Item 6 - Intention to Levy and Collect Assessements - Poway LMD 86-3 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ < INITIATED BY: Jim Howell, Director of Public Wor DATE: April 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution De aring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 and Set Date for Public Hearing ABSTRACT The maintenance of public landscape improvements within Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) 86-3 requires funding. The California Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (ACT) allows for the collection of assessments from parcels annexed into the District for this purpose. In order to collect assessments, Chapter 3 of the ACT requires a resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments and an Engineer's Report. There are currently 159 residential (Zone A) and 14 non-residential and one residential (Zone B) assessable parcels in LMD 86-3. Fiscal Year 2005/2006 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 rates of $163.00 per benefit units and $70.89 per benefit unit, respectively for Zones A and B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Revenues collected at $163.00 per benefit unit for Zone A and $70.89 per benefit unit for Zone B will be used for the District's maintenance costs during Fiscal Year 2005/2006. A general benefit contribution of $5,896.87 ($982.03 for Zone A and $4,914.84 for Zone B) will be made by the City of Poway based upon General Fund average square footage costs for the maintenance of landscaped medians and rights-of-way. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments with Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006; 2) approve the corresponding preliminary Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for Fiscal Year 2005/2006; 3) direct the City Clerk to publish the approved resolution one week following Council approval; and 4) set public hearing for June 21, 2005. ACTION 1 of 27 April 26. 2005 Item # \Gl CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Membe~~ City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ Jim Howell, Director of Public Work Dennis K. Quillen, Assistant D~'re or of ublic Works ~ Javid Siminou, City Engineer Patricia S. Nelson, Assessment istrict pecialist~ April 26, 2005 INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Engineer's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 and Set Date for Public Hearing BACKGROUND The Landscape Maintenance District (LMD 86-3) was formed on May 20, 1986 to maintain landscape improvements of various subdivisions or developments included within the District boundaries. Each subdivision and/or development listed below was required to annex into the District as a condition of property development either through the final map process or by Council resolution. District 86-3 Zone A includes the following residential developments: TM 3994 TTM 88-03 TTM 94-02 The Pond Sycamore Springs Poway Oaks Zone B (non-residential [commercial] developments) includes the following: TPM 90-04 TTM 90-05 Under Bldg. Permit DR 98-07NAR 98-11 TPM 01-06 Wal Mart Creekside Plaza SteinMart Plaza (Mega Foods) Poway Hyundai Hillside Village Apartments FINDINGS The estimated value of the LMD improvements being maintained within Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 is $590,670 for Zone "A" and $200,350 for Zone "B." Zones A 20f24 April 26, 2005 Item # ~ Agenda Report - Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-3 April 26, 2005 Page 2 and B Fiscal Year 2005/2006 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 rate of $163.00 per year (or $13.58 per month) per benefit unit and $70.89 per year (or $5.90 per month) per benefit unit, respectively. Under Assessment Law (Article XIII 0, Section 2U)), those properties not receiving special benefit are not included on the LMD 86-3A Assessment Roll. Proposition 218, passed by the California voters on November 6, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new, or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII 0 as added to the California Constitution. All parcels currently assessed were annexed into the District by owner consent at the time of development. However, this does not exempt assessment increases in future years. Subsequent increases in such assessments shall be subject to the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. Zone A (residential) balloting for an increase in Fiscal Year 1998/1999 assessments failed. The assessment rate, therefore is to remain unchanged from the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 rate that is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. The failure of an assessment increase by ballot for Zone A in Fiscal Year 1998/1999 led to a reduction of maintenance seryices. Although this District has received a reduced level of service to meet the revenue received, the current contractor continues to maintain these areas with proficient water management and plant preseryation. Re-balloting has not been petitioned by the property owners. An Annual Cost Indexing based on the San Diego Consumer Price Index was passed by ballot for Zone B during Fiscal Year 1998/1999. It has been determined, however, that a cost index increase is not necessary during Fiscal Year 2005/2006. Annual assessments for Zone B (non-residential) parcels are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 rate. As such, Zone B property owners are exempt from the balloting procedures and process. As required under Assessment Law (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 and its amendments), an Engineer's Report and assessment recommendations must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis. This report (Attachment 2) has been found technically correct as presented. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review 3of24 April 26, 2005 Item # {g Agenda Report - Intent to Levy Assessments LMD 86-3 April 26, 2005 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT Revenues collected at $163.00 per benefit unit for Zone A and $70.89 per benefit unit for Zone B will be used for the District's maintenance costs during Fiscal Year 2005/2006. A general benefit contribution of $5,896.87 ($982.03 for Zone A and $4,914.84 for Zone B) will be made by the City of Poway based upon General Fund average square footage costs for the maintenance of landscaped medians and rights-of-way. