Presentation - SDCWA - San Vicente Pipeline & Emergency Storage Project San Diego County Water Authority Presentation San Vicente Pipeline & Emergency Storage Project April 26, 2005 Representatives attending the City Council meeting from the San Diego County Water Authority: John McCullough Alex Newton Tad Brierton ** John McCullough will be making the actual presentation. ~~ ,J)~\ ..~1 The San Vicente Pipeline is part of the Emergency Storage Project. a system of reservoirs, interconnected pipelines and pumping stations designed to make water available to the San Diego region in the event of a prolonged interruption in imported water deliveries. The San Diego County Water Authority is a public agency serving the San Diego region as a wholesale supplier of water from the Colorado River and Northern California. The Water Authority works through its 23 member agencies to provide a safe, reliable water supply to support the regions $130 billion economy and the quality of life of 3 million residents. ~ San Diego County Wafer Au,hori,y Capital Improvement Program San Diego County Water Authority San Vicente Pipeline ....... ,......................................................... Building Water Reliability through the Emergency Storage Project Piping In Water Reliability The San Vicente Pipeline will be an ll-mile-long pipeline connecting the San Vicente ReservOir in Lakeside to the Water Authority's Second Aqueduct west of Interstate 15. This project is a key component of the Water Authority's Emergency Storage Project and an important investment in the future reliability of San Diego County's water supply. The Emergency Storage Proiect will protect the region's $130 billion economy, job base and quality of life by increas. ing the amount of water available within the county for use during emergencies. A drought or major earthquake could interrupt the delivery of imported water to the county for up to six months, and some communities could be without water within three to four days. The San Vicente Pipeline will provide access to water set aside for such emergencies. The pipeline will also improve the Water Authority's ability to move water around the county to serve the region's nearly 3 million people. San Vicente Reservoir. How Tunneling Works At 102 inches, this large-diameter pipeline will be built in a tunnel rather than a trench at a depth ranging from 50 to 600 feet below the surface. Tunneling will enable the Water Authority to build the pipeline with fewer impacts to land surfaces and the surrounding communities. The Water Authority's contractor will use two or more tunnel boring machines to excavate the majority of the tunnel. A tunnel boring machine excavates rock using a rotating cutterhead to break rock into small pieces. .'" .",W."..".".."'."".. . ,......,.........,~ .;" .s. I ,/ '\ A -------+-. P,w', ',..--------- \ __f"!'!1_~L----' I A"'------ f,rs' .1 ( ~...-/'. YAqU'dUC' . .. \ ~"p--1'ka.___ - .---/ " S~','''"'o" Conyon -.~ S~~'1: . '-. (oont)' .... \. " OveIlSp8<" ....... \ PlpellReTunnelRoute ",P(C.CI1'O --Ji!mg t- ......." \ " ~~ -~ .......... '. ....... ~ San DIego J .......................... . / ........ ,/ ...... I \ ~'l ..,. '/~ /~SIlCOWdAqO~dU"1 I~ ~~,~ ~I\~~:..,"". .pp'.".",., Santee Lakeside The route for the tunnel and pipeline begins at San Vicente Dam and will continue in a northwesterly direction. As the tunnel approaches more densely populated areas in Scripps Ranch, it will be below San Diego Gas &' Electric transmission lines and Scripps Poway Parkway. The tunnel route ends just west of /-15 at Mercy Road. The tunnel and pipeline will not pass directly under any homes. The small pieces of rock and dirt then exit behind the boring machine for disposal and will be removed by either haul trains or a conveyor belt. The tunnel boring machine can excavate at a rate of 50 to 130 feet a day, depend- ing on rock conditions. People near the tunnel route may perceive a subtle, low-level vibration for several days as the tunnel boring machine approaches and proceeds past their location. This low-level vibration during tunneling will not impact surface structures such as homes, swimming pools or patios. It is possible that the tunnel boring machine could ~* .. www.sdcwa.org ~ Emergency Storage Project Tunnel Facts . The tunnel will be II miles in length and 13feetin diameter. . The pipeline will be approximately 81/2 feetin diameter. . The project budget is approximately $205 million. . The tunnel depth ranges between 50 and 600 feet underground continued , :J~\ ..WJ encounter a very large boulder that it cannot excavate. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the boulder through controlled blasting. Residents and property owners near the blasting site would be notified in advance. Tunnel Access and Construction Three shafts and one portal will be used to construct the tunnel and pipeline. A shaft is a hole in the ground that extends down to the tunnel. A portal is a hole located in the side of a hill and is usually used at the beginning and/or end of a tunnel. The portal site is located near the San Vicente Dam and the shaft sites are located in Slaughterhouse Canyon, south of Beeler Canyon (Central Shaft) and off of Mercy Road near Interstate 15 IWest Shaft). The shafts and portal are needed for personnel and materials to access the tunnel, to insert and extract the tunnel boring machines, remove excavated materials from the tunnel, circulate air and deliver equipment, pipe sections and concrete. Excavated materials from the tunnel will primarily come from the San Vicente Portal and Central Shaft, with a limited amount from the West Shaft. Materials excavated from the Central Shaft will be placed and graded on site and will not be hauled off the property. Materials excavated from the San Vicente Portal may be hauled to a nearby commer- cial quarry. The materials from the West Shaft may be hauled to a commercial quarry and/or used as fill at a San Diego Gas & Electric property. Project Schedule Environmental documentation - Certified in January 2004 Tunnel and pipeline design - Ongoing through mid 2004 Tunnel and pipeline construction - Early 2005 through 2008 When tunnel and pipeline construction is completed, some