Item 2 - CUP 90-13M(4), DR 05-08, Sunroad Enterprises App. c� F W�r AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY � F ..�... ,. ��- �m"rN me �°� TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� � INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development Senrices/V DATE: September 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 90-13M(4), Development Review (DR) 05-08, Sunroad Enterprises, Applicant APN: 277-170-06 ABSTRACT The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing Maderas Golf Club Conditional Use Permit to allow for the continued use of existing temporary structures at the site and is also requesting approval of DR 05-08 for construction of a permanent building that will replace the temporary structures. The temporary structures are two trailers that are used for storage, sales, and golf instruction offices, and a pavilion (or tent) that is used for special events. The applicant has requested approval to keep the structures for one year until the new building construction begins, which is ex ected b Se tember 2006. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act, the project qualifies for Categorical Exemption, Class 32 because it is in-fill development that is less than 5-acres in size, in an area served by existing infrastructure and no natural habitat exists on the site. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 97 individuals, which were either ro ert owners within 500 feet of the ro�ect site or other interested arties. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 90-13M(4) and DR 05-08, sub�ect to the conditions in the attached ro osed Resolution. ACTION M:�planning\05repoA�CUpG90•13m(4)Maderaslsum.doc 1 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� C I TY O F P O WAY G��� �F P�W9r AGENDA REPORT Ty�C�� lNTHEGOJ��y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag� INITIATED BY: Niall Fritz, Director of Development Services � Patti Brindle, City Planner � Jason Martin, Senior Planner•� DATE: September 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 90-13M(4) and Development Review (DR) 05-08; Sunroad Enterprises, Applicant: A request to modify the existing CUP for Maderas Golf Club to allow continued use of temporary structures and a request for approval to construct a permanent events building on the site located at 17750 Old Coach Road, in the Planned Community zone. APN: 277-170-06 BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a modification of the existing CUP for the Maderas Golf Club (CUP 90-13) to allow the continued use of temporary structures on the site and requesting approval to construct a permanent, approximately 7,500-square-foot events building at the site. The new events building will replace the temporary structures. The Maderas Golf Club is located at 17750 Old Coach Road, in the Planned Community (PC) zone. The subject site and surrounding zoning are depicted on the map included as Attachment B. CUP 90-13 was originally approved by the City Council on November 27, 1990, for a golf course and accessory uses and buildings, and in conjunction with Tentative Tract Map 89-13R, which was known as the Old Coach Golf Estates project. On January 4, 2000, the City Council approved modifications to the CUP, which included approval of temporary modular structures (i.e., trailers) on the site for use as an interim clubhouse. The permanent clubhouse was built, and then occupied in January 2002. All the temporary modular structures except two, which are currently being used for storage and offices, have since been removed from the site. On February 8, 2000, the City Council approved TUP 00-06, which authorized the applicanYs use of a temporary events pavilion (or tent structure) on the site, which is being used on a regular basis for special events. On September 7, 2004, the City Council approved the applicanYs request to allow continued use of the temporary structures (trailers and tent) on the site, with the provision 2 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�_ Agenda Report September 6, 2005 Page 2 that a permanent facility be built and the temporary structures be removed in a timely fashion. A Condition of Approval required that construction of the permanent building be commenced and that the temporary structures be removed by September 7, 2005. On July 11, 2005, the applicant submitted DR 05-08 for construction of the permanent events building, accompanied by a request to allow the temporary structures to remain on- site for additional time. FINDINGS Temporarv Structures The applicant is requesting approval to keep the temporary structures on-site up until construction of the new permanent building is completed. The temporary structures (and the proposed permanent building) are located adjacent to the existing clubhouse and are shown on the site plan included as Attachment C. The applicant intends to remove the temporary structures when the permanent building is complete, which is expected by late 2006 or early 2007. Until that time, the storage and office space in the trailers, and the temporary tent, is needed. The trailers house storage, golf instruction offices and facilities (i.e., video