Item 10 - Minutes 5-25-1982 CXTT OF POM&~'. CALXFORNX& MX~U'F~9 OF T~'m CXTT COUMCXL mm~UL~R M~'TXN~ NAT 25, 1~82 %'ne May 25, 1982 =egulac Meting of ~he C£~y Council of ca~ed ~o o~de= a~ 7~03 P.N. ~ ~o= Shepa=dson a~ ~he Cen~e=~ 13094 ~on ~ad~ P~ay, ~b ~y, ~x~ ~use, L~n~ O~avec, ~ Shepa~ds~. B~uce Ta~z~ (Counc~m~ Ta~zy ac~ved a~ 7:15 P.M.) J~s ~e=sox City ~nage= Je~ Harris City A=~o[ney ~==y H~an D~rec=o= of Pl~ninq Se=vices ~y ~==~n ~ing Di~ec~o= of Public Se=vices/ City Enginee= Pa~=ick Foley ~sis~= ~o Cit~ John B=idges ~s~ia~e Pl~ne~ Jo Sei~[t ~ty City Clerk ~o~ Shepa~dson e~a~ned ~e pr~u~e ~o~ Public O~a~ Sab~e Sp~ings develo~en2 2o ~ l~a~ed in ~e City of S~ D~ego ~Jacen~ ~o ~ayts ~ste=n 2. Michael N~ ~y, ]28~9 Se~ Court, P~ay, sugges=ed ~e City should be involved in the planning of Sabre Sp=ings even ~ough i~ is outside ~e City 3. h~ne~=e M. Perkes, 15832 L~e Grove Road, P~ay~ e~ressed o~sition to the planed densi~ies of Sa~e Sp=ings. City ~nager B~ersox stated ~e C~ty has =eceived notice o~ ~he hearing on Sabre Sp~ings ~d will res~nd =egarding ~e adverse ~pac~s on P~ay. ~ion ~ Council~m~ b=y, seconded ~ ~uncilmembe= O~av~, ~o direct s~aff ini=ia~e con,acc wi~h ~e C~y of San Dieqo pl~ninq s=af~ wi=h a =e~es= to ~nsider =ea~=aflging the densities within ~e p=ojec~. ~ion carried ~animously. JUN221982 ITEM 10 NOT Page 2 - CZTY Ot~ PC#Ag - May 25, 1982 Gail Trunnell, 13314 Neddick Avenue, Po~ay, t/lanked ~he Council for ~he preceding motion on Sabre Springs. CONSENT CALENDA~ Items 11, 12 and 13 were pulle~ by ~he ~ublic. Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by CounciImember Tarzy to approve the consent calendar as follows: 10. Kuebler Major Use Permit P79-19 - Continue to June 22, ]982 14. Resolution No. 245 entitled #A Resolution of the City Council of the City of P~way, California, Approving the Budget and Assessments for Fiscal Year 1982-83 of the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency.' ]5. Resolution NO. 246 entitled #A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Requesting Funds Through the Reserve Bikeway Fund to Provide Bike Lanes and Street Improvements on Conwunity Road, Sou~l of Poway Road.' ]6. Approval of Minutes: April 20, 1982 Regular Meeting April 22, 1982 Adjourned Regular Meeting April 24, 1982 Adjourned Regular Meeting April 27, ]982, Regular Meeting April 29, ]982, Adjourned Regular Meeting May 4, 1982~ Regular Meeting 17. Ratification of Warrant Register - May 13, 1982 Motion carried unanimously. ITEM3 REVOCATION OF SIGNAL MASTER, INC. CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE NUMBER 7415-0600-R Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He gave the background regarding the Cable Television Commission,s recon~endation of November, 198~, for revocation of license. Signal Master's license will expire in June, 1983, however, the Council can act on the Com~ission~s reco~endation. Dennis Manyak, representing the Cable Television Com~ission, reported on their findings and decision to revoke the license as of December ]981. He submitted printed material into the record giving an overview of the case. ITEM 620 NOT PROVE , Pa~e 3 - CZ~Y 0Y P~WAY - gay 25, 1982 S~akinq in ~a~e of ~h GillieS, 17206 Pin~ Pi~e, ~oh~ Fo~e=~ing, 12624 Pinebr~k ~u=~, ~aeZ Z. G~ee=, 1S458 ~k~ ~, P~ay ~cnin~ in slip in ~a~ of ~aCi~ but flo~ ~a~q: ~1 Bailey, 1~111 Silvec Sable, J~k ~isi, 13019 Avenida ~ Valencia, P~ay ~ice ~. Bish~, ]7454 T~ O~2e~ D=ive, P~ay Wi~i~ J. B~sh~, 17454 T~ O~2e= D=ive, ~n~i~ Li~i2~, 1695g Clo~c=og2 D~ive, ~if~ Oshie=, 17247 T~ O'~e= D~ive, P~ay D.R. Pi~, 13837 T~ O~e= Cou==, ~d ~ke=, 12936 A~nida ~ Valencia, ~k Sulliv~, 17421 T~ O'~e= D=ive, J~s G. ~rd, 17552 SC. ~dr~s Delve, ~ay H.O. ~S=e=~l, 16943 Valle Va=de ~ad, ~rning in slip ~n ~si~ion ~o =ev~aCi~, but not spearing: J~e L~e, 17717 Valle De ~, P~ay ~S - ~= Shepac~ r~es8~ ~e ~eting ac 8:45 P.M. ~unci~=s ~=e p=esen=. IT~ 3 - CONTINUED City ~anaga= Bowecsox gave ~ha following scarf recommendations ~o Council: 1. Concu= with ~ha ~£ndings o~ ~he Cable Television Comiss£o~ =epo~t of NovareSe= 198]. 2. Deny a =ate inc=sase, maintaining the $9.32 cha=ge. 3. Requite Signal Masts= to change £ts billing ~=om th=es months in advance, to one ~n~h in advance. jun lg82 ITEM 10 621 NOT Y:T A PROVED Page 5 - CITY OF PG~A~ - May 25, 1982 Following discussion, motion b~ Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Coumoilmember to continue consideration of these applications to June 15, 1982. Motion unanimously. ITeM $ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 81-05 AND ENVII~ONMENTAL ASSESSMENT APPLICANT: STANLEY LYONS Staff report by Cit~ Manager Howe=sox. He stated this map is premature in coming ~efo=e the Council in light of the future planning being done for sou~h Poway area, and =ecog~endation is for denial without prejudice. Mayor Shepa~dson opened the public testimony portion of the hearing. Speaking in favor 6f the Jerry Pinnsy, 10765 Woodside Avenue, Santee, representing the applicant. Jim C=umley, 10763 Woo~sids Avenue, Santee, representing the applicant. Mayo= Shepa=dson closed ~he public teetimo~y po=tio~ of the hearing. Motion by Councilmembe= Ems=y, seconded by Councilmembe= Oravsc, to adopt Planning Resolution No. P-82-27 entitled, nA Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Denying Tentative Parcel Map 81-05, Assessor's Parcel Nu~e= 320-031-04' with additional findings suggested by the City Attorney that the City of Poway lacks an adopted General Plan, specifically the Circulation and Housing Elements, and the addition of the word 'not' in Section l(d). Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 6 OI~DZNANCE NO. 61 - FIleT READING FIRE PROTECTION Staff report by City Manager Howe=sox. He stated the Council had directed staff to prepare an ordinance regarding the fire flow method fo= distributing the cost of fire protection se=vice. Mayor Shepardson opened the public testimony portion of the hearing. Speaking in opposition to the ordinance= E.K. Harmon, 12624 Oak Knoll Road, Poway. Mayor Shepardson closed the public testimony portion of the hearing. Mayo= Shepardson read the title of Ordinance No. 61. Motion by Councilmembe= Emery, seconded by Councilmember O=avec, to waive further reading of the Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. JUN 2 P. 1982 ITEM ~_0 623 NOT Page 6 - CTTY OF FORAY - .~a¥ 25, 1982 Mot:ion by Councilmember ~'-*_r¥, seconded by Counc£1member Tarzy, to set: the second readinq of Ordinance No. 61 for June 1, 1982. Mot:ion carried unanimously. IT~ 7 ORDINANC~ NO. 58 - SECOND READING ZOA 82-02 Mayor Shepardaon read the title of Ordinance NO. 58. Mot:ion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to waive further reading of the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Mot:ion by Councilmember ~mery, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, t:o adopt: Ordinance No. 58 entitled, 'An Ordinance of the Cit:y of Poway, California, Deist:trig Zoning Ordinance Sect:ions 2365'(a), 2367(a) and 2367(h); Residential and Special Uses within C-36 Zone.' Motion carried unanimously with a roll call ITEM 8 ORDINANCE NO. 59 - SECOND READING ZOA 82-03 Mayor Shepardson read ~he title of Ordinance NO. 59. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Tagzy, to waive further reading of t:he ordinance. Mot:ion carried unanimously. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmemher Tarzy, to adopt Ordinance No. 59 entitled, 'An Ordinance of ~he City of Poway, California Amending Zoning Ordinance 7358: Findings Required Before Issuance of a Major Use Permit.' Mot:ion carried unanimously with a roll call vote. IT~M 9 ORDINANCE NO. 60 - SECOND READING BICYCLE LICENSING & APPROPRIATION FOR SUPPLIES Cit:y Manager Bowersox reported the reco~endation for this ordinance includes an appropriation of $250.00 to cover initial cost of the program, and that this would be recovered in fees. Speaking in opposition to the ordinance: Jim Rahman, of the Bike Works, 13854 Poway Road Following discussion, Council directed staff to present a progress report on the licensing program after one year. JUN 2 ~. 198Z ITEM 10 624 Page 7 - CZTY O~ PCM&~ ~ May 25, 1982 Mayor Shepardson read ~he title of Ordinance No. 60. Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to waive further reading of the ordinance. Motion by Councilmember ~m~=y, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adopt Ordin- ance No. 60 entitled, 'An Ordinance of ~he City of Poway, California, Requiring the Licensing of Bicycles Within the City Limits,' and appropriate $250.00 from Operating Contingencies (General Fund) to Safety Services Director (8500.40) to cover the initial costs of the program. Motion carried with a roll call vote. ITEM 11 A AWARD OF BID NO. 004-82 - LIVE CATFISH Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to award the bid for the supply~and plantinq of live catfish at Lake Poesy to low bidder, St. Anthony's Fish Farm of Mecca, California. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 1]' B AWARD OF BID NO. 005-82 - WEED ABAT~WENT CONTRACT Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the Weed Abatement Ordinance requires the City to clear the weeds on properties where the owner will not comply. ~lese services will be provided by awarding this bid. Turning in slips, but not speaking= John Lenhof, 13511 Apache Road, Poway Renato Geriza, 14612 Twin Peaks Road, Poway Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to award ~he contract for weed abatement to Sradfordts Tractor Service of Vista. Motion car =ied unanimously. Itl~ 12 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM NODIFICATION CSP 80-16 APPLICANT: CC~ET SIGNS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the request is to modify the sign program to allow for taller letters for the sign on Fashion Emporium in the K Mart Center. Recommendation is to deny the request. Speaking in opposition= Roy Cooper, 1519 Industrial Avenue, Escondido, representing Fashion Emporium. Gail Trunnell, 1]314 Neddick Avenue, Powa¥, representing ~/~e Poway Road Revitalization Committee, suggested a continuance to allow input from the Comittee. JUN ~) 2 198Z ITEM 10 625 NOT YET APPROV Page 8 - CZ'I~ OF PO~&¥ - May 25, 1982 ~otion b~ Councilmember Emery, seconded b~ Council~ember Oravec, to adopt sta£f reco~ndation for denial. Motion cazried 4-1 with Council,~ber Kzuae Opposed. Council concurred in con~idering an application for intermediate sfze letters after the Poway Road Revitalization Comittee has a chance to review it. ITEM 13 TEMPORARY