Item 5 - Ord 82GENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Stephen M. Eck_is, City Attor DATE: October 30, 1986 RE: Real Estate Signs (Taylor) DISCUSSION: Lc> S-�� At the City Council Meeting of October 14, 1986, Ms. Ann Taylor discussed with the City Council the staff enforcement of the sign ordinance in a,manne_r which precluded her from placing a real estate "for sale sign of-_f site. Review by the City Attorney's Office leads to the conclusion that the staff is properly enforcing the prohibi't'ion against off site signs in this regard. The one exemption permitted is "open house signs which are permitted. However, the present language of the ordinance doe's not define what an "open house" sign is, what it can and cannot say, or the periods of time during which it can be posted. I have advised M's. Taylor that she may post an "open house" sign at the requested location. In response to her inquiry regarding any limitation set forth in the ordinance restricting the time during which such a sign may be posted, I advised that the ordinance presently does not specify a time limitation. In response to Ms. Taylor's inquiry, the City Council may wish to review the sign ordinance provisions with respect to real estate signs and, in particular, with respect to "open house" signs. If the council wishes to adopt regulations regarding "open house" signs, a proposed amendment to the ordinance should be considered. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review the sign ordinance with respect to real estate signs and instruct the staff to prepare such amendments as the City Council may deem appropriate. ACTION:, Requested a report back on both the consequences of changing" our ordinance and a mini -kiosk program. ore\K. Wahlsten, City OCT 301986 ITEM 5