instruction), and the membership sales offices. Additionally, the revenue that is generated by events and functions held in the tent is needed to assist in the financing of the new building. A resident that lives near the structures has in the past expressed concern to both staff and the applicant regarding the aesthetic impacts associated with the temporary structures. As a result, the applicant has placed five 48-inch boxed evergreen trees, with irrigation, along the north sides of the trailers to lessen the visual impact by providing partial screening. Staff spoke with the resident in late July 2005. The resident indicated that since portions of the buildings are still visible, there continue to be concerns regarding aesthetics impacts. Staff explained to the resident that the structures are only temporary and that they will be removed by September 2006. The resident is concerned that the applicant will continue to request extensions to allow the temporary structures to remain on the site and that the requests will be approved by the City. Staff has investigated the potential of moving the operations conducted in the trailer to The Heritage sales building on Old Coach Road at Espola Road. According to the applicant, Sunroad Enterprises owns that property, but does not own the building. Additionally, from an operational standpoint, having the office and golf instruction facilities at the golf course is desired by the applicant. The applicant has indicated that the temporary structures will be removed when the new building is complete. A Condition of Approval is recommended that requires a Building Permit for the new building be obtained before September 6, 2006. In the event that this Condition is satisfied, the applicant would be able to maintain the temporary structures on 3 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�_ Agenda Report September 6, 2005 Page 3 the site until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building. If a Building Permit has not been issued by September 6, 2006, the temporary structures are required to be removed. Permanent Buildinq The permanent building would be approximately 7,500 square feet in area, and approximately 26 feet high. The building would accommodate special events in the first ' floor space, with seating for up to approximately 300 persons. The second story would have golf course offices. The design of the building is Mediterranean, and will match the existing clubhouse building and residences that surround the golf course. The floor plans and architectural elevations are included as Attachment D. The existing parking lot has been designed to accommodate the new building; so additional parking will not be needed. The project complies with all City development standards. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act, the project qualifies for Categorical Exemption, Class 32 because it is in-fill development that is less than 5- acres in size, in an area served by existing infrastructure and no natural habitat exists on the site FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 97 individuals who were either property owners within 500 feet of the project site or other interested parties. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 90-13M(4) and DR 05-08, subject to the conditions in the attached proposed Resolution. Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning Map C. Site Plan D. Floor Plan and Architectural Elevations M:�planning\05reporl\cup\90-13m(4)Maderas\agn.doc 4 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-13M(4) AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (DR) 05-08 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 277-170-06 WHEREAS, CUP 90-13M(4) and DR 05-08 were submitted by Sunroad Enterprises, Applicant, to modify the existing CUP for the Maderas Golf Club to allow continued use of temporary structures and receive approval to construct an approximate 7,500-square-foot permanent events and office building that will replace the temporary structures on the site located at 17750 Old Coach Road, in the Planned Community zone, and; WHEREAS, on September 6, 2005, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the public, both pro and con, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The proposed project was addressed in, and is within the scope of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Old Coach Golf Estates project certified by the City Council in May 1990 (State Clearing House Number 90010015). No additional environmental review is necessary. Section 2: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.48.070 of the Poway Municipal Code (P.M.C.) for CUP 90-13M(4) concerning the extended use of temporary structures at the site are made as follows: A. The proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the temporary structures are in accord with the title and purpose of Chapter 17.48 of the Poway Municipal Code (Conditional Use Permit Regulations), the General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City in that the facility has been designed such that it will not result in impacts to the surrounding community. B. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the temporary structures will be compatible with and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residents, buildings, structures, or natural resources in that the facility has been designed and sited such that it will not result in impacts to the surrounding community. C. The temporary structures are in harmony with the scale, bulk, coverage, and density of, and are consistent with, adjacent uses in that the structures are located on a commercial golf course project. D. There are adequate public facilities, services, and utilities available at the subject site to serve the structures. 5 of 21 ATTACHMENT A September 6, 2005 Item #_� Resolution No. P- Page 2 E. There will not be a harmful effect upon the desirable surrounding property characteristics in that the temporary structures have been designed, sited, and screened such that it will not result in an impact to the surrounding community. F. The generation of traffic will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of the surrounding streets and/or the Circulation Element of the General Plan. G. There will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the temporary structures are located on a developed property and do not involve the removal of natural habitat resources. H. That the potential impacts, and the proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the temporary structures will not be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, nor be contrary to the adopted General Plan, in that the facility has been designed and sited such that it will not result in any adverse impacts. Section 3: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.52 of the Poway Municipal Code, for Development Review 05-08 for the construction of a 7,500 square foot events building on the site are made as follows: A. The building has been designed to comply with all City development standards. It will not create a negative visual impact as viewed from the street and neighboring properties. Proposed landscaping will soften the building from such views. Exterior building colors and materials will help the building blend in with surrounding development. Therefore, the building respects the interdependence of land values and aesthetics to the benefit of the City. B. The building has been designed to comply with all City development standards and designed to be in character with existing development in the area. Therefore, the proposed use does not conflict with the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City along with associated facilities, such as, but not limited to, signs, landscaping, parking areas and streets. C. There are public facilities, services and utilities available. No significant traffic impacts will occur with this development. The project will otherwise conform to all City ordinances. Therefore, the proposed project does not detract from the maintenance of the public health, safety and general welfare, and property throughout the City. D. The building is designed to be consistent in design with surrounding development. Therefore, the proposed development respects the public concerns for the aesthetics of developments. 6 of21 September 6, 2005 Item # �. Resolution No. P- Page 3 E. The proposed project will meet the required design regulations and will otherwise comply with all of the relevant codes and standards of the City of Poway. Therefore, the proposal does not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety or architecturally related impact upon existing adjoining properties, or the City in general. Section 4: The City Council hereby approves CUP 90-13M(4) amending the existing CUP for Maderas Golf Club to allow continued use of temporary structures and approves DR 05-08 for the construction of an approximate 7,500-square-foot events building, as shown on plans dated July 21, 2005, to replace the temporary structures on the site located at 17750 Old Coach Road, in the Planned Community zone, subject to the following conditions: A. All prior Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures shall apply from CUP 90-13, DR 98-35, TPM 92-04 and Specific Plan 89-01. B. Approval of this CUP and DR request shall apply only to the subject project and shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. C. Within 30 days of the date of this approval: (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all Conditions of Approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owners shall execute a Covenant Regarding Real Property. D. The use conditionally granted by this approval shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding uses. E. The applicant shall obtain a Building Permit for the building approved under DR 05-08 by September 6, 2005. If this condition is not been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services, the temporary structures on the site shall be removed by the end of day September 6, 2006. If this condition is satisfied the temporary structures shall be permitted to remain on the site until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building. F. Prior to Grading Permit issuance, unless other timing is indicated, the applicanUdeveloper shall complete the following. (NOTE: Because of the absence of adequate development plans for conditioning of this project to make a determination whether a Grading Permit is required, it is hereby assumed as needed unless the applicant can prove to the City that the project falls under the EXCEPTIONS for permit requirement under Section 16.42.010 of the Poway Municipal Code. If the project is found exempt from a Grading Permit requirement, a precise grading plan is not required. However, all other conditions still apply.) 