REAL ESTATE DIRECTIONAL SIGN PERMIT MODIFICATION ZAS 81-050 APPLICANT: HARVEY AND C(IMPANY Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. ~le recommendation is for approval with conditions and the understanding the signs will be changed when the Council develops a real estate sign ordinance. Bob Reynolds, 7170 Ronson ~ad, San Diego, representing the applicant, quested nine signs be allowed, with the one at Po~ay and Espola Roads, 6'x12' in size. He also stated opposition to the requirement of $1,000 cash deposit and suggested a $300 bond be permitted. Gail Trunnell, 13314 Neddick Avenue, representing the Poway Road Revitali- zation Comittee, suggested the Co~ittee input be taken into consid- eration before a decision is made. Motion by Councilmemher Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adopt staff recon~endation to approve the ~odification with the conditions listed in the staff report. Motion carried unanimously. CITY~NAG~R IT~WS' 1o City Manager Bowersox announced the ~eeting which was to be held with Assemblyman Frazee has been cancelled. 2. He stated an invitation has been received from the City of E1 Cajon for their 'Brown Bag Luncheon' on June 2, 1982. Upon motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, Mayor Shepardson ordered the meeting adjourned to 4=00 P.M., Thursday, May 27, 1982, in the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. The time of adjournment was 11:13 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway by Jo Seibert, Deputy JUN 2; 1~ ITEM 10 626 NOT YET APPROVE CZT~ OLP POW&T. CALZIPORIIXA MZ~UTBS OP ~ CZTY CO~IICXL ADJOORNBO P~GULAR MBBTZIIG HAT 27~, 1982 The May 27, 1982 meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned from the May 25, ]982 regular ~eehing, was calle~ ~o order at 4~02 P.M. ~= Shep~on a= ~he City ~uncil Ch~=s, ~3325 Civic Cen~er Drive, Ca!i fo=nia. ~b bry, ~cl Kruse, Bruce Taczy, ~nda O~av~, ~:y ~epacdson J~s a~e=sox City h~ H~an O~rec~or of ~lann~ng Services Pa~=ick ~ley ~sis~an~ ~o the City ~nage= Jo Sei~r= ~ City Clerk IT~ 2 REPORT FR~M PO~AY ROAD REVITALIZ~.TION Sandy Rrown, Chairman of ~le Poway Road Revitalization Committee, reported on the work being done by his C~mmittee. He stated they were moving ~orward with the projects and expected the entire process to be completed by the end of September, ]982. OF~ DOCKET ITEM REPORT FROM ZONE 1 FLOOD C0~ISSION Bruce McKay, representative to Zone 1 Flood Commission, reported on the efforts to secure funding for the flood control projects in P~way. He stated Zone 1 should have $450,000 in funds for the coming year. ITE~ 3 STATUS REPORT - CARTEROS STORAGE YARD Report by City Manager Bowersox. me existance of this unsightly storage yard has been before the Council and Planning Services has been working to have the nuisance abated. M~o Carter has indicated interest in pursuing the three staff reco~unendations, and the work should be completed within 45 days. Council concurred with the fencing and screening reco~m~endations. JUN ,~ ~ m~ ITF,.M 10 617 NOT YET APPROVE Page 2 - CITY OP P0~AY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - May 27, 1982 ITEM 4 INTERVIEWS OF FLOODP~AIN ADVISORY CC~I'A-£mm APPLICANT~ T1~e following candidates for the Floodplain Advisory Committee presented ~heir backgrounds and interest in floodplain management and were interviewed by Council: Walt Kinney ~oger Willoughby Tom Voight Donna Du~gan Jerome Pinney Darwin Drake George Leffler Betty Rexford Ellen Eamberg Norman Elder Mayor Shepardson announced that applicant Russell Sheldon is out of to~n and will be interviewed at the June 8th meeting. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to delete that portion of ~he Charter that requires no more than two members of the committee be from one floodplain and replace it with a statement that "every effort should be mede to include repreeentatives from the various floodplains.' Motion carried unanimously. ~EC~SS AND CALLTO ORDER Mayor Shepardson recessed the meeting at 5:09 P.M. and called it back to order at 5~25 P.M. with all Councilmembers present. ITEM 5 ~EVIEW OF PROPOSED SIGN REGULATIONS Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. He reported on the City's effort to have illegal real estate directional signs removed. City Planner Hogan explained the kiosk off-site subdivision directional sign program and showed examples of how the signs might look. Mayor Shepardson announced no action would be taken until a public hearing was held on the sign prograza. Four members of the building and sign industries were invited to qive input re- garding the real estate directional sign program. JUN 2 2 1~82 ITEM 10 628 NOT YET APPROVE[ Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR M~ETING - May 27, 1982 St:ephen B=ecko, 9537 Candida, San Diego, ~ep=eaent:ing Pacific Coast: ~ve~ising G~aph~cs, e~ess~ ~.i~ ~o the kiosk Ha~y Shull, 13587 Pa8~ Ca=die1, S~ Dido, =ep=esen=ing Standard Pacific of San Dido, s~gges~ed ~nc=easing ~e individual sign height. =~ues=ed Council conside= allying te~a=y signs ~d regula~ing ~. He ~elt ~he Mx~ e~ension pe=i~ ~uld be ~ sho=~ fo= a large subdivisi~ s~h 88 ~ncho ~chae1 Pack, 7170 ~n~n ~ad, San Dido, rep=esen2ing H~vey & Co~y ~2d~r Adve=~ising, s~a~ed ~e kiosk p~=~ ~uld no= ~=k ~o= ~he