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) adopt the attached resolution declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006; 2) approve the corresponding Engineer's Report outlining the assessments for Fiscal Year 2005/2006; 3) direct the City Clerk to publish the approved resolution one week following Council approval; and 4) set public hearing for June 21, 2005. JLB: JRH:DKQ:JS:PSN Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Engineer's Report 4of24 April 26, 2005 Item # (q RESOLUTION NO. 05- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for the purpose of maintaining, servicing, and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit "A" of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office, pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, and attached hereto; and WHEREAS, assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 assessment rate of $163.00 per benefit unit for Zone A and $70.89 per benefit unit for Zone B; and WHEREAS, under Article XIII 0, Section 4 of the California Constitution, a City general benefit contribution has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians and rights-of-way. This general benefit contributions for Zones A and B have been calculated to be $982.03 and $4,914.84, respectively; WHEREAS, under Article XIII 0, Section 5(b) of the California Constitution, the collection of Fiscal Year 2005/2006 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII 0, in that the assessment was imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was initially imposed; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, seryice, and operation of public landscaping within said territory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 2. Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 3. Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code, a public hearing will be held on June 21, 2005 by the City Council to consider the levy and collection of the proposed assessments. ATTACHMENT 1 April 26, 2005 Item # Co 5of24 Resolution No. 05- Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 26th day of April 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 05- , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 26th day of April 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway 6 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # [q ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006 Preamble Pursuant to the provisions of the City of Poway Resolution No. 00-034 (Policies for Landscape Maintenance Districts) and the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972" (being Part 2 of Division 15 of the California Street and Highways Code), applicable provisions of "Proposition 218" (being Article XIII of the California Constitution), and provisions of the "Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act" (being California State Bill 919) (all of which are hereinafter called collectively "Assessment Law"), and in accordance with the Resolution of Intention, being Resolution No. 05- , adopted by the City Council of the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, in connection with the proceedings for Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 (hereinafter referred to as "District"), this report for the District is submitted for assessment hearing proceedings as required by California Streets and Highways Code Section 22565. Backaround District 86-3 was formed on May 20, 1986 to finance the maintenance of landscape improvements installed in conjunction with new subdivisions and commercial/industrial developments within the boundaries of the District (Exhibit A). This report sets forth the findings and engineering analysis for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2005/2006. Maps of subdivisions and facilities (Exhibit B) are on file in the City of Poway Public Works Department Special Districts Office, and are a part of this report by reference only. On November 5, 1996, the California electorate passed Proposition 218, which added Articles XIIIC and XIIID to the California Constitution and changed various aspects of government finance law. These have since been incorporated into the California Streets and Highways Code. Findinas The Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 (Act) allows assessments to be levied against properties for the maintenance of certain public improvements within a subject district according to benefit rather than estimated value (Section 22573). The necessary revenue required to maintain the landscaped improvements within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 have been calculated according to benefit for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 as provided for by the Act. All assessments collected within this District will be expended on maintenance, utilities, and administration of District 86-3 landscape improvements. In 1998, property owners within the District received ballots as specified under Assessment Law. Zones A and B were balloted for an increase in assessments, including yearly cost indexing adjustments based on the San Diego Consumer Price Index (SD-CPI). ATTACHMENT 2 7 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # {g Engineer's Report - LMD 86.3 FY 2005/2006 Page 2 An assessment rate increase for Zone A failed under the balloting process of property owners. Zone B property owners voted for a decrease in assessment rates, and also approved any necessary future assessment increases based on related SD-CPI. Subsequent increases for Zone A are subject to a majority petition of at least 51 percent of the property owners, which is to be addressed to the City of Poway City Council. This petition, if approved, shall initiate the balloting process and be subject to the procedures and ballot approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIIID. As of the writing of this report, the City has not received a petition from the property owners within this District zone. As a result, balloting will not be initiated. Although increases are permitted for Zone B, no increase in the assessment rate by the annual SD-CPI for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 is required at this time. Since the annual assessment rates for Zones A and B are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 rates of $163.00 and $70.89, respectively, this District is exempt from the process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIIID as the assessments were imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was (is) initially imposed. District Proceedinas for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 This District will be authorized and administered under the provisions of City of Poway Resolution No. 00-034, the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972," applicable provisions of "Proposition 218," and provisions of the "Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act." This Engineer's Report has been prepared in compliance with Assessment Law. District Boundarv The boundary of the District contains all parcels proposed to be assessed. The Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Engineer's Report, are on file with the City of Poway Public Works Department Special Districts Office and are available for public inspection during normal business hours. A reduced copy of the Boundary Map is included as Exhibit A, hereto attached. The Boundary Map shows the District planning boundaries, the District boundary and the parcels proposed to be assessed, the zone boundaries, and the general location of District improvements. On February 25, 1992, by Council Resolution No. 92-039, Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 was divided into two subzones: 86-3A for residential and 86-3B for commercial. Assessments for each subzone of the District (LMD 86-3A and B) will be calculated on a per unit basis by dividing the required revenue by the total units within each District zone. 8 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #-L Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 3 No new parcels were added to the District during Fiscal Year 2004/2005. District 86-3 Zone A (159 parcels assessed), includes the following residential developments: TTM 3994 TTM 88-03 TTM 94-02 The Pond Sycamore Springs poway Oaks District 86-3 Zone B: 14 non-residential parcels; 205.936 commercial units; and 1 multi- residential, low-income housing apartments having 30.32 units, consists of the following: TPM 90-04 TTM 90-05 Under Bldg. Permit DR 98-07NAR 98-11 TPM 01-06 Wal Mart Creekside Plaza SteinMart Plaza (Mega Foods) Poway Hyundai Hillside Village Apartments Proiect Description. Facilities and Maintenance The facilities to be maintained by Zone "A" of the District are defined as landscape improvements within the rights-of-way and open space areas associated with annexed subdivisions and which are adjacent to portions of Pomerado Road, Old Pomerado Road, Beeler Creek, Metate Lane, Oak Knoll and Sage View Roads, including natural open space areas within the associated subdivisions. Facilities to be maintained by Zone "B" of the District are defined as landscape improvements within the rights-of-way and adjacent to portions of Poway, Midland, and Community Roads. Although Hillside Village was added to the District during Fiscal Year 2003/2004, assessment will not be collected until Fiscal Year 2005/2006 due to the late turnover of the project area of maintenance. Walls and fences adjacent to private property are to be maintained by the adjacent property owners. The District/City, prior to commencement of work, shall approve repairs or reconstruction of any walls or fences adjacent to the District landscape areas. Should the property owners desire to include major repairs or reconstruction within the District responsibilities, the property owners are required to submit a petition to initiate the balloting process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIIID. Landscape maintenance performance standards and specifications have been developed by the City of Poway to assure quality maintenance of landscape assessment district properties. A recent assessment of the present level of quality has been conducted, and the current maintenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards. 9 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #--k- Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 4 The estimated value ofthe existing improvements to be maintained under LMD 86-3 is $590,670 for Zone A, and $200,350 for Zone B. The increase of 3.5 percent is based on the Year 2004 San Diego Consumer Price Index and the inclusion of the Hillside Village medians into Zone B. Collection of Assessments Assessments will be collected from parcels annexed into the district on the yearly property tax roll. Assessments, however, cannot be collected from public-owned parcels (I.e., all public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads, public drives, public courts, public alleys, all easements and rights-of-way, all public parks, greenbelts and parkways, and all public school property being used for public school purposes) that lie within the district boundaries. Costs associated with general benefit must be paid from other resources of the local agency. City General Benefit Contribution Assessment Law mandates that the City assess for special benefit only, and the City shall separate general benefit from special benefit. General benefit is defined as services provided to the public-at-Iarge. Special benefit is defined as services provided at a level greater than the seryices provided to the public-at-Iarge. The City's general benefit to the public-at-Iarge is determined as the average expenditure from the general fund for the maintenance of landscaped medians and rights- of-way calculated on a per square foot basis. The City shall make a general benefit