Item 3 - PDC 05-01 Slough PRE.DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE ITEM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services If' DATE: May 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Pre-Development Conference (PDC) 05-01; Slough Estates USA, Applicant GENERAL INFORMATION Project Location: Southeast corner of Scripps Poway Parkway and Gateway Place in the South Poway Business Park. See Attachment A. Project Site Zoning: Industrial Park (IP), South Poway Commercial (SPC) and Open Space One Dwelling Unit (OS/1 DU). See Attachment A. Land Use Designation: IP, SPC, and OS/1DU. See Attachment A. Adjacent Land Use Designations and Uses: Developed industrial/business park in the north and west, open space in the east and south. Proposal: A request for City Council comment and direction on a proposed amendment to the South Poway Specific Plan (SPSP) involving changes to land use designations from OS/1 DU to IP and changes to the roadway plan. Issues/Pertinent Information: The applicant is requesting a change to the SPSP land use designation on a portion of the subject site from 05/1 DU to IP, and the relocation of the existing SPC designation on the site to a different area on the subject property. The applicant's submitted application, Agreement of Understanding, and written request with exhibits are included as Attachments C, D, and E. The site is one of the last remaining ungraded/undeveloped sites in the Business Park. The site is commonly referred to as the Lively property and was purchased by the 1 of 12 May 10, 2005 Item # ~ _._--~.,--~-.,.._-_.~--" _._-~ ----_..- ._ __._________..~____._u PDC 05-01 May 10, 2005 Page 2 applicant last year. The overall site is approximately 142 acres in size and extends both north and south of Scripps Poway Parkway on the east side of Danielson Street/Gateway Place. The portion of the site which is the subject of the land use designation change is located south of Scripps Poway Parkway and is shown on Attachment A. The site is currently zoned OS/1 DU on the northerly half of the site north of Scripps Poway Parkway, and on the southerly-most quarter of the site. The remaining, developable, approximately 30 acre portion of the site is zoned IP and SPC per the approved land use map for the SPSP. Approximately 26 acres of the developable portion of the site is zoned IP with the remaining approximate 4 acres zoned SPC. Zone Chanqe The applicant is requesting to change to IP approximately 23 acres of the OS 1 DU portion of the site, which is immediately to the south of the IP designated portion. The applicant is also requesting to change the location of the existing SPC designation on the site, which is along Scripps Poway Parkway on the east side. The precise amount of acreage that would need to be converted from OS 1 DU to IP for the project will be determined in conjunction with the review of more detailed information on grading and with the review of a Tentative Tract or Parcel Map for the project. A Specific Plan Amendment for the land use designation change would be brought to the City Council for consideration with the map. The matter of whether the requested change from OS 1 DU to IP is subject to Proposition FF has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Because the site is in the Business Park and since the proposal would not result in any increase is residential density, it is not subject to Proposition FF. The amount of acreage that would need to be converted to OS 1 DU to IP will extend to the south a distance equal to limits of the proposed fill slopes that would support the development (i.e., the industrial pad and road). The OS 1 DU zoning category, as specified in the SPSP, is analogous with the RR-A zone. Manufactured slopes created for an industrial pad are not permitted under the RR-A zoning classification. Additionally the RR-A zoning classification includes limitations on the maximum allowable amount of grading, which could impact the proposed project. The development just to the west of the site does have manufactured slopes in the OS 1 DU and OS zone. These slopes, however, as well as other slopesldevelopments that were approved by the City Council prior to 1992, are recognized in the updated SPSP as predating the current City practice of not allowing industrial slopes in open space zones. The applicant is also proposing the relocation of an existing, approximate 3-acre area of SPC. The SPC is currently located along the south side of Scripps Poway Parkway on the east side of the site. The SPC was originally sited at this location because the SPSP identifies a future Kirkham Road extensionlintersection in this area. The applicant is proposing the relocation of the SPC designation to the south side of the Kirkham Road extension, east of the Kirkham Road/Gateway Place intersection. Staff does not believe May 10, 2005 Item # ~ 2 of 12 ..