Item 15.1 - Proposed Revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY G'� � �W"r ryFC�IN THE GOJ��1 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Community Services DATE: July 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter ABSTRACT The proposed revisions to the Pertorming Arts Advisory Committee Charter will increase the membership from nine to 11 members. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISGAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact as a result of the proposed charter revisions. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter. ACTION 1 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item #1��I G,,��{ OF PpWqY C I TY O F P O WAY Ty�C�TY IN 7HE GOJ���� AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calentlar. There wili be no separete discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council,staff or public repuest it to be removed from the Consen[Calendar antl discussed separately It you wish to have this raport pulled for discussion,please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it m the Ciry Clerk prior m the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana�� J INITIATED BY: Robert A. Clark, Director of Community Services Peggy Stewart, Community Services Manager DATE: July 5, 2005 SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter BACKGROUND On December 20, 1988, the City Council established the Performing Arts Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving "advise to the City Council on specific matters affecting the Poway Center for the Performing Arts." The duties assigned to the Committee included advice on matters assigned to the committee, undertake special studies assigned to the committee, provide input on PerForming Arts Center programming, and promote the Center in the community and region. In 1995, the City Council approved a Programming Agreement with the Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation. That Agreement transferred main stage programming responsibilities to the Foundation. The scope and duties of the Performing Arts Advisory Committee have changed over the intervening years. On May 4, 2004, the City Council approved several revisions to the committee's charter that more accurately reflected the way the committee operated and reduced the number of committee members to nine. FINDINGS The reduction of the number of committee members to nine matched the number of the then current active members of the Committee. However, the reduction resulted in two Councilmembers losing the ability to appoint new members to the committee. To rectify that situation, it is recommended that the number of committee members be increased to 11 to accommodate appointments by each Councilmember. The revised appointments are: 2 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # ��,� Proposed Revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter July 5, 2005 Page 2 • 4 Council appointees • 4 Mayoral appointees • 1 PUSD representative . 1 User Organization representative • 1 San Diego County arts representative ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact as a result of the proposed charter revisions. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed revisions to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter. JLB:RAC:PAS Attachments: A. Proposed Changes to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter B. Proposed Performing Arts Advisory Committee Charter 3 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # ���� CITY OF POWAY �� PERFORMING ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Section I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Psway Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall be to advise the City Council on specific matters affecting the Poway Center for the Pertorming Arts and Community Services Department staff on operational issues on an as-needed basis. The committee shall be composed of representatives from local performing arts groups, Poway Unified School District, nonprofit users of the facility, and others that will use or have interest in the facility. Section II. DUTIES The Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall have the following duties: 1. Provide advice on matters assigned to the committee for their review and recommendation. 2. With the assistance of staff, undertake special studies assigned to the committee. 3. Provide staff with input on scheduling when conflicts are brought to its attention for review. Section III. MEMBERSHIP 1. The �eway Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than alae—f9� eleven (11) members appointed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of the City Council. The Mayor shall make the following nfae-E9� eleven (11) appointments to the committee: • One (1) committee member nominated by each councilmember for appointment for a total of four (4) committee members. ■ One (1) committee member nominated by Poway Unified School District. ■ One (1) committee members nominated by the Committee from among the Pertorming Arts Center's user organizations. ■ One (1) committee member nominated by the Mayor from the San Diego County pertorming arts community. This individual shall specifically have experience in some aspect of the performing arts field. • �vve-(� Four 4 committee members nominated by the Mayor. 2. The terms of inembership shall be as follows: 4 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # �� �� Attachment A a. The terms of inembers nominated by the Mayor or a City Council person shall coincide with the term of that Councilmember. Members may continue to serve on the committee upon expiration of their term until either reappointed or a new member has been appointed. b. The term of the nominee from the Poway Unified School District shall be determined by the District, but shall be no less than two years. c. The term of the nominees from the user organizations shall be for one (1) year with no more than two years of consecutive service. 3. The City Manager of the City of Poway or his/her designee shall be an e*- ef#isie ex officio member of the committee and shall serve as Secretary. 4. An e�-e#isie ex officio member shall not be eligible to serve as the Sha+r��aa Chairperson or the Vice 6#ai�ar� Chairperson of the committee. Section IV. VOTING Each committee member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Approval of any matter requires an affirmative vote from the majority of the members present, provided a quorum, consisting of a majority of the members of the committee, are present and voting. Section V. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP If any member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings of the committee without prior notification to the City Manager's designee, such member shall be considered to have resigned from the committee. In addition, any member of the committee may be removed at any time and without cause by a majority vote of the City Council. Section VI. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS Meetings will be scheduled as deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the committee, with the concurrence of the Secretary. All meetings shall be scheduled at a time and place acceptable to a majority of the committee members. Section VII. COMMITTEE OFFICERS 1. The officers of the committee shall be Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The City Manager or his/her designee, as an e�-e#isie ex officio member of the committee, shall serve as Secretary to the committee. 2. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the committee and the nomination sent to the Mayor and City Council for confirmation. The Vice Chairperson shall be chosen by the committee. 