Item 1.5 - Award of Contract to CivicPlus for a Government Content Management SystemCity ®f Poway , rCOUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: January 21, 2014 APPROVED M APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager Scott Edwards, Director of Administrative Services Brad Rosen, IT Manager e811 Award of Contract to CivicPlus for a Government Content Management System (GCMS@) In keeping with the City's goal of investing in technology to improve operational efficiencies and service levels, the FY 2013 -14 Budget provides for the implementation of certain technology -based enhancements. Of these, funding was approved for a redesigned website and content management system. With a new content management system the City website will function more reliably with current Internet browsers, and will also include responsive design features to address the increasing number of mobile users. After completing a Request for Proposals process, the City has identified CivicPlus to implement the new website, and a contract is attached for Council consideration. The total contract cost is $53,281 over four years. First year implementation costs of $36,494 would be funded via the FY 2013 -14 Budget within the Administrative Services Department. Subsequent years' maintenance costs would also be budgeted via the Administrative Services Department in the amount of $5,504 for year two, $5,504 for year three, and $5,779 for year four. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with CivicPlus in a form acceptable to the City Attorney for the purchase of the software licensing, implementation, support, and maintenance of the CivicPlus GCMS@. Background: In keeping with the City's goal of investing in technology to improve operational efficiencies and service levels, the FY 2013 -14 Budget provides for the implementation of certain technology -based enhancements. Of these, funding was approved for a redesigned website and content management system. This includes certain technology enhancements, which are outlined as follows: 1 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus January 21, 2014 Page 2 Responsive Design Currently, the City's website is designed for viewing via a 1024x768 resolution computer screen. A redesigned website would include responsive design features to adjust the layout of the text and photos to better fit onto the screen size of multiple devices accessing the website, such as tablet computers and mobile phones. Module -based Features CivicPlus' GCMS@ consists of many module -based features that can be utilized at any time without additional cost. Modules include: Facilities & Reservations, which can be used to display local facilities and related amenities to the public; Alert Center, which provides a way to get news out to the community quickly, activating notifications that can be sent out through email, text message and social media; and new modules that are anticipated to be built and deployed regularly over time. The City will have access to new and existing modules at any time and at no additional cost. Dynamic Page Components Dynamic Page components, such as event calendars, news announcements, and FAQs, are key features that make up a web site. The City's current website displays one type of dynamic information per page, which is only editable by the web administrator. Given the structure of our current website, this can only be changed if the City pays for custom programming. Using the CivicPlus' GCMS @, Dynamic page components may be placed on any page to help display relevant information by functional area, and they may be edited by respective staff in each City department. This functionality improves the website design and makes pages more useful to the public. Findings: The IT Division recently distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) to various companies specializing in the creation of government websites, with six vendors responding to the request. A multi- department team evaluated and rated the proposals based on the overall value for the website redesign and content management solution, focusing on software, design, implementation, training, and support. Following the evaluation process, the team identified CivicPlus' GCMS@ as the most qualified and cost - effective choice that most closely matched the City's current and anticipated future needs. Once implemented, the CivicPlus' GCMS@ will provide the City and community with a unique and customized website design for the poway.org and powaycenter.com websites, including: new intuitive navigation; page layout; interactive functions; page versioning; and many new modules and features over time. The attached Agreement (Attachment A) includes the pricing and terms for the software licensing, installation, support, and maintenance of the CivicPlus' GCMS@ solution. The total four -year contract cost is $53,281. First year implementation costs of $36,494 would be funded via the FY 2013 -14 Budget within the Administrative Services Department. Subsequent years' maintenance costs would also be budgeted via the 2 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus January 21, 2014 Page 3 Administrative Services Department in the amount of $5,504 for year two, $5,504 for year three, and $5,779 for year four. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds have been budgeted in the Administrative Services FY 2013 -14 operating budget (0108- 6122C) for the first year implementation costs of $36,494. Environmental Review% This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None. Attachment A: Agreement between the City of Poway and CivicPlus 3 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Attachment A City of Poway STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This Agreement entered into this day of , 20 , by and between the CITY OF POWAY (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and Icon Enterprises, Inc., a Kansas corporation, doing business in California as CivicPlus (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant "). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the services of a private consultant to perform website design, programming and implementation for the Website Redesign and Content Management System (Project); and WHEREAS, Consultant is a(n) government website and application integration consultant and has represented that Consultant possesses the necessary qualifications to provide such services; and WHEREAS, City has authorized the preparation of an agreement to retain the services of Consultant as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT CITY DOES HEREBY RETAIN CONSULTANT ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide services as described in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Compensation and Reimbursement. City shall compensate and reimburse Consultant as provided in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 4. Termination. Except as otherwise provided below, this Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. City may terminate this Agreement if Consultant is found in default of any obligation hereunder which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such default. In addition, if at any time after commencement of service, City determines that such services are inadequate, unsatisfactory, or substantially not conforming to the descriptions, warranties, or representations contained herein, the City may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days' written notice to Consultant. Consultant may terminate this Agreement if City is found in default of any obligation hereunder, which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such default. In addition, if at any time after commencement of service, Consultant fails to receive payment for services rendered to City, the Consultant may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days' written notice to City. 5. Confidential Relationship. City may from time to time communicate to Consultant certain information to enable Consultant to effectively perform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not disclose any part thereof without the prior written consent of the City. Consultant shall limit the use and circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to perform the services. The foregoing obligation of this Paragraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) has been disclosed in publicly available sources . of information; (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) has been or is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a third party, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereof has been or isrightfully authorized by that third party. Consultant shall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matter of this contract without the prior written consent of the City. In its performance hereunder, Consultant shall comply with all legal obligations it may now or hereafter have respecting the information or other property of any other person, firm or corporation. 6. Office Space and Clerical Support. Consultant shall provide its own office space and clerical support at its sole cost and expense. 2 5 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 7. Covenant Against Contingent Fees. Consultant declares that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. For breach of violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. 8. Ownership of Documents. Upon full and complete payment of submitted invoices for the Project Development and Deployment and launch of the website, City will own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMSO software. Upon completion of the development of the site, City will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. City, not Consultant, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. City shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third 'party the GCMSO software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMSO software; (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMSO software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMSO administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet -based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMSO software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMSO software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. 9. Conflict of Interest and Political Reform Act Obligations. During the term of this Agreement Consultant shall not act as consultant or perform services of any kind for any person or entity whose interests conflict in any way with those of the City of Poway. Consultant shall at all times comply with the terms of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interest ordinance. Consultant shall immediately disqualify itself and shall not use its official position to influence in any way any matter coming before the City in which the Consultant has a financial interest as defined in Government Code Section 87103. Consultant represents that it has no 3 6 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 knowledge of any financial interests which would require it to disqualify itself from any matter on which it might perform services for the City. "Consultant" means an individual who, pursuant to a contract with a state or local agency: (A) Makes a governmental decision whether to: 1. Approve a rate, rule or regulation; 2. Adopt or enforce a law; 3. Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any, permit, license, application, certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; 4. Authorize the City to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract that requires City approval; 5. Grant City approval to a contract that requires City approval and to which the City is a party, or to the specifications for such a contract; 6. Grant City approval to a plan, design, report, study, or similar item; 7. Adopt, or grant City approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for the City, or for any subdivision thereof; or (B) Serves in a staff capacity with the City and in that capacity participates in making a governmental decision as defined in Regulation 18702.2 or performs the same or substantially all the same duties for the City that would otherwise be performed by an individual holding a position specified in the City's Conflict of Interest Code. - [��•Y�i�Yi11 =�1= ��:1� � 11►d1�i� ❑ 1. Consultant/Contractor will not be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. No disclosure required. ❑ 2. Consultant/Contractor will be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. As a result, Consultant/Contractor shall be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk of the City of Poway in a timely manner as required by law. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 7 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 10. No Assignments. Neither any part nor all of this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to which City, in its sole discretion, consents to in advance thereof in writing. Any assignment or subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 11. Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by City and copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested. 12. Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of the City of Poway. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of Consultant's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes such services. 13. Licenses, Permits. Etc. Consultant represents and declares to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, any license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 14. Consultant's Insurance. Consultant shall provide insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 15. Indemnification. (a) City agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Consultant, and its partners, employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, but only to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of City. 5 8 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 (b) Consultant agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, and its elected and appointed officers, officials; employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, but only to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Consultant. (c) If City and Consultant are both negligent, damages shall be apportioned in accordance with the percentage of negligence of each party. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (a) and (b), above, this paragraph is not intended to benefit entities not a party to this Agreement. 16. Liabilities Consultant will not be liable for any act, omission of'act, negligence or defect in the quality of service of any underlying carrier or other service provider whose facilities or services are used in furnishing any portion of the service received by the City. Consultant will not be liable for any failure of performance that is caused solely by, or solely as the result of, any act or omission by City or any entity other than Consultant that furnishes services, facilities or equipment to the City, and is necessary for use in connection with Consultant services or facilities. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Consultant makes no expressed or implied representations or warranties, including any warranties regarding merchantability or fitness for a particular cause. 17. Consultant Not an Agent. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligation whatsoever. 18. Personnel. Consultant shall assign qualified and certified personnel to perform requested services. The City shall have the right to review and disapprove personnel for assignment to Poway projects. City shall have the unrestricted right to order the removal of any person(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. Consultant's personnel shall at all times comply with City's drug and alcohol policies then in effect. 19. Notices. 9 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Notices shall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 20. Dispute Resolution. In the event of a dispute between City and Consultant concerning the terms of this Agreement or its performance, the parties agree to initially submit such dispute to voluntary mediation before a mutually acceptable mediator prior to arbitration or litigation. In the event that the subject of such action is compensation claimed by Consultant in the event of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the 60 -day period for which Consultant would have been entitled to receive compensation if terminated without cause. In the event of arbitration, each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred. Any action to enforce or interpret the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court in San Diego County, Central Division. Consultant hereby waives any right to remove any such action from San Diego County as is otherwise permitted by California Code of Civil Procedure section 394. 21. Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall mean the individual or corporate consultant and any and all employees of consultant providing services hereunder. 22. Counterparts. This Agreement (and any amendments) may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same .instrument. Documents delivered by telephonic facsimile transmission shall be valid and binding. rA 10 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between Consultant and City relating to the terms and conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. No agreements, representations or promises made by either party, whether oral or in writing, shall be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. Dated: M City of Poway Penny Riley, City Manager Approved as to form: Dated: By: Morgan L. Foley, City Attorney W Dated: Its: Consultant 11 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" EXHIBIT "A" A. Scope of Services. Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by City. Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. In performance of the services Consultant shall provide all services to faithfully complete the proposed solution as detailed in the CivicPlus RFP response dated October 30, 2013 included in this document as Attachment 1. In addition, Consultant will also perform services to faithfully complete services and expectations detailed in ther, City's RFP #14 -004 Scope of'Services which are included in this document as Attachment 2. The website homepage and all interior pages managed by the CivicPlus GCMS@ shall be made with responsive design, automatically resizing, reorganizing, graphics and text to fit to varying screen /window sizes. City will receive one complimentary export of all finalized graphics used to create the website. B. Compensation and Reimbursement. One -fourth of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 1: Consulting; one -fourth of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 3: Website Reveal. Presentation. One - fourth of the total First Year Fee will be invoiced after Phase 4: Customized Website Training has been completed. The remainder of the total First Year Fee and any additional Project Development and Deployment services will be invoiced after completion of successful Phase 5: Go Live. The City shall sign a project completion and acceptance form prior to project "go- live." The date may be extended if material system or operational failures are encountered. Immediately after completing Phase 5: Go Live the final bill for the project development and deployment services will be billable and payable. All Parties agree- that the website will not go -live until the project is accepted in writing by the City. Total First Year invoices are due by the first of the following month, but no later than 30 days from invoice date. Project Development will be discontinued if payment is not made within 30 days after the invoice due date. Invoicing for Annual Services begins one (1) year from the date that the City executes the Agreement. Annual Services invoices may be prorated in order to correlate with the City's budget year, and are invoiced prior to the year of service. After project go -live, if the City's account exceeds 60 days past due, Support will be discontinued until the City's account is made current. If the City's 9 12 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 account exceeds 90 days past due, Annual Services will be discontinued until the City's account is made current. City will be given 30 days' notice prior to discontinuation of services for non - payment. The City will be invoiced electronically through email. Upon request Consultant will mail invoices and the City will be charged a $5.00 convenience fee. Unless otherwise limited by law, a finance charge of 2.9 percent ( %) per month or $5.00, whichever is greater, will be added to past due accounts. Payments received will be applied first to finance charges, then to the oldest outstanding invoice(s). For the purposes of this Agreement an account is "past due" if Consultant invoice remains unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days following the date that it has been emailed by the Consultant. Provided the City's account is current, at any time the City may request an electronic copy of the website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importable /exportable data, and all archived information ( "Customer Content "). City agrees to pay $250 per completed request. Provided the City's account is current, upon termination of services City may request a complimentary electronic copy of website Customer Content and Consultant Government Content Management System ( "GCMS® ") software. After 48 consecutive months under the terms of this Agreement and associated pricing, City will be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional cost. In the event of early termination of this Agreement by the City, City forfeits eligibility for the CP Basic Redesign and all credits applied to such eligibility. Beginning year 4 and including subsequent years that this Agreement is in effect, a technology investment and benefit fee increase of 5 percent ( %) of the total Annual Services costs will be applied. C. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective from the period commencing January 21, 2014, and ending December 31, 2014, unless sooner terminated by City as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." This Agreement may be renewed for four (4) additional one -year terms upon mutual agreement of the parties, to be set forth in an amendment to this Agreement. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to City any and all equipment, documents or materials and all copies made thereof which Consultant received from City or produced for City for the purposes of this Agreement. 10 13 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 D. Consultant's Insurance. 1. Coverages: Consultant shall obtain and maintain during the life of this Agreement all of the following insurance coverages: (a) Comprehensive General Liability, including premises - operations, products /completed broad form property damage, and blanket contractual liability with the following coverages: General Liability $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. (b) Automobile Liability, including owned, hired, and non -owned vehicles: $1,000,000 combined single limit. (c) Consultant shall obtain and maintain, during the life of the Agreement, a policy of Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits, per claim and annual aggregate. (d) Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $1 million each accident (Consultant is an employer in the State of Kansas and abides by those employment laws). 2. Endorsements: Endorsements shall be obtained so that each policy contains the following three provisions: (a) Additional Insured. (Not required for Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance or Workers' Compensation.) "City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees are additional insureds with respect to this subject project and contract with City." (b) Notice. "Consultant will provide notice to City as soon as possible after notification of cancellation." (c) Primary Coverage. "The policy provides primary coverage to City and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees. It is not secondary or in any way subordinate to any other insurance or coverage maintained by City." 11 14 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 3. Insurance Certificates: Consultant shall provide City certificates of insurance showing the insurance coverages described in the paragraphs above, in a form and content approved by City, prior to beginning work under this Agreement. Lam►. dm T All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to the following addresses: To Administrative Services: City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 To Consultant: CivicPlus Attn: Contract Manager 317 Houston St., Suite E Manhattan, KS 66502 F. Support. Consultant will provide unlimited telephone support Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Central Time) excluding holidays, for all trained Client staff. Emergency Support is provided on a 24/7/365 basis for emergency contacts named by the City. Client is responsible for providing Consultant with contact updates. Support includes providing technical support of the GCMS@ software, application support (pages and modules), and technical maintenance of City's website. Following initial setup, additional page design, graphic design, user training, site modification, and custom programming may be contracted separately for an additional fee. During the period of this agreement and subsequent annual renewals, Consultant warrants that it will, without additional charge to the City, take action to correct any problems or defects discovered in the GCMSS software and reported to Consultant by the City, such warranty to include ongoing maintenance upgrades and technical error correction. Consultant provides online website statistics software at no extra charge. If City desires to use other website statistic software, Consultant will provide the necessary log file access. iK 15 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 G. Marketing. City will work with the Consultant's Marketing Department to make a reasonable attempt to gather information and meet deadlines associated with website award contest entries throughout the term of this agreement, and to create a case study related to their website. City permits Consultant to include an example of the City's home page and a link to the City's website on the Consultant corporate website. City will make a reasonable attempt to work with the Consultant Marketing Department to create a news item to be released in conjunction with their project Go- Live date. City will provide Consultant with contact information for local and regional media outlets. Consultant may use the press release in any marketing materials as desired throughout the term of this Agreement. City allows Consultant to display the text "Powered by CivicPlus" linked to CivicPlus at the bottom of their web pages. City understands that the pricing and any related discount structure provided under this agreement assumes such perpetual permission. 