01-21-14 Agenda PacketCity of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote) The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City staff requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1.2 Ratification /Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of December 9 through December 13, 2013 and December 16 through December 20, 2013. 1.3 Approval of the January 7, 2014 Regular City Council Minutes. 1.4 Adoption of a Resolution approving the City's application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant and authorizing the City Manager, Acting City Manager or Interim City Manager to execute any required agreement or documentation to implement and administer the grant. 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus for a Government Content Management System (GCMSO), RFP 14 -004. 1.6 Award of Contract to Fordyce Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder, for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 ADA Barrier Removal at Old Poway Park, in the amount of $111,585, Bid No. 14 -008. 1.7 Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 759, 760, 761, 762 and 763 Adopting by Reference the 2013 California Building Standards Codes, which includes the 2013 California Building Code, the 2013 California Electrical Code, the 2013 California Residential Code, the 2013 California Plumbing Code, and the 2013 California Mechanical Code. 1.8 Report of Emergency Cleanup Expenditures Pertaining to a Hydraulic Fluid Spill into the Poway Creek made under authority of Resolution No. 14 -003; and, continuing the authorization for the City Manager, Acting City Manager or Interim City Manager to provide necessary emergency cleanup to the Poway Creek in order to safeguard public health and safety. (Requires four -fifths vote of City Council) 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing - e.g. First Reading of an Ordinance). 3. PUBLIC HEARING Page 2 City of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 Consideration of the Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) Preparation Cost - Share Agreements for the Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Watersheds. City Manager's Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the WQIP Cost -Share Agreements for the Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Watersheds; and, appropriate $152,637 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Water Quality Improvement Plan multiyear program budget. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Discussion of Sign Regulations for Commercial Businesses with Outdoor Display that is permitted by the Underlying Zone. City Manager's Recommendation: Provide direction to staff to make the temporary sign regulations permanent and return to the City Council with an Ordinance amending the Poway Municipal Code. The temporary sign regulations will remain in place until the Ordinance for the permanent regulations go into effect. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 8. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - INITIATED ITEMS JIM CUNNINGHAM 8.1 "Hike, Bike and Ride across Poway" - Review of a Poway Trail Segment (verbal report). 8.2 Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Board Update (verbal report). STEVE VAUS JOHN MULLIN DAVE GROSCH DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT Page 3 City of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 The Poway City Council welcomes you and encourages your continued interest and involvement in the City's decision - making process. The City of Poway complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities as required by section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's Office at 858 - 668 -4530 at least 24 hours before the meeting, if possible. State of California ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING County of San Diego ) 1, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the City Council of the City of Poway was posted and provided on January 16, 2014, at 2.30 p.m. Said meeting to be held at 7.00 p.m., January 21, 2014, in the Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Said notice was posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance to City Hall. Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk Page 4 City of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote) The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City staff requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1.2 Ratification /Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of December 9 through December 13, 2013 and December 16 through December 20, 2013. 1.3 Approval of the January 7, 2014 Regular City Council Minutes. 1.4 Adoption of a Resolution approving the City's application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant and authorizing the City Manager, Acting City Manager or Interim City Manager to execute any required agreement or documentation to implement and administer the grant. 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus for a Government Content Management System (GCMSO), RFP 14 -004. 1.6 Award of Contract to Fordyce Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder, for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 ADA Barrier Removal at Old Poway Park, in the amount of $111,585, Bid No. 14 -008. 1.7 Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 759, 760, 761, 762 and 763 Adopting by Reference the 2013 California Building Standards Codes, which includes the 2013 California Building Code, the 2013 California Electrical Code, the 2013 California Residential Code, the 2013 California Plumbing Code, and the 2013 California Mechanical Code. 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing - e.g. First Reading of an Ordinance). 3. PUBLIC HEARING 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 Consideration of the Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) Preparation Cost - Share Agreements for the Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Watersheds. City Manager's Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the WQIP Cost -Share Agreements for the Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Watersheds; and, appropriate $152,637 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Water Quality Improvement Plan multiyear program budget. Page 2 City of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Discussion of Sign Regulations for Commercial Businesses with Outdoor Display that is permitted by the Underlying Zone. City Manager's Recommendation: Provide direction to staff to make the temporary sign regulations permanent and return 'to the City Council with an Ordinance amending the Poway Municipal Code. The temporary sign regulations will remain in place until the Ordinance for the permanent regulations go into effect. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 6.1 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 7.1 8. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - INITIATED ITEMS JIM CUNNINGHAM 8.1 "Hike, Bike and Ride across Poway" - Review of a Poway Trail Segment (verbal report). 8.2 Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Board Update (verbal report). STEVE VAUS JOHN MULLIN DAVE GROSCH DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT Page 3 City of Poway — City Council Agenda — January 21, 2014 The Poway City Council welcomes you and encourages your continued interest and involvement in the City's decision - making process. The City of Poway complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities as required by section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's Office at 858 - 668 -4530 at least 24 hours before the meeting, if possible. State of California ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING County of San Diego ) 1, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the City Council of the City of Poway was posted and provided on January 10, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. Said meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m., January 21, 2014, in the Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Said notice was posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance to City Hall. Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk Page 4 Item 1.1 Approval of Re-ading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading ir Full of Ordinances - .. ,rte, gQ City of Poway COUNCIL CL i., G E D � S REPORT _ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: January 21, 2014 APPROVED O APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the.City Council Penny Riley, City Manager Scott Edwards, Director of Administrative Services Andrew White, Finance Manager Off/ �O SUBJECT: Ratification of Warrant Registers for the Periods of December 9 through December 13, 2013 and December 16 through December 20, 2013 Summary: The attached warrant register reports for the periods of December 9 through December 13, 2013 and December 16 through December 20, 2013, are submitted to the City Council for ratification /approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify /approve the warrant registers for the periods of December 9 through December 13, 2013 and December 16 through December 20, 2013. Background: Weekly registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Director of Administrative Services for ratification /approval. Findings: Date Amount December 9 through December 13 $9,277,079.84 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Check Number Amount Recycled Water Purchase July- September 2013 00222995 $ 111,813.24 Release Grading Deposit 00223013 $ 127,700.00 October Law Enforcement Services 00223050 $ 828,799.15 2000 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service Payment 00902928 $ 128,574.00 2001 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service Payment 00902929 $2,830,596.60 2003 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service Payment 00902930 $2,868,013.87 2007 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service Payment 00902931 $ 602,302.33 1 of 26 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 Warrant Report January 21, 2014 Page 2 Payroll 11- 27 -13, Retirement 00902934 $ 154,457.13 Payroll 12 -13 -13 00902935 $ 457,666.64 City Office Building Debt Service Payment 00902936 $ 723,632.41 Date Amount December 16 through December 20 $2,955,870.68 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Check Number Amount January Medical Insurance Premium 00223086 $ 237,892.74 Fiscal Year 2013 -14 Annual Slurry Seal Project 00223238 $ 105,233.58 Freddie Mac Investment 00902945 $2,006,111.11 Fiscal Impact: The total amount of warrants for the period of December 9 through December 13, 2013, is $9,277,079.84. The total amount of warrants for the period of December 16 through December 20, 2013, is $2,955,870.68. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None Attachments: Warrant Register for the period of December 9 through December 13, 2013 Warrant Register for the period of December 16 through December 20, 2013 2 of 26 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 V V v � rr_O_ O -J tu tu rrm_ O -J � O N i M y' v � ^7 Q O � N O p� O N d � L O A y 4 ^o � O 0 � V � d Q 3 of 26 U N d' O Q m M C) O 0 0 0 Cl) L) N co r Q) N N N O 0 O O N M N O O O O O) a O O O C) O O N N Y fd L Q Z O E U7 0 L E FU U) F- w Y Q CO Q Z } l0 c_ Q v b O 0 0 0 J T u N N O) N O O O Cl) O V O O O O N O N M Z O r 0 O O 0 0 aU Lo N N N O O M r (p M O) r 0 0 N N O a) V (O O O 0 O O � O O Cl) 0 N U !-' ❑ D C_) C O C m � O L U L) U) d ❑ ❑ N Z V O m Lo M N O U) J N � C C — � N a U U C O c U m � U � E a Q Q v o O M 0 O o 00 v][v. :O r r A O) N N N N N N � O � o O O M O O V O Cl) O) V O N O O O O U) V V N 2 U) N E t d LY m E Q N O O O O 0 co r N O) N N O 0 D O O m O U N CF. s U N E O O) O 0D r- 0) O N O N Cl) N O O O U N L � U 0 rn (0 O O F- O O (0 E U7 U (0 LL N N O a O L N E C D m a) LL M O V) Lo O Cl) O rb M U) U N U Z U) C m E Q V N C) O O O 0 Cl) L) N M O) P- 0) N N N O o' M O O N O O Cl) O N O) V M V O O m E N U m LL N N O a O L (n E O 'c D m m LL M O Lo Lo M Cl) O M U) cq O O O Cl) O N V M O O O M 0 E O 'c N m a M Lo Lo O M 19 O M U) O O O M O N O) M O O O M 0 E O N w m a M N Lo Lo O M O rb M U) O) O O M O _N M O O M 0 E O D N a) LL r M O C) M O rb M U) O O N O O M O N O) V M V O O M 0 E O 'c D I N a) . LL 1 K M 1 r I M f O 1 OD c U) 1 O O O Cl) M N O) V M O Cl O N 06 E O D Y a O O) M M M M 19 co O O O Cl) O N V m V O Cl O w 06 0 E O E D Y (0 a O Q) M (o M M O rb 03 V) N O LQ N O O N M N O) Lo V O O O O Cl) O w E m 3 O _O jZ co M O rb OD U) O M O O N O N a) V O O Cl O N fd O (0 E c (n 3 0 i s r 1 M f Cl) i a0o i V l Iq 00 n b N T h 7 O O Cl) O N V O) V O O O m E O 'c a) m LL M co M O w U) In O N O O M M N O) V O O O U, E _O C N N 0 O L co co M O rb (q N O O M O N a) V O) V O Cl O N 06 E 0 N :M LL O co co M O w Ib M O N O O M O N V O) V O Cl O N (0 0 E 0 N :M LL O co co M O rb w U) m O N O O M M N Q) V O N O C N Cn O) c co M O rb w V) N M M Cl) O O M O N O) V M V O Cl O .N. 06 N E O 'c Y M O N co co M O rb w V) r O O M O N V O) O O O (0 E O N M Cl- C) _N co co M O rb w U) N M O O M O N_ V Q) O O O , (0 N �U M LL N r co M O ao w U) O V O O M O N O) V _N V O M N E O C `m E O V N co co M O rb w U) co O O O V M N O) V O N O O O Q a U a U U7 m T m N N_ co co M O w O O O N O N O) V O 0 O O O fd O N E N 3 M N_ co co M O rb w Lo M r I- M t2 Cl) r N O O O N O O N M M N O O Y O O N O N (UL) V N cu U O O F- O M N � O U M C (0 M C N N � C 7 M Q1 V C N EL O fd U M N C O m ,n J N Lo c M 7 M O ao co c� O (o Lr) Lo rn M V N m U Q Q V O r O) C) O O 00 00 O O WN �1 O O M O) Q) N N N N N N January 21, 2014 iter't # O O O M O O N N O) N O N m CL 0 r- 0) O) CO M N N N O U a) 0 O U) O) .2 O O O O M O M N M O V O O N LO m CL 0 r- M rn CO M N N N O U 0) O) O U) O) N O U N U U M 1 d O O O O Cl) (V 1 .r +U. U U M a0 0 O O N N O Q1 EDC 0 O C O U y U O O O L t a d0 � V 0) O rn O r ti N V V v � rr_O_ O -J tu tu rrm_ O -J � O N i M y' v � ^7 Q O � N O p� O N d � L O A y 4 ^o � O 0 � V � d Q 3 of 26 U N d' O Q m M C) O 0 0 0 Cl) L) N co r Q) N N N O 0 O O N M N O O O O O) a O O O C) O O N N Y fd L Q Z O E U7 0 L E FU U) F- w Y Q CO Q Z } l0 c_ Q v b O 0 0 0 J T u N N O) N O O O Cl) O V O O O O N O N M Z O r 0 O O 0 0 aU Lo N N N O O M r (p M O) r 0 0 N N O a) V (O O O 0 O O � O O Cl) 0 N U !-' ❑ D C_) C O C m � O L U L) U) d ❑ ❑ N Z V O m Lo M N O U) J N � C C — � N a U U C O c U m � U � E a Q Q v o O M 0 O o 00 v][v. :O r r A O) N N N N N N � O � o O O M O O V O Cl) O) V O N O O O O U) V V N 2 U) N E t d LY m E Q N O O O O 0 co r N O) N N O 0 D O O m O U N CF. s U N E O O) O 0D r- 0) O N O N Cl) N O O O U N L � U 0 rn (0 O O F- O O (0 E U7 U (0 LL N N O a O L N E C D m a) LL M O V) Lo O Cl) O rb M U) U N U Z U) C m E Q V N C) O O O 0 Cl) L) N M O) P- 0) N N N O o' M O O N O O Cl) O N O) V M V O O m E N U m LL N N O a O L (n E O 'c D m m LL M O Lo Lo M Cl) O M U) cq O O O Cl) O N V M O O O M 0 E O 'c N m a M Lo Lo O M 19 O M U) O O O M O N O) M O O O M 0 E O N w m a M N Lo Lo O M O rb M U) O) O O M O _N M O O M 0 E O D N a) LL r M O C) M O rb M U) O O N O O M O N O) V M V O O M 0 E O 'c D I N a) . LL 1 K M 1 r I M f O 1 OD c U) 1 O O O Cl) M N O) V M O Cl O N 06 E O D Y a O O) M M M M 19 co O O O Cl) O N V m V O Cl O w 06 0 E O E D Y (0 a O Q) M (o M M O rb 03 V) N O LQ N O O N M N O) Lo V O O O O Cl) O w E m 3 O _O jZ co M O rb OD U) O M O O N O N a) V O O Cl O N fd O (0 E c (n 3 0 i s r 1 M f Cl) i a0o i V l Iq 00 n b N T h 7 O O Cl) O N V O) V O O O m E O 'c a) m LL M co M O w U) In O N O O M M N O) V O O O U, E _O C N N 0 O L co co M O rb (q N O O M O N a) V O) V O Cl O N 06 E 0 N :M LL O co co M O w Ib M O N O O M O N V O) V O Cl O N (0 0 E 0 N :M LL O co co M O rb w U) m O N O O M M N Q) V O N O C N Cn O) c co M O rb w V) N M M Cl) O O M O N O) V M V O Cl O .N. 06 N E O 'c Y M O N co co M O rb w V) r O O M O N V O) O O O (0 E O N M Cl- C) _N co co M O rb w U) N M O O M O N_ V Q) O O O , (0 N �U M LL N r co M O ao w U) O V O O M O N O) V _N V O M N E O C `m E O V N co co M O rb w U) co O O O V M N O) V O N O O O Q a U a U U7 m T m N N_ co co M O w O O O N O N O) V O 0 O O O fd O N E N 3 M N_ co co M O rb w Lo M r I- M t2 Cl) r N O O O N O O N M M N O O Y O O N O N (UL) V N cu U O O F- O M N � O U M C (0 M C N N � C 7 M Q1 V C N EL O fd U M N C O m ,n J N Lo c M 7 M O ao co c� O (o Lr) Lo rn M V N m U Q Q V O r O) C) O O 00 00 O O WN �1 O O M O) Q) N N N N N N January 21, 2014 iter't # O O O M O O N N O) N O N m CL 0 r- 0) O) CO M N N N O U a) 0 O U) O) .2 O O O O M O M N M O V O O N LO m CL 0 r- M rn CO M N N N O U 0) O) O U) O) ti LO r O M C,) v O O v v ° v m N O N O O O �0 v O M 0 O N '2 Q) a, v m vl G a m N E 1 Q) ti i 4 of 28� m Cl O U r r (A r ao N N N O CO U r C) O 01 0)' 00 V' H ca H Q O 0 O 0 M U 0) 00 CA N N N O 0 r V O M O 0 N 0 M M O O I O O m O_ O U r r (A r 00 N N N O O U r C) O 01 O 00 V' O O O O M 0 M N O r O LO r N m Cl O U 1 r I r r r- ao N N O O � U � C) i O 01 I 01 4 00 n A n r (A r co O O M 0 M M N O O O FO O_ O r r O r ao N N N O O U r C), O U' (A 00 V' M Ln N O 0 0 M M O 0 O O O FO Cl 7 0 U r r O r _W N N N O O U of W' (A 00 V' LO O i O i r O O M o M O c O E Cl m O r r O r 00 N N N O O U r O (A 0) O 00 V' M in M O O O O 00 N N O _o O O O E O_ O U r r O r ao N N N O O U r O (A O 00 V V r V' O O M 00 N N 00 v O O O m Cl O C7 r r (A r ao N N N O O U r MO O 0) O 00 V' N M O r O -V' O M M O N O O O m O_ O r 0) O r ao N N N O O U r (O A 0) O 00 V' O M O -M O M M O 0 O m Cl O r r (A r ao N N N O O U r C) O O 00 V' O r LO LO N LO V V N O M N N LO M V (p O (O r v, r r r r (A V (A � O O O V V r V V r r OR � L6 L6 V 4 0 4 00 4 4 (O (O (O (O V — 00 (O C7) M LD V' M r M (A t2 N O M M m N m 00 O O O O O O O O C) O O O. 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C y y y n U M w N N � ° N U) O CN >. L O E ' E F- N y C U N N N N y a a d U (n N E L L F 0 W W W W N y d N _O- _ `o 0 0 _ (0 ti N N N a U U U N O m M Si 3 O U LO °� N C W U L C (/) N U c v o v v 4k 4k rn a) d E V N N (D Y d N ti O N c 0 0 0 a Un y y �' m `o f° 'o 'o U t" n E> c Q H U U U � c c c c U u1 Un L}i 0 n n m U) Z) Z) D Z) 0 2 Z U 2 Q m M r o W N r � M (Uh O a0 z C14 O U LO r r r CO 0 _� M a n M M U W r ~ O _V V Q) _M _M V r- c0 M co M ❑ CO CO �_ Y N N N a0 O) LO r O O O� O �> CO M (4 � M U m o co O V) V O o Q v o N cO O (n m W O O _V r r M O V V c0 LO Ci C. c0 d M V LO O _M N M F- O a O } D LO r r N c0 O N__ N W N N N N � m U O O O V LO a0 M O V V M M M M O O N Cl) ¢ O) M LL ❑ O O ❑ Ln V O) 1- N V V V V N N W O 1- U O) c� 0 U cu c U C C LL C ° ° E rn cn O m d E m a c r c (D m E CL m o 3 c_4) Y C, (n E O rn rn -o U - LL c m m c c m c- U N U � v N C N m U Nn Z U O O O = E O rn U al C co a) U a) IM Z ( N O O n m m ¢ O 0 cc = N N N c p c c W N U c N t N U N w w 'n FO T cm cu cm m m m t w o - m m U U U U t W w O m (D o 0- 3 U U U U U U ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ W W W m LL C7 C7 O Cl) LO Q) M O M I-- M M a0 Q) O O M c0 c0 M M N r N O (O O M M N M V O N I� N 00 Cl) O Cl) O Cl) M V LO N r LO N� M M o0 r a0 O O M a0 a0 1- O) O N O O 1- r O r O O O O O O O O _O O M co O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O i O O O O O O O O O O O O M M M M M 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cl) 2 00 0) O N Cl) V O � 00 M O N M r N co M O O O) O O O O M M O O O O C) 0 0 C) C) C) 0 N M M M O) O) O) 0) M M M M O O O O 0 ° N N ° ° N N N N N N N N N N Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) M M 04 M N O O M M O M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M 04 N N N s O °° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° January ° ti O O O O �r O O r- O v 00 °v Qt rd V O O 4 C) C) v rn rn Q LO LO CA CA O M C:) O O 04 04 r- r- d V d •V O O M 0 o v a) � d a N m O � � O Lt ^� 6 of 28� N N C C 00 L0 ID a (`0 T T0 lT 0 N N O O M co m m M M O O O O N_ _N 6 6 O CA O CA O CO O 04 N M O Cl) O O N N O O W Y O U W L � U 0 _O f0 O O F O O (c) E a) N a' E •O r m a c co 0 x F Z W 2 W CO d' m _2 W O U � m 'E N j c U m � cu ca c c E r x x ca cu W M 0 0 C7 M U U 9 9 M M M � O O Cl) Cl) N N O O O O M O 0 M W O O W C) O LO C N N Q `m c W c l0 ca x r- v v C) 0 O 0 CO O M N N O 0 N CA r- M O O Cl) W 04 N O N W N 0 C Co C O c O n 0 N m J Q M W J O LO W W v: O N W M CM7 W M W W O M B W CO W CO C) N O r- W r- r- N O M r- 4 M W W W N M CO W O M M M p v C) C) 0 0 C) C) C) C) 0 0 0 p O O O O O O O O. O O O O v O M M M M M M M M M M M N N M O W W W W W W W W W W W Y N r r r U W L U CO W C) N CO V W CO N CO N CIJ 04 04 CIJ 04 04 04 CN CD O O O O O O O O O O O O F co O V W r- CA W M O O CD O N N N O O N N N CO W 7 co O C f0 O > C f0 f0 U U U U U U U U U U O c c CO CO CO c CO CO C: O C4 c c c c c c c c c CO rn 08 0 c w E a) n E C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 CL C_ U Q U U U U U U U U U O W Co N N N N N N N N 0 C �C C C C C d J Q J J J J J J J J J U ` V Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q cn a o O N J J J J J J J J J LL Q LL M M O O N N W 6 co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N W O O O O O O O O C) W W LO LO I LO LO LO LO LO O U l0 E t U N 0 m x O O LO LO O 0 O 0 M 9 M W O M N N O 0 O Cl? N O O O W v O M O O O Co 0 E cu m m c CZ CO W N O N O c 0 0 U U Q N U E E U n 0 E x LO C) O O 0 O M N N O 0 O N O W N It r- O r- M LO CO W M CA W N r N CA M W N M Lo r- Lo cD O O W W 't N M N O O O M OM M O M N O M M M M M N O O C) O O O O O O O Y O CO CO W W W W W W W C„) ,-� ) W V U CA CA O) O) W W N M W O O O O O O O O O O O F O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0C14 C) C14 O O L N 4 W 7 N E N U c CT N Q E rn o d (D L co T, O m 3 0 L a`) -0 0 7 0 CD Cn (D O O U d 08 .0 CL x ca U C O a, C1 = N Co C d E O Q) O 7 Cn O 7 a, CD Y w C .O 0 ( 0 O N Q C N 0) c L oo U m E _ ca Cl) O O N O W N W CO W M CO M CO CV U) CO LO V V O N N N N N N N N V) N� CD CD CD r- OD OD O s r- c N v 2 ca U c Cn O o w v (0 T a x 0 0 0 M W CA N N CN January 21,22 ft CO W O O M 0 n n v co O O O N Q CZ M N c 0 .O rn O O CD W co n r` M M O O O M 0 v co O O O N a d c 0 O O M O W W W O O M 0 v W O O O ) Q a 7 lT c Q m 0 N c J O O W O W r- C) rn r` N 0) CA r CA O Cl) N N O O Y U O L U O W O F I Item # 1.2 +. Cl) n v d V N v � (.) to O S O d V d •V N Q CL a) a) 2 O) au N v J a) m a O o N a M N £ J a) O �t c) N y d a) V d C) coi N' 7 of 28� ° N M a0 M N O O co N O U) V N O O O_ (C) N .c 0 U v O N (7 O N } LL n Cl) (D 0 U C U C 0 U CD (C) 0 n O O O 0 N 0 M N N O 0 O O O co N O O a7 N Q) O O O O C 0 C a` C (D E a) E C O .j H Z O H Z W W d' a E m O Y O V7 0 O O N N 0 M N N O p O O O N O O Cl) O M co O O O Q) a 7 Q O Y a a O C C 7 O LL a d O U C a) C N C m O a) N O U Y D1 n O n 0 0 O 0 M N O M N N O 0 O O O N O O O M V C) O N O Q O N O V U) O (O O O (D O M M n O (C) a0 p Q) M O O (C1 � 0 0 0 O M n O N O (N+) O O O O p O� O N O cO cO O w O N N w O.4 N M N 6 M 4 co M N N O (1') V M O Q) Q) co Q) C) (0 ° O a7 O O O M (� N M C14 Cl) M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OM O O O O M O O N _O _O _O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O O O N O O O O C'4 O M (y (D M M M M M M M N M M M N Cl) M M M N r O O ° ° ) C14 CC) Y V7 U N O V7 04 04 0 O N O O) O) Q) U n O O) M n (D O) M N n n n n L M U U U U a _o ° O (D w O c0 M M _M M M M 0 m m m 0 M M M _M ° M _O O O p V a) O O N O CD V V V C) C) V a) C) C) V a) C) 0 V V a) 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O O O 0 O H H H H a0 O O O O O O V O O O O p O O O O O O (D O������ M N C � N C o N In O N N N N ~ } Q) co U_ _� U_ a) N O L ~ 7 m w ti m U) U) U) ° ❑ V N U C C C N n m w (D m m m a L C C O N C c 7 a) E ° ti ° w 3 O M N .0 .v .0 L V o 7 O a (D' C 0 d Q) a) a) (D a7 O a) N a a) CO X _° a) p) -0 -0 U p —O V7 V7 a) a) a) r- r- N � Q) 'O O) C N 7 ° Q U U U Z Z Z a7 U N U a) N L O L O 'C O O 'C N N N C C a7 C W U d U d d U U) U) D U) U) Z) Q Q Q Z) Z) M D g M (h o Z o ° — N M V n Q) LU Q) co U) n N (D n co co Q) (D O O) (D N n M (y W) N M O (1') n O O (D w M w N V (D N (D N M Q N O M n M O w O (D (D Q) M M (C) n n M O W n M O co N M (1') (D (1') (C) n Q) O) O) M M M M J M O O o (C) M M M M M M O) O) O) M M M M N O N w w w w w w (D (D (1') U U (D J 0 N U = C J T l0 (0 o U w U , o U l0 Y E C L L d U 0 E m 03 m m ° _ m U r Z6 a o o o U m a U r N C C Q U U o O 0 O) W T N W L N ca d J Z Z Z O V Q) M O (C) O (C) (D N V7 V7 V7 co 0 C) o 0 0 C) o O o O o 0 O O O C) o 0 C� Cl) M M U U U U V N N N N N N M M O O O O O O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O p N N 00000000 p Anuary 21,2bl LO a7 LO V O O N O n V co O LO O O O aLD U 4E O co0 0 V7 O V7 rn N 0 C O N U ) N C m 0 0 U O (C) n n O O O O O O V7 n O O _O n O co O O O 0 _O LL. N aNi Q CL 7 U) U O 0 0 co O n co U) co 0 O V O r O O _O F O O N O O O ( Q CL 7 U) a) O m d C 7 E E O U 0 0 6 LL) ( n U) co (D O V7 O O O n V N _O O O O co Q CL 7 U) U O 0 0 (D N n U) (C) W (D co O O O n V O O O O m CL CL U) U OI 0 0 ao V7 0 Nn U) co V7 O M N O O O n V V7 O O O O N CL C13 d U O 0 0 6 O n co co (r) co 0 41 Item # 1.2 V v 0. V V "V r v v v �o O r' � m O � rn �O N M a E h a V v 8 Of 2e L- M 1O O) 't O O W L- O --t O O M O O � O 1O N c0 N O O O (O O) (O O N c0 O (O O O M O O O L' O O) O) O M O (O O O p p W O O NV O 00 M M It W Ll- O M O M O N M Ll- O 117 (O w N c0 M L- O w N � O LO � (O M O V LO 117 LO O M M N 1O Cl) M O � r V O O) L- W (O O O) O LO M M M L- Cl) O N 1O (+) N (+) M O M lO N LO 117 N It N N 117 N (O CO N N LO co 0) M O O O O O MM CD O O O O O O O (.0) O O O O O O O C:, O O O O Cr O •O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O N O O O O O O O N O O. O O O O O N O M O O N O O O O O 'O O O V M M M N M N N N M O O 04 M M M M M r O O O O O O O O O Y O O) O O O O O c0 Y O O V O O O V y O O O O y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O (p U O) r (p r (O N U O O O r O U V � 00 W („) O O O O N O O L� L� L� L� N 0) 4) 117 1O O) L� O) N r- O r- 0) 0) N M N N N N N N V V V V V L V O M V M M V L M M V V L co V LO 1O L M N N N N N N U U U U N O N V M V LO 00 00 O N O O O CO 00 O O (O M (O O N N c0 M O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O) O) 0 0 0 0 0 0 N V V It M 10 N N N N N N 10 O M O O 10 1O M M (G N � V V V O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O H H H H O O O O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N O O O O O O O r O— 117 — O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CO O O O O O O L- L- 117 117 (p N N C C U U U U U U U O O (Q (Q (Q N (Q N (Q QQU77 Q m m co C C C C C C C O O 'j U C C O O O O O O O U U U U U U U N M M M M M M d O) O) M O) p O) O) W a) E E r c c c c c c c W `m 0- M o 0 0 0 0 0 ' T O. O. N N N N N N O O m m m U n o n r) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 a s 4) p N N N N N N N N N r 'C 'C 'C 'C 'C 'C 'C T T C O H U d d d d d d d d O O O O O O O a o C 0 LL o E E E E E E y 'D 'D X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Y Mo L) L) cai L)) L)) cam) m m J C_ C_ ❑ N O N ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ f0 (` (` (` (` (Q (Q y O C d LL LL LL LL LL LL LL E E O) ik LL L L L L L L N N N N N N N U N N E w w w w w w w N N N N N N N N C C C C C C C Y E E N - - - - - - - N Q Q ❑ N c0 C (G (4 (G (G (4 (G N O O O O O N rn U C T T j j j j j ik E U U U U U Ci iD ( iD iD iD iD (D N �' O O O O U U U O O U U CL m m y n _ _ a s rn m m m m m m m CL N N O O. "' L L L L L L L C U (a C Q _ _ _ _ N N N N N N N O. O U U 0 0 U U U U) O O cep Cn D T N N N N N N (a N M M W (4 (4 j' U O O O T T V V V O L L Y L d a a a a d U U U U U U U N d N N N r r r U d (4)i v ° m c CO CO } (h (c r O cn cn U U U U z z z z z m g m m o O U U U U U U M M M M M M W LoL d LL LL LL LL LL LL LL _M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N OOj O) ( r r r r r- (COO LO LO 1(On o U U U U U U � � � r � � � r- M M o 0 r� M M LO (o M M d M M d d o o M 0 0 uCO7 n n co C) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C> co N (� r- r- r- r- r- r- r- cn cn cn cq cn cq r o n r rn v v v v v v v 00 c0 c0 c0 c0 O r N N N N N N N N Q j j LO M t (O (O (O (O (O M N U U U U U U r r r r r r r r r >> O U - O a c N C _ 0 C N c `o O o E 0 U LL - (D N f n p'- o ¢ '' °a U) m 0) a N N c ? U d O U (n Z O O C N N l O' N U U a M U rn m c N O O C U 0 r N O O J N O] O (U O O J U N H U C7 - (c �-• ~ 0 d L L C C O) N N d lU N N N 0 N (6 N p 0 U U U U U - d > m O T T T LO O) (O (O (O M N N O O) V O N (O N N N O N N LO °O °o °O o °O °O °O °O °O °O °o o °O °o C) °O °o CD I °o °o �2 M M M M N N N N U ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o C%) r) c ) r) 117 (O r 00 0) O N M V LO M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ° ° ° ° ° ° Al t ary 21 ° Al 4 Item # 1.2 .. a r U C i� C Cl. Ci C\ Q n c! r 0: 0 O U (0 C O U O C O �C O U) LL 7 U U M CO LL O M 1� M U C N E N T U U) T O 0 L) U N a) N 1. o o ) O 0 M CJ O LO O) y � O ry y O IS @ G � O a LL � M U N U LO M N 9 of 28Z CN ° v m rn . m r00) . 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(0 (0 (o (o UJ UJ UJ UJ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U M M M M M M M M M ('7 M M M M M M 0 0 0 0 o r �` �` r r r 7 (b (b (b (b M M M M M O O O O LO LO LO to U) N N N_ N N N O M. M M M M fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb O O O O O O O O O O O O r r r r r January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 ~I` C t! U U d V U (C[ U � � n C r'z C C > C Z C u. c a a Q � U V U M d (O U r E a� T C lU E T t0 IL a� m n `o U c m i V? 0 O � y � � O 0 N � � M N o A o s V d ° ) v N �t0 11 of 2$ 'T CO CO O N 'O tD CO n O CO O CO to O to tD tD O (D � Cn O O O M O to � � n• � O N O) . n• (O O Cl? 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V7 � O O cOp M N' V7 a7 (D CO M O N O M O N O O 7 7 O a O O U O O O O O CO CO L O U 0 m O F O O M CN CN w w a a c c c c M m M cc a C C E o O L1 U 00 > T ai ai L CL d Q7 a) a) c c n- o c c N m m N N N M M M N co c a O a a N a a N c m cu ui O V N O O O O ) V M U Q7 0 c2 m M O N O O O 0 O CO CO O 0) N r— a7 co O O W a a 0 c 0 U m L E U N a� a) r` LO v a U M r w a a r- a7 a7 N a7 O O O .�0,1 V M O) N O O O 0 a7 O co O _O a7 O M O r w Q- C) V M U a) 0 N co M O) N O O O 0 O V7 co V O O O1 O M O O O O r w Q- 0 m L 0 E N a) T O E a) M 0 V CO r w. Q- CD a 0 V O 0) O O U') cc' N O co CO O N O O O 0 Y U N a7 L co U 0 m O N M co r W a x F O Y c f0 M O 0 ; 2 N d m H ca a N m O N CD 0 O O O .�0,1 V M U a) 0 c2 rn M O) N O O O O W N a7 V7 r- OD O O Cl) _N w a Cl- L) a 07 c ai ca a) x N E a) M O V O) N O O O 0 W O) O N O Q h d •V C4 d Q G A d •V d d V O d i A January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 U �i O Q n Cl. c c c c r: U O. 00 n c cn N N O c O � O � N rn al O O co (N O co v _) C) O O O a) E d Cr W )U a) C LL 0 0 (0 c N W r- CV N O N OD OD r- 0 O O N O N O 0 Y O U LO CL) � U O O) N O O H O O 0 O O m U E a) L U LO OD (D co a) ) w c m a Q N m r• O O O 0 M U a) O) rn r• 0 M N N O 0 O N co O O v OD O N O O O co O N N LL ac) E (0 n- 8 U 2 Z5 co 6 O O N O V v lC Y Q M C) 0 C) O O O OD O co N N O O co LO O O Cl) O O N C) O N m 0 CL >m N 2 at CC) N V e a m H U E N U d U (0 Q LO co 0 O O O 0 O M N N O 0 LO O O O M O N O V O O (i) c C N CL O CL .Fa N O N O U .0. t2 m c U a >H r• V7 O O U N ca N _m Q o' 0 0 O 0 N 00 O M N N O O a) V7 r• OD (7 O O v O co O LO O N O O O a) To (0 CL H N N m a) i, 0 O C m U ac) W a_ U C? u N C E a d Q O C) O 0 0 O 0 0 M OD O M N N O O r• O O _O r• O O O O N LL a) 0 a) a 0 a) L f0 J M M V O U E Z (C CL Q al 0 C) 0 O O V C) O M N N O 0 O N al O O v O V7 r• N O N O O O 00 N 00 O M V OD c� ot) d' m U E Q N v r• O O O O M C) O M N N O 0 r• N O M 0 U O N r• OD O O O N f0 c C f0 E 7 E 2 n- 8 (0 N c U 0 a) 2 W O O O OD N O O O n � N (V 0 00 r N M N O 00 O M N N O O Q Y 00 U N a) r• L 00 U 0 O H O O V O N (0 C M c O CD CD ccm U 00 r M O O O Q U m E r Q M m C) O O O 0 M U a) O) r• 0 O M N N O 0 CS LC r c El a n r a C C N 2 R C s C C a 7 m U O 00 al n Cl) O O O ON) O O N � O N r- 00 O Cl) O N O N N O 0 O Y N_ U L � U 0 O f0 0 O O H O O O) 0 0 H a) U L r• O N LO r• N m 0 H E Q O v C) O O O 0 M U a) O) 00 at 0 M N N O 0 00 M V7 O O M 00 N 0) v N O O O (i) N N ccy a) U LL N O a) E 76 76 r• OD co O 00 00 (i) U U) E 0 Y lC E ca Q N C) O O O 0) at 0 M N N O 0 n 00 (n O O co 00 N O v O O O V r• al co O 00 00 N O O M O N_ O O O O v r• al co T 00 00 M O N O (n O O M 00 N O v C) O O O E O 'c 7 a) d r• al co O 00 00 (�') ((O W n W � al W Lq O (n O N LO N M M O O O O O O O O O O 1-t M M co N N (`O') coo c c oo oo OD al O al al al O al al O C14 cv N C14 cv cv N cv cv N 0 0 °) 00 0 0 0) M o o) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) C) 0 ; O O O O O O O O O (n 10 (1) N N N N N N N N U U L f0 LL LL C H H J U M N E E O O C U E E In cn N N 'C C > O O E E 7 7 c Q y C/) E E E E O m m C2 cc m m cc > E a) —O Y Y O a) .0 0 > a) a) i D a a~ H LL LL >> N co rN) � Ooo 000 000 000 0^0 0^0 O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M O O O CD 19 (O (O T T T w w OD OD OD 00 00 00 00 00 OD OD OD OD OD Ln Ln Ln M Ln (W (W (W Ln (W O � M co N N M M M N N N O O O O O O O O 00 (t) (n 2 (0 N N U N LL E E O O0 H C c E c o D a) Z) 76 E m f0 a) H O H L � Y d O) O) U > > > LL 00 00 00 co co co co co co O O O 00 00 00 Ln (W (W M (O N O O co 00 N 0) v 0) O O O E `O C .N. m W ) U N LL 0) W O r• O co O 00 00 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 r � C C C m Q+ u v 01 � O O � r h U Obi .O d ,—h ? v M Q o O C t� C 4 d �o 0 a >U r M U r r Y( � o O c w. O i N U �i O Q n Cl. c c c c r: U O. 00 n c cn N N O c O � O � N rn al O O co (N O co v _) C) O O O a) E d Cr W )U a) C LL 0 0 (0 c N W r- CV N O N OD OD r- 0 O O N O N O 0 Y O U LO CL) � U O O) N O O H O O 0 O O m U E a) L U LO OD (D co a) ) w c m a Q N m r• O O O 0 M U a) O) rn r• 0 M N N O 0 O N co O O v OD O N O O O co O N N LL ac) E (0 n- 8 U 2 Z5 co 6 O O N O V v lC Y Q M C) 0 C) O O O OD O co N N O O co LO O O Cl) O O N C) O N m 0 CL >m N 2 at CC) N V e a m H U E N U d U (0 Q LO co 0 O O O 0 O M N N O 0 LO O O O M O N O V O O (i) c C N CL O CL .Fa N O N O U .0. t2 m c U a >H r• V7 O O U N ca N _m Q o' 0 0 O 0 N 00 O M N N O O a) V7 r• OD (7 O O v O co O LO O N O O O a) To (0 CL H N N m a) i, 0 O C m U ac) W a_ U C? u N C E a d Q O C) O 0 0 O 0 0 M OD O M N N O O r• O O _O r• O O O O N LL a) 0 a) a 0 a) L f0 J M M V O U E Z (C CL Q al 0 C) 0 O O V C) O M N N O 0 O N al O O v O V7 r• N O N O O O 00 N 00 O M V OD c� ot) d' m U E Q N v r• O O O O M C) O M N N O 0 r• N O M 0 U O N r• OD O O O N f0 c C f0 E 7 E 2 n- 8 (0 N c U 0 a) 2 W O O O OD N O O O n � N (V 0 00 r N M N O 00 O M N N O O Q Y 00 U N a) r• L 00 U 0 O H O O V O N (0 C M c O CD CD ccm U 00 r M O O O Q U m E r Q M m C) O O O 0 M U a) O) r• 0 O M N N O 0 CS LC r c El a n r a C C N 2 R C s C C a 7 m U O 00 al n Cl) O O O ON) O O N � O N r- 00 O Cl) O N O N N O 0 O Y N_ U L � U 0 O f0 0 O O H O O O) 0 0 H a) U L r• O N LO r• N m 0 H E Q O v C) O O O 0 M U a) O) 00 at 0 M N N O 0 00 M V7 O O M 00 N 0) v N O O O (i) N N ccy a) U LL N O a) E 76 76 r• OD co O 00 00 (i) U U) E 0 Y lC E ca Q N C) O O O 0) at 0 M N N O 0 n 00 (n O O co 00 N O v O O O V r• al co O 00 00 N O O M O N_ O O O O v r• al co T 00 00 M O N O (n O O M 00 N O v C) O O O E O 'c 7 a) d r• al co O 00 00 (�') ((O W n W � al W Lq O (n O N LO N M M O O O O O O O O O O 1-t M M co N N (`O') coo c c oo oo OD al O al al al O al al O C14 cv N C14 cv cv N cv cv N 0 0 °) 00 0 0 0) M o o) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) C) 0 ; O O O O O O O O O (n 10 (1) N N N N N N N N U U L f0 LL LL C H H J U M N E E O O C U E E In cn N N 'C C > O O E E 7 7 c Q y C/) E E E E O m m C2 cc m m cc > E a) —O Y Y O a) .0 0 > a) a) i D a a~ H LL LL >> N co rN) � Ooo 000 000 000 0^0 0^0 O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M O O O CD 19 (O (O T T T w w OD OD OD 00 00 00 00 00 OD OD OD OD OD Ln Ln Ln M Ln (W (W (W Ln (W O � M co N N M M M N N N O O O O O O O O 00 (t) (n 2 (0 N N U N LL E E O O0 H C c E c o D a) Z) 76 E m f0 a) H O H L � Y d O) O) U > > > LL 00 00 00 co co co co co co O O O 00 00 00 Ln (W (W M (O N O O co 00 N 0) v 0) O O O E `O C .N. m W ) U N LL 0) W O r• O co O 00 00 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 r m v Q � O O h Obi .O ,—h ? v � r �o 0 i >U r M rr0_) -J ~ � N w. O i N r ( M AI Q N O b � i N O U o � i C v ry 4 O � V C � � Q 13 of 26 U �i O Q n Cl. c c c c r: U O. 00 n c cn N N O c O � O � N rn al O O co (N O co v _) C) O O O a) E d Cr W )U a) C LL 0 0 (0 c N W r- CV N O N OD OD r- 0 O O N O N O 0 Y O U LO CL) � U O O) N O O H O O 0 O O m U E a) L U LO OD (D co a) ) w c m a Q N m r• O O O 0 M U a) O) rn r• 0 M N N O 0 O N co O O v OD O N O O O co O N N LL ac) E (0 n- 8 U 2 Z5 co 6 O O N O V v lC Y Q M C) 0 C) O O O OD O co N N O O co LO O O Cl) O O N C) O N m 0 CL >m N 2 at CC) N V e a m H U E N U d U (0 Q LO co 0 O O O 0 O M N N O 0 LO O O O M O N O V O O (i) c C N CL O CL .Fa N O N O U .0. t2 m c U a >H r• V7 O O U N ca N _m Q o' 0 0 O 0 N 00 O M N N O O a) V7 r• OD (7 O O v O co O LO O N O O O a) To (0 CL H N N m a) i, 0 O C m U ac) W a_ U C? u N C E a d Q O C) O 0 0 O 0 0 M OD O M N N O O r• O O _O r• O O O O N LL a) 0 a) a 0 a) L f0 J M M V O U E Z (C CL Q al 0 C) 0 O O V C) O M N N O 0 O N al O O v O V7 r• N O N O O O 00 N 00 O M V OD c� ot) d' m U E Q N v r• O O O O M C) O M N N O 0 r• N O M 0 U O N r• OD O O O N f0 c C f0 E 7 E 2 n- 8 (0 N c U 0 a) 2 W O O O OD N O O O n � N (V 0 00 r N M N O 00 O M N N O O Q Y 00 U N a) r• L 00 U 0 O H O O V O N (0 C M c O CD CD ccm U 00 r M O O O Q U m E r Q M m C) O O O 0 M U a) O) r• 0 O M N N O 0 CS LC r c El a n r a C C N 2 R C s C C a 7 m U O 00 al n Cl) O O O ON) O O N � O N r- 00 O Cl) O N O N N O 0 O Y N_ U L � U 0 O f0 0 O O H O O O) 0 0 H a) U L r• O N LO r• N m 0 H E Q O v C) O O O 0 M U a) O) 00 at 0 M N N O 0 00 M V7 O O M 00 N 0) v N O O O (i) N N ccy a) U LL N O a) E 76 76 r• OD co O 00 00 (i) U U) E 0 Y lC E ca Q N C) O O O 0) at 0 M N N O 0 n 00 (n O O co 00 N O v O O O V r• al co O 00 00 N O O M O N_ O O O O v r• al co T 00 00 M O N O (n O O M 00 N O v C) O O O E O 'c 7 a) d r• al co O 00 00 (�') ((O W n W � al W Lq O (n O N LO N M M O O O O O O O O O O 1-t M M co N N (`O') coo c c oo oo OD al O al al al O al al O C14 cv N C14 cv cv N cv cv N 0 0 °) 00 0 0 0) M o o) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) C) 0 ; O O O O O O O O O (n 10 (1) N N N N N N N N U U L f0 LL LL C H H J U M N E E O O C U E E In cn N N 'C C > O O E E 7 7 c Q y C/) E E E E O m m C2 cc m m cc > E a) —O Y Y O a) .0 0 > a) a) i D a a~ H LL LL >> N co rN) � Ooo 000 000 000 0^0 0^0 O O O O O O M M M M M M M M M M O O O CD 19 (O (O T T T w w OD OD OD 00 00 00 00 00 OD OD OD OD OD Ln Ln Ln M Ln (W (W (W Ln (W O � M co N N M M M N N N O O O O O O O O 00 (t) (n 2 (0 N N U N LL E E O O0 H C c E c o D a) Z) 76 E m f0 a) H O H L � Y d O) O) U > > > LL 00 00 00 co co co co co co O O O 00 00 00 Ln (W (W M (O N O O co 00 N 0) v 0) O O O E `O C .N. m W ) U N LL 0) W O r• O co O 00 00 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 w � n M 0 U d V O O r, o M w 0 U 0) r � V O d V U .O � M � O � N O O N N 0 � M C b G � O7 ` O O �L q y q a 14 E O C aNi w O 0) 0) con M 0 0 U C Vl N U V1 ) E o c 7 Y (6 E f6 Q C, N 0 O O O aO\ V M U O I� 0) 0 O M N N O 0 D1 O O M 0 N 0) V O O V O O E O C U O cu 3 0) O O M 0 0 0 0 0) 0 O O M 0 N O V U) O V O O M E O C U O cu 3 0) 0) M i 0 00 0 0 o) 0 M 0 0 0 M 0 N O V V O N v1 0 C N N 0) O 0) M M 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 M O N V rn V O O O E O C 06 (0 v1 cu m a M 0) 0) 0) M M 0 00 0 0 Cl) O 0 0 M 0 N O V 0 V O O O E O C 06 (0 v1 co m a M 0) 0) 0) M M 0 00 0 0 V N M V O 0 M O N V rn V O O O m O .co LL O O 0) M M 0 00 0 0 O� O 0 M M r 0 C� (R O O O r 0 O O V 6 N N 0) r- C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 O 0 0 00 V 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N o o o °) 0 0 0 0 0 0 V V N 0 V V V V V V V O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O O N O N U-) 0 0 U-) 0 0 v1 N N In N E E co i M O O E E Ecn c E v1 v1 N 7 7 O O E O O O C U U 0 N 7 T T 06 06 E ° 7 O N C 0 U U (d O U (n (n (n ` �) a) ' U) E M M M M M M M > f0 W W W W W = E - a O Q in �0- M M O O M M M (M7 M M V 0) 0) 0) O h P h h f- f- f- f- f- f- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M M 0 O O O O O O O M co M M "7 "7 "7 "7 "7 "7 "7 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M M V O 0 0) 0) 0 O M 0 N 0 N N O O Y 0 U � L (h U 0 O f0 C) O O O O O C O L d �0 N O H M 0 M O 0) r- 19 0 0 O 0 0) 0 H ca H Q O O O Cl M U O O) O O O M N N O 0 0 V O O V O_ M M 0 O N O O O 0) 0 0. 