Item 10 - Approval of Minutes AG NDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honora Ie Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James . Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: L. Dian Shea, City Cler~ DATE: April 26 2005 SUBJECT: Approv I of Minutes ABSTRACT The minutes of the Marc April 7, 2005 Canceled approval. 29, 2005 and April 5, 2005 Regular Meetings of the City Council, and the ~oumed Regular Meeting have been prepared and are attached for your ENVIRONMENTAL RE EW Environmental review is ot required according to CEOA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITI None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that t e City Council approve the minutes of March 29, April 5, and April 7, 2005. ACTION 1 of 11 April 26, 2005, Item # J D CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 29, 2005 NOT YET APPROVED The March 2 ,2005, Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7: 4 p.m. by Mayor Cafagna at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Powa ,California. STAFF MEMBER RESENT Merrilee Boyack, B b Emery, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, and Mickey Cafagna COUN ABSENT None James Bowe Penny Riley Tamara Smit L. Diane She Robert Clark Dennis Quill n Deborah Joh son Warren Shaf r Mark Sanch Charlie Cam e Patti Brindle Javid Simino Kristen Cran Paolo Romer City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Director of Community Services Assistant Director of Public Works Director of Redevelopment Services Director of Administrative Services Director of Safety Services Sheriff's Captain City Planner City Engineer Senior Management Analyst Management Assistant FLAG SALt,lTE PRESENTATIONS led the flag salute. Mayor Cafagna pre anted the City of Poway donation checks for Grad Night activities at poway High School, Rancho Bernardo High School, Abraxas High School, Westview High School and Mt. Car I High School to Carolyn Apples, representative from Mt. Palomar PTA, and Dan Lope, Principal of Abraxas High School. Mayor Cafagna rec nized the members of the Poway High School Wrestling Team as State Champions an extended congratulations from the City Council. He presented each wrestler with a Re gnition Certificate and presented a plaque from the City to Coach Branstetter. 2 of 11 8343 April 26, 2005, Item #~ Page 2 - CITY OF OWAY - March 29, 2005 NOT YET APPROVED PROCLAMATIO S Mayor Cafagna pre ented a Proclamation declaring April 2005 as National Organ Donor Awareness Month, 0 Jerome Stocks, accepting on behalf of Lisa Stocks, the Executiye Director of Lifeshari g. (0710-40) Mayor Cafagna pre ented a Proclamation declaring April 9, 2005 as Earth Day and Arbor Day, to Dennis Quil en, Assistant Director of Public Works. (0710-40) STATE OF THE ITY ADDRESS Mayor Cafagna gaJe the "Annual State of the City Address" along with a PowerPoint presentation. -I (0710-05) PUBLIC ORAL ~OMMUNICATIONS Mayor Cafagna expl ined the procedures for Public Oral Communications. The following people spoke under Oral Communications: Gino Russo, 13350 nn-Q-Reno, Poway, complained of the lack of availability of the public Bocce Ball court. Gail Garland, 1493 Golden Sunset, Poway, talked about drainage issues related to the Wagenbach project. Bill Murray, 14456 olden Sunset, Poway, commented on the hydrology report he received on the Wagenbach roject and feels it is a misrepresentation of the drainage issues, Janet Behrhorst, 14 24 Crocker Road, Poway, complained of the drainage and erosion problems related to he Wagenbach project and asked for help from the City. Ben Garrido, 14863 Crocker Road, discussed drainage and erosion problems related to the Wagenbach pro ct and asked for help from the City. Brian Gibbs, 1491 Crocker Road, Poway, asked the City to visit the Wagenbach development for sol tions to the erosion issues. Dan Tobar, Civil En ineer and resident at 15190 Cumberland Road, Poway, addressed the problems on the Wa enbach project and Crocker Road, and offered his assistance for a collective, constructi e solution. 