5 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # �� Attachment A 3. The term of the office for the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall be two years from the first meeting of the calendar year . 4. During the regular term of office, the Chairperson of the committee can only be removed from office by the Mayor with concurrence of the City Council. 5. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms in the same office. Section VIII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. Duties of the Chairuerson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the committee and provide instructions to all ad hoc committee chairpersons. 2. Duties of the Vice Chairperson In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson. 3. Duties of the Secretarv The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the committee. The Secretary shall prepare agendas and shall give notice of all meetings of the committee. Section IX. AD HOC COMMITTEE The committee may create such ad hoc committees as the business of the committee may require, each of which shall exist for such period of time and pertorm such duties as the committee may determine. Ad hoc committees by their nature only operate for short periods of time, not to exceed three months. Section X. COMPENSATION Members of the Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation. However, members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the committee as approved by the City. Section XI. AMENDMENT OF Q"-� '��BYLAWS These �"-�s bvlaws shall be reviewed by the committee as necessary and may be amended at any time at a regular or special meeting of the Poway City Council. 6 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # �5 �� Attachment A CITY OF POWAY PERFORMING ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Section I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Poway Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall be to advise the City Council on specific matters affecting the Poway Center for the Pertorming Arts and Community Services Department staff on operational issues on an as-needed basis. The committee shall be composed of representatives from local performing arts groups, Poway Unified School District, nonprofit users of the facility, and others that will use or have interest in the facility. Section 11. DUTiES The Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall have the following duties: 1. Provide advice on matters assigned to the committee for their review and recommendation. 2. With the assistance of staff, undertake special studies assigned to the committee. 3. Provide staff with input on scheduling when conflicts are brought to its attention for review. Section III. MEMBERSHIP 1. The Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than eleven (11) members appointed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of the City Council. The Mayor shall make the following eleven (11) appointments to the committee: ■ One (1) committee member nominated by each councilmember for appointment for a total of four (4) committee members. ■ One (1) committee member nominated by Poway Unified School District. • One (1) committee members nominated by the Committee from among the Performing Arts Center's user organizations. • One (1) committee member nominated by the Mayor from the San Diego County performing arts community. This individual shall specifically have experience in some aspect of the performing arts field. ■ Four (4) committee members nominated by the Mayor. 2. The terms of inembership shall be as follows: 7 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # ��� I Attachment B a. The terms of inembers nominated by the Mayor or a City Council person shall coincide with the term of that Councilmember. Members may continue to serve on the committee upon expiration of their term until either reappointed or a new member has been appointed. b. The term of the nominee from the Poway Unified School District shall be determined by the District, but shall be no less than two years. c. The term of the nominees from the user organizations shall be for one (1) year with no more than two years of consecutive service. 3. The City Manager of the City of Poway or his/her designee shall be an ex officio member of the committee and shall serve as Secretary. 4. An ex officio member shall not be eligible to serve as the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson of the committee. Section IV. VOTING Each committee member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Approval of any matter requires an affirmative vote from the majority of the members present, provided a quorum, consisting of a majority of the members of the committee, are present and voting. Section V. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP If any member misses more than three (3) consecutive meetings of the committee without prior notification to the City Manager's designee, such member shall be considered to have resigned from the committee. In addition, any member of the committee may be removed at any time and without cause by a majority vote of the City Council. Section VI. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS Meetings will be scheduled as deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the committee, with the concurrence of the Secretary. All meetings shall be scheduled at a time and place acceptable to a majority of the committee members. Section VII. COMMITTEE OFFICERS 1. The officers of the committee shall be Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The City Manager or his/her designee, as an ex officio member of the committee, shall serve as Secretary to the committee. 2. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the committee and the nomination sent to the Mayor and City Council for confirmation. The Vice Chairperson shall be chosen by the committee. 8 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # �_ �• � Attachment B 3. The term of the office for the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall be two years from the first meeting of the calendar year . 4. During the regular term of office, the Chairperson of the committee can only be removed from office by the Mayor with concurrence of the City Council. 5. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms in the same office. Section VIII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS 1. Duties of the Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the committee and provide instructions to all ad hoc committee chairmen. 2. Duties of the Vice Chairaerson In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson. 3. Duties of the Secretarv The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the committee. The Secretary shall prepare agendas and shall give notice of all meetings of the committee. Section IX. AD HOC COMMITTEE The committee may create such ad hoc committees as the business of the committee may require, each of which shall exist for such period of time and perform such duties as the committee may determine. Ad hoc committees by their nature only operate for short periods of time, not to exceed 3 months. Section X. COMPENSATION Members of the Poway Performing Arts Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation. However, members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the committee as approved by the City. Section XI. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws shall be reviewed by the committee as necessary and may be amended at any time at a regular or special meeting of the Poway City Council. 9 of 9 July 5, 2005 Item # �� `� Attachment B