permanent facilities will remain at the San Vicente portal and Central and West shafts to allow for future access for tunnel inspection and maintenance. Appropriate fencing, cameras and motion-activated lighting will be installed at the permanent sites for security and safety purposes. Environmental Mitigation and Documentation The Water Authority is committed to avoiding impacts to the community and the environment from project construction activities whenever possible and to minimizing unavoidable impacts. In 1996, the Water Authority board certified an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement for construction ofthe San Vicente Pipeline as either a cut-and-covertrench or a tunnel. In 2001, the Water Authority selected tunnel construction for the pipeline which significantly reduced the traffic and community impacts of construction that would occur along a trenched pipeline route. The Water Authority prepared a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report to evaluate elements of the pipeline projectthat had changed since 1996. These elements included re-routing a portion of tunnel alignment, locating access shafts needed during construction and adding a surge control facility near the San Vicente Dam. The Water Authority board of directors certified the SEIR in January 2004. Example of a tunnel boring machine. Public Participation Throughout construction, the Water Authority will communicate with the communities along the tunnel route to provide updates on the project and respond to questions and concerns. The Water Authority will use newsletters, community meeting briefings, mailings and a toll-free project information line to keep stakeholders informed and receive comments and questions. The Water Authority will make every effort to minimize b. inconveniences created by construction. ~ San Diego County Water Authority April 2004 ~~, ~, Emergency Storage Project ")') The Emergency Storage Project is a system of reservoirs, interconnected pipelines and pumping stations designed to make water available to the San Diego region in the event of an interruption in imported water deliveries. The Water Authority is a public agency serving the San Diego region as a wholesale supplier of water. The Water Authority works through its 23 member agencies to provide a safe, reliable water supply to support the regions economy, job base and quality of life for more than 3 mil/ion residents. ~ San 0Iea0 County Water "-rIoarily Capita' Improvement Prog",m San Diego County Water Authority Emergency Storage Project Building Waler Reliability .....................,..................... ............. In 1989, the San Diego County Water Authority embarked on a Capital Improvement Program. The CIP was initiated to make necessary improvements to the pipeline delivery system and to increase operational flexibility in supplying water throughout the county. Included in the $3.1 billion CIP is the $834 million Emergency Storage Project, a system of reservoirs, pipelines and other facilities that work together to store and move water around the county in the event of a natural disaster. Currently, the Water Authority imports up to 90 percent of the region's water supply from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The pipelines that carry imported water cross several major fault lines on the way to San Diego County. An earthquake, drought or other disaster could interrupt San Diego County's imported water supply for up to six months. Some communities would be without water within The Emergency Storage Project, scheduled to be completed in 2011, connects existing sources of water, enabling water to flow throughout the system even in the event a disaster disrupts the region's imported water supply. The project provides an additional 90,100 acre,feet of storage capacity. Combined with the storage space already dedicated to emergency use, the additional capacity is projected to meet the county's emergency needs through at least 2030. The Olivenhain Reservoir has the capocity to hold opproximately 8 billion gallons of woter - enough water to sustoin nearly 200,000 residents far one year during an emergency. three to four days. San Vicente Dam and Reservoir. An acre-foot is: . 325,900 gallons of water . Enough water to cover an entire footballlield one foot deep . The approximate amount of water two families of four use in one year . " -'~:;cjcWa.org :::_ ~ ...................,......" ".."..".....+.."l!'.."~..,, .."'".............."......... PI) continued Emergency Storage Project Emergency Storage Project Components . The 318-foot-high Olivenhain Dam and 24,OOO-acre-foot reservoir (Completed in 2003) . A pipeline connecting the new Olivenhain Reservoir to the Water Authority's Second Aqueduct ICompleted in 2002) . A pipeline connecting the new Olivenhain Reservoir with Lake Hodges . Raising San Vicente Dam by 54 feet to provide an additional 52,100 acre-feet of water storage . A pipeline connecting San Vicente Reservoir to the Water Authority's Second Aqueduct . Five new pump stations . Lake Hodges Pipeline . Lake Hodges Pump Station . Pipeline 3 Pump Station and Interconnection . Pipeline 4 Pump Station . Related facilities The ESP Schedule Phase One (1998 - 2003) . Dlivenhain Dam . Olivenhain Pipelines and Powerline . Olivenhain Pump Station, Surge Control Pipe Phase Two (2002 - 2008) . San Vicente Pipeline . San Vicente/Moreno-Lakeside Interconnect Pipeline . San Vicente Pump Station . San Vicente Surge Control Facility Phase Three (2004 - 2008) Phase Four (2008 - 2011) . San Vicente Dam Raise . San Vicente Recreational Facilities . Operations Center Upgrade @son Diego County Water Authority I .. ---- I I I I i 1;/,,- ~ i \ Carlsbad\ LEGEND Fallbrook ........ Pipeline (Tunnel) . Pump Station /..../ Aqueducts "" Pipeline (Trench) @ Notl.Seal. (NOIlr.llIlocnon.I""..x,mate! Escondido Pacific Ocean DelMar La Jolla -- .- ~ - \.J ..) For more informatjon abDut the San Djego County Water Authorjty's Emergency Storage Project, please cal1 thjs tol1-free number: (877) 426-2010, Photographs lCl 2004, Joh~W.Ale.anders. Todd Nordness. and the California Department of Water ReSOUfC€S October 2004 ~ ,'" . ~ .~ " ~. Emergency Storage Project