--..... .--- .__._._-~-_._-_..._--_.._--,----_.._.__.~._--,~--_._.--------- ..-..-------.----..---....------- "'0-'__" ____ ____ . PDC 05-01 May 10, 2005 Page 3 this to be an optimal location for commercially designated property. In this location, the site would primarily serve the daytime/weekday commercial needs of surrounding businesses. With better visibility and/or access to Scripps Poway Parkway, however, it could be a much more viable commercial site. Staff has suggested to the applicant that they have a discussion with the property owner to the east (commonly know as the Pallas property) regarding the potential of the SPC zoning be transferred to that site to be located at the future Kirkham Road/Scripps Poway Parkway intersection. The future Kirkham Road/Scripps Poway Parkway intersection is discussed below. Alternatively, the SPC designation could be relocated elsewhere within the Business Park. Kirkham Road Extension and Intersection With Scripps Powav Parkwav The applicant's request to amend the SPSP will also include an amendment to the roadway plan for the SPSP. The roadway plan of the SPSP conceptually shows a Kirkham RoadlScripps Poway Parkway intersection along the easterly property line of the site as shown in Attachment B. Based on the roadway plan and the existing land use designation map, the Kirkham Road/Scripps Poway Parkway intersection will have SPC zoned property at the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection. The concept development plan prepared for the site shows the easterly extension of Kirkham Road as required by the roadway plan, but does not provide a Kirkham Road intersection with Scripps Poway Parkway along the easterly side of the site. The amendment to the roadway plan will involve more precisely plotting the intersection further east of the site. Staff has indicated to the applicant that they should contact the adjacent property owner to the east to discuss this matter. Gradinq The site is hillside with a high point that is currently approximately 140 feet above the grade of Scripps Poway Parkway. Based on preliminary information, grading of the site for a 35 net acre developable pad would involve approximately 1.8 million cubic yards of cut, 1.4 million cubic yards of fill, and 400,000 cubic yards of export. Even with this extensive amount of grading, the developable pad portion of the site along Scripps Poway Parkway would still be approximately 30 feet above street grade. Grading the site all the way down to the existing street grade would reduce the amount of acreage needed to be changed from OS/1 DU to IP (by approximately several acres), but it would add significant grading costs to the project. Grading the site all the way down to street grade also increases the amount of exported material to 2.5 million cubic yards, with a proportionate increase in truck traffic. In addition to the Specific Plan Amendment and map, the Council would also need to give special consideration to the manufactured slope height for the project. The Poway Municipal Code requires Council approval for manufactured slope heights greater than 30 feet. It is estimated that manufactured slope heights on the south side of the site will be May 10, 2005 Item # ~ 3 of 12 -----_.,-----,-- .~--~. -.--.-.---...........------..----.----.., - --- -_._~_._--,. .-.-...--....---...-....---..--.....- ,,_._._-~- PDC 05-01 May 10, 2005 Page 4 up to 150 feet high. It has been communicated to the applicant that to assist in minimizing the visual impacts of these manufactured slopes (a public trail is proposed in Beeler Canyon), and as required under the SPSP grading standards, contour grading will need to be incorporated into the grading concept. It should be noted that manufactured slope heights of this size are not an uncommon grading feature in the Business Park. South Powav Planned Communitv Environmental Impact Report The applicant's request is consistent with the maximum development potential assumed to be possible on the site, as analyzed in the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South Poway Planned Community, certified by the City Council in 1988. The EIR assumed that the site could be developed with approximately 32 net acres. The EIR states that the net acres are developable acres (i.e., does not include slopes and roadways). Special Studies A number of additional special studies will be required for the project including a traffic study, a Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan, Geotechnical Report, Biological Resources Report, and some degree of visual analysis. Attachments: A. Location and Zoning Map B. SPSP Circulation Element C. PDC Application D. Agreement of Understanding E. Applicant's Written Request M:\ptanning\05report\pdc\05-01 Slough\Pre-Development Conference.doc May 10, 2005 Item # 3 4 of 12 .