0 0 V: r*-: r O Cl? 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M N N 0 O N O It V M O Ct7 O O O N CL U) w O O N O N � Cl) r` rn 0 O N o N N Ch O O Y O (j (D L � U O N m O O H O Ct7 m m U) CV a ) C O U C N 0 L >d cc m 0) O] C) O O O O O O C2 U N' O) O 0) O co N N O 0 C m 0) 0) O co N N O 0 O O N O O M O N O V O O O O U N m m N Y a C m N 2 o m _O v O_ N ) Y J m n a m U N N Cl) O O O O 0 O O co N O O O O O N O O M O 04 V O V O O O O_ U N m m N Y m` a m N 2 of m o, v O O � N O 0 Cc; o N O N M O O O U 0) L � U o M O O O H CO N O lt7 lt7 C O m Lo u4 N U Ul a Cn U co U') rl O O O 0 U N O) OI co N N O 0 O O O O O C7 0) 0) V M O CO fn N O` U w = m m co m m co O m M U-) r O M � 0 N N N O O Y O) U CD lU � L U 0 m O H O O ch r L N a>i N r O L C m 0) O J 0 C7 O N N ate) 0 E E U U N m N O co N N O 0 V O Ch N ccoo M N CN7 C7 C) O r O O Q N N � N N U m a� m C � fn C_ IZ m N a 3 n U) N m U CL m F, 0 0 00 00 O O cN0 N N 0 c:, O O N O Y r O d rl co L U o � O m N O O H O O O O O O 0) rl LO O 0) O O N co co _ N E cr Q, U) a ° CL Q ° U C C w � m U) s O C CL C) O a) U O O O w OD r 1) N W) o 0 N N C yN U ca U c U E U N N a 5 O O N N C) d L U U U co O O O CC) O C2 U N O) Cl) V U') O O O N co co co nuarA,f, r O O O N O O O w 0) rl O O 0) O N C'7 O - O O CD O (A CO u� 0 O N p N V O O Y O U L V U o O O O O H O O Cl) 0 N m LL C N E m a O U C C7 7 N rn O N m E U U O CO O O 0 0 0 C2 U N O) CO O co N N 2014 � O r C0 C� m 0 O O N f` r � O� O O O N r N N 21 m C f2Q r N N 3 °) N L N � m 2 0 �C r � C m O 0 m O N ° C7 C1 O =3 N Y CO LL m O v 0 V O O N N cn O) ° U c O c a fCl E 4) U O] C fCl Ul Cn Z cq o m m o 0 m g J fCl m � U c U U Cl) O O 0 0 I' CO O O C7 C7 N N O O O O O N O o) v O O O C7 O N H U O a O U N O b O U C N O v d 0 cn c U W r O O 0 0 0 0) CNO N i O O O lt7 0 O N O) Mt O O r 7 N U .7 O N N Z5 U m rn c Y m CL 0 O U n c rn L 3 0 i h N N D n U J m o � ,r) a Q Q o O O COO O O 0 C� C� U U m m O C) M N co N 0 0 CC7 M O N 0 O M O CO V O N N C C13 CL O r. a` rn v :E lr 0 E c W O] r` O O O O O 0 N 0) O m N N O 0 w U m 0 O O O 0 O O m m O m N N O 0 V M I 0 M O N 0) V 0 O O Ct7 N U N m m Z > CL Cn O CL m >N N N 0 E w N m O N O O O O 0 M N O O O O) N 0 O O N_ V 0 O O N f` m m CO r. 0 m O N O O O O 0 U') O O m N N O 0 O O O 0 O O N 0) V N O N O O O N r m >U 0 O m C m c Q Y U O Z 0 O rn O c >a 0 m C7 O O O 0 O m O m N N O 0 O N V O) M 0 O N O V rl V M O Ct7 O O O N Q U, w r- 4 m CO N 0 ) U d H 0 co O OD O C) O O O 0 r m O m N N O 0 CC7 O 1- O 0 O N O It V M O Ct7 O O O N .Q CL U) w O m m O N co O U? M N N 0 O N O It V M O Ct7 O O O N CL U) w O O N O N � Cl) r` rn 0 O N o N N Ch O O Y O (j (D L � U O N m O O H O Ct7 m m U) CV a ) C O U C N 0 L >d cc m 0) O] C) O O O O O O C2 U N' O) O 0) O co N N O 0 C m 0) 0) O co N N O 0 O O N O O M O N O V O O O O U N m m N Y a C m N 2 o m _O v O_ N ) Y J m n a m U N N Cl) O O O O 0 O O co N O O O O O N O O M O 04 V O V O O O O_ U N m m N Y m` a m N 2 of m o, v O O � N O 0 Cc; o N O N M O O O U 0) L � U o M O O O H CO N O lt7 lt7 C O m Lo u4 N U Ul a Cn U co U') rl O O O 0 U N O) OI co N N O 0 O O O O O C7 0) 0) V M O CO fn N O` U w = m m co m m co O m M U-) r O M � 0 N N N O O Y O) U CD lU � L U 0 m O H O O ch r L N a>i N r O L C m 0) O J 0 C7 O N N ate) 0 E E U U N m N O co N N O 0 V O Ch N ccoo M N CN7 C7 C) O r O O Q N N � N N U m a� m C � fn C_ IZ m N a 3 n U) N m U CL m F, 0 0 00 00 O O cN0 N N 0 c:, O O N O Y r O d rl co L U o � O m N O O H O O O O O O 0) rl LO O 0) O O N co co _ N E cr Q, U) a ° CL Q ° U C C w � m U) s O C CL C) O a) U O O O w OD r 1) N W) o 0 N N C yN U ca U c U E U N N a 5 O O N N C) d L U U U co O O O CC) O C2 U N O) Cl) V U') O O O N co co co nuarA,f, r O O O N O O O w 0) rl O O 0) O N C'7 O - O O CD O (A CO u� 0 O N p N V O O Y O U L V U o O O O O H O O Cl) 0 N m LL C N E m a O U C C7 7 N rn O N m E U U O CO O O 0 0 0 C2 U N O) CO O co N N 2014 � O r C0 C� m 0 O O N f` r � O� O O O N r N N 21 m C f2Q r N N 3 °) N L N � m 2 0 �C r � C m O 0 m O N ° C7 C1 O =3 N Y CO LL m O v 0 V O O N N cn O) ° U c O c a fCl E 4) U O] C fCl Ul Cn Z cq o m m o 0 m g J fCl m � U c U U Cl) O O 0 0 I' CO O O C7 C7 N N O O O O O N O o) v O O O C7 O N H U O a O U N O b O U C N O v d 0 cn c U W r O O 0 0 0 0) CNO N i O O O lt7 0 O N O) Mt O O r 7 N U .7 O N N Z5 U m rn c Y m CL 0 O U n c rn L 3 0 i h N N D n ti O O O O �y N O U d U Q O O OM M U O O �Uy L LO O V V O O O O (fl co M co O M >M a5 E E � L Y `n Y O O O C N � 0 U) U) a_.2 aa) U U d a a U 22 Z? � D O O U O o W W � O o � _ N O o 01 � N a N 'O b >v � O LLB Q w c v y a U d Y' 16ofA W 0 O 0 N w C U V M O O 0 /o V M U Q) W M M N N 00 � O V I- co M n O O O co N V O 0 O N N (C7 LO a) m M as L U Cl) O) a o E N U m � C J (n c U O ti n O O J U o U co O N O _o V N M W co U C 0 W 0 U U O O O O O O °o °o V G M v M M N N O O O O O O O O r� O r� V O O O OV N 0) V V Ul) -W O O N O L r O O O N M N N I LL U E CL) � a a o 0 (L' U � m 10 c a — v O N (0 �2 O N N O co 0) l0 `m U) O C O Q D V _O O 0 /o V LO (0 M co N N N N 0o c cC cC a V C\ O O V V W O N O O O WWI O N a7 LL m E (0 a o` U c r L6 O 6 O N co 1 O W N N D V N W _O O 0 /o V M N N O 0 O (C7 N co V O O V O M LO (fi N O N O O O v O N CL Q C �E N a C O r O a- -9 15 O H _v _H W a H O a N E l0 c� N 0 c E C D M V V O O O O /o V m M N N 0 0 O O W N O O M a1 V O O O O Vl n n Q C .Q a) O) LL M O N a) 0 Z L O O 0 N 0 cc E cc N 0 M M a7 O O O /o V rn N N N 0 O O O O W O O Cl) V N Q1 V CO O V O _O V O N Ui CM O' N a) E 2 m 0 0 CO Q1 N 0 L l0 N cu 2 U_ `o E cu C 0 M O _O O O /o V 0 N :7 N N _ O O O CO O O M N 0) V V O O O O N 01 N C 0 LO LO 0) M M N 0 I M N N 0 0 O O O O O M N 0) V O V O O N v O N 20 O M 0 r (0 a 0 m (0 O M 0 N N M N N 0 0 Cl) N N N O O V O _N V O N O O O N N 0 0 a as r O a T Y m m O M N W co V O O O /0 V M N M N N _ _ O (C7 O O M O N V W V O O O M N _N (7 .T m as T E Y LO O V 0) O O O h O O 0) 91 O O Cl) N O (; O O N Cl) O O O y O N_ U (O LIt U W N O O O F O O O M (>y r V N N N M a O C) \ LO E O O m m a U N O H a � a O O V 00 C N O 0 O W N O O O /0 V M U a) Q1 V N M N N 0 0 i V M n O (0 W O O U), (C7 W a1 I � L') M W n V N 0 0 N O O O M M N M M M O O O O V V L V V U N N 2 M M O V O O O O O O O O O O (O O LC) m LL Z O O � C CL N � O C L 0 >+ T L < > I J M N pa O m c N F � m >o x p N O x o O ` E o •• O N_ Q a 1 3: I Q O ao rl- V W O M c0 M N V N h LO L N N c — N N N c 00 v N < 3 0 LT LL W N C D D D O O O O O O O M U a) Q1 U) O r� N N N M M M N N 04 04 N 000 O (C7 M O O V (0 0) M O O O O O O O O O O M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LO LO LO L a) C CL 3 w c O O n C N c_ r a7 n N = O J >_5 L x (n c 3 N m oN (0 fa n rn rn c C a) N > U U N_ N_ _N N_ w h N O (MO N M O O co O M M h h O O O O O O N N N N 0 0 CD 0 O O O O N N LO (C7 (0 co V M N O N ° N M O O y O U N L LO U O � O O N (h N O m c O E 75 m N orn N l0 m Q V C U w V N O O O O /o V M U a) O N M N January 211 O V (NC7 O O co _O (C7 V V O N w C a) E L U �d fd a C I a) C 0 a) m Q M V 0) >W O a U C m CL E cc U C .0. LL co M M a7 O O 0 /o V O N M N X L lL O) co O O O O /o V M U a) 0 Q1 O M M N C, 114 Item # 1.� O M V (0 OLOj a7 r M ° ( C7 O M a1 CNN O N O N O O W O O O (n0 O a) N _W _W W 00 V W L M U W 2 M O O O O O O O O C C Z L L ) 0 0 c C (6 L) L) U I I _L N N � cn o 0 0 N m d L) CO N m O N N m 2 c c E n o n LO ¢ in U) 0 V O .c0 00 00 co . co 00 a7 04 (14 O O O O �n U U U U (4 X L lL O) co O O O O /o V M U a) 0 Q1 O M M N C, 114 Item # 1.� ti O r (D V N d V U (3) U co 0 � O G� (n d V ,U 0 0 � N � b m rz Q O ~ r O) i' 17 of A I N W V) m m (h N O m V v 0 Y O m 0 E' LL v O O O aO` V M U a) 0 C6 M M N N O O O O N O O M m m r V M O u7 a) m 7 04 N C N m O LO LO v 0 LO m (D N (D O m CO O (n N COL U m m O_i r u.) v 0 m CO O > > a) a) m O1 Q N O r u. v 0 m CO O (n V) CL O U) 7 U m m N r to v 0 (ND (17 O O M O (D r N O V O O (n u) N LO r 0 0 LO O U) m M m O O (n O) w 7 m 6 7 a N O U O 1- r U, -0 (D r M O N m O O V) rn C L m X, N O LO I- r u) 0 r- N O V O O M O 1- r V co V O O 0 U .Q n C O .m Ol 0 mm m r u) v LO M M O N O O M O (D r qr O O O CL m mm T L `O a) U m L U 0 a) 76 u7 V N O LO v 0 (D O O O r- u7 m M V M O N 0 N O O Y (D U (V L m � U 0 O m O O F O 0 10 c m E E O U `m U a) m c a) E a) U) E O .j F Q 0 U C, Q W D J m 0 ui c c d LL a7 m a7 O O O aO` V a) 0 m N co M N N O O O O O m (D O O (D N M V _O O U N 0 Z Q O U W O M U-) r O M N M (h O N O N M O O Y O U N (L) M UM 0 m V O O F M N N N N O V m 0 a) U m Y m w LL O m O O O Ca)` V M (5 a) 0 O M co M N N O 0 m V LO m V O O m N N O v co O O U m V) 0 U 0 M N (D N m M a0 U') u7 N V co M N N O 0 W M U) O O Q N N O V O O O O O m U V) `O U 0 M N N N m M a0 U') u7 N LO O O to O O O (D r v q- 0 O o. U U O U 0 M N (D N m M a0 U') u7 N (D O N a0 O O O M O O O 0 m U O U N 0 M N (D N m M a0 LO u7 N O O M CO a0 O O O q- 0 _O O O 0 m 0 U O U a) 0 M N (D N m Cl) a0 U') u7 N C0 O (D � 000 h (D r � M O (h O O N M N O O O U N L d m � L � U O O O F O O 0 (n n L E2 E m -o E m O U >, Z m � U d iz O U � a) � N M N (D N m co u) (OD m (0 O N U a) V T 06 O b c O U c 0 U a) C 0 U N O U (i O v 0 (0i O (D O O O O aO, V M (5 a) m LO co M N N O 0 O O O O O N a7 O O 0 a) E L V) E O m CL M_ zz r W a d c a) CL ac) E w c `m c7 LO O O O O O a0 V 0 co M N N O 0 O O LO M O N (7 O O 0 C a) E L V) EI m O T m CL Cl) a0 N W d a r co N O O r V O M O O V O (D r V V O N O O 0 d U d a) CL m F m Y U _m O O W O r N m V V J E w U) CL m E U (i m O O O O aO` V O M V W p N O O 00 O (D (D U) O M 0) (+) O LO a7 N O M O O O (h O V V N V O O O V O O V (D 'qt (.0 (.0 U h (D ,r U `o co N N N m N O. O O O F O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO O N a a a a a E a a a a a a m m m o CL m n m m Q 0 U) E2 E2 E C ) m m m °) EE EE EE Q m m o 0 o (D C-0 m m m m O O O O M M M m `D `D m m 00 00 m ° r ) m rn rn m m O V V V V N c_ O Q ai a� c7 M (5 a) 0 O m co M N ivary 21, 2014 Wtlr N O r- 0) LO O O O a0 _O O O 0 w a) CL co F CL 7 U m m m CO 0 (D a0 m r O O (17 (i 0 0 U > m O m LO O O O aO` V O M N N O r N r O O Q N N O q- 0 O 0 a) Z m U Q a U a U U) r 0 CL N C O O O W co O (17 O m V M N O O Q N N O co O O M m M M co O (17 m m V O O V M N N O O U a) U 0 m O F # 1.2 O O O 0 LO d V O O 4 0 CJ N V � Q M O O 'Z' O O d V G' •O v •� O 0 ry N �M � b m � N Q y � d z � R V d 18 of 261 U c O U Q CL Q 'o Q Q O U- C7 >d' M } LL 0 U N Q N U O' U co c LL a) E E O O) O O O O O U Q7 o) V M N N O O LO O) V 0 0 M O V O O O O CL F U) 0 N O) O O M M C rn n O N O O O O N M N N O 0 LO 0 N co N O O M _O 0 V O N U a) L CL Q 0 M O N O co O) N V V r O O V O V V O N O O O Q a U a 0 .y. L 0 O' 0 LL U) Cl) O) O co O) LO 0 N M N O O co 0 0 V V O N N U a7 L n Q 0 0 (0 0 N 0 n O co O M 0 m N 0 O co 0 0 V O N N U W L n Q M V O O) n O co O n O N 0 0 V O 0 N O N O O O N .Q n 7 Y 0 O 0 O 0 M O 0 N 0 0 O co O (0 n M O V O O O y a) U •C O N p N 0 n Z5� 0 co n N M M O � 0 Qj N p N N M O N O N M O O Y U 0 L n U o c.) O N � O O H O N y a) L U 3 m U c c N 0 0 O O 0 0 O N J U H c N M U Q7 o) co V M N N O 0 (p M O V O Rt c0 0 (O 0 O M O N O O OR OR N O N CO CO V (o co V N O N n N p O (O O O) N n V (O n 0 0 co 0 O (o N n O) m N 0 M O (v) O O O O (+) O O (v) O O M O N CD M M M O M M O M V O O O CO Y O O O O Y O O Y N 0 O 00 U V (O (O (O U (O (O U (O 0 L V V V V L V V L V V aO U U U M co N co co w N co �O co n CD t f0 M � f0 't V a) V (O O O O O O 'O O O n H H F U) O O O 0 (N 0 n 0 r L r r U- cn 3 cn a C. CM ao w � c � U L Cl) _ CL O L a O U D7 cn J c c U a) f > (p M i� > c Cl) .y. a) .. J a) E c a m M O` C O 0 O cn m m c m C 2 3 m W N w C: Q m c w U d N of QI Q7 U co W �— a7 C) c) ih -i D O U 00 co O N M M O Lo 0 M V 0 0 N N O O 0 p p 0 n 0 O O 0 N N (O O O O V V q) N C) c N (U L j U O C (n N U Y N w E N cc w N j 0 O_ l Y O N U) co U) C d 3 d p w p p c 0 C c E< o o a m LL) c r`o O n 0 U C c 5 j. 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O_ O. O_ O. O_ O. O. CL N N U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a cn cn cn cn cn cn cn in o O O o o O O o o O O o o O O o o U) LO 0 U) LO LO U) U) U) 00 co 00 00 00 co 00 00 00 co 00 00 00 W 00 00 00 00 co 00 00 00 co 00 00 co M M It t2 u2 u7 t2 L,2 u7 u7 t2 t2 u7 V7 V7 V7 V7 V7 V7 V7 V7 V7 CD O O � rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn a d d a,IC c cc o_ C c J U E $3 N co C U) 0 M N V7 r- cli 0 O O �0 aaO\\ �O11 v V V M M a) N O � r­ W M co M M co N M N N * nuary 21, 2014 Item 49 32 m ( c 0 M N V7 r- cli 0 O O �0 aaO\\ �O11 v V V M M a) N O � r­ W M co M M co N M N N * nuary 21, 2014 Item 49 32 a) N O � r­ W M co M M co N M N N * nuary 21, 2014 Item 49 32 Q v v Q r w r d V d v UZ r. O O N � 0 N U b C � <0 1 p o � r N fi h O N O i � o co O co N n to O 00 co N O M O N N fh O O Y � U cV L � U `o O O O O O H N N n O O 0 (o V U N o> O) c`7 N (h N N O 0 O N D1 O O ch O N N O n co N Q C? co v c� m T O 3 0 m V N C a n N Cl) N 0) C N O 0J U O) ch co O O (C) V O V N co N N O O O N rn O O co O N o O O O E N U cc O. N d' W O E m rn c E E H (D H Q M co J co N Ce) N O) 0 n Cl) ci O O ch O N V co V O O O C N E N U cc cc O. N Q' 0 E rn c .E E a� N H Y a ch O ch 0) o� f� O r O N O O N O N fh O O Y W U O c`7 L � U CO O O O H O O En r a n d O 0 cc E CO O O 0) N d Ol lC0 3 2 E v n O O 0 (o V C2 U N a� V N C4 N N O 0 0 0 N O O Ce) O Ce) m O O O `m E 7 c Q U- LL c+> n O O N b 7 c O 0 O n co co O O O (o V N V N co N N O O co O co O N co O O O O n O O V Y Y (D Ce) V N Cl) N N O O 0 N N O O O O O O co n V a O O O Q n D1 O rn CU m m >cu 0 0 0 ch N V V Q D O N _o O) O O O (o V V V N C4 N N O O O O O O O O n V V O N O O O w rn J m H c 7 O U Q a U a 00 Cl) n N O O n N a N ao O N O O O (C) V O 04 N C4 N N O 0 O W n N O OD O O O 04 W Cl. H LL W >_2 O cc a O N W a- ce) 7 N F 0 C N rn O O O_ O O (o V C2 U 0 co CN N O m O 0 n co N co O O O LO 0 N Cl) LO n v N m N 8 N O D1 O O Y N U N CD co L OD U `o O H O O O O LU ;U a a H H LL LL W W O O cc cc a a O O N N W W Cl. Cl. Cl) Cl) _O O N � C ' d E C co CL m 0 0) E O 0 E n E W 0 n O O O O po V C2 U 0 co N V O) N O O) O 0 n GO n O O N O OD O O m E Mn L E C7 O Cl. O N W Cl. Cl) O r C d C E L C 0 LO O O O 0 0 Cl) V O) N O O) O 0 _o 0 O O 0 O O N N O O N 00 00 O O O O fh O c`7 f0 on o n N O N a E m C CD m C E m E U- .2 CL m E -r- CD Z) a C') r fh c`7 H rn Z O c`') O N n O c`7 C d E C m CL m O E O 0 C Y Em T Co O d O W D O ao c O O (C) C�)` V V c`7 U V LO O D1 N N O O O) m O O O o co O N co cc O O T .j n N N 2 m LL m cu L a Cl) H Z Cl) CD I co O co co LO C C LO N N O a m O O CD U L U W O t y y �0 a A v v 54 ti ti .y r ti v A January 21, 2014 Item # 1.2 OF POlCi�1 IN THE CCJ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORA January 21, 2014 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members.of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the January 7, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council are attached for approval. The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Minutes of the January 7, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council as submitted. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Public Notification: None. 1 of 9 January 21, 2014, Item #1.3 CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 7, 2014 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council /City of Poway Planning Commission /Poway Housing Authority /Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDERiI€ Mayor Higginson called the Regular Meeting t o order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Vaus M llin, Grosch Hi inso lu! ;t STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT , Penny Riley, City Manager; Tina White "Assistant City =Manager: Michael Reid, Attorney; Sheila Cobian, City Clerk; Robin Bettin, Director of Community Services; Bob Manis, ' ��`�, u� Director of Developme l ail '.Services, Leah Browder, Director, of Public Works- Scott Edwards, Director o ' fAdmmistrative °Services, Mark ,Sanchez, Director of Safety Services; Captain B II'Donahue Sheriff's I ep�artment. (Note Hereinafter the titles Mayor, Deputy Mayor c Councilmember, City Manager Assistant City Manager, f City A`ttorn�ey, City '-Clerk'and Directordtof, Administrative Services shall be used to indicates =Mayor /Ch.air,,�li� Deputy Mayo'rNi �e � Chair, Councilmember /Director, City Manager /Executive Director, Assistant City ,Manager /Assistant Executive Director, City Attorne /Counsel, City ClerWSecret�a`� and Director of Administrative Services/Finance Officer. Y Y , ,� !YI, ) LEDGE OF:ALLEGIANC Cub Scout Pack #627— Wolf Den #4 led the Pledge of Allegiance and presentation of Colors.I PRESENTATIONS Mayor Higginson presented the Mayor's Award to Bill Berghoff in recognition of Sportsplex USA of Poway's 20 year partnership with the City of Poway. Mr. Berghoff thanked the Council for the recognition and the opportunity to partner with the City for the past 20 years. 9839 2 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 Mayor Higginson gave an overview of the many projects that retiring City Manager Penny Riley was responsible for throughout her career. He also commented that her ability to comprehend and implement the vision of the City Council is a unique trait in an individual and that she excels in that area. He presented her with a plaque and a bouquet of flowers for her 25 years of service to the City of Poway. City Manager Riley expressed her appreciation for the privilege of working for the City of Poway. She thanked Council for their clear policy direction throughout her career. Councilmember Cunningham commented that Manager Riley epitomizes passion, intelligence and grace and that she always reflects a great'ili"ght on the City of Poway. Councilmember Vaus thanked Manager Riley for eueiryti ing she has done for the City. Councilmember Mullin commented that Manlage'r Ril of long term goals while handling the day:to day expressed his admiration for her ability 4 ~to; hire, members. ay is always able to maintain sight operationslof the City. He also develop aril retain quality staff °''J)• "lliii a�i liIp 111111 Deputy Mayor Grosch stated thatiManager Riley isalways professional, knowledgeable and an asset to the City of Poway. ii ' None. �1 ' If Ii x}g¢ CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by Roll Call Vote) . s1i iiii ins � ¢ ij. Motion by1 iC,ounciylmemb,,.,A rnninggham, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to approve'Consenti_Calendar #Items 1.1 i.through 1.4 and 1.6 through 1.13 with Item 1.5 removed. Motion carried ' yJhe following roll -call vote: i �1� Ayes: �i Cunningham, Vaus, Mullin, Grosch, Higginson ' lhoes: None Absent: None 1.1 Approval of Reading byTitle only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda. Ii$is. 1.2 Ratification /Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of November 4 through November 8, 2013, November 11 through November 15, 2013, November 18 through November 22, 2013, November 25 through November 29, 2013 and December 2 through December 6, 2013. (0475 -20) 1.3 Approval of the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of November 19 and December 3, 2013 and the Special City Council Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2013. 9840 3 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 1.4 Award of Contract to Agricultural Pest Services Inc., for Pest Control Maintenance Services, RFP 14 -002. (0700 -10) DeteGti9R Systems and MeniteF6 in the ameunt ef $111,755.70 from 00 REMOVED ITEM • 1.6 Acceptance of the Sports Court Resurfacing Project, from Trueline as complete; Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice, of Completion; Authorize the release of the Retention in the amount of $2,356fi1if encumbered, 45 days after City Council acceptance; Release the Bond for,,Mat�erial and Labor in the amount of bags �a..a $47,120 after the release of retention; a �d; I'RI etain the Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year, Bid �Noii14 -001.1 (0700 -10) 1.7 Acceptance of City Facilities Painting 2013/2014 `Veii Enterprises, Inc., as complete; Authorize the City Clerk to file of Completion; Authorize the release of the Retention in the days after City Council acceptance; Relea; amount of $80,700; and, RetaY =the Bond one year, RFB 13- 018. #' k x iil ,s s, 1.8 Acceptance of Public Improvements f6ri1 002), as compldf6'�;111,6thorize th6h releaE amount of $8i6i46; Release the Pa, Tent Retain the Warrantv Secu city in the iamo1. 9 AccOtanicei ofii,Publi Project (W113- 0011), g��a,� "3 a1, Security in the amou $5,600,6i�and, Retain t one years 10 Acceptance�oflPublic Project (W110- 0.01),, aq in the amount of $i114ii and, Retain the Warrz year. from Anemos record the Notice got of $5,345, 45 e,the Bond for Materialland Labor in the for Fa"it�hful Performance 'for a period of (0700 -10) h RGoldstein Sewer Connection (S112- 0 ofihthe Performance Security in the fsai; s saj" Security ;in, the amount of $4,323; and, nt of $86`4.60 for a period of one year. iii 10 (0200 -50) z 9 '' 1� , '1 ciilmproveme,nts0,,forithe Goldstein Fire Hydrant and Trail as f$ c�ompl1 te;�Authorize the release of the Performance t o $1g1', =2 , Release the Payment Security in the amount of he Warranty, Security in the amount of $1,122 for a period of (0200 -50) 'If provements for the Chinmaya Mission Spiritual Center €' is complete; Authorize the release of the Performance Bond ,0; Release the Payment Security in the amount of $7,090; ty Security in the amount of $9,137.80 for a period of one (0210 -30) 1.11 Approval of Records Management Policy and Retention Schedule. (0170- 70/90) 12 Approval of Contract with South Coast Fire Equipment Inc., to replace a damaged fire pumper apparatus. (0700 -10) 9841 4 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 1.13 Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 758 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Approving Specific Plan Amendment 13 -003 to the South Poway Specific Plan Changing the Land Use Designation from Light Industrial to Light Industrial- Storage on a 2.19 -Acre Site Located at 13250 Kirkham Way." 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing - e.g. First Reading of an Ordinance). 2.1 None. (See items 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.1 Adoption of Ordinance Amending Code. Director of Safety Services Mark San Motion by Councilmembdti to close the public hearing Ordinance No. 756 entitled ingham uct a s Repealing Chapter 15.24 of thetF Chapter 15.24 Rega'iding the Po'S the 2013 Califo'r'nia 'Fire Code Certain Amen "dments,i1 ?Additio unanimously. 3.2 Adoption of Ordinance All {1 111 §x ItHfi Urban Interface (WiUI) Coded , Directirof, Safety Services Marki a `'Municipal 166de, Chapter 15.24 Fire (0360 -90) ave an,oyerview of'tlie: item. # 1 i. seconded by Council'member Vaus econdir�eading by title only and adopt inance of�the City of Poway, California, ay, „Municip'a�11Code and Adopting a New Fire.lCode, which adopts by Reference thei °2012International Fire Code with a'nd Deletions.” Motion carried ilt iy, Municipal Code, Chapter 15.05 Wildland ly� (0360 -90) hez reviewed the staff report. Motion by -ouncilmernber Vaus, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to close the pubii�e hearing, conduct a second reading by title only and adopt Ordinance No. 757 =entitled An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter'115.05 of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.05 Regarding the Poway Wildland -Urban Interface Code, which adopts by Reference the International Wildland -Urban Interface Code, 2012 Edition, with Certain Amendments, Additions and Deletions." Motion carried unanimously. 9842 5 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 3.3 First Reading of Ordinances of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Chapters 15.04, 15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.16, 15.18, and 15.22, and Adding New Chapters 15.04, 15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.16, 15.18, and 15.22 to the PMC, Adopting by Reference the 2013 California Building Standards Codes, which includes the 2013 California Building Code, the 2013 California Electrical Code, the 2013 California Residential Code, the 2013 California Plumbing Code, the 2013 California Mechanical Code, the 2013 California Energy Code, and the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code. (0810 -90) City Planner Rich Whipple reviewed the staff report , Mr. Whipple explained that due to a recent bulletin issued by the California ;Buil'ding Standards Commission F.` (CBSC) pertaining to the effective date of certainprovisions of.the 2013 California Energy Code and 2013 California Green�Blding Standards Code, staff recommends the withdrawal of the two Orghh5tes pertaining to those Codes Motion by Mayor Higginson, secon'ded'`by Councilmefil# public hearing, and introduce Ordinance No. 759 entitle njjrlj. the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 1 Municipal Code and Adopting a Newii9f• °1d3', X11 California Building Stand'ar "ds, Incorpor California Building Code, 201,3Ecfition "; an Introduce Ordina California, Rep 'ie Adopting a'i�Ne Standards, Inc1'01 Code, 2013 Editia Intr#tlauce'0 California, Adopting a nce No. 76099 ng Chapter Chapter 15. ,porating', by in , arp nce�fV aling ���Cha Standards, Incorpor Code,s201a3 Edition "; .08 ce Mullin to close the ti 'An Ordinance of 4a of the Poway iapte'r' 15.04, Regarding the 2013 iting by Reference Therein the d;l, i Ordiniance of the City of Poway, p1111h> the Poway Municipal Code and ingthe 2013 California Building Therein the California Electrical ow 761 entitled, ion Ordinance of the City of Poway, Chapter 15 1t0 � of the Poway Municipal Code and pteri!115.10, Regarding the 2013 California Building ng byliReference Therein the California Residential 4:l Introduce Ordinance No! 762 entitled, "An Ordinance of -the City of Poway, California, Re�pealingChapter 15.12 of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting a New?Ch`apter 15.12, Regarding the 2013 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Plumbing Code, 2013 Edition "; and, Introduce Ordinance No. 763 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.16 of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.16, Regarding the 2013 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference, Therein the California Mechanical Code, 2013 Edition." Motion carried unanimously. 9843 6 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 Council unanimously concurred to continue to a future date the consideration of the following Ordinances: Ordinance No. 764 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.18 of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.18, Regarding the 2013 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Energy Code, 2013 Edition "; and, Ordinance No. 765 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.22 of the Poway Municipa( Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.22 Regarding the 2013 California Buildin Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Green Building Standards Code, 2013 Edition." 4. STAFF REPORTS 4.1 Approval of Agreement for Interim Tina M. White. 4.2 City Manager Penny Riley g and agreement. 1111 Council discussion ensued re to serve as Interim Citv Mana Motion by Counc`i'lhv to approve th'e, Agi "'14 Poway and Tina* N unanimously. ! Appro >vaI of °a resoI i within the City o�I1pov Suspiending the Notic, Cleanup (Requires fl Public Works Director ,,, City: Manager betweer i ,p $i3� i. iafx_ the City of Poway and (0700 -10) an overviewgflthe components of,. {the staff report r Cun ,nt for ing their appreciation for Ms. White's willingness Hingham, seconnded by Councilmember Mullin Interim City iVianager between the City of e v fectivee January 25, 2014. Motion carried inFin di n g''a'nd= Declaring the Existence of an Emergency y doe to a Hydraulic Fluid Spill into the Poway Creek and and`Bidding Requirements in Connection with the Required irfifths vote of City Council) (0700 -10) i Browder presented the staff report. In response ° to an inquiry from Councilmember Cunningham, Ms. Browder explained that tf efleq'66ment responsible for the leak -was rented and that upon delivery to the C41 'maintenance became the City's responsibility. She further explained that staff is.working with the City's Finance department to see what insurance reimbursements the City might receive for the expenses incurred. Motion by Councilmember Vaus, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to adopt Resolution No. 14 -003 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Waiver of the Formal Bid Process for Emergency Cleanup of a Hydraulic Fluid Spill in the Poway Creek "; and Authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Motion carried unanimously. 9844 7 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 None. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS City Manager Riley commented that on January 2, 2014 Poway's first baby was born at Pomerado Hospital. 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 7.1 CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNS Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragr 54956.9: One (1) potential case. 111111i; 8. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - INITIATE l Councilmember Cunningham = #m 8.1 "Hike, Bike and Ride across Poway report). Councilmembe°rl'Cu Council Meeting.. Councilmember Cur Wi 'ter Festival cele January 11, 201i4�at �a Councilmember Vaus Councilmeli�$�Eme ber Vaus opportunity atLake Pc .gr ;d 8.2 Discuss Holding a,Cc 2014 -2015 Budget.' "' am , - ANTICIRAT'ED LITIGATION ` (4) of subdivision (d) of Section TEMS £i - Review of a Poway Trail Segment (verbal (1020 -70) 1 " �..., ,rn11, courag n scheduled iunity Park +j:; the January 21, 2014 City members of the public to attend the r Friday, January 10 and Saturday, imented that perhaps there is a revenue generating if the City pursues parking fees during the off season. nity Meeting Prior to Consideration of the Fiscal Year Councilmember Vaus requested that the City Council consider holding a Workshop or Town Hall style meeting to give the community an opportunity to ask questions regarding the City's budget prior to the Public Hearing in June. Council discussion ensued regarding their support for holding a Community Meeting. 9845 8 of 9 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — January 7, 2014 Councilmember Mullin - No report given. Deputy Mayor Grosch Deputy Mayor Grosch spoke about the successful Christmas in the Park event in December. Mayor Higginson Mayor Higginson also encouraged the community to come out to the Winter Festival event on Friday or Saturday.�ia =,1' CLOSED SESSION As requested by Attorney Michael Reid, Council adjourned into .Closed Session at 7:55 p m. to discuss the followin g' CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUN'SELg# ANTICIPATED LITIjGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4)olftsubdivision (d)iofi:Section 54956.9: One (1) potentialcase. it ��� , li The Closed Session convened at 7:58 p rn?and concluded at 8 :17 p.m. �.x �,. ' V . Attorney Reid announcedlitha County in a lawsuitl'agai�nst'the" the County's calculation of Re of pass- through payfrnents to Council's approval also - incluc Angeles, Califo'rnial., tokreprese cities, dad includes authorizai necessarylto pa The Regular 9 of 9 Jan e the Cityi Council lapp roved' ijoining other cities in the jounty ofkSan_Diego and pother taxing entities regarding velopment@ Property Tax Trust Fund payments, in light Pie County Fschools, and other taxing entities. The 5e gaging they law firm of Colantuono & Levin, Los the C °ityofPovvay along with other San Diego County Wwf n� for the�1 ,i � Manager to execute such agreements osecution of this litigation. 