Item 9 - Approval of MinutesAGENDA REPORT SUMMARY F 0 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members `of�the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana9Lp INITIATED BY: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk DATE: May 31, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACT The minutes of the May 10, 2005 Regular Meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of May 10, 2005. ACTION 1 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #-3— NOT YET CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVED MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 10, 2005 The May 10, 2005, Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Cafagna at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Merrilee Boyack, Bob Emery, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford and Mickey Cafagna COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Assistant City Manager Tamara Smith City Attorney Diane Shea City Clerk Niall Fritz Director of Development Services Robert Clark Director of Community Services Warren Shafer Director of Administrative Services Deborah Johnson Director of Redevelopment Services James Howell Director of Public Works Jon Canavan Division Chief, Safety Services Charlie Campe Sheriff's Captain Patti Brindle City Planner Kristen Crane Senior Management Analyst Paolo Romero Management Assistant FLAG SALUTE Deputy Mayor Emery led the flag salute. PRESENTATIONS Presentation by SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) Energy Working Group regarding energy consumption for the San Diego Region. Henry Abarbanel, City Councilmember of Del Mar, gave the presentation. PROCLAMATION Presentation of Proclamation declaring the week of May 15 — 21, 2005 as "Emergency Medical Services Week." Mayor Cafagna presented the proclamation to Jon Canavan, Safety Services Division Chief. (0710 -40) 8374 2 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #4-- NOT YET APPROVED Page 2 — CITY OF POWAY — May 10, 2005 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Karen Crabtree, Poway High School Grad Nite Committee, along with Karen Reed and several graduating seniors thanked the City Council for their generous donation towards Grad Nite activities. Donna Ford, 13503 Power Road, Poway, asked the City Council not to change the location of the bread distribution from the Senior Center. Anne Lazan, 12158 Ragweed Street, San Diego, objected to changing the location of the bread distribution from the Senior Center. Lloyd Downs, 14121 Tobiasson Road, Poway, asked the City Council to keep the food distribution at the Senior Center. Margaret Duckrow, 13525 Pequot Drive, Poway, presented a petition to the City Council containing 255 signatures, rejecting the proposal to move the food and bread distribution programs from the Poway Senior Center to a new location. Pat Bresee, 13120 Pomerado Road, #118, Poway, and Board Secretary of the Senior Center, commented on the programs and said people could voice their concerns to the Board at their next meeting scheduled for May 19, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, and seconded by Councilmember Rexford, to approve the Consent Calendar Items 4 through 10.1. 4. Ratification of Warrant Register for the period April 11 — 15, 2005. (0475 -20) 5. Approval of Change Order No. 01 to extend the duration of the "Demolition of Residential and Other Miscellaneous Structures and Hazardous Materials Abatement As- Needed Services Contract" with Clauss Construction until June 30, 2006. (0700 -10) 6. Approval of Authorization to add the Assistant to the City Manager position to the staffing plan for the City's Manager's Office and appropriate $1,320 from the General Fund's Undesignated fund balance to accounts 0013 -1100 Salaries $620, 0013 -1300 Benefits $200, 0013 -3110 Reimbursed Mileage $400, and 0013 -3310 Telephone $100. (0500 -35) 7. Acceptance of the Sheriffs Substation and Skate Park Fencing Improvements Project ( #1610A) from Alvand Construction, Inc. (0700 -10) 8375 3 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #_ft_ NOT YET APPROVED Page 3- CITY OF POWAY - May 10, 2005 8. Acceptance of the Cloudcroft Pump Station ( #1745) located at 17087 Cloudcroft Drive from SCW Contracting. (0700 -10) 9. Award of Bid to Har Construction, in the amount of $3,500,000, for the new Fire Training Tower Project ( #5542) located at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle. (0700 -10) 10. Receive and file the Supplemental Retirement Plan for Non - Safety Employees. (0540 -20) 10.1 Award of Bid to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. in the amount of $89,617.71 for the Poway Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation Proiect/Bid No. 05 -015. (0700 -10) Motion to approve the Consent Calendar passed unanimously. STAFF REPORT ITEM 1 (0220 -40) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 05 -03 AMENDING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT City Manager Bowersox presented the staff report. On March 3, 2005, the City Council directed staff to formally initiate a General Plan Amendment to allow additional grading when associated with reducing the maximum driveway and road grade requirement from 25% to 20 %. The grade reduction was one of a series of proposals to improve fire safety throughout the City. Motion by Councilmember Boyack, seconded by Councilmember Higginson, to adopt Resolution No. 05 -034 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Initiating General Plan Amendment 05 -03." Motion passed unanimously. ITEM 2 (1000 -10) BEAUTIFICATION OF UTILITY BOXES THROUGH LOCAL ARTISTS City Manager Bowersox presented the staff report. The City Council requested additional information regarding the painting of utility boxes at their February 15, 2005 City Council meeting. Staff has contacted other organizations that have participated in similar projects, and also San Diego Gas and Electric to obtain rules and regulations. 8376 4 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #-3— NOT YET APPROVED Page 4— CITY OF POWAY — May 10, 2005 Motion by Councilmember Rexford, seconded by Councilmember Boyack, to approve artwork on two or three utility boxes in Old Poway Park on a trial basis. Motion passed 4 -1 with Deputy Mayor Emery voting "No." ITEM 3 (0200 -30) PRE - DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (PDC 05 -01) SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY AND GATEWAY PLACE SLOUGH ESTATES, USA, INC., APPLICANT APN 323 - 091 -06 City Manager Bowersox and Director of Development Services Fritz gave the staff report. The applicant is requesting a change to the South Poway Specific Plan land use designation on a portion of the subject site from Open Space One Dwelling Unit (OS /1 DU) to Industrial Park (IP), and the relocation of the existing South Poway Commercial (SPC) designation on the site to a different area on the subject property. The site is one of the last remaining ungraded /undeveloped sites in the Business Park. This site is commonly referred to as the Lively property. Jon Berschneider, 400 Oyster Point Blvd. #409, South San Francisco, spoke in support of the project. Ken Richter, 3366 No. Torrey Pines Court #130, La Jolla, spoke in support of the project. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 11. Mr. Bowersox announced Senor Management Analyst Kristen Crane's promotion to Assistant to the City Manager. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 12. City Attorney Smith requested a Closed Session for the following: A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT Government Code §54957 Position to be filled: City Manager CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code §54957.6 Agency Representative: Mayor Unrepresented Employee: City Manager 8377 5 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #_g__ NOT YET APPROVED Page 5— CITY OF POWAY — May 10, 2005 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - INITIATED ITEMS 13. Councilmember Boyack reported on Metro Wastewater monitoring of City of San Diego who has stopped all capital improvement projects due to their loss of bonding capability. She is on the Finance Committee who is investigating accruing costs to participating agencies. So far that has been held in check. She also reported she is following up with amateur radio operators on a proposed ordinance. 14. Councilmember Rexford reported on LAFCO and a proposed study of consolidated fire service in San Diego County. 16A. Deputy Mayor Emery gave a restaurant review on Tout de Suite, a yogurt and deli shop at 13339 Poway Road, noting their excellent sandwiches. He also asked that the fallen grapefruits from the grove trees at Ted Williams Parkway be cleaned up. 17. Mayor Cafagna thanked the community, staff, and the City Council for the outpouring of support and well wishes during his recent illness. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Cafagna called for a Closed Session at 8:22 p.m. as requested by City Attorney Smith. CALL TO ORDER AND ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna called the meeting back to order at 9:04 p.m. to announce there was no reportable action from the Closed Session. He then adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, California 8378 6 of 6 May 31, 2005, Item #_3_