of hope, kindness, and opportunity for all. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. In addition, congratulations on your successful re-election to the Poway Unified School District Board of Education. Your re-election is a testament to your hard work and dedication to the community and its students. t',tJ Mickey ca~ Mayor D cc: Members ofthe City Council James 1. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager 10 of 14 March 15,2005 Item #-1:L IJ>.. h'.:...~.. __ ;...': _. .t.d~u.;~u '; , ,-':. ~ MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY. Councilmember JAY GOLDBY. Councilmember BETIY REXFORD, Councilmember CG-/JL-J}/rJtf/./K}/lG/'z;~'T / FII-F:/c.Hf(o/tl (~ITY OF IJoWh.Y November 24, 2004 Joe St. Lucas, President Westgate Homeowner's Association 13033 Earlgate Court Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. St. Lucas: Thank you for attending the October 26,2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your recognition of City staff for their work in addressing neighborhood issues attributed to the two adjacent car dealerships. Although these recent issues have been resolved, staff will continue to monitor the activities of each dealership, and will work in conjunction with them to ensure compliance of all applicable City codes. Should you require further assiStance, please contact the City's Code Compliance Division, at (858) 668-4663. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. Public participation is truly the best way to ensure that the community's needs are met. Sincerely, cc: Members of the ity Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager Marc LeDrew, Code Compliance Officer Diane Mann, Code Compliance Officer 11 of 14 l*' pririleN nn'R~'w~it.4~.iim'r March 15,2005 Item #..J:L . "':~. ,. ..., .. ~':~i,,. - .,;:.,,,,.-... MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor OON HIGGINSON, Depury Mayor BOB EMERY. Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BE1TY REXFORD, Councilmember Cc'/JL{J/fAfJ.IK)/tG/~;'/T / F/L-E/e-HT<OIV LITY OF Po WAr . December 14,2004 Scott Higley 12749 Cobblestone Creek Road Poway, CA 92064 Dear Scott: Thank you for attending the December 8, 2004, City Council meeting. It is always a pleasure to receive your holiday greetings, and we are pleased to know that the Christmas tree has once again been decorated for the community's enjoyment. For many years now, your labor oflove has symbolized Christmas and its true meaning. The lighted Christmas tree has become a holiday tradition that the residents of Poway look forward to seeing each year. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. The "City in the Country" appreciates your holiday gift to the community. cc; Members ofthe City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager '". 120f14 - ~,~dOte6~!J;iA~n"'~',"!;' > /'. .' ~ March 15,2005 Item #----D- 1.-.' ~, " ,~.". "m .,' MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BETIT REXFORD. Councilmember Cc.-IJLfJ/t.ItRIK)/I.(.,/~;~'T J fll-Elc.-Hf(o/l/ CITY OF POWAr December 14, 2004 Tom Farley 12601 Cobblestone Creek Road Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. Farley: Thank you for attending the December 8, 2004, City Council meeting. It is always a pleasure to receive your holiday greetings, and we are pleased to know that the Christmas tree has once again been decorated for the community's enjoyment. For many years now, your labor of love has symbolized Christmas and its true meaning. The lighted Christmas tree has become a holiday tradition that the residents of Poway look forward to seeing each year. Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. The "City in the Country" appreciates your holiday gift to the community. tQG Mickey ~a Mayor cc: Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Peuny Riley, Assistant City Manager " . -~ .,. -, "j . ;13 of 14 ~ P"(;'f~ ....~f~h...;lt~;.:...;.;,;~~ , ,J..,.:._ March 15,2005 Item #--1:1- ,._'-. " ~i.." MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON. Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember JAY GOLDBY, Councilmember BETrY REXFORD, Councilmember i Cc,!JLJJ/f.ARIK.}/l("/~;~'T I FIL-fkHf(O/ll ~ITY OF PbWA) December 21,2004 Joe St. Lucas 13033 Earlgate Co Poway, CA 92064 1.- Dear Mr. St. Lucas: Thank you for attendi g the December 8, 2004, City Council meeting. We appreciated your inquiry regarding the feasibility of additional weekend code compliance enforcement. In addition to the their standard weekly schedule, the City of Poway's Code Compliance staff is on duty one weekend per month. The City is currently monitoring and evaluating the SUccess of weekend code enforcement, and will consider potential modifications to the overall schedule in the future. Despite the unpredictable workload for Code Compliance,staff continues to investigate all code issues reported during off-periods Once again, thank you for speaking at the City Council meeting. Public participation is truly the best way to ensure that the public's needs are met. Sincerely, ~~( Mickey C~~ Mayor ~. cc: Members ofthe City Council James L. Bowersox, City Manager Penny Riley, Assistant City Manager Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services Mark Sanchez, Director of Safety Services Charlie Campe, Captain, Poway Sheriffs Department Patti Brindle, City Planner Marc LeDrew, Code Compliance Officer Diane Mann, Code Compliance Officer , ,'14 of 14 March 15, 2005 Item #-Ll- .,,11..\ p'..(~~~,iW:~~t;~'~_