8344 3 of 11 April 26, 2005, Item # ID Page 3 - CITY OF ~WA Y - Ma"'" 29, 2005 ITEM 1 ~i (0210-60) TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 04-99R POWAY GIRLS SO TBALL LEAGUE, APPLICANT ! , NOT YET APPROVED City Manager Jim B wersox presented the staff report. This request is by the Poway Girls Softball League (P SL) for an extension of a previously approved Temporary Use Permit (TUP 04-99) 10 use he vacant, approximately one-acre site located at the northwest comer of Espola Road an Old Coach Road for practice ball fields while the new Aubrey Park sports fields are un er construction. The original TUP was approved in December 2004 and expires at the end of March 2005. Rain over the last two months has caused construction delays ~t Aubrey Park, sa additional time is needed for the PGSL's use of the temporary fields. T~is request would extend the use to the end of the season, May 2005. John Sedy, 17000 autterfield, Poway, supported the requested but asked PGSL to respect the rules relating to Ipractice hours, parking, portable toilets. , I Roger Moyers, reprfSenlative of PGSL, will address the issues Mr. Sedy raised. I Motion by Deputy fyor Emery, and seconded by Council member Rexford, to adopt Resolution No. 05- 1 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approvi 9 Temporary Use Permit 04-99R for an Extension of the Temporary Use of Three Practi Ball Fields." Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENp..AB I Motion of Councilm+mber Boyack, seconded by Council member Rexford, to approve the Consent Calendar, Items 2 - 6.1. 2. Ratification c# Warrant Reaister for the period February 28 through March 4, 2005. , (0475-20) 3. fPo Regular Meeting Adjourned Regular Meeting Canceled Regular Meeting 5. I Adoption of ~esolution No. 05-020, entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Powar, California, Commending Eaale Scout Craig Wilkinson." (0710-40) I Acceptance ~f the Community Park Parkina Lot Exoansion Proiect (#5653) Bid No. 05-002, for the property located at 13094 Civic Center Drive, from Single Eagle, Inc. (0700-10) 8345 6. 4of11 April 26, 2005, Item #JQ. NOT YET I APPROVED I Page 4 - CITY OF ~OWAY - March 29, 2005 , 6.1 Acceptance ~f a portion of the City Office Buildinc Phase 2 lmorovements from Murray Cabi ets and Fixtures, Inc., Brookwood Landscape, Inc., aka The Brickman Group, Schu tz Contracting, Abdellatif Enterprises, Inc., and ISEC, Inc. (1601-01) Motion carried unan mously. CITY MANAGE ITEMS 7. City Manage Bowersox gave an update on financial efforts this year, particularly in sales tax rev nues in the City, San Diego County and the State. The City showed an increase f 20% in sales tax revenue through the 4th quarter from the same quarter the p~eceding year. , , MAYOR AND City COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 12A. Deputy Mayor Emery reviewed the Easter Brunch at the Hamburger Factory. i , He further r~i orted on the Metropolitan Transit System meeting tonight at the Community A ditorium to discuss potential changes in the transit service in Poway. He will keep he Council and community updated. He announced July 8,2005 as the opening .ate of the trolley service to SDSU. i ADJOURNMENT ~ayor Cafagna adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, California 8346 5 of 11 April 26, 2005, Item #J.Q.. CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 2005 NOT YET APPROVED The April 5, ~005' Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7: 5 p.m. by Mayor Cafagna at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Powa ,Califomia. COUNCILMEMBERf PRESENT Merrilee Boyack, Bob Emery, Dan Higginson (absent at rail call, joined meeting at 7:32 p.m.), Betty Rexford~ and Mickey Cafagna ~TAFF MEMBERS rRESENT I James Bowe~sox Penny Riley i Stephen ECki~ L. Diane Sh~ Robert Clark I James Howell Warren Shaf~. r Deborah Joh son Charlie Cam Patti Brindle , Javid Siminoi' Kristen Cran Paolo Romer , , City Manager Assistant City Manager Special Counsel City Clerk Director of Community Services Director of Public Works Director of Administrative Services Director of Redevelopment Services Sheriff's Captain City Planner City Engineer Senior Management Analyst Management Assistant FLAG SALUTE Deputy Mayor Eme~ led the flag salute. , PRE~ENTATIONS I Mayor Cafagna preJented a Proclamation declaring April 2005 as Fair Housing Month to Bill Cross, member ~f the Poway Housing Commission. (0710-40) PUBLIC ORAL CO+MUNICATlONS Mayor Cafagna eXPlt' ined the procedures for Public Oral Communications. The following people were presen wishing to speak: Louis Tooch, 14105 Powers Road, Poway, spoke on financial issues related to Poway Girls Softball fields. 