contribution to a district based on the City's average rate of expenditure from the General Fund for the various types of improvements applied to the square footage of similar types of improvements within the District. Zone A (no new improvements were added during Fiscal Year 2004/2005): Landscaped Rights-of-Way 11,034 Sq. Ft. Zone B (no new improvements were added during Fiscal Year 2004/2005): Landscaped Median ::~:,.;' 10 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ Engineer's Report - LMD 86.3 FY 2005/2006 Page 5 The City shall annually conduct an audit to determine the average expenditure from the General Fund for the maintenance of landscape improvements within the public rights- of-way or public easements, calculated on a per square foot basis. The general benefit for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 is determined to be: $0.2145 per square foot for landscaped medians, and $0.0890 per square foot for landscaped rights-of-way As part of the audit, the City shall determine the average expenditure from the General Fund for the maintenance of District landscape improvements. City-employed landscape staff did not receive a salary increase for Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Therefore, the general benefit is to remain at the FY 2004/2005 rate. Zone A: 11,034 square feet landscaped rights-of-way x $0.0890 = $ 982.03 Zone B: 22,913 square feet landscaped median x $0.2145 = $4,914.84 All other maintenance, operation, administrative, and incidental costs, which exceed the City's general benefit contribution to the public-at-Iarge, are a special benefit and assessed to the District. The City shall have an option how it will make the general benefit contributions to the District. The City shall make its contribution by either: . providing irrigation water to the District for irrigation of LMD improvements in an amount equal to the City's general benefit contribution, or · paying directly to the District from General Fund a dollar amount equal to the City's general benefit contribution. 11 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # (q Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 6 Estimated Costs An estimate of Fiscal Year 2005/2006 costs associated with maintenance of District improvements is included as follows: LMD 86-3A FY 03/ 04 FY 041 05 FY 05/ 06 Contract 19,270 19,270 30,890 Water/Power 6,840 7,110 6,850 Administration 9,990' 9,9902 49103 BUDGET 36,100 36,370 42,650 6-Month Reserve 18,050 18,185 21,325 TOTAL 54,150 54,555 63,975 Cash Carry Over (15,395) (18,050) (18,185) REQUIRED REVENUE 38,755 36,505 45,790 Interest Used (2,300) (2,300) (1,080) Reserves Used (9,588) (7,306) (18,890) CITY GENERAl BENEFIT CONTRIBUTION 950 982 982 ASSESSMENT REVENUE 25,917 25,917 25,917 Interest Earned 2,300 2,300 1,080 Reserves Added 0 0 0 Appropriated Reserve Fund Balance4 46,1305 38,820 19,930 Unappropriated Reserve Fund Balance6 20,000 20,000 20,000 1 Includes portion of Districts' contribution to. and equal to nine percent of the budget for, Fund 0406, Maintenance Operations 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 The Appropriated Reserve Fund balance is money held for immediate or emergency facility replacements associated with Acts of God and replacement due to age. S Corrected per Finance Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Activity Sheets 6 The Unappropriated Reserve Fund balance is money held for facility replacement associated with Acts of God and replacement due to age. 12 of 24 April 26, 2005 .. 10 Engineer's Report - LMD 86.3 FY 2005/2006 Page 7 LMD 86-3B FY 03/ 04 FY 04/ 05 FY 05/ 06 Contract 18,430 16,430 25,060 Contract (A~propriated into budget for 20,000 20,000 33,000 Emergencies) Water/Power 760 840 4,960 Administration 3,8208 4,7709 5,61010 BUDGET 43,010 42,040 68,630 6-Month Reserye 11 11,505 11,020 17,815 TOTAL 34,515 53,060 86,445 Cash Carry Over (7,830) (11,505) (11,020) REQUIRED REVENUE 26,685 41,555 75,425 Interest Used (6,080) (5303) (2,340) Reserves Used (4,483) 0 (33,650) Prior Year's Unused Emergency Funding (20,000) (20,000) ClTY~~EfW,.BEN~IT,~~ 3.7$0 3.880 4,915 ~SSMENTREVI;N~ 12.372 12,372 14,520 Interest Earned 6,080 6,000 2,340 Reseryes Added 0 697 0 Appropriated Reserye Fund Balance 74,815" 75,512 41,862 Unappropriated Reserve Fund Balance 60,000 60,000 60,000 7 This item is now included within the LMD budget as funding for emergencies above and beyond the normal and routine expenses as they arise. Any funds remaining from this budgeted item will be rolled over into the next fiscal year. s Includes portion of Districts' contribution to, and equal to nine percent of the budget for, Fund 0406, Maintenance Operations 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. 11 The six-month reserve is based on all routine budgeted items excluding Appropriated Reserve Funds that are used for contractual emergences. 12 Corrected per Finance Administrative Fund Baiance Sheets. 13of24 April 26, 2005 Item # ~ Engineer's Report - LMD 86.3 FY 2005/2006 Page 8 History The City of Poway was incorporated in December 1980. In October 1983, the City adopted its first General Plan. A major theme and vision of the City's General Plan is preseryation of Poway's identity as ''The City in the Country." Poway's intent is to maintain a high quality of design and environmental standards in all new development and redevelopment. Poway's community identity has set it apart by providing a quality of life unique from the surrounding communities. The General Plan establishes several goals, strategies, and policies to preserve the image of "The City in the Country:" · Seek to develop an attractive streetscape that reflects the rural small town character of the City. · Streetscape design should encourage an aesthetic roadway area that integrates, among other things, landscaping. · Landscape medians should be constructed in roadways adjacent to commercial areas to direct traffic and provide a more rural, scenic roadway area. · Use of walls and landscaped areas to separate commercial/industrial land uses from adjoining residential land uses. · Adding