7, 2014 was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC City Clerk City of Poway, California 9846 January 21, 2014 Item #1.3 OF POIy 9r City ®f Poway T�F0 1, THE0C-0 OUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED O APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: January 21, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Penny Riley, City Manager,,M INITIATED BY: Robin Bettin, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing the Application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant Summary: The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Housing - Related Parks (HRP) Grant Program for the 2013 funding round. This program will provide up to $25 million to jurisdictions that have approved housing for lower- income households and are in compliance with State housing element law. The grant funds can be used to create or rehabilitate parks in the community. Two recent projects, Orange Gardens and The Meadows - Metate Lane, qualify Poway to apply for this grant opportunity. HCD requires the City Council to approve a resolution authorizing the application. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution authorizing the City's application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant, and authorize the City Manager, any Acting City Manager, or any Interim City Manager, to execute any required agreement or other documentation necessary to implement and administer the grant. Background: The Housing - Related Parks Grant Program provides funding. for local park enhancements to jurisdictions that have recently approved housing for lower- income households, and are in compliance with State Housing Element law. In September 2012, the City received a $200,850 grant from the HCD's HRP Grant Program. The funds were utilized for the following improvements at Community Park: construction of a new gazebo and picnic area, bocce court drainage improvements, renovation of the east and west ball fields, painting of the Swim Center, and Senior Center operable wall replacement. 1 of 4 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.4 Application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant January 21, 2014 Page 2 The HCD issued a Notice of Funding Availability, announcing that $25 million is available for the 2013 funding round. Findings: The HCD recognizes a connection between access to parks and recreation facilities, and healthier communities. The HRP program rewards communities that provide affordable housing by providing grant funds to create or rehabilitate parks. Grant amounts are based on criteria including location of the proposed park improvements, prior use of the affordable housing site, and bedroom count and affordability levels offered at the affordable housing complex. If a jurisdiction meets additional criteria, a bonus award is added to the grant. The estimated base award is $94,000. The City of Poway has a certified Housing Element and approved two projects that may qualify for grant funds: Orange Gardens Apartments on Oak Knoll Road, a rehabilitation project made available to low -and very-low income households; and The Meadows on Metate Lane and York Avenue, a first -time homebuyers program made available to low- and moderate- income households. Staff recommends using grant proceeds for needed repairs and playground renovation at Hilleary Park. HCD requires adoption of a City Council resolution authorizing application for the program. The grant application is due January 22, 2014, and awards will be announced in June 2014. At that time, staff will return to the City Council with a request for an appropriation from the General Fund in the amount of the approved grant award, to be reimbursed by the grant. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. Environmental Review: The approval of the application is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. A Resolution of the City of Poway Authorizing the Application for the Housing - Related Parks Grant 2 of 4 Attachment A January 21, 2014 Item # 1.4 RESOLUTION NO. 14- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR THE HOUSING - RELATED PARKS GRANT WHEREAS, The State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development (Department) has issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) dated October 2, 2013, under its Housing - Related Parks (HRP) Program; and WHEREAS, The City of Poway desires to apply for an HRP Program grant and submit the 2013 Designated program Year Application Package released by the Department for the HRP Program; and WHEREAS, the Department is authorized to approve funding allocations for the HRP Program, subject to the terms and conditions of the NOFA, Program Guidelines, Application Package, and Standard Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council'of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The City of Poway is hereby authorized and directed to apply for and submit to the Department the HRP Program Application Package released October 2, 2013, for the 2013 Designated Program Year. If the application is approved, the City of Poway is hereby authorized and directed to enter into, execute, and deliver a State of California Standard Agreement (Standard Agreement), and any and all other documents required or deemed necessary or appropriate to secure the HRP Program Grant from the Department, and all amendments thereto (collectively, the "HRP Grant Documents "). Section 2: The City of Poway shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Standard Agreement. Funds are to be used for allowable capital asset project expenditures to be identified in Exhibit A of the Standard Agreement. The application in full is incorporated as a part of the Standard Agreement. Any and all activities funded, information provided, and timeline represented in the application are enforceable through the Standard Agreement. Applicant hereby agrees to use the funds for eligible capital asset(s) in the manner presented in the application as approved by the Department and in accordance with the NOFA and Program Guidelines and Application Package. Section 3: The City Manager, any Acting City Manager, or any Interim City Manager, is hereby authorized to execute in the name of the City of Poway the HRP Program Application Package and the HRP Grant Documents as required by the Department for participation in the HRP Program. 3 of 4 January 21, 2014. Item # 1.4 Resolution No. 14- Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 21st day of January 2014. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 14- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway 4 of 4 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.4 City ®f Poway W - {'COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: January 21, 2014 APPROVED O APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager. Scott Edwards, Director of Administrative Services Brad Rosen, IT Manager Award of Contract to CivicPlus for a Government Content Management System (GCMS @) In keeping with the City's goal of investing in technology to improve operational efficiencies and service levels, the FY 2013 -14 Budget provides for the implementation of certain technology -based enhancements. Of these, funding was approved for a redesigned website and content management system. With a new content management system the City website will function more reliably with current Internet browsers, and will also include responsive design features to address the increasing number of mobile users. After completing a Request for Proposals process, the City has identified CivicPlus to implement the new website, and a contract is attached for Council consideration. The total contract cost is $53,281 over four years. First year implementation costs of $36,494 would be funded via the FY 2013 -14 Budget within the Administrative Services Department. Subsequent years' maintenance costs would also be budgeted via the Administrative Services Department in the amount of $5,504 for year two, $5,504 for year three, and $5,779 for year four. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with CivicPlus in a form acceptable to the City Attorney for the purchase of the software licensing, implementation, support, and maintenance of the CivicPlus GCMS @. Background: In keeping with the City's goal of investing in technology to improve operational efficiencies and service levels, the FY 2013 -14 Budget provides for the implementation of certain technology -based enhancements. Of these, funding was approved for a redesigned website and content management system. This includes certain technology enhancements, which are outlined as follows: 1 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus January 21, 2014 Page 2 Responsive Design Currently, the City's website is designed for viewing via a 1024x768 resolution computer screen. A redesigned website would include responsive design features to adjust the layout of the text and photos to better fit onto the screen size of multiple devices accessing the website, such as tablet computers and mobile phones. Module -based Features CivicPlus' GCMS@ consists of many module -based features that can be utilized at any time without additional cost. Modules include: Facilities & Reservations, which can be used to display local facilities and related amenities to the public; Alert Center, which provides a way to get news out to the community quickly, activating notifications that can be sent out through email, text message and social media; and new modules that are anticipated to be built and deployed regularly over time. The City will have access to new and existing modules at any time and at no additional cost. Dynamic Page Components Dynamic Page components, such as event calendars, news announcements, and FAQs, are key features that make up a web site. The City's current website displays one type of dynamic information per page, which is only editable by the web administrator. Given the structure of our current website, this can only be changed if the City pays for custom programming. Using the CivicPlus' GCMS @, Dynamic page components may be placed on any page to help display relevant information by functional area, and they may be edited by respective staff in each City department. This functionality improves the website design and makes pages more useful to the public. Findings: The IT Division recently distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) to various companies specializing in the creation of government websites, with six vendors responding to the request. A multi- department team evaluated and rated the proposals based on the overall value for the website redesign and content management solution, focusing on software, design, implementation, training, and support. Following the evaluation process, the team identified CivicPlus' GCMS@ as the most qualified and cost - effective choice that most closely matched the City's current and anticipated future needs. Once implemented, the CivicPlus' GCMS@ will provide the City and community with a unique and customized website design for the poway.org and powaycenter.com websites, including: new intuitive navigation; page layout; interactive functions; page versioning; and many new modules and features over time. The attached Agreement (Attachment A) includes the pricing and terms for the software licensing, installation, support, and maintenance of the CivicPlus' GCMS@ solution. The total four -year contract cost is $53,281. First year implementation costs of $36,494 would be funded via the FY 2013 -14 Budget within the Administrative Services Department. Subsequent years' maintenance costs would also be budgeted via the 2 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Award of Contract to CivicPlus January 21, 2014 Page 3 Administrative Services Department in the amount of $5,504 for year two, $5,504 for year three, and $5,779 for year four. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds have been budgeted in the Administrative Services FY 2013 -14 operating budget (0108- 6122C) for the first year implementation costs of $36,494. Environmental Review% This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None. Attachment A: Agreement between the City of Poway and CivicPlus 3 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Attachment A City of Poway STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This Agreement entered into this day of , 20 , by and between the CITY OF POWAY (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and Icon Enterprises, Inc., a Kansas corporation, doing business in California as CivicPlus (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant'). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the services of a private consultant to perform website design, programming and implementation for the Website Redesign and Content Management System (Project); and WHEREAS, Consultant is a(n) government website and application integration consultant and has represented that Consultant possesses the necessary qualifications to provide such services; and WHEREAS, City has authorized the preparation of an agreement to retain the services of Consultant as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT CITY DOES HEREBY RETAIN CONSULTANT ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide services as described in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Compensation and Reimbursement. City shall compensate and reimburse Consultant as provided in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1 4 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 4. Termination. Except as otherwise provided below, this Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. City may terminate this Agreement if Consultant is found in default of any obligation hereunder which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such default. In addition, if at any time after commencement of service, City determines that such services are inadequate, unsatisfactory, or substantially not conforming to the descriptions, warranties, or representations contained herein, the City may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days' written notice to Consultant. Consultant may terminate this Agreement if City is found in default of any obligation hereunder, which has not been cured within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of such default. In addition, if at any time after commencement of service, Consultant fails to receive payment for services rendered to City, the Consultant may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days' written notice to City. 5. Confidential Relationship. City may from time to time communicate to Consultant certain information to enable Consultant to effectively perform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not disclose any part thereof without the prior written consent of the City. Consultant shall limit the use and circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to perform the services. The foregoing obligation of this Paragraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) has been disclosed in publicly available sources . of information; (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) has been or is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a third party, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereof has been or is. rightfully authorized by that third party. Consultant shall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matter of this contract without the prior written consent of the City. In its performance hereunder, Consultant shall comply with all legal obligations it may now or hereafter have respecting the information or other property of any other person, firm or corporation. 6. Office Space and Clerical Support. Consultant shall provide its own office space and clerical support at its sole cost and expense. 2 5 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 7. Covenant Against Contingent Fees. Consultant declares that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. For breach of violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. 8. Ownership of Documents. Upon full and complete payment of submitted invoices for the Project Development and Deployment and launch of the website, City will own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMSO software. Upon completion of the development of the site, City will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. City, not Consultant, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content. City shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMSO software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMSO software; (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMSO software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMSO administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet -based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the GCMSO software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software. The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMSO software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them. 9. Conflict of Interest and Political Reform Act Obligations. During the term of this Agreement Consultant shall not act as consultant or perform services of any kind for any person or entity whose interests conflict in any way with those of the City of Poway. Consultant shall at all times comply with the terms of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interest ordinance. Consultant shall immediately disqualify itself and shall not use its official position to influence in any way any matter coming before the City in which the Consultant has a financial interest as defined in Government Code Section 87103. Consultant represents that it has no 3 6 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 knowledge of any financial interests which would require it to disqualify itself from any matter on which it might perform services for the City. "Consultant" means an individual who, pursuant to a contract with a state or local agency: (A) Makes a governmental decision whether to: 1. Approve a rate, rule or regulation; 2. Adopt or enforce a law; 3. Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any, permit, license, application, certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; 4. Authorize the City to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract that requires City approval; 5. Grant City approval to a contract that requires City approval and to which the City is a party, or to the specifications for such a contract; 6. Grant City approval to a plan, design, report, study, or similar item; 7. Adopt, or grant City approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for the City, or for any subdivision thereof; or (B) Serves in a staff capacity with the City and in that capacity participates in making a governmental decision as defined in Regulation 18702.2 or performs the same or substantially all the same duties for the City that would otherwise be performed by an individual holding a position specified in the City's Conflict of Interest Code. - DISCLOSURE DETERMINATION: ❑ 1. Consultant/Contractor will not be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. No disclosure required. ❑ 2. Consultant/Contractor will be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. As a result, Consultant/Contractor shall be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk of the City of Poway in a timely manner as required by law. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 7 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 10. No Assignments. Neither any part nor all of this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to which City, in its sole discretion, consents to in advance thereof in writing. Any assignment or subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 11. Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by City and copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested. 12. Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of the City of Poway. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of Consultant's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes such services. 13. Licenses, Permits. Etc. Consultant represents and declares to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, any license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 14. Consultant's Insurance. Consultant shall provide insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. -I =1 a T-T .1 (a) City agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Consultant, and its partners, employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, but only to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of City. 5 8 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 (b) Consultant agrees that it shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, and its elected and appointed officers, officials; employees, and agents from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, penalties, losses, fines, liabilities, damages, and expenses including attorney's fees of any kind, without limitation, but only to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Consultant. (c) If City and Consultant are both negligent, damages shall be apportioned in accordance with the percentage of negligence of each party. Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (a) and (b), above, this paragraph is not intended to benefit entities not a party to this Agreement. 16. Liabilities Consultant will not be liable for any act, omission of'act, negligence or defect in the quality of service of any underlying carrier or other service provider whose facilities or services are used in furnishing any portion of the service received by the City. Consultant will not be liable for any failure of performance that is caused solely by, or solely as the result of, any act or omission by City or any entity other than Consultant that furnishes services, facilities or equipment to the City, and is necessary for use in connection with Consultant services or facilities. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Consultant makes no expressed or implied representations or warranties, including any warranties regarding merchantability or fitness for a particular cause. 17. Consultant Not an Agent. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligation whatsoever. 18. Personnel. Consultant shall assign qualified and certified personnel to perform requested services. The City shall have the right to review and disapprove personnel for assignment to Poway projects. City shall have the unrestricted right to order the removal of any person(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. Consultant's personnel shall at all times comply with City's drug and alcohol policies then in effect. 19. Notices. 9 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Notices shall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 20. Dispute Resolution. In the event of a dispute between City and Consultant concerning the terms of this Agreement or its performance, the parties agree to initially submit such dispute to voluntary mediation before a mutually acceptable mediator prior to arbitration or litigation. In the event that the subject of such action is compensation claimed by Consultant in the event of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the 60 -day period for which Consultant would have been entitled to receive compensation if terminated without cause. In the event of arbitration, each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred. Any action to enforce or interpret the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court in San Diego County, Central Division. Consultant hereby waives any right to remove any such action from San Diego County as is otherwise permitted by California Code of Civil Procedure section 394. 21. Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall mean the individual or corporate consultant and any and all employees of consultant providing services hereunder. 22. Counterparts. This Agreement (and any amendments) may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same .instrument. Documents delivered by telephonic facsimile transmission shall be valid and binding. rA 10 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between Consultant and City relating to the terms and conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. No agreements, representations or promises made by either party, whether oral or in writing, shall be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. Dated: M City of Poway Penny Riley, City Manager Approved as to form: Dated: By: Morgan L. Foley, City Attorney Dated: M Its: Consultant 11 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" EXHIBIT "A" A. Scope of Services. Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by City. Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. In performance of the services Consultant shall provide all services to faithfully complete the proposed solution as detailed in the CivicPlus RFP response dated October 30, 2013 included in this document as Attachment 1. In addition, Consultant will also perform services to faithfully complete services and expectations detailed in ther, City's RFP #14 -004 Scope of'Services which are included in this document as Attachment 2. The website homepage and all interior pages managed by the CivicPlus GCMS@ shall be made with responsive design, automatically resizing, reorganizing, graphics and text to fit to varying screen /window sizes. City will receive one complimentary export of all finalized graphics used to create the website. B. Compensation and Reimbursement. One -fourth of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 1: Consulting; one -fourth of the total First Year Fee will be billed upon completion of Phase 3: Website Reveal. Presentation. One -fourth of the total First Year Fee will be invoiced after Phase 4: Customized Website Training has been completed. The remainder of the total First Year Fee and any additional Project Development and Deployment services will be invoiced after completion of successful Phase 5: Go Live. The City shall sign a project completion and acceptance form prior to project "go- live." The date may be extended if material system or operational failures are encountered. Immediately after completing Phase 5: Go Live the final bill for the project development and deployment services will be billable and payable. All Parties agree- that the website will not go -live until the project is accepted in writing by the City. Total First Year invoices are due by the first of the following month, but no later than 30 days from invoice date. Project Development will be discontinued if payment is not made within 30 days after the invoice due date. Invoicing for Annual Services begins one (1) year from the date that the City executes the Agreement. Annual Services invoices may be prorated in order to correlate with the City's budget year, and are invoiced prior to the year of service. After project go -live, if the City's account exceeds 60 days past due, Support will be discontinued until the City's account is made current. If the City's 9 12 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 account exceeds 90 days past due, Annual Services will be discontinued until the City's account is made current. City will be given 30 days' notice prior to discontinuation of services for non - payment. The City will be invoiced electronically through email. Upon request Consultant will mail invoices and the City will be charged a $5.00 convenience fee. Unless otherwise limited by law, a finance charge of 2.9 percent ( %) per month or $5.00, whichever is greater, will be added to past due accounts. Payments received will be applied first to finance charges, then to the oldest outstanding invoice(s). For the purposes of this Agreement an account is "past due" if Consultant invoice remains unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days following the date that it has been emailed by the Consultant. Provided the City's account is current, at any time the City may request an electronic copy of the website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importable /exportable data, and all archived information ( "Customer Content "). City agrees to pay $250 per completed request. Provided the City's account is current, upon termination of services City may request a complimentary electronic copy of website Customer Content and Consultant Government Content Management System ( "GCMS® ") software. After 48 consecutive months under the terms of this Agreement and associated pricing, City will be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional cost. In the event of early termination of this Agreement by the City, City forfeits eligibility for the CP Basic Redesign and all credits applied to such eligibility. Beginning year 4 and including subsequent years that this Agreement is in effect, a technology investment and benefit fee increase of 5 percent ( %) of the total Annual Services costs will be applied. C. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective from the period commencing January 21, 2014, and ending December 31, 2014, unless sooner terminated by City as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." This Agreement may be renewed for four (4) additional one -year terms upon mutual agreement of the parties, to be set forth in an amendment to this Agreement. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to City any and all equipment, documents or materials and all copies made thereof which Consultant received from City or produced for City for the purposes of this Agreement. 10 13 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 D. Consultant's Insurance. 1. Coverages: Consultant shall obtain and maintain during the life of this Agreement all of the following insurance coverages: (a) Comprehensive General Liability, including premises - operations, products /completed broad form property damage, and blanket contractual liability with the following coverages: General Liability $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. (b) Automobile Liability, including owned, hired, and non -owned vehicles: $1,000,000 combined single limit. (c) Consultant shall obtain and maintain, during the life of the Agreement, a policy of Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits, per claim and annual aggregate. (d) Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $1 million each accident (Consultant is an employer in the State of Kansas and abides by those employment laws). 2. Endorsements: Endorsements shall be obtained so that each policy contains the following three provisions: (a) Additional Insured. (Not required for Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance or Workers' Compensation.) "City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees are additional insureds with respect to this subject project and contract with City." (b) Notice. "Consultant will provide notice to City as soon as possible after notification of cancellation." (c) Primary Coverage. "The policy provides primary coverage to City and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees. It is not secondary or in any way subordinate to any other insurance or coverage maintained by City." 11 14 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 3. Insurance Certificates: Consultant shall provide City certificates of insurance showing the insurance coverages described in the paragraphs above, in a form and content approved by City, prior to beginning work under this Agreement. Lam►. dm T All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to the following addresses: To Administrative Services: City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 To Consultant: CivicPlus Attn: Contract Manager 317 Houston St., Suite E Manhattan, KS 66502 F. Support. Consultant will provide unlimited telephone support Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Central Time) excluding holidays, for all trained Client staff. Emergency Support is provided on a 24/7/365 basis for emergency contacts named by the City. Client is responsible for providing Consultant with contact updates. Support includes providing technical support of the GCMS@ software, application support (pages and modules), and technical maintenance of City's website. Following initial setup, additional page design, graphic design, user training, site modification, and custom programming may be contracted separately for an additional fee. During the period of this agreement and subsequent annual renewals, Consultant warrants that it will, without additional charge to the City, take action to correct any problems or defects discovered in the GCMS@ software and reported to Consultant by the City, such warranty to include ongoing maintenance upgrades and technical error correction. Consultant provides online website statistics software at no extra charge. If City desires to use other website statistic software, Consultant will provide the necessary log file access. im 15 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 G. Marketing. City will work with the Consultant's Marketing Department to make a reasonable attempt to gather information and meet deadlines associated with website award contest entries throughout the term of this agreement, and to create a case study related to their website. City permits Consultant to include an example of the City's home page and a link to the City's website on the Consultant corporate website. City will make a reasonable attempt to work with the Consultant Marketing Department to create a news item to be released in conjunction with their project Go- Live date. City will provide Consultant with contact information for local and regional media outlets. Consultant may use the press release in any marketing materials as desired throughout the term of this Agreement. City allows Consultant to display the text "Powered by CivicPlus" linked to CivicPlus at the bottom of their web pages. City understands that the pricing and any related discount structure provided under this agreement assumes such perpetual permission. 13 16 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Serving more than 1,500 clients in 49 states, Canada and Australia, we partner with governments to create award-winning websites. 18 of 88 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 This page intentionally left blank. 20 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 C;) Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Executive Summary_. ... ........ ....... ____ ........... .. ...... __ ............. 2 The CivicPlus-Proven Development Approach ........ ............. ...... ___ ...... _2 Hundreds of Cities & Counties Are Upgrading to CivicPlus Each Year. .............. ...... .... ......... .............. .........2 CivicPfusfor Poway_ .... _ ........ ........... ............... ...... ...... .... ..... ___ ........ ___ ......... -, - 2 Description of Company and Qualifications, ........... .... __ .......... __ ...... ......... ___ ... - ... ...... - .... _,__ ... .......:4 Company ,& Contact Information._.. ......... __ ..... ....... ____ ... _'_ ...... ........ ............. ___ ......... _, . 4 Experience on Similar Projects, .......... ...... ...... ...... ___ ....... ...... ...... .......... ___7 The CivicPtus Effect — Award-Winning Websites & Exceptional Results .... ....... 10 Detailed Description of Proposed Solution. .... ...... ........ ...... ...,1I Software and Hardware Platform .... ... _ ....... ...... .......... .......... ...... .......... 23 Implementation and Training... ...... .... ...... ........... __ .... _ ....... ....... 