8347 6 of 11 April 26, 2005, Item # 10 , , I Page 2 - CITY OF rOWA Y - April 5, 2005 Pat Bresee, 13120 ~omerado Road, Poway, commended City Council and others for their leadership of this cIty. NOT YET APPROVED Peggy Lester, 1352~ Robly Ranch Road, Poway, commented on need for newer vehicles for the Senior Volu~teer Patrol. , CONSENT CALEN~ Motion by Deputy ~ayor Emery, seconded by Councilmermer Rexford, to approve the Consent Calendar Items 4 through 10.1. 4. Ratification ~f Warrant Reaisterfor the period March 7-11, 2005. (0475-20) 5. Approval of Minutes - City of powav Marchr15, 2005 Regular Meeting 7. Approval of qity's Investment Reoort as of February 28, 2005. (0450-80) i 8. Approval of i a proposed Capital Improvement Project for the Powav Creek R storation ro"ect and the appropriation of $311,819 from the General Fund Unappropria, d Reserve. (0480-10) 9. Approval of eed and Nuisance Abatement Contract Extension to April 26, 2006 with Weed E iminators, Inc. (0700-10) 10. Appointment of Brian Cannon, Community Group Representative, to the Performina Arts AdviSO~ Committee for a one-year period beginning April 2005. (0120-50) 10.1 Acceptance q,f a portion of the Citv Office Buildine Phase 2 lmorovements from Davis Mechanical Systems and Peltzer Plumbing, Inc. (1601-01) , Motion passed 4-0, t'ith Council member Higginson absent. STAFF REPORTS i ITEM 1 EXCLUSNE NEGO IATING AGREEMENT MILLENNIUM HOU ING FOR PURCHASE POWAY ROYAL E ATES MOBILEHOME PARK APN 317-471-09 A 014 City Manager Bowe~ox presented the staff report along with Director of Redevelopment Services, Deborah Johnson. The report provided a status report on the sale of Poway Royal Estates and authorizes the Executive Director of the poway Redevelopment Agency to execute an Exclu$ive Negotiating Agreement with Millennium Housing. (0700-10) 7 of 11 8348 April 26, 2005, Item # 10 NOT YET APPROVED i Page 3 - CITY OF fOW A Y - April 5, 2005 The following peoplt spoke in favor of approving the agreement: Bill Cross, 13105 C~rona Way, poway Dick Howard, Chait of Selection Committee, 12818 Rios Road, Poway (submitted a speaker slip in support, but did not speak) The following peoPf: spoke in opposition of the agreement: Morrie Itzkowitz, 12 16 EI Rey Vista, Poway Karen Walczak, 13 23 Buena Vista #49, Poway , The following submi~ted speaker slips in opposition of the agreement but did not speak: Lowell Husbands, 1~043 Alpine Drive #399, poway Louis Tooch, 1410l' Powers Road, Poway Sherry Wilks, 1282 Granada, Poway Dallas Hayden, 132 3 Dana Vista #123, Poway Claudia Gonzales, 3217 Dana Vista, Poway Betty J. Senesac, 1*311 Casa Vista, poway Motion by Deputy ~ayor Emery, seconded by Council member Rexford, to authorize the City Manager to exefute an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement to negotiate the terms for the purchase of poway I Royal Estates in a form acceptable to the Redevelopment Agency Special Legal Coun~el, and adopt as its findings the report of the Selection Committee. Motion passed unarjimously. i ITEM 2, (0200-20) DEVELOPMENT RHVIEW 05-02, 05.03, 05-04 OLD POWAY PAR~ 14134 MIDLAND R AD CITY OF POWAY, PPLlCANT APNs 314-220-02, d3, 33, 34, 35; 314-202-23, 24, 25 Council member Bo*ack disqualified herself from hearing this item due to a financial conflict of interest near the project area. Ms. Boyack left the Council Chambers. , City Manager Bowery;ox provided the staff report. This is a request to construct a 15,167- square-foot Commu~ity Fine Arts Education Center, a 6, 124-square-foot Train Depot, and a 3,309-square-foot Imulti-tenant restaurant within the boundaries of Old poway SpeCific Plan. Director of Qevelopment Services Fritz gave a PowerPoint presentation of the architectural feature~ of the buildings. The following people spoke on the project giving recommendations