extensive landscaping to the rights-of-way to give the impression of a private road. · Dedication of landscaped public open space easements of 50 feet in width along designated scenic routes to preserye the rural aesthetics. · Residential projects shall provide walls with landscaped rights-of-way along arterial and major streets. The effect of these and other policies is the dedication of public rights-of-way and easements, and the financing, construction, installation, and establishment of public improvements conditioned upon development. Not all developments, however, are required to contain the above elements in their entirety (e.g., walls/fences are to be specifically addressed and within the Landscape Maintenance District boundaries as described on each project's landscape as-built plans). These public improvements (as depicted on the 'As- Builts') require ongoing maintenance to effectively accomplish the General Plan's stated goal and thus benefit developing lands by preserying the community's image, quality of life, property values, and aesthetics. 14 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # CP Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 9 Lands Benefitina from Improvements The lands determined to receive benefit are those lands that, as a result of development or redevelopment, finance, construct, install, andlor establish landscape improvements within public rights-of-way or public easements (permanent public improvement); or adjoining lands that, as a result of development or redevelopment, receive access or are immediately adjacent to lands which contain landscape improvements maintained by a landscape maintenance district. Special benefit, as defined in Assessment Law and in this report, shall be assessed to those lands determined to receive benefit from the District's improvements. Apportionment MethodoloQv The total cost of special benefit for maintenance of the public improvements funded by the District will be assessed to the various parcels in the District in proportion to the benefit units assigned to each parcel, in relationship to the total benefit units assigned to all parcels being assessed. Residential Land Uses All residential subdivisions shall be assessed proportional to special benefit received based on one (1) benefit unit per residential dwelling unit. Non-residential Land Uses All non-residential development shall be assessed proportional to special benefit received based on the average planned dwelling unit density throughout the urban areas of the City (four dwelling units per acre), the equivalent of four (4) benefit units per acre. Non-residential land uses typically provide services and/or employment opportunities for the City which benefits all lands throughout the City. Since these non-residential land uses can occur throughout the City, the planned, average density of residential dwelling units per acre for the urban areas of the City has been calculated. The non-residential land uses are considered to dislocate residential units. Therefore, the number of residential dwelling units dislocated, based on the average dwelling units per acre, has been assigned to non-residential lands. This method determines an equivalent benefit to residential land uses. Exhibit B details the calculation of the average residential units per acre planned within the urban areas of the City. Urban areas have been defined as the parcels receiving water and sewer services. 15 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 10 In-Lieu Assessments Under provisions of City policy, parcels may contribute in-lieu assessments by providing equivalent maintenance services for District improvements within public rights-of-way or public easements immediately adjacent to their lands. No parcels within the District are scheduled to contribute in-lieu assessments in Fiscal Year 2005/2006. Non-benefiting Parcels All public and private streets, avenues, lanes, roads, drives, courts, alleys, all public easements and rights-of-way, all dedicated open space land, and District maintained land is determined to not receive special benefit from the District's improvements. Said lands do not partake in enjoyment of the quality of life, aesthetics, property value, and community image as other properties that benefit and are enjoyed by the owners. In contrast, these lands are encumbered for public seryice. Benefit Units (BUs) As described above, the number of assessable benefit units attributable to each parcel receiving special benefit has been calculated and can be found in the Assessment Roll (Exhibit C). Summary Results The District Boundary Map is shown in Exhibit A. An estimate of the maintenance costs associated with District improvements is contained within this Engineer's Report. The assessment methodology utilized is as described in the text of this Engineer's Report. Based on this methodology, the benefit units, and the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 proposed assessment for each parcel were calculated and are shown in the Assessment Roll (Exhibit C). The calculated FY 2005/2006 assessment for Zone A is proposed to remain at the FY 2004/2005 assessment rate of $163.00 per benefit unit. Zone B's calculated Fiscal Year 2005/2006 assessments are proposed to remain at the FY 2004/2005 assessment rate of $70.89 per benefit unit. 16 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ Engineer's Report - LMD 86-3 FY 2005/2006 Page 11 Each lot or parcel of land within the District has been identified by a unique Diagram Number on the Assessment Roll (Exhibit C) and on the Assessment Diagrams referenced herein. Respectfully submitted, 3 -;;? f'-- oS- Date 17 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ N w*, s 180f24 LMD 86-3A .... .. -~ .. ~i ~ K:; ~ -~. EXHIBIT A-1 April 26, 2005 Item #~ N w-+, s ' LMD 86-38 EXHIBIT A-2 19 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ EXHIBIT B (On file in the City of Poway Special Districts Office) 20 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ Exhibit C1 - Assessment Roll City of Po way Landscape Maintenance District 86-3A Diagram Parcel FY 2005/2006 Number Number Units Landuse um~ ""'os, I'\:lOsessment ' Owner Name ~ A1 3163200200 _1 """ ~163.00 ~63.00 Whalen David E;Debra R A2 3163200300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Scruggs Emltte L;Yvonne L 3163200400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163:00- -- Blocker Family Trust No 3T6-19~94 A3 - - RESIDENTIAL -------- Birmley Robert D Jr; Cheryi-L A4 3163200500 _ 1 $163.00 $163.00 A5 3163200600 - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Wood Frederick R;Hilda C --.......