Item 3 - Dissolution of Senior Issues Committee AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~~~e City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ FROM: INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Community Servi DATE: June 7, 2005 SUBJECT: Dissolution of the Senior Issues Committee and Establishment of a Two- Councilmember Senior Issues Working Group to Address Issues Related to the City's Senior Population on an As-needed Basis ABSTRACT On November 26, 1991, the City Council established the two-Councilmember Poway Valley Senior Citizens Subcommittee for the purpose of creating a vehicle to conduct formal dialog with the Poway Valley Senior Citizen's Corporation (PVSCC). On May 26, 1992, the City Council expanded upon this relationship by eliminating the subcommittee and establishing the Council-appointed Senior Issues Committee, which includes two Councilmembers, to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters affecting seniors in the City. On March 15, 2005, the Senior Issues Committee voted unanimously to ask the City Council to dissolve the Committee and establish a City Council Working Group for the purpose of addressing senior-related issues facing Poway residents. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None Anticipated. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Members of the Senior Issues Committee, Poway Valley Senior Citizen's Corporation Board of Directors, and Doug Clark, Interim Executive Director, poway Senior Center RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council dissolve the Senior Issues Committee, effective immediately, and appoint two City Councilmembers to a Senior Issues Working Group to address senior-related issues on an as-needed basis. ACTION C.\Oata\Sr. Issues\SI DIssolution Agenda Summary. doc 10f3 June 7, 2005 Item # ~ CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ Robert A. Clark, Director of Community Services Leslie Hoffman, Management Analyst~ June 7, 2005 O'n'" INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Dissolution of the Senior Issues Committee and Establishment of a Two-Councilmember Senior Issues Working Group to Address Issues Related to the City's Senior Population on an As-needed Basis BACKGROUND On November 26, 1991, the City Council established the two-Councilmember Poway Valley Senior Citizens Subcommittee for the purpose of creating a vehicle to conduct formal dialog with the Poway Valley Senior Citizen's Corporation (PVSCC). On May 26, 1992, the City Council expanded upon this relationship by eliminating the subcommittee and establishing the Council-appointed Senior Issues Committee to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters affecting seniors in the City. The six-member committee is comprised of two Councilmembers, two PVSCC Board members, and two seniors that are not PVSCC Board members. The committee is charged with the responsibility to: 1) serve as a vehicle to articulate senior needs, 2) identify unmet needs and recommend methods to address those needs, 3) assess existing facility adequacy and level of services and recommend appropriate expansion, 4) encourage senior involvement in volunteerism and the charitable needs of the community, and 5) lobby for supportive federal and state legislation. FINDINGS Since the inception of the Senior Issue Committee in 1992, changes in PVSCC's structure and the inclusion of a City staff member on the PVSCC Board of Directors has lead to a significant level of redundancy in activities between the two bodies. Additionally, PVSCC is in the process of developing an advisory group that will report both Center matters and general senior citizen concerns to the PVSCC Board. Upon hearing of this plan, the Senior Issues Committee voted unanimously on March 15, 2005, to ask the City Council to dissolve the Senior Issues Committee and replace it with a two-Councilmember Working Group. This action will not only centralize the location for senior citizen input, it eliminates the overlap that exists between the PVSCC Board and Senior Issues Committee which will allow for greater efficacy in addressing issues that affect all seniors in the City. To maximize public involvement, the meetings ofthe future PVSCC Senior Advisory Committee will be advertised in the Po way Today and the Center's newsletter, and will meet on a 2 of3 June 7, 2005 Item # '1 Dissolution of Senior Issues Committee June 7, 2005 Page 2 regular basis in a public area of the Senior Center. Should any issues arise that are pertinent to the broader senior population in Poway, the Council Working Group will be informed via the City's representative to the PVSCC Board, via the City Manager. The Working Group can, at its discretion, meet with the PVSCC Senior Advisory Committee or PVSCC Board of Directors to discuss these issues, or those topics initiated by the City Council Working Group. The Working Group will then have the opportunity to bring applicable matters to the City Council for review and consideration when appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None anticipated. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Members of the Senior Issues Committee, Poway Valley Senior Citizen's Corporation Board of Directors, and Doug Clark, Interim Executive Director, Poway Senior Center RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council dissolve the Senior Issues Committee, effective immediately, and appoint two City Councilmembers to a Senior Issues Working Group to address senior-related issues on an as-needed basis. JLB:RAC:LH C:\Data\Sr. Issues\DissoJution\S1 Dissolution Agenda Staff Report.doc 3 of3 June 7, 2005 Item # '3