7of21 September 6, 2005, Item #2 Resolution No. P- Page 4 (Engineering) 1. Submittal to the City for review and approval of precise grading plans, erosion control plan, stormwater pollution prevention plan, Grading Permit application and geotechnical report/s to the Development Services Department. 2. Grading of the project shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, City Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan. 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the development and all surface water that may flow onto the development from adjacent lands shall be constructed. 4. Erosion control, including, but not limited to, desiltation basins, shall be installed and maintained from October 15th to April 15th. An erosion control plan shall be prepared by the project civil engineer and shall be submitted as part of the grading plan. The applicanUdeveloper shall make provisions to insure proper maintenance of all erosion control devices. 5. A storm water management plan shall be prepared. The plan shall identify the measures that will be used for storm water and non-stormwater management during the permitted activity. 6. A Right-of-Way Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department for any work to be done in public street rights-of-way or City-held easements. 7. The applicanUdeveloper shall pay the following fees and grading securities: a. Grading permit, plan checking, inspection, Right-of-Way Permit (if needed), and geotechnical review fees. The Grading Permit fee shall be paid at first submittal of grading plans. b. Posting and/or payment of grading securities. 8. City approval of soils report and grading plans. 9. Submittal of a request for and hold a pre-construction meeting with a City Engineering Inspector. The applicanUdeveloper shall be responsible that necessary individuals, such as, but not limited to, contractors, subcontractors, project civil engineer and project soils engineer must attend the pre- construction meeting. 8 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�„__ Resolution No. P- Page 5 (Planning) 10. A detailed site plan, prepared pursuant to the City's site plan preparation standards included in the checklist, and the concept site plan approved under DR 05-08, shall be prepared and submitted for review and inclusion into the project file. G. Prior to construction of public improvements, unless other timing is indicated, the applicant/developer shall complete the following. (NOTE: Because of the absence of adequate development plans for conditioning of this project, to make an accurate determination whether construction of public improvements is required it is assumed herein, that additional fire hydrants shall be installed when deemed necessary by the City Fire Marshal. Additional fire hydranUs installation shall include, but not limited to, extension of the water main and construction of appurtenant devices.) (Engineerinq) 1. Submittal of improvement plans to the Development Services Department for review and approval of the following improvements. (NOTE: If there are no public improvements to be required, then this condition does not apply.) a. Fire HydranUs — to be installed at locations determined by the City Fire Marshal. Improvements shall be constructed in accordance with City adopted standards and specifications, the latest adopted edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and its corresponding San Diego supplements, and the current San Diego Regional Standard Drawings. 2. The applicanUdeveloper shall pay the following fees and post or pay appropriate securities: a. Improvement plan checking and inspection fees. b. Pertormance and payment securities. These securities may be waived by the City Engineer if a substantial amount of grading is completed prior to installation of public improvements and there is sufficient amount of grading securities still held by the City to complete the remainder of the grading works and public improvements. c. Right-of-Way and/or Encroachment Permits, if required as hereupon mentioned. 3. Submittal of a request for and hold a pre-construction meeting with a City Engineering Inspector. The applicanUdeveloper shall be responsible that necessary individuals, such as, but not limited to, contractors, subcontractors, 9 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� Resolution No. P- Page 6 project civil engineer and project soils engineer must attend the pre- construction meeting. 4. A Right-of-Way Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Development Senrices Department for any work to be done in public street rights-of-way or City-held easements. 