Item 18 - Appropriations Limitation AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ _ INITIATED BY: Warren Shafer, Director of Administrative Services ~ DATE: June 21, 2005 SUBJECT: Appropriations Limitation ABSTRACT Government Code Section 7910 requires each local government to establish its Proposition 4 appropriations limit by resolution each year at a regularly scheduled meeting or a noticed special meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEOA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. The City's 2005-2006 budget appropriation is within the Proposition 4 limit. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the City's appropriation limit for fiscal year 2005-2006 as required by Government Code Section 7910. ACTION c:ldatalagendalAppropLimitsum05-06.doc 1 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #~ ---- ^---,.-----_. CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ------- INITIATED BY: Warren Shafer, Director of Administrative service(:~~:) Andrew White, Finance Manager air./' DATE: June 21, 2005 SUBJECT: Appropriations Limitation BACKGROUND Proposition 4 was adopted by the voters on November 6, 1979, and became Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. This article places a limit on the annual growth allowable for State and Local government appropriations. As part of the articles of incorporation approved by the voters in November of 1980, the base year appropriations limitation for the City of Poway was established at $7,047,200 for fiscal year 1981-1982. Article XIIIB provides thatthe base limit be increased in future years by the percentage of growth in population and by the increase in Consumer Price Index or California Personal Per Capita Income, whichever is lower. Proposition 111 and SB-88 (Chapter 60/90) allow cities, beginning with the 1990-91 appropriations limit, to use an alternative to the lesser of California per capita income or the U. S. consumer price index for measuring inflation. Each city may choose either the growth in the California per capita income or the growth in the nonresidential assessed valuation due to new nonresidential construction within the city as an alternative inflation measure. The City of Poway chose the new alternative as allowed by law. The nonresidential growth rate within the City is provided by the San Diego County Assessor. The revised annual adjustment factors were applied to the 1986-87 limit, and in each subsequent year's calculation. Since FY 1990-91, the City has chosen the higher of California per capita income or nonresidential assessed valuation growth as its assessment factor. 2 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #~ ----~-- ._._.._--~_._-_.__.._- Appropriations Limitation June 21, 2005 Page 2 Using this data, the appropriation limit for each fiscal year was calculated as follows: Fiscal Year Amount 1982-1983 $ 7,533,457 1983-1984 $ 8,296,596 1984-1985 $ 8,804,348 1985-1986 $ 9,307,076 1986-1987 $ 9,987,423 1987-1988 $ 15,746,171 1988-1989 $ 19,193,008 1989-1990 $ 55,185,656 1990-1991 $ 64,109,176 1991-1992 $ 69,577,689 1992-1993 $ 70,760,510 1993-1994 $ 74,128,710 1994-1995 $ 75,485,265 1995-1996 $ 78,248,026 1996-1997 $ 82,880,309 1997-1998 $ 88,010,600 1998-1999 $ 94,012,923 1999-2000 $100,941,675 2000-2001 $108,555,949 2001-2002 $135,864,175 2002-2003 $153,772,758 2003-2004 $177,949,937 2004-2005 $194,297,857 Based on the information provided by the San Diego County Assessor, the nonresidential growth rate increase equaled to 8.28 percent. The State Department of Finance has notified the City that the growth in population for 2005 equaled 1.27 percent. Therefore, the City appropriation limit for fiscal year 2005-2006 is adjusted by these factors to equal $213,057,619. Following the passage of Proposition 4, the State Legislature adopted Government Code Section 7910, which requires each governmental agency to establish its appropriation by resolution annually. The attached resolution (Attachment 5) establishes the City of Poway's appropriation limit for fiscal year 2005-2006. It should be noted that Proposition 4 limits appropriations of proceeds of taxes only. Proceeds of taxes include such revenues as property taxes, sales and use taxes, transient occupancy taxes, and most of the general fund's State subventions. Revenues from other sources such as fees for services and State and Federal grants are not subject to the limit. 3 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #...1L Appropriations Limitation June 21,2005 Page 3 FINDINGS In reviewing the proposed budget for fiscal year 2005-2006 based upon the above criteria, it was determined that the appropriation of proceeds of taxes subject to the Proposition 4 limitation equals $28,550,713, which is below the City's appropriation limit of $213,057,619 by $184,506,906. FISCAL IMPACT None. The City's 2005-2006 budget appropriation is within the Proposition 4 limit. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing the City's appropriation limit for fiscal year 2005-2006 as required by Government Code Section 7910. Attachments: 1. Schedule A - Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit 2. Schedule B - Schedule of Appropriations 3. Schedule C - Schedule to Categorize Estimated Revenue 4. Schedule D - Schedule of Appropriations Subject to Limit 5. Resolution Adopting Appropriations Limitation c:ldatal agendalAppropLimiIREPORT05-06.doc 4 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #...1R- Schedule A CITY OF POWAY Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Appropriations Limit 1981-1982 $7,047,200 CPI Fiscal Year 1982-1983 1.0679 Poway Change in Population 1-1-82 1.001 CPI Fiscal Year 82-83 x Poway Change in Population 1-1-82 x 1.0690 Appropriations Limit 1982-1983 $7,533,457 California Personal Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1983-1984 1.0235 Poway Change in Population 1-1-83 1.0760 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1983-1984 x Poway Change in Population 1-1-83 x 1.1013 Appropriations