13 16 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Attachment 1 A Website Redesign and Content Management System The City of Poway, CA • October 30, 2013 CP CIVICPLUS HF PINC mmm INITIFS FN(-AG �{ IN *PPAC 1 +CONNECTING PEOPLE Developed by Danny Elmore Regional Sales Manager 317 Houston St., Suite E Manhattan, KS 66502 888 - 228 -2233 x310 + Direct 785 - 323 -1510 Fax 785 - 587 -8951 + Elmore @CivicPlus com 17 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Serving more than 1,500 clients in 49 states, Canada and Australia, we partner with governments to create award- winning websites. 18 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Dear Selection Committee Members: Thank you for considering CivicPlus as a partner for Poway's website redevelopment. I've carefully reviewed your RFP, and am excited to present a solution to your challenges in creating a navigationally friendly, easy -to- update and visually appealing website, with minimal work and time commitments from your staff. Of the proposals you review, all should offer a good website design and navigation solution, however, the best solution should also include the latest innovations in government functionality that citizens will use. CivicPlus is the unique provider of the Government Content Management System (GCMS®) — and one of the most innovative, knowledgeable sources for engaging eGovernment websites. CivicPlus' expertise lies in our ability to deliver a comprehensive solution that considers administrative ease and collaboration as well as end -user empowerment... all housed within a sophisticated design that resonates with your community and keeps citizen engagement in mind. Now in our second decade, CivicPlus has created eGovernment solutions for more than 1,500 towns, cities and counties serving more than 50 million people in 49 states, Canada and Australia. These communities are using CivicPlus technology to connect in more engaging ways with their residents, visitors and businesses. In addition to a solution- centric website, CivicPlus provides unrivaled service, support, automatic upgrades and enhancements at no additional charge — guaranteed. Our relentless pursuit of government innovations ensures that our clients' webs ites, regardless of where they begin on our Community Engagement Scale TM (see page 3), continue to move upward today and tomorrow. The following proposal details how the CivicPlus solution will reduce your staffs workload, respect budget constraints and, most importantly, provide your community with a powerful online resource that promotes open and transparent access to your municipal offices and becomes an engaging communication hub for your community. We guarantee to build a website that increases your number of visitors by 50% or we will give 100% of your money back. I sincerely welcome the opportunity to elaborate further on our proposal and answer additional questions you may have about partnering with CivicPlus. Proposal Submitted by: Danny Elmore Regional Sales Manager Direct Line 785 - 323 -1510 Elmore(@CivicPlus.com Authorized Signature:l C Jesse Manning, Director of Sales Icon Enterprises, Inc., d /b /a CivicPlus 317 Houston Street, Suite E Manhattan. KS 66502 19 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 This page intentionally left blank. 20 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA ExecutiveSummary ......................................................................................................................... ..............................2 The CivicPlus- Proven Development Approach ............................................................................. ..............................2 Hundreds of Cities & Counties Are Upgrading to CivicPlus Each Year ........................................ ..............................2 CivicPlusfor Poway ...................................................................................................................... ..............................2 Description of Company and Qualifications ..................................................................................... ..............................4 Company & Contact Information ................................................................................................... ..............................4 Experience on Similar Projects ..................................................................................................... ..............................7 The CivicPlus Effect — Award - Winning Websites & Exceptional Results ..................................... .............................10 Detailed Description of Proposed Solution ...................................................................................... .............................11 Software and Hardware Platform .................................................................................................... .............................23 Implementationand Training ........................................................................................................... .............................24 Our Project Development Approach .......................................................................................... ............................... 25 Kick -Off Meeting .......................................................................................................................... .............................26 Phase1: Consulting .................................................................................................................... .............................27 Phase 2: Website Preview Presentation ...................................................................................... .............................28 Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation ..................................................................................... ............................... 30 Phase 4: Customized Website Training ....................................................................................... .............................31 Phase5: Go Live ......................................................................................................................... .............................32 SystemTesting and Acceptance ..................................................................................................... .............................35 Warranty and Post Implementation Support ................................................................................... .............................36 Annual Maintenance Upgrades ....................................................................................................... .............................37 Pricing........................................................................................................................................... ............................... 38 TheCivicPlus Redesign Option ................................................................................................... .............................39 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... .............................44 AdditionalDocumentation ............................................................................................................... .............................45 1 21 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Executive Summary The City of Poway, an organization serving more than 47,000 residents, has initiated a Request for Proposal to transform its website with an innovative design that enables visitors to find the services and information they need. The website should be user - friendly and utilize the latest technology to provide a convenient source of information to better communicate with citizens. The CivicPlus- Proven Development Approach CivicPlus provides our eGovernment communication solution to more than 50 million citizens in more than 1,500 municipalities — cities and counties of every size across the United States, Canada and Australia. For more than a decade, CivicPlus has focused on government clients, giving our customers access to the latest in next- generation applications that meet and exceed their needs. Those needs include: • A unique and customized website design with minimal work and time commitments from Poway's staff • Intuitive navigation and page layout with unlimited submenus and subpages • Interactive functionality through our Government Content Management System (GCMS®) • Continuously updated, cutting -edge solutions designed by eGovernment experts for governments • A per - project, customized pricing model with comprehensive training and unlimited support included Hundreds of Cities & Counties Are Upgrading to CivicPlus Each Year It's simple: CivicPlus knows municipal government. • No one else offers the CivicPlus Government Content Management System (GCMS®). • No one can match our interactive suite of tools that enable governments to better engage and communicate with their citizens. • No one can match the CivicPlus development process and the depth of our implementations designed by experts who know local government, its people and its processes. • No one can match our track record — period. CivicPlus for Poway ' CivicPlus Client Map . w t � • , Y A` J 40 '40 40 Association City County Other Per your RFP #14 -004, Website Redesign and Content Management System, the following proposal contents include: • CivicPlus' capabilities, experience and commitment to our clients, as well as our approach and methodology to transforming your site • Ongoing training and consultation • Creativity and recommended functionality usage to engage and attract site visitors • Price estimate These recommendations for Poway were developed to address your defined needs. All estimates are negotiable based on client requests. We encourage you to schedule a 45- minute demonstration of the latest site developments and the administrative interface that allows non - technical users the ability to update the website as needed. 2 22 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA What Is Community Engagement? At its core, community engagement is expectation. More than 75 percent of U.S. residents are connected online. They bank online. They pay bills online. They chat, they opine, they find love... all via the internet. The web has become the first resource for the vast majority of people when they need to find an answer to a question, locate a service, file a complaint or conduct business. The expectation is that local government should be conducting business online as well. However, having an engaged community means going beyond the basics of the web. Community engagement is: • Transparency - Removing the veil from local government by providing citizens with open access to government through citizen - centric technologies and information structures • Citizen Sourcing - Encouraging citizens to get active, get involved and take ownership of local issues, all through an easily available communication method they're likely to use • MicroVoting — Allowing citizens' voices to be heard, and making that voice resonate with government leaders in ways that allow for a finger to be placed on the pulse of the citizen's wants and needs Local governments provide so much service, infrastructure and support to our communities, but too often those efforts go unnoticed and unappreciated. Community engagement is a two -way street — it's letting your citizens have a voice and letting them know why government matters. Where You Rank on the Community Engagement Scale TM Governments across the nation find — Fully Engaged themselves in various stages on the Community Engagement Scale TIA Some — Participatory may inhabit multiple stages, and others may be reluctant to engage more deeply due to concerns of openness and the ! O — Receptive criticism that may accompany it. Where does Poway fit within the 6 Levels — Active of Digital Community Engagement? What does each stage look like? What will it take to reach the top? C — Emerging Only CivicPlus can provide these answers, because CivicPlus is the only government O — Static website prrovvid der r focused on equipping communities to better engage and interact with their citizens. How CivicPlus Can Make Your Job Easier All of our modules and features are designed to help improve interaction with citizens and users on your website, but here are a few examples from CivicPlus that help take community engagement to the next level: • Citizen Request Tracker TM 0 Community Voice T"^ 0 Alert Center • Calendar 0 Facilities and Reservations 0 Form Center • Media Center 0 News Flash 0 ePayment Center 3 23 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 C Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Description of Company and Qualifications Since our inception, CivicPlus has been capturing the passion our customers have for their communities and their residents with high - quality, next - generation websites. We consider it a privilege to partner with municipalities to provide the individuals, families and organizations in your community a website that serves as a primary, interactive communication tool. Icon Enterprises, Inc., does business as CivicPlus and Networks Plus and employs more than 100 people. Incorporated in Kansas in 1998, we began providing technical - related services in 1994. CivicPlus was born out of four rural cities' desire for a progressive way to maintain their websites without the burden of employing a continual webmaster. They sought a system that would allow routine updates and changes to be implemented by city staff, regardless of technical skill. After close consultation with these four initial cities, an innovative tool that automated the process of updating website content was developed. Today, under the leadership of founder Ward Morgan, CivicPlus has more than 165 staff members and continues to implement new technologies and services to maintain the highest standards of excellence and efficiency for our more than 1,500 clients. Our commitment to setting the standard in website design, management and government communication has been instrumental in making CivicPlus a leader in web design, communication programming and hosting. Our technical and development staff holds a variety of certifications including: Microsoft - certified system engineer, Cisco - certified engineer, Microsoft - certified software developer, Microsoft Office user specialist and project management professional from the Project Management Institute. Company & Contact Information Contact Information Danny Elmore Primary Office Regional Sales Manager Elmore(d)CivicPlus.com Toll Free 888 - 228 -2233, Ext. 310 Cell 503 - 893 -0209 Incorporated In State of Kansas Company Website Legal Name Icon Enterprises, Inc., d /b /a Company Founder CivicPlus GSA Contract # GS- 35F -0124U DIR Contract Additional Locations Charleston, SC Chicago, IL Columbus, OH Glen Carbon, IL Mount Laurel, NJ Olathe, KS Sherwood, OR Spring Hill, KS Topeka, KS 317 Houston St. Suite E Manhattan, KS 66502 Toll Free 888 - 228 -2233 Fax 785 - 587 -8951 www.Civicplus.com Ward Morgan, President/CEO # DIR SDD 1636 Fort Collins, CO Seffner, FL Vancouver. WA At CivicPlus, we have a passion for building websites. We'd like to partner with you to build a website your citizens will use. 4 24 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Dedicated Project Team CivicPlus maintains a staff of dozens of personnel who excel in the development and support of government websites. From project management, design and development to training and support, our highly qualified staff ensures the success of your website throughout all phases of construction and beyond. Our expert project leaders (listed below) will match you and your needs to a team of highly qualified specialists who will work directly with you throughout your entire project. If selected, your project team, including project manager, will be assigned upon contract signing. Danny Elmore — Regional Sales Manager Education 10+ Years of Experience Role at CivicPlus Freed - Hardeman University Increase industry exposure and emphasize client Determine the best solution for University of Alaska- Anchorage functionality options your website and budget Black Hill State University Experience in private and government sector Overall account management Resume Negotiate contracts Ensure customer satisfaction Software Sales Manage multiple software client accounts Oversee product development Freelance illustration business High -level skills in color coordination and design and product marketing Client Relationship Management Resource optimization Marketing Project and program management overview and uniqueness Government Strategic planning and development Cole Cheever — Director of Production Education 5+ Years of Experience Role at CivicPlus BS Business Administration Client needs analysis & account management Direct tasks and staff members Resume Customer service Timeline allocation Marketing Specialist Deadline satisfaction goals Project consultation and quality assurance Account Management City maintenance Senior Project Manager Marketing analysis and statistics Consulting and business analysis Tammy Irvine — Interim Manager of Creative Services Education 16+ Years of Experience Role at CivicPlus BA Fine Art Print and web design Head creative development and Realistic and stylistic drawings graphic representations Resume Direct design team and Scientific Illustrator Branding expertise programming Freelance illustration business High -level skills in color coordination and design Responsible for each website management Nationally published designs overview and uniqueness Proficient in site layout, initial design, setup of initial Thorough recognition of full pages and functionality of site publishing, project management and pre -press processes 5 25 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Larissa Palmer — Manager of Content Development Education 4+ Years of Experience Agriculture Data Management Business Administration Contract Negotiation and Review Resume Sales and Customer support Project Management Cost Analysis Business Strategy Strategic Project Reporting Contract Development and Administration Quinton Randel — Manager of Training and Consulting Education 10+ Years of Experience Information Assurance and Website usability expertise Network Security Content development Customer service Resume Trainer and Consultant Expertise in MS Word, Website Management Systems, module functionality, admin functions and Operation Management creativity Technology Sales Account Management Lending Analyst Amy Vikander — Director of Client Care Education 10+ Years of Experience Graphic Design Customer Service Resume Property Management Client Service Team Leader Client Implementation Coordinator Project management Team management and leadership Managing customer relationships Training Role at CivicPlus Oversee content quality management Test new products and services for CivicPlus Ensure incoming projects remain on schedule and are completed in an excellent manner Role at CivicPlus Customize the training and consulting experience to your skill set Provide creative application ideas for the CivicPlus GCMS® Effective communication in plain language Role at CivicPlus Conscientious care of the continuing relationship between CivicPlus and client Prompt aid on support issues Knowledgeable answers for "how to" questions from client's staff 6 26 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Experience on Similar Projects Our programmers implement our designers work — not the other way around — so options for a unique site are endless. Designs that truly represent your unique image, message and brand come through extensive access to and consultation with our design team. Our portfolio demonstrates our graphic designers' vast creative abilities and styles. M Washington County, OH — www.washingtongov.org Design Details: Washington County's history shines through in this simple yet sophisticated design. An intuitive layout guides the user to important information while fostering ease of use among the community. Also Look For: Mouse -over buttons and click through scrolling menus guide you easily to popular features within this homepage. Jeffersontown, KY — www.meffersontownky.com Design Details: Jeffersontown's website does a great job showing off the amenities offered in the State of Kentucky. The design color scheme is a reflection of their branding and seal. Also Look For: The use of the ePayment module and Code Red integration. McKinney, TX - www.mckinneytexas.org Design Details: Straightforward navigation coupled with an uncluttered homepage and subtle color scheme make the user experience an enjoyable — and easy — one. Also Look For: McKinney's Economic Development Corporation and Convention & Visitors Bureau subsites. Banff, AB — www.banff.ca Design Details: Client wanted a minimalist website design. The top banner features pop -out navigation. Simple homepage for ease of search and navigation. Also Look For: Extensive use of Calendar and Citizen Request Tracker modules. Flagstaff, AZ — www.fla.gstaff.az.gov Design Details: Flagstaff fosters community engagement by providing a simple and clean navigation structure. The beautiful landscape imagery is a reflection of a unique natural formation that dominates the landscape. Also Look For: The "E- Services" section enables the user to monitor their utility account and pay bills as well as view streamed city meetings right from the comfort of their homes. 7 27 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Designs Continued... r _ t Kodiak, AK — www.kodiakak.us Design Details: Kodiak Island's uncluttered layout draws the user's attention to important community news and announcements. The site's subtle color scheme highlights the beauty of the magnificent scenery. Also Look For: "Find It Quick" mega menu section making online services and answers to questions available with one click. Draper, UT— www. draper. ut.us Design Details: This simple yet elegant design goes to the heart of the culture in this community — a community focused on preserving its unique identity and heritage. Also Look For: The extensive use of the Facilities module for parks and trails, as well as department header packages for the Draper Amphitheater and Police Department. Litchfield Park, AZ — www.litchfield- park.org Design Details: A great example of how a "dark" website can still be robust and appealing to the eye. Also Look For: Hover over the "Citizen Center" and take a look at the Mega Menu linking the public to loads of community information. Blue Earth County, MN — www.blueearthcountymn.gov Design Details: "Effectively and efficiently delivering essential services" perfectly describes Blue Earth County's appealing web design. Bold blue colors and panoramic images burst from the page to highlight the beauty of the area. Also Look For: The use of social media integration and library subsite. Walton County, FL — www.co.walton.fl.us Design Details: Beautiful community images and a unique page design invite the user to explore the county's services, check the current beach conditions, and catch up on the news — in just one click. Also Look For: The use of the CivicPlus Frequently Asked Question module and Google Translation Tool. 8 28 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA References Brea, CA www.citvofbrea.net (Pop. 39, 000) Client since December 2012 Liz Pharis, Communications and Marketing, 714 - 990 -7706, lizp(o)ci.brea.ca.us Delano, CA www.cityofdelano.org (Pop. 52,800) Client since February 2007; Redesign November 2012 Delano Economic Development subsite: www. citvofdelano.org /index.aspx ?NID =428 Rosa Rios, Director of Finance, 661 - 721 -3310, rrios o)cityofdleano.org Dublin, CA www.ci.dublin.ca.us (Pop. 44,500) Client since March 2010 Linda Smith, PIO, 925 - 833 -6650, linda.smith(a)ci.dublin.ca.us Hemet, CA www.citvofhemet.org (Pop. 71,800) Client since July 2011 Scott Underwood, IT Operations and Network Systems Supervisor, 951 - 765 -3750, sunderwood(a)cityofhemet.org Commerce, CA www.ci.commerce.ca.us (Pop. 13,400) Client since November 2010 Al Vela, IT Manager, 323 - 722 -4805, itmanager(a)ci.commerce.ca.us 9 29 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA The CivicPlus Effect — Award - Winning Websites & Exceptional Results Since 2006, CivicPlus clients have won an amazing 377 awards for their websites, and recently, the Center for Digital Government awarded CivicPlus their "Best Fit Integrator" award for being among the best private- sector information technology integrators for delivering extraordinary digital solutions to public IT projects. This distinction puts CivicPlus alongside Accenture, IBM, Motorola and Northrup Grumman as the true leaders in municipal government technology. Our customers are proof that by partnering with CivicPlus, your new website will be amazing. Below is just a sampling of some of the most prestigious awards in the industry earned by CivicPlus customers. Some of our Award - Winning Clients... Castle Rock, CO crgov.com Ontario County, NY co.ontario.nv.us Amherst, MA amherstma.gov Richland, WA ci.richland.wa.us Hinton, AB hinton.ca Farragut, TN townoffarragut.org Avondale, AZ ci.avondale.az.us Maui County, HI co.maui.hi.us Waunakee, WI vil.waunakee.wi.us Athens - Clarke County, GA athensclarkecountv.com Broken Arrow, OK brokenarrowok.gov Dodge City CVB, KS visitdodgecity.org Richmond, CA ci.richmond.ca.us Montrose, CO citvofmontrose.org Missoula, MT ci.missoula.mt.us Port of Galveston , TX portofgalveston.com Tequesta, FL teguesta.org Cumberland County, PA ccpa.net Beaverton, OR beavertonoregon.gov Danville, VA danville- va.gov Caddo Parish, LA caddo.org Webster, TX cityofwebster.com Recognition Qat rcrilli Integrafar cI,s S COMMUNICATUR H