5. No private improvements shall be placed or constructed within public street rights-of-way or City easements unless any one of the following is satisfied: a. An Encroachment Permit has been issued by the City for the improvements; or b. An Encroachment Removal Agreement has been executed by the developer/owner and subsequently approved by the City; or c. Approval of grading or improvement plans, on which a Right-of-Way Permit has been issued for the private improvements shown to be constructed. The City reserves the right to choose any or all of the above, under certain circumstances when City deems necessary. H. Prior to Building Permit issuance, unless other timing is indicated, the following conditions shall be satisfied: (Planning) 1. A building materials and color board shall be submitted and approved. Materials and colors shall be muted earth tones and shall be compatible with existing Clubhouse and residences in the vicinity. 2. A detailed landscaping and irrigation plan, and plancheck fees, shall be submitted and approved. (Engineering) 3. Completion of and approval by the City of rough grading of the project site. 4. City approval of the soils compaction report. 5. City approval of a certification of line and grade. The certification shall be prepared by the projects civil engineer or City-approved designee. 6. Payment of development fees to the City, unless other payee is indicated. The fees and the corresponding amounts are as follows and are subject to change 10 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�_ Resolution No. P- Page 7 without further notice. The amounts to be paid shall be those in effect at time of payment. Water base capacity fee (if new and/or additional water meter is to be installed) For 3/:' meter = $ 3,710.00 per meter For 1" meter = $ 6,678.00 per meter For 1'/z" meter = $10,388.00 per meter Other meter sizes = Contact Engineering Division Water meter fee (if new and/or additional water meter is to be installed) For'/:' meter = $ 130.00 per meter For 1" meter = $ 270.00 per meter For 1'/z" meter = $ 600.00 per meter Other meter sizes = Contact Engineering Division SDCWA System capacity charge (if new and/or additional water meter is to be installed) - To be paid by separate check, payable to San Diego County Water Authority, but remitted through the City of Poway. For 3/<" meter = $ 3,985.00 effective 8-1-05 For 1" meter = $ 6,376.00 effective 8-1-05 For 1'/z' meter = $11,955.00 effective 8-1-05 Other meter sizes = Contact Engineering Division SDCWA Treatment capacity charge (if new and/or additional water meter is to be installed) - To be paid by separate check, payable to San Diego County Water Authority but remitted through the City of Poway. For '/<" meter = $153.00 per meter, effective 8-1-05 For 1" meter = $245.00 per meter, effective 8-1-05 For 1'/�' meter = $459.00 per meter, effective 8-1-05 Other meter sizes = Contact Engineering Division Sewer connection fee = $7,651.68" (for 3.8 EDU) " (3.8 EDU x $3,356 per EDU) — (40% x 3.8 x $3,356) _ $7,651.68 Where: 3.8 EDU = 7,500 SF = 2,000 SF (EDU is rounded to nearest tenth) 7,500 SF is building area 2,000 SF of building area is 1 EDU 40% represents prior payment made in sewer reservation by others 11 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� Resolution No. P- Page 8 Sewer Indirect Benefit Fee = $4,800.00" ** ($500 x 9.6 EDU) _ $4,800.00 Where: $500.00 Indirect benefit charge per EDU 9.6 EDU = 3.8 for the 7,500 SF events building + 5.8 EDU shortage for the approval of CUP 90-13(M), DR 98-35 and VAR 99-12, Resolution No. P-00-03. The Indirect Benefit fee for 5.8 EDU was not collected in conjunction with previous project entitlement. Sewer cleanout fee = $50.00 per cleanout (if new lateral is installed) Sewer cleanout inspection fee = $25.00 per cleanout Traffic mitigation fee = None Drainage fee = None Park fee = None 7. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of Electrical/Building Permit issuance. 8. School impact fees shall be paid at the rate established at the time of Building Permit issuance. Please contact the Poway School District for additional information at (858) 679-2570. I. Prior to City's approval for occupancy and release of securities, unless othertiming is indicated, the following conditions shall be satisfied: 1. Completion of public improvements. 2. City approval of record drawings of the grading and improvement plans. 3. Dedication of a 20.00-foot wide easement to the City for new public water lines, if any. A$1,000.00 processing fee shall be paid to the City for each new easement dedication. 4. A Maintenance Mechanism Agreement for maintenance of all storm water BMPs (Best Management Practices), satisfactory to the Director of Development Services, shall be prepared and subsequently recorded. 12 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�` Resolution No. P- Page 9 5. Posting of a warranty bond for the constructed public improvements. The City, however, reserves the right to waive this requirement under appropriate circumstances. 6. Grading securities shall be released only upon completion of the project and upon City approval of the record drawings of the grading plans. 