24 Our Project Development Approach..... .... ....... __'' _ ....... ...................... .......... .... .. .................. 25 Kick-Off Meeting,.­. ..... ­­­­ ........ .......... ........... ___ .............. ....... 26 Phase 1: Consulting ... ................... ......... ........ ...... 7 Phase 2: Website Preview Presentation ....... .... ____ ............. ...... ........ ...... ........ 28 Phase 3: Website Reveal Presentation, - . .................... .......... ................. ...... 30 Phase 41- Customized Website Training_ ...... ....... ............... .......... ............ .............. ..... .... 31 Phase5° Go Live. . _ ............ - ..... _ ....... ____ ..... .... _ ......... ....................... _ ......... ...... ............... 32 System Testing and Acceptance_- _ .......... ... _ ......... .......... ....... - 35 Warranty and Post Implementation Support-,__...., ........................ .... .... __ ....... ......... 36 Annual Maintenance Upgrades,.,. ........ .......... ___ ... .................. ....... ......... ........ .... _ 37 Pricing- - . ............ ....... ....... ....... ................. .......... ....... __ ........... .......... ........... ...... .... 38 The CivicPlus Redesign Option__ _ ... ................................. .......... ......... ....... ........... 39 Conclusion.......__ ... ____ ........................ ......... ___ ........ ................. .... .... _ ........ ..... . 44 Additional Documentation,.., ...... ........... .............. ....... ....... _____45 21 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.6 Proposal for the City of Randy. CA Dedicated. Project Team CivieFousmaintains a staff of dozens of personnel who excel In the development and support of government webroms: From project management design and development to training and support, our highly qualified staff .. ensures the: success of your website throughout all phases of construction and beyond Our expert project leaders (listed below) will match you and your needs to a team of highly qualified specialists who will work directly with you throughout: your entire project or selected, your project team, including project manage{ will he assigned upon contract signing: Danny Elmore — Regional Sales Manager.. .. Education 1q+ Years of Experience Role at CivicrPlus Freed Hardemarr University . increase industry exposure and emphasize client DetanMne the best solution for Unitardly of Alaska Anchorage runatforwity rphons your assets and budget Black Hill State University Experiences In prate and government sector Overall account management Resume deadline summers Ensure customer stimulation SOttwam Safes Manage multiple software client accounts Oversee produddevelopinonl and product marketing Chem Relationship Management precious optimization Marketing ' Project and program management Government Strategic pla irxrg and dreeiopmen t Cole Cheever— Director of Production Education 5+ Years of Experience- Role at CivicPtus BS Business Administration ::. Ch m aUnt management e needs analysis 8 mA Direct tasks and staff members Resume.: Caesars, service Tuniane allocation Marketing Speaahst Deadline satisfaction goats Projedconsuitahon and quafiry, ACCOUN Management City maintenance assurance Senor Project Manager Marketing analysis antl statistics Consulting and business analysis Tammy Irvine — Iritalim Manager of Creative Services Education 18+ Years of Experience Role at ClAddslus BA Fine An Pont and vireo design Head smeave development and Reaistband stYhsbc dravfmgs graphic representations Resume Braiding expertise Direct desgn team and 8denbtiO lliusire[or Programming Freelance filuetration business Hmh -level skifis in color coardari ion and design Responsible for each vcetisrte ' management Nationality puCiehad designs overview and uniqueness: Proficient In site layout inkier search, aetuP of Initial Thorough recognition Of full pages and functionally of eke publishing; protest management antl pre-pon. processes 5 25 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item #11.5 Proposal for the City of Poway CA Larissa Palmer — Manager of Content Development Education 4+ Yaark of Experience .. Role atCivicPlus Agriculture Dow Management Oversee: content quality Business Admirmstraffon Contract Recreation and Review management TestneWproduchoonsernces Resume Sales and Customer support. forCmcPius Project Management Cost Analysis Ensure incomrrg projects remain Business Strategy Strategic Project Reporting ' on schedule and are completed in Contract Development and ' an excellent manner Accumulation Quinton. Randal — Manager of Training and Consulting Education 1e+ Yeats of Experience Role ofCivic Pius Mamatian PSUfae ant Website usability expertise Customize the framing and Network Security Contact development consulting experience to your skill set Customer service o Ra6Um0 Provide creative appNCation ideas Trainer and Consultant Eximmse in MS Word, Welkin Management . for the CWcPlus GCMSO Symer s, module functionality, scam functions and Operator, Managemont ama emy Etkctive:canmun�cabaplain pia Termshogy.Sales language Amount Management Lending Analyst Amy offender Director of Client Came Education 1U+ Years of Experience. Role at ClvicPius Graphic Design customer Sondes, Conedeirtwus care W the cwmnding m ationsldp beaviden Resume Pralectmanagemax CvicPlus and client Property Management Team management and leadership Team on support issues Client Service Team Leader Menagmg customer relationships Knoxledgeabie answers for'tww Training to" questions ham uncork staff Client implementation 6 " 26 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Proposal for the City of Poway, CA References Brea, CA eL" ci ofbrea: net (Pop 39,000) Client since: December 2012 Liz Phan, Communications and Marketing, 714 -990- 7706, ll� ci brew cats Delano; CA www citymdelano org (Pop. 52, 800) Client since February 2007, Redesign November 2012 Delano Economic Development subsde wives fygt'c Lanaorp.indki as9x?NIDD= 28 Rosa Rios; Director of Finance 661721.3310 rna� Dublin, CA us (Pop 44,500) Client since March 2010 Linda Smith, PIO 925 - 833 -6550 hnda smith@m dubim ca:us Hemet,: CA www citvotflemet orq fPop 71,800) Client since July 2011 Scott Underwood, ITOperations and Network Systems Supervisor, 951- 755 -3750 sundeiwood oofl?ematpC; Commerce; CA www cr commemir to us.. . (Pop 73,400) Client since November 2010' Al Vela IT Manager, 323- 7224805 rtmsna or ce commerce ca us 29 :of 89 January 21;1094 Item #1.5 You a as ybu c0oate arid edit them instead of by r • "r i .. ® # a i� .: a a a ri r r. #' • � a ., # s r; a �i # a# r � * ».- 'ar a r �# • r i • -.ar u a # . r# ■ #a' # rr ®r i ar a r � a # . i r a, r #- .• � # r �^ r ;� ra is a; r # a i a-• , ir;, i 4 r # .� r # � t � � ! a .. r r6 hart str&ik or zone, and i mnge V ff HVIV Wit I' dlaHdUle JUS ifgelllrlgb� NUJUUM bedlGlle5l TaV feeds t, !t much more. Your ut6rt Will! be able to logjnAo-MyJ)asbbbard-u-sjhG the—Fa—cebook Connect fbatuto�"`t w::.bh - e heed usernamei§ 6nd p�mmrds� c p ProposWfor the City of Poway, CA shate a great 0aige that you made on your webtito? Share tt with the eptim CividOlus comniuhlty� ,.M. f• ?Y `f .i Y +. .�• tl4 � ^,.., ... � "iM ..fit �+ i,..:. �. 3&:. 9w "+F 6 r •..° �°i w:. ♦ :: Vii. ^YM1..# all 1111,10i W�Wwdwl : ak � ` r :' a? rr � », "... «. '. .. w ..,. "` it .. •, ....ip: ^ ,^ CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Portal page Development Portal pages are often developed to tiring numerous site resources together into one central entry location, Creating a graphic overview, the portal provides direction to a diverse; group of site visitors while reinforcing your bsite's key message. Portal paws may be simple links or may be developed using animation such as Java Script or Flash programming, Because there is additional design and programming time involved with portals„ additional fees apply- Printer Friendly Our printer friendly functionality does more than simply call the bro er's priest command — it separates the critical content from the template so as to give a clears presentation of the information that n: s to be printed without the menu structure and banner information, RSS Feeds RSS stands for Steal Simple Syndications, and in short„ it's a way of bringing your site to the people rather than waiting for them to come to your site to fired out new information, When a user signs up for RSS feeds, they receive email notifications of the latest news updates without having to visit your website, RSS begins by downloading a free reader and then subscribing to the feed, Then, as often as the website is updated, the subscriber receives notifications of these updates at their earliest convenience. Site Search On the public side of the site„ we supply all our clients with a robust site search with advanced search features, The rvicPlus Site Search will search through web pages on your site, PDF documents, any module entries and document files Video and sound files are searched by name, The Site Search organizes the results by the type of information (calendar item, web page, Microsoft tiles, PDF documents, etc.) With the Site 'Search Log, site administrators can review a history of sea e -for words by frequency, date, time and exact terms input by site visitors, This is a helpful tool for your site users and also a means of keeping your staff in- the -know of what items are being regularly searched on your site. Supported Browsers ii ebsites built by CivicPlus are viewable in all common browsem however, they are optimized for administrative use with` Windows 000+ and supported in the two most recent versions of any major browser including: Internet Explorer, Firefox, ,Safari and Chrome ebeite Statistics In order to review how your site visitors are rasing the site administrators will be trained on the use and analysis of the b statistics, which are provided through Piwik Analytics, Important ation can be pulled from this data in order to make decisions about the use of the webslte, Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Our Project Development Approach Consulting, design usability guidance. .programming secure hosting and dedicated training - CivicPlus delivers all of This and more dunng the development of your new website. Consulting Website Preview .:Presentation WebsiteReveal - Presentation Design & Content. Review Wobsite Training:.. - Go live' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ( 2 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . Weeks Phase 1 •.Consulting (may vary with on-site meofinge) 4.5 weeks Includes: Needs assessment best practices, and takeaways assigned. Phase 2 - Women, Preview Presentation includes: layout presentation, mops board Wri main navigation review, design feedback meeting and 3-5 weeks approval and takeaways assigned Phase 3 - Webshe Reveal Presentation includes: Presenta din of afunctional websde based an goals, rebommendaNOm and cwnitinad oedoll 34 weeks final approval and takeaways assigned Phase 4 - Customized Weles id, Training Ovaries based upon amount of content) 3 -4 week - Indudas� Customized is plus your staff Ure skills they Head to maintain your versed, � - Phase 5.- Go Live 34 weeks Wooster Launch t6 w22 Wk eks (On Averaged 25 45 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 CPProposal for the City of Poway, CA Phase 2:. "Webshe Preview Presentation Based on your results and goals outlined dung consuPong;.your Protect Team will collaborate to present the most effective user interface for yourwebstte, ensuring a flexible design optimized to display in any format now and in the , ... future. Deliverables includei. Layout: You will be presented with two custom layouts that showcase the placement of your navigation and key functionality. Very similar to the floor plan of a center each layout will allow you to focus on where things are and if the function and proportion of the space is adequate: Websl4e:Layout The examples below are noftemplate layouts They were created based on specific clients' goals, during their consulting phase Though layouts may contain the same elements you must keep in mind that they can be arranged differently... CP Proposal for the City of Poway GA Mood Board Your Project Team off also present a custom mood board reflecting the color and imagery that will set the tone for your design: What is a "Mood Board"? A mood"tward is a collection of colors textures images, graphics text and descriptive words These stems will be applied to the floor plan you choosy Think of this as the paint that will be used on the canvas that you have chosen Example of a Mood Board Charter BT Bold GOTHAM BOLD At al Primatq graprwe tixxo 5ECONgAgY 6BApHIC FONT ;avo.ar�ixn x "a �...rx.aro curmr. Your Role Approval 'Once you approve your layout and mood boardr your designer will begin development of your design .Marketing Packet Meeting.. Review marketing packet materials and guidelines; DNS Worksheet Due You will need to ensure that ClvicPlus has all the necessary DNS items identified for your websde launch to be successful. "The design phase was great, Your dos"rgn team was really great. They mould take our little comments and make our design report our city They were sa goad about making our changes and coming up with great ideas " 28 49 of 89 - January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 Cpa Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Warranty and Post Implementation Support Warranty We guarantee to build a welosite that increases your number of visitors by 0% or we will give 100% of year money back Please speak with your regional sales manager, Canny Elmore, for more information about our warranty including the warranty terms. Around - the -Click Technical Support` Our support personnel are ready to answer your staff members' questions and ensure their confidence in using our site. When you choose CivicPfus, our knowledgeable staff is available from 7 a m. to 7 p,m, (CST) to Field your calls and emails, and emergency services are available after regular hours with our on -call staff 24-hours a day, In addition to fielding support requests, CivicPlus is proactive in identifying any potential system issues. Through regularly scheduled reviews of site logs, error messages, servers, router activity and the internet in general, our personnel often identify and correct issues before they even affect our clients` websites. Our expertise in website management provides assurance to our clients that their site is in good hands. Maintenance & Support Includes-, d ort Maintenance of CiviclPluis Application & Modules 7 a,rn. — 7 p.m, (CST) Eton= —Fri, (excluding holidays) lristall Service patches for OS 2417 Emergency Support upgrades Dedicated Support Personnel Fixes 2 -hour Response during Normal flours Improvements Usability Improvements Integration Integration New and Upgraded Services Testing Proactive Support for Updates and Fixes Development Online Training Manuals usage License Monthly Newsletters Phone Consulting ivicRius Connection Community Engagement Consultants CivicPlus has a team of Community Engagement Consultants to help you implement the tools needed to successfully meet the level of Community Engagement that you desire, upon website Go Live, you will have a dedicated member of this team to help you keep yap on new CivicPlus products and optimize your site. This specialized team member can provide you with further information on how to engage your citizens, utilizing the tools that CivicPlus has put into place on your new wvebsite, Mobile Website Detection & Browsing Mobile browsing is automatically available with a CivicPlus-developed website, meaning your residents can easily access and refresh your site and its important content from any mobile platform, such as their iRhones, Androids, Elackberrys; etc. Software Licensing No programs or software are necessary to install, meaning you and your staff can update the site from any internet connection or platform (Mac or PC) at any tine. Poway will not pay money per seat to install software, You can have an unlimited number of users in the system. Citizens Request Tracker is limited to E users; additional' user licenses may purchased. CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Project Development Kick-Off Meeting Included Deliverable. project Timeline, training jump start and worksheets Phase 1 Consul ing' Included Deliverable, Needs assessment, best practices and worksheets Phase elite preview Presentation Deliverable !fs ebsite layout and mod board will be presented for your Included approval Phase 3; Wabsite Reveal Presentation Deliverable Completed website design and navigation structure will be Included presented You will be able to propose changes at this time; Phase : 9 Days of DustornI pd On-Site Implementation Training for up to t employees Quote includes travel expenses ($80 per person per day for the 13th attendee and beyond Deliverable. 'Train System Administrator(s) on GCMS6 Administration, Included permissions, setting up groups and users, module administration. Basic User training on pages, module entries„ applying modules to pages,; Applied use and usability consulting to result in effective communication through your website. Phase . Go Live Deliverable: Content migrated from current site to new site based on best Included practice recommendations, Custom rvebsite, Registration of site with all major search engines Additional Functionality oogle Translation Tool Included Department Header package for Poway Center Included Options Included in One -Tune Fee See project enhancement options starting on the next page Optional Total Project Development and Deployment Pee Initial GCMS@ upgrades, maintenance, support and hosting included — no additional asst $40,649 Server Mara e not to exceed 20 ; Media enter Storage not to exceed' 10 GB 10' Municipal Managers Association of Southern California -$4,065 0 of 89 January 21, 2014 Iferrl C;) Proposal for the City of Poway, CA Project Enhancement Options Options Pre-implementation., On-Site Kick-Off Meeting Three days on -site, Quote inFl de travel Optional expenses. MAO consultation package concentrating on your website committee's design goals„ audience Add up to goals and meet with departments to kick -off with a project overview, departments per Deliverable: A document summarizing the meetings, with analysis and additional day for recommendations Design information gathered, S2,200 Phase I : Content Consultation Three days on -site, up to six departments per day, Quote includes travel expenses consultation package concentrating on evaluating current welosite content and making Optional recommendations for improved content development, presentation and maintenance, %,000 PDeliverable' comprehensive report on evaluation of current content (placement, length, style and effectiveness), recommendations for improvement or creation of new content, a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions, Phase 1. Process Roa rrmap Consultation Three days on-site- Quote includes travel expenses consultation package concentrating on evaluation of processes for customer and citizen services, Designed to fit specific client needs in management of the website design and creation process on the client side, Optional Deliverable: comprehensive report of current citizen- facing practices and $10, f)ttti 00 citizen/customer-facing processes, recommendations for improving quality and efficiency of government -to- citizen and govemment —to- customer relations and processes, a follow-up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions. Phase : Citizen EngagementfWebsite Marketing Suite Three days on -site, Quote includes travel expenses, This consultation will focus on creating a strategic marketing plan for the new website directed at your main public - facing stakeholders (citizens, visitors and businesses) in an effort to increase awareness of the site and increase interaction with the site's functionality, We will work with you to create a custom plan for advertising and driving traffic to your bsite geared toward capturing and building upon the momentum gained in the days and weeks that follow the new sites launch. Deliverabiw • Strategic initiatives: A strategic marketing plan wmed to increase Optional awareness of the site and increase interaction with the site's functionality $10,000 using targeted marketing tactics a recommended plan of action for implementing new site and tools a follow -up report reviewing the results of implemented suggestions; • PP Services: Press release development, distribution and measurement, letter to local library development, letter to local library development„ letter to request dedicated link development, how to guide a approach local paper, how to guide — invite local media • Social Media Services Consultation and recommended pasts, Facebook° update examples„ how to wide -- respond to social media; Phase 1. Public Engagement Evaluation Two days on -site. Quote inciudes travel expenses, consultation package concentrating on evaluation the satisfaction of citizens/customers OptionM regarding the current w ebsite and online; services, Asurvey will be conduct to discover $7.860 general levels of satisfaction, desired site functions, features and tools, current tools features or functions that are not considered valuable or need altered 4'1 61 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1. Annually • d♦y��� w Feature Overview: � t three -hour session designed to make users aware of recently released modules and features; Web site Review Consulting: An hour- long, in -depth review of the client well followed by a two -hour session with client users. Phase 4: 40 Hoom Customized Interactive Weblinar Training for up to 6 em Optional Otiolie ih� free use pill 16 6 Weticanns and headsets Phase; 4 i Mutt be field conctirrently with original on -site t6ining session, W-0-6-s- Optional stakdholdem Quota !N 17. - Optional inirl Three Wy Annuit Refresher Ono day orl consljuttation� two days on- Optional $10,000 *i s F Pages of Additional • e 5s Virtual "i Hours f Content o*< i Annually • d♦y��� w Feature Overview: � t three -hour session designed to make users aware of recently released modules and features; Web site Review Consulting: An hour- long, in -depth review of the client well followed by a two -hour session with client users. C ;) Proposal for the City of Poway, C Project Development and Deployment Includes the Following: Modules Functionality • Agenda Center Action Items Queue • Alerts Center & Emergency Alert Notification Audit Trail / History Log • Archive Center Automated PDF Converter • Sid Postings Automatic Content Archiving • Blog Content Library (Content Templates) • Business/Resource Dir Mary Dynamic Sreadcrumbs • Calendar Dynamic Sitemap • Carbon Calculator . Expiring Items Library • Citizen request `irackerT1,1 (S users) Graphic Link Administration • Community Connection Links redirect and Broken Links Finder • Community Voice T" Menu Management • Document Center Mouse -over Menu Structure • ePayment Center uniMobile (Mobile Website Browsing) • Facilities & Reservations Online Editor for Editing and Page Creation (WYSIWYG) • Frequently Asked Questions Online Web Statistics • Forms Center Printer Friendly/Email Page • Healthy City Rotating Content • Intranet ISS • ,lob Postings Search Engine Registration • Media Center with Live Streaming Video # Site Layout Options • My Dashboard . Site Search & Entry Log • News Flash . Slidesnow • Notify MeV Email & 500 SKIS Text Subscription # Social Media Integration (Fa book, Share and Twitter), • Online Job Application with 1 Generic Application . User & Group Administration Rights • Opinion Poll r Web Page Upload Utility • Photo Oaliery ebsite Administrative Log • Postcard • /wick Links • Real Estate Locator Spotlight Stan Directory Support Maintenance of ClvicRlos Hosting Application & Modules a m — 7 p.m- (CST) Monday — Friday Install Service batches for OS Shared Web/SQL Server' (excluding holidays) Upgrades DNS Consulting & Maintenance Emergency Support Fixes Monitor Bandwidth-Router Traffic Dedicated Support Personnel Improvements Redundant ISP -hour Response baring Normal Hours Integration Redundant Cooling Usability improvements Testing Diesel Powered Generator' integration New & upgraded Services Development wily Tape Backup Proactive Support for updates & Fixes Usage License Intrusion Detection & Prevention Online Training Manuals Antivirus Protection Monthly Newsletters Upgrade Hardware Phone Consulting CivicPlus Connection Reference Civic Plus Proposes Your Language R P page 4, The City requires the final phase of the dote: Schedule implementation to be complete by May While we believe that your desired timeline can be (Subject to 2014. This would include all met, be use of the unpredictable timelines Change as implementation steps, integration associated with bedding processes, rarely supply Required development, system testing, training, a custom timeline in our proposal responses. launch and any rather steps identified by Working together, we want to ensure e realistic the chosen vendor, timeline is available to meet your specific goals. Through the outline of our proven development model provided in this proposal, development" timelines can be estimated based on the date of the project's initiation RPP page 5, 4 Proposer must provide a current dote: Proposer Certificate of Insurance to the City of Upon award, CivicPlus will provide the City of Poway Requirements, Poway with the alcove stated an insurance certificate with the following coverages: Insurance requirements along with all valid Additional Insured Endorsements, + General Liability: million dollars each occurrence„ 4 million dollars general aggregate • Professional L,iat ilitt 'Errors & Omissions million dollars each occurrence • Auto: 1 million combined single limit • Workers Compensation and Employers Liabifi 1 million each accident (CivicPlus is an employer in the State of Kansas and abides by those employment laws) PPP page 5, 5, The insurer must be a California dote: Proposer admitted surety or an Insurance CiyicPlus will insure your project through the Hartford Requirements, company listed by the State Insurance Casualty Insurance Company, a member of the Insurance Commissioner and shalt have a rating 'A" Hartford Insurance Croup with an Aft Rest rating of in the latest Best's Rating Guide of 'A — excellent. or better and Class VI or better, or be treasury listed for the size of risk undertaken. R P page 6, The' clicks to content" navigation Now Scope of approach should be maximized. We offer unlimited depth of navigation so that you Services, and es, Design can accurately portray' information in an organized form rather than cramming exorbitant amounts of information into a very small space, Studies shot that website users don't mind haying to dig a little Proposal for the City of Poway, CA deeper into a website for information as long as they feel they are on the right track, This type of navigation helps eliminate the frustration of the °needle in the haystack" dilemma on a page overloaded with content, RFP page 7, Defiverables.- Note; Scope of At least 3 "look and feel" draft site You will presented with custom layouts that Services, designs for .powvay o site Each showcase the placement of your navigation and key Design and site design must address the City's functionality, Mary similar to the floor plan of a house, Navigation homepage, a snatching basic theme, each layout will allow you to focus on where things and a theme forteens/youth, are and if the function and proportion of the space is • Theme for www,powaycenter.com adequate. You will have the opportunity to revise based on the pages can based on the selected s can your design composition as many tunes as you deem erg necessary up to the deadline that you and your project massager agree upon during the timeline meeting, ,After that deadline you may have an additional two revisions, The overage number of revisions client require is a total of three, FP page 7, Other important features of the lets Mote:: Scope of Services, are, Further discussion is needed to determine how ervice Homegage Banners Agility for staff OivicPlus will meet this requirement, Management to update rotating banner for homepage, depa ent pages, and homepage, other pages within the CIVIS, RFP page 7, Page Loading. The final site will load in Note: Scope of less than 4 seconds (for the first view) Our designers will take the time in pre - design Services, with the page almost visually complete meetings to achieve the image, message, and brand Content in less than 2 secs. Proposer should you wish to achieve as well as offer suggestions to Management describe their method of testing and help you meet the desired load time. improving webpage efficiency, RFP page h, Image Optimization, Describe how the Note: Scope of GMS handles images so that the The image editor within our GCMSO will optimize the Services website download speeds are file; however photos are limited to 4mb, optimized. For example: a large gmb image is uploaded but only a 20 xl pixel image is used on the site, Is the image cropped? Resized? Optimized by the system? RFP page 8, FTP, The Proposer will allow the City Note Scope of administrator to upload files using FTP In our experience, our Document Center as met our Services to the hosting directory for use with the Clients need for FT. bsite. 4' cif' 89 January 21, 2014 Item ## 1 .5i CPProposal for the City of Poway, C Deliverable- FTP access to specific directory and file, RFP page 9, The proposer will need to warrant that To exempt Scope of the City will own all developed software, Our standard Ownership and intellectual property Services, and further warrant that the City will Documentation possess -all nags necessary rights to use terms are copyrighted or trademarked software Upon full and complete payment of submitted materials from any third parties that are invoices filar the project Development and not developed by the proposer, but are ' Deployment and launch of the website, Client will necessary for the use of the software own the Customer Content, as well as the GC S developed by the proposer, so that software. there is no infringement on a third Upon completion of the development of the site, party's rights Client will assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration. Client, not Civicplus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Content, Arent shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfers assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the GCMS@ software in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the GCMSO software, (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMSO software or 'frame" or "mirror" any GCMS0 administrative access on any other server or wireless or Internet- based device; or (iv) reverse engineer or access the CCiSS software are Ere order to (a) build a competitive product or service (b) build a product using similar ideas, features functions or graphics of the CCfvl software, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the CCIS+ software. The Civicplus name, tare CwvicPlus logo, and the product and module names associated with the GCMS@ software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them P page 10, Project Tirneframe Design and content Note: Scope of should be completed such that the !while we believe that your desired timeline can be Services redesigned webswte is ready to be met, because of the unpredictable timelines launched by May 2014, Please submit associated with bidding processes, we rarely supply proposed timeline for project a custom firnefine in our proposal responses ddevelopments luting, ,nail evelopment, t Working together, e want to ensure a realistic within this tirnefrarne, timeline is available to meet your specific goals. Through the outline of our proven development model provided in this proposal, development= timelines can be estimated based on the date of the project's initiation 47 7 of 89 January 21, 2014 Its C p Proposal for the City of Poway, CA RFP page 10, To exempt Ownership. Once the City has accepted Scope of the site as completed, all artwork, Our standard Ownership and I ritellectua I Property Services imagery, coding, scripting, content, materials, and any software licenses terms are, acquired specifically to support this site Upon full and complete payment of submitted become the property of the City of invoices for the Project Development and Poway The selected Proposer will not Deployment and launch of the website, Client `will provide, re-use, or otherwise make own the Customer Content, as well as the GCMSO these materials available to other software. entities without prior approval of the Upon completion of the development of the site, City. Client wilt assume full responsibility for website content maintenance and content administration, Client, not CivicPlus, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual 'property ownership or right to use of at ustomer Content, Client shall not (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or mare available to any third party the GCMS0 software in any way, (h) modify or make derivative works based upon the AS software; (iii) create Internet "links" to the GCMSOD software or "frame" or "mirror" any GCMSS administrative mess on any other server or wireless or Internet - based device: or (iv) averse engineer or access the GCMS8 software in order to (a) build a competitive product or service (b) build a product using similar ideas,, features, functions or graphics of the GCMS@ software, or (c) copy 'any ideas, features, functions or graphics of the GCMSO software, The CivicPlus name, the CivicPlus logo and the product and module names associated with the GCMS0 software are trademarks of CivicPlus, and no right or license is granted to use them PFP page 15, 4, Termination To exempt and replace with° Standard This Agreement may be terminated with This contract shall remain in effect fora period of Agreement for or without cause by City. Termination one year (12 months) from signing in the event that Services without cause shall be effective only neither party gives Fitt days" notice prior to the end of upon 60-day written notice to the initial or any subsequent terra„ this Agreement Consultant, wring said 60-day period will automatically renew for an additional contract Consultant shall perform all consulting term. After 48 consecutive months under the terrns services in accordance with this of this contract and associated pricing,. Client will be Agreement. This Agreement may be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional terminated by City for cause in the cost' event of a material breach of this Agreement, misrepresentation by Either party may terminate the agreement at the end Consultant in connection with the of the contract term by providing the other party with formation of this Agreement or the ____1_60 ,days written notice prior to the contract renewal of 89 January 21, 2014 Item . i-eruncaTe or insurance CP Proposal for the City of Poway, CA 14, Provided the Clients account is current at any time the Client may request an electronic espy of the website graphic designs, the page content, all module content, all importabletexportable date, and all archived information (" ustomer Content"), Client agrees to pay $250 per completed request, Provided the Clients account is current, upon termination of services Client may request a complimentary electronic copy of website Customer Content and CivicPlus Government Content Management System (°'tg ') software, Agreement Renewal 15, This contract shall remain in effect for a period of one year tit months) from signing. In the 'event that neither party gives 60 days' notice prior to the end of the initial or any subsequent term„ this Agreement will ' automatically renew for an additional contract term, After 48 consecutive months under the terms of this contract and associated priding, Client will be fully eligible for a CP Basic Redesign at no additional cost. 1& Either party may terminate the agreement at the end of the contract term by providing the other party with pail nays written notice prior to the contract renewal date. 17, In the event of early termination of this Agreement by the Client, Client forfeits eligibility for the CP Basic Redesign and all frauds applied to such eligibility and fall payment of the remainder of the contract is due within 15 days of termination, 18, Each year this Agreement is in effect, a technology investment and benefit Fee of b percent ti t of the total Annual Services casts will be applied. Support 19, CivicPlus will provide unlimited telephone support Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Central Time) excluding holidays„ for all trained Arent staff Emergency Support is provided on a 2417/365 basis for emergency contacts named by the Client, Client is responsible for providing CivicPlus with contact updates: g. Support includes providing technical support of the GCMS9 software, application support (pages and modules), and technical maintenance of Client's website. Following initial setup, additional page design graphic design, user training, site modification, and custom programming may be contracted separately for an additional fee; 1, during the period of this agreement and subsequent annual renewals, CivicPlus warrants that it will, without additional charge to the Client, take action to correct any problems or defects discovered in the GCMS@ software and reported to CivtcPtus by the Client such warranty to include ongoing maintenance upgrades and technical error correction. 