RIZON f)Uiaarr PAWARDS WPM,. Vill National Association of we6awa Guve--t Webm tern Sooet9nl MA4 Nnem 4 Mar, Com .TAMS ' Ptj NACIO A$�d5� ( .c b�eolegr lnribm 10 30 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Detailed Description of Proposed Solution Developed for organizations that have a need to update their site frequently, CivicPlus provides a powerful government content management structure and website menu management system. The system allows non- technical employees the ability to easily update any portion of your website instantaneously. The CivicPlus Government Content Management System ( GCMSO) utilizes Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, JavaScript and HTML for web development. No HTML knowledge is needed to update your website. However, if desired, HTML code can be used throughout the website for advanced users. With extensive web applications in place, continual enhancement and an easy -to -use interface, our clients are the proud owners of their websites and are excited to be part of the CivicPlus community. Additional benefits of the CivicPlus GCMSO include webpage version controls, customizable levels of user - rights, searchable data, accessible customer support services, instantaneous functionality updates, comprehensive security and much more. Each website begins with a unique design developed to meet your specific communication and marketing goals, while showcasing the individuality of your community. Features and capabilities are added and customized as necessary, and all content is organized in accordance with web usability standards. Modules are constantly being developed and upgraded to meet the needs of our clients. A list of our modules follows Core GCMSO Modules Agenda Center The CivicPlus Agenda Center is an all- inclusive agenda creation module. No longer will you have to build your agendas in a word - processing program, print it out and pass it around the office for approval, export the final version to a PDF and then upload it to the website. Agenda Center allows for the creation and management of the entire agenda process, from submitting preliminary items at the departmental level, to a robust and easy -to -use workflow, to the publishing of the agenda live to the public — one smooth and seamless process. The Agenda Center not only offers a one - stop -shop for agenda creation, but upon publish of the approved agenda, a template for the minutes of that meeting can also be generated. Additionally the Agenda Center ties in with the Archive Center, so published agendas and minutes can be placed in an Archive Center category for immediate storage. You can also update your residents in a fast and timely manner by using the Notify Me@ module to send email and text message updates of published agendas and minutes. Archive Center The Archive Center has been developed specifically for the storage and retrieval of agendas, minutes, newsletters and other date - driven documents. Archives can be searched by date, category or keyword, and the unique "View Most Recent" link functionality on your website pages automatically pulls the most recently uploaded item every time you add a new document within that category. Business /Resource Directory Think of the Business /Resource Directory as the Yellow Pages of your website, as it provides site visitors with links to and information about organizations and services within your community. Site visitors can search by business or organization name or category, and entries can be organized by business (Yellow Pages - style) or by category (topical directory- style). The module can display useful information such as a description of the business /organization, link to an interactive map, address, phone number, email and link to the business' website. Citizens can also download the included iPhone App at no cost, allowing them to search for businesses or services on the go. 11 31 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Calendar The Calendar Module allows administrators to set up calendar items to help keep the public informed about upcoming events and GLOUCESTER I MASSACHUSETTS meetings in your community. Events can be set on a GLOUCESTER CALENDAR Ii..Au one -time basis or as recurring events for multiple Nov. 15 months in advance, with short descriptions and hyperlinks to display the event details. The calendar recognizes the current date as the starting date for the display of events and provides easy navigation to Capital Improvement Advisory Board meeting N °e. 15 CERT Training Noe. 15 ordinances & Adni-strabon Committee Nov. 15 State of The City b Na or Carolyn Kirk S Youth Connections'. Hand -Hand with Seniors future events. Multiple calendars are available. P,annlnq &oe e°pme tCpmm,ttee Nov. 17 Department Calendar: Any page on your °nse ati°^ site can display the most current calendar items in a special content area, great for departments or sections of the website that wish to have their calendar events appear on their page(s). Featured Events: You can draw attention to upcoming events using the Featured Events functionality, within the Calendar module. Kleetinq m _ � m IYna •Nr� l.nlor. ... ..�. The Calendar supports multiple views, including a monthly view that displays all the events in a month. Document Center The Document Center is a document storage center that allows for a variety of file types (e.g., PDF, spreadsheets, pictures, video files, sound clips and more) to be downloaded or viewed by the end user, allowing for easy access for your site visitors. Instead of bogging down your employees with requests for documentation, site visitors can locate the forms and documents they need easily online. Your employees can easily add new documents and direct residents to the information they requested online, without sending out extra paperwork. Moreover, all files are organized by our structured filing system of folders and subfolders, keeping all of your information easily obtainable by your citizenry 24/7. Frequently Asked Questions Help your citizens reduce time - consuming phone calls or trips to government offices by answering commonly asked questions through your website. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — which can be organized by departments and /or category — may be added to any page of your website and can be set up to link to additional information or documentation for easy reference. FAQs have their own search feature, so your site visitors can easily find answers to the questions they ask the most. News Flash The News Flash Module provides an area where important and timely news and announcements are posted. Any department may utilize this module for posting information that is specific to their department, like a change in meeting location, results from an election, rainout announcements for sports fields and more. News Flash is a dynamic page element that may be placed on any page, and each News Flash item has its own start and expiration date. Opinion Poll The Opinion Poll Module allows you to interact with your site visitors. Once a user submits their vote, poll results are displayed. This is a popular module and is an easy way to keep people coming back to see what's new on your site. We recommend that the poll questions be non - controversial, as results are not scientific. The results may be used to provide website decision - makers with valuable information in order to make informed decisions. Also, using the Opinion Poll Module demonstrates even further the true interest your municipality has in its residents and stakeholders. 12 32 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Photo Gallery The Photo Gallery Module is designed to allow you to store and display photographs in a central location to showcase to your citizens and the world the best that your community has to offer. Photo Gallery helps your website become the place to put your community's best face out there and to attract new citizens to your area. Users will be able to: • Explore your municipality through albums and favorites • Browse your featured photos and events • Share with friends or send as postcard • Submit images • View images as thumbnails or full -size • Write descriptions with each photo • Search the Photo Gallery • View a slideshow of photos • Give photo credits • Give images "thumbs up" as 2 v3 r'r x, You can use the Photo Gallery to store and organize photo files by department, division, and /or event. Like the Document Center, you can store as many pictures in as many albums as you like. Quick Links The Quick Links Module allows you to place links to related and often - requested information directly on the page of your choice. The entire collection of these links is contained within the actual module, and is unlimited in the amount of categories and links that you can provide to your users. The links can be to interior pages of your website, to documents and forms, or to outside websites. You can organize the links by category or item and can set them up to auto - publish and unpublish. Spotlight The Spotlight function creates additional space on a webpage that allows you to highlight important text or widgets in a compact, easy -to- update module. The information posted with this module can relate to one or more pages. Staff Directory If the Business /Resource Directory is your website's Yellow Pages, then the Staff Directory Module is the white pages. A time - saving resource for your residents, Staff Directory provides detailed contact information for your staff and various offices all in one place, decreasing the number of calls requesting contact information. You can include as much or as little employee and department information as you deem necessary, plus, Staff Directory entries can be linked to pages throughout your site, providing quick access to a specific department or employee's information. Employee information can include title, biography, photo and contact links via email or form submittal (email addresses are blocked from email harvesting programs). Website users can search the directory for a specific employee by last name, first name or department. 13 33 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Transaction Modules Bid Postings The Bid Postings Module provides a simple and easy -to -use method of posting and organizing bids, RFPs and RFQs online for vendors or local contractors that are interested in providing products and services to your community. Provide links to upload the full RFP package, links to related web pages or post other bid details like the scope of work. Bids can be searched by category, title or closing date and by open, closed, cancelled or awarded. This module is integrated with the Notify Me® Module, allowing site visitors to sign up to be notified when new bids are available or when bids are updated let interested parties know of amendments, cancellations and to whom the bid was awarded. Bids can also be set to automatically expire (become unpublished) from the site if you so choose. Citizen Request Tracker TM The Citizen Request Tracker TIM (CRT) is a powerful tool that facilitates interoffice and government -to- citizen communication and workflow concerning requests reported by residents. Site users create a profile and submit requests or complaints, view pending issues, reopen closed issues, request additional information and more. Once a profile is set up, contact information is automatically filled in when a site user submits a new request. Furthermore, problems reported over the phone can be manually entered into the system for increased efficiency. Marketing the CRT"' system as the primary tool for communication on problems and requests in your area will allow you to reduce staff time spent on addressing issues by hand and will allow your constituents to interact with your staff any time of the day. The CRT TM System Makes It Easy To: • Add comments and action items • Assign the request to a staff member • Review the history of the issue • Send messages to the constituent • Close the request ePayment Center Ste=t Light and Rental Light Repairs �..y+.,omaa..�,....s..rraw ror..r- s..rs.e.. n.rar �'•�' Go"Sk ,.....+,... ... ...�r....., w.�..•.. h1i 'NA • Print and /or export statistics and reports • Print work orders • Generates efficiency statistics and reports • Export data in CSV or tab - limited format Integrate eCommerce on your website with no third -party store to setup, and save your citizen's time and effort by affording them the opportunity to pay for services directly through your website. You have the ability to customize or make changes to any form that you create to take in online payments such as registration fees, pool passes, etc. Email notifications are sent out to both customer and client when a transaction is made. Financial reporting through our trusted PCI- compliant partner is also available with the click of a button. Facilities & Reservations The Facilities & Reservations Module allows the site administrator to display local facilities and their amenities and to manage their availability to the public. A site visitor can search for facilities by type or amenities available, review the amenities for each facility, retrieve location information with mapping integration (ESRI,GIS, Google, etc.) and easily reserve the facility. Search results will offer additional options such as admission requirements, handicap accessibility and how to reserve or make payments. A description with details of the facility (location, contact information, photographs, video, map, handicap accessibility, rental availability, etc.) display within each facility's listing, with your staff able to allow for online reservation requests and interactive calendar to view and manage online reservations. This module is integrated with the Form Center and e- Payment module for a streamlined reservation process. 14 34 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Form Center Having online forms makes it easy for you to receive useful information from your community and for your community to complete tasks online. These completely customizable forms can be used as a means for citizens to contact you with questions, requests and feedback or to sign up for various events and activities. You can have as many online forms as you need with this module, creating forms easily from scratch or from our library of sample online forms. Various field options include long answer, radio button, drop -down lists and multiple choice (among others), with formatting options that include font colors, background colors, text alignment and more. You can preview forms as you create and edit them instead of sending it to someone else for changes. The Form Center lets you develop every aspect of your online form with no programming knowledge necessary through a simple drag- and -drop interface. In addition to being able to create your own form, you can track your forms through your website! No more lost emails and sorting for statistical data through multiple emails. Any form submitted on your website can be received via email to as many people as you wish and /or be kept in a backend database with basic analytical reporting available. This data can then be exported to Microsoft Access, Excel or other database software. Job Postings Display available jobs within your organization on your website in an easy -to- search - and - retrieve format for your site visitors. The Job Posting Module allows you to provide as many details as you like and link to a number of files supporting the available position(s), with the ability to allow the visitor to download a job application and email their resume to the person /department of your choice. Website visitors can sort jobs by date or job type, and can sign up to be notified of new jobs through the Notify Me® Module. You can also choose to allow for online applications using the Online Job Application Module. The Job Postings Module can also be set up to allow employers within your community to be able to post their own available job openings in a controlled environment on your website, helping to boost your community's economic standing and further make your website the hub of information within your community. Online Job Application Save yourself and your residents' time, save paper and give your website users instant access to apply for available positions with the Online Job Application Module. Allow applicants to apply completely online by filling in the application, attaching supplemental paperwork and submitting to your HR department, with applications time- and date - stamped. Applicants can also create an online profile, which allows them to update their application and apply for other jobs without filling out multiple applications. Your staff can be notified by email when a new application has been received, which then allows you to view, sort and download submitted applications. And fear not about lost applications — they're kept in a database on the website for easy retrieval. Real Estate Locator The Real Estate Locator helps attract incoming businesses and residents by providing a one -stop shop for available real estate listings in your community. Properties — commercial or residential — can be organized by and searched for by neighborhood, street or zone, and price range. Additionally, the Real Estate Locator can be set up to allow realtors and brokers the ability to post their own available properties in a controlled environment on your website, further helping boost economic development. 15 35 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Interactions & Communications Modules Alert Center The Alert Center provides an efficient and noticeable way to get important news out to your community, whether it be local inconveniences like street closures and road conditions or critical, up -to- the - minute emergencies like flood warnings and Amber Alerts. With one click, graphics and information can be activated on your website from a variety of layouts that best fit the alert's importance, with public notifications sent out through email, text message and social media. When a user clicks on an alert that is displayed on the site, they will be taken to the module information that details the alert, as well as provides photos, links to other resources and a history of updates. Blog AtertCenler our co miry 0 wean er alen; r IM,Ita�sas A�.e• s rio ainp ��, '� - �rsaa -, J enapenn a«„ aam � Ameer alert. P Police Zhecspoi The Blog Module helps open up the lines of communications between administrators and citizens, increasing government transparency and citizen interaction. The Blog features the option to allow citizen comments for feedback (comments can be moderated before being published to the website). Community Voice TM Community Voice TM is an interactive module that uses citizen sourcing to create dialog on your site while allowing you to showcase things you are implementing in your community. The module encourages citizen idea submission, engaging discussions, voting, user recognition and more. Your site administrator creates general topics that citizens can provide input on. Citizens can create a user account through My Dashboard to submit their ideas, leave comments and vote other ideas up or down within each topic. Showcasing Community Voice on your website increases communication and citizen satisfaction within your community, showcases projects and initiatives within your community, and helps consistently drive traffic to your site. Carbon Calculator Help your website keep up with green initiatives by allowing your citizens to track their carbon footprint. Healthy City Help keep your citizens more health- conscious by giving them a way to track their daily and weekly exercise routine. Media Center with Live Streaming Video The Media Center Module provides an affordable way to upload video files and stream live video right through your website without the need to purchase costly third -party solutions. Media Center is optimized for the storage of video files, but it takes you a step further by providing an avenue to stream meetings, demonstrations and events right through your website. All you need to get started is a camera connected to a computer with internet access. This unparalleled offering from CivicPlus comes standard with our product with 10 GB of storage (roughly 40 hours), something our competitors simply cannot match. My Dashboard With My Dashboard, residents and users can set up a profile on your website that allows them to pick and choose the information that automatically becomes fed to their dashboard upon site login. In one simple and streamlined view, your users can immediately see important news, available job openings, keyword searches, favorite pages, calendar feeds and much more. Your users will be able to login to My Dashboard using the Facebook Connect feature, negating the need for multiple usernames and passwords. 16 36 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA V � Notify Me® With Notify Me®, visitors can sign up to be notified via email and /or SMS text message about community activities, meetings and other updates to your website. Users can self- manage multiple subscriptions at once, and unsubscribing is easy. You can send out unlimited emails, and the first 500 text message subscribers are free, with the option to add more for an additional fee. This module automatically integrates with our Alerts Center, News Flash, Calendar, Job Postings, Bid Postings and Blog modules. Also, administrators can create as many Notify Me® lists as they want. Notify Me® supports HTML and plain text versions of email messages, and newsletter templates can be created for added presentation quality. You can set up notifications as drafts and set them to send to subscribers at a specified date and time. Additionally, most current subscriber notification lists can be imported to our system, while the email lists created by your CivicPlus system can be exported for other files and /or purposes. All of these features make Notify Me® an excellent and valuable communication tool for your website, allowing you to continuously stay in contact with your residents by sending them important information updates that they are interested in receiving. Postcard Highlight your community by giving visitors the opportunity to email virtual picture postcards with personalized messages. Social Networking & Gov 2.0 CivicPlus understands the importance of Gov 2.0 and how social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter help governments connect with their residents in unique and innovative ways. From community- centric pages on Facebook to real -time Twitter feeds that can deliver emergency alerts, we are dedicated to helping our clients integrate their web content into the most dynamic social media sites and make their marks in the world of Gov 2.0. Other social networking sites (such as Linkedln, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.) can be featured on your website as links to your organization's profile on those particular websites. Facebook and Twitter Many governments are finding Facebook to be an essential part of their online presence, as it provides another avenue to share news, announcements, events, pictures and videos with a wide range of regular site visitors. CivicPlus can create your Facebook page and sync your website to your Facebook profile to automatically publish news and calendar events on Facebook with a link to your website for more information. Twitter's short, 140 - character "tweets" offer a way for municipalities to distribute information quickly and effectively. CivicPlus can link your website to your Twitter account for automatic publishing of news and announcements such as road closings, meeting schedules and emergency notifications. 17 37 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Administrative Features Feature Description Instantaneous Updates are posted to the live site in real- Timesaver — Ensures your site is Updates time once the administrator publishes the communicating the most up -to -date page. information. No installation of programs or software Convenience — Updates can be made Browser Based needed, meaning you and your staff can anywhere at any time. update the site from any Internet connection Money Saver — Does not charge a per seat or platform (Mac or PC) at any time. rate to install software. Immediately update your site from any Crisis Communication — Warn audiences Mobile Updates location with urgent announcements using of crisis situations from anywhere at any your tablet. time. Direct access to a queue of items waiting to Action Items be published or reviewed by the Convenience — Helps the administrator stay administrator provided immediately upon organized and timely with the site. login. Powerful site search automatically indexes Knowledge —The search log serves as a Site Search and Site all content making it easy for all visitors to tool in making decisions about updates and Search Log find information. This feature also keeps a upgrades as well as placement of key items p y log of all words that are searched by your n t on the homepage. visitors. Automatic Alt Tags Built -in features ensure your site is Section 508 compliant. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) Convenience — Editors do not need to know Section 508 requirements as the system will automatically format to accommodate for Section 508 compliance. We have nearly a dozen application programming interfaces (APIs) scattered throughout the system and continue to build more to make integrations with the GCMS® and disparate applications as straightforward as possible. It's this "open architecture" approach that allows your IT staff and programmers to spend time creating applications and systems that are specific to your community's needs and tie them into the site, using the site itself as a sturdy platform on which to build. Maintaining the site's base code will fall on CivicPlus' shoulders, saving you time, effort and, most importantly, money. Bad Links Identifier You may not be aware of any broken links on your website, but your guests are. This module creates a list of the broken links on your site when they are accessed. It also allows a site visitor the ability to enter comments concerning how they accessed the page. On the administrative side of the system an asterisk alerts you that a comment concerning a bad link has been posted. Content Creation Recognizing that not all site administrators possess high levels of technical expertise, the CivicPlus GCMS® makes it easy to add new content, edit old content, and keep page layout consistent through use of our WYSIWYG editor. This front -end edit feature makes updating website content even quicker and easier, as users have point - click -edit access to information, right from the front -end of the website. To edit content, all you have to do is follow the steps below. Step 1: Find the page creation icon, and click on the area of the website that you wish to edit. Step 2: Make changes to the website, then click'Save'. Changes are immediately reflected on the site. A great tool for users to update the website from the public view, CivicPlus' Live Edit allows you to see where your information will be posted before you make any changes. If you would like to move a page under a different department or move the entire department section of your website to a different location, just follow the steps below. 