City of P~ay ~ause of ~e speed off 2he traffic on P~ay ~ad, ~d ~e inab~li~ of the City =o l~a=e ~he k~osks ~ere they a=e needed ~ause the City does no~ ~ the prope=ty. He also sugges2ed leaving ~e ~a=y =eel estate sign.'p=~r~ as i2 s~ds n~ ~o= ~lve ~nths ~d ~en review ~=. ~ve C~an, rep=esen~ing Mo~iva=ional Sys=e~, e~essed concern the2 =he City will have ~ny p~obl~ to ~rk out in instituting ~e kiosk r~'=a 6 ~PORT ON SANDAG MEETING Councilmember Emery gave a brief report on the SANDAG meeting of May 17, 1982. One of ~he items discussed was the possiblity of creating a public utility in order to buy electricty at a reduced rate. State Senator H.L. Richardson has proposed a Constitutional Amendment that would have the State Legislature meet every two years instead of each year. Council- member Emery discussed statist/cs which indicated approximately the same number of bills would be passed if the change were made. Mayor Shepardson adjourned the meeting at 6:39 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway By: Jo Seibert, Deouty JUN:~.198Z ITEM 10 629 NOT YET APPROV CITT OF POW&T. CALIFOR]II& M/IIUTE8 OF THE CTTT COU~IClL uuGULAR I(BRTING The June 1, ]982 regular meeting of the City Council of ~hs City of Poway was called to order at 7=03 P.M. by Mayor Sbspardson at tbs City C~uncil Chambers, ]3325 Civio Center Drive, Poway, California. Bob Emery, Carl Kruss, Linde 0rave~, Bruce Tarzy, Mary Shepardson. James ~owersox cityManager Jean Harris City Attorney Barry Hogpn Director of Planning Services Ray Berryman Acting Director of Public Services/ City Engineer Patrick Foley Assistant to City Manager Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk PUBLIC ,ORAL COJ~qUBI~ATIONS Mayor Shepardson explained the procedure for Public 0ral Conununications. ]. Peggy Pierce, ]3225 Betty Lee Way, Poway, announced the City Soft- ball League game being held June 2, 1982. She also encouraged participation in the ]p K run to be held on June ]3, 1982. 2. Orval Hill, 1300] Bowron Road, ~6, Poway, of the Lion's Country Pair, announced the buses will be running two times a day from downtown Poway, to the fair site from June 3-6. He expressed opposition to the present a~reement the City has with the transit system, because of their limited service. ITEMS 8-]4 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Emery pulled Items ]], 12 and 13. Motion by Councilmember Oravsc, seconded by Councilmember Kruse to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows= 8. Approval of Minutes: May 1], 1982, Regular Meeting May 13, 1982, Adjourned Regular Meetinq My 18, 1982, Regular Meeting JUN 2 ~. 1982 ITEM 10 630 NOT YET APPROV; : ~age 2 - CII'~ OF 90W&I' - ,,Tune 1, 1982 9. ~ti~icat:ion of Wart&hr ~ieter - gay 20, 1982 10. Resolution NO. 247 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing a NO Standing or Parking Zone on Co ~.~nity 14. Denial of Claims - A) Borderl B) Putnaml C) Majick. Motion carried unanimously. ITME 3 ORDINANCE NO. 61 - SECOND ~EADING COT.?.~CTION OF FIP. E PROTECTION F~ Staff re~ort by City Manager Bowersox. · Speaking in favor of the ordinance, but asking for clarification: Margaret Willia~s, 11674 Creek Road, Poway Mayor Sbepa=deon read the title of Ordinance No. 61. Motion by Coun¢llmember Emery, seconde~ by Coun¢ilmember Kruse, to waive further reading of the ordin- ance. Motion ca=tied unani~ously. Motion by Councilmember E~ery, seconded b~ Councilmember Kruse, to adopt Ordinance NO. 61 entitle~, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Revising the Matho~ of Distributing and Collectin~ the Fire Protection Fee." Motion carried unanimously with a roll call vote. ITEM 4 WEED ABATemeNT APPEALS HEARING THC~AS E. KI~r.T~R, JR. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. ge stated 2000 weed abatement notices have been mailed and the response has been good. M~. Keller registered a letter of protest to the notice he received, staff has not been able to contact Keller and is treating the letter as an appeal. Recommendation is for denial. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to deny the appeal, and direct staff to contact M~. Keller to explain the problem. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 5 CITY,ALL EXTENDED HOURS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Be stated there has been limited use of the extra hours that the City Ball has been open to the public. Recom~endation is to discontinue the program because of minimal use by the public. 631 NOT YET APPROV Page 3 - CITY Off' POWAY - June 1, 1982 Following discussion regarding the importance of accessability of government to the public, motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Kruee, to continue the program nine (9) more months with an evaluation after three (3) City Manager Bowersox suggested eliminating Safety Services from the pro, ram because the fire station is open 24 hours a day and services can be provided without the addition of clerical staff. Councilmember Emery amended his motion to exempt Safety Services from the program, and Councilmember Kruse seconded the amended motion. Motion carried unanimously. ITeM 6 UNDERGROUND CONVERSION P~OGRAM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC C~ANY Staff re~ort by City Manager Bowersox. Be stated San Diego Gas & Electric Company has approached the cities in the area asking for support in eliminating or reducing the underground conversion program as a means of reducing costs. P~co~endation is to notify San Diego Gas & Electric and the Public Utilities Commission of Poway's opposition to termination of the program. Motion by Councilmem~er Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to authorize the Mayor to make known Poway's opposition. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 7 A - AWARD OF BID - LAKE POWAY WEST EXPANSION B - AWARD OF BID - BALLFIELD SITE IMPROV]~4ENTS Mayor Shepardson announced this item was inadvertently left off the Consent Calendar. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the two bids result in a 30- 40% savings over the engineer's estimates for the projects. Following discussion regarding estimated costs for projects, Council directed staff to report at the completion of these projects to determine how close the engineer's estimate is to actual costs. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to award the bid of $146,815 to Zenovic Pacific Park Builders, Inc. for the improvements at Lake Poway, and award the bid of $177,083.07 to Dyno Construction, Inc. for improvements at Poway Community Ballfields. Motion carried unanimously. JUN:Z21982 ITEM 10 632 NOT YET APPROV' Page 4 - CITY O~ POWAY - June 1, 1982 ITEM 11 T~OAN/GRANT - STATE DEPAR'~tENT O~' WATER RESOURCES CLF.,A.~WELL COVER Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated ~he State Department of Health suggests a covering for the Clearwell for health and safety. Recomendation ia to adopt the Resolution to submit an application for a loan/grant in order to Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt Resolution NO. 248 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing the City to Enter Into an Agreement With The State of California, Department of Water Resources for a Loan/Grant to Construct and Design a Cover for the City's Cle&rwell.# Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 81-07 Councilmember Emery asked if Camino del Notre right-of-way is secured through the project, and if the historical home has been provided for. City Manager Bowersox stated the Ho~e will be preserved for a period of two years, and the right-of-way has been acquired. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to approve the final map for Tentative Parcel Map 81-07 and authorize the execution of "Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements." Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 13 C0~94UNITY ROAD AND MIDLAND ROAD STREET IMP~S Councilmember Emery asked if the published engineer's estimate of cost might set the range for bidders. He suggested instituting a policy of not publishing the engineer's estimate in the staff report authorizing the bid. Council concurred. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to authorize the appropriation of funds in the amount of $101,200 for construction, inspection and administration, and adopt Resolution No. 249 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Plans and Specifica- tions and Other Contract Documents for and Authorizing the Advertisement for Invitation for Bids for the Construction of Street Improvements; Traffic Signal Modification, and A.C. Walkway Improvements." Motion carried unanimously. JUN 2 ~. 1982 ITEM 10 633 NOT YET APPROV Page 5 - CITY 0~ P(~AY - June 1, 1982 CITY MANAGER IT~4S OFF DOCKET ITeM - ACQUISITION OF 40 ACRES OF STATE SCHOOL LAND City Manager Bowersox stated that the State has completed a~raisal of the 40-acre school site located in Rancho Arbolitoa subdivision and is request- £ng a decision regarding the City buying the property. ~ecomendation is to decline the opportunity to purchase the property. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oraveo, to direct staff to inform the State Lands Commission that the City of Poway declines the opportunity to purchase the 40-acre site. Motion carried unanimously. City Manager Bowersox announced the open house for the Sheriff Department's Co~unication ~enter will be held on June 7, 1982, from 10:00 A.M.-l:00 P.M. CITY ATTOR~ ITemS City Attorney Harris announced that the San Diego County City Attorney's Association is preparing a sample ordinance to help cities abate ~olitical signs in improper places. He reported on a section of the Government Code, 66453, which requires a City to take into consideration the concerns of an adjacent city before approving tentative maps. He suggested this section might be useful in dealing with Sabre Springs and Rancho Carmel in the City of San Diego. COUNCILM~4BER ITemS 17. Councilmember Emery requested a letter be sent to the group submitting the ~etition regarding the South Poway Plan, acknowledging receipt of the ~etition and stating no decision will be made on south Poway without the direction of the City Council. Counoilmember Emery requested stricter speed enforcement be directed to St. Andrews Drive because of the high incidence of speeders in the area. Councilmember Emery 9ointed out that the new maps of Senatorial Districts show that part of Poway is in Senator Craven's District. JUN 2 2 1982 ITEM 10 634 NOT YET Paqe 6 - CT~ OF POW&¥ - June 1, 1982 19. Counc£]~oembe= o=avec =equestec~ s substitl,te be sent to the Na~ ?ask FO=ce ~eeting on June 3, 1982, at 2:00 P.M., as she cannot a~end. Council,~mber Oravec requested a letter be sent sub, porting ~he modernization of San Diego's ship yards in order to keep ~he Navy's repair business local. 