to the Council on the architectural features of the buildings: Harry Crossley, 13743 Silver Lake Drive, Poway Barbara Crossly, 13143 Silver Lake Drive, Poway 8 of 11 8349 April 26, 2005, Item # (D Page 4 - CITY OF POWA Y - April 5, 2005 Patricia Kent, 1266~ Stone Canyon, poway Philip Spear, 1623~ Rostrata Hill, Poway Dee Fleischman, 14428 Midland Road, Poway Roger Mohling, 13~11 York Street, poway Kevin McNamara, 12919 Corte Juana, Poway Lynn Wolsey, 1400 York Avenue, Poway Joe Wilson, 13624 ubrey, poway Robyn Wilson, 136 4 Aubrey Street, poway Peter Mihaucanin, 4557 Range Park Road, Poway , NOT YET APPROVED The following peopl~ submitted speaker slips in support of the buildings but did not wish to speak: Ann Mitchell, 1389~powaY Road, Poway Carrie Fay, 14464 ebble Canyon Road., Poway William Fay, 14464 Pebble Canyon Road, Poway Jean Jarrell, Franci~e Terrace, poway Paul Rexford, 1157$ Creek Road, poway The following perso~ submitted a speaker slip opposed to the features of the buildings, but did not wish to spe~k: Patrice Switzer, 12~65 Luiseno, poway Motion by Mayor Cafagna, seconded by Deputy Mayor Emery, to adopt Planning Resolution P-05-231 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, APprovil Development (DR) 05-03 Assessor's Parcel Numbers 314-202-23, 24, and 25"; and to dopt Planning Resolution P-05-22 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City f Poway, California, Approving Development (DR) 05-04 Assessor's Parcel Numbers 314-220-02, 33 and 35" with modifications as stated related to dormers and parch on the north side of the cafe. Motion passed 4-0, with Council member Boyack disqualified. Motion by Mayor Catagna, seconded by Council member Rexford, to accept the Art Center (DR-05-02) floor plan and conceptual layout of classrooms, galleries and courtyard; and to direct the architect ard planning staff to change conceptual design of the Art Center from the shed design to $omething more conventional with the park, keeping the Center as functional as possible. Motion passed 4-0, with Councilmember Boyack disqualified. The resolution for this prpject was neither accepted nor denied at this time. ITEM 3 (0910-10) UNDERGROUND WAIVER 05-01 MEDI MOHAMMADI~ APPLICANT NORTH SIDE OF HIGHLANDS RANCH ROAD APN 272-761-17 Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford, to continue the item to the City Council meeting of April 12, 2005. Motion passed unanimously. 9 of 11 8350 April 26, 2005, Item #JQ. Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - April 5, 2005 MAYOR AND Clr' COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 13. Councilmem~er Boyack reported she is following up with Postmaster regarding the placement of'rnore public mailboxes in view of recent thefts from private mailboxes. NOT YET APPROVED 15. Councilmem~er Higginson reported on the need for an alternative location for this year's 4th, of July fireworks show due to construction at the Poway High School, which was the location used in the past. 16A. Deputy Maydr Emery gave a restaurant review of Taco Del Mar. 16. Deputy Maydr Emery reported on the subcommittee meeting with poway Unified I School Distri1:t regarding traffic congestion on Poway Road, the SHOP Program, Resource Off!cer at the High School and impact of relocation of students during the reconstructior. He also met Council member Higginson and staff along with representati~s from Palomar College about their desire to locate a campus in Poway. . ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, California 8351 10 of 11 April 26, 2005, Item # 10 CITY OF POWAY, CALlFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL CANCELED ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING APRIL 7, 2005 NOT YET APPROVED COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT None COUNCILMEM~ERS ABSENT Merrilee Boyack; Bob Emery, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna The Poway City:Council Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 7, 2005, was canceled due to lack of a quorum. The next regulalrly scheduled meeting is April 12, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, California 11 of 11 8352 April 26, 2005, Item # I 0