------ I-- A6 3163200700 - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $16M()___ Harrison Patrick W;Sandra G A7 _ 3163200800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Revier Leslie K;Deborah S -- -- - RESIDENTIAL ~ A8 3163200900 1 $163.00 $163.00 Holt John M II;Lisa D A9 3163201000 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Davidson Malcom;Carol AJO___ _ 3163201100 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 -- $163.00 Berri Claire E;Charlotte P Family Trust A11 3163201200 1 - RESIDE-NTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Yeh Chyan-Jenn;Shang-Hwa A12 __ 3163201300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 I- $163.00 Concha Trust ------..-- C- A13 3163201400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~akai Tru~~_ --- -- RESIDENTIAL ;---$163.00 ---- A14 3163201500 1 $163.00 Shelby Jeffry A ----..- 1- -RESIDENTIAL $163.00. Morones-Jackson Family Trust A15__ __3163201600 _ $163.00 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 ----- Jirik Scott R;Victoria 0 - A16 __3163201700 $163.00 A17 3163201800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Shamir Family r-rust 05-36~96 A18 3163201900 1 - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Juybari Hossefn;Teri A -- ----- -~ A19 3163202000 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Kumar -Rakesh;Julie A A20 3163202100 1 RESiDENTIAL $163.00 $16:3:00 Un John P - --------- 3163202200 f-- 1_ RESIDENTIAL $163.00 -- Butler Jeffrey R; Michelle ----- ~ A21 $163.00 --------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Cass Revocable Family Trust o5-f6~93 A22 3163202300 1 A23 3163202400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Ravan; Daryl J;Gabrielia A ----------- - -- RESIDENTIAL ---- WrightJ David 111;Dar~- A24 __3163202500 _ 1 $163.00 $163.00 A25 _..21E;3202600 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Chen Derrick;-Tran, Cindy L. - A26 ___3~63202700 __ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Niemi Kai; Katri -------- A27 _. 3163202800 1 -- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Stanzione Robert J;S-ylvia [--- -- Tolo Benjamin K; Shabnam- N A28 3163202900 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 -------- -- """"RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Sun Hung Fook;Hau Ling- A29 ___ 3163203000 _ 1 $163.00 RESIDENTIAL ---- Daley William P;DeboraD--- A30 3163203100 1 $163.00 $163.00 A31 __ __ 3163203200_ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~nissenko~~khall; Ko~~_riakova- A32 ___31632033~0.__ 1 -- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Eagle Trust --- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Shehan Daniel E, Karen S A33 _ _316320340ll.__ $163.00 A34 3163203600 --- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Larue Trust -- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.0~_::: ----- Murphy Michael J;Keliy J A35 3163210100 f--J163.00 ------- 1- I--R-ESIDENTIAL Doyle John -P;Eleanor - A36 3163210200 $163.00 $163.00 -------- RESIDENTIAL -$163.00 - I-- $163.00- ----- A37 __.316321030~ 1 Lawless Alice S ------- - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Hauswirth Donna M ----------- __A38 __ _ 3163210400 _ $163.00 A39 __316321050~ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Gal Lisbeth M --------- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 CitleTrust --------- A40 3163210600 - $163.00 RESIDENTIAL -- ~~e.~ Rommel C; Marissa A41 3163210700 1 $163.00 $163.00 A42 _3163210800 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Bezold Chris R;Barbara J ---- A43 3163210900 1 RESIDENTIAL """""$163.00 $163.00 Fox Robert K;Susan -5---- - I. RESIDENTIAL - .. A44 3163211100 1 $163.00 $163.00 Lawless Mark W;Miyazaki, Noriko ------- -- A45 ___ 3163211200.__ --- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Anderson David M;Catherine L A46 _ _ 3163211300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Maloney Thelma- H A47 3163211400- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 0019 Marcus D;Jean M -------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 ----- A.j8_ _.3163211500 1 $163.00 Nguyen Sang D;Kim-Oanh T A49 3163211600 -1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Bottone Steven - -RESIDENTIAL S163.00 Chen Chiu-Chi;Shu-Jiuan - - --------- A50 ___ ___3163211700___ 1 $163.00 A51 3163211800 - 1 - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Rhodes Trust ----- ---- 1 H__ ~SIDENTIAL $163.00 Nishikawa Yukio;Agnes A52 .. 3163211900 $163.00 ------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Valenzuela -Edward Joseph;Mary Ann Gedeika - A53 3163212000 1 $163.00 _____n__ --- - 86.3ROLL2006.xls / Exhibit C1 1013 2/23/2005 21 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # {o Exhibit C1 - Assessment Roll City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3A Diagram Parcel FY 2005/2006 Number Number Units Landuse unit "OSt ASsesSment Owner Name A54 3163212100 1 RESIDENtiAL $163.00 $163.00 Victor-Sandra L _3~63212200-- __m RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Ramos Thomas J;FaribaY----- ~55 __ 1 A56 3163212300 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 _ $163.00 Prines Trust --- ---- -1 --- A57 3163212400 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Metcalf Trust --- A58 3163212500 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Pollock Famny Revocable Living Trust 05 A59 3163212600 - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00_ Leyva Eddie E;Patricia L - RESIDENTIAL Green Trust --------- __ A60__ 3163212700 1 $163.00 $163.00 A61 3163212800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Stompanato Frank W;Evelyne J - ------ 1 RESiDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Patel Dipak R &-Jayana D A62 3163212900 A63 3163213000 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Stolke Gregory A;Amy L - -------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Walsh James G;Patricia A - --------..