20. Councilmember Tarzy suggeste~ staff ex~lors the 9ossibility of putting ~he Sheriff~s offices on the land in front of the City Hell. 21. Mayor Shepardson requested the Poway City r. imit sign on ~he west end of Poway ~oad ~e ~oved to £ts pcoper location. Upon ~otion by Councilmember Ems=y, seCOnded by Councilmember Oravec, Mayor Shepardson adjourne~ ~he ~eeting. T~e t/me of adjournment was 8:11 P.M. Ma=Jorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 13~: Jo Seibert, OeDuty jUN2'~Y:JS2 ITEM 10 635 NOT YET APPROV!i CTTT OF POWATe CALZPORNZA MZNUTES OF THE CZTY CO~llCZL I~RGULAR M~BTZNG The June 8, 1982 regular ~eeting of ~he City Council of ~he City of Poway was called to order at 7:0] P.M., by Mayor Shepardson at the City Council Chmnbers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUBCZL AllSlBRZNG ROLL CALL ~oh Emery, Carl Kruse, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson. COUlCZL ABSRIT AT ROLL CALL Bruce Tarzy James bersox city Manager Jean Harris City Attorney MarJorie Wablsten City Clerk Barry Hogan Director of Planning Services ~ay Serryman Acting Director of Public Services/ City Engineer Patrick ~oley Assistant to City Manager Bill Bond Director of Safety Services Lee Lewis Director of Con~unity Services John Fitch Director of Administrative Services John Bridges Associate Planner Jo Seihert Deputy City Clerk PUBLZC ORAL COIg(UIIZ~ATZOIS mayor Sheperdso. explained the procedure for Publio 0tel Connun£¢ations. 1. Russell Sheldon, 14325 Midland ~oad, Poway, applicant for the ?looU- plain Advisory Con~ittee, gave his ~ual£fications and reasons for wanting to serve and was £nterviewed by the Council. Mayor Shepardson announced the appointments will ~e made before the end of the meeting. IT~4S 8-~2 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Emery pulled Item ~2. Motion by Councilmemher Emery, seconded hy Councilmemher Oravec, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows= JUN 2 2 ~982 ITEM 10 636 NOT YET APPROV§ . Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - June 8, 1982 8. Six-month t~me extension for Boundary Adjustments 981-0175 and B81-0176 - Lomas Verdes Development Company. 9. Resolution No. 250 entitled, =A Resolution of ~he City Council of the City of Poway, California, to Enter into an Agreement with the County of San Diego to release Subdivisions to Poway for Inspections and Acceptance. ~ 10. ~esolution NO. 251 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Califo~nia, Establishing the City of Poway as the Public Agency Responsible for Administration of Davis/Grunsky Contract NO. D-GGP.23 as Funded Agency." 11. Ratification of Warrant Register - May 27, 1982. Motion carried 4-~ with Councilmember Tarzy absent. Because of a late "Request to Speak' slip turned in by the public, motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to reconsider Item 8 at its regular place on the agenda. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. ITEM 3 TENTATi~;E PARCEL MAP 16451R AND ENVIRO~ENTAL ASSESSMENT APPLICANT: R. JACK BAUER Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by Associate Planner Bridges. He stated the four parcel division is consistent with ~he General Plan and existing ordinances. Mitigation measures have been included for the visual and traffic impacts, and recommendation is for approval with conditions. Mayor Shepardson opened the public testimony portion of the hearing. Speaking in favor: Larry G. Parkhurst, 11452 Rocky Lane, Lakeside, representing the applicant. Speaking in opposition: Timothy Baird, 15456 Vali Hal, Poway. ~nomas A. Gade, 110 West "Cw Street, San Diego, attorney for surround- ing property owners, requested a continuance. Following discussion regarding the holding capacity of High Valley Road, and easements to surrounding properties, motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Kruse, to continue consideration of this application to July 13, 1982, with the request that attempts be made to resolve the questions of traffic and access. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. jUN2 I SZ ITEM !.0 63'7 NO1' Y t' Page 3 - CITY OF PC~TAY - June 8, 1982 ITEM 4 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 82-04 AND ENVIRO~ENTAL ASSESSMENT APPLICANT= STANIl%RD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO Introduction by City ~anager Bowersox. Staff report by City Planner Hogan. He stated changes to the resolution of approval should be made as follows= Section 2, 4), delete wording "at the top of the building pads facing ..." and insert 'issuance of building permit." Delete Standard Conditions 7-10 of Section F. Mayor Shepardson opened ~he public testimony portion of the hearing. Speaking in favor= Robert Allen, Standard Pacific of San Diego, 7290 Clairemont Mesa 81vd., San Diego. ~otion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adopt Resolution P-82-28 entitled, #A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Po~ay, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map TPM 82-04, Assessor"s Parcel Numbers 314-371-10, 314-040-21 and 314-050-01" ag amended by staff. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmamber Ta~zy absent. ITeM 5 VARIANCE 82-06 APPLICANT= C~RY SATERBAK Staff report by City Manager Bowerso~. He stated reducing the sideyard setback to T0 feet and rearyard setback to 40 feet will put this property into conform- ance with many of those in the area, and =ecomendation is for approval with conditions. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmembe= Oravec, to approve Resolution P-82-29 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Variance 82-06, Assessor's Parcel Number 275-360- 15." Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmamber Tarzy absent. ITEM 6 %-ARIANCE 82-07 APPLICANT= R.W. MAT~ Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The variance is to increase the height of a fence around a tennis court. Reconu~endation is for approval. City Planner Hogan stated a question has come up regarding the location of the tennis court relative to the bridle trail. · JUN221682 ITEM 10 638 Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - June 8, 1982 I~EM 4 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP82-04 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT APPLICANT: STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by City Planner Hogan. He stated changes to the resolution of apDroval should be made as follows: Section 2, 4), delete wording "at the top of the building pads facing ..." and insert "adjacent to the lots along ..." Section 2, No. 14, delete wording "recordation of the final map" and insert "issuance of building permit." Delete Standard Conditions 7-10 of Section F. Mayor Shepardson opened the public testimony portion of the hearing. Speaking in favor: Robert Allen, Standard Pacific of San Diego, 7290 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adopt Resolution P-82-28 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map TPM 82-04, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 314-371-10, 314-040-21 and 314-050-01" as amended by staff. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. ITEM 5 VARIANCE 82-06 APPLICANT: GARY SATERBAK Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated reducing the sideyard setback to 10 feet and rearyard setback to 40 feet will put this property into conform- ance with many of those in the area, and recomendation is for approval with conditions. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to approve Resolution P-82-29 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Variance 82-06, Assessor's Parcel Number 275-360- 15." Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. ITEM 6 VARIANCE 82-07 APPLICANT: R.W. MATZ Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The variance is to increase the height of a fence around a tennis court. Recommendation is for approval. City Planner Hogan stated a question has come up regarding the location of the tennis court relative to the bridle trail. 638 NOT YET APPROVE[' Page 4 - C~'L'~' OF POr~A¥ - ,.Tune 8, 1982 Motion by Councilm~mbec ~r¥, s~conded b~ Councilmember Oravec, to approve P~solution P-82-30 entitled, "A Itesolut£on of the City Council o£ the City of Poesy, California, ~pprovin9 Variance V~R 82-07, ~ssessor's Parcel Number 275- 041-04" with ~he stipulatioa that if the tennis court encroaches into the tra£1, the court must be moved.- ~otion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. ITeM 7 ABANDOI~TOF PROPOSED RIG~T-OP-WAY~OR STONE CANYON ROAD Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This portion of Stone Canyon Road was removed from the Circulation Element by the County but the right-of-way still exists. Ge residents in the area do not went the road, and it will never he built. Recommendation is to proceed with the vacation =ese=ring a 20-foot easement for future ~tility use. Requesting Council to delay a~tion until General Plan is comPleted was Dan Wiberg, 13351 Stone Canyon Road, Poway. Motion by Councilmembsr 0raver, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to authorize the City Engineer to formally start vacation proceedings of the recomended portions of Stone Canyon Road, in the area of the Green Valley Highland subdi- -- vision. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. ITEM 8 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS B81-0175 AND B81-0176 APPLICANT= LO~AS VERDES DEVELOPMENT CONPANY Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. ~nis is a time extension request for a previously approved boundary adjustment. Recommendation is for approval with conditions. Speaking in favor, but asking fo= assurance the conditions remain the same as the original approval: James Ford, 77552 St. Andrews Drive, Poway Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to grant six months t/me extension for B81-0]75 and B81-0]76, subject to conditions listed in the staff report. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. IT]D~ 12 RESTORATION & LANDSCAPING O~ OPEN SPACE EASEMENT APPLICANT: RICHARD KUEBLER - MAJOR USE PERMIT P79-19 Staff report by City Manager Sowersox. He stated the applicant has made sub- stantial progress and recommendation is to observe the progress and report in July, 1982. JUN22'I982 ITEM 10 639 NOT YET APPROVED Page 5 - CITY OP POWAY - June 8, 1982 Motion by Councilm~mber Emery, seconded by Councilmember Kruse, to continue monitoring the vegetation to ensure that it has become stabilized and provide a progress report On July 13, 1982. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy CITY MANAGER ITEMS 1. City Manager B~wersox reported on the 1982-83 budget and distributed copies to Council. He stated ~he b~dget is balanced within revenues expected. The Budget Review CoBittee will be reviewing it, and the first public hearing could be set for June 22, 1982, with the budget adopted by July 6, 1982. 2. City Manager Bowersox reported that the Garden Road/Poway Road traffic signal hardware is expected this week and the work can begin next week. 3. The ASTREA group has asked for support of their request to County Board of Supervisors to not cut the helicopter program from the Sheriff*s budget. 4. An invitation has been received from the Del Mar Pair for Poway to staff a booth and participate in Poway City Day, June 28, 1982. COUNCILM~WBER ITemS 15. Councilmember Emery requested a discussion of agricultural water rates at the Thursday workshop. Council concurred. 16. Councilmember Kruse requested that the paper siqns put up by the Arcade in the K-Mart Center be removed. 17. Councilmember Oravec requested staff pursue starting a Dial-A-Ride system for the elderly and handicapped. Community Services Director Lewis, will work with her. 19. Mayor Shepardson requested an investigation into the use of handicapped parking spaces by people who are not handicapped. Mayor Shepardson announced the appointments to the Ploodplain Advisory Co~mittee are as follows: Darwin Drake Donna Duggan Norman Elder George Leffler Betty Rexford Russell Sheldon Tom Voight JUN221982 ITEM ]0 640 NOT YET APPROVE Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY - June 8, 1982 Upon motion by Councilmember K=use, seconded by Councilmember Emery, Mayor Shepardson ordered the meeting adjourned to 4:00 P.M., Thursday, June 10, 1982, in the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. The time of adjournment was 8:22 P.M. MarjoriejK. IWahlsten, City Clerk City of ~oway JUN221982 ITEM 10 641 NOT YET APPROVE! CZ'J'T OF POWATe CALZFOPJITA MXIIU'T'US OF ~3E CX~t~Z C0OllCXL ADJOURNIED RBGULAR M,ff~XHG JO~IB I0, 1982 The Sune 10, 1982, meetinq of the C£t¥ Council of the City of Poway, adjourned from the June 8, 1982, regular meeting, waa called to order at 4505 P.Ho by Mayor Shepardson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, Cal£fornia. COUlJCZL lgl~B~ pumstEIFF &T ROLL CALL Bob Emery, Carl Kruae, L£nda Oravec, Mary Shepardson COUNCZL MBIgBm~S ABSBIFF &T ROLL C.T.r. Bruce Tarzy STAffF M]InIB~RS PR.BSBIT James aowersox City Manager Barry Hogan Director of Planning Services Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Ray Berryman Acting Director of Public Services/ City Engineer John Fitch Director of Administrative Services Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk IT~4 2 DON DIEGO PRESENTATION Don Diego and the Fairest of the Fair presented a plant and apron to Mayor Shepardson. ITeM 3 STREET NAMING ORDINANCE STREET SIGN IDENTIFICATION This item was introduced by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by City Planner Hogan. These were presented aa two separate items. Council concurred with the street naming item coming back as a policy rather than an ordinance. Council concurred that distinctive city limit signs and street name signs on circulation element roads would be desirable. Staff was instructed to bring back information on the coat of the standard sign being used now and signs with logo. 642 NOT YET APPROVE ; · aga 2 - C'rT~' OP ~ ~ ~ ~T'rNG - Jtml 10, 1982 $ta££ capote by Cit~ Plam'~ac ~jan. '~hia ocd;Lnam~e ~oulcl requite si. teat im- prove~aen2 ~w~rk, ~enever a~llcatioa wa~ ~ade for a b~ilding per~aA~. Raquira- · en~ ~uld depend o~ ~he pro~ect. Foll~inq discussion, Ma~or She~a~dec~ ~hia pro~oaed ordinance. Follo~einq di~-uaaio~, ~otmcil cor~urred with ~he pro~oaed cha~qea in ~he fee schedule and it will c~ae to the Council for adoption at a ~e~ula: ~ee~img. TRAFFIC ~XTIGATI0~ ~ - pArKLAND Fm~ City ~et ~t~x s~a~ ~e City ~gin~t will ptesen~ ~ analysis of Fees in ~he ne~ fu~e. ~S ~ ~ ~ O~ a~ 5:25 OFF-DOCKET IT~ ~TBR RATES Staff report by Ci=y ~n~e= ~tsox. S2af~ Is =~es~inq ~uncil in~ on ~ of ~a~ula~ing ware= =a~es ~o= Fiscal Yea~ ~982-83. ~ncil c~cu==ed w~h ~ti~l~u~al te~e ~ing only ~a~ ~ich is t~eiv~ f=~ S~ Dido County Wa~e= Au~ogi~y. ~les of af~= on ave=age ~ill of JUN221cJ82. ITEM 10 ~43 NOT YET ,APPROVED Page 3 - CITY OF P~AY AD~OUI~i~BD ~GULAR ME~TING - June 10, 1982 COu~u I ~24~4BER ITemS 1. Council~aber Emery stated s~ concerns over City's liability with skate boarding in the drainage channel at the northeast corner of the Ranch subdivision. 2. Mayor Shapardson requested staff to look at the Walton Reservoir watering schedule. ~11ere seems to be overwatering. 3. Council concurred in not adopting any ordinance regarding filling Council vacancy at this time. Mayor Shepardson adjourned the meeting at 6:00 P.M. upon ~otion by Councilmember Kruse, seconded by Councilmember Oravec. Marjorie/K~ Wahlsten, City Clerk City of ~ay. JUN221982 ITF-.M 10 644