Item 14 - Historic Restoration and Preservation Award Program AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: Penny Riley, Assistant City Mana~ V Kristen Mignone Crane, Assistant to the City Manager ~ DATE: June 21, 2005 SUBJECT: Historic Restoration and Preservation Award Program ABSTRACT In February 2005, Councilmember Rexford expressed interest in developing an award program to recognize residents who have restored historic homes, Based on an example from the City of Escondido and input from the Poway Historical Society, staff has developed a program proposal for implementation in Poway, The proposed award program would recognize efforts to restore historic homes and individuals who have demonstrated commitment to historic preservation in Poway, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT This project is expected to have a minor fiscal impact for expenses such as materials, supplies, and printing, Funds for this project were not specifically budgeted for FY 2005-06, however, sufficient funds are available in the City Council Community Relations account (0010-4904), ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Members of the Poway Historical Society Board have received a copy of this report, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Managerto proceed with implementation of the Historic Home Restoration Award Program and identify two Council members to review the nominees and select award recipients, ACTION N:\city\share\agenda-sum.doc 7/1/03 10f4 June 21, 2005 Item #~ CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Ho"maOle Mayo' ,"d Memoeffi~ City CO""," FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Penny Riley, Assistant City Manag~ Kristen Mignone Crane, Assistant to the City Manager ~ DATE: June 21, 2005 SUBJECT: Historic Restoration and Preservation Award Program BACKGROUND At the February 22, 2005, City Council meeting, Councilmember Rexford expressed interest in developing an award program to recognize residents who have restored historic homes, similar to a program implemented by the City of Escondido, Staff has researched Escondido's program and developed a proposal for a similar concept for implementation in Poway, FINDINGS As areas of Escondido have experienced a sort of "gentrification," wherein neighborhoods with older homes are being revitalized as individuals purchase the homes and rehabilitate them to preserve their historical character, the City of Escondido has implemented an award program to recognize outstanding restoration efforts in conjunction with a broader annual community awards program, Although Poway has a lot of history, unlike Escondido, Poway does not have centralized neighborhoods with large concentrations of historic homes, "Historic" would generally be defined as constructed prior to 1940, Based on the City of Escondido's program and different circumstances for Poway, staff from the Planning Division and City Manager's Office developed a proposal for a similar program, which could be implemented in Poway, Outlined below, this program proposal was reviewed initially with Ernie Briscoe, President of the Poway Historical Society on May 17, 2005, by Senior Planner Jim Lyon and Assistant to the City Manager Kristen Crane, On June 8, 2005, Councilmember Rexford and City staff met with the Historical Society to discuss the proposed program and to identify methods to involve the Historical Society, The Historical Society is very supportive of the project and feels it is important to recognize those who have made an effort to preserve their historical homes, Although the Historical Society acknowledges that Poway does not have the same type of concentration of numerous historic homes in one area, such as Escondido, they would like the City to pursue the project. In addition, they have suggested that newer homes built to look historic be eligible for consideration as well. The Historical Society has also recommended using this recognition program to acknowledge individuals who have demonstrated 2of4 June 21, 2005 Item #~ ---- Agenda Report June 21, 2005 Page 3 dedication to preserving and fostering Poway history, Components of the proposed program are as follows: 1) Identification of Award Criteria and Development of an Application 0 Suggested award criteria include: Home Restoration Award . Residential dwelling; . Originally constructed prior to 1940; and . Restored to original historic condition and preservation of character, . Might also include newer homes designed within historical context. Poway Historic Preservation Advocate Award . Individual dedicated to preserving and fostering the history of Powav. from a physical (such as preservation of historic buildings) and/or an educational perspective, 0 Develop award application form, 2) Seek Nominations 0 Issue a press release, 0 Send a letter regarding the program and nomination period to local architects and community groups that might be interested (e,g" the Historical Society), 0 Historical Society will also submit nominations, which provides an opportunity to recognize homes that they know of, 3) Review Nominations and Select a Recipient for the Award 0 A committee of the City Council and staff would review the nominations and select a recipient(s), 4) Recognize the Award Recipient(s) at a City Council Meeting or the 25th Anniversary Celebration 0 A certificate of recognition would be presented to the award recipients, 0 Could present as many certificates as deemed appropriate, Additionally, as part of this project, the Historical Society has volunteered their assistance to update the Poway Historical Sites List. The list, prepared by Brian F, Smith and Associates in 1992, includes over 100 sites, However, many of these sites are known to no longer be existent and/or considered historic, Updating this list will be useful as part of the award program and for future staff use, Proposed Project Timeline It is proposed that the program be initiated mid-summer, in order to allow sufficient time for a nomination period and review of nominees, with the intention to announce recipient(s) in conjunction with the City's 25th Anniversary Celebration, 3of4 June 21, 2005 Item # \~ ---------- - Agenda Report June 21, 2005 Page 4 July 1 - August 15 Project Administration . Develop application and prepare marketing materials August 15 - September 15 Nomination Period and Continued Marketing September 15 - November 1 Review Nominations November Announce Award Recipients . Poway Today . 25th Anniversary Celebration ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT This project is expected to have a minor fiscal impact for expenses such as materials, supplies, and printing, Funds for this project were not specifically budgeted for FY 2005-06, however, sufficient funds are available in the City Council Community Relations account (0010-4904), PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Members of the Poway Historical Society Board have received a copy of this report, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to proceed with implementation of the Historic Home Restoration Award Program and identify two Councilmembers to review the nominees and select award recipients, 4of4 June 21, 2005 Item#~ -.---.--