Item 8 - Approval of Minutes AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY `' y �� �,y �; TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council "" �^TM6`° FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man� INITIATED BY: L. Diane Shea, City Clerk� DATE: September 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACT The minutes of the minutes of the August 16, 2005 Regular Meeting and the August 23, 2005 Canceled Regular Meeting have been prepa�ed and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of minutes of the August 16, 2005 Regular Meeting and the August 23, 2005 Canceled Regular Meeting. ACTION 1 of 10 September 6, 2005, Item#� CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA NOT YET MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL �'PROVED REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 16, 2005 The August 16, 2005, Regular Meeting of the City Cou�cil of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Mayor Cafagna at the City Councii Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, Califomia. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, and Mickey Cafagna COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Merrilee Boyack and Don Higginson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James L. Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Assistant City Manager Tamara Smith City Attomey Diane Shea City Clerk Robert Clark Director of Community Services Niall Fritz Director of Development Services Jim Howell Director of Pubiic Works Deborah Johnson Director of Redevelopment Services Patti Brindle City Planner Charlie Campe Sheriffs Captain Kristen Crane Assistant to the City Manager Paolo Romero Management Assistant FLAG SALUTE Deputy Mayor Emery led the pledge of allegiance. PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Service Award to Diane Mann, Code Compliance Officer - 10 years. The Mayor presented the service award with the Cit�s appreciation and congratulations. CITY COUNCILMEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Deputy Mayor Emery gave a review of the Miami Grill Restaurant. PUBUC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Cafagna explained the procedures for Public Oral Communications. The following people spoke: 8458 2 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#�_ NOT YET Page 2—CITY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 APPROVED Ed Schaefer, 15151 Crocker Road, Poway, said he was contacted by City's Code Enforcement personnel to clean up trash o� property adjacent to his located near a bus stop. He suggested the City install a trash receptacle at the bus stop. CONSENT CALENDAR Items 10 through 25.1. Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, seconded by Councilmember Re�o�d, to approve the Consent Calendar. 10. Ratification of Warrant Reaister for the period of June 27 through July 1, 2005 and July 4 through July 8, 2005. (0475-20) 11. Aparoval of Minutes—City Council July 19, 2005 Regular Meeting July 26, 2005 Canceled Regular Meeting 13. Approval of CiN's lnvestment Reaort as of June 30, 2005. (0450-80) 14. Approval of Designation of Votinsa Delesaate for Leaaue of Califomia Cities Annual Conference to be held in San Francisco from October 6 through October 8, 2005. (0710-60) 15. Reiection of Claim for Damages (1)— Perry DiCarlo. (0190-10) 16. Award of Bid to Bedco Truck Eauioment in the amount of $65,206 with the appropriation of $13,050 from the Unappropriated Sewer Fund Balance for the construction and installation of three truck beds. (0480-20) 17. Approval of Temporary Sewer Connection for the property located at 13715 Janette Lane; Frank and �rginia Openshaw, Applicants. APN: 314-242-17. Item removed from the agenda at the request of the applicant. (0940-40) 18. Acceptance of the Powav Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation Proiect ftom ERS Industrial Services, Inc. (0700-10) 19. Approval of Standard Agreement for Renewal of Contract for Fire Insoector Services with Michael Chillinsky through Fiscal Year 2005-06. (0700-10) 20. Award of Bid to Dalev-CCAV. J.V., in the amount of $778,997 for the 2004-2005 Overlay Project #407-4320 (Bid No. 06-001). (0700-10) 21. Approval to proceed with the Feasibility Report and Proposal from Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc., for Left-Turn Lanes on Powav Road at Millards Road and at Blue Crystal Trails and Mina de Oro Road in the amount not to exceed $68,000. (OB6U80) 8459 3 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#$ NOT YET Page 3—CITY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 APPROVED 22. Award of Bid to American As�halt South. Inc., in the amount of$894,241 for the 2005- 2006 Seal Coat Project#407-4320 (Bid No. 05-022). (0700-10) 23. Approval of a Communitv Contribution for the Poway High School Agriculture Department in the amount of$1,500. (0160-10) 24. Acceptance of Improvements and Release of Securities for Deer Canvon Devetooment. Inc. associated with MDRA 02-04; Grading Bond No. 827730S in the amount of$129,120; Pertormance Bond No. 827729S in the amount of$250,942 and Payment Bond No. 827729S in the amount of $125,477. Michael Dec, Applicant. APNs: 321-230-87 through 90. (Continued from August 2,2005, Item#13.)(0200-25) 25. Adoption of Resolution No. 05-080, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Califomia, Commending Eaale Scout A.J. Schumann." (0710-40) 25.1 Approval of classification s�ecification for Administrative Assistant I-II-III. (0510-50) Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 1 (0700-10/0610-50) AMENDMENT TO SALE & OPERATING AGREEMENT DETERMINATION OF RELIEF OF BURDEN POWAY ROYAL MOBILEHOME PARK Mayor Cafagna opened the public hearing and City Manager Bowersox presented the staff report. There was no one present wishing to speak on this matter. Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford, to authorize the City Manager to execute an amended Management Agreement with Wakeland, continue the Determination and Relief of Govemment item until August 30, 2005, open the public hearing on the Amended Sale and Operating Agreement, and continue the public hearing until August 30, 2005. Motion qrried 3-0, with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. 8460 4 of 10 September 6, 2005 kem#_$_ NOT YET Page 4—CiTY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 APPROVED ITEM 2 (0210-50) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (MCUP)05-01 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (DR) 04-08 VARIANCE (VAR) 05-04 14007-14015 POWAY ROAD - LLC, APPLICANT APN: 323-270-44 Mayor Cafagna opened the public hearing. City Manager Bowersox presented the staff report. The project would remove the ewsting commercial building and singie-family residence on the site that is currently zoned Auto/General Commercial. Presently the main operation of the SKG Motorsports is located at 14035-14055 Kirkham Way in the South Poway Business Park. The Business Park operation is geared toward modification and installation of accessories into custorxeze vehicles. The proposed Poway Road SKG Motorsports operation will be geared towards sale of customized trucks and sport utility vehicles, sale of auto enhancement accessories and to provide general auto service for customers' vehicies. Steve Zuill, P. O. Box 873, Poway, explained his reasons for wanting to see a 40'entrance to Sudan Road. Motion by Councilmember Rexford and seconded by Mayor Cafagna to dose the public hearing, and adopt Planning Resolution P-05-52 entitled, "A Resolution ofthe City Counal of the City of Poway, Califomia, Approving Minor Conditional Use Permit 05-01, Development Review 04-08 and Variance 05-04, Assessor's Parcel number 323-270-44." Motion carried 3- 0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. ITEM 3 (0210-30) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 00-02R EAST SIDE OF OLD COACH ROAD NORTH &ADJACENT TO BLUE SKY RESERVE APNs: 277-070-33, 277-080-03 and 277-080-22 APPLICANT: ED AND BARBARA MALONE Mayor Cafagna opened the public hearing. On November 18, 2003, the City Council approved the Hidden Valley Ranch (HVR) project and certified the projecYs Environmental Impact Report. The project is located on an approximate 420-acre site located on the east side of Old Coach Road, north of and adjacent to Blue Sky Ecologiql Reserve. The site .contains the home of, and is an active agricultural ranch, operated by Ed and Barbara Malone. The appliqnts intend to develop a 2-phase, 41-lot, detached,single family master- planned neighborhood; maintain the rriajority of the existing agricultural operation and the existing residence on-site; create a private 9-hole golf course, and set aside approximately 57 acres of the site as open space. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. 8461 5 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#�$_ NOT YET Page 5-CITY OF POWAY-August 16, 2005 APPROVED Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery and seconded by Councilmember Rexford to dase the public hearing, and adopt Pianning Resolution P-05-53 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Counai of the City of Poway, Califomia, Approving Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 00-02R, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 277-070-33, 277-080-03, and 277-080-22." Motion passed 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. ITEM 4 (0210-70) VARIANCE (VAR) 05-09 13523 FRAME ROAD; APN: 317-060-37 MICHAEL SALAZAR, APPUCANT Mayor Cafagna opened the pubiic hearing. This is a request for a variance to allow a maximum 8-foot-high retaining wall in the rear yard,where a maximum 6-foot-high retaining wall is permitted, on a developed singie-family lot located at 13523 Frame Road, in the Residential Single-Family (RS-7) zone. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Motion by Councilmember Rexford and seconded by Deputy Mayor Emery to dose the public hearing adopt Planning Resolution P-05-54 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Califomia Approving Variance 05-09 AssessoPs Parcel Number317-060-37." Motion passed 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. STAFF REPORTS ITEM 5 (0220-60) SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (SPA) 98-01 HILLEARY PLACE BETWEEN MIDLAND ROAD & COMMUNITY ROAD APNs: 317-130-42, 66, 67, and 68 Specific Plan (SP)9&01 was approved by the City Council on October 6, 1998,for the 18.29 acre Cortttnercial Generai site located south of Hiileary Place, between Midland Road and Community Road that includes WalMart and the commercial uses at the comer of Communiry Road and Hiileary Place.The Specific Plan was established to govem the type of�rrrneraal uses that would be allowed on the site. Staff has received a request from the owners of 0'Harley's, located within this center, to amend the Zoning Ordinance, to allow a Minor Conditional Use Permit (MCUP) rather than a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)for this area to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance amendment. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. 