Limit 1983-1984 $8,296,596 U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1.0474 Poway Change in Population 1-1-84 1.0132 U.S. CPI for Fiscal Year 1984-1985 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0612 Appropriations Limit 1984-1985 $8,804,348 Poway Change in Population 1-1-85 1.0190 U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1.0374 U.S. CPI for Fiscal Year 1985-1986 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0571 Appropriations Limit 1985-1986 $9,307,076 Poway Change in Population 1-1-86 1.0490 U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1.0230 U.S. CPI for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0731 Appropriations Limit 1986-1987 $9,987,423 5 of 20 Attachment 1 June 21, 2005 Item # I P Schedule A Page 2 CITY OF POWA Y Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Appropriations Limit 1986-1987 $ 9,987,423 Poway Change in Population 1-1-87 1.0325 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate 1.5270 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate for Fiscal Year 1987-1988 x Poway Change in Population x 1.5766 Appropriations Limit 1987-1988 $15,746,171 poway Change in Population 1-1-88 1.0463 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate 1 .1650 poway Nonresidential Growth Rate for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 x Poway Change in Population x 1.2189 Appropriations Limit 1988-1989 $19,193,008 Poway Change in Population 1-1-89 1.0450 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate 2.7515 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate for Fiscal Year 1989-1990 x Poway Change in Population x 2.8753 Appropriations Limit 1989-1990 $55,185,656 Poway Change in Population 1-1-90 1.0304 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate 1.1274 Poway Nonresidential Growth Rate for Fiscal Year 1990-1991 x Poway Change in Population x 1.1617 Appropriations Limit 1990-1991 $64,109,176 Poway Change in Population 1-1-91 1.0356 U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 1.0480 U.S, CPI for Fiscal Year 1991-1992 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0853 Appropriations Limit 1991-1992 $69,577,689 60f20 June 21, 2005 Item # ,~ Schedule A Page 3 CITY OF POWA Y Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Appropriations Limit 1991-1992 $66,577,689 Poway Change in Population 1-1-92 1.0236 Capital Per Capita Income .9936 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0170 Appropriations Limit 1992-1993 $70,760,510 Poway Change in Population 1-1-93 1.0199 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0272 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1993-1994 x poway Change in Population x 1.0476 Appropriations Limit 1993-1994 $74,128,710 Poway Change in Population 1-1-94 1.0111 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0071 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1994-1995 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0183 Appropriations Limit 1994-1995 $75,485,265 Poway Change in Population 1-1-95 (1.0119) Capital Per Capita Income 1.0472 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0366 Appropriations Limit 1995-1996 $78,248,026 County Change in Population 1-1-96 1.0119 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0467 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0592 Appropriations Limit 1996-1997 $82,880,309 7 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #~ ----------..---------..- Schedule A Page 4 CITY OF POWA Y Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Appropriations Limit 1996-1997 $82,880,309 County Change in Population 1-1-97 1.0146 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0467 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1997-1998 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0619 Appropriations Limit 1997-1998 $88,010,600 County Change in Population 1-1-98 1.0256 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0415 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0682 Appropriations Limit 1998-1999 $94,012,923 County Change in Population 1-1-99 1.0272 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0453 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0737 Appropriations Limit 1999-2000 $100,941,675 County Change in Population 1-1-00 1.0251 Capital Per Capita Income 1.0491 California Per Capita Income for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0754 Appropriations Limit 2000-2001 $108,555,949 County Change in Population 1-1-01 1.0196 Nonresidential Growth 1.2275 Nonresidential Growth for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 x Poway Change in Population x 1.2516 Appropriations Limit 2001-2002 $135,864,175 8 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #-1i:- Schedule A Page 5 City of Poway Schedule to Calculate Appropriations Subject to Limit For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Appropriations Limit 2002-2003 $153,772,758 County Change in Population 1-1-03 1.0177 Nonresidential Growth 1.1371 Nonresidential Growth for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 x Poway Change in Population x 1.1572 Appropriations Limit 2003-2004 $177,949,937 County Change in Population 1-1-04 1.0173 Nonresidential Growth 1.0733 Nonresidential Growth for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 x Poway Change in Population x 1.0919 Appropriations Limit 2004-2005 $194,297,857 County Change in Population 1-1-05 1.0127 Nonresidential Growth 1.0828 Nonresidential Growth for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 X Poway Change in Population x 1.0966 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT 2005-2006 $213,057,619 9of20 June 21, 2005 Item # IR Schedule B CITY OF POWAY Schedule of Appropriations For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 General Fund Legislative and Administrative $1,584,445 Administrative Services 1,954,598 Community Services 5,425,470 Development Services 4,898,077 Public Works 3,724,087 Safety Services 16,163,570 Subtotal $33,750,247 