Item 19 - Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agmt No. M008 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BViall Fritz, Director of Development Services ()S DATE: June 21, 2005 SUBJECT: A Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. MOOB and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement ABSTRACT City staff received Program Supplement Agreement No. MOOB from Caltrans for execution by the City. This Agreement will complete the administrative process for reimbursement costs for the Standish Drive Sidewalk Improvements project. Once the agreement is executed, the City may submit invoices for reimbursement for sidewalk and streetlight improvements on Standish Drive. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIF CATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the ~ity Council adopt the proposed Resolution approving Program Supplement Agreement No. M POB and authorizing the City Manager to execute said agreement. ACTION M:lengserv\trafficlAgenda 05\Standish Drive Cailrens Agreemen"Summary.doc 7/1103 10f8 June 21, 2005 Item #~ -- CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or publiC request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO' Ho"o<able Mayo, ,"d Membele City Co,",11 FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY~( Niall Fritz, Director of Development services~ Javid Siminou, City Engineer ~ -:zfIo Zoubir Ouadah, Senior Traffic ngineer DATE: June 21,2005 SUBJECT: A Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. MOOB and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement BACKGROUND City staff received Program Supplement Agreement No. MOaB from Caltrans for execution by the City. This Agreement will complete the administrative process for reimbursement costs for the Standish Drive Sidewalk Improvements project. Once the agreement is executed, the City may submit invoices for reimbursement for sidewalk and streetlight improvements on Standish Drive. FINDINGS In order to complete the reimbursement process with the federal government, the City must execute the attached Agreement with Caltrans. The Agreement is the final stage in the process in order for the City to be reimbursed for the sidewalk and streetlight improvements being completed on Standish Drive from Garden Road to Kennebunk Street. At the time the City submitted the reimbursement application, the State had agreed the total project cost would be $160,000.00 and the City agreed to pay 10%, or $16,000.00, making the State's contribution a total of $144,000.00. Due to costs related to the design of the project and additional related work, the final cost of the project has increased to approximately $171,700.00. The State's initial contribution remains unchanged at $144,000.00 and the City's portion of the 2of8 June 21,2005 Item #...1..9....- Agenda Report June 21, 2005 Page 2 appropriated by the City Council. The remaining $2,500.00 will be funded by the Streets Division. The majority of the additional work is related to the replacement of cross gutter, which the City felt was necessary and most cost-effective to replace at the completion of the sidewalk improvements. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution approving Program Supplement Agreement No. MOOB and authorizing the City Manager to execute said agreement. Attachments: A. Resolution B. Program Supplement No. MOOB M:\engserv\traffic\Agenda 05\Standish Drive Caltrans Agreement\agenda reportdoc 3 afa June 21, 2005 Item # I q RESOLUTION NO. 05- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. MOOB AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the City submitted an application for Federal assistance to install sidewalks, pedestrian ramps for ADA requirements, and streetlights on the east side of Standish Drive from Garden Road to 200 feet south of Kennebunk Street within the City of Poway; and to compensate the City for staff time and equipment; and WHEREAS, on October 15, 2004, the Federal Highway Administration agreed to reimburse the City for those costs incurred during installation of sidewalks, pedestrian ramps for ADA requirements, and streetlights on the east side of Standish Drive from Garden Road to 200 feet south of Kennebunk Street within the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, to proceed with the Federal reimbursement process, the City and State are required to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. MOOa. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute Program Supplement No. MOOa to administer Federal Aid Project No. 11-956205L related to the installation of sidewalks, pedestrian ramps for ADA requirements, and streetlights on the east side of Standish Drive from Garden Road to 200 feet south of Kennebunk Street within the City of Poway PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 21st day of June 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk 40f8 ATTACHMENT A June 21, 2005 Item #...19....- ~"- ~_. *",.,-_.- . _..--.~~-~---_._,-_.--,-- Resolution No. Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 05- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of June 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway M:\engserv\trafflc\Agenda OS\Standish Drive Caltrans Agreement\Reso.doc 50f8 June 21, 2005 Item #--1.1.- -----.-..... --- ---- ,- " . ) } . ,., PROGRAM SUPPLEIiIENT NO. MO 0 8 Da te . December 06, 2002 to Location: 1l.SD-0-PWY ADMINISTERING AGENCY-STATE AGRBIlMBNT Project Number'STPLH-5428(01l) FOR FBDBRAL-AID PROJECTS NO. 11-5428 B.A. Number.1l-956205 This Program Supplement is hereby incorporated into the Agency-State Agreement for Federal Aid which was entered into between the Agency and the State on 06/13/97 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof. This Program Supplement is adopted in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. , approved by the Agency on (See copy attached). The Agency further stipulates that as a condition to payment of funds obligated to this project, it accepts and will comply with the covenants or remarks setforth on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION. Standish Drive from Garden Road to Keunebunk Street TYPB OF WORK. Install sidewalks,Pedestrianramps & safe.~1 (, ~h"\c. LBNGTH. o (MILES) Bstimated Cost Federal Funds Matching Funds Q210 $18,000.00 LOCAL OTHBR $20,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 CITY OF POWAY STATB OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation By By Date Chief, Office of Project Implementatic Division of Local Assistance Attest Date Title Z heraby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Of fie IJ: 'f) 9 'u L $18,000,00 Chapter Statutes Fund Source AHOUNT 379 2002 2660-102-890 2002-2003 C 255020 892.P 18,000.00 60f8 ATTACHMENT B June 21,2005 Item #...1.9.....:- - , , . , , 1 ) II~SD.O.PWY 12/06/2002 . .' STPlli.5428(011) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the most current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 2. All project repair, replacement and maintenance involving the physical condition and the operation of project improvements referred to in Article III MAINTENANCE, of the aforementioned Master Agreement will be the responsibility of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY and shall be perfor.med at regular intervals and as required for efficient operation of the completed project improvements. 3. This agreement supplements the ADMINISTERING AGENCY-State. Master Agreement for Federal-Aid projects, with the understanding that all provisions of the Transportation Equity Act (TEA-2l) apply. 4. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY is required to have an audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act and OMB A-133 if it receives a total of $300,000 or more in federal funds in a single fiscal year. The federal funds received under this project are a part of the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 20.205, Highway Planning and Research. OMB A-133 superceded OMB. A-128 in 1996. A reference to OMB A-128 in a Master Agreement (if any) is superceded by this covenant to confor.m to OMB A-133. 5. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that payment of Federal funds will be limited to the amounts approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the Federal-Aid Project Authorization/Agreement or Amendment/Modification (E-76) and accepts any resultant increases in ADMINISTERING AGENCY funds as shown on the Finance Letter, any modification thereof as approved by the Division of Local Assistance, Office of Project Implementation. 6. Award infor.mation shall. be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer immediately after the project contract award. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invoices for the construction phase. Please refer to Section 15.7 "Award Package" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. 7. STATE and ADMINISTERING AGENCY agree that any additional funds which might be made available for new phase(s) of work by future 70f8 June 21,2005 Item #...1..9....- -- -- _._~~._.~,- . - . " - , . i , 11-50:0-PW'Y . 12/06/2002 . J STPUI-5428(Oll) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Federal obligations will be encumbered on this PROJECT by use of a STATE approved "Authorization to Proceed" and Finance Letter. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that Federal. funds available for reimbursement will be limited to the amounts obligated by the Federal Highway Administration. 8. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that it will. only proceed with work authorized for specific phase(s) with an "Authorization to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase(s) of this project prior to receiving an "Authorization to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phase(s). 80f8 June 21,2005 Item #~