22, CivicPlus provides online website statistics software at no extra charge, If Client desires to use other website statistic software, QvicPlus will provide the necessary log Fire access, Marketing' 1 Client will work with the QvicPlus Marketing Department to snake a reasonable attempt to gather information and meet deadlines associated with website award contest entries throughout the term of this agreement, and to create a case study related to their website. 4, Client permits QvicPlus to include an example of the Client's home page and a link to the Client's website on the CivicPlus corporate website, Client will make a reasonable attempt to work with the CivicPlus Marketing Department to create a news item to be released in conjunction with their project Go -Live date. Client wll; provide CivicPlus with contact information for local and regional media outlets ivicPlus may use the press release in any marketing materials as desired throughout the term of this Agreement.: Client allows ivicPlus to display d "government Websites by ivicPfus' insignia, and web link at the bottom of their web pages. Client understands that the pricing and any related discount structure provided under this agreement assumes, such perpetual permission, Intellectual Property, Ownership & Content tt Responsibilityr 27, Upon full and complete payment of submitted invoices for the Project Development and Deployment and launch of the website, Client will oven the customer Content; as well as the GCMS@ software, b 74 of 89 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.5 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System REP 14-004 Table of Contents Introduction ...... ............ ....,. ....3 City Overview ........... ......... ...,...: ,... _.a3 Current Process..::... ...... .......: .......... . .. ............ .... 3 Delivery Requirements .................................. :..... .......: .. ...::.. .. ....,. :4 .. Schedule .. .....L: ...... ...4 Contact Information .::: ..... .. ....... ... :: .....::: ..:..... , .........4 Proposer Requirements ....:.... ,.. ..::.. .. ..::. ........ ......5', Proposal Submission Format Requirements, .....:::: .... .......... . ... ......... ..................... 10 Proposal Evaluation and Selection:.::. ......... .. ... ,... ....::.. ........133 78 of 89 Paget of 13 January 21, 2014 Item #I .5 .. City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14 -0 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management System RFP 4 -004 City of Poway We s to Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14-004 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Monogement System RFP 14-004 City of Poway !% rte Redesign and Content Management System RFP 14-004 City of Poway Website Redesign and Content Management S stem PFP 14-004 IN THE EO B7_A 14 TO: FROM: January 21, 2014 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. $122,367.00 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager %o INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Services Steve Crosby, City Engineer SL Melody Rocco, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the FY 13/14 ADA Barrier Removal — Old Poway Park; (CIP #15481); Bid No. 14 -008 Summary: This project involves upgrading the existing public facilities at Old Poway Park, to meet current ADA requirements, and includes installation of a new wood access ramp, replacement of three sets of wood stairs, replacement of two existing wood boardwalks, installation of a new accessible BBQ and picnic area, and new sign installations. Removal and replacement of concrete landings for the ramp and boardwalks is also included. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council award the FY 13/14 ADA Barrier Removal — Old Poway Park to Fordyce Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $111,585.00. Background: The contract time for this project is 30 working days with an Engineer's estimate of $115,000. Per California Public Contract Code Section 20103.8, the project was advertised to be awarded on the Base Bid only, with an additive alternate for additional signage at the park to be awarded if sufficient funds were available in the budget. Findings: Bids were opened on December 30, 2013. The following 9 bids were received: Company Base Bid Amount Corrected Bid Amount Fordyce Construction, Inc. $108,185.00 All -Pro Maintenance & Repair, Inc. $125,750.00 Palm Engineering Construction Co., Inc. $125,865.00 Western Dirt $122,367.00 $127,166.00 1 of 2 January 21, 2014 Item # /, �y Award of Bid for the FY 13/14 ADA Barrier Removal — Old Poway Park January 21, 2014 Page 2 Company Base Bid Amount Corrected Bid Amount St. Thomas Enterprises, Inc. $138,000.00 ADC Corp $149,500.00 M.A. Stevens Construction, Inc. $158,547.20 EC Constructors, Inc. $182,288.00 Just Construction, Inc. $195,000.00 Because Fordyce Construction, Inc.'s Base Bid amount is $108,185.00, there are sufficient funds available to award the Base Bid plus the Additive Alternate ($3,400.00), for a total contract amount of $111,585.00. The Additive Alternate will provide ADA compliant path of travel signage in various locations throughout the park. Fiscal Impact: There are sufficient funds in the project account ( #15481) for the award of this contract. Environmental Review: The proposed repair and 'maintenance of improvements at various City facilities is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1(f) Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the 2014 CEQA Guidelines, in that the project includes repair and maintenance of deteriorated existing City facilities to meet the current standard of public health and safety and that the repair and maintenance at the facilities involves no expansion of the existing use. Public Notification: Fordyce Construction, Inc., X9932 Prospect Ave, #138, Santee, CA 92071 Attachment: None M: \CIP_Development \CIP Admin\Agenda Reports\2014 Reports \FY 13 -14 ADA Barrier Removal - Old Poway Park\Award Report.doc 2 of 2 January 21, 2014 Item # 1, 6 G1�Y OF POW�r City of Poway C,�,N THE C- COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: January 21, 2.014 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) Ordinance No. 761 DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Penny Riley, City Manager Wo INITIATED BY: Sheila Cobian, City Clerk W_j SUBJECT: Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance Nos. 759, 760, 761, 762 and 763 Adopting by Reference the 2013 California Building Standards Codes, which includes the 2013 California Building Code, the 2013 California Electrical Code, the 2013 California Residential Code, the 2013 California Plumbing Code, and the 2013 California Mechanical Code Summary: The introduction and first reading of the above entitled Ordinances were approved at a Regular City Council Meeting on January 7, 2014. All Councilmembers were present. There were no public speakers. The Ordinances are now presented for second reading and adoption by title only. Vote at first reading: AYES: Cunningham, Vaus, Mullin, Grosch, Higginson ABSENT: None. Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance Nos. 759, 760, 761, 762 and 763. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: This project is exempt from the provisions of the 2013 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) in that it entails the adoption of State - mandated Building Codes, with minor amendments. Public Notification: The Ordinances will be published in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway, within fifteen (15) days after their passage. Attachments: A. Ordinance No. 759 B. Ordinance No. 760 C. Ordinance No. 761 D. Ordinance No. 762 E. Ordinance No. 763 1 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 ORDINANCE NO. 759 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY; CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.04 OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 15.04, REGARDING THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS, INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THEREIN THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE,'2013 EDITION WHEREAS, the City of Poway last revised its construction codes on July 19, 2011; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958 requires that cities adopt building regulations that are substantially the same as those adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and contained in the California Building Standards; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to receive testimony from the public, both for and against, relative to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that local climatic; geographical and topographical conditions, including the terrain; high summer month temperatures; population growth rate; housing and occupancy conditions and needs; and the environment existing in the City of Poway, constitute conditions which require "that the California Building Code be modified as set forth herein. Section 2: The City Council of the City of Poway finds that this project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Chapter 3 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations) in that it entails the adoption of the State - mandated Building Codes with minor amendments. Section 3: repealed. Section 4: follows: Chapter 15.04 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) is hereby A new Chapter 15.04 of the PMC is hereby added to read as 2 of 17 Attachment A January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 759 Page 2 Chapter 15.04 BUILDING CODE Sections: 15.04.010 Adoption. 15.04.020 Findings. 15.04.030 Deletions, revisions and additions to the California Building Code. 15.04.040 Chapter 1, Administration, deleted. 15.04.050 Table 1505.1 Amended. 15.04.060 Appendices. 15.04.010 Adoption. There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as the City Building Code for the purpose of prescribing regulations in the City of Poway for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and maintenance of buildings and structures, the 2013 California Building Code, Part 2, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, as defined in the California State Health and Safety Code, Section 18901 et seq. which is based on the International Building Code, 2012 Edition, including those Appendix Chapters adopted by this chapter. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter and Chapter 15.02 of the City of Poway Municipal Code, all erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area and maintenance of buildings and structures within the City of Poway shall be in conformance with the 2013 California Building Code, published by the California Building Standards Commission, which is based on the International Building Code, 2012 Edition and the adopted Appendix Chapters, published by the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478. 15.04.020 Findings. The City of Poway has many large brush - covered hillsides. The City is subject to frequent Santa Ana conditions consisting of dry gusting winds, which create extreme fire dangers. The City Council specifically finds that these geographic and topographic conditions. necessitate greater fire protection than that provided by the 2013 California Building Code. Therefore, this chapter alters the International Building Code, 2012 Edition, to require more fire retardant roof coverings. 15.04.030 Deletions, revisions and additions to the California Building Code. Deletions, revisions and additions to the 2013 California Building Code, shall be as set forth in Sections 15.04.040 through 15.04.060. 15.04.040 Chapter 1, Administration, deleted. Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, of the California Building Code, 2013 Edition, is deleted. 3 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 759 Page 3 15.04.050 Table 1505.1 Amended. Table 1505.1 of the 2013 California Building Code is amended to read as follows: TABLE 1505.1 MINIMUM ROOF COVERING CLASSIFICATION FOR TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION 15.04.060 Appendices. Appendix Chapters C, H and I of the 2013 California Building Code, are adopted herein as part of the City's Building Code. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk 4 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 000000000 15.04.060 Appendices. Appendix Chapters C, H and I of the 2013 California Building Code, are adopted herein as part of the City's Building Code. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk 4 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 759 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing.Ordinance No. 759, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway 5 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 ORDINANCE NO. 760 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.08, OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 15.08, REGARDING THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS, INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THEREIN THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2013 EDITION WHEREAS, the City of Poway last revised its construction codes on July 19, 2011; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958 requires that cities adopt building regulations that are substantially the same as those adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and contained in the California Building Standards; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to receive testimony from the public, both for and against, relative to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that local climatic; geographical and topographical conditions, including the terrain; high summer month temperatures; population growth rate; housing and occupancy conditions and needs; and the environment existing in the City of Poway constitute conditions which require that the California Building Code be modified as set forth herein. Section 2: The City Council of the City of Poway finds that this project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Chapter 3 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations) in that it entails the adoption of the State - mandated Building Codes with minor amendments. Section 3: repealed. Section 4: follows: Chapter 15.08 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) is hereby A new Chapter 15.08 of the PMC is hereby added to read as 6 of 17 Attachment B January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 760 Page 2 Chapter 15.08 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 15.08.010 Adoption. 15.08. 010, Adoption. There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as the City Electrical Code for the purpose of prescribing regulations in the City of Poway for the installation, alteration or repair of electrical . systems and permit requirements and inspection thereof, the 2013 California Electrical Code, Part 3, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, a portion of the California Building Standards Code which is based on the National Electrical Code, 2011 Edition. Except as otherwise provided by this Chapter and Chapter 15.02 of the City of Poway Municipal Code, all installation, alteration or repair of electrical systems within the City of Poway shall be in conformance with the 2013 California Electrical Code, published by the California Building Standards Commission, which is based on the National Electrical Code, 2011 Edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Battery March Park, Quincy, MA, 02269. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City. of Poway. Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21 st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk 7 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 760 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 760, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway 8 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 ORDINANCE NO. 761 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.10, OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING ANEW CHAPTER 15.10, REGARDING THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS, INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THEREIN THE CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2013 EDITION WHEREAS, the City of Poway last revised its construction codes on July 19, 2011; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958 requires that cities adopt building regulations that are substantially the same as those adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and contained in the California Building Standards; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to receive testimony from the public, both for and against, relative to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that local climatic; geographical and topographical conditions, including the terrain; high summer month temperatures; population growth rate; housing and occupancy conditions and needs; and the environment existing in the City of Poway constitute conditions which require that the California Building Code be modified as set forth herein. Section 2: The City Council of the City of Poway finds that this project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Chapter 3 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations) in that it entails the ado_ ption of the State - mandated Building Codes with minor amendments. Section 3: Chapter 15.10 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) is hereby repealed. Section 4: A new Chapter 15.10 of the PMC is hereby added to read as follows: 9 of 17 Attachment C January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 761 Page 2 Chapter 15.10 RESIDENTIAL CODE Sections: 15.10.010 Adoption. 15.10.020 Findings. 15.10.030 Deletions, revisions and additions. 15.10.040 Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, deleted. 15.10.050 Section R902.1.3 amended. 15.10.060 Appendix H adopted. 15. 10.10 Adoption. There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as City Residential Code for the purpose of prescribing regulations in the City of Poway for the construction, alteration or repair of use and occupancy, location and maintenance of detached one - and two- family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above grade plane and permit requirements and inspection thereof, 2013 California Residential Code, Part 2.5, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, a portion of the California Building Standards Code published by the California Building Standards Commission which is based on the International Residential Code published by the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478. 15.10.020. Findings. The City of Poway has many large brush - covered hillsides. The City is subject to frequent Santa Ana conditions consisting of dry gusting winds, which create extreme fire dangers. The City Council specifically finds that these geographic and topographic conditions necessitate greater fire protection than that provided by the 2013 California Residential Code. Therefore this chapter alters the California Residential Code to require more fire retardant roof coverings. 15.10.030 Deletions, revisions and additions. Deletions, revisions and additions to the 2013 California Residential Code shall be as set forth in sections 15.10.040 through 15.10.060. 15.10.040 Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, deleted. Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, of the California Residential Code is deleted. 15.10.050 Section R902.1.3 amended. Section R902.1.3 of the California Residential Code is amended to read as follows: R902.1.3 Roof coverings in all other areas. The entire roof covering of every existing structure where more that 50 percent of the total roof area is replaced within any- one -year period, the entire roof covering of every new structure, and any roof covering applied in the alteration, repair or replacement of the roof of every existing structure, shall be a fire - retardant roof covering that is at least Class A. 10 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 761 Page 3 15.10.060 Appendix H adopted. Appendix H of the 2013 California Residential Code is adopted. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City.Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 761, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway 11 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 ORDINANCE NO. 762 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.12, OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 15.12, REGARDING THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS, INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THEREIN THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2013 EDITION WHEREAS, the City of Poway last revised its construction codes on July 19, 2011; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958 requires that cities adopt building regulations that are substantially the same as those adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and contained in the California Building Standards; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to receive testimony from the public, both for and against, relative to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that local climatic; geographical and topographical conditions, including the terrain; high summer month temperatures; population growth rate; housing and occupancy conditions and needs; and the environment existing in the City of Poway constitute conditions which require that the California Building Code be modified as set forth herein. Section 2: The City Council of the City of Poway finds that this project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Chapter 3 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations) in that it entails the adoption of the State - mandated Building Codes with minor amendments. Section 3: Chapter 15.12 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) is hereby repealed. Section 4: A new Chapter 15.12 of the PMC is hereby added to read as follows: 12 of 17 Attachment D January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 762 Page 2 Chapter 15.12 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 15.12.010 Adoption. 15.12.020 Deletions. 15.12.030 Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, deleted. 15.12.040 Appendices G and I adopted. 15.12.010 Adoption. There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as the City Plumbing Code for the purpose of prescribing regulations in the City of Poway for the construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair and use of all plumbing, gas or drainage piping and systems or water heating or treating equipment in or on any building or structure or outdoors on any premises or property, the 2013 California Plumbing Code, Part 5, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 18901 et seq. which is based on the Uniform Plumbing Code 2012 Edition. Except as otherwise provided by this Chapter and Chapter 15.02 of the City of Poway Municipal Code, all construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair and use of all plumbing, gas or drainage piping and systems or water heating or treating equipment within the City of Poway shall be in conformance with the 2013 California Plumbing Code published by the California Building Standards Commission which is based on the Uniform Plumbing Code, 2012 Edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 20001 Walnut Drive South, Walnut, CA, 91789 -2825. 15.12.020 Deletions. Deletions to the 2013 California Plumbing Code shall be as set forth in Sections 15.12.030 and 15.12.040. Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, deleted. Chapter 1, Division II, Administration of the California Plumbing Code, 2013 Edition, is deleted. 15.12.040 Appendices G and I adopted. Appendices G and I of the California Plumbing Code are adopted herein as part of the City's Plumbing Code. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. 13 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 762 Page 3 . Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21 st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 762, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway 14 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 ORDINANCE NO. 763 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 15.16, OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 15.16, REGARDING THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS, INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THEREIN THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2013 EDITION WHEREAS, the City of Poway last revised its construction codes on July 19, 2011; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 17958 requires that cities adopt building regulations that are substantially the same as those adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and contained in the California Building Standards; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to receive testimony from the public, both for and against, relative to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that local climatic; geographical and topographical conditions, including the terrain; high summer month temperatures; population growth rate; housing and occupancy conditions and needs; and the environment existing in the City of Poway constitute conditions which require that the California Building Code be modified as set forth herein. Section 2: The City Council of the City of Poway finds that this project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Chapter 3 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations) in that it entails the adoption of the State - mandated Building Codes with minor amendments. Section 3: repealed. Section 4: follows: Chapter 15.16 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) is hereby A new Chapter 15.16 of the PMC is hereby added to read as 15 of 17 Attachment E January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 763 Page 2 Chapter 15.16 MECHANICAL CODE Sections: 15.16.010 Adoption. 15.16.020 Deletions. 15.16.030 Chapter 1, Division II deleted. 15.16.010 Adoption. There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as the City Mechanical Code for the purpose of prescribing regulations in the City of Poway for the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of any heating, ventilating, cooling, refrigeration systems, incinerators or other miscellaneous heat - producing appliances, the 2013 California Mechanical Code, Part 4, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 18901 et .seq. which is based on the Uniform Mechanical Code, 2012 Edition. Except as otherwise provided by this Chapter and Chapter 15.02 of the City of Poway Municipal Code, all erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of any heating, ventilating, cooling, refrigeration systems, incinerators or other miscellaneous heat - producing appliances shall be in conformance with the 2013 California Mechanical Code, published by the California. Building Standards Commission and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 15.16.020 Deletions. Deletions to the 2013 California Mechanical Code shall be as set forth in PMC 15.16.030. 15.16.030 Chapter 1, Division II deleted. Chapter 1, Division II, Administration, of the California Mechanical Code, 2013 Edition, is deleted. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. 16 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 Ordinance No. 763 Page 3 Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of.the City Council of the City of Poway held the 7th day of January 2014, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 21 st day of January 2014. Dave Grosch, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 763, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 21st day of January 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway 17 of 17 January 21, 2014 Item # 1.7 OF Pp�,�Y City Of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA- REPORT CrF' IN' 7µ1e DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: January 21, 2014 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager.900 Leah Browder, Director of Public Works Pat Ryan, Public Works Operations Manager Report of Emergency Clean -up Expenditures Pertaining to Hydraulic Fluid Spill into the Poway Creek Made Under Authority of Resolution No. 14 -003 On January 7, 2014 the Poway City Council adopted Resolution No. 14 -003 which approved the waiving of the formal bid process for an emergency clean -up of a hydraulic fluid spill in the Poway Creek. Under authorization of Resolution No. 14- 003, the City has an estimated $19,954 in invoices currently pending from the contractor. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council continue the authorization for the City Manager, Acting City Manager or Interim City Manager to provide necessary emergency cleanup to the Poway Creek in order to safeguard public health and safety. This item requires a four - fifths vote of the City Council pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050. Background: On January 7, 2014 the Poway City Council adopted Resolution No. 14 -003 which approved the waiving of the formal bid process for an emergency clean -up of a hydraulic fluid spill in Poway Creek. Upon adoption of the Resolution, the City Manager may expend any sum required during the emergency and report the same to the City Council in accordance with the Public Contract Code Section 22050. As required, the City Council will review all emergency expenditures at every regular meeting to determine if there is a need to continue the action, or if the declaration of the emergency may be terminated. Findings: All expenditures to -date attributed to the hydraulic spill include: $19,954 for Patriot Environmental Services, Inc. 1 of 4 January 21, 2014 Item # /• 6 Report of Emergency Clean -up Expenditures — Poway Creek January 21, 2014 Page 2 At this time, the project continues with additional sampling activities during the week of January 13, 2014 (costs not yet included in to -date expenditure total). Depending on the sample results, regulatory agencies may require the City to perform additional excavation, which would also likely require securing regulatory agency permit(s). Fiscal Impact: The estimated cost for the emergency work to date from the contractor is $19,954. Under the State Public Contract Code Section 22050, staff is required to report back to the City Council at every regular meeting on the expenditures and review the need to continue emergency authorization. The City has filed a claim for possible reimbursement of costs under its environmental insurance policy. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. Resolution No. 14 -003 2 of 4 January 21, 2014 Item # 1^ RESOLUTION NO. 14 -003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WAIVER OF THE FORMAL BID PROCESS FOR EMERGENCY CLEANUP OF A HYDRAULIC FLUID SPILL IN THE POWAY CREEK WHEREAS, during routine channel mowing in the Poway Creek an equipment failure occurred resulting in a hydraulic fluid spill-, and WHEREAS, staff took immediate steps to contain the spill using appropriate containment methods; and WHEREAS, staff contacted County Hazmat for local support and sent notifications as required to the State Office of Emergency Services and other agencies; and WHEREAS, in consultation with applicable regulatory agencies the City found it necessary to hire a Hazmat firm to assist with the clean -up of the Poway Creek in advance of a rain event expected within 24 hours; and WHEREAS, the immediate need to complete the emergency clean -up of the Creek would not permit a delay resulting from the public bid and contract process; and WHEREAS, staff secured a Hazmat firm from a list of qualified companies who could perform the emergency work; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code sections 20168 and 22050, and Poway Municipal Code section 3.28.080, provide that the formal bid process may be waived by a four -fifths vote of the City Council in the case of an emergency which does not allow time for a formal bid process; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code sections 20168 and 22050 provide that the City Council may, by a four -fifths vote, adopt a Resolution declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of public money to safeguard life, health, or property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1-. The foregoing recitals of fact are found to be true and correct, and the actions previously taken by the Acting City Manager to respond to the herein described emergency are approved. Section 2: The City Council hereby finds that delays caused by a competitive bid process for follow -up work to complete the remediation of the hazardous spill will• likely result in harm to the environment, and approves a waiver of the City's formal 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A January 21, 2014 Item # 1•8 Resolution No. 14 -003 Page 2 bid process for the emergency clean -up of the hydraulic fluid spill in the Poway Creek to ensure that public health and safety is not compromised. Section 3: The City Manager, any Acting City Manager, and any Interim City Manager, and each of them, (each, an "Authorized Representative ") is hereby authorized to order work for the emergency repair and replacement, and execute such agreements and other documents in the form approved by the Authorized Representative after consultation with the City Attorney. Section 4: This Resolution shall require a four -fifths vote of the City Council. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 7th day of January, 2014. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 14 -003 was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of January, 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: CUNNINGHAM, VAUS, MULLIN, GROSCH, HIGGINSON NOES: . NONE ABSENT: NONE DISQUALIFIED: NONE 1. Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway 4 of 4 January 21, 2014 Item # r, cr Citt'r of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED • O APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: January 21, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Penny Riley, City Manager,)"V) INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Services, Steve Crosby, City Engineer SL Steven E. Strapac, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Water Quality Improvement Plan Preparation Cost -Share Agreements for Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito Watersheds Summary: The latest National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Board) requires municipalities and agencies to participate in the development of Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIP) for each watershed in their jurisdiction. Staff is seeking approval to enter into cost -share agreements with other municipalities and agencies in the two watersheds that Poway lies within for the preparation of the WQIP's. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Approve the WQIP Cost -Share Agreements for the Los Penasquitos (Attachment "A ") and San Dieguito (Attachment "B ") Watersheds; 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute both cost -share agreements; and 3) Appropriate $152,637 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Water Quality Improvement Plan multiyear program budget. Background: The Board adopted Order No. R9- 2013 -0001, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Permit) at its May 8, 2013 meeting. This permit requires all municipalities and agencies to cooperatively develop WQIP's that identify specific water quality issues within their respective watersheds, and develop specific strategies for improving water quality. The City of Poway- lies within the Los Penasquitos and San Dieguito watersheds. The other jurisdictions that are also located within these two watersheds include: 1 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 WQIP Cost -Share Agreements January 21, 2014 Page 2 Findings: The City of San Diego is the "lead" agency for both watersheds and will front the entire cost associated with the development of the WQIP's. The City of San Diego will then invoice the cost -share participants for reimbursement. The total cost for the preparation of the two WQIP's is $1,143,601. Of that, Poway's share is $152,637. It is anticipated that the majority of these funds will be expended in 2013 -14, with smaller amounts to be paid in 2014 -15 and 2015 -16. The share allotted to each co- permittee is based on a formula that divides the total cost as follows: 45% based on urbanized land area, 45% based on the population from the 2010 census, and 10% divided equally. The WQIP's will be the "overarching" documents over the Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (JURMP), and will contain adaptive- management requirements, along with specific water quality improvement strategies. Fiscal Impact: Approval of staffs recommendation authorizes the appropriation of $152,637 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Water Quality Improvement Plan multiyear program budget. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the 2014 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Los Pehasquitos Cost -Share Agreement B. San Dieguito Cost -Share Agreement U\engservWgenda Reports \14 Reports \WQIP Agreements \WQIP Agenda Report - Final (Strapac) 1 -21 -14 2 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 COST-SHARE AGREEMENT Pelnasquitos Watershed Management Area San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Resolution No. R9- 2012 -0033 and Order No. R9- 2013 -0001 COMPREHENSIVE LOAD REDUCTION PLAN AND WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 5, 2013 This Cost Share Agreement (AGREEMENT), entered into by and among the Cities of San Diego, Del Mar, and Poway, the County of San Diego, and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (hereinafter collectively called PARTIES and individually called PARTY) establishes the responsibilities of each PARTY with respect to carrying out collaborative activities in the Penasquitos Watershed Management Area (WATERSHED) to support compliance with San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board ( SDRWQCB) Resolution No. R9- 2012 -0033, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (9) to incorporate the Total Maximum Daily Load for Sedimentation in Los Penasquitos Lagoon (hereinafter called the SEDIMENT TMDL), and Resolution No. R9- 2013 -0001, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds Within the San Diego Region (hereinafter called the MS4 PERMIT). WHEREAS, the SDRWQB adopted Resolution No. R9- 2012 -0033 approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin to incorporate the SEDIMENT TMDL on June 13, 2012; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the State Water Resources Control Board will approve the SEDIMENT TMDL during the term of this AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the SEDIMENT TMDL will be approved by the California State Office of Administrative Law and become effective during the term of this AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB has determined that the responsible parties under the SEDIMENT TMDL are the PARTIES, as well as certain Phase 11 Small MS4 NPDES Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 1 of 12 3 of 99 Attachment A January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 permittees, general construction storm water NPDES permittees, and general industrial storm water NDPES permittees; and, WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB has determined that only the PARTIES, a subset of the responsible parties under the SEDIMENT TMDL, are required to submit a Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan (CLRP); and, WHEREAS, the PARTIES are required by the SEDIMENT TMDL to submit a CLRP within 18 months after the effective date of the SEDIMENT TMDL; and WHEREAS, the CLRP must outline a proposed program of sediment control actions to meet the PARTIES' share of the combined Waste Load Allocation in the SEDIMENT TMDL, and must include a coordinated monitoring plan; and WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB adopted Order No. R9- 2013 -0001 issuing the MS4 PERMIT to the Phase I MS4s in the San Diego Region on May 8, 2013; and WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB has determined that the responsible Copermittees for the WATERSHED under the MS4 PERMIT are the Cities of San Diego, Del Mar, and Poway, and the County of San Diego ( COPERMITTEES); and, WHEREAS, the MS4 PERMIT requires the COPERMITTEES to develop a Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) for the WATERSHED; and WHEREAS, the MS4 PERMIT requires the WQIP to assess priority receiving water quality conditions associated with MS4 discharges, develop. strategies to improve receiving water quality conditions associated with MS4 discharges, develop a monitoring and assessment program, and implement adaptive management; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES recognize that sediment is likely to be one of the priority receiving water conditions associated with MS4 discharges and thereby anticipate that the CLRP will be incorporated into the WQIP and that the CLRP and WQIP will substantially overlap, such that incorporating both planning efforts into this AGREEMENT is the most efficient and cost - effective approach; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to work together to fulfill the CLRP requirements of the SEDIMENT TMDL and the COPERMITTEES have agreed to work together to fulfill the WQIP development requirements of the MS4 PERMIT; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES recognize that expenditures will be needed to develop the CLRP and WQIP for the WATERSHED over the term of the AGREEMENT. The cost will be shared equitably among the PARTIES as indicated in Section 4; and, Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 2 of 12 4 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed upon the cost estimates and scope of work as described in EXHIBITS 1, 2, 3, and 4; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to recognize the City of San Diego as the PARTY LEAD under this AGREEMENT, and the City of San Diego agrees to provide project management and contract administration services for the PARTIES, including hiring mutually agreed upon consultants to perform the identified scopes of work in EXHIBITS 2, 3 and 4 per the cost estimate described in EXHIBIT 1; and WHEREAS, each of the PARTIES has an Americans With Disabilities Act compliance program that substantially complies with the PARTY LEAD's Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance /City Contracts requirements set forth in Council Policy 100 -04, adopted by San Diego Resolution R- 282153 and incorporated into this AGREEMENT by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the PARTIES hereto mutually agree as follows: (1) PURPOSE: This AGREEMENT is entered into for the purpose of outlining the responsibilities of the PARTIES including funding for collaborative activities associated with the development of a CLRP that complies with the SEDIMENT TMDL and a WQIP that complies with the MS4 PERMIT in the WATERSHED. Activities are described in detail in EXHIBITS 2, 3 and 4. 2() TERM: The term of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES, and shall continue until December 31, 2015. (3) PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES AND PARTICIPATION: A. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTY LEAD: The City of San Diego incurs the responsibility of overall project management, solicitation and administration of consultant contracts, submittal of required work products to the SDRWQCB, and acting as a liaison to the SDRWQCB on behalf of the PARTIES. B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL PARTIES: Each PARTY agrees to participate in collaborative efforts by assigning one (1) person to serve as the PARTY's representative to participate in meetings (at least 80% of all meetings), collaborate on developing strategies, participate in decision making, and review work products and submittals pursuant to the schedules in EXHIBITS 2, 3 and 4. Further, analyses performed as part of this AGREEMENT, and subsequent Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 . Page 3 of 12 5 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 conclusions, findings, and recommendations developed as a result of the analyses, will be completed using known relevant and acceptable water quality data. Each PARTY agrees to supply the PARTY LEAD with data associated with its jurisdiction (e.g., water quality data, rainfall data, land use data, etc.) within the deadlines indicated in EXHIBITS 3 and 4. C. CONSENSUS OF PARTIES: The PARTY LEAD agrees to make a good faith effort to facilitate consensus among the PARTIES before finalizing MANDATORY GROUP DELIVERABLES under this AGREEMENT. If consensus is not reached, the PARTY LEAD may make final decisions regarding MANDATORY GROUP DELIVERABLES, except for WQIP content that presents direct commitments to implement projects or studies that would require funding from a PARTY to implement, or information in the WQIP that directly presents costs for another PARTY, in which cases the impacted PARTY may make final decisions on those portions of the MANDATORY GROUP DELIVERABLES. MANDATORY GROUP DELIVERABLES are identified in the WQIP Table of Contents in EXHIBIT 2. D. OPTIONAL PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES: Each PARTY that has elected to participate in the OPTIONAL PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES assumes full authority to make decisions associated with their respective PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES. OPTIONAL PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES are identified in the WQIP Table of contents in EXHIBIT 2. If any PARTY is not satisfied with an OPTIONAL PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE prepared under this AGREEMENT, then that PARTY may, at its own cost and expense, develop and submit separately that PARTY's own version of all or part of the OPTIONAL PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE to the PARTY LEAD by 5:00 p.m. the day before the OPTIONAL PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE is due to the SDRWQCB, for inclusion in the WQIP. Notwithstanding a PARTY's dissatisfaction with a deliverable prepared under this AGREEMENT or submission of a PARTY's own version of all or part of a deliverable, or both, each PARTY shall remain responsible for the payment of its share of costs for the development of the CLRP, the WQIP, and each PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE applicable to the PARTY as set forth in Section 4. (4) PROGRAM BUDGET AND COSTS: The cost of developing the CLRP and WQIP will not exceed $571,015 for Fiscal Year 2014, $111,234 for Fiscal Year 2015, and $30,386 for Fiscal Year 2016. The costs will be shared as shown in EXHIBIT 1 and are based on a formula of 45% land area, 45% population (2010 Census data), and 10% Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 4 of 12 6 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 equal division fee for each PARTY contributing storm water discharges to the WATERSHED. (5) PAYMENTS: Each PARTY shall pay its share of expenses within 90 days of receipt of an invoice from the PARTY LEAD. An invoice for the above TOTAL cost -share amount shall be sent to each PARTY no later than May 31 of each year the AGREEMENT is in effect. Funds collected and not expended at the end of the project shall be refunded to each PARTY. (6) NON - COMPLIANCE WITH AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Any PARTY that fails to comply with the conditions of this AGREEMENT shall be solely liable for any penalties lawfully assessed on that PARTY resulting from such non - compliance. Failure to comply with AGREEMENT conditions within specified timelines shall constitute non- compliance with the AGREEMENT. (7) AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT: This AGREEMENT may be amended only by consent of all the PARTIES. Any amendment shall be effective when authorized in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. (8) GOVERNING LAW: This AGREEMENT shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. If any provision or provisions shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. In addition, each PARTY agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be performed under the terms of this AGREEMENT. (9) CONSENT AND BREACH NOT WAIVER: No term or provision hereof shall .be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the PARTIES to have waived or consented. Any consent by any PARTY to, or waiver of, a breach by the other, whether expressed or implied, shall not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach. (10) DISPUTES: The PARTIES agree to mediate any dispute prior to filing suit or prosecuting suit against the other parties. At least one mediation session of one day's duration with an agreed -upon mediator shall be held prior to any PARTY filing any suit or action with regard to this AGREEMENT; the mediation costs shall be shared equally by the PARTIES participating in the mediation. In the event suit is brought upon this AGREEMENT to enforce its terms, each PARTY shall be responsible for their own attorneys' fees and costs. Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 5 of 12 7 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 (11) LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY: Each PARTY to this AGREEMENT (1) shall retain its legal responsibility to comply with the SEDIMENT TMDL and MS4 PERMIT; and (2) shall pay all fines, penalties, and costs which may arise out of such PARTY's non- compliance with the SEDIMENT TMDL and/or MS4 PERMIT. The PARTIES acknowledge and agree that participation in this AGREEMENT does not admit or create any liability or responsibility as a discharger for any draft or potential future TMDLs. (12) APPLICATION OF PRIOR AGREEMENTS: This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter; all prior agreements, representations, statements, negotiations, and undertakings are superseded hereby. (13) TERMINATION: Any PARTY may terminate this AGREEMENT by giving written notice to the other parties no less than 30 days prior to the effective date of termination. Termination of this AGREEMENT does not release any PARTY for obligations of the SEDIMENT TMDL or MS4 PERMIT, nor does it release the PARTY from its financial responsibilities as outlined in Section 4 of this AGREEMENT. Upon termination, the terminating PARTY shall pay its cost share in full. (14) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: The obligation of each PARTY is limited to the funds appropriated for this AGREEMENT as set forth in Section 4 above. Entering into this AGREEMENT shall not be construed as obligating the PARTIES to future payment of money in excess of appropriations authorized by law. (5) EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterpart and the signed counterparts shall constitute a single instrument. (16) ENCUMBRANCE: By reason of constraints in California law and the California Constitution, Caltrans encumbers an amount not to exceed $21,063 as its portion of the shared cost and no further funding will be available to address the Caltrans obligations assumed under this AGREEMENT unless this Section is amended by Caltrans to reflect a new enhanced funding limit. Caltrans funds are to be invoiced once work is complete as required by California Law. Caltrans funds are subject to legislative appropriation and availability of funds. 07) RIGHT TO AUDIT: Each PARTY retains the right to review and audit, and the reasonable right of access to other PARTIES' respective premises to review and audit the PARTIES' compliance with the provisions of this AGREEMENT [PARTY's Right]. The PARTY's Right includes the right to inspect and photocopy same, and to retain Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 6 of 12 8 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 copies, outside of the PARTIES' premises, of any and all records, including any and all books, records, and documents, related to this AGREEMENT with appropriate safeguards, if such retention is deemed necessary by the auditing PARTY in its sole discretion. This information shall be kept by the auditing PARTY in the strictest confidence allowed by law. Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 7 of 12 9 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: City of San Diego HEREBY APPROVE the form and legality of the foregoing Agreement this day of , 2013. Jan I. Goldsmith, City Attorney By: Deputy City Attorney DATE Penasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 8 of 12 10 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: For the County of San Diego Date: Approved as to Form County Counsel Date Signature, Printed Name: John M. Pellegrino Title: Director of Purchasing and Contracting Signature Printed Name: James O'Day Title: Senior Deputy County Counsel Pehasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 9 of 12 11 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the dulv authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation Bruce April Deputy District Director, Environmental Division Periasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement 12 November 5, 2013 Page 10 of 12 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: Approved as to Form City of Del Mar Counsel Date City of Del Mar Signature Periasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 11 of 12 13 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: Approved as to Form City of Poway Counsel Date City of Poway Signature Pehasquitos Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan and Water Quality improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 12 of 12 14 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 1 Cost Share 15 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 M O 04 �o 16 of 99 O V lC d .fl 0 4/ Pie V 2f 8 Off. m M M n 0 O O �O 0 N pp C N ti d O N A AO N ••C 1f G p�, r•1N N 1,9 rl IT Nl P O m W w v: N � N �ae -9 •GG �mm $ m m a� c N � r n N ni ei O 0 A K � O n 0mg M O m Cl N O 8O O m 0 N N U p O m m tW'p/ n -g .o Id }Q N co ~ pN N " N M 1D mr 2f 8 Off. m M M n 0 O O �O 0 N pp C N ti d O N A AO N ••C 1f G p�, r•1N N 1,9 rl IT Nl P O m W w v: N � N �ae -9 •GG �mm $ m m a� moo omm °og CP O 0 A � O n 0mg N u/N O .0108 O m Cl N O 8O O m 0 N N U p O m m tW'p/ n -g .o Id l+ pN N " N M 1D mr d * A oP 1Qi n � V u' vi d� n N � N � N v IA N � J 2f 8 Off. m M M n 0 O O �O 0 N pp C N ti d O N A AO N ••C 1f G p�, r•1N N 1,9 rl IT Nl P O m W v: N � N �mm $ m m a� moo omm °og CP O 0 A � O n 0mg N u/N O .0108 O m Cl N O 8O O m 0 N N U p O m m tW'p/ n -g .o 010 PI Yf N pN N " M 1D mr d C6 oP 1Qi n � V u' vi 2f 8 Off. m M M n 0 O O �O 0 N pp C N ti d O N A AO N ••C 1f G p�, r•1N N 1,9 rl IT Nl P O m W N � N �mm $ m m a� moo omm °og O 0 A � O n 0mg N u/N O .0108 O m Cl N O 8O O m 0 N N U p O m m tW'p/ n -g .o 010 PI Yf N pN N " M 1D mr -00 C6 oP 1Qi n � moo M �0 0 �g c c4 o acaea�e n o 6 Fq n g u 8 g o o A c r, o SY o 1Qi m �� os ci Al WN 8 O^ $ - b 9lvm$ � `m w 30z Oa 30 8 Za�6vg� � d O 6 Q 511 ug F• o g � p$p � � January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 M C Un ® 1%010 rgj O M A4 P-4 A4 O En W C) N �o 0 °o r~ ►1 rr r, o ve 0 c � ae ae t/� w � N Le) N U fV 1A, 1.1 M M O" C" N (V 'I 'I ' H W 0 W '� v3 cs cs N QN+, rl r1 N p �p F 00 Gs ae C4 CV i O H r-4 L M M S 0 p 0�0� �Nppp 0 m Ki o y Ki ER R rf7 R� 0 °o r~ ►1 rr Ln O Ln Ull CD O O r- LO LO O O Pi e- 0 0 m F 0 .n �r `rodC6 co O� � O Na0 pO v fODO LO tn (00 03 O O LO co M a o 0 C6 co a C) ri O O 0co9 r a ao ri .o M co N 1A r N GD N O �GDOD CO O to o m n CO 0 ocorn m N _. 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O O O O L to y o N C; 0 to n tnD O O O cLO f V j 0 N NooU o_ OON-L L r r r w I Cl 7 go to N N O 4 d d' N m V v V oo m y It CO M -00 U CO N C M In J [¢r .0 C91, 00 p O W rn Z F a ccoo N a"oo v co rn m o O N - 0 0 V 00 LO x iV i 7 co O W 18 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 2 Table of Contents 19 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: WOIP Table of Contents Los Per3asquitos Watershed Management Areas Section Content Consultant Consultant Task Deliverable Type Caltrans Included Section 1. Introduction 1.1 WQIP Purpose Discuss the purpose and goal of the WQIP based on the Permit, and WQIP development process including public AMEC Task 3 participation Mandatory 1.2 Watershed Provide the spatial context of the WQIP. Include a GIS Management Area map of the WMA, sub - watersheds, and jurisdictional Group Yes boundaries. This will include an overall description of the AMEC Task 3 Deliverable area including LU categories (percentages), vegetation cover, and other pertinent information. 1.3 WQIP Organization Describe the organization of the document identifying the AMEC Task 3 correspondia Permit requirements Section 2. Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions 2.1 Assessment of Compile data from RPs and public. Summarize Clean Receiving Water Water Act 303(d) list, LTEA Section 2, CLRP Section 3, AMEC Task 2 Conditions (B.2.a) and WURMP, JURMP, and Monitoring Annual Reports. Address considerations given in B.2.a. 1 -9 . 2.2 Assessment of Compile data from RPs and public. Summarize LTEA Impacts from MS4 Section 2, CLRP Sections 4 and 5, and WURMP, JURMP, AMEC Task 2 Discharges (B.2.b) and Monitoring Annual Reports. Address considerations given in B.2.b. (1-6). Mandatory Group 2.3 Identification of Use information in 2.1 and 2.2 to develop a list of priority Priority Water water quality conditions by sub - watershed. Describe the Deliverable NO Quality Conditions conditions including (B.2.c(1)(a -e)): (B.2.c) a Beneficial use(s) o Geographic extent AMEC Task 2 ® Temporal extent o Copermittees with MS4s discharges that may cause or contribute to the priority water quality condition • Assessment of the adequacy of monitoring data and highlight data gaps. Section 3. Identification of MS4 Sources of Pollutants and/or Stressors 3.1 Identification of Identify known and suspected sources of storm water and Known and non -storm water pollutants or other stressors associated Suspected Sources with MS4 discharges that cause or contribute to the (B.2.d) highest water quality conditions specified under B.2.c (Section 2.3). Identification will consider: • Pollutant generating facilities • Location of the MS4 AMEC Task 2 • Other know and suspected sources Mandatory • Review of available data Group • Adequacy of available data Deliverable Yes Section 3.1 will summarize and consolidate the existing source inventory in LTEA Section 3.3, CLRP, and other available references. 3.2 Prioritization of Describe the prioritization process and summarize and MS4 Sources and consolidate the priority sources and stressors from Section AMEC Task 2 Stressors (B.2.d) 3.1 according to the CLRP Section 3.4, et. al., the LTEA, and other available references. 3.3 Summary of MS4 Section 3.3 will summarize the priority sources and AMEC Task 2 Optional Page l of 4 20 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: WOIP Table of Contents Los Peaasguitos Watershed Management Areas Sources by stressors from Section 3.2 according to jurisdiction. Party- Jurisdiction Specific Deliverable Section 4. Water Quality Improvement Goals, Strategies, and Schedules 4.1 Watershed a Final numeric goals to be achieved in the MS4 Management Area discharges for the highest priority water quality Numeric Goals conditions. (B.3.a(1)) o Interim numeric goals capable of demonstrating Mandatory incremental progress toward achieving the final Tetra -Tech Task 4 Group numeric goals in the MS4 discharges. Deliverable a Schedule for measuring progress toward achieving the interim and final numeric goals. 4.2 Jurisdictional ■ Description of strategies and/or activities for each Water Quality jurisdictional runoff management program Improvement component. Strategies ■ Circumstances or conditions when and where the Optional (B.3.b(1)) strategies or /activities should be or will be Tetra -Tech Task 4 Party implemented. Specific ■ Monitoring, information collection, special studies, Deliverable and/or data analysis that is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the strategy and/or activity. 4.3 WMA Water ■ Description of strategies and/or activities for each Quality WMA runoff management program component. Improvement ■ Circumstances or conditions when and where the Strategies strategies or /activities should be or will be Mandatory (11.3.b.(2)) implemented. Tetra -Tech Task 4 Group yes ■ Monitoring, information collection, special studies, Deliverable and/or data analysis that is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the strategy and/or activity. 4.4 Assessment of ■ Identification of jurisdictional goals Reasonable a Modeling performed individually for each jurisdiction. Progress Toward a BMP strategy to meet existing water numeric goals in Achieving the receiving waters. Jurisdictional Goals a Alternative strategy (Los Pen Lagoon restoration vs. (13.3.a.(2)) watershed load reduction). Optional e Modeling and cost optimization results. Tetra -Tech Task 4 Party - a Discussion of need for lowest cost/highest impact Specific strategies early, with highest cost/lowest impacts Deliverable strategies later in schedule. ■ Additional Considerations for BMP implementation (e.g., green streets vs. more expensive centralized $MPs ). 4.5 Jurisdictional ■ Jurisdictional schedule for implementing strategies Optional Water Quality and achieving numeric goals Party _ Improvement Tetra -Tech Task 4 Specific Schedules (B.3.a(2) Deliverable and B.3.b(3)} 4.6 WMA Water ■ WMA schedule for implementing strategies and Mandatory Quality achieving numeric goals Tetra -Tech Task 4 Group Improvement Deliverable Schedules B.3.a 2 Page 2of4 21 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: WOIP Table of Contents Los Penaspuitos Watershed Management Areas and B.3 b(3)) Section 5 Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program 5.0 Integrated The Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program will Monitoring and be designed to incorporate the monitoring and assessment Assessment Program requirements of Provision D and Attachment E (TMDLs). (B.4) The program will assess: 1) Progress toward achieving the numeric goals and Mandatory schedules AMEC Task 3 Group Yes 2) Progress toward addressing the highest priority Deliverable water quality conditions 3) Each RP's overall effort to implement the WQIP. Section 5 will provide a brief summary of the Program. The complete Program will be included as an appendix to the WQIP. Section 6. Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process 6.1 Adaptation of WQIP Com onents 6.1.1 Re- Evaluation Provide a list of triggers to adapt the Priority receiving of Priority water quality conditions. The re- evaluation will consider: Water Quality o Progress toward improved water quality through Conditions implementation of the WQIP (B.5.a) • New information developed when the requirements of AMEC Task 3 B.2.a -c have been re- evaluated o Spatial and temporal accuracy of monitoring data ® Other available data o Recommendations from the SDRWC B and public 6.1.2 Adaptation of Provide a list of triggers to adapt the strategies and Goals, schedules. The re- evaluation will consider: Strategies and o Priority conditions, numeric goals, and schedules Schedules modified per Section 6. 1.1 (B.5.b) o Progress toward achieving numeric goals and outcomes according to schedules Mandatory ® New policies or regulations AMEC Task 3 Group Yes o Measureable and demonstrable reductions of non- Deliverable storm water discharges and pollutants in stormwater o New information developed when the requirements of B.2.b and B.2.d have been re- evaluated o Efficiency in implementing the WQIPs o Recommendations from the SDRWCQB and public 6.1.3 Adaptation of Provide a list of triggers to adapt monitoring and Monitoring assessment program based on new and available data. and Assessment AMEC Task 3 Program (B.5.c) 6.2 WQIP Update Describe the process for modifying the WQIP based on Process (B.6.b and Section 6.1. AMEC Task 3 F.2.c) 6.3 JURMP Update Describe the process for modifying the JURMP based AMEC Task 3 Process (F.2.a) modifications to the WQIP. Section 7. References Page 3 of 4 22 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: W®IP Table of Contents Los Penaspuitos Watershed Management Areas Appendices (including complete Monitoring and Assessment Program) Page 4 of 4 23 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 3 Scope of Work AMEC 24 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 1 of 17 SCOPE OF WORD: DEVELOPMENT OF THE WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN: LOS PENASQUITOS WATERSHED 1.0 PURPOSE AND CONSULTANT TEAM The purpose of this Scope of Work (SOW) is to develop the WQIP for the Los Peilasquitos Watershed. Efforts will include the selection of Priority Water Quality Conditions and Potential Strategies required under Provision F.La and the development of the Initial Draft WQIP incorporating the remaining components of Provision B. Two additional drafts of the WQIP will be prepared along with the Final WQIP to be submitted in January 2015 (Fiscal Year (FY) 15). Additional support will be provided during FY 16, should the SDRWQCB have any comments after the May 2015 submittal of the Final WQIP. The WQIP will be based on the outline provided in Attachment A. The document will be organized jurisdictionally on a sub - watershed basis. The sub- watersheds in the Los Peflasquitos Watershed include Carmel Canyon Creek, Los Peflasquitos Creek/Los Peflasquitos Lagoon, and Carroll Canyon Creek (Soledad Canyon). A description of this work is provided in Section 2.0 of this SOW, along with individual task deliverables based on the Permit approved on May 8, 2013. The Permit's effective date starts on June 27, 2013 (50 days after Permit approval). The anticipated SOW start date is August 1, 2013. Project schedules and a summary of deliverables are presented in Section 3.0. Costs are summarized in Section 4.0 and detailed in Attachment B. The Consultant Team will consist of the AMEC Team and the Tetra -Tech Team. The AMEC Team will include AMEC, Larry Walker and Associates, Tetra -Tech, Brock Bernstein, and Armand Ruby Consulting under City Contract Number H105099. The Tetra -Tech Team will consist of Tetra -Tech, Inc. and Katz and Associates under City Contract Number H 104445. The AMEC Team will have the lead role in the development of the WQIP and will be responsible for all deliverables to the City of San Diego. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare Section 4 of the WQIP, as described below, and will deliver those portions to the AMEC Team. The AMEC Team will prepare all deliverables to the City and RPs and will serve as the sole point -of- contact with the City and RPs for WQIP development. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Task 1— Project Administration and Meetings The AMEC Project Manager will be responsible for the general project -level administration and management throughout the duration of this project. The AMEC Project Manager will be the single point - of- contact for the City, RPs, and the Tetra -Tech Team. Since this is a multi -year SOW, the cost and scope for the project management and internal project management meetings is estimated by FY. Internal project management meetings will allow the AMEC Team and the City to track project budget and schedules. A description of other types of project - related meetings is provided under this task, though the costs for the meetings are included in the budgets for Tasks 2 through 5. 25 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 2 of 17 Proiect Meetings Four categories of meetings, in addition to internal project management meetings, will be included in this SOW: 1. RP Workgroup Meetings: RP workgroup meetings will provide a forum for the discussion of topics related to the development of the WQIP for all watershed RPs or sub - watershed groups, as appropriate. Each month, at a minimum, one I -hour RP workgroup meetings will be held. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend up to 29 RP workgroup meetings (16 meetings in FY 14, 9 meetings in FY 15, and 4 meetings in FY16). The AMEC Team will prepare presentation and meeting materials as necessary. Some Consultant Team members will attend in person while others will attend via conference call. A tentative schedule of topics for discussion is provided in Section 3.0 (Table 1). Meeting topics may vary depending on priorities but the deadlines for required decision points will remain the same. The Tetra Tech Team will also attend up to 8 RP workgroup meetings to discuss Section 4. 2. Individual RP Meetings: Individual RP meetings will be held to discuss individual jurisdictional needs. The AMEC Team will prepare meeting materials for and attend up to ten meetings (two with each RP) for I hour each. After each meeting the AMEC Team will compile action items. Individual RP meetings may be held in person or via conference call. Selected Consultant Team members will participate. The Tetra Tech Team will also attend Individual RP meetings under their SOW. Water Quality Improvement Consultation Panel : Provision F.l.a(1)(b) requires the formation of a Water Quality Improvement Consultation Panel (Technical Advisory Committee- TAC) to provide recommendations during the development of the WQ1P. The RPs will meet with the TAC to solicit their input in conjunction with the public workshops. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend a total of up to 5 TAC meetings (2 in FY 14 and 3 in FY15). These meetings will be facilitated and recorded by the Tetra -Tech Team. Each meeting is expected to be 3 hours long (including prep time). Preparation by the AMEC Team will consist of developing meeting materials, including presentations, handouts, and agendas, as necessary. Draft and final meeting materials will be delivered to the RPs. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare meeting minutes. 4. Public Workshops: Provision Rl.a(l)(a) requires the input of public stakeholders in the development of the WQIP. The RPs will hold public workshops to solicit public input in coordination with the Los Peflasquitos TAC to be convened by the City. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend a total of 2 public workshops, which will be organized, facilitated, and recorded by the Tetra -Tech Team. Each workshop is expected to be up to 5 hours long. A tentative schedule of topics for discussion is provided in Section 3.0 (Table 1). it is anticipated that all public comments will be provided during the workshop given that the workshop schedule and topics will be made public to the RPs, TAC, and public stakeholders prior to the beginning of the WQIP development process. Preparation by the AMEC Team will consist of developing meeting materials, including presentations, handouts, and agendas, as necessary. Draft and final meeting materials will be delivered to the RPs. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare meeting minutes. Public workshops for the Los Perlasquitos watershed (this Task Order) and the San Dieguito watershed (Task Order 44) will be held concurrently. Accordingly, the attached Cost Estimate 26 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 3 of 17 reflects half the effort required for the AMEC team for these workshops. The remaining effort is included in Task Order 44. Sub -Task 1.1 — Project Administration and Meetings — FY 14 Project administration includes coordinating with the City and Consultant Team to achieve project goals, budgets, and schedules during FY 14. The following tasks will be performed by AMEC as part of the task: Coordination and communication with City and RPs. Coordination and communication with the Consultant Team; and Administration of the contract for this project, including monthly invoicing, deliverable coordination, and budget tracking; This sub -task also includes discussions with the City and Consultant Team, including preparation for and attendance at a kick -off meeting and internal meetings. Some team members will attend in person while others will attend via conference call. It is assumed there will be total of 12 internal project meetings per fiscal year with the City, AMEC Project Manager, and selected Consultant Team members. Sub -Task 1.2 — Project Administration and Meetings — FY 15 The project administration and meetings scope for FY 15 will be the same as the scope described in Sub - Task 1.1. Sub -Task 1.3 — Project Administration and Meetings — FY 16 The project administration and meetings scope for FY 16 will be the same as the scope described in Sub - Task 1.1. Task 2 — Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions, MS4 Sources of Pollutants and Stressors, and Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies Task 2 includes effort to identify priority water quality conditions and MS4 sources of pollutants and/or stressors that cause or contribute to the highest priority water quality conditions for the Los Penasquitos Watershed to meet the requirements of Provisions B.2.a -e. • B.2.a Assessment of Receiving Water Conditions • B.2.b Assessment of Impacts from MS4 Discharges • B.2.c Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions • B.2.d Identify MS4 Sources of Pollutants and/or Stressors • B.2.e Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies The AMEC Team (including Tetra -Tech) will prepare Sections 2 and 3 of the WQIP per the WQIP Table of Contents to meet the requirements of Provision F.l.a(2). The potential water quality improvement strategies will be submitted separately from the WQ1P sections but will be delivered on the same schedule. 27 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 4 of 17 Sub -Task 2.1— Literature Search and Public Data Compilation The water quality priorities identified in the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment (LTEA) and the Clean Water Act 303(d) list will provide the basis of the selection of priority water quality conditions. The 2011 LTEA and Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan (CLRP) will also be utilized to identify MS4 sources and stressors. This will include information on pollutant generating facilities, areas and/or activities, and the location of the RPs MS4s. Based on the findings of the 2011 LTEA and CLRP, additional data may be compiled from the San Diego County Copermittee Annual Monitoring Reports, the Los Penasquitos Watershed Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports, and the related Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports for the previous permit cycle. AMEC will submit a data request to the RPs for special study data related to potential priority water quality conditions that may have been collected in the watershed. Requests for data will be provided at the first RP Workgroup meeting. Additionally, the City, with direction from AMEC, will solicit the public for any additional relevant and available water quality data for the selection of priority water quality conditions for the Los Peflasquitos Watershed. Public solicitation for data will be provided with the notice for the first Public Workshop. Data currently in AMEC's possession, and the format for additional data, will be discussed during RP Workgroup meetings. The deadline for data submittal is provided in Section 3.0. Task efforts will include a compilation of the data provided by the public and RPs. It is assumed that no more than three data sources will be available per sub - watershed. Sub -Task 2.2 — Development of Draft and Final Sections Results of the literature search and data analysis will be detailed in Section 2 of the Draft WQIP and the associated appendices. Section 2 will address the requirements of Provision B.2.a -c of the Permit, and will include a list of priority water quality conditions as pollutants, stressors, and/or receiving water conditions, as described in Provision B.2.c.(I), and the rationale (contained in Provision B.2.c.(2)) behind the identification of the highest priority water quality conditions. Priority water quality condition selection will be based on the 303(d) listings in the watershed. Priority selection will consider the spatial and temporal distribution of these listed constituents. A total of four iterations of Sections 2 and 3 will be provided, as detailed in the deliverable schedule below. A response -to- comment table will be developed for each iteration submitted to the City and the RPs. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Files will be provided electronically, including the draft that is intended for publication by the SDRWQCB for a 30 -day public comment period. The AMEC Team will work with the RPs to incorporate public comments per Provision F.l.a(1)(a). A response -to- comments table, including comments received from the public and the TAC (Provision F.l.a(2)), will be developed. Sub -Task 2.3 — MS4 Sources and Pollutants Literature Search and Public Data Compilation MS4 sources of pollutants and/or stressors that cause or contribute to the highest priority water quality conditions will be identified as required by Provision B.2.d of the Permit including the following: o Pollutant Generating Facilities, Areas and/or Activities o Location of RPs MS4 o Review of Available Data 28 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105 099 Task Order 45 Page 5 of 17 Per the requirements of Provision B.2.e, potential water quality improvement strategies will be identified. AMEC will utilize the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment and the CLRP to identify MS4 sources and stressors. As with Task 2, additional data may be compiled from the San Diego County Copermittee Annual Monitoring Reports, the Los Peiiasquitos Watershed Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports, and the related Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports for the previous permit cycle. AMEC will submit a data request to all RPs for available MS4 GIS data and additional special studies monitoring data not included in the documents listed above. Requests for data will be provided at the first RP workgroup. Much of the data required for identification and analysis of Pollutant Generating Facilities, Areas and/or Activities were compiled and presented for the watershed in the CLRP (Sections 3.1 -3.4 with an emphasis on bacteria and sediment sources). The AMEC Team will revisit this information with the RPs to determine if additional information is available to evaluate these sources and how the CLRP results can be tailored for use in the WQIP. Sub -Task 2.4 — MS4 Sources and Pollutants Development of Draft and Final Section The AMEC Team will prepare Section 3 of the WQIP to meet the requirements of Provision B.2.d. The 37 priority source categories presented in the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment will be compared with the highest priority water quality conditions selected in Section 2. Section 3 will provide information on the potential sources and stressors, including an assessment of the adequacy of the data available to characterize these sources on a jurisdictional basis. A total of four drafts of Section 3 will be provided, as detailed in the deliverable schedule below (note that Section 2 will be submitted on the same deliverable schedule). Files will be provided electronically, including the draft that intended for publication by the SDRWQCB for a 30 day public comment period. The AMEC Team will work with the RPs to incorporate public comments per Provision F.La(1)(a). A response -to- comments table, including comments received from the public, will be developed. Sub -Task 2.5 — List of Potential Strategies The AMEC Team, lead by Tetra Tech, will develop a list of potential strategies that may be included in the WQIP. The list of potential strategies will be included as part of the first deliverable to the SDRWQCB as required under Provision B.2.e. The public, as well as, the TAC will provide input on the potential strategies. The list may include broad categories of Best Management Practices (BMPs)based on the CLRP recently completed by the RPs. Sections 4.4, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 of the Phase I CLRPs will be referenced. The list is not a section of the WQIP but separate deliverable that will guide the development of Section 4. A response -to- comment table will be developed for each iteration submitted to the City and the RPs. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Deliverables per the Schedule Provided in Section3.0: 0 Attend up to 8 RP Workgroup Meetings 0 RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 6 Individual RP Meetings ® Individuals Meeting Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 1 Public Workshop 0 1" QA /QC Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) for City 0 2 "d Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) for RPs 3`d Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) for TAC 29 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 6 of 17 • 4"' Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) based on TAC comments for RPs • Final Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) to City to deliver to SDRWQCB • Revised Draft Section 2, Section 3, and Response -to- Comments Table Based on Public Input Task 3 — Draft WQIP Task 3 will develop the Initial Draft WQIP to meet the requirements of Provision B. The Initial Draft WQIP will include work products developed under Task 2 (including revised draft Section 2 and Section 3), along with: • WQIP Introduction Development (Section 1); • Incorporation of Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies, and Schedules developed by the Tetra -Tech Team or RPs selecting to Opt -out (Section 4) 16 month deliverable; • Integrated Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program (Section 5); and • Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process (Section 6). Sub -Task 3.1— Draft WQIP Introduction— Section 1 Submittal The AMEC Team will develop a draft of Section 1 concurrently with the development of Section 2 and Section 3. This will provide a basis for the development of the full WQIP. Section 1 will be delivered on the same schedule as Section 2 and Section 3. Sub -Task 3.2 — Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program The Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP) will be developed to meet the requirements of Provision B.4.a -d to assess: I) the progress toward achieving the numeric goals and schedules, 2) the progress toward addressing the highest priority water quality conditions for each Watershed Management Area, and 3) each RP's overall efforts to implement the WQIP. The program will be prepared according to Provision D of the Permit, and will include TMDL monitoring per Provision B.4.c -d, as well as a Sediment Monitoring Plan in accordance with Provision D. Le(2). A brief summary of the program will be provided in Section 5 of the WQIP. The complete MAP, which will include a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) will be included as an appendix to the Draft WQIP. All appendices, including the MAP, will be delivered simultaneously with the relevant sections. Estimates of monitoring costs will be developed for planning purposes concurrently with MAP development. Sub -Task 3.3 — Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process Development Section 6 will describe the Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process according to Provision B.S. The section will outline the approach for the reevaluation of priority water quality conditions, adaptation of the strategies and schedules, and adaptation of the Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Program. Sub -Task 3.4 — Draft WQIP The AMEC Team will prepare the Draft WQIP based on the sections described above and Section 4 developed by the Tetra Tech Team, which will be delivered to the AMEC Team per the schedule provided in Section 3.0. Section 4 received from Tetra Tech Team will be assumed to meet the requirements of Provision B.2.e and B.3. 30 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 7 of 17 A total of two iterations of the Draft WQIP will be provided as detailed in the deliverable schedule below. The initial draft to the City will be provided electronically. Up to ten hardcopies (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions, of the Draft WQIP will be provided to the RPs for comment. A response -to- comment template will be provided for the RPs to complete for each deliverable. Outstanding uses or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or a the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Comments will be addressed in FYI under Task 5. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: 0 Attend up to 8 RP Workgroup Meetings 0 RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 5 Individual RP Meetings 0 Individual RP Meeting Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 2 TAC Meetings 0 1" QA /QC Draft Section 1 for City 0 2°d, Draft Section 1 for RPs 0 1" Draft WQIP for City Deliverable includes: • Revised Draft Section 1 • Revised Draft Sections 2 & 3 • ls' Draft Section 4 completed by Tetra Tech (16 Month Deliverable) • 1" Draft Sections 5, 6, 7 0 2°d Draft WQIP for RPs Deliverable includes: • Revised Draft Section 1 • Revised Draft Sections 2 & 3 • 1" Draft Section 4 completed by Tetra Tech (16 Month Deliverable) • 1" Draft Sections 5, 6, 7 Task 4- Tetra Tech only Task 5 — Final WQIP (FY15) Task 5 will incorporate comments received by the RPs, SDRWQCB, and the public review process detailed in Provisions B and F. Two Revised Draft WQIPs and one Final WQIP will be prepared. The AMEC Team, in consultation with the RPs, will consider public input while developing the Final WQIP, but will not necessarily respond to specific comments from the public. Sub -Task 5.1 —Draft WQIP The deliverable will include an Initial Draft submitted to the City for review followed by a Revised Draft to be provided to all RPs. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 300 hours of effort, including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A comment template will be provided for the RPs to complete. All drafts will be provided electronically. Sub -Task 5.2 —Draft WQIP and 16 Month Deliverable The deliverable will include an Initial Draft WQIP submitted to the City for review followed by a revised draft WQIP to be provided to all RPs. This task also includes effort to finalize the 16`h Month Deliverable (Section 4) with reviews by the TAC and all RPs. 31 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105099 Task Order 45 Page 8 of 17 This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 180 hours of effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A comment template will be provided for the RPs to complete. All drafts will be provided electronically. Sub -Task 5.3 —Final WQIP Comments from the RPs and the TAC will be used to develop the Final WQIP. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 90 hours of effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. The Final WQIP will include an initial draft submitted to the City electronically for review followed by a revised draft to be provided to all RPs. A response -to- comment table will be developed for each iteration submitted to the City and the RPs. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Up to ten hardcopies of the Final WQIP (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions will be provided to the RPs. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: • Attend up to 9 RP Workgroup Meetings • RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions • Attend up to 3 TAC Meetings • Attend up to I Public Workshop • 3rd QA /QC Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) for City • 4`h Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) for RPs • 56 Section 4 (16'h Month Deliverable) for TAC • 6'h Section 4 (16'h Month Deliverable) based on TAC Comment for RPs • Final Draft Section 4(16"' Month Deliverable) to City to Deliver to SDRWQCB • 5'h Draft WQIP for RPs • 6'h Draft WQIP for TAC • 7'h Final WQIP based on TAC comments for RPs • Final WQIP for City and RPs • Final WQIP to SDWQCB Task 6 WQIP Support (FY16) Task 6 will incorporate comments received from the SDRWQCB on the Final WQIP submitted after May 2015. This task will include revision of the document based on the SDRWQCB comments that will then be reviewed by RPs. It is assumed the City and other RPs will review the document at the same time. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 60 hours of effort, including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A response -to- comment template will be provided for the City and the RPs to complete for each deliverable. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Up to twelve hardcopies of the Final WQIP (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions, will be provided to the RPs Deliverables: • Attend up to 4 RP Workgroup Meetings • RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions • I'` QA /QC Draft WQIP for City • 2nd Draft WQIP for RPs • Final WQIP for City and RPs 32 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105 099 Task Order 45 Page 9 of 17 3.0 SCHEDULE This Task Order shall begin on or about August 1, 2013, contingent upon approval and execution of this SOW, and shall terminate on December 31, 2015. Note that all schedule dates are approximate based on an August 1, 2013 notice to proceed. If the approval of the SOW is delayed, the schedule will be adjusted appropriately through consultation with the City and other Consultant Team members. Table 1 provides a tentative meeting schedule, including decision points, where input will be required by the RPs to facilitate the submission of the project deliverables, and planned meeting topics. A MS Project Schedule will be provided before the beginning of project work to clarify the schedule. Note that RP Workgroup Meetings will be held the second Thursday of every month. 33 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 10 of 17 Table 1— Tentative Schedule for RP Workgroup Meetings, WQICP Meetings, and Public Workshops 34 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Workgroup Meetin W ICP Meetings public Workshops Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Montle point Date Covered Date Fiscal Year 2014 1. Kick -Off August Meeting Request 2013 Data/ Project — — — — — Process Kickoff Meeting and Solicit Input from Public and 6 Month Deliverable Public Comment Meeting o Share anticipated 2. Present Potential schedule of August Priorities/ WQ1P process 2013 Discuss Priorities — Aug. 2013 and future Ranking opportunities for input • Solicit input on priorities and potential strategies. o Provide deadlines for submittal of data for development of priorities. 3. Present Potential Water September Strategies/ Select Quality 2013 Water Quality Priorities for Priorities October 2013 Deliverable 4. Select Potential Potential October Strategies/ Strategies for 2013 Present October 2013 — — — — Numerical Goals Deliverable 34 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 11 of 17 35 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Wor up Meetin WQICP Meetings Public Workshops Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Month Point Date Covered Date 5. Discuss Water Quality Priorities and Potential Strategies Priorities, Deliverable/ potential November Introduce Nov. 20, strategies, 2013 Assessment and — 2013 and sources — — Monitoring of pollutants Approach/ and Present Numeric stressors. Goals Development Process 6. Discuss Numeric Decision on Goals/ Tentative Introduction to Numeric December Strategy Goals for 2013 Development — Approach Quality Strategy Development 7. Introduction to Scheduling and January Update on 2014 Assessment/ — — — — Monitoring Approach Priorities, potential February 8. Update on Feb. 18, strategies, 2014 Strategies and 2014 and sources _ Schedules of pollutants and stressors. 9. Discuss Numeric Goals based on Strategies/ Provide Response -to- Finalize March Comments Monitoring 2014 Tables for Approach Sections 2 and 3/ Update on Assessment and Monitoring Approach 35 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 12 of 17 36 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Workgroup eetings W ICP Meetings Public Worksho Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Month Point Date Covered Date 10. Discussion of Adaptive Management Receive RP Approach/ final input on Discuss Response -to- Response-to- April 2014 Comments Comments Tables for Tables for Sections 2 Sections 2 and 3/ and 3 Update on Water Quality Strategies May 2014 H. Discuss Draft WQIP — — — — Fiscal Year 2015 16 Month Deliverable l2. Discuss Public Meeting Comments on July 22, • Solicit input July 2014 Initial Draft _ — — 2014 on Numeric WQIP – Sections Goals and 2 and 3 Strategies 13. Discuss August Comments on 2014 Initial Draft — WQIP – Section 4 14. Discuss Numeric September Comments on Sept. l7, Goals and 2014 Initial Draft — 2014 Strategies — — WQIP – Sections /Schedules 5 and 6 l5. Discuss October Comments on 2014 First Revised Draft WQIP Sections 24 16. Discuss November Comments on 2014 First Revised WQIP – Sections 5 and 6 17. Discuss Dec. 2, Numeric Comments on 2014 Goals and December Second Revised Strategies 2014 Draft WQIP – /Schedules — Sections 2 - 4 Dec. 5, 2014 Final WQIP 36 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Paae 13 of 17 37 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Workgroup eetings WQ1CP Meetings Public Workshops Month Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Point Date Covered Date 18. Discuss Comments on January Second Revised 2015 Draft WQIP — — — — — Sections 5 and 6 February _ — 2015 — — — — March 2015 — — — — April 2015 Fiscal Year 2016 19. Discuss July 2015 Comments from — — — — — SDRW CB August 2015 — — — — — — September 20. Discuss Comments from 2015 — — — — SDRW CB October 21. RP Comments on Revised Final 2015 WQIP — — — — November 22• RP Comments on Revised Final 2015 WQIP — — — — — 37 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105099 Task Order 45 Page 14 of 17 Approximate due dates for the deliverables for the SOW are included in Table 2 below, and is based on an August 1, 2013 start date. Table 2 includes the Consultant Team members who will deliver and receive each deliverable. 'fable 2 -Task Order Deliverables Deliverable Submitting Receiving* I Due Date Task 1- Project Management NA NA I No Deliverables Task 2 - Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions, MS4 Sources of Pollutants and Stressors, and Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies 6 month deliverable Sub -Task 2.1 Literature Search and Public Data Co m ilation Received Data from Public and RPs for Analysis Public / RPs AMEC August 22, 2013 Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetin s Sub -Task 2.2 Development of Drat and Final Sections I" QA/QC Draft Section 2, Section 3 & AMEC City October 25, 2013 Appendices (6 Month Deliverable City Comments on I' Draft Section 2 and 3 (b Month Deliverable) City AMEC October 30, 2013 2" Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 AMEC All RPs November 5, 2013 Month Deliverable RP Comments on 2 Draft Section 2, Section 3, & All RPs AMEC November 8, 2013 Appendices 6 Month Deliverable 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 AMEC All RPs November 13, 2013 Month Deliverable) for TAC Review RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs City November 14, 2013 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 City TAC November 15, 2013 Month Deliverable) for TAC Review TAC Comments on Yd Draft Section 2, Section 3, TAC AMEC November 20, 2013 & Appendices 6 Month Deliverable) TAC Reviewed 4b Draft Section 2, Section 3, & AMEC All RPs December 6, 2013 Appendices 6 Month Deliverable) Comments on TAC Reviewed 4' Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices All RPs AMEC December 13, 2013 Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices for AMEC All RPs December 20, 2013 SDRWQCB (6 Month Deliverable) RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city December 24, 2013 Submit Section 2,Section 3, & Appendices to City SDRWQCB January 10, 2014 SDRWQCB Comments from Public on Section 2 and 3 (6 Public AMEC February 15, 2014 Month Deliverable) Provide Response -to- Comments Table for Section AMEC Public March 13, 2014 2 and Section 3 based on Public Comments Receive Final Comments on Response -to- Comments Table for Section 2 and Section 3 based RPs AMEC April 10,2013 on Public Comments Revised Section 2 and Section 3 along with Response -to- Comments Table Based on Public AMEC RPs April 25, 2014 Input Sub -Task 2.3 - List of Potential Strategies Draft of Potential Strategies Tetra -Tech AMEC October 11, 2013 lg` QA/QC Draft of Potential Strategies AMEC City October 18, 2013 Ci Comments on I' Draft of Potential Strategies city AMEC October 24, 2013 2" Draft of Potential Strategies AMEC All RPs October 30, 2013 38 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Paae 15 of 17 Deliverable Submitting Receivi * Due Date RP Comments on 2" Draft of Potential Strategies All RPs AMEC November 6, 2013 3rd Draft of Potential Strategies for TAC Review AMEC All RPs November 13, 2013 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs city November 14, 2013 3rd Draft of Potential Strategies for TAC Review city TAC November 15, 2013 TAC Comments on Potential Strategies TAC AMEC November 20, 2013 TAC Reviewed 4 Draft of Potential Strategies. AMEC All RPs December 6, 2013 Comments on 4th Draft TAC of Potential All RPs AMEC December 13, 2013 -Strategies Potential Strategies for SDRWQCB AMEC All RPs December 20, 2013 RP confirmation for SDRW CB submittal RPs city December 24, 2013 Submit Potential Strategies to SDRW CB City SDRW CB January 10, 2013 Task 3 - Draft WQIP Sub -Task 3.4 - Drat WQIP 1 QA/QC Draft Section 1 AMEC city October 18, 2013 Ci Comments on V Draft Section 1 city AMEC October 24, 2013 2" Draft Section 1 AMEC All RPs October 30, 2013 RP Comments on 2 Draft Section I All RPs AMEC November 13, 2013 Draft Section 1 for SDRW CB AMEC city December 6, 2013 Section 4 Tetra -Tech AMEC May 2, 2014 1 QA/QC Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable AMEC City May 16, 2014 Opt -out RP versions of Sections 4.2 - 4.5 of Section 4 Opt -out RP AMEC May 21, 2014 City Comments on I" Draft WQIP(including 16 Month Deliverable City AMEC May 23, 2014 2 Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable AMEC All RPs June 6, 2014 Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetings Task 4 - Tetra Tech Team only Task 5 - Final WQIP - FY15 Sub -Task 5.1 -Draft WQIP RP Comments on Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable All RPs AMEC July 18, 2014 3r d Draft WQIP(including 16 Month Deliverable) AMEC city August 15, 2014 City Comments on 3` Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) City AMEC August 29, 2014 4 Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable ) AMEC All RPs September 6, 2014 Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetings Sub -Task 5.2 -Drat WQIP and 16 Month Deliverable RP Comments on 4` Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) All RPs AMEC September 12, 2014 Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) for TAC r eview review AMEC All RPs September 17, 2014 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs City September 18, 2014 5 Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) for TAC review City TAC September 19, 2014 Comments from TAC on5h Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable TAC AMEC September 24, 2014 6' Section 4 16 Month Deliverable)based on AMEC All RPs Se tember 30, 2014 39 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 45 Page 16 of 17 Deliverable Submitting Receivin * Due Date TAC Comments Comments from RPs on 6 Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) All RPs AMEC October 8, 2014 Final Draft Section 4 (16' Month Deliverable) for Submittal to SDRW B AMEC All RPs October 15, 2014 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city October 16, 2014 Submittal to SDRWQCB of Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) City SDRWCB October 18, 2014 5` Draft WQIP AMEC RPs November 21, 2014 RP Comments on 5 Draft WQIP RPs AMEC December 1, 2014 6` Draft WQIP AMEC All RPs December 15, 2014 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs city December 16, 2014 6 Draft WQIP City TAC December 17, 2014 Sub -Task 5.3 — Final W IP Comments from TAC on 6 Draft WQIP TAC AMEC December 22, 2014 7 Draft WQIP with TAC Comments AMEC All RPs January 9, 2015 RP Comments on 7 Draft WQIP with TAC Comments All RPs AMEC January 16, 2015 Final WQIP AMEC All RPs January 25, 2015 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city January 26, 2015 Submit Final WQIP to SDWQCB city SDWQCB June 27, 2015 ']task 6 — WQIP Support — FY 16 1 st Draft WQIP for City AMEC City 20 days ,from receipt of comments from SDWQCB City Comments on I' Draft WQIP Ci AMEC 5 days from receipt of document 2nd Draft WQIP for RPs AMEC All RPs 5 days after submittal to the City RP Comments on 2nd Draft WQIP All RPs AMEC 10 days from submittal to the RPs Final WQIP for City and RPs AMEC All RPs 10 days from receipt of comments from RPs Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetin s *RP specific deliverables will be provided to RPs directly. 4.0 COSTS The total of this Task Order for FY 14 will be $207,494, for FY 15 it will be $98,369, and for FY16 it will be $17,521. Labor rates and other charges will be billed per the requirements of Contract H105099. The Task Order amount may be modified by written amendment, if necessary. 40 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 8�It 0 V ro b W O �L F C U U C N V Y 11U�� fd W Ci H•1 Y A C C W 41 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Os IIZ Q; !A W 1•, rp O n O .° h Y ql W YM1 N N w t4 ins I W Ul V/ VI UI UI YI UI Yl VI U) h i H v m C2 m m fn m g ti W fFn ry rl u M h v fV N 11.�J, N M KI UNi W M w m o w U m U VI .Nmp yv Y Ki ~ U N W UJ W h N VI YI VI N h tll V/ to VI VI Q 4V m m � u m RI ry n f' U N M VI N u Imfl U NNIy yn 0�/1 yY aI ',�� h VMV 1/1 M N f/1 YJ t/I �7C!, N aryl 1/1 1 0 L) M VI N f�l/ � c h o 9i �1 w vl K O = U ISi YN, � Yn'1 V�1 W h O M v IUI IUI p �y Qry1 I� J Pl 5 r_ � n L' m IA p O m U ti E ° N 4 G V v 0 � ❑ m 5 yK LL }m LL >� LL N Is � m c Ir ` c rn p n � W � n 41 � � Wig• y e e m C� F' � c z' !' dS m IL c r r n K a vi `m a 0 I c E m o m 6 nc h .m n E a m 0 a s a a III M cl . � k n R `1 U �a 3 5 n_ O •4 re O CL .: n a a a v_ o c3 c li rii u V IL a $ LL N M ry M K m ry rl •{ N rl p N N N N N l i ai Ifl ri Q a •f Z N I'1 Y Ul F+ 41 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 4 Scope of Work Tetra Tech 42 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 July 8, 2013 Contract H084445, Task Order No. XX DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK For WQIP Development Support for the Los Penasquitos Watershed Management Area This Draft Scope of Work (SOW) identifies the level of effort needed to support the Los Penasquitos Responsible Parties (RPs) with development of a Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) to meet requirements set by the NPDES Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). This SOW includes close coordination with a parallel effort led by AMEC for the City of San Diego and RPs to complete the complimentary sections of the WQIP and assemble the overall plan. The tasks in this SOW are not sequential, but instead are meant to be in line with the AMEC SOW and specific sections of the WQIP (outlined in the proposed table of contents attached to the AMEC SOW). The result is that the tasks in this SOW are meant to be viewed holistically with the tasks of the AMEC SOW to provide the full understanding of the level of effort to develop the WQIP. This SOW addresses the following components identified for the WQIP: • Section 4: Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule • Facilitation of stakeholder workshops and WQICP meetings providing reporting and input on multiple key sections of WQIP In addition, this SOW takes advantage of several -efforts already invested in by the RPs when developing the Draft Comprehensive Load Reductions Plan (CLRP) for this watershed, including: • Identification of jurisdictional -based management strategies, including nonstructural and structural best management practices to achieve pollutant load reductions ® Models developed to support the sediment TMDL for the Los Penasquitos Lagoon To specifically address new requirements in the permit, it will be necessary to revisit many of the assumptions for the Draft CLRP, tailor these assumptions for the WQIP, and perform an analysis to demonstrate reasonable progress toward achieving the numeric goals identified in the WQIP. This analysis will provide verification of BMP pollutant load reductions to meet TMDLs, which will be achieved through the use of a modeling system similar to those developed for previous CLRPs for Scripps, Tecolote, and Chollas watersheds. This modeling system will also provide capability for cost optimization of various BMPs to better inform the planning process, Based on optimization results, Tetra Tech will develop water quality improvement schedules and refine BMP costs for those strategies planned within each jurisdiction. In addition, the estimated BMP costs/scenarios can be evaluated in terms of their sensitivity to potential regulatory future actions (e,g., inclusion of lagoon restoration strategies). Results of these tasks will be summarized in Section 4 outlined above, which can serve as the basis for internal jurisdictional planning and reporting to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This SOW and associated schedule assumes a notice to proceed (NTP) of approximately August 1, 2013. Should this NTP change, a revision to the schedule may be required. 