Special Revenue Funds Street Improvement-Gas Tax $1,177,860 Drainaqe Fund Administrative Services $24,579 Development Services 14,345 Public Services 408,320 Subtotal 447,244 Park Fund Capital Projects 0 Grant Funds Capital Projects 258,560 Street Development/Prop A Public Services 1,199,430 Subtotal $3,083,094 Special Assessment Fund Public Services $3,003,851 Water Fund Administrative Services $1,627,414 Legislative/Admin Services 190,897 Development Services 109,775 Public Services 13,761,033 Subtotal $15,689,119 10 of 20 Attachment 2 June 21, 2005 Item #~ Schedule B Page 2 CITY OF POWAY Schedule of Appropriations For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Sewer Fund Administrative Services $971,995 Legislative/Admin Services 133,628 Development Services 112,373 Public Services 6.533.260 Subtotal $7,751,256 Capital Proiects Fund Drainage Improvement 0 Capital Replacement Fund Operating Expense $2.275.114 GRAND TOTAL - ALL CITY APPROPRIATIONS $65.552.681 11 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item # If? CITY OF POWAY Schedule C Schedule to Categorize Estimated Revenue For Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2006 General Fund Total Exclude Net Taxes $22,841,500 - $22,841,500 Franchise 1,493,960 - 1,493,960 License & Permits 275,700 275,700 - Fines & Forfeitures 502,200 502,200 - (1) Revenue from use of money 1,091,600 261,327 830,273 Revenue from use of Property 763,100 763,100 - Revenue from other Agencies 588,900 - 588,900 Current Fees & Services 6,375,770 6,375,770 - Other Revenue 271,700 271,700 - Total General Fund $34,204,430 $8,449,797 $25,754,633 Street ImDrovement -Gas Tax $977,860 - $977,860 Park Fund 81,600 81,600 - Drainaae Fund 733,390 259,790 473,600 Grant Fund 501,780 501,780 - Protection Fee Fund 730,000 730,000 - Assessment District 2,286,460 2,141,270 145,190 Street DeveloDment Fund 145,230 145,230 - ProD A Fund 1,199,430 - 1,199,430 Debt Service 1,067,880 1,067,880 - Community Facilitv District Debt Service 6,105,640 6,105,640 - Water Fund 15,989,510 15,989,510 - Sewer Fund 6,649,620 6,649,620 - CaDital ReDlacement 1,621,970 1,621,970 - Trust 67.080 67.080 - ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $72,361,880 $43,811,167 $28,550,713 (1) Interest Income to be excluded is computed as: Exclusion before Interest *Totallnterest = Excluded Interest Total Revenue 12 of 20 Attachment 3 June 21, 2005 Item #~ -------- ____........._..___n____..._ Schedule D CITY OF POWAY Schedule of Appropriations Subject to Limit Fiscal Year 1981-1982 Through Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Actuals as Well as Estimated Figures for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Through Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Fiscal Year 1981-1982 Total All City Appropriations $10,165,924 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 8,599,062 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 1,566,862 Less Appropriation Limit 7.047,200 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($5.480,338) Fiscal Year 1982-1983 Total All City Appropriations $12,141,258 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 8.857.546 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 3,283,712 Less Appropriation Limit 7.533.457 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($4.249,745) Fiscal Year 1983-1984 Total All City Appropriations $16,498,389 Less Non-proceeds of Taxes 11 ,332 .100 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 5,166,289 Less Appropriation Limit 8,296.596 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($3,130.307) Fiscal Year 1984-1985 Total All City Appropriations $16,709,874 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 10.580.552 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 6,129,322 Less Appropriation Limit 8.804.348 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($2.675,026) 13 of 20 Attachment 4 June 21, 2005 Item # I 8 Schedule D Page 2 Fiscal Year 1985-1986 Total All City Appropriations $16,989,076 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 9,891.514 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 7,097,562 Less Appropriation Limit 9.307.076 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($2.209.514) Fiscal Year 1986-1987 Total All City Appropriations $16,226,940 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 9.181.944 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 7,044,996 Less Appropriation Limit 9,987.423 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($2,942.427) Fiscal Year 1987-1988 Total All City Appropriations $19,687,140 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 11 ,744.337 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 7,942,803 Less Appropriation Limit 15.746,171 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($7.803.368) Fiscal Year 1988-1989 Total All City Appropriations $23,727,890 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 13.465.358 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $10,262,532 Less Appropriation Limit 19.193.008 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($8.930.476) Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Total All City Appropriations $27,214,810 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 15,923,130 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $11,291,680 Less Appropriation Limit 55.185.656 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($43,893.976) 14 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #~ Schedule D Page 3 Fiscal Year 1990-1991 Total All City Applications $28,427,668 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 16,118,066 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $12,309,602 Less Appropriation Limit 64,109,176 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($51,799,574) Fiscal Year 1991-1992 Total All City Appropriations $27,677,240 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 16.644.089 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $11,033,151 Less Appropriation