Item 2 - Beautification of Utility Boxes AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Community se;El Linda M. Shields, Management Analyst DATE: May 10, 2005 SUBJECT: Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists ABSTRACT The City Council requested additional information regarding the painting of utility boxes at their February 15, 2005 City Council meeting. Staff has contacted other organizations that have participated in similar projects, and also San Diego Gas and Electric to obtain rules and regulations. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE There is no additional public notification. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss the information provided in the report and give direction to staff on how to proceed. ACTION N:\clty\share\agenda.sum.doc 711/03 10f3 May 10, 2005 Item # 'l- -_._--------- CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Community S~ Linda M. Shields, Management Analyst DATE: May 10, 2005 SUBJECT: Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists BACKGROUND The City Council requested additional information regarding the painting of utility boxes at their February 15, 2005 City Council meeting. Staff has contacted other organizations that have participated in similar projects, and also San Diego Gas and Electric to obtain rules and regulations. FINDINGS SDG&E requires that special painting requests be limited to Poway's downtown business areas and also that it be sponsored by members of the City Council. Downtown business areas are defined as having businesses located on both sides of the street and no residential properties. The artistic designs chosen must not promote any race, color, creed, individual group, or religion. The City is responsible for identitying the exact location of utility boxes to be painted. A district engineer from SDG&E will then review the identified locations to assure that the utility boxes are not scheduled for repair or replacement. Once approval has been given by SDG&E, the painting may begin. Artists are not allowed to paint over any utility box decals, numbers, hinges, or openings that would make servicing the equipment difficult. An oil-based paint must be used that will adhere to metal and resist moisture and corrosion. Staff has also researched several local organizations that have been involved with utility box painting by artists. These organizations include the cities of Vista and Solana Beach, Discover Pacific Beach, The Uptown Partnership, and North Park Main Street. 2 of3 May 10, 2005 Item # ~ -----..-.-..------..--------- --.-- --_._-------_._-_._-_..__._-----_._-_.~ -..-.-.,..---.-.-----."---.-----.-.-. Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists May 10, 2005 Page 2 It is recommended that a specific theme be established that will create civic pride by promoting Poway's history, accomplishments, or future goals. Once a theme has been chosen, a call to artists is distributed to local artists, which could also include local high school art departments. All artists are required to submit an application that lists their art education and experience, as well as a color diagram of their proposed design. A panel of judges should also be used to review all proposed designs for content, artistic ability, and appropriateness to the chosen theme. Some organizations pay the artist as well as provide paint and supplies, while others rely solely on volunteers and donations. Both approaches require a project coordinator to assure the successful completion of the project; however, an unfunded project will require significantly more staff time to secure donations from local businesses, and to distribute paint and supplies. It is possible to initiate a utility box painting project with no funding source, although the response from volunteers and potential contributions of paint and supplies from local businesses will determine its level of success. If directed to move forward with this as a funded project, a staff report could be prepared and presented to Council at its July 19, 2005 meeting. If the Council would like to implement the project without funding, additional time will be necessary to research the requirements for coordinating volunteers, as well as soliciting donations and supplies. It is anticipated that staff would be able to submit a staff report for an unfunded project at the November 1, 2005 Council meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE There is no additional public notification. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss the information provided and give direction to staff on how to proceed. JLB:RAC:LMS 3 of3 May10,2005 ltem# ~ - --------- -~----,-"-_.,'-------~-- Limited Distribution May F CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jam.. L. Bowamo,. C;ty MaM! INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Com unity Serv.ce Linda M. Shields, Management Analyst DATE: May 10, 2005 SUBJECT: Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists BACKGROUND At its February 15, 2005 City Council meeting, additional information regarding the painting of utility boxes was requested by Council. Staff has gathered further information regarding funding, and also samples of completed projects. FINDINGS Several cities are currently beautifying their communities by having local artists paint utility boxes. These artistic displays transform these drab utility boxes into vibrant displays of color that can be used to display a city's history, slogan, geographical traits, or other chosen themes. The City of Vista utilized collaborations to complete the painting of 12 utility boxes in the downtown area with no funding obtained from the City. However, the City of Solana Beach provides $5,000 a year in funding for this project, and they have currently completed 3 utility boxes. Other organizations have participated in painting utility boxes, such as Discover Pacific Beach, The Uptown Partnership, and North Pal"k Main Street, to name a few. Discover Pacific Beach has completed 35 boxes and relies on paint and supplies to be donated, as well as limited funding from BID (Business Improvement District) fees. The Uptown Partnership has completed 97 boxes and relies on pal"king meter revenues from the area. North Pal"k Main Street has completed 60 boxes and relies on a $5,000 grant it received. By involving the art community, a common eyesore can evolve into a recreational experience for the artist, a conversation topic for the passerby, and a symbol of the City's history. The project will enable everyone involved a sense of fulfillment by providing a service to their community through their talent, time, or contribution. 1 of 4 May 10, 2005 Item # ~ Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists May 10, 2005 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE There is no additional public notification. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss the information provided and give direction to staff on how to proceed. JLB:RAC:LMS 2 of 4 May10,2005 ltem# ? " Beautification of Utility Boxes Through Local Artists May 10, 2005 Page 2 Samples of Painted Utility Boxes . ~' , . 3 of 4 May10,2OO5 ltem# ).. '-' . \ \ ~ , ~~':~.~;; , " ) .', , - .- - lilt -- ,~ I ,> ,.0< ~ .~~~.. i(;-~~ .1._, , ,- ~'...J , ty . . :;-.': c~. . ~Ql - ,~, .~ . ..-_ _"'__~~ 'i,.'~ - I . ~., l.:,' I .~~. ! ,. ~. , . . ~ . I ~. '-. , ' , " " .',. , . , . ' I II .