---.. ._<- ...----..---.-..-- -- --'-""-- __'_'_"'__"__'_'_..".___..u._', _ ___'" ..__..________..__....__..__._..__ _.. __~_.._____..._.,._.._, __. ___.._...__n_n__ _ _____ - 0::: 0::: W :r: (J) OS os - ! LI I LI -- c -lll ~ ,~ s: 0 f- (J) CITY OF POWAY ITEM: PDC 05-01 SCALE: N.T.S. 9 TITLE: ZONING/LOCATION MAP 5 of 12 ATTACHMENT A May 10, 2005 Item ~ 3-- ----- ^-..------- ._-------- . n_____.__.__'m_._.__._ ____._~_,__.,_._____, .__ I i . II I I I J :!C'Z ~ I t . . ~ . . I i .wS2 , I . , . -., .~; 'i""': i~ .~ .~ ..t- oo &0m ~. -.:i: g . g . I- ;if !ci %0 ;0 -''l -'0 "0 lie iLOW ~~ ' . ~" '.. i.: ~.. t~ c. 1;'1: ~, ... 'J 13 .' '. Goo I;' -. -. 00 o. Ee ~. t~ ,,~ "- - .0 I:: " ~- !.; .' 0;" 0' n , :-; ~Iu .- w J .. -. :!~ .- 5i ! Ix ;:cJ e~ e, ~-' ,. Ie . & E' 0 I .~ E. Gow o'O o. 00 0 ,.~ 111,1(;'1 a: ' . .. I, i, \ '~ ~ t; , 1'~ / i''.. 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SITE INFORMATION NaJTIe of .proJect L II/.r;; I-Y P A f?.C--€ L- Existing Square Footage Proposed_ P rty Add s:c.et;?/!5 IbuJA'( ~a'( / .l4#r.J/~ Hazardous Material Sne (cIroIe one) YES (ijQ) rope . ress f Site Acreage 1 J.j ~ . 1.1.. h APN 32 ~ - 0"'1 I - D"=' Redevelopment Area (circle one) (YE&) NO Zoning O.c;j OS/'DU : SPC...: IP I ' . . REVIEW REQUESTED a SPECIFIC PLAN a SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT a CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT a TENTATWEPARCELMAP a DEVELOPMENT REVIEW a TENTATIVE TRACT MAP , EXTENSION OF TIME FOR a UNDERGROUND WAIVER .J GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT a ZONE CHANGE a MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT a VARIANCE CJ MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW a PRE-APPLICATION a "MODIFICATION TO )I OTHER Pt2.6:~ C?e.I/f:L.Of'JI4T;}Ji CoNf"'rEilE'NUE: . COMPLETE PROJECT DESCRIPTION PLlFASr:: S€"~ A7TACJ.-(~LJ . APPLICANT . OWNER ---THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED- Name peo!t:Ol-:, MAN A ~~M ~I ADVI SoIL So Name SLoUW "'6rA~ u~ . .fA/C-. Mailing Address 3?;,1-1_ N. --rOleilE:Y .pf/oltZ:::. C/o .#130 Mailing Address +-t+ /oJ. IoAIt:.HlbAN AI//! City, State, Zip ~ ~OU-A CA 9Zo~?-- City, State, Zip SUIre- 6z.:!-0 Telephone ( 5'i' 45"'3- '33'1Q TelephOne CUI CA "D .:I:1- LnL... (I ( 31t.) rS'S' -' 01-00 I CERTIFY THA T I AM THE LEGAL OWNER'S I CERTIFY THA T I AM THE LEGAL OWNER REPRESENTA T1VE AND THA T ALL THE ABOVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS INFOR 'ATI IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE TRUE AND CORRECT TO BEST OF MY TH Y KNOWLEDGE. KNOWLEDGE. SJGNATURE and DATE 7~"'''' ATTACHMENT C May 10, 2005 ._.._._____m.._'._ -- ---_. ---.-.--- AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as 'City' and c5UXA6rf E:,S m-r~.!> USA. hereinafter referred to as 'Proponent' enter into this , Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax Assessor's Parcel Number(sl $Z.:~-oU- ob . Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understanding: a. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. b. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular development plan. c. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision . in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. d. If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding hat City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely Dated:__ Proponent: - 8 of 12 ATTACHMENT D r L May 10, 2005 Item #.3 -,~~~ .-,,-.------ ._--~-- -------- - - PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE PROJECT DESCRIPTION Slough Estates USA, Inc. April 1, 2005 Slough Estates USA Inc. is the owner of a 146 acre parcel (Lively) and the neighboring 2.5 acre parcel (McMillin Remnant) at the south-east corner of Scripps Poway Parkway and Danielson Street in the South Poway Business Park. Slough Estates USA is seeking to develop a 35 net acre portion of that Property under the land use designation of Industrial Park (IP) and South Poway Commercial (SPC). A majority of the proposed development site is already zoned Industrial Park. However, given the existing grades, the high cost barrier associated with developing the pad to the grade of Scripps Poway Parkway and the requirement for new roads and utilities, in order to achieve a net 35 acres, we propose a land use designation change converting a portion of the site from Open Space 1/DU (OS/1 DU) to Industrial Park (IP) and South Poway Commercial (SPC). Although the South Poway Specific Plan does not indicate the precise amount of designated Open Space on the property, we estimate that our development plan will convert approximately 23 gross acres of the property currently designated as OS to IP and SPc. Of these 23 acres, approximately 8 will be put into an Open Space Easement and will be re-vegetated to comply with the habitat preservation goals of