Limit 69,577.689 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($58,544,538) Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Total All City Appropriations $29,037,253 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 17.750.379 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $11,286,874 Less Appropriation Limit 70,760,510 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($59,473,636) Fiscal Year 1993-1994 Total All City Appropriations $31,209,958 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 17,184.377 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $14,025,581 Less Appropriation Limit 74,128,710 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($60,103,129) Fiscal Year 1994-1995 Total All City Appropriations $32,215,324 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 19,801.493 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $12,413,831 Less Appropriation Limit 75.485,265 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($63,071.434) 15 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #....J2- Schedule D Page 4 Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Total All City Appropriations $34,442,757 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 21.686.369 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $12,756,388 Less Appropriation Limit 78,248,026 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($65.491 ,638) Fiscal Year 1996-1997 Total All City Appropriations $36,781,247 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 23,245,707 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $13,535,540 Less Appropriation Limit 82.880.309 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($69.344.769) Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Total All City Appropriations $37,292,455 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 19,786.911 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $17,505,544 Less Appropriation Limit 88,010.600 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($70,505,056) Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Total All City Appropriations $39,570,411 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 23.416,818 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $16,153,593 Less Appropriation Limit 94.012,923 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($77.859,330) Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Total All City Appropriations $43,510,629 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 24,623,789 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 18,886,840 Less Appropriation Limit 100,941.675 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($82,054,835) 16 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #..l.R..- Schedule D Page 5 Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Total All City Appropriations $46,046,974 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 25,556,703 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 20,490,271 Less Appropriation Limit 108,555,949 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($88,065,678) Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Total All City Appropriations $53,930,463 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 31 ,874,589 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 22,055,874 Less Appropriation Limit 135,864,175 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($113,808,301 ) Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Total All City Appropriations $53,479,991 Less: Non-proceeds of Taxes 28.457,213 Total Appropriations Subject to Limit $ 25,022,778 Less Appropriation Limit 177,810,053 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($155,787,275) Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Total All City Appropriations $53,479,991 Less: Non-Proceeds of Taxes 28.457,213 Total Approriations Subject to Limit $ 25,022,778 Less Appropriation Limit 177.810,053 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($155,787,275) Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Total All City Appropriations $55,852,050 Less: Non-Proceeds of Taxes 32,129,104 Total Approriations Subject to Limit $ 23,722,946 Less Appropriation Limit 194,297,857 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($170,574,911) 17 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item #---1L Schedule D Page 6 Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Total All City Appropriations $65,552,681 Less: Non-Proceeds of Taxes 37.001.968 Total Approriations Subject to Limit $ 28,550,713 Less Appropriation Limit 213,057,619 Amount Under Proposition 4 Limit ($184,506.906) 18 of 20 June 21,2005 Item # 19 RESOLUTION NO. 05- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2006 WHEREAS, the Gann Initiative or Proposition 4, hereby referred to as Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California, was passed by the people; and WHEREAS, Article XIIIB mandated an appropriations limit on various units of government, including the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, that limit has been calculated by the Finance Division of the City of Poway using current guidelines provided by the League of California Cities; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to formally adopt that appropriations limit for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway that in accordance with Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California, the appropriations limit for the City of Poway for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 is $213,057,619. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 21st day of June 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk 19 of 20 Attachment 5 June 21, 2005 Item # \ Sl' ---- Resolution No. 05- Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 05- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21 st day of June 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway c:\dalalagendalapprop.limiIRESO _ OS-06.doc 20 of 20 June 21, 2005 Item # I St