----- A64 _ 3163213100 1 $163.00 -------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Cope Michael J;Teresa A c- A65 3163213200 1 $163.00 A66 3163213300 -- . 1 - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~naelsty~ .~iiik S;Claire.P A67 - 3163213500 1 RESIDENTIAl- $163.00 $163.00 Haselton Francis G:Marylou J =~=---f ----------- e- A68 3172110500 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Li Hung Y; Joshua J -...---- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 ------ A69 3172110600 _ 1 $163.00 Monroe Robert L; K J Trust -----...- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Rizvi Mazhar H;Marina Trust 04-22-97 ---..---- A70 _ _ 3172110700 1 A71 3172110800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 -- C-rowley, Roger L: Rodica - 1 -- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Prado Florencia M e A72 3172110900 RESIDENtiAL $163.00 Beszedltz Mike G;Diana K ------ A73 3172111000 1 $163.00 A74_ _ 3172111100 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Adams Gregory L;Lisa P 3172111200 .. -------- - $163.00 ---------- A75 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Perez George M;Juanita A A76 ____3172111300 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Appel Jeffrey S;Toby C ------- 1 RESIDENTIAL - $163.00 $163.00 Rubio Patrick & Marina Trust A77 3172111400 ------------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Renteria Victor H;Alma L -- A78 3172111500 1 ------ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Dallmann William F;Dwyer-Dallmann Virginia A79 3172111600 - ------ Resz Rachelle ---------- A80 3172111700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ---- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163~OO- l-----SiS3.00 Wilson Gwendolyn H Trust -------- A81 3172111800 3172111900-- _1 ___n RESIDENTIAL $163.00 - $163.00 Smith Matthew J A82 ------- RESIDENTIAL Marshall Victoria R Trusf -- A83 3172112000 1 $163.00 $163.00 ------- - - 1 A64 3172112100 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 -S>valt Jame~~~____ A85 _ _3172112200 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Bumanglag Josephine F Trust ____n__ -- Thongphachanh Kevin; Anita A86 3172112300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 A87 3172112400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Parviz Behrouz;Alavi Parvin Family Tr 6-15-98 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Poselenik Marat ------ A88 3172112500 1 $163.00 - 1 RESIDENTIAL 0 $163.00 $163.00 Partaine Family Trus!_ ~1-24-91 A89 __.3.172112600 ----- 1 RESiDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Fisher Trust A90 3172112700 A91 3172112800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Shaw Peter T;Mary G - -- ------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 ----- Maier Steven J - A92 3172112900 1 $163.00 $163.00 Jemp Stephanie N ---------- A93 3172113000 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Hong Son Hoang --- ------ - A94 3172113100 A95 3172113200 ___ --- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Leblang Martin E;Carole 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Bozulich Matthew A ----- A96 3172113300 A97 3172113400_ - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Reiner Robert M; Linda ------- - RESIDENTIAL .... $163.00 Elliott Trust f--- A98 0_ 3172113500 1 $163.00 AfJ~ 3172113600 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Welsh Mark D; Patricia M Al00 3172113700 1 RESIDE-NTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Gloria Cesar R; Rebecca C RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Izzo TruSf- - Al01 3172113800 _ - 1 $163.00 ------- RESIDENTIAL Thiringer Trust--- Al02 3172113900 _ 1 $163.00 $163.00 1 RESIDENTIAL n $163.00 $163.00 Martinez Trust A103 3172114000 ------ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 I- $163.00 Pham Mike T i-- A104 3172114200 - - RESIDENtiAL $163.00 BouguerraRadouane ----- A105 3172114300 1 $163.00 --- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Norton Scott B - ------------- A106 3172114400 A107 3172114500 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~r Michael A-YV:~~_n~_~-- ____ --------- - 86-3ROL12006.xls f Exhibit C1 2013 212312005 22 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #~ Exhibit C1 - Assessment Roll City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3A Diagram Parcel FY 2005/2006 Number Number Units Landuse Um',",OSL I-\5sessment ' Owner Name - ----- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Shaclett Brian D; Mary -- "- A108 3172114600 1 ~uza:Neto Floriano; Sahar M n --------- A109 3172114700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 317211480ij-- ----- A110 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Jordan John S;Fredisminda D - - A111 3172114900 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Toor JagjofS; Sukhminder - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Kud-nmoti Abhijit;Marathe Padminee A112 3172115000 _ 1 $163.00 A113 _ __3.172115100 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Davis Linda R RESIDENTIAL - Pham Brandon; Jennifer - ---- A114 3172115200 1 $163.00 $163.00 - 3172115300 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL- $163.00 ~ $163.00 ~ZUIC David R; ~~er Kathe~_e A115 - -- RESIDENTIAL A116 _ - 3172115400 1 $163.00 _ f- $163.00 Caraveo Arturo; Mercedes H A117 3172115500 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Yakow Aied A118 ---.:3.172115600 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Chase Richard E;Mary Susan - I- A119 - 3172115700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Carrillo Balbina - ------- $163.00 Gowen Elle" S M A120 3172115800__ _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 u Leung Simon M;Deborah W ~A121 3172115900 1 $163.00 3172116000 -~ ----- --- -- A122 __1._ RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Kurian Charly A123 3172116100 _ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Martin Marian A124 31721.1620~ 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~l1drada Ar1hur C;MyrtleT- 1--- A125 3172116300 I- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Depriest Richard D; Mary C A126 3172116400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Miller Alvin B;V[vlany------ A127 3172116500 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Babbs Gail D Trust A128 3172116600 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Trumbo Debra-M . ------- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Khorram Navid;AJeluya A - A129 3172116700 1 - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Sverdrup Lawrence H Jr- A130 3177920100 - A131 3177920200 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 McKay Robert A; Kelly J A132 3177920300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 I-~~()O Slawson Michael; Barbara - A133 3177920400 -- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 -- $163.00 -- Ricks Robert B Jr;Patricia A _ --...- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Thygeson David W A134 __ ___3177920500 _ - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Walsh Robert A; Mei - - ---------- A135 3177920600 1 $163.00 A136 _ 3177920700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Schemensky William C;Katherine L -------- 1- - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Rethmeier Ryan E & Erin M --.-.--.---- A137 __ 3177920800 ------- RESIDENTIAL _n $163.00 $163.00 McKenzie David J;Carol M -.-------- A138 3177920900 1 __ A139 3177921000 _ - 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 ~ner -Steven M;PaulanL A140 ..... 3177921100 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Amin Jayant;Nimisha --------- RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Rhoades Tawnya L __._m______._ A141 3177921200 1 A142 3177921300-- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Anastasia Guy D _n A143 3177921400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Thomson John G Jr;Donna C A144 3177921500 _ 1 RESIDENtiAL $163.~ I- $163.00 ~oJJ Christopher A; ~~_~~_~________ - I- A145 3177921600 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Le Thlnh Nguyen ----- Dargento Ronald A146 3177921700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 __ !\~4?.... __ 3177~1800 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Sweet Mark N;Cheryl L A148 3177921900 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Dresser Steven M;Antonette G - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 Lloyd Family Trust --.---.--- A149 3177922000 _ 1 $163.00 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 ~omas Robert E --.....- A150 3177922100 _ C--- 1 $163.00 A151 3177922200 1 RESIDENfiAL $163.00 1- $163.00 Dixon Family Trust - --.-------.-- A152 3177922300 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 -"rat H_arry R; Alice _~ 53 __ __ 3177922400 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Schiffer Trust A154 3177922500 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Quantrell Trust ---.- 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Updike Bernard P;Rosemary A A155 3177923.600__ f-A 156___ 3177922700 1 RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Beeson Eric J;-Janet 3177922800 1 - RESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Bryan William L;Linda C A157 --------------- A158 3177922900 1 nRESIDENTIAL $163.00 $163.00 Nagy Alex G;Julianna A159 3177923000 1 Kt:.tiIUt:.N ttAL $163.00 $163.00 Andrassy t--'eter; Kristina ----- I TUTAL I ,.. I - I - I $25,917.00 I (1) Assessmentc;;. rounded u ) to even cents. p 86-3ROLL2006.x1s / Exhibit C1 30t3 2/2312005 23 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item #J.e.... Exhibit C2 - Assessment Roll City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86.38 Diagram Parcel Units FY 200512006 Number Number Acres Acres x 4 Landuse unit ~OSl Nisessment ' Owner Name c, 3171304700 9.07 36.28 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $2.571.90 Poway City Centre Inc -- 3171306600 -- -62 15.84 63.36 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $4.491.60 Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust -i3:f 3171306700 _ _ 0.66 2.64 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $187.16 Churchill Trust -84- 3171306800 1.36 5.44 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $385.64 PWM LLC B5 ---------------- f- B6 31719044()Q____ I-...!.~ 6.68 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $473.56 Chandler Donald ~_;_fv1_~ry 3178200100 0.92 3.68 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $260.88 Osprey Proper-!i~::; ~nc f- B7 3178200200 0.69 2.76 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $195.66 Harker 1976.Family Trust____ ___ B8 - - 3178200300 0.69 2.76 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $195.66 Mission Federal Credit Union ---89 $1.236.32 - -...- 3178200400 4.36 17.44 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 Stater Bros Markets LF Braamar P --- B10 ------- 3178200500 1.54 6.16 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $436.68 Braemar Properties Lp --S11 ------ 3178200600 0.81 3.24 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $229.68 Braemar Properties Lp B12 3178200700 0.92 3.68 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $260.88 Brae!'!1~r Properties Lp B13 -...--..----- 3178200800 0.82 3.28 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $232.52 Bra~El]_ar Properties Lp ------c~ ---- B14 3178200900 4.28 17.12 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $1.213.64 Braamar Properties Lp B15 3174802000 7.58 30.32 NON RESIDENTIAL 70.89 $2.149.38 Breihan Housing Associates LPL II IUIAL 204.84 :514,521.1611 (1) Assessments rounded up to even cents. 86-3ROLl2006.xls I Exhibit C2 1 of 1 31812005 24 of 24 April 26, 2005 Item # f.p