7. Pertormance securities for public improvements, if posted and separate from the grading securities, shall only be reduced twice before completion of improvements. 8. Payment securities and remaining performance securities, if any, shall be released no sooner than 90 days after City's acceptance of improvements, posting of warranty security, and approval of record drawings. J. The following shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services: 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Sections 1503 and 1504 and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64. 2. The building shall display its numeric address in a manner visible from the access street. Minimum size of the building numbers shall be six inches on the front facade of the building. Building address shall also be displayed on the roof in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Safety Services, and meeting Sheriff's Dept. -ASTREA criteria. 3. Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible to Fire Department apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather driving surtace of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus having a minimum of 13'6" of vertical clearance. The road surtace type shall be approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the City of Poway Municipal Code. 4. The building will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system meeting P.M.C. requirements. The entire system is to be monitored by a central monitoring company. Double detector check valve assembly and system post indicator valve(s) with tamper switches shall also be monitored. These fire protection devices shall be located by the City Fire Marshal prior to installation. 5. An automatic fire alarm system shall be installed to approved standards by a properly licensed contractor. System shall be completely monitored by a U.L. listed central station alarm company or proprietary remote station. 13 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�_ Resolution No. P- Page 10 6. A hood and duct extinguishing system may be installed for all cooking facilities within the kitchen area. Plans to be submitted and approved, prior to installation. 7. A 'Knox' Security Key Box shall be required for the building at a location determined by the City Fire Marshal. 8. Permanent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as `Fire Lanes' with appropriate signs and curb markings. 9. Minimum 3A:40BC fire extinguisher required for every 3,000 square feet and 75' travel distance. 10. If an elevator is installed, it shall be sized to accommodate a normal hospital gurney. Minimum dimensions for the inside car platform shall be 6'8"wide by 4'3" deep. 11. The addition of an on-site fire hydrants may by be required. The location of the hydrants shall be determined by the City Fire Marshal. 12. Fire sprinkler riser(s) shall be located within ten (10) feet of an exterior exit man door or shall be located inside an enclosed closet with an exterior access man door. Door shall be labeled with a sign indicating "Fire Sprinkler Riser." Door shall be labeled with a sign indicating "Fire Sprinkler Riser." When the closet method is chosen, applicant shall provide 36 inches of clearance from the standpipe or attached additional risers, accessible by a 3'-0" man door. J. Upon establishment of the private school, pursuant to CUP 04-06, the following shall apply: (Planning) 1. The facility shall be operated in such a manner as to minimize any possible disruption caused by noise. At no time shall equipment noise from any source exceed the noise standards contained in the Poway Municipal Code. No loudspeaker sound amplification system shall be used outside the building. 2. All lighting fixtures shall be maintained such that they reflect light downward, away from any road or street, and away from any adjoining premises. 3. The parking areas, driveways and landscape areas shall be well maintained. 14 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� Resolution No. P- Page 11 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 6th day of September 2005. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of pery'ury, that the foregoing Resolution No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of September 2005, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway M:�planning\05reporticup\90-13m(4)MaderasVeso.doc 15 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #�_ _�I� r���: ��� � � ,. �� �� �> > ., , � I�i ��:� _ /r! ,:,,,;;� �'�� � � ,,,s ,/ ��� � � !iI`'/ , / �,/ �,,��� !--- _ i���� � a•r_.�r� �r - � ser. �. � /y � ■�. . . /� •. �/9�' ���� � � - %/�,y���■ �� � -. . �����i. ���/.���i�,I��: � �, .,�� 'I"I% �/ ��'�!��� I �� ����� ��� • • � • �� ■� � , - - • `� ��j+�� t��� � � I . w?W �!!/���� � ,� � �� �Faunura�uv���,--�r � . `���� \ -■■■■■■. • � �� ;�r:�,i•,•,..�����► J���� �I �� ��I � �� � �;�f�,���1; � I � • � � �• � � . . .:. .. _.,���� ���G W�,�.'!yiiGA'1L iil�NlH;' ,�����i�/:1C\C.J�� � � 1 � �•...�.������ rA1�� �v �s���,.• � ..�-r-:::�; ��er.n�r ' ''�+�:�i�;!� /. nw.w � �,:i . .._ � � � � ' • • � ' � � : — � � . � . . � • _ . . - � � ` I I ' � � I �-y�a' � yr-- , ��J;%j�� __�� � _- . . �� ��`� �1� � i ��� v..