Item 15 - Appropriation of Funds for LMD AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ . Jim Howell, Director of Public wo~ April 26, 2005 ~ Appropriation of Funds for Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) Areas Identified for Additional Repairs, Replanting and Continued Maintenance INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: ABSTRACT In recent weeks, the Special Districts Division has received additional billings for work completed and requests from residents to enhance areas within two Landscape Maintenance Districts - LMD 86-2A (Sunrise Ranch, SilverRidge, and Eagle Pointe) and LMD 86-2B, Sycamore Creek. An appropriation of $4,500 is required to pay for extra tree maintenance completed during the rain storms for LMD 86- 2A, and an appropriation of $7,000 is required to pay for continued work in replanting, replacement sionaae mulchina, and higher level of weedina for LMD 86-2B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds are available to appropriate $4,750 from Unappropriated Fund Balance (264-8912) to account 264-0423-4120 for LMD 86-2A, and $7,000 from Unappropriated Fund Balance (266-8912) to accounts 266-0426-4120 ($3,000) and 266-0426-4770 ($4,000) for LMD 86-2B. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the appropriations of $4,750 and $7,000 from the fund balances to the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 budgets for LMDs 86-2A and 86-2B, respectively. ACTION 1 of 4 April 26, 2005 Item # 15 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the CityCounciJ unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members licWork~ st FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Jim Howell, Director of Public Wo Dennis Quillen, Assistant Director of P Pat Nelson, Assessment District Speci DATE: April 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) Areas Identified for Additional Repairs, Replanting and Continued Maintenance BACKGROUND LMD 86-2A During the balloting of certain Landscape Maintenance Districts in 1998, under the guidelines of Proposition 218, LMD 86-2A (Sunrise Ranch, SilverRidge, Eagle Pointe [AKA La Paz Summit]) failed to pass the initiative for an increase in assessments. Under the direction of Council at their July 28, 1998 meeting, the landscape contract was adjusted to prioritize and decrease services for this District based on available funding. The top priority designated was tree maintenance. Prior to the mid-year budget review process, 18 trees required removal and replacement at Sunrise Ranch (the north side of Poway Road west of the Espola Road intersection). At the same time, turf was removed at the entrance to Sunrise Ranch. Although most of the work was budgeted, Council approved a mid-year budget appropriation to cover the projects. After the last heavy winter rainstorm, staff received calls concerning leaning trees within the Eagle Pointe easement (also within LMD 86-2A). The City's tree contractor, West Coast Arborists, Inc. was requested to complete needed tree trimming and removals to alleviate residents' concern with potential falling trees. West Coast Arborists completed maintenance on 112 trees within this open space at a cost of $4,486.50. 20f4 April 26, 2005 Item # J 5 Agenda Report - Appropriation of Funds: LMD 86-2A and LMD 86-2B April 26, 2005 Page 2 LMD 86-2B During the balloting for increases of assessments in 1998, LMD 86-28 voted favorably for increasing the assessment rate and for any future increases based on the San Diego Consumer Price Index. The Sycamore Creek Landscape Maintenance District is still being reconstructed after the Cedar Fire burned over 80 percent of the irrigation and plant material. Although Council approved an appropriation of funds during the mid-year budget review process, the City received calls from residents with requests for additional items that have arisen from the recent rains and vandalism. These items include heavier weed abatement throughout the development, additional plants along Garden Road and Quiet Valley Lane, additional trees along Hidden Valley Drive and one Garden Road open space lot, and the replacement of two letters that were vandalized from the Sycamore Creek monument entry sign. FINDINGS The original cost estimated for the tree maintenance in LMD 86-2A, Eagle Pointe was set at $600. As the cost exceeds $4,000 for this completed work, an appropriation of funds from the District reserves in the amount of $4,750 is requested to cover the cost of the recent tree maintenance and additional trimming of the Eucalyptus on the south side of Poway Road for SilverRidge, another development within the District. The current fund balance is $18,566. Although five months of expenditures will reduce the fund balance, the District anticipates additional assessment revenue and the City's General Benefit Contribution will offset the expenditures. LMD 86-2B has a current fund balance of $111,944. The reserve fund balance is sufficient to allow the appropriation of $7,000 to this year's fiscal budget to complete the additional work. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds are available to appropriate $4,750 from Unappropriated Fund Balance (264- 8912) to account 264-0423-4120 for LMD 86-2A, and $7,000 from Unappropriated Fund Balance (266-8912) to accounts 266-0426-4120 ($3,000) and 266-0426-4770 ($4,000) for LMD 86-2B. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. 30f4 April 26, 2005 Item # \ S Agenda Report - Appropriation of Funds: LMD 86-2A and LMD 86-2B April 26, 2005 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the appropriations of $4,750 and $7,000 from the fund balances to the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 budgets for LMDs 86-2A and 86-2B, respectively. JLB:JRH:DWQ:ZO:PSN 4of4 April 26, 2005 Item.J..5