Presentation SDCWA - Seawater Desalination ProgramSan Diego County Water Authority Seawater Desalination Program Status Update May 31, 2005 � 3 SDCWA Historic and Projected Demands 900 000 900.000 �� 000 1990.2004 Hlstorlo Demantls 2005.2030 700 oao Projected llemantls (CWA MAIN) 0 850,000 Q� 600.000 I 450.000 d 550.000 500,000 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Year 2 submt I{ed may3►larc� -� re.5en +c1,1 -i on . I 450.000 re.5en +c1,1 -i on . fi ISDCWA Water Supply Portfolio MWD 85% 2004 Seawater Recycled Water Desalination Conservation 6% 6 % -76% 10% Local Surface N 9% Groundwater 6% Canal Linini Transfer 9% IID Transfer TI % 2020 3 Why Diversify? • Reduce reliance on single source of supply ■ Increase reliability - multiple supplies to rely on in drought situations ■ Maximize efficient use of existing resources FA Why Seawater Desalination? • Supply diversification and reliability • Sufficient peak water treatment plant capacity • Drought/Emergency storage • Improved Water Quality • Increased price certainty on supply and treatment SDCWA Regional Seawater Desalination Program ■ Project Development: 50 rngd regional project at sbdWAA,"W Encina Power Station in Carlsbad ■ Feasibility Study Activity: • San Onofre • South County/-njuana ■ External Funding: • Federal appropriations • Prop 50 (California DWR) ttl Encina Project: Water Authority Objectives ' Successful Implementation of water supply diversification in San Diego County ' Implementation of a 50 million gallon per day Regional Seawater Desalination Plant at the Encina Power Station in Carlsbad by 2010 ' Cooperation and participation of all the primary stakeholders in a successful outcome • City of Carlsbad • Poseidon Resources • Cabrillo Power 7 10 Status of August 12th Board Direction [1 Seek Voluntary Access to Encina Power Plant to complete EIR Studies [✓ Negotiate Inter - Agency Agreement with Carlsbad ❑ Determine business interests and objectives of Cabrillo Power as property owner Initiate business discussions with Poseidon and Cabrillo for potential partnership structure to implement a desalination project at Encina SO 3 Inter- Agency Agreement Shared Public Policy Goals • The use of competitive public procurement processes • The sharing of project information in a public forum • Project specifications by Water Authority • Project oversight by Water Authority • Carlsbad support for Water Authority planning efforts for desalination at San Onofre 11 Inter- Agency Agreement Term ■ 30 Year term from initial water delivery Quantity ■ Local supply for Carlsbad limited to 5,000 AFY max Reliability • No reliability level guaranteed to Carlsbad • A one time contribution from Water Authority to Carlsbad for dry year option transfers ($296,000) 12 R Inter- Agency Agreement Price • Carlsbad to pay full Water Authority cost for production of desalinated water • Transportation cost based on estimated capital and operating cost to convey Carlsbad's local supply to Carlsbad's local distribution system • MWD Incentives and other grant funding are shared proportionally • All other purchases by Carlsbad beyond local supply component at regular Water Authority rates and charges 13 Inter - Agency Agreement _. Co Aeration in Land Use Goals ■ Carlsbad has long- standing land use and redevelopment plans and goals for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area • Encina Power Station is designated as a Redevelopment Area • Enhanced resident and visitor coastal access and recreational opportunities • Property tax increment from redevelopment to finance improvements in coastal area ■ Water Authority recognizes permanence of Desalination Plant in the Redevelopment Area 14 7 Inter - Agency Agreement ■ Components of Economic package: 1. Mitigation and Enhancements of $5.5 million for specific improvements ■ can be reduced by grants or other funding 2. Economic Support to Redevelopment Area of $15.29 million ■ Reduced by property tax paid by private owner is Next Steps on the Regional Project • Negotiations with Poseidon and Cabrillo regarding a potential partnership structure for a regional desalination project • Complete Environmental Impact Report for Regional Project 16 E.