18 38 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Step 1: Find the page creation icon, and click on the section of the navigation you wish to move. Step 2: Drag- and -drop the page or section in its new location. Changes are immediately reflected on the site. The page content creation functionality is separate from the overall design of the site, the content will reflect font sizes and styles associated with the various heading levels and content types. Content changes will not affect the design, though the site breadcrumbs, page structure and sitemap will dynamically update upon publish of any content changes. Unlimited pages can be created with the CivicPlus GCMS® and there is no limit to the depth of pages that can be created. You are responsible for the depth of navigation. With mega menus and dropdown and pop -out menu functionality, you can essentially get to any page on your website within a single click if you desire. Content Library The Content Library features galleries full of templates and pages all at your fingertips. It is a way for you to create and share page templates and layouts between coworkers, departments or with the entire CivicPlus community. The Fire Department is not sure what pages to include under their section? Find examples in the Content Library. Want to share a great page that you made on your website? Share it with the entire CivicPlus community. Templates and pages are categorized by type or department and available in all site sizes. CivicPlus includes its own personal picks and best practices for each type and department. Pages and templates can be voted on and rated by your peers, with the ability to view top downloads and top contributors from the entire CP community. The highest rated and downloaded templates will have their creator placed in a CivicPlus Hall of Fame. Content Scheduling When creating an entry, simply select the date and time desired for the material to publish and /or unpublish. Material can be set to auto - unpublish or it can be manually retired. Every aspect of the system has the ability to have expiration dates. These dates are logged in an Expiring Items Report and can have an automatic email sent to you 72 hours before it is set to expire. When items expire they are unpublished from public view but will remain in the system until someone manually removes them from the archive. This allows you to bring the page back at any time with updated content. Content Versioning The GCMS® includes version control, a history log for reviewing changes made within the system, file locking through our permission system and an archive of all published content so that previous versions can be accessed or used, if necessary. Archived content can be viewable by the public if desired, but is typically not shown on the public- facing side of the site and just housed within the Archives. Administrators and staff with module access may access those archives, others will not see them. Dynamic Layout The layout for your website is determined by you and the designer. The placement of navigation and dynamic areas are important in guiding site visitors to key information quickly and easily. Our consultants make recommendations based upon website -user studies and research on best practices. Dynamic Page Components Events Calendar, FAQs, Opinion Poll, News Flash and other new features may be included as dynamic page components. Dynamic Page Components may be placed on any page and will help dedicated areas of the site appear as its own website. For example, the entry page for your Parks and Recreation Department can be customized with specific lists of events, FAQs and news announcements pertaining to that department. 19 39 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Dynamic Breadcrumbs & Site Map When a user visits your site, Dynamic Breadcrumbs are used to show their location within the website. Breadcrumbs are automatically generated by the CivicPlus system. This feature assists a site visitor in understanding the site structure and navigation. A dynamically generated site map automatically updates itself to your menu system. So if a menu item is renamed, added or deleted in your navigation, the site map will reflect those changes. eCommerce Integration While CivicPlus does offer our ePayment Center, we also work with numerous trusted third -party payment processors to handle payment and account information, allowing your citizens to easily log on and pay bills ranging from property taxes to utilities. The payment processor used for transactions is dependent upon the municipality's wants and needs, with every effort made to ensure a clean, seamless on -site presentation of the payment portal. Of the vendors that we've worked with, many allow for one -time credit card or debit card payments, payment through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network and even Interactive Voice Response (IVR) payment options via telephone. Many give users the option for automatic bill payment, with payment being automatically withdrawn from the specified account on a certain day each month. These payment processors feature payment and usage reporting, and all of our eCommerce partners meet the Payment Card Industry's Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Integration of third -party vendors is subject to scope and additional fees. History Log Easily track changes made to your website by all of your users with the History Log. Track changes made to items in your Page Menu, Archive Center, Document Center and more. History Log information is searchable, sortable and exportable. Integration /Interfacing CivicPlus has performed a variety of integration services for our clients, all of which work cohesively with most third - party software applications. The CivicPlus GCMSO is different from other standard design programs, in that we have the ability to link with most software or databases you are currently utilizing. Systems such as purchasing, taxes, assessment and utilities have been developed for many of our clients. Integration can take place on varying levels, from simply linking to a third -party- hosted site to dynamically drawing in content from other existing sites to actual custom programming to integrate services into our GCMSO. Our typical method of integration involves dynamically scraping content from an existing web application, allowing continuously updating content or form fields to access an application to be drawn directly into the CivicPlus- created site. If a web interface currently exists for an application on a client's web server, we recommend moving it to a third -level domain so that it can remain active when the CivicPlus site is launched, CivicPlus can then draw in that content from the third -level domain directly into the primary site at a lower cost than actual integration into the GCMSO. If true integration rather than interfacing is required, the project will need to be more fully scoped and additional charges may be incurred. Intranet We can set up an Intranet for your site to be used by employees or other groups that need to share non - public resources. An intranet is a secure location on your website that allows employees to login and access information specific to them, and you have the ability to set up multiple Intranet groups with varying view rights. Most modules available to the public on your site are also available for use on the Intranet. For example, you can use the Calendar Module to notify employees of work events, FAQs to answer questions about wages, Notify Me@ to send notification of flexible benefits deadlines, and News Flash module to let employees know of births, marriages and other personal events. 20 40 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Levels of Rights Most information is constantly changing and needs to be updated frequently. With CivicPlus, each department is capable of updating their own content. Even though each department can update their own information and web pages, the menu structure, top of page, banner and navigation throughout the site remains the consistent. A central administrator is given the ability to establish groups with specific rights and capabilities to update the website. Users are then assigned to those groups based upon the role they will have in updating the website. Users of the administrative system may be defined as publishers or authors of the content, or as administrators of modules. A central publisher for each department can then approve the pages. LDAP Authentication LDAP authentication provides our clients with a powerful and simple way to manage users and permissions within our system by syncing your website up with your existing active directory database, negating the need for multiple user upload and sign -on. Features of this functionality include: • Log on with existing network account credentials • Automatic user creation • Automatic permissions setup • Integrate with other non -LDAP authentication systems • Easy -to -use "remember me" sign -in • Security features like "next required login" Because LDAP authentication requires custom programming time, additional fees apply. Link Redirects This is helpful in marketing an area of your website by creating a web address that is easy to remember. A more obvious link is great for print materials and much easier to tell people how to find a particular page on the website. Maps — Clickable, JavaScript or Flash Help website users find commonly requested information such as: • Bus schedules • Parks Clickable Area • Walking tours • Bike paths J • Trash pick -up schedules I • Location of highways ' • Tourist attractions • Education information • Major employers • Demographics I Maps can be customized as simple, clickable maps through the use of our Image Map Editor, or more sophisticated JavaScript or Flash (additional fees required for Javascript or Flash development). Either one provides a great way to present your community to web visitors. 21 41 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 TMeiwHCS Maps can be customized as simple, clickable maps through the use of our Image Map Editor, or more sophisticated JavaScript or Flash (additional fees required for Javascript or Flash development). Either one provides a great way to present your community to web visitors. 21 41 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Portal Page Development Portal pages are often developed to bring numerous site resources together into one central entry location. Creating a graphic overview, the portal provides direction to a diverse group of site visitors while reinforcing your website's key message. Portal pages may be simple links or may be developed using animation such as JavaScript or Flash programming. Because there is additional design and programming time involved with portals, additional fees apply. Printer Friendly Our printer friendly functionality does more than simply call the browser's print command — it separates the critical content from the template so as to give a clean presentation of the information that needs to be printed without the menu structure and banner information. RSS Feeds RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, and in short, it's a way of bringing your site to the people rather than waiting for them to come to your site to find out new information. When a user signs up for RSS feeds, they receive email notifications of the latest news updates without having to visit your website. RSS begins by downloading a free reader and then subscribing to the feed. Then, as often as the website is updated, the subscriber receives notifications of these updates at their earliest convenience. Site Search On the public side of the site, we supply all our clients with a robust site search with advanced search features. The CivicPlus Site Search will search through web pages on your site, PDF documents, any module entries and document files. Video and sound files are searched by name. The Site Search organizes the results by the type of information (calendar item, web page, Microsoft files, PDF documents, etc.) With the Site Search Log, site administrators can review a history of searched -for words by frequency, date, time and exact terms input by site visitors. This is a helpful tool for your site users and also a means of keeping your staff in- the -know of what items are being regularly searched on your site. Supported Browsers Websites built by CivicPlus are viewable in all common browsers. however, they are optimized for administrative use with Windows 2000+ and supported in the two most recent versions of any major browser including: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Website Statistics In order to review how your site visitors are using the site, administrators will be trained on the use and analysis of the web statistics, which are provided through Piwik Analytics. Important information can be pulled from this data in order to make decisions about the use of the website. 22 42 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Software and Hardware Platform CivicPlus' Network Operations Center — based in Kansas City, MO — is set up specifically for website hosting and administration. Redundant power sources and internet access ensure consistent and stable connections, and regular hardware upqrades make certain that CivicPlus- hosted sites are maintained on up -to -date, reliable equipment. Hosting With CivicPlus Includes: • Shared Web /SQL Server & Diesel Powered Generator • DNS Consulting and Maintenance 0 Nightly Tape Backup • Monitor Bandwidth- Router Traffic Intrusion Detection and Prevention • Redundant ISP 0 Antivirus Protection • Redundant Cooling 0 Hardware Upgrades Physical Security Biometric access • Proximity card key system prevents unauthorized access to servers • High - resolution, closed- circuit video with time lapse recording covering secured areas • All visitors require a full -time escort within hosting area • Redundant cooling systems Power All systems fed by uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) with diesel - powered generator backup Bandwidth 1GB burstable internet capability with option to expand • Multiple carriers to provide redundancy for continuous connectivity — including MCl/Verizon, Hurricane Electric and Cogent • AT &T: 45Mbps fiber optic network • Cox: 100Mbps fiber optic network • BGP internet routing, continuously monitor and manually balance internet load between carriers for optimal speed Monitoring Round - the -clock (24/7/365) monitoring of all critical components, including: internet connectivity, servers, routers, switches and power systems Backup Tape backup performed daily • Off -site tape archive Antivirus Continuously scan system • Signature files auto - updated every 4 hours from national registry Data Security Server operating systems applied as necessary • Router level port blocking and reporting • Router level packet filtering and reporting • Server level port blocking and logging • Ongoing security analysis by Cisco security specialist Data Redundancy RAID Level 5 data storage array • RAID 1 + 0 Intrusion Detection • Redundant Palo Alto Advanced Services Firewalls Staff Certifications Full -time electrical engineers (EE) • Full -time Microsoft - certified systems engineers (MCSE) • Full -time Cisco - certified network associates (CCNA) • Full -time Cisco - certified network professionals (CCNP) 23 43 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Implementation and Training Only CivicPlus offers the depth and breadth of staff for next- generation eGovernment communication projects. Depending on the size of and duration of your project and whether you utilize our creative, branding and advisory consulting teams, we will engage between six to 11 experienced staff members, representing approximately 7 -13% of our full -time staff. Utilizing his strong technology background, your dedicated regional sales manager, Danny Elmore, initially works with you to determine the best solutions for your administrative users and website visitors. A member of our seasoned project management team oversees the inter - departmental and client interactions, assuring that your project will be developed in a timely manner by professional website experts. Using their knowledge of effective online citizen engagement techniques — with specific case studies and examples — they will ensure the process transitions smoothly from phase to phase. After the completion of each phase, you will be encouraged to fill out a survey rating the project process as well as CivicPlus personnel. The CEO receives the surveys and is personally accountable for your satisfaction, which we guarantee, or we'll refund your money. Award - Winning Designers Custom -Wilt. non template design Programmers Implement CivicPlus GCMS Content Experts Development & quality control End -to -End Trainers Best - practice educolion Always -There Suppod 2417/365, live, unlimited You Project Manoger C_c;rvAlo ' i,ding you through development as an advocote for your success A Process Dedicated to Helping You Succeed Upon completion of a custom design, setup of the website, development of modules, content development and quality control review, your trainer works to ensure your staff masters the simple Government Content Management System (GCMS(D) and learns basic website usability concepts. Your new site is then launched and your support calls are handled by our Client Care Department. Your Role Your role during the project will be to answer questions, provide input, gain your staffs feedback to complete forms and provide necessary information so CivicPlus can develop recommendations for your design, navigation and content. Your project manager will explain the work required to achieve your goals. Pre - project, on -site strategic planning sessions can be added to the project at an additional cost. "A company is created by its people. The CivicPlus staff is phenomenal. CivicPlus is going to understand what your town means to you and your residents and how you want your town or city to appear. They are just as passionate about promoting your area as you are. " -Karen McGrath, Castle Rock, Colorado 24 44 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Cp Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Our Project Development Approach Consulting, design, usability guidance, programming, secure hosting and dedicated training -- CivicPlus delivers all of this and more during the development of your new website. Consulting Website Preview Presentation Website Reveal Presentation Design & Content Review Website Go Live 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Weeks Typical Project Timeline Timeline Phase 1 - Consulting (may vary with on -site meetings) 4 -5 weeks Includes: Needs assessment, best practices, and takeaways assigned. Phase 2 - Website Preview Presentation Includes: Layout presentation, mood board and main navigation review, design feedback meeting and 3 -5 weeks approval and takeaways assigned. Phase 3 — Website Reveal Presentation Includes: Presentation of a functional website based on goals, recommendations and combined vision; 3 -4 weeks final approval and takeaways assigned. Phase 4 — Customized Website Training (varies based upon amount of content) 3 -4 week Includes: Customized to give your staff the skills they need to maintain your website. Phase 5 — Go Live 3 -4 weeks Website Launch 16 -22 Weeks (On Average) 25 45 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Kick -Off Meeting During the initial kick -off meeting, you will meet your project manager, senior content developer and senior designer. You will work with your project manager to establish your project timeline, review the startup kit and discuss the takeaway items that need to be completed prior to consulting. Whether you prefer a more relaxed schedule or a more aggressive timeline, your project manager will discuss the implications of deadlines and the expectations required to keep the project on track. Timelines may be modified upon discussion with your project manager. Your Role Tasks your staff will need to complete • Assess Your Current Website For the best consulting experience possible the following takeaways need to be completed prior to your consulting: The 6 Stages of Digital Community Engagement Survey — You will take a 3 -5 minute online questionnaire to determine where your current website fits on the Community Engagement Scale, www.digitalcommunityengagement.com. Department / Division Form - This form will be filled out by each department or division. Each department / division should have an understanding of what services they provide, to whom they provide those services, how they are currently communicating information, their future online communications goals and what they like /dislike about their current web presence. Functionality and Design Form - This form will be filled out by your project web team. Prior to starting this form, research other websites that you like based on functionality and design elements. Provide URLs and specifics about what you like. This form also asks for details on your community's tagline, logo and branding. Training Information Form for Departments - This form will be filled out by your project web team to help CivicPlus understand the pain points you encounter in your job. We will call out ways to address your pain points during your training sessions. Web Team Form - This form will be filled out by your project web team. Prior to starting this form, please have an understanding of your project goals, focus and expectations. This allows your CivicPlus Project Team to develop a site specific to your needs and lays the foundation for developing a highly functional information architecture. • Clean House Update the content on your current live website. This step is critical to guaranteeing the information available is relevant, fresh and on- point. Your staff should delete any pages from your current website that you no longer want or need and ensure the remaining information is applicable and up -to -date. 26 46 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 1: Consulting A CivicPlus consultant will work with you to determine the right direction for your new website. The items you complete prior to consulting play a critical role in establishing the best approach for your site. The items to be reviewed are: • Needs Assessment Review the 6 Stages of Digital Community Engagement Survey to determine at which stage your current website ranks and set a goal for your new website. Review the goals and expectations you submitted on the Web Team Form to make sure there is a clear understanding of what the new website needs. Together, we will establish what it will take to meet your website goals regarding design, content and engagement. • Functionality & Design Review the information submitted via the Functionality & Design Form to make sure there is a clear understanding of what the new website has to have. • Department Needs Meet with your departments to ensure a clear understanding of CivicPlus' Best Practices & Standards for content and gather information on the potential pain points for each department. Your Role Items your staff will need to provide: • Website Statistics Gather statistics from your current website from the past 12 months. • Photos and Template for PDFs Collect pictures to be used in the overall design of the website. Provide a MS Word document template that features your branding / logo. This will be used when converting content into a PDF. • List of Departments Compile a list of all divisions and /or departments within your organization. • Applications Submit a list of third -party and in -house developed applications presently being utilized on your website. • Site Map Pull a site map or outline of your current website's navigational structure. This gives a clear overview of the existing information on the website, including the number and location of pages. • Content Provide a list of any content on the current website that must remain as is (verbatim) because of legal requirements. Continue updating the current content on your website. 27 47 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 2: Website Preview Presentation Based on your results and goals outlined during consulting, your Project Team will collaborate to present the most effective user interface for your website, ensuring a flexible design optimized to display in any format now and in the future. Deliverables include: Layout You will be presented with two custom layouts that showcase the placement of your navigation and key functionality. Very similar to the floor plan of a house, each layout will allow you to focus on where things are and if the function and proportion of the space is adequate. Website Layout The examples below are not template layouts. They were created based on specific clients' goals, during their consulting phase. Though layouts may contain the same elements, you must keep in mind that they can be arranged differently. COUNTY voe...... ate..,..., .,a......, o.o....... do.........®...... SEAL & SITE ID ROTATING IMAGE ••� -mom �•••- -�� SLIDESHOW TABBED AREA SPOTLIG' FOR NEWS & MODULE CALENDAR WELCOME! -• ■r� WIM What will your website's floor plans look like? Intuitive, Usable Main Navigation Simple navigation and consistent page layouts ensure that your visitors can easily find the information they seek. We'll provide you with a complete recommended navigation for your new website based on your community engagement goals and our prior experience in working with government entities. 