43 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 TASK 1: Project Management Tetra Tech will maintain communication with the City's Task Order Manager or other designee and the AMEC team to keep them apprised of progress, upcoming milestones, and any issues that could potentially affect project performance. For this Task Order, Mr. Stephen Carter will serve as the Project Manager and he will be responsible for all official communications with the City. Mr. Carter will be responsible for working with the Tetra Tech Contract Administrator to ensure monthly progress reports and invoices are submitted in an accurate and timely manner on or prior to the 5th day of each month during which the Task Order is active. Mr. Carter will work with the Task Order Manager to ensure all desired information is included in the monthly progress report. At a minimum the following information will be included: 1, Reporting period 2. Work completed in the reporting period (activities and accomplishments) 3. Work anticipated in the following reporting period 4. Expenditures in this progress report period and cumulative total 5. Any issues or problems encountered and how these were resolved Deliverables: o Monthly progress memos and meetings with the City to ensure that work completed address issues and objectives. TASK 4: Development of Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule Tetra Tech will lead development a portion of Section 4 of the WQIP: Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedules. The following are subtasks that specifically address development of components of this Section. 4.1. Identification of Numeric Goals and Schedules Tetra Tech will work with the RPs and AMEC to identify the following numeric goals for the WQIP, specific to the Los PeMasquitos Watershed and inclusive of subwatersheds, • Final numeric goals to be achieved in the receiving waters for the highest priority water quality conditions • Interim numeric goals to be achieved in the receiving waters and capable of demonstrating incremental progress toward achieving the final numeric goals in the receiving waters • Schedule for measuring progress toward achieving the interim and final numeric goals The following tiers have been identified for the numeric receiving water goals, which are subject to change through coordination with the RPs and stakeholders during development of the WQIP. Tier 1: The first tier of numeric goals for the WQIP will be those for which TMDLs have already been established or are in draft. These TMDLs will include specific numeric targets that will be consistent with the WQIP. With bacteria TMDLs for impaired shorelines at the mouth of Los Penasquitos Lagoon, should the RPs choose to use recent monitoring data to provide justification for amendments to associated WQBELs in the MS4 permit or 303(d) de- listing, Tetra Tech will work with the RPs to incorporate this strategy within Section 4.1 of the WQIP. A draft sediment TMDL has been approved by the SDRWQCB and subject to final 2 44 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 a approval. It is anticipated that the TMDL will be included in the MS4 permit. The Tier 1 goals set for the sediment TMDL will anticipate final approval of the TMDL and provide recommendations for interpretation of TMDL targets into WQBELs. Final and interim goals for Tier 1 will be consistent with any final and interim targets established in the TMDLs, if applicable. Tier 2: For those 303(d) impairments for which TMDLs have not been established, but water quality objectives or WQBELs are applicable, a second tier of numeric goals for receiving waters will be identified. These impairments include bacteria (freshwater) and nutrients. However, more research will occur in Task 4.1 to determine if viable numeric targets can be established for nutrients, or if nutrients should instead be determined to be a Tier 3 goal. No interim goals will be established for Tier 2 goals. Tier 3: If water quality objectives are not available to address the impairment, and specific pollutants cannot be linked to the impairment (e.g., toxicity), a third tier of receiving water numeric goals will be identified based on literature or through determination of what is feasible through BMP implementation. Toxicity is one such impairment for the watershed, and it is important to stipulate that the true sources of toxicity in many cases have not been linked to a specific pollutant, which could be attributed to organics, metals, or ammonia, among others. Numeric goals for receiving waters cannot be determined without additional analyses to determine the potential sources of the toxicity, which is outside the scope of this project. No interim goals will be established for Tier 3 goals. Tier 4: A final tier will be established for those impairments that are low in priority, not linked to a specific pollutant, or are not linked to MS4 runoff. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and selenium are impairments that may be categorized as Tier 4, which is often attributed to groundwater baseflow or naturally occuring sources from geological formations and not attributed to MS4 runofft, Appropriate justification will be provided in the WQIP for listing TDS and selenium as a Tier 4 goals. No interim goals will be established for Tier 4 goals. The schedule for interim and final Tier 1 goals will be consistent with those schedules identified in TMDLs. The schedule for final Tier 2 -3 goals will be established through consultation with the RPs. However, once jurisdictional goals are determined in Task 4.3.2, each jurisdiction will have an opportunity to define their own schedules for achieving their independent goals for Tiers 2 -3. As a result, the final schedules for Tiers 2 -3 are subject to change once the independent jurisdictional schedules are established and combined in Task 43.2. No schedules will be established for Tier 4 goals. Tetra Tech will summarize these schedules relative to the WQIP framework, and prepare a subsection of Section 4 of the WQIP. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at two meetings of RP workgoup to discuss numeric goals • Draft Section 4.1 of the WQIP • Draft II Section 4.1 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FY15 • Draft III Section 4.1 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Section 4.1 of the WQIP — FY15 4.2. Jurisdictional- Specific Strategies and/or Activities Task 2 of the AMEC SOW includes development of a list of potential strategies that will be included as part of the first deliverable to the SDRWQCB required under Provision 13.3.15 of the NPDES Permit. Much work 45 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O went into development of the CLRPs to identify specific nonstructural and structural BMPs for each RP necessary to address TMDLs and other impairments in the watershed. This task will build upon these previous efforts to develop jurisdictional- specific strategies to be included in the modeiing analysis and ultimate water qulaity improvement schedules. This task will result in development of Section 4.2 of the WQIP, which will include a summary of those structural and nonstructural BMPs identified for each RP during development of the CLRPs. No additional BMPs will be developed or reported beyond those previously identified in the CLRPs. The following outlines efforts anticipated for each category of BMP. 4.2.1. Identification of Nonstructural BMPs The nonstructural BMPs identified in the CLRP will be reviewed with the RPs to determine if any changes should be made. Should additional BMPs be identified, Tetra Tech will work closely with the RPs to develop details to be reported in the WQIP. For the modeling analysis to be performed in Task 4.3, additional assumptions will be needed for specific nonstructural BMPs to be included in in the model. Given previous experience modeling nonstructural BMPs, the categories of BMPs that can be defensively modeled include street sweeping, rain barrels, irrigation controls, and catch basin cleaning. If a RP chooses to include one of these BMPs within the WQIP for their jurisdiction, additional information will be required from that RP to develop an understanding of the level of BMP implementation and methods for modeling. Tetra Tech will work closely with RPs to develop this information for quantitative analysis of BMP performance. For other categories of nonstructural BMPs that will not include modeling analyses, qualitative analysis will be performed in Task 4.3 to demonstrate reasonable progress toward achieving goals. Such qualitative analyses typically include general and literature-based discussions of BMP performance, but do not include specific load reductions predictions. For this task, Tetra Tech will work with each RP to develop information necessary for qualitative analysis for all nonstructural BMPs not included in the quantitative analysis. All input from the RPs on the nonstructural BMPs to be included in the WQIP are expected by December 2013. 4.2.2. Identification of Structural BMPs Several structural BMPs were identified for each RP in development of the CLRP that can be used as a starting point for the WQIP. These included both distributed (e.g., green infrastructure) and centralized (e.g., regional detention facility) structural BMPs. The CLRPs presented maps of potential locations of structural BMPs, as well as more - detailed concepts developed for a select high priority BMPs, presented as "BMP Fact Sheets" in the CLRP. Tetra Tech will base all assumptions for structural BMPs on information compiled for the CLRP. However, some limited level of effort may be required to work with the RPs to develop modeling assumptions for these BMPs. Any additional regional or multi - jurisdictional strategies or projects will also be identified and summarized in the WQIP for discussion. An example may include any constructed or planned sedimentation basins implemented by the Lagoon Foundation at the bottom of the watershed. RP input will be sought on how to best represent such projects in the WQIP. All input from the RPs on the structural BMPs to be included in the WQIP are expected by December 2013. 4 46 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 4.2.3. Identification of Opportunities for Green Streets Should nonstructural and structural BMPs not be insufficient to provide necessary reductions of pollutants to meet Tier 1 goals, green streets is an additional BMP that prevents the need to acquire land to build larger centralized treatment facilities to ultimately meet the goals. To identify the potential for green streets within each RP jurisdiction, Tetra Tech will perform a GIS screening that considers such characteristics as land use, slope, infiltration potential, high priority subwatersheds with the potential for higher pollutant loading, etc. Based on the modeling analysis performed in Task 4.3, if additional load reductions are needed (above what is feasible with nonstructural BMPs and structural BMPs on public land), this information will be used to guide green street optimization and quantify the load reductions and costs needed for green streets to ultimately meet load reduction goals. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at four meetings of RP workgoup • Tetra Tech will participate in up to two meetings with each individual RP to discuss strategies and activities to be included in WQIP • Draft Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the WQIP • Draft II Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FY15 • Draft III Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the WQIP — FY15 4.3. Assessment of Reasonable Progress Toward Achieving Jurisdictional Goals Provision B.3.a(2) of the NPDES Permit requires schedules in the WQIP that demonstrate reasonable progress toward achieving final numeric goals. For approved TMDLs, Attachment E of the NPDES Permit requires an analysis in the WQIP, utilizing a watershed model or other watershed analytical tools, to demonstrate that the implementation of the BMPs achieves compliance with the numeric goals. Similar requirements will be applicable to the sediment TMDL once it is approved. The goal of the modeling analysis is to provide scientifically defensible, quantitative analysis of the pollutant load reductions associated with the proposed management strategies to meet numeric goals established in Task 4.1. For this task, a modeleing analysis will be performed individually for each jurisdiction demonstrate that individual efforts will contribute to the overall goal of meeting the watershed and/or subwatershed based goals, as well as each RP's jurisdictional goals developed in Task 4.3.2. The overall benefit of performing the modeling analysis will be the precursor to a BMP -based compliance approach. In summary, once an acceptable modeling approach is established, the Regional Board, EPA, and other stakeholders will be assured that the proposed strategies in the WQIP will result in attainment of water quality numeric goals, thereby supporting a Permit 'compliance path° based on BMP implementation instead of being solely based on collection of water quality samples. 4,31 Development of Watershed Model of Existing Conditions As part of development of the sediment TMDL for Los Penasquitos Lagoon, an LSPC model was developed for the Los Penasquitos Watershed that includes simulation of hydrology and sediment loads. In addition, for development of bacteria TMDLs for the beach, a similar watershed model was developed. These models will be updated, and will include additional considerations including; e Improved representation of sediment and bacteria. ® Improved spatial resolution (smaller subwatersheds) for detailed evaluation of high - priority areas of pollutant loading and associated opportunities for BMP implementation. m Extended time period for meteorological input records (e.g., more recent conditions) 5 47 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O • Jurisdictional boundaries for jurisdictional -based loading analyses. 4.3.2. Development of Jurisdictional Goals Based on the Tier 1 numeric goals for receiving waters identified in Task 4.1, jurisdictional goals will be developed using the following approach. Sediment loads to Los Penasquitos Lagoon vary for different subwatersheds based on varying conditions within each drainage area. For this reason, the Los Penasquitos watershed will be divided into subwatersheds draining directly to the lagoon, and total sediment loads will be estimated separately for each subwatershed by the model. Each RP's contribution to sediment loads in each subwatershed will also be estimated by the model based on each jurisdiction's area, slope, local rainfall, land use, soil type, and imperviousness. If the RPs provide GIS data on the location and size of the Phase II areas within their jurisdiction, these areas can be subtracted from the modeled area. Finally, the TMDL wasteload allocation of 67% sediment load reduction will be applied to determine each RP's sediment reduction target relative to their loading in each subwatershed. Once jurisdictional goals are established for Tier 1 receiving water goals, Tetra Tech will coordinate with each RP to determine their schedule for meeting each goal. 4.3.3. Load Reduction and Feasibility Analysis Based on the watershed model, Tetra Tech will utilize BMP information obtained from Task 4.2 to represent the suite of BMPs for the RP jurisdictions, and model those BMPs using EPA's SUSTAIN for estimation of associated load reductions. The modeling system will select the most cost- effective combination and size of structural BMPs to meet interim and final jurisdictional goals identified in the previous task. This will be achieved through focusing modeling on those polilutants that are most critical and require the most load reduction, while subsequently quantifying the load reductions achieved for other pollutants and verifying that their respective goals will be met with the BMPs required to address the critical pollutants. Those pollutants that will be modeled include bacteria and sediment, consistent with Tier 1 goals. The modeling system will also be utilized to inform the sequence of phasing for BMP implementation to meet those targets, based on input received from each RP regarding preferences for their jurisdiction. This phasing of BMPs will provide the basis for establishing the implementaiton schedule determined in Task 4.4, To model BMPs, several BMPs assumptions have been developed through previous research performed in CLRP modeling efforts for Chollas Creek, San Diego River, Tecolote Creek, and Scripps, which are applicable to Los Penasquitos and reduce the need for duplicative investigations. Below are some key assumptions that will be used to model BMPs. However, it should be noted that based on input provided by the RPs in Task 4.2.1, each RP will have a choice which modeled nonstructural BMPs should be included for their jurisdiction. • Modeled nonstructural BMPs focusing on wet weather will include alternatives for each RP to select from, including street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, downspout disconnection, and rain barrel implementation programs. Pre -run scenarios have been developed in previous CLRP efforts that will be available for RPs to choose, representing alternate levels of implementation of each BMP. • Modeled nonstructural BMP focusing on dry weather will include an assumption of 25% reduction in irrigation, applied directly to over - irrigation and overspray on impervious areas contributing primarily to urban runoff contributions to dry weather flows in receiving waters. • Non - modeled nonstructural BMPs will assume a collective load reduction assumption of 5% for each pollutant. 6 48 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 • Green streets modeling parameters and optimization tecniques will be consistent with those used in previous CLRP modeling efforts. An important consideration for the modeling analysis is the ability to represent alternative scenarios that include different options for compliance, or other considerations for interpreting existing TMDLs or needs for TMDL re- openers. For the Los Penasquitos Watershed, such considerations includes potential lagoon restoration strategies that can offset watershed load reduction by increasing the lagoon's assimilative capacity of sediment. At the direction of the RPs, Tetra Tech will identify up to 2 alternative compliance options for the specific subwatersheds. The results of these analyses can be used to justify alternative BMP implementation strategies, or provide much - needed scientific research to justify TMDL re- openers or Basin Plan amendments in the future, which can significantly impact numeric goals and the associated costs of meeting those goals. Tetra Tech will summarize the development and results of the modeling analysis into a section of the WQIP, relying on an appendix for documentation of the majority of the technical approach. This documentation is critical to the WQIP to establish the defensibility of the modeling approach demonstrating that implementation of the BMPs achieves compliance with the numeric goals, and obtain the option for BMP -based compliance in the future. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at three meetings of the RP workgoup • Draft Section 4.4 of the WQIP • Draft II Section 4.4 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FY15 o Draft III Section 4.4 of the WQIP ( incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 a Final Section 4.4 of the WQIP -- FY15 4.4. Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules Based on results of the previous tasks and RP input, Tetra Tech will develop schedules for each RP outlining phased BMP implementation and associated costs throughout the period to meet interim and final jusdictional goals established in Task 4.3.2. The schedule of activities will be divided into two phases with different levels of detail within each phase, as presented below. AIII cost estimates (for all BMP types) will identify both personnel and non - personnel expenses. Phase I: Special emphasis will be placed on the current 5 -year permit cycle for detailing the specific BMPs to be implemented, including: • Expected load reduction achieved by the BMP. o Structural BMP locations (based on prioritization of public parcels) and costs for permitting, design, construction, and operation and maintenance (including personel and non- personel expenses). • Nonstructural BMP personel and non - personel expenses. • Reference to BMP Fact Sheets included in an appendix, including those used from the Draft CLRP. Costs for the BMPs will be estimated based on interviews with RPs, and additional engineering estimates for structural BMPs that include permitting, design, construction, and operation and maintenance. Phase II: For the period extending beyond the 5 -year permit cycle, the schedule will include information obtained from the Task 4.3 modeling analysis, including; 49 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 iQ • Amount (e.g., number of projects or total treatment volume required) of projects needed per year within each subwatershed for phased load reductions to meet interim and final goals throughout the entire schedule. • Estimated annual costs for categories of BMP activities, including, but not limited to: • Continued annual costs associated with implementation of BMPs within the first five years (e.g., nonstructural strategies or operation and maintenance of structural BMPs). • Level of activity and annual costs of new nonstructural BMPs beyond year five. • Total annual costs for categories of structural BMPs, including, but not limited to distributed structural BMPs (e.g., LID) on public land, centralized structural BMPs on public land, green streets, and centralized structural BMPs on private land. Howevever, the schedule above for the period beyond the first five years will not include specific locations for BMPs, other than potentially specifying the relative treatment volume expected for each subwatershed assessed in the modeling analysis. It is also likely that based on results of the analysis, the most expensive BMPs will be scheduled for later in the schedule. This will ensure that the most cost -effective BMPs are implemented early, while more expensive BMPs (e.g., centralized structural BMPs on private land) are delayed for later in the schedule, providing sufficient time for investigation of alternative strategies and update of the WQIP over time to possibly avoid these more expensive strategies in the future (e.g., 15 years). Inclusion of all costs in the schedule will provide demonstration of reasonable progress toward achieving numeric goals in the WQIP, information for RP funding and preparation, and information to regulators regarding the economic impacts of water quality regulations. However, it will be important to stipulate within the WQIP that the BMPs and associated decisions and costs beyond the Permit term are subject to funding availability, and should not be evaluated as an indicator of progress towards BMP -based compliance. Any additional regional or multi - jurisdictional strategies or projects will also be included in a optional schedule and associated section of the WQIP for discussion. RP input will be sought on how to best represent such projects in the WQIP. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at up to two meetings of the RP workgoup • Tetra Tech will participate in one meeting with each individual RP • Draft Section 4.5 and 4.6 of the WQIP • Draft II Section 4.5 and 4.6 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) -- FY15 • Draft III Section 4.5 and 4.6 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Section 4.5 and 4.6 of the WQIP — FY15 TASK 7: Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation Supported by Katz Associates, this task will include facilitation of up to 2 workshops with RPs and stakeholders: Table 1. Stakeholder Workshops Workshop # I Purpose I Anticipated Schedule 50 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 1St Workshop - Kickoff meeting Summer 2013 -Share anticipated schedule of WQIP process and future opportunities for input - Solicit data - Obtain input on water quality conditions and potential strategies 2nd Workshop - Obtain input on numeric goals and strategies Summer/Early Fall 201 For each of these workshops, Katz Associates will perform the following: Meet with Tetra Tech and AMEC for workshop preparation and developing workshop materials. o Facilitation of workshops. A Developing summary material of workshop outcomes. In addition, Katz Associates will provide facilitation of up to 5 panel meetings with the WQICP to be determined by RPs, The timing of these panel meetings will be determined throughout the duration of the project. Deliverables: • 2 workshops ® Summary material of workshop outcomes ® 5 RP panel meetings Schedule The approximate schedule for deliverables for this SOW is shown in Table 2. This schedule assumes a NTP of July 1, 2013. All work will be completed by December 31, 2015. 51 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 Table 2. Schedule of Deliverables Deliverable Submitting Receivin Due Date Task I — Project Management Tetra Tech city Monthly invoices Task 4 — Jurisdictional- Specific Strategies and/or Activities that may be Implemented by the Responsible Parties Task 4.1 - Identification of Numeric Goals Tetra Tech attendance at one meeting of RP Tetra Tech All RPs TBD workgoup to discuss numeric goals Draft Section 4.1 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMC C and May 4, 2014 ity Draft II Section 4.1 of the WQIP (incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 comments from RPs ) city Draft III Section 4.1 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) City Final Section 4.1 of the WQIP — FYI 5 Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 Task 4.2 - Jurisdictional - Specific Strategies and/or Activities that may be Im lemented by the Responsible Parties Tetra Tech attendance at four meetings of RP Tetra Tech All RPs TBD work ou Tetra Tech have three meetings with each individual RP to discuss strategies and Tetra Tech All RPs TBD activities to be included in WQIP Draft Section 4.2 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMC C and May 4, 2014 Draft H Section 4.2 of the WQIP ( incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 comments from RPs ) City Draft III Section 4.2 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 (incoporating comments from Stakeholders ) city Final Section 4.2 of the WQIP — FYI 5 Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 Task 4.3 - Assessment of Reasonable Progress Toward Achieving Jurisdictional Goals Tetra Tech attendance at three meetings of the RP work ou Tetra Tech All RPs TBD Draft Section 4.3 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and May 4, 2014 Ci Draft lI Section 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 comments from RPs) City Draft III Section 4.3 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) City Final Section 43 of the WQIP -- FYI 5 Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 City Task 4.4 - Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules Tetra Tech attendance at up to two meetings of Tetra Tech All RPs TBD the RP workgou Tetra Tech will have one meeting with each Tetra Tech. All RPs TBD individual RP to each jurisdiction's schedule Draft Section 4.4 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMC C and May 4, 2014 Draft lI Section 4.4 of the WQIP ( incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 comments from RPs ) City Draft III Section 4.4 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY15 (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) City Final Section 4.4 of the WQIP — FYI 5 Tetra Tech AMC C and FY15 Task 7 — Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation 10 52 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN Deliverable Submitting Receiving Due Date 1st Workshop Katz All RPs Summer 2013 2nd Workshop Katz All RPs Summer/Early Fall 2013 Workshop summaries Katz All RPs, One week following workshops RP panel meetings Katz All RPs TBD 3.0 COST SUMMARY This section provides the data and information for pricing the technical support to.be provided under this Task Order. The following table presents the overall cost summary and the estimated task - specific costs for providing the support outlined in the SOW. Tetra Tech proposes to perform this Delivery Order on a Time and Material basis using the rates included in our contract. Other direct costs (ODCs) will be billed at actual incurred amounts. Tetra Tech proposes to invoice in accordance with Tetra Tech's 12 accounting periods each year. 11 53 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 Table 3. Costs Task Description Cost FY14 Cost FY15 Cost FYI 1 Project Management and Reporting $19,821 $2,447 $2,447 4 Development of Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule 4.1 Identification of Numeric Goals and Schedules $15,784 $0 $0 4.2 Jurisdictional- Specific Strategies and/or Activities 4.2.1 Identification of Nonstructural BMPs $40,034 $3,151 $3,151 4.2.2 Identification of Structural BMPs $16,273 $428 $428 4.2.3 Identification of Opportunities for Green Streets $13,153 $0 $0 4.3 Assessment of Reasonable Progress Toward Achieving Jurisdictional Goals 4.3.1 Development of Watershed Model of Existin Conditions $48,055 $0 $0 4.3.2 Development of Jurisdictional Goals $22,362 $1,884 $1,884 4.3.3 Load Reduction and Feasibility Analysis $159,305 $2,912 $2,912 4.4 Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules $21,754 $2,043 $2,043 7 Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation $6,980 $0 $0 Total $363,521 $12,865 $12,865 12 54 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 COST - SHARE AGREEMENT San Dieguito Watershed Management Area San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Hoard Order No. 119- 2013 -0001 WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 5, 2013 This Cost Share Agreement (AGREEMENT), entered into by and among the Cities of San Diego, Del Mar, Escondido, Solana Beach, and Poway, and the County of San Diego (hereinafter collectively called PARTIES and individually called PARTY) establishes the responsibilities of each PARTY with respect to carrying out collaborative activities in the San Dieguito Watershed Management Area (WATERSHED) to support compliance with San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) Order No. R9- 2013 -0001, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds Within the San Diego Region (hereinafter called the MS4 PERMIT). WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB adopted Order No. R9- 2013 -0001 issuing the MS4 PERMIT to the Phase I MS4s in the San Diego Region on May 8, 2013; and WHEREAS, the SDRWQCB has determined that the PARTIES are responsible for developing a Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) for the WATERSHED under the MS4 PERMIT; and, WHEREAS, the MS4 PERMIT requires the WQIP to assess priority receiving water quality conditions associated with MS4 discharges, develop strategies to improve receiving water quality conditions associated with MS4 discharges, develop a monitoring and assessment program, and implement adaptive management; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to work together to develop the WQIP to meet the requirements of the MS4 PERMIT; and San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 1 of 12 55 of 99 Attachment B January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 WHEREAS, the PARTIES recognize that expenditures will be needed to develop the WQIP for the WATERSHED over the term of the AGREEMENT. The cost will be shared equitably among the PARTIES as indicated in Section 4; and, WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed upon the cost estimates and scope of work as described in EXHIBITS 1, 2, 3 and 4; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to recognize the City of San Diego as the PARTY LEAD under this AGREEMENT, and the City of San Diego agrees to provide project management and contract administration services for the PARTIES, including hiring a mutually agreed upon consultant to perform the identified scope of work in EXHIBITS 2, 3 and 4 per the cost estimate described in EXHIBIT 1; and WHEREAS, each of the PARTIES has an Americans With Disabilities Act compliance program that substantially complies with the PARTY LEAD's Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance /City Contracts requirements set forth in Council Policy 100 -04, adopted by San Diego Resolution R- 282153 and incorporated into this AGREEMENT by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the PARTIES hereto mutually agree as follows: (1) PURPOSE: This AGREEMENT is entered into for the purpose of outlining the responsibilities of the PARTIES including funding for collaborative activities associated with the development of a WQIP that complies with the MS4 PERMIT in the WATERSHED. Activities associated with development of the WQIP are described in detail in EXHIBIT 2, 3 and 4. (2) TERM: The term of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES, and shall continue until December 31, 2015. (3) PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES AND PARTICIPATION: A. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTY LEAD: The City of San Diego incurs the responsibility of overall project management, solicitation and administration of consultant contracts, submittal of required work products to the SDRWQCB, and acting as a liaison to the SDRWQCB on behalf of the PARTIES. San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 2 of 12 56 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL PARTIES: Each PARTY agrees to participate in collaborative efforts by assigning one (1) person to serve as the PARTY's representative to participate in meetings (at least 80% of all meetings), collaborate on developing strategies, participate in decision making, and review work products and submittals pursuant to the schedules in EXHIBITS 2, 3, and 4 . Further, analyses performed as part of this AGREEMENT, and subsequent conclusions, findings, and recommendations developed as a result of the analyses, will be completed using known relevant and acceptable water quality data. Each PARTY agrees to supply the PARTY LEAD with data associated with its jurisdiction (e.g., water quality data, rainfall data, land use data, etc.) within the deadlines indicated in EXHIBITS 3 and 4. C. CONSENSUS OF PARTIES: The PARTY LEAD agrees make a good faith effort to facilitate consensus among the PARTIES before finalizing GROUP DELIVERABLES under this AGREEMENT. If consensus is not reached, the PARTY LEAD shall make final decisions regarding GROUP DELIVERABLES, except for WQIP content