the HCP. Please see our proposed zoning plan. Existing Site Description: The existing property is unimproved and vacant. Beeler Canyon borders the southern portion of the property, Scripps Poway Parkway traverses the central portion of the property, and Gateway/Danielson Street and Kirkham Way intersect on the southwestern edge of the property. The proposed development site is immediately south of Scripps Poway Parkway and east of Gateway/Danielson Street. A water tank, owned by the City of Poway and several cellular sites are currently located north of Scripps Poway Parkway along the western property boundary. Industrial Park - IP: Extensive slope areas, considerable cut and deep fill areas, the requirement for new roadways, and portions of the current IP property that are not conducive to development (Gateway piece) all contribute to a reduced amount of net buildable land within the current IP zone. The current preliminary development plan includes additional IP designated land, on a gross basis, in order to obtain the targeted net office/R&D area of the site. Please see the attached net pad area exhibit. We believe this approach to be in line with the original intent of the City. Table 1 of the South Poway Planned Community Final Subsequent EIR, dated September 1988 notes a provision to provide approximately 35 acres of net pad area at this site (see below). The net pad area is shown exclusive of slopes and right-of-ways based on page 113 of the same document. Final Subseauent EIR. Table 1 Preliminarv Development Plan Lively (Mclauchlan) 32.73 acres 34.28 acres McMillin remnant 2.54 acres 1. 14 acres Total 35.27 acres 35.42 acres 9 of 12 ATTACHMENT E May 10, 2005 Item tl.3 - --. South Poway Commercial - SPC: The Land Use Map in the South Poway Specific Plan shows Kirkham Way tying into Scripps Poway Parkway east of the Slough property where the SPC property would be located. Other documents show Kirkham Way tying into Scripps Poway Parkway at our easterly property line. In either scenario, the severe grade differentials present on the site makes this location of the SPC land unfeasible. Our proposed land use designation proposes that Kirkham Way connect with Scripps Poway Parkway east of our site. Access to the proposed development will be from Kirkham Way off Gateway/Danielson Street with no direct access from Scripps Poway Parkway. This preliminary development plan does not change the ,mount of SPC designated land on this property, but rather, relocates it to a more usable location. The proposed land use designation preserves and relocates the 2.20 acre SPC land use to a more accessible portion of the site along Kirkham Way. Remaining Open Space: The remaining portion (approximately 90 acres) of the 149 acre combined property located north and south of the net developed pad area is proposed as Open Space. Additionally, an approximately 8 acre portion of the newly designated IP land will be put into an Open Space Easement and will be re-vegetated to comply with the habitat preservation goals of the HCP. Summary: Slough Estates USA is requesting comments from Council on the proposed preliminary development plan of the Lively ParceL Our development plan includes the conversion of approximately 23 acres of currently designated Open Space to Industrial Park and South Poway Commercial, of which an 8 acre portion is being put into an Open Space Easement. The proposed development is on a net pad area consistent with the Final Subsequent EJR. Slough Estates USA is appreciative for Council's time in discussing this development concept. We value our growing relationship and look forward to bringing more quality firms and businesses to The City of Poway. Thank you again for your approach and willingness to discuss our proposals. 10 of 12 May 10, 2005 Item # 3 1/ - '........." ~ ' : LJl!J~ '.uu; , ~ N i '. ;' I I.., II " '" l> 'l.li "......... en I .' ~~ " 0 ~ ~ h ~~ ......... I I " ".~ "I Z ~. l~ . ......... ~ !.! ,. ! ... ..:1 >-" , ,- .. ';:-.. N is;.::..~ .......,/~ ~o... 2l!1 . "'''''' Cl ;-. ~ '^'" . ;.. IX ................ W ~l!I ~lr ''^ '..... (1)0 ,! '~L '" ..... ; , ~ ~ '... a.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g......... \ 0 I i I! ..( on'" \ a:: " ~ ~ [L , S N ~ ~ ;:r: Z ::::> 7' I E ~ ~ '" ~ "~ ~W:<b II "" 13 1:] '" ..: -..9 \ <<- li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ en ~ \-e- !il ~ " . 0 o' \ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ - 'j~ o 0 0 fI ' z z z z ~ , 2 2 2 2 ~ O DII~ . o ~ z Z -, I - - ~ '" ~I~. I ~ I <~'~, I giD, ce' \ I --i I """.' C!JO! -I ,- ZC I I ._ . c. . L- - - <{~1il! I I.-J'~ d!' /'.... I ffi i i~ I '-, '.! , , /' ......... "0 , ., .., gh I "-.i~!7 ,,~~~ I -..:&.......;: <5lL / "''''. o'u ...;:; $i..:!; j; ......... ~ i ni~ .;::,...... ~"">- f/" Ng~ ........ 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