�-_ � �� � � . - - /��:,�..� � -- -- _. �1.a� � � , � / � -- - _- , i �l .. ��_- ,iva- � � 1 � _ - :�1=�_ � ' ,,j' - -- / ,�`- - - . ; / - _ �� �- �� �� \ .� � ; _ �� ' ��` _ , _ �; , !� . - � � � � -` _ ` � � � z �; �- _ �- �` �+�^ �- --- ; � i �� i ; ,--,,, � �P f�r- I.c 11� C� [�+' � MADRpAb MULTIPURPOSE ROOM „ y p m j - �EP > 17J500lCOACHRD. a� n A II� I .�..� �x � , — �^'rOYCA.92060 � 9 6 � � ' �� �ff �"^i I 17 of 21 d ail-1 ATTACHMENT C S35 September 6, 2005 Item #�` a �' ^-'c. �.7 �� ' � z' � ' ITi � c � � � . � � x r > � Dy � m � I r -� �� � � � ._,o �. 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I ' ri} i m C;� p _ .,�a; �-,-, � �,� � ,.� � m ti I ,: , I ; m e !i� � x m � � ' D °� i+� P 1b < �� �G ` ' _{ y u €� � P Z --i O Z D MADERAS MULTIPURPOSE ROOM n y m � � � � � � �E +nso o�eowcx no. � � � � � $ � ^ � rownrcaszoea �°'� � R � � � �¢� ---d awm: � sa. IF �■ EXTE0.10RELEVATION& �5�� �� �J PRELIMINARY EET NOT FOR CON8TRUCTION 20 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #jL _ m � � °� - � �� � m z� ,�,, m ?� a� � � mf ^9 C � �� � aa , m � �'� ; « �� � � ;� I _;y � t y�Yf�j� t �" i `� � � -�,�,w; � !�F � � � y i" _ I I � . '�� � �Tti � I � .rE�.;d �t?;�*,[ i i i ii ii � 'I ' i i i ' i i �7 i � y W J i y r� i Y . ..�;;y� i � i ~�4 r� � w�:_� ��. � i �tn,y,f�'Si�"'b . �..'1 � O :a: � y �^ � �� :a� 4 �� � Y � {Y � 2 j !� �� � � � =�-<. � $� i� � � ``Y� � v ��I� .. I 4 :"F"; ' '3:�. 1� 1 � II T il I N �n � �� I I I � � K� � N� i —� 'm ,�s O °m 6�`� � ; m �ur ±k $ m � O � � r 4 m ���—�—� s G m °� ��� � c D °` � �u` � F O � Z O z D MADERA$ MULTIPURPOSE ROOM � y m s � � � � � � f[ �r +��so o�cowex nc. s� � a �� +� § 8 f� ,—. O POWAYCA92084 �a� � � '¢ � � �L� �'I vr nw: ed. �` � EXTERIORELEVATbNS �3� �� PRELIMINARY SET NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 21 of 21 September 6, 2005 Item #� Distributed (Limited): September 6, 2005 From: "mj"� To: <dhigginson@ci.poway.ca.us> Date: 9/6/2005 11:34:45 AM Subject: Maderas Country Club CUP Greetings Don, 1'm contacting you regarding the Maderas Application being heard tonight, as a private citizen.Their CUP proposal for the large new permanent banquet facility reminded me that the Old Coach projecYs EIR required some mitigation measures that have never been satisfied.The most important among them being the provision of worker housing for those employed primarily in or around the golf course/country club. After leaving Planning Services in Poway, I worked for the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. One of my tasks was to contact cities and counties that were overdue on their General Plan Updates and more specifically on comprehensive looks at their Housing Eiements. IYs been five years since I retired from that agency and during that time Poway's General Plan and Housing Element have become sorely out of date. Now that our City is embarking on the required overhaul of the Housing Element, it's important to take stock of promises not kept(the Maderas project being one)and at the prospect of hunting for physical space for over 1,000 new affordable apartment units which Poway will be required to facilitate over the next five years. In this time of national tragedy, where the plight of the poor has been brought into bold relief in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, isn't it time to put everything on the table when making an honest search for housing for the least among us? I for one support building affordable housing in north Poway, in particular along Espola Road, happily next-door to Maderas Country Club. that lovely graded lot adjacent to Fire Station #2. Schools and bus services are readily available to that site. Emergency services are a non-issue.The distance to the supermarket(the Albertsons in RB) 1.2 miles, is no greater than it is for many residents in apartments on Carriage Road, Robison Blvd, Oak Knoll, Pomerado Road and other streets where large concentrations of low-income residents live. There you have it:work, transportation, schools, shopping, safety; the bundie of"services"described in California state law which give weight to site selection for affordable housing for low and very low income residents. It's time to be courageous. Many people who work for north Poway employers, the goif course grounds keepers, the service workers who are employed by the existing, and soon-to-be new and improved banquet center, not to mention the housekeepers, yard workers, and childcare workers for all the estate homes in and around the north Poway area, travel mostly by bus to get to work. It's time to be honest about the need to house them closer to their jobs. We in north Poway need to carry our fair share of the burden to accommodate affordable housing. In the case of Maderas Country Club, the EIR requires it. Don, please ask for a continuance of the public hearing so that a new condition can be drafted requiring Maderas to complete a worker housing project before expansion of the banquet facility is permitted. Don't let them get away with telling you that they contract with private companies for all their worker needs. The people who work there are human beings who are living somewhere now, (probably in unsafe, overcrowded conditions)and are making their way to work to that location, that makes it Maderas' responsibility. I hope you understand that my husband and I have lived in Poway for 26 yea�s, 19 of which has been in Bridlewood Lakeside. We've raised our children here. I helped Gail Trunnell with the incorporation drive 1979-80. And most of all, I have worked to protect Poway from ill-conceived development ali of my - professional career. I value the quality of life here and I also know that our quality of life is not jeopardized by doing what's right. Thank you, Don, 1 of 1 September 6, 2005, Item # 2 Distributed (Limited): September 6, 2005 From: "mj"� To: <mboyack@ci.poway.ca.us> Date: 9/6/2005 12:4125 PM Subject: Maderas Country Club Dear Merilee, 1'm contacting you because I'm concerned about the Maderas CUP application on the tonight's agenda. I was a Pianner for the City of Poway during the approval process for the Old Coach project, of which the golf course and country club were a part. The EIR for this project required the provision of on-site worker housing. It did so in order to mitigate the impact of dozens, perhaps hundreds of workers required to serve the needs of the golf course and the country club. Unfortunately, the worker housing was never built. Now that Maderas wants to expand the country club's facilities with the large banquet hall, it brings the problem back into focus. I live in north Poway, yet I do believe that it is not only equitable but responsible to adhere to the original requirements for mitigation. It reduces the numbers of trips these workers must make in a time of tightening gas supplies and rising prices for transportation overall. Right now, all of the low and very low income housing is concentrated in the two poorest census tracts of Poway. These people work in north Poway, they should be able to live here, send their children to school here, play in the parks here and shop at the Albertson's in R.B. as so many north Powegians do. Nothing wrong with that. The vacant lot just adjacent to Fire Station#2 wouid make a very reasonable site for apartments. There are others besides myself who live in north Poway and already believe that it's the right thing to do. Please vote tonight for a continuance of this public hearing and direct the City Attorney to look into the required worker housing for Old Coach Golf Estates and Maderas Country Club. In a very short time the City of Poway will need to produce a new Housing Element. With that endeavor will come the requirement to absorb our new five-year alotment of affordable units-likely to be more that 1,000. We have to get real about where these units will go.They can't continue to be sited on the south side of the city. It's not right. Thank you, Merrilee Marijo Van Dyke 1 of 1 September 6, 2005, Item #2 Distributed (Limited): September 6, 2005 From: "mj"� To: <brexford@ci.poway.ca.us> Date: 9/6/2005 12:5625 PM Subject: Maderas Country Club CUP Dear Betty, I'm writing io you because I'm concerned about the expansion of the country club. If you recall,when the greater Old Coach project was approved, one of the mitigation measures required of the developer of the country club was to provide on-site worker housing.We both know that it was never built. The workers who make their way to the site every day come on busses.They travel from God-knows-where and bear the hardship of lengthy travei on top of very difficult work. I live in north Poway, yet I do believe that it's time for us to absorb some of the affordable housing units that are required to service the needs of the workers not just of the golf course, the country club and the giant new homes in Old Coach. People in north Poway who hire housekeepers, gardeners, day care workers need io accepl that these people are human beings.They should be able to live near their work. Their children should be able to attend Painted Rock and Chaparcal schools insteaded of being herded into Valley School, which is aiready overwhelmed with underprivileged kids. Yes, the outcry will be great! But in the end, people will accept what they know they must, especially after - having witnessed the tragedy of the poor in New Orleans. Betty, please ask for a continuance until a condition can be crafted that requires the creation of the housing before the construction of the new permanent banquet facility at the country club. As the process goes forward for the drafting and adoption of a new Housing Eleme�t, this whole disparity , with the placement of affordable units will come into sharper focus.There are more north Poway residents that you think who already are coming to grips with the need for worker housing in our midst. Be courageous and fight for whaYs right. Thanks Betty, Marijo Van Dyke 1 of 1 September 6, 2005, Item #2 Distributed (Limited): September 6, 2005 '. , . � F`dW� �� 2,�+.I� rt-: r:�TE � TIME�'�!r:. . . - � :� .. . .. .. � � � � � � � . VOF PHONE/� . �. MOBILE FAX W MESSAGE O �TELEPHONED . - � �RETURNED VOUR CALL O 1�(,y� �; PLEASE CALL W ILL CALL AGAIN _ _ .� � CAME TO SEE YQU � �(C> ' §;�: �WAMiS 70 SEE Y4lU�:��.. 9 of 1 September 6, 2005, Item #2