28 48 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Mood Board Your Project Team will also present a custom mood board reflecting the color and imagery that will set the tone for your design. What is a "Mood Board "? A mood board is a collection of colors, textures, images, graphics, text and descriptive words. These items will be applied to the floor plan you choose. Think of this as the paint that will be used on the canvas that you have chosen. Example of a Mood Board Color Scheme Photography D Typography Charter BT Bold Primary graphic font Your Role • Approval Textures & Patterns y+. Rd Graphic Styles Icons 1- N�2 News Announcements L.— Ipsum Dolor Dui, Amat Consoam, Duffs auM inure aui rcr. ^:-•: -cr; -.. > naria;ur eur.•nra: Ierrrmr Lerem Ipsum Dolor D is Amer DAnsecletur Dom out& Irure ! p 3 psnavf eiusncd tenpc L .:.r. GOTHAM BOLD Aria] SECONDARY GRAPHIC FONT Wob- sale font lorLexto•nawgratonagdwntent Once you approve your layout and mood board, your designer will begin development of your design. • Marketing Packet Meeting Review marketing packet materials and guidelines. • DNS Worksheet Due You will need to ensure that CivicPlus has all the necessary DNS items identified for your website launch to be successful. "The design phase was great. Your design team was really great. They could take our little comments and make our design reflect our city. They were so good about making our changes and coming up with great ideas." Melissa Weiss, Creve Coeur, Missouri 29 49 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation Your Project Team will present a fully functional website based on your goals, our recommendations and our combined vision. The team will explain how its expertise has shaped your design and transformed your navigational structure. Your website is now 85 percent complete and, with minimal time investment, your website will be ready to launch! Content Migration During the Kick -Off Meeting and Phase 1 your staff had the role of updating the content on your current site. While you were making design decisions, our content development team will optimize and reorganize your content based on CivicPlus best practices. The CivicPlus content usability experts research and establish their standards from the following resources: Jakob Nielsen, www.Usability.gov and www.HowTo.gov. We will format and reorganize your content so it is easy for visitors to quickly scan and retrieve desired information. We will also bring over your agendas and minutes. There is no limit to the pages you can create after you have gone through training. Design/Wireframe Review You will have the opportunity to evaluate and collaborate with the Project Team on proposed changes. You can revise your design composition as many times as you deem necessary, up to the deadline that you and your project manager agree upon during the timeline meeting (the average client requests a total of three). After that deadline, your project's Go Live date will be adjusted. Following design approval and functionality development, we conduct a review to ensure your expectations are met and website best practices are upheld. Custom designs are rarely produced in anticipation of a project. Copyright authorization and /or photography production are required unless you already have quality, usable photographs. Additional fees for stock photographs or other images are not included in the estimate. Accessibility Compliance Our designers and programmers automatically implement all the accessibility features necessary to ensure your site is compliant with accessibility standards outlined within Section 508. We will make recommendations on best practices for keeping your content accessible and available for all users by ensuring that, among other things • All menu items are clickable • Submenus display throughout the site • Alt tags are used for images • Site maps are dynamically generated • Documents and links can be set to open in the same window CivicPlus recognizes accessibility standards recommendations made by a variety of groups, including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) as written in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Through adherence to Section 508, CivicPlus is able to meet almost all Priority One, Two and Three guidelines set forth in the WCAG. Those left unmet do not need to be addressed in order to allow basic access to content; some of the more stringent requirements of the WCAG may limit design and content development options. Your Role • Approval Evaluate presented design and revisions until you are satisfied. • Content Review You will review your new website's content and create a list of all the items you would like to see changed. Your CivicPlus trainer will go over your list with you during training, so your staff can gain hands -on experience. • Training Preparation Meeting We will help you identify the skills and tools your staff needs to quickly and easily update your website. 30 50 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 4: Customized Website Training Our goal for training is to give your staff the skills and tools they need to quickly and easily keep your website current. Trainers will work with you to ensure your staff is correctly trained. Before your site is launched, CivicPlus provides in- person or online webinar training to equip your staff with the knowledge, tools and comfort level needed to maintain the site's integrity upon Go Live. We want to make this an enjoyable experience, while encouraging your staff to participate in learning activities that give them a comprehensive understanding of your website. Regardless of technical ability, we will help your staff gain the confidence to effectively maintain your website. Website Best - Practice & Usability Consultation Based on your internal daily tasks and workflow, CivicPlus consultants share best practices with your staff for delivering automated services to your site's visitors. One -on -one or department- specific task analysis is included. Each hands -on session is designed to enhance your team's communication skills and highlight their individual specialties that emphasize your public value. Features, Module & Page Creation Training for Administrators & Content Contributors To better understand your site's navigation and page layout and how these affect target audiences, we will instruct your staff on creating area - rights and back -end features for site administration as well as review all the modules included with your site. Your staff will learn how to create links, format text and lay out pages for usability and scannability. Typical CivicPlus Training Schedule Admin Training Modules (cont.) Introduction to Website News Flash Admin Dashboard Document Ctr. / Archive Ctr Admin Tools Opinion Polls Intranet Staff Directory Urchin Statistics Resource Directory Set Up Groups & Users Notify Me® Modules Training Jobs, Bids & OJA Quick Links Photo Gallery & Postcard FAQs Slideshow Calendar My Dashboard Modules (cont.) Media Center Alert Center Community Voice Facilities & Reservations Forms Request Tracker Agenda Center Featured Info Real Estate Locator Carb. Calc. & Healthy City Pages & Wrap -Up Page Creation Advanced Page Creation Assist departments and staff in page creation Consult with departments and staff on further development and ways to enhance site Wrap -up session Training schedules vary depending on the number users to be trained and hours available but will cover the topics shown. Training manuals are available online and can be downloaded at no cost. "CivicPlus is the company for municipal websites. 1 can't imagine working with anyone else." - Krystal Bruton, Hlnesville, Georgia 31 51 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 5: Go Live Your Project Team will provide you the information you need to prepare your site for Go Live. This is an exciting time; it is the last step before your new site launches! Testing and Review You typically have three weeks after training to become familiar with your site. This will allow you to add, create and make adjustments to content on your production site, as well as ensure overall satisfaction with your website. Content changes will display and function the same way before and after your Go Live date. Upon completion of a collaborative final review of the website and a final spelling and links checkup by our Quality Control Team, your domain name is directed to the newly developed website. We will confirm that your initial communication goals developed in Phase 1 have been met, and then your new website is launched to the public. You will continue to receive both technical and consultative support. Search Engine Registration & Optimization Before Go Live, your site will be registered with the top search engines. A brief description and a list of key words pertaining to your new website will provide search engines the necessary information to find the website when a user enters a search for your website. Search engine optimization (SEC) is an important tool to improve search engine page rankings. CivicPlus uses several methods to improve the SEO of our websites. These include development of quality content, use of strong keywords and solid page descriptions. In the near future, changes are planned to further strengthen SEO for our clients. These changes include but are not limited to: user friendly URLs, optimized images and improvements to the site map and page descriptions. These changes will help drive your website to the top of search engine results. Continued Communication After your site launches, CivicPlus provides ongoing support. As your site grows, our support team will ensure that you receive the following resources: • Press release creation • Monthly e- newsletter • Website award submissions • CivicPlus online support • Annual site reviews "With CivicPlus, you're not just getting a website. It's social media, it's emergency alerts, it's my weekly blog, it's the mobile version of the site. Our website is tied to Facebook and Twitter, so updates are automatic. We're pushing information to where the people are. What good is all the good in your community if no one knows about it ?" Thomas Russo, Numurn fuvrnshrp, New Jersey 32 52 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Responsive Design Design is not only about reflecting your community's unique personality, but also about the citizen experience. Every day, more users visit websites using tablets and mobile devices than ever before. Those users are looking for the same content and features available on the full website — CivicPlus' responsive design capabilities open the door for a truly device - independent experience. Through dynamic resizing of graphics and architectural elements, responsive CivicPlus sites alter their presentation to fit whatever devices citizens are using to access the content — mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops. There's no need for separate mobile versions of the website that may limit the amount of content that can be displayed. A responsive site covers all devices and all screen sizes. This means more than a trendsetting way to view content; it means accessibility and communicating with your citizens in the ways they expect. In addition to responsive design, CivicPlus can meet your accessibility needs through a number of other methods, including custom mobile applications for specific smartphone or tablet operating systems and our advanced mobile detect and display technology, MuniMobile. Your project teams will consult with you regarding the possibilities of all options, ensuring your new site meets both your needs and your citizens' expectations. GoCitizen Pro Custom Mobile App The CivicPlus GoCitizen Pro Custom Mobile App is designed to look and work great on both iOS and Android mobile devices. Designed to keep users informed, content and alerts can be scheduled for automatic delivery. The controls are simple and easy for anyone to use. The GoCitizen Pro app is connected directly to your CivicPlus website; your content will always be in -sync with your mobile site visitors. Our professional staff makes sure the system stays up -to- date with hardware and software upgrades. This will ensure a system that is always optimized, secure and problem - free. We work closely with our clients to match the aesthetics of their application — from the splash screen to the background imagery to the banner — with their website to create a polished and seamless theme across the different media with which your site visitors are interacting with you. Our mobile app is available for an additional fee. Benefits of the GoCitizen Pro: • Cross - Platform Compatibility. GoCitizen Pro is designed to both look and work great on both iOS and Android mobile devices. The controls are simple and easy for anyone to use. • Push Notifications. The GoCitizen Pro mobile app will keep your citizens informed. Content and alerts can be scheduled for automatic delivery, freeing up local administrators for more pressing tasks. • Fully Integrated. The GoCitizen Pro app is connected directly to your CivicPlus website; your content will always be in -sync with your mobile citizens. Our professional staff makes sure the system stays up -to -date with hardware and software upgrades. This will ensure a system that is always optimized, secure and problem -free. • Custom Design. We've got it covered. We work closely with our clients to match the aesthetics of their application — from the splash screen to the background imagery to the banner — with their website to create a polished and seamless theme across the different media with which your citizens are interacting with you. • Emergency Alerts. Alert your citizens about emergencies in the community quickly and efficiently right to their mobile devices. MuniMobile TM CivicPlus' MuniMobile TM feature ensures that your website will have a mobile - compatible version, automatically, with no extra work required. Given the near - ubiquitous demand for full - mobile sites, CivicPlus offers this functionality at no additional cost. The design, navigation and content of your website will be automatically configured in such a way that a person viewing the site from a mobile device will still be afforded the same ease -of -use and intuitive setup as if they were navigating the website on a computer, with an option to view the full website available as well. 33 53 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA System Ownership Under our standard operating model, our clients own all data and software associated with the website — the design, the page content, all module content, all importable / exportable data, all archived information and the GCMS®. This allows them the peace -of -mind of remaining in total control of all website content and functionality. While hosted and maintained with CivicPlus, this data is never shared, and CivicPlus retains tight controls over our hosting operations, allowing for daily site backups, redundant power and internet systems, site redundancy and emergency recovery procedures. If the contract between your organization and CivicPlus were to be canceled due to the wishes of the client, our Support Department would work with you to transfer all associated data and software in order to make a smooth transition to the client's new hosting arrangement and, if necessary, management platform. In the highly unlikely event that CivicPlus were to cease support for the software due to bankruptcy, acquisition, a change in business operations or other circumstances, you would also receive full and complete control of all website data and software. Under either circumstance, provision of the core code, all associated modules and functionality would allow the client to move the entire website to an alternative hosting location without altering the management tools or modifying operation of the website in any way. Ongoing Training & Support Opportunities We want your website to be an investment that holds its value over time rather than a big expense that you have to budget for every few years. We apply this same thinking to our approach toward training and support, too. After the launch of your website you should be able to keep current staff as well as new -hires trained and supported as they update and maintain your site. CivicPlus offers ongoing training and support, as well as the incredible resource of more than 1,500 other municipalities that use the CivicPlus Government Content Management System (GCMS ®). Stay up to date and always informed with unlimited access to: CivicPlus Connection When you join the CivicPlus community, you're connecting with our entire staff as well as a network of more than 1,500 cities, counties and other government entities that use the CivicPlus solution. CivicPlus Connection — a social network for CivicPlus users — invites our customers to engage us and each other even more! By logging onto CivicPlus Connection, you can: • Earn different levels of CivicPlus certification, from contributor to webmaster, at our online testing center • Access online training manuals and videos to learn the tips, tricks and processes to become the expert at creating the best website for your users in the CivicPlus University section • Attend webinar series for refresher trainings or for sneak peeks at the newest features and functionality in development • Try to stump the CivicPlus trainers with a question • Share ideas and contribute to bettering our community through opinion polls, surveys and group discussions • Stay up to date on the latest trends in web technology, design and government processes through blogs, webinars and informational updates tailored to local government professionals • Access our always - available online support center for our clients • Signup to be a part of the CivicPlus beta testers to get your hands on the newest features and functionality first The CivicPlus Connection is another exciting benefit to the CivicPlus client experience and available only for clients who have been through initial training. 34 54 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA System Testing and Acceptance Site Testing before Go Live A testing period (approximately one month) is provided between the completion of training and your site's Go Live date. This will allow you to add, create, and make adjustments to content as well as ensure overall satisfaction with your website. CivicPlus is browser based, which means content changes will display and function the same way before and after Go Live. If the City of Poway discovers an item in need of correction, CivicPlus will have thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice to correct the item. (Adjustments to items outside of the RFP, proposal, and contract requirements are not considered corrections and may be subject to additional fees.) The CivicPlus project manager will provide the city with a project acceptance form via email. When the city is satisfied with the site that CivicPlus has built, the form may be signed and sent back and the website will Go Live. Testing Products for Customer Rollout The CivicPlus Development Team is an agile programming shop. We currently work in 2 -week iterations with several teams addressing new functionality and services and additional teams and select members dedicated to software fixes and minor enhancements. Prior to any software update or rollout, all code changes go through an internal testing process which includes an alpha testing phase, a beta testing phase and a final Release Candidate testing phase. Separate internal servers, isolated from our client hosts, are used for these various stages of testing. At any time during these testing phases, any member of the CivicPlus team can report an issue that needs to be addressed before rollout, essentially removing the product from the iteration deployment schedule. At this time, the code under review will once again have to begin the testing phase at the beginning to ensure it completes the entire testing cycle without issue or incident. A separate and isolated testing environment that mirrors our production servers is maintained for internal testing of not only our own codebase, but any updates to the host operating system as well. All updates are logged and tested prior to rollout to ensure compatibility with our GCMSO. "I think that the modules that are offered give a lot of flexibility to not only the taxpayers but our employees. We can use this site as much as a tool as the taxpayers do." - Michael Leiker, Ellis County: Kansas 35 55 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Warranty and Post Implementation Support Warranty We guarantee to build a website that increases your number of visitors by 50% or we will give 100% of your money back. Please speak with your regional sales manager, Danny Elmore, for more information about our warranty including the warranty terms. Around - the -Clock Technical Support Our support personnel are ready to answer your staff members' questions and ensure their confidence in using our site. When you choose CivicPlus, our knowledgeable staff is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CST) to field your calls and emails, and emergency services are available after regular hours with our on -call staff 24 -hours a day. In addition to fielding support requests, CivicPlus is proactive in identifying any potential system issues. Through regularly scheduled reviews of site logs, error messages, servers, router activity and the internet in general, our personnel often identify and correct issues before they even affect our clients' websites. Our expertise in website management provides assurance to our clients that their site is in good hands. Maintenance & Support Includes: Support Maintenance of CivicPlus Application & Modules 7 a.m. — 7 p.m. (CST) Mon. — Fri. (excluding holidays) Install Service Patches for OS 24/7 Emergency Support Upgrades Dedicated Support Personnel Fixes 2 -hour Response During Normal Hours Improvements Usability Improvements Integration Integration New and Upgraded Services Testing Proactive Support for Updates and Fixes Development Online Training Manuals Usage License Monthly Newsletters Phone Consulting CivicPlus Connection Community Engagement Consultants CivicPlus has a team of Community Engagement Consultants to help you implement the tools needed to successfully meet the level of Community Engagement that you desire. Upon website Go Live, you will have a dedicated member of this team to help you keep up on new CivicPlus products and optimize your site. This specialized team member can provide you with further information on how to engage your citizens, utilizing the tools that CivicPlus has put into place on your new website. Mobile Website Detection & Browsing Mobile browsing is automatically available with a CivicPlus- developed website, meaning your residents can easily access and refresh your site and its important content from any mobile platform, such as their iPhones, Androids, Blackberrys, etc. Software Licensing No programs or software are necessary to install, meaning you and your staff can update the site from any internet connection or platform (Mac or PC) at any time. Poway will not pay money per seat to install software. You can have an unlimited number of users in the system. Citizens Request Tracker is limited to 5 users; additional user licenses may be purchased. 36 56 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 C Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Annual Maintenance Upgrades All CivicPlus customers receive the benefits of new features and upgrades that we add to our ever - growing Government Content Management System (GCMS®). The core of the CivicPlus product offering grows with your community, ensuring that your site never grows stale and that your website is truly an investment. CivicPlus, when rolling out new functionality or system upgrades, takes several opportunities to inform our clients. Unless specifically opting out, System Administrators receive email notification of all system rollouts and update information. Information regarding any rollouts is also communicated through the GCMS@ Admin Panel Messages pane. Additionally, larger functionality rollouts such as a new module or a drastic re -work of an existing module, CivicPlus often gives our clients the opportunity to opt in /out of the initial implementation until they are ready for the upgrade path. Such an example was the case with the vastly improved performing Document Center, new Forms Center module, and the recently upgraded Facilities module. Annual Services With CivicPlus' Annual Services, you'll enjoy redundant hosting services, daily backups, extensive disaster recovery plans, 24/7 support, software maintenance, unlimited upgrades, recurring training, and access to the CivicPlus community. Protecting your investment is important, and our Annual Services allow you to receive maximum benefit at minimal cost. Over the course of a year, you'll receive software upgrades, maintenance and optimization. Additionally, your staff will have full access to our support staff, ensuring that they're always up to date on our latest features and functionality. 2nd Year Annual Services (Continuing GCMS® Upgrades, Maintenance, Support and Hosting) $5,504 Billed 12 months from contract signing and Year Annual Services (Continuing GCMS® Upgrades, Maintenance, Support and Hosting) $5,504 subject to annual 5% increase year 4 and beyond Annual Support, Maintenance & Hosting Service Include the Following: Support Maintenance of CivicPlus Hosting Application & Modules 7 -7 (CST) Mon -Fri (excluding holidays) Install Service Patches for OS Shared Web /SQL Server 24/7 Emergency Support Upgrades DNS Consulting & Maintenance Dedicated Support Personnel Fixes Monitor Bandwidth - Router Traffic 2 -hour Response during Normal Hours Improvements Redundant ISP Usability Improvements Integration Redundant Cooling Integration New & Upgraded Services Testing Natural Gas Powered Generator Proactive Support for Updates & Fixes Development Daily Tape Backup Online Training Manuals Usage License Intrusion Detection & Prevention Monthly Newsletters Antivirus Protection Phone Consulting Upgrade Hardware CivicPlus Connection 37 57 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Pricing All Quotes are in US Dollars and Valid for 90 Days from December 16, 2013. Project Development and Deployment Initial GCMS® upgrades, maintenance, support and hosting — no additional cost $40,549 Server Storage not to exceed 20 GB: Media Center Storage not to exceed 10 GB 10% Municipal Managers Association of Southern California - $4,055 With CivicPlus' Annual Services, you'll enjoy redundant hosting services, daily backups, extensive disaster recovery plans, 24/7 support, software maintenance, unlimited upgrades, recurring training, and access to the CivicPlus community. Protecting your investment is important, and our Annual Services allow you to receive maximum benefit at minimal cost. Over the course of a year, you'll receive software upgrades, maintenance and optimization. Additionally, your staff will have full access to our support staff, ensuring that they're always up to date on our latest features and functionality. 