8462 6 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#_$_ NOT YET Page 6—CITY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 APPROVED Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery and seconded by Councilmember Rexford adopt Resolution 05-079 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the Ciry of Poway, Califomia, Initiating a Specific Plan Amendment (SPA)98-01 to the Specific Plan Pertaining to Uses Allowed with the Approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit, APN 317-130-42, 66, 67 and 68." Motion passed 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. ITEM 6 (0210-30) ANNUAL REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP)/ RECLAMATION PLAN 89-05 VULCAN MATERIALS - 13501 KIRKHAM WAY APNs: 320-031-03, 04 AND 06 Vulcan Materials is an e�tisting mineral extraction/processing and concrete manufacturing business located at 13501 Kirkham Way. As part of the CUP approval, provisions were made for regular annual reporting on activity at the site. Since the last annual report, no mineral extraction activity has occurred at the site. Mineral extraction is expected to resume at the site later this year or early 2006. Since the last annual report, the following information has been submitted: an updated reclamation plan, an Interim Management Plan, update of the estimate for financial assurances, plans for the approved noise attenuation wall, and landscape plans fo�noise wall screening and dust control. An unannounced site inspection was conducted on July 7, 2005, which revealed that the applicant/project is in compliance with the conditions of approval and City regulations. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Council consensus was to receive and file the 2005 Annual Report. ITEM 7 (1020-70) CITY'S 25T" ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION City Manager Bowersox and Director of Community Services Clark presented the staff report. The City of Poway will be celebrating its 25"' Anniversary of incorporation this coming December. Due to the significance of the City's 20"'Anniversary, a unique and enormously successful comrnunity celebration was held at Old Poway Park on December 16, 2000. Continuing with the tradition of acknowledging important milestones, the City will be celebrating its upcoming 25"' Anniversary on December 3, 2005 with a community—wide celebration at City Hall. There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. 8463 7 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#_$__ NOT YET APPROVED Page 7—CITY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 Motion by Deputy Mayor Emery and seconded by Councilmerr�er Rexford to approve the 25th Anniversary Working Group's event proposal to provide a 25"'Anniversary celebration for Poway residents on Saturday, December 3, 2005 and appropriate $50,000 from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance to the Community Services Department Community Relations Account for the event; and appropriate$1,300 from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance to the City Managers Office Printing Accouritfor a special 25°i Anniversary supplemental section for the winter edition of Poway Today. Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. ITEM 8 (0210-90) CROCKER ROAD DRAINAGE REPORT This item was continued to the City Council meeting of August 30, 2005. ITEM 9 (0200-25) MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION MDRA (04-87) HILLSIDElRIDGELINE REVIEW AREA MIDLAND ROAD EXTENSION NORTH OF TWIN PEAKS PETER AND CHRIS TUPPER, OWNER APN 314-650-04 The applicants are requesting the approval of a Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) to construct a 4,374-square-foot, 2-story, single-family residence measuring a rnaximum of 33 feet in height and an attached 794-square-foot garage, on a 6.01-acre property located at the Midland Road extension, north of Twin Peaks Road. The property is zoned Rural Residential A and located within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. Dee Fleischman, 14428 Midland Road, Poway, requested that the exhibits used to show the project, be enhanced to more realistiqlly depict the proposed plans. Motion by Councilmember Rexford and seconded by Deputy Mayor Emery to approve the Minor Development Review Application 04-87, and approve Planning Resolution No. P-0S- 55, entitled"A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Califomia Approving Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 04-87, Assessor's Parcel Number 314-650-04." Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmembers Boyack and Higginson absent. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 31A. Deputy Mayor Erriery gave his restaurant review of Miami Grill under City Councilmembers Announcements at the beginning of the meeting. 8464 8 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#� NOT YET Page 8—CITY OF POWAY—August 16, 2005 APPROVED 31 B. Deputy Mayor Emery asked the City Council to consider consolidation of volunteer lists for future recognition dinners. Council consensus was to place this issue on a future agenda for discussion. 32. Mayor Cafagna requested and received concurrence to hoid a Pre-Development Conference (PDC 05-02) on September 1, 2005 for Ted Tchang, Tech Business Center, LLC, regarding a proposed change in land use designation from Light Industrial (LI}to Light Industrial/Outdoo�Storage(LI/OS)and a request to rrrodify the land use matrix relating to the maximum allowable gross floor area for Light Wholesale, Storage and Distribution uses in the Industriai Park(IP)zone.APN: 320- 220-16. (0200-30) ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna adjoumed the meeting at 7:50 p.m. L. Diane Shea City Clerk City of Poway, Califomia 8465 9 of 10 September 6, 2005 Item#�_ NOT YET CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA APPROVED MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL CANCELED REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 2005 COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT None COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Merrilee Boyack, Bob Emery, Don Higginson, Betty Reuford, Mickey Cafagna The Poway City Council Regular Meeting of August 23, 2005, was pnceled pursuant to City Counal action taken on November 30, 2004. The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 30, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. l. Diane Shea, City Clerk City of Poway, Califomia 8466 10 of 10 September 6, 2005, Item#�_