2 "O Year Annual Services (Continuing GCMS® Upgrades, Maintenance, Support and Hosting) $5,504 Billed 12 months from contract signing 3fo Year Annual Services (Continuing GCMS® Upgrades, Maintenance, Support and Hosting) $5,504 subject to annual 5% increase year 4 and beyond Optional Payment Plan — CivicPlus Advantage CivicPlus Advantage offers local governments an alternative payment plan that eases the impact of a new website on your budget and spreads the one -time project development costs over a longer period of time. Through a minimum three -year contract, CivicPlus Advantage dramatically lowers the one -time project development and start-up costs of launching a new website, combining one -time and recurring fees and spreading them over the life of the contract. And because we value our continuing relationships with our customers, those who extend their contract beyond the three -year minimum will receive a redesign at the end of their fourth year with CivicPlus — at no additional charge. CivicPlus Advantage 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Annual Recurring Fees $15,834 $15,834 $15,834 $5,779 58 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA The CivicPlus Redesign Option At CivicPlus, we realize that over time, you might decide that you want to change your design by giving it a visual refresh, so to speak. On average, we have noticed that clients tend to request a redesign about every four or five years in the life of a typical government website. But instead of starting completely over from scratch with a new website rebuild, CivicPlus has an option that can not only help save you time and effort, but lots of money too! With our CivicPlus Redesign Option, at the end of your fourth year of continuous service with us, you will automatically receive a website redesign with no further out -of- pocket expense. The cost of the redesign is included in your annual fees each year, giving you the knowledge that your website design will never become stale and that you'll never have to build your site from the ground up again! • New CivicPlus Basic Redesign • Redevelop banner • Up to three graphic buttons to promote special services • Redevelop navigation method (may choose top drop -down or other options) • Select color scheme to match new graphics • Design setup — wireframe • Print this page option • Email this page option • Breadcrumbs • Sitemap • Redevelop graphic elements of website (Newsflash, FAQs, Calendar, etc.) • Project management • Testing • Review • Content migration — Includes retouching of all existing pages on the redesigned website to ensure proper formatting, menu structure, and application of new site styles. Note. Content will be rewritten or pages broken up (shortened or resectioned) during this process to reflect best web usability practices. • Site styles and page layouts will be touched so all pages match the new design and migrate cleanly 39 59 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Project Development 40 60 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Kick -Off Meeting Included Deliverable Project Timeline. training jump start and worksheets Phase 1: Consulting Included Deliverable Needs assessment, best practices and worksheets Phase 2: Website Preview Presentation Deliverable: Website layout and mood board will be presented for your Included approval Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation Deliverable: Completed website design and navigation structure will be Included presented. You will be able to propose changes at this time. Phase 4: 5 Days of Customized On -Site Implementation Training for up to 12 employees Quote includes travel expenses ($80 per person per day for the 13th attendee and beyond) Deliverable: Train System Administrator(s) on GCMSO Administration, Included permissions, setting up groups and users, module administration. Basic User training on pages, module entries, applying modules to pages. Applied use and usability consulting to result in effective communication through your website. Phase 5: Go Live Deliverable: Content migrated from current site to new site based on best Included practice recommendations. Custom website. Registration of site with all major search engines. Additional Functionality Google Translation Tool Included Department Header Package for Poway Center Included Options Included in One -Time Fee See project enhancement options starting on the next page Optional Total Project Development and Deployment Fee Initial GCMS® upgrades, maintenance, support and hosting included — no additional cost $40,549 Server Storage not to exceed 20 GB, Media Center Storage not to exceed 10 GB 10% Municipal Managers Association of Southern California - $4,055 Total 40 60 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 C Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Project Enhancement Options Options One -Time Fee Pre - Implementation: On -Site Kick -Off Meeting Three days on -site. Quote includes travel Optional expenses. $10,000 A consultation package concentrating on your website committee's design goals, audience Add up to 6 goals and meet with departments to kick -off with a project overview. departments per Deliverable: A document summarizing the meetings, with analysis and additional day for recommendations. Design information gathered. $2,200 Phase 1: Content Consultation Three days on -site, up to six departments per day. Quote includes travel expenses. A consultation package concentrating on evaluating current website content and making Optional recommendations for improved content development, presentation and maintenance. $10,000 Deliverable: A comprehensive report on evaluation of current content (placement, length, style and effectiveness), recommendations for improvement or creation of new content, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. Phase 1: Process Roadmap Consultation Three days on -site. Quote includes travel expenses A consultation package concentrating on evaluation of processes for customer and citizen services. Designed to fit specific client needs in management of the website design and creation process on the client side. Optional $10,000 Deliverable: A comprehensive report of current citizen - facing practices and citizen /customer - facing processes, recommendations for improving quality and efficiency of government -to- citizen and government —to -customer relations and processes, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. Phase 1: Citizen Engagement/Website Marketing Suite Three days on -site. Quote includes travel expenses. This consultation will focus on creating a strategic marketing plan for the new website directed at your main public- facing stakeholders (citizens, visitors and businesses) in an effort to increase awareness of the site and increase interaction with the site's functionality. We will work with you to create a custom plan for advertising and driving traffic to your website geared toward capturing and building upon the momentum gained in the days and weeks that follow the new site's launch. Deliverable: • Strategic Initiatives: A strategic marketing plan aimed to increase Optional awareness of the site and increase interaction with the site's functionality $10,000 using targeted marketing tactics, a recommended plan of action for implementing new site and tools, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. • PR Services: Press release development, distribution and measurement, letter to local library development, letter to local library development, letter to request dedicated link development, how to guide — approach local paper, how to guide — invite local media. • Social Media Services: Consultation and recommended posts, Facebook update examples, how to guide — respond to social media. Phase 1: Public Engagement Evaluation Two days on -site. Quote includes travel expenses. A consultation package concentrating on evaluation the satisfaction of citizens /customers Optional regarding the current website and online services. A survey will be conduct to discover $7,800 general levels of satisfaction, desired site functions, features and tools, current tools features or functions that are not considered valuable or need altered. 41 61 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Deliverable: A follow -up report containing findings of current engagement level along One -Time with recommendations and roadmap for getting to the desired level of engagement. GoCitizen Pro Custom Mobile App (iOS & Android) Phase 1: Website Design Consultation Two days off -site — conducted remotely. $1,200 A consultation package concentrating on evaluating the form and function of the current $125 /page or $1,000/10 pages website design and potential problems therein. Optional Deliverable: A comprehensive report on all findings regarding the current site design, $3,600 recommendations and roadmap for implementing the design to meet your overall $5,000 goals, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. New Logo Development with Branding & Graphics Development Phase 1: Intranet Consultation Three days on -site. Quote includes travel expenses. n/a A consultation package concentrating on evaluating and improving current functions of $8,000 interdepartmental relations and recommendations for increasing effectiveness through the use of all available web tools. Optional Deliverable: A comprehensive report on all findings regarding the current intranet $10,000 system being used and success rate of current system functions, a detailed plan for making improvements and adapting the intranet system to your needs, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. Phase 4: 40 Hours Customized Interactive Webinar Training for up to 6 employees Optional Quote includes free use of up to 6 webcams and headsets $6,400 Phase 4: Training /Consulting Two days on -site Review website with department Optional administrators and provide additional time for basic learners. Review website procedures. $7,800 Must be held concurrently with original on -site training session. Post - Training: Website Presentation Two days of on -site meetings to present website to Optional stakeholders. Quote includes travel expenses. $7,800 Post - Training: Three -Month Checkup Held three months after go -live, includes two days Optional on -site of additional consultation /training. Quote includes travel expenses. $7,800 Post - Training: Three Day Annual Refresher One day on -site consultation, two days on- Optional site refresher /advanced training. Quote includes travel expenses. $10,000 Post Go -Live: 50 Pages of Additional Content $1,450 Virtual Webmaster: Five Hours of Content Updates per month. Optional $5,700 Annual Minimum Annual Recurring Training: Training on new functionality and services Deliverable • New User Training: A three -hour training for new users to learn basic features of the GCMS®. Optional • Refresher Training /New Module Training: A three -hour session designed to $2,000 refresh existing users as well as to train them on new modules. Annually • New Feature Overview: A three -hour session designed to make users aware of recently released modules and features. • Website Review Consulting: An hour -long, in -depth review of the client website followed by a two -hour session with client users. Functionality Options One -Time Annual GoCitizen Pro Custom Mobile App (iOS & Android) $4,500 $1,200 Language Translation (hand translation, priced per single language) $125 /page or $1,000/10 pages n/a LDAP Integration $1,200 $300 New Logo Development $5,000 n/a New Logo Development with Branding & Graphics Development $7,000 n/a Subsite (No annual fee in the first year, annual fees starts in second year) $8,000 $1,575 42 62 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Project Development and Deployment Includes the Following: Modules Functionality • Agenda Center Action Items Queue • Alerts Center & Emergency Alert Notification . Audit Trail / History Log • Archive Center Automated PDF Converter • Bid Postings Automatic Content Archiving • Blog Content Library (Content Templates) • Business /Resource Directory Dynamic Breadcrumbs • Calendar Dynamic Sitemap • Carbon Calculator Expiring Items Library • Citizen Request Tracker"' (5 users) Graphic Link Administration • Community Connection Links Redirect and Broken Links Finder • Community Voice TM Menu Management • Document Center Mouse -over Menu Structure • ePayment Center MuniMobileTM (Mobile Website Browsing) • Facilities & Reservations Online Editor for Editing and Page Creation (WYSIWYG) • Frequently Asked Questions Online Web Statistics • Forms Center Printer Friendly /Email Page • Healthy City Rotating Content • Intranet RSS • Job Postings Search Engine Registration • Media Center with Live Streaming Video . Site Layout Options • My Dashboard . Site Search & Entry Log • News Flash . Slideshow • Notify Me® Email & 500 SMS Text Subscription . Social Media Integration (Facebook, Share and Twitter) • Online Job Application with 1 Generic Application . User & Group Administration Rights • Opinion Poll . Web Page Upload Utility • Photo Gallery . Website Administrative Log • Postcard • Quick Links • Real Estate Locator • Spotlight • Staff Directory Support Maintenance of CivicPlus Hosting Application & Modules 7 a.m. — 7 p.m. (CST) Monday — Friday Install Service Patches for OS Shared Web /SQL Server (excluding holidays) Upgrades DNS Consulting & Maintenance 24/7 Emergency Support Fixes Monitor Bandwidth - Router Traffic Dedicated Support Personnel Improvements Redundant ISP 2 -hour Response During Normal Hours Integration Redundant Cooling Usability Improvements Testing Diesel Powered Generator Integration New & Upgraded Services Development Daily Tape Backup Proactive Support for Updates & Fixes Usage License Intrusion Detection & Prevention Online Training Manuals Antivirus Protection Monthly Newsletters Upgrade Hardware Phone Consulting CivicPlus Connection 43 63 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 C Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Conclusion As your website committee narrows the search for a partner to create the website for Poway, CivicPlus would like to be your partner of choice. Our experienced and knowledgeable professionals are committed to creating the communication infrastructure that Poway desires. • Your city will have access to the most experienced staff in the municipal website management market, and your project team will work with you to create a unique and engaging site that reflects your community. • CivicPlus will remain a trusted advisor and support resource after the site launches; Poway will always have access to government communication experts. • Your site will grow and change with you as industry trends and technology change. CivicPlus will ensure that your website is on the cutting edge — always. We have the expertise to help your city work better, help citizens help themselves and build a website both you and your citizens will use. Our promise: To build a website that increases your number of visitors by 50% or 100% of your money back. Guaranteed. 44 64 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Additional Documentation Clarifications & Exceptions Reference Your Language CivicPlus Proposes RFP page 4, The City requires the final phase of the Note: Schedule implementation to be complete by May While we believe that your desired timeline can be (Subject to 2014. This would include all met, because of the unpredictable timelines Change as implementation steps, integration associated with bidding processes, we rarely supply Required) development, system testing, training, a custom timeline in our proposal responses. launch and any other steps identified by Working together, we want to ensure a realistic the chosen vendor. timeline is available to meet your specific goals. Through the outline of our proven development model provided in this proposal, development timelines can be estimated based on the date of the project's initiation. RFP page 5, 4. Proposer must provide a current Note: Proposer Certificate of Insurance to the City of Upon award, CivicPlus will provide the City of Poway Requirements, Poway with the above stated an insurance certificate with the following coverages: Insurance requirements along with all valid Additional Insured Endorsements. General Liability: $2 million dollars each occurrence; $4 million dollars general aggregate • Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions): $3 million dollars each occurrence • Auto: $1 million combined single limit • Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $1 million each accident (CivicPlus is an employer in the State of Kansas and abides by those employment laws) RFP page 5, 5. The insurer must be a California Note: Proposer admitted surety or an insurance CivicPlus will insure your project through the Hartford Requirements, company listed by the State Insurance Casualty Insurance Company, a member of the Insurance Commissioner and shall have a rating "A" Hartford Insurance Group with an AM Best rating of in the latest Best's Rating Guide of "A — Excellent." or better and Class VI or better, or be treasury listed for the size of risk undertaken. RFP page 6, The "2 clicks to content" navigation Note: Scope of approach should be maximized. We offer unlimited depth of navigation so that you Services, can accurately portray information in an organized Design and form rather than cramming exorbitant amounts of Navigation information into a very small space. Studies show that website users don't mind having to dig a little 45 65 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA 46 66 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 deeper into a website for information as long as they feel they are on the right track. This type of navigation helps eliminate the frustration of the "needle in the haystack" dilemma on a page overloaded with content. RFP page 7, Deliverables: Note: Scope of At least 3 "look and feel" draft site You will be presented with two custom layouts that Services, designs for www.poway.org site. Each Design and site design must address the City's showcase the placement of your navigation and key Navigation homepage, a matching basic theme, functionality. Very similar to the floor plan of a house, and a theme for teens /youth. each layout will allow you to focus on where things • Theme for www.powaycenter.com are and if the function and proportion of the space is adequate. You will have the opportunity to revise pages can be based on the selected your design composition as many times as you deem www.poway.org wireframe. necessary up to the deadline that you and your project manager agree upon during the timeline meeting. After that deadline you may have an additional two revisions. The average number of revisions client require is a total of three. RFP page 7, Other important features of the CMS Note: Scope of Services, are: Further discussion is needed to determine how Content • Homepage Banners. Ability for staff CivicPlus will meet this requirement. Management users to update a rotating banner for homepage, department pages, and other pages within the CMS. RFP page 7, Page Loading. The final site will load in Note: Scope of less than 4 seconds (for the first view) Our designers will take the time in pre- design Services, with the page almost visually complete Content in less than 2 secs. Proposer should meetings to achieve the image, message, and brand Management describe their method of testing and you wish to achieve as well as offer suggestions to improving webpage efficiency. help you meet the desired load time. RFP page 8, Image Optimization. Describe how the Note: Scope of CMS handles images so that the Services website download speeds are The image editor within our GCMS® will optimize the optimized. For example: a large 5mb file; however photos are limited to 4mb. image is uploaded but only a 200x150 pixel image is used on the site. Is the image cropped? Resized? Optimized by the system? RFP page 8, FTP. The Proposer will allow the City Note: Scope of administrator to upload files using FTP Services to the hosting directory for use with the In our experience, our Document Center as met our website. Client's need for FTP. 46 66 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 47 67 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Deliverable: FTP access to specific directory and files. RFP page 9, The Proposer will need to warrant that To exempt Scope of the City will own all developed software, Our standard Ownership and Intellectual Property Services, and further warrant that the City will Documentation possess all necessary rights to use terms are: copyrighted or trademarked software Upon full and complete payment of submitted materials from any third parties that are invoices for the Project Development and not developed by the Proposer, but are Deployment and launch of the website, Client will necessary for the use of the software own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMS® developed by the Proposer, so that software. there is no infringement on a third Upon completion of the development of the site, party's rights. Client will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMS® software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMS® software, (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMS® software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMS® administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet - based device, or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMS® software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMS® software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. RFP page 10, Project Timeframe. Design and content Note: Scope of should be completed such that the While we believe that your desired timeline can be Services redesigned website is ready to be launched by May 2014. Please submit met, because of the unpredictable timelines proposed timeline for project associated with bidding processes, we rarely supply development, testing, and a custom timeline in our proposal responses, implementation within this timeframe. Working together, we want to ensure a realistic timeline is available to meet your specific goals. Through the outline of our proven development model provided in this proposal, development timelines can be estimated based on the date of the project's initiation. 47 67 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 48 68 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 RFP page 10, Ownership. Once the City has accepted To exempt Scope of the site as completed, all artwork, Our standard Ownership and Intellectual Property Services imagery, coding, scripting, content, terms are: materials, and any software licenses acquired specifically to support this site Upon full and complete payment of submitted become the property of the City of invoices for the Project Development and Poway. The selected Proposer will not Deployment and launch of the website, Client will provide, re -use, or otherwise make own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMS® these materials available to other software. entities without prior approval of the Upon completion of the development of the site, City. Client will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMS® software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMS(D software, (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMS® software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMS® administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet - based device, or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMS® software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software. or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMS® software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. RFP page 15, 4. Termination. To exempt and replace with: Standard This Agreement may be terminated with This contract shall remain in effect for a period of Agreement for or without cause by City. Termination one year (12 months) from signing. In the event that Services without cause shall be effective only neither party gives 60 days' notice prior to the end of upon 60 -day written notice to the initial or any subsequent term, this Agreement Consultant. During said 60 -day period will automatically renew for an additional contract Consultant shall perform all consulting term. After 48 consecutive months under the terms services in accordance with this of this contract and associated pricing, Client will be Agreement. This Agreement may be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional terminated by City for cause in the event of a material breach of this cost. Agreement, misrepresentation by Either party may terminate the agreement at the end Consultant in connection with the of the contract term by providing the other party with formation of this Agreement or the 1 60 days written notice prior to the contract renewal 48 68 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 49 69 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 performance of services, or the failure date. to perform services as directed by City. In the event of early termination of this Agreement by Termination for cause shall be effected the Client, Client forfeits eligibility for the CP Basic by delivery of written notice of Redesign and all funds applied to such eligibility. termination to Consultant. Such termination shall be effective upon Each year this Agreement is in effect, a technology delivery of said notice. investment and benefit fee of 5 percent ( %) of the total Annual Services costs will be applied. Client may terminate this Agreement if CivicPlus is found in default of any obligation hereunder which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such default. In addition, if at any time after commencement of service, client determines that such services are inadequate, unsatisfactory, or substantially not conforming to the descriptions, warranties, or representations contained herein, the client may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days written notice to CivicPlus. In the event of early termination of this Agreement by the client, full payment of the remainder of the contract is due within 15 days of termination. RFP page 16, 8. Ownership of Documents. To exempt the entire section and replace with: Standard Agreement for Upon full and complete payment of submitted Services invoices for the Project Development and Deployment and launch of the website, Client will own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMSO software. Upon completion of the development of the site, Client will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMS® software in any way, (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMS& software; (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMS® software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMS® administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet - based device, or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMS® software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS® software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the 49 69 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 50 70 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 product and module names associated with the GCMS® software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. RFP page 18, 15. Indemnification. To exempt and replace with: Standard Client shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Agreement for CivicPlus, its partners, employees, and agents from Services and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, in connection with the operations of and installation of software contemplated by this Agreement, or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected with the CivicPlus provision of service and performance under this Agreement. This section shall not apply to the extent that any loss or damage is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of CivicPlus. If Client and CivicPlus are both negligent, damages shall be apportioned in accordance with the percentage of negligence of each party. This paragraph is not intended to benefit entities not a party to this contract. RFP page 22, B. Compensation and Reimbursement To exempt and replace with: "SPECIAL One -third of the total First Year Fee will be billed PROVISIONS" N upon completion of Phase 1: Consulting, one -third of EXHIBIT the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation. The remainder of the total First Year Fee and any additional Project Development and Deployment services will be invoiced after Phase 4: Customized Website Training has been completed. The Client shall sign a project completion and acceptance form prior to project go -live. The date may be extended if material system or operational failures are encountered. Immediately after completing training the final bill for the project development and deployment services will be billable and payable. All Parties agree that the website will not go -live until the project is accepted in writing by the Client. Total First Year invoices are due by the first of the following month, but no later than 30 days from invoice date. Project Development will be discontinued if payment is not made within 30 days after the invoice due date. Invoicing for Annual Services begins one (1) year from contract signing. 50 70 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 51 71 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Annual Services invoices may be prorated in order to correlate with the Client's budget year, and are invoiced prior to the year of service. After project go -live, if the Client's account exceeds 60 days past due, Support will be discontinued until the Client's account is made current. If the Client's account exceeds 90 days past due, Annual Services will be discontinued until the Client's account is made current. Client will be given 30 days notice prior to discontinuation of services for non - payment. The Client will be invoiced electronically through email. Upon request CivicPlus will mail invoices and the Client will be charged a $5.00 convenience fee. Unless otherwise limited by law, a finance charge of 2.9 percent ( %) per month or $5.00, whichever is greater, will be added to past due accounts. Payments received will be applied first to finance charges, then to the oldest outstanding invoice(s). Provided the Client's account is current, at any time the Client may request an electronic copy of the website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importable /exportable data, and all archived information ( "Customer Content "). Client agrees to pay $250 per completed request. Provided the Client's account is current, upon termination of services Client may request a complimentary electronic copy of website Customer Content and CivicPlus Government Content Management System (" GCMSO ") software. RFP page 22, (d) Workers' Compensation insurance To exempt and replace with: "SPECIAL in statutory amount. All of the Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $1 PROVISIONS" ", endorsements which are required million each accident (CivicPlus is an employer in the EXHIBIT "A above shall be obtained for the policy of State of Kansas and abides by those employment D. Workers' Compensation insurance. laws). Consultant's Insurance RFP page 22, (b) Notice. To exempt "SPECIAL "Said policy shall not terminate, nor Our insurer will not guarantee 30 days notice PROVISIONS" shall it be canceled, until thirty (30) however, CivicPlus will provide you with notice as EXHIBIT "A ", days after written notice is given to soon as possible after notification of cancellation. D. City." Consultant's Insurance 51 71 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Certificate of Insurance --1 AIII CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 5 /22 /2013YYl THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S). AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER. AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED. the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Charlson- Wilson Insurance 555 Poyntz Avenue, Suite 205 P.O. BOX 1989 Manhattan KS 66505 -1989 NAM CONTACT Elizabeth Smoller PHONE (785)537 -1600 FAX .(785)537 -lt57 EMAIL .bsmollerPcharlsonwilson.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Sen tine 1 Insurance Company, LTD 11000 INSURED ICON ENTERPRISES INC D /B /A NETWORK PLUS AND CIVICPLUS 317 HOUSTON STREET MANHATTAN KS 66502 INSURERe:Rated by Multiple Companies 00914 RI SURER C:Har tford insurance Group INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: $ 2,000,000 Fnvpwa(.FC (- 414 TH -I( -011' NI IMRRW -zUJ.J t sCer WI- VISHIN N11MRFK' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. RISK TR TYPE OF INSURANCE 'Y NUMBER R POLICY E M !YY POLICY EXP M LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 PREMISES) Ea a«uaence $ 1,000,000 X CCMAN£RCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR 37SBAAM9566 /17/2013 /17/2014 MED EXp(Any one person) s 10,000 PERSONAL 6 ADV INJURY S 2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE S 4,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER' PRODUCTS - COMP /OP AGG $ 4,000,000 $ X POLICY n PR0. LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY IN IN LI 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY(Perpe —) $ A X —AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS 7TTEC.TZ7974 /17/2013 5/17/2014 BODILY INJURY (P., —dens) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE (P r et $ HIRED AUTOS NON -0OWN AUTOS PIP4laslc $ UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE 8 AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIAR CLAIMSJMDE DEC) RETENTIONS S B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTI' /E X 'NC STATUS R I R DI E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1.000.000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatoryin NH) N A 37WECPA9652 /17/2013 5/17/2014 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 It yes . d—be under DESCRIPTION OF OPERA71ON5 below I I I E . DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 C Technology EGO 0 TE 0277079 -13 /1/2013 1/1/2014 Each Ghtch Llmt 3,000,000 Aggregate LImd 3,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS, VEHICLES (Adach ACORD 107, Additional Remarks 50edtile, if more space ie req. -d) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ** *FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY PLEASE CONTACT AGENT TO BE LISTED AS CERTIFICATE HOLDER * ** SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE tha Pottberg /TPS tff1�2 -ia'N" ACORD 26 (2010105) tl 1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. INS025 nnmrr -- Tho ar npr1 namo anH I— are rnnief —d marks of ar nPr1 52 72 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA Sample Contract - Standard Terms & Conditions CivicPlus looks forward to negotiating a mutually beneficial contract with Poway. Client Deliverable 1. Icon Enterprises, Inc., d /b /a CivicPlus ( "CivicPlus ") will create a unique website for the City of Poway ( "Client ") that includes all functionality as defined in Exhibit A — CivicPlus Project Deliverables, attached hereto. 2. After 48 consecutive months under these terms and associated pricing, Client becomes fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional cost. See Exhibit B for complete details. Additional Services Client may contract with CivicPlus for additional Consulting, Website Design, Setup, Programming, site modification, Training services (Project Development and Deployment Services), Additional Page and /or Graphic Design that exceed those defined in Exhibit A. CivicPlus will invoice Client for the additional services immediately prior to project Go -Live. Services that involve billable time beyond the contracted amount will be documented and invoiced. Written approval by the Client is necessary before billable time is incurred. 4. Client may contract with CivicPlus for additional Annual Services that exceed those defined in Exhibit A. CivicPlus will invoice Client for Annual Services immediately prior to project Go -Live. Modules that incur additional usage fees may be purchased and activated at any time. 5. Acceptance of this Agreement signifies Client's approval of any billable time specifically related to training services as detailed in Exhibit A, wherein a stated number of attendees is specified. Coverage for additional attendees not covered under this agreement is billed at a per diem rate specified in Exhibit A. Billing & Payment Terms 6. One -third of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 1: Consulting; one -third of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation. The remainder of the total First Year Fee and any additional Project Development and Deployment services will be invoiced after Phase 4: Customized Website Training has been completed. 7. The Client shall sign a project completion and acceptance form prior to project go -live. The date may be extended if material system or operational failures are encountered. Immediately after completing training the final bill for the project development and deployment services will be billable and payable. All Parties agree that the website will not go -live until the project is accepted in writing by the Client. 8. Total First Year invoices are due by the first of the following month, but no later than 30 days from invoice date. Project Development will be discontinued if payment is not made within 30 days after the invoice due date. 9. Invoicing for Annual Services begins one (1) year from contract signing. 10. Annual Services invoices may be prorated in order to correlate with the Client's budget year, and are invoiced prior to the year of service. 11. After project go -live, if the Client's account exceeds 60 days past due, Support will be discontinued until the Client's account is made current. If the Client's account exceeds 90 days past due, Annual Services will be discontinued until the Client's account is made current. Client will be given 30 days notice prior to discontinuation of services for non - payment. 12. The Client will be invoiced electronically through email. Upon request CivicPlus will mail invoices and the Client will be charged a $5.00 convenience fee. 13. Unless otherwise limited by law, a finance charge of 2.9 percent ( %) per month or $5.00, whichever is greater, will be added to past due accounts. Payments received will be applied first to finance charges, then to the oldest outstanding invoice(s). 53 73 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 14. Provided the Client's account is current, at any time the Client may request an electronic copy of the website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importable /exportable data, and all archived information ( "Customer Content "). Client agrees to pay $250 per completed request. Provided the Client's account is current, upon termination of services Client may request a complimentary electronic copy of website Customer Content and CivicPlus Government Content Management System ( "GCMS® ") software. Agreement Renewal 15 This contract shall remain in effect for a period of one year (12 months) from signing. In the event that neither party gives 60 days' notice prior to the end of the initial or any subsequent term, this Agreement will automatically renew for an additional contract term. After 48 consecutive months under the terms of this contract and associated pricing, Client will be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional cost. 16. Either party may terminate the agreement at the end of the contract term by providing the other party with 60 days written notice prior to the contract renewal date. 17. In the event of early termination of this Agreement by the Client, Client forfeits eligibility for the CP Basic Redesign and all funds applied to such eligibility and full payment of the remainder of the contract is due within 15 days of termination. 18. Each year this Agreement is in effect, a technology investment and benefit fee of 5 percent ( %) of the total Annual Services costs will be applied. Support 19. CivicPlus will provide unlimited telephone support Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Central Time) excluding holidays, for all trained Client staff. Emergency Support is provided on a 24/7/365 basis for emergency contacts named by the Client. Client is responsible for providing CivicPlus with contact updates. 20. Support includes providing technical support of the GCMS@ software, application support (pages and modules), and technical maintenance of Client's website. Following initial setup, additional page design, graphic design, user training, site modification, and custom programming may be contracted separately for an additional fee. 21. During the period of this agreement and subsequent annual renewals, CivicPlus warrants that it will, without additional charge to the Client, take action to correct any problems or defects discovered in the GCMS® software and reported to CivicPlus by the Client, such warranty to include ongoing maintenance upgrades and technical error correction. 22. CivicPlus provides online website statistics software at no extra charge. If Client desires to use other website statistic software, CivicPlus will provide the necessary log file access. Marketing 23. Client will work with the CivicPlus Marketing Department to make a reasonable attempt to gather information and meet deadlines associated with website award contest entries throughout the term of this agreement, and to create a case study related to their website. 24. Client permits CivicPlus to include an example of the Client's home page and a link to the Client's website on the CivicPlus corporate website. 25. Client will make a reasonable attempt to work with the CivicPlus Marketing Department to create a news item to be released in conjunction with their project Go -Live date. Client will provide CivicPlus with contact information for local and regional media outlets. CivicPlus may use the press release in any marketing materials as desired throughout the term of this Agreement. 26. Client allows CivicPlus to display a "Government Websites by CivicPlus" insignia, and web link at the bottom of their web pages. Client understands that the pricing and any related discount structure provided under this agreement assumes such perpetual permission. Intellectual Property, Ownership & Content Responsibility 27. Upon full and complete payment of submitted invoices for the Project Development and Deployment and launch of the website, Client will own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMS® software. 54 74 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CProposal for the City of Poway, CA 28. Upon completion of the development of the site, Client will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. 29. Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMSO software in any way, (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMSO software, (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMSO software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMSO administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet -based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMSO software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software. 30. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMSO software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. Indemnification 31. Client shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CivicPlus, its partners, employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, in connection with the operations of and installation of software contemplated by this Agreement, or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected with the CivicPlus provision of service and performance under this Agreement. This section shall not apply to the extent that any loss or damage is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of CivicPlus. If Client and CivicPlus are both negligent, damages shall be apportioned in accordance with the percentage of negligence of each party. This paragraph is not intended to benefit entities not a party to this contract. Liabilities 32. CivicPlus will not be liable for any act, omission of act, negligence or defect in the quality of service of any underlying carrier or other service provider whose facilities or services are used in furnishing any portion of the service received by the Client. CivicPlus will not be liable for any failure of performance that is caused by or the result of any act or omission by Client or any entity other than CivicPlus that furnishes services, facilities or equipment used in connection with CivicPlus services or facilities. 33. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, CivicPlus makes no expressed or implied representations or warranties, including any warranties regarding merchantability or fitness for a particular cause. Force Majeure 34 No party shall have any liability to the other hereunder by reason of any delay or failure to perform any obligation or covenant if the delay or failure to perform is occasioned by force majeure, meaning any act of God, storm, fire, casualty, unanticipated work stoppage, strike, lockout, labor dispute, civic disturbance, riot, war, national emergency, act of Government, act of public enemy, or other cause of similar or dissimilar nature beyond its control. -- Remainder of this page left intentionally blank- 55 75 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 I ;) Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Bank Letter of Reference IT tateBank 1010 WESTLOOP PLACE HS 6 502 ( 785 SR7 1000 s May 6, 2013 Icon Enterprises, Inc. D /B /A CIVICPIUs 317 Houston Street, Suite E Manhattan, KS 66502 Re: CivicPlus To Whom It May Concern: Kansas State Bank of (Manhattan is pleased to provide a Bank letter of Recommendation for our valued customers, Icon Enterprises. Inc, d /bla CivicPlus. In addition to deposit accounts. we currently extend credit facilities to Icon Enterprises, Inc, d /b /a CivicPlus, aggregating in the mid -six figure proportions All deposit and credit facilities have been handled in a very satisfactory manner. The company's reported financial position is sound and supportive of current and "future" credit extensions. We enjoy a strong working relationship with Icon Enterprises, Inc. and are pleased to call them a valued customer. If you have any questions or require additional information, (with Icon Enterprises. Inc. approval), please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely f ll L. I�Ohlmeler Executive Vice President LLK /aej 56 76 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 77 of 89 11 Attachment 2 CITY OF POWAY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 September 2013 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................... ............................... 3 CityOverview .................................................................................................................... ..............................3 CurrentProcess ............................................................................................................. ..............................3 DeliveryRequirements ...................................................................................................... ..............................4 Schedule............................................................................................................................ ..............................4 ContactInformation .......................................................................................................... ..............................4 ProposerRequirements .................................................................................................... ..............................5 Proposal Submission Format Requirements .................................................................... .............................10 Proposal Evaluation and Selection ................................................... ............................... ............................133 78 of 89 Page 2 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Introduction The City of Poway ( "City ") is requesting sealed proposals from interested and qualified vendors (each, a "Proposer," as a group, "Proposers ") for a Website Redesign and Content Management System (CMS). The goal of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide the City with an updated website that will be flexible and adaptable in its goal to provide Poway residents, Poway businesses, and the general public, access to information and services. The website is also a gateway to a number of City services provided through external websites. City Overview The City is a general law city incorporated under California law in 1980. The City serves a population of approximately 50,000, covers an area of approximately 39 square miles, and is located in San Diego County. It operates under the City Council -City Manager form of government. The City provides a variety of services to the community, including fire protection, water and wastewater services, street maintenance and flood control, community planning and various youth, adult and senior recreational service programs. The City has over 200 permanent employees and numerous temporary employees on a seasonal basis. Current Process The City has had a web presence built on the Vision Internet content management system ( "CMS ") since 2007. There are approximately 20 users actively updating the website out of a total of almost 60 users in the system. The single CMS is used to support the City's main websites: www.poway.org and www.powaycenter.com. The City also employs other online services that are accessed through the site such as: • NeoGov - human resources • Active.com — class registration and facility rentals • Codepublishing — municipal code • WebGIS Solutions — GIS maps and data • Weblink and Laserfiche — City documents • Choice Ticketing — online show ticket purchasing • CRW — business certificates and licenses • Volgistics — volunteer management • Northstar —online utility payments • Paymenow [ ?] — offsite payment system for utility bills, registrations, etc., located in convenience stores Current Technical Configuration Computer Environment - Over 250 laptops and desktops - Windows 7, Core i5, 8Gb RAM - Office Professional Plus 2010 Server Environment - HP Blade Server Hardware - VMWare vSphere 4.0 update 1 79 of 89 Page 3 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 - Exchange 2010 - Microsoft SQL 2008, SQL 2012 - Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 - SharePoint 2010, SQL 2008 - Laserfiche 9 and Weblink 8 Website Environment - Poway.org built on Vision Internet CMS4 Internet Connection - Telepacific 1OMbps Synchronous Fiber Connection Schedule (Subject to Change as Required) 1. RFP Published and distributed: 10/3/13 2. Proposals due: 10/30/13 at S:OOpm 3. Proposals reviewed and evaluated: 10/31/13 through 11/7/13 4. Demonstrations (short listed Proposers): 11/13/13 5. Selection: November 2013 6. Contract Begins: December 2013 The City requires the final phase of the implementation to be complete by May 2014. This would include all implementation steps, integration development, system testing, training, launch and any other steps identified by the chosen vendor. Contact Information Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be submitted by Wednesday, October 16, 2013 to: Lawrence Brillon IT Analyst - City of Poway Phone: (858) 668 -4455 Email: Ibrillon @poway.org Any questions received by the City that affect the RFP process will be issued as addenda to this RFP by the City. Proposers responding to this RFP must include signed receipts acknowledging each addenda issued by the City or it will be deemed non - responsive. Delivery Requirements Responses to this RFP shall be submitted in a sealed package addressed as below and clearly identifying the Proposer making the submission. Package must be marked as "CONFIDENTIAL — Website Design and Content Management System RFP 14 -004" One original, two copies, and a digital /pdf (via email) must be submitted by each Proposer. The Proposer is liable for any of the costs incurred in preparing and submitting a proposal. All proposals must be received by the Customer Services Department by Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at S:OOpm. Responses received after this date /time will not be considered. Postmark date will not constitute 80 of 89 Page 4 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 timely delivery. Agencies are solely responsible for ensuring timely receipt of their responses. Mail or deliver proposals to: City of Poway — IT Department Attn: Brad Rosen Website Design and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Email: brosen @poway.org The City reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time and for any reason without any liability to any Proposer submitting, or preparing a response to, this RFP; or to waive irregularities in the RFP and the RFP process at its own discretion. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Proposer Requirements Contract 1. The successful Proposer will be required to enter into the City's Standard Agreement for Contract Services, included as part of this document. Please review this contract document carefully and note in your proposal any exceptions or alterations to the contract that you are requesting. Alterations or changes to the contract not included in the proposal will not be considered by the City. This includes alterations, exceptions, or changes to the insurance and indemnity provisions. By requiring these requests to be made up front, the City can compare all respondents on an equal basis and take contract exceptions into consideration in the selection process. Insurance 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. 2. Workers' Compensation Insurance with Statutory Limits of not less than $1,000,000 per accident. 3. The Proposer shall supply policy endorsements for all liability insurance policies naming the City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds with respect to this subject project and contract with City. 4. Proposer must provide a current Certificate of Insurance to the City of Poway with the above stated requirements along with all valid Additional Insured Endorsements. 5. The insurer must be a California admitted surety or an insurance company listed by the State Insurance Commissioner and shall have a rating in the latest Best's Rating Guide of "A" or better and Class VI or better, or be treasury listed for the size of risk undertaken. 81 of 89 Page 5 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Business Certificate 1. Throughout the duration of the contract, Proposer must hold a valid and current City of Poway Business Certificate. Scope of Services This section provides a brief description of the City's project expectations, requirements and documentation considerations the City anticipates during project implementation. This section is not intended to be exhaustive. The City is relying on Proposers to include in their responses any items they deem relevant and important to the project or to the City. Expectations. The primary goal of this project is to replace the current website with a new and improved website. Poway.org and powaycenter.com together are referred to in this document as "website ". The new website will be easier for users to navigate, more efficient for City staff to manage, and provide access to variety of online services to the residents and businesses of the City of Poway. The City seeks to replace the existing website with an attractive interface, user - friendly interactive tools, search - engine compatibilities, and a comprehensive, highly functional content management system. The proposed solution should be built on a software platform that is in active development, meaning that the Proposer is continually incorporating additional enhancements to the functionality, while also allowing for modifications /additions to tailor the implementation to specific needs of the City. It should be developed, tested, and maintained using a high - quality software development methodology for long -term reliability and technical efficiency. Any one or all modules /portions of a solution may be implemented. The contract resulting from this RFP will include website design services, implementation, and training. A separate maintenance and hosting agreement will encompass a minimum of (3) three years with an option for annual renewals thereafter. The contract will also require that the City is allowed to terminate the contract with or without cause on reasonable notice. Design and Navigation. The design of the site should be unified, consistent, visually appealing and inviting. The home page should provide a visual statement of Poway and provide easy navigation to a number of functions /capabilities for the City's residents, partner agencies, and other interested parties. The competing benefits of "simplicity and elegance" and "rich capability and content" need to be balanced for the user; the end user's needs should be considered at every step of the design and development process. The site should provide the user with a personal feel; not that of a faceless bureaucracy. The "2 clicks to content" navigation approach should be maximized. Examples of design include: • Graphical • Color Palates • Fonts • Graphics /Imagery • Custom favicon.ico. Poway currently uses a custom favicon for its website, a new one matching the theme and style should be used for the redesigned site. • Organization • Navigational Structure of major elements (use requirements document and current web site as a template) • Example "click through" functionality 82 of 89 Page 6 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 The City will have sufficient time to review and comment on the proposed sites, discuss "pros and cons" with the Proposer, and ultimately select a site design for further development. Deliverables: At least 3 "look and feel" draft site designs for www.powaV.org site. Each site design must address the City's homepage, a matching basic theme, and a theme for teens /youth. • Theme for www.powaycenter.com pages, can be based on the selected www.poway.org wireframe. Content Management. In the new site, City staff will need to have a distributed, role -based ability to manage content. Currently, information is either assigned to a department workflow or the webmaster. It is desirable to have a simple to use system where the content editing and approval roles can be assigned to more than one department in cases where departments have a shared role on specific content. Other important features of the CMS are: • Homepage Banners. Ability for staff users to update a rotating banner for homepage, department pages, and other pages within the CMS. • Citizen Request Management. Ability to receive, manage, route, track and manage requests from public via desktop and mobile. • Page redirects. Admin control and creation of redirects, e.g., the creation of the address www.poway.org/billpay redirects to poway.org /Index.aspx ?page =704. • In page editing. Ability to update content from the frontend view that the public sees. • Site Analytics. Statistics such as Google Analytics to track what pages users are viewing the most, what devices and browsers are used. • Page Loading. The final site will load in less than 4 seconds (for the first view) with the page almost visually complete in less than 2 secs. Proposer should describe their method of testing and improving webpage efficiency. • Browser compatibility. Final site will be substantially compatible with the current versions of major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome). • Internet Technology. Development of the site may be done using any of the major internet technologies (XML, CSS, HTMLS, Java, JavaScript, Flash, ASP, etc. Flash is less desirable, please note where this is used). • Emergency Alert Notification. Homepage can display emergency status with text easily edited by City staff, emergency banner can link web pages in the CMS and on the Web. • Notifications. Email notifications for pages, calendar events, news. Website users can manage subscription though the site and email. • Mega Menus. Drop down navigational menus that can have graphics and headings for style. • Quicklinks. Links on homepage managed within the CMS by administrator or authorized staff. • Breadcrumb Navigation. Dynamic breadcrumb navigation, no maintenance required. • Sitemap. Dynamic sitemap, no maintenance required. • Photo Slideshow. Easy to update, and place on pages for end users. • RFP /RFQ Postings. Manage RFP /RFQ posts and participants. • Vendor /Bidders Interest List. Vendors can sign up to be notified for bid postings of interest, and list what services and product categories they provide. • Forms. Simple online form creation, with reporting capabilities. • Online Surveys. Simple online surveys with charting and reporting. • Calendar. Calendar is dynamic, categorized, has mapping embedded, has integration so that users can add the event to their calendar. • Payment. Ability to process credit card payments through the web. 83 of 89 Page 7 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 • Business /Resource Directory. Web users can view what businesses are in the City. • Facility Directory and Reservation. Facility locations, maps, amenities, and reservation module. • Media Center. Streaming video library, easily embedded onto pages. • Staff Directory. Managed list of staff contacts that can be dynamically displayed by department/ division /category. • Expiring Items. Pages and content can be set to expire, and the CMS can notify the administrator or staff users to update. • Domain management. City staff will have administrative authority over all domain names /registration; however, the selected Proposer may provide support in ensuring all domains are current; and make recommendations for, and assist the City in acquisition of, additional domain names, etc. • Language. The site should be developed in English with the ability to translate pages into other languages similar to, or utilizing, Google Translate. • Image Optimization. Describe how the CMS handles images so that the website download speeds are optimized. For example: a large 5mb image is uploaded but only a 200x150 pixel image is used on the site. Is the image cropped? Resized? Optimized by the system? Deliverable: Content management system with features listed above. Social Media Integration. The content management system shall be capable of integrating with leading social media sites (for example: currently Facebook and Twitter) to be able to post automatically to these sites using RSS feeds or other means so that content sent through the CMS approval process the can be seen on social media sites. The content management system should be capable of controlling which posts are seen on which sites. Deliverable: Content management system social media integration features. FTP. The Proposer will allow the City administrator to upload files using FTP to the hosting directory for use with the website. Deliverable: FTP access to specific directory and files. Mobile Delivery. The website should be accessible though mobile devices. It is preferable to have a responsive design that automatically formats the content to be easily legible on various screen sizes. Mobile sites with graphics stripped are acceptable but not preferred. Mobile site compatibility with iOS and Android operating systems and devices is required. It is expected that the Proposer will identify any major compatibility constraints and will also continually develop software compatibility as leading operating systems change. Deliverable: Content management system with mobile devices compatibility. American Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance. The new site must be developed to meet all mandated access requirements adopted by the Federal Access Board (www.access - board.gov) under Section 508 subsection 1194.22 of the Rehabilitation Act. The proposing firm must also identify a satisfactory means for the City to test this compliance. Deliverable: True ADA compliance. 84 of 89 Page 8 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Conversion Initial Conversion. Using a copy of the existing web site content, the Proposer will revise the selected site design and build all functionality and migrate content. As part of this process, the City will provide new content as needed (e.g., headers, footers, body text, images, documents, etc.) upon request of the Proposer. This will be provided as a Draft "live" site that can be accessed by City staff computers; it should not be made available to the general public. Deliverables: Draft "live" Web Site. Custom Features. Proposer will recreate or transfer the content and functionality of the items listed below: • RDA Brownsfield Grant - http: / /www.poway.org /Index.aspx ?page =984 • Homepage Open /Close indicator on the homepage www.poway.org City Hall is OPEN this Friday MON- THUR 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Every other FRl 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Deliverables: Equivalent features on the new site to the ones listed above. Testing. Testing of the site will be provided by the Proposer and by City staff. The Proposer will perform a series of tests to validate functionality of the site (as part of the initial conversion steps), and then provide notice to the City staff for purposes of secondary testing and verification. Error reports will be provided to the Proposer, the Proposer will notify when errors have been corrected, and then City will re -test the appropriate elements. This iterative process will be repeated until the City is satisfied with the result. Deliverable: Tested, operational web site Documentation. The City expects that the selected Proposer will provide for each software component a complete set of software documentation for users and administrators. The documentation can be printed, on CD -ROM, or accessible from the Proposer's website. The City will be given permission to reproduce the documentation or parts of the documentation as needed through legally enforceable licenses or other documentation. It is expected that the Proposer shall maintain its copyrights to all materials. Both system level and user documentation must be provided. List and describe the available documentation that is included in the proposal pricing in this RFP and the media on which it is published. The Proposer will need to warrant that the City will own all developed software, and further warrant that the City will possess all necessary rights to use copyrighted or trademarked software materials from any third parties that are not developed by the Proposer, but are necessary for the use of the software developed by the Proposer, so that there is no infringement on a third party's rights. Deliverable: Documentation on disc or accessible on the web Final Conversion & Go -Live. In coordination with City staff, the Proposer will perform and all necessary actions to complete moving any relevant content to the final site, and assist with the conversion all appropriate IP addresses, DNS records, etc. to the new site, and ensure the new site is functioning and available to the public correctly. The 85 of 89 Page 9 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Proposer's proposal should discuss how they will perform this action to minimize disruption and downtime between the time that the existing site is taken down and the time that the new site is available. Once completed, the City will perform a review of the live site and provide formal acceptance. Deliverable: Accepted Final Site live on poway.org and powaycenter.com Project Timeframe. Design and content should be completed such that the redesigned website is ready to be launched by May 2014. Please submit proposed timeline for project development, testing, and implementation within this tmeframe. Ownership. Once the City has accepted the site as completed, all artwork, imagery, coding, scripting, content, materials, and any software licenses acquired specifically to support this site become the property of the City of Poway. The selected Proposer will not provide, re -use, or otherwise make these materials available to other entities without prior approval of the City. Proposal Submission Format Requirements The submitted proposal must address all categories and performance expectations within this RFP. Before submitting a proposal, Proposers shall examine the specifications in order to understand all existing conditions and limitations. The Proposer shall indicate in the proposal the total sum to cover the cost of all items included in the RFP. 1. Executive Summary Provide a concise overview describing the proposed approach to completing the work. 2. Description of Company and Qualifications Provide a description of the major business functions, history and structure of the company. Include a profile of the office location, staff and services that will be assigned to the City's account. Specify the number of years the Proposer has been in the public sector software business. Provide a brief statement of the company's background demonstrating longevity and financial stability. Describe internal performance metrics used to quantify key customer support responsiveness, such as issues resolved on first call or average time to reach issue resolution. Provide the following background information on the proposed video archive and meeting agenda management system: original development, date of first release and date of most recent release. 3. Experience on Similar Projects Provide summaries or brief descriptions of a minimum of three projects completed which are most related to the requirements of this project. Limit descriptions to those most relevant to this project and most representative of the Proposer's capabilities. References must be for goods and services provided within the last three years. Include the name of the client and a contact person, date of installation, software installed, any installation issues, and custom features or extensive report capabilities. 86 of 89 Page 10 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 4. Detailed Description of Proposed Solution Describe how the Proposer will meet each of the requirements and whether the software is fully compliant, requires a modification or is not available. Provide a timeline with proposed dates beginning with contract execution and ending with full implementation. 5. Software and Hardware Platform Describe the software and hardware use for the hosted platform, including security measures, backups, and guaranteed uptime performance. 6. Implementation and Training This proposal shall include a detailed schedule, identification of project manager, team members, and key personnel with resumes attached for all individuals involved. Provide an installation plan as part of this proposal. This plan shall be detailed enough so that the City shall know every step of the implementation process. Each task shall be listed separately and described in detail. Describe the approach and resources needed to implement the proposed CMS. Provide a user training approach that will properly prepare staff on day -to -day use of the CMS. Provide a training approach that will properly prepare City Information Technology staff in the administration, management and any planned and unplanned maintenance. Training is considered an essential element of this project. Strong consideration will be given to: - Speed and ease with which the proposed system can be implemented by personnel. - Is it intuitive for users familiar with Microsoft -based systems? - Does the Proposer offer user groups and conferences as a means of exposure to current and new technologies? Within the proposal, please describe: - The type of training and the quantity of people to be trained included as part of the initial installation. The City is also open to the "Train the trainer" style of training our end users. - How you will schedule and provide for training of end users, technical staff, and system administrators including initial training, consultation, and follow -up training. - What types of additional training and follow -up may be available, by your company. 7. System Testing and Acceptance The City cannot accept the software until it has validated that the Proposer has met all requirements stated in this RFP and resulting contract. The Proposer shall provide all labor and supervision for the installation, testing, and final implementation. The City, working with the Proposer, shall develop acceptance procedures to ensure the software is installed properly and accepted. All of the software shall pass the tests described below and have the City declare that the objectives of the tests have been met. It is required that the software be: - Free from operational defects; - Compliant with all specifications and requirements; and 87 of 89 Page 11 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 - Delivered and accounted for, including operational website, documentation, training and support items. 8. Warranty and Post Implementation Support The Proposer must warranty timely response and remediation of technical problems. If there is a system failure or other problems, the City needs to be assured that the Proposer shall respond immediately to correct problems so that the service is not disrupted in any way. Describe all support resources available. The Proposer should provide support that is capable of solving any software - related problems during all City business hours. Proposer must also supply a copy of the maintenance and hosting agreement that is proposed, as well as a description of the software maintenance services, terms, and dates. Within the proposal, Proposer should address questions such as: - Is training included in a support time bank or separate? - What is the total number of support hours per annual maintenance agreement? - Does the total number of support hours include product updates /patches? 9. Annual Maintenance Upgrades Proposer must provide the annual maintenance fees associated with the Website Content Management System. It is expected that upgrades shall be available to allow the City to take advantage of improvements in both software and hardware capabilities. The Proposer shall provide regular upgrades to the software from date of implementation. Describe the upgrade process. - How often do you provide product updates? How are updates completed? - How does the company document updates and potential problems arising from updates, and the resolution of these problems? - Include your firm's willingness and plan for keeping its products up -to -date. "Up -to- date" is defined as continuously adding or replacing products to take advantage of new technology and complying with emerging industry standards. - Describe the process by which user input is incorporated into new product releases. - What is included in the annual maintenance contract? Are updates an additional cost? 10. Pricing Provide detailed pricing of all costs to fully implement the successful operation of the proposed Website Design and Content Management System. Include cost of software license fees, modification, implementation, travel, content migration, and any other anticipated costs. List and describe pricing for optional items associated with the system. List and detail annual maintenance and hosting costs separately for a three (3) year initial term with two, one (1) year renewal terms. The City expects that the solution will not have any limitations on the number of users in the system. If there are, the licensing structure will include price breaks at reasonable intervals for number of licenses acquired by the City. Note: Please describe your software licensing structure in detail. Do so for each product or module if they differ from one another. 88 of 89 Page 12 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -004 Proposal Evaluation and Selection The City will review submitted proposals and determine those that are most qualified. The City will select a Proposer who in its sole judgment, best suits the current and future needs of the City. The evaluation criteria which are neither weighted nor prioritized include, but are not limited, to the following: 1. Understanding of the work required by the City. 2. Quality, clarity, and responsiveness of the proposal. 3. Demonstrated competence and professional qualifications necessary for successfully performing the work required by the City. 4. Recent experience in successfully performing similar services in cities & municipalities in California. 5. Proposed approach to completing the work, and ability to implement in a timely manner. 6. Background and related experience of the specific individuals to be assigned to this project. 7. Fee structure and cost effectiveness of the proposal. 8. References. The City may decide to short-list two or more Proposers to continue with further evaluation using the criteria identified above. Additional discovery may be performed to assist in selecting the short list Proposers. The short-list Proposers will be contacted regarding their status as short- listed Proposers. The City reserves the right to award contract, or to forego awarding contract without notice. If a short list of Proposers is developed, the City will further evaluate short- listed Proposer's solutions by utilizing scripted scenarios that will demonstrate the ability to meet the requirements described in this RFP. Each short- listed Proposer will be provided scenarios that they are to use to prepare for an on -site solution demonstration. The short- listed Proposers will be further evaluated based on the results of reference checks, additional discovery and, at the option of the City, organized site visits or demos of Proposer's customer sites in operation. Proposers will provide the City with a list of three (3) customer sites. Customer sites should be using the same major version of the software being proposed to the City, similar in scope and complexity, and geographically close to the City if possible. Please note that demonstrations for short- listed Proposers are estimated to be held November 13, 2013. Specific times for each short - listed Proposer will be determined at a later date, but Proposers should be prepared to conduct the demonstrations during this timeframe. It is expected that the proposed Project Manager take part in the demonstration sessions. As reflected above, contract award will not be based solely on price, but on a combination of factors as determined to be in the best interest of the City. After evaluating the proposals and discussing them further with the finalists or the tentatively selected Proposer, the City reserves the right to further negotiate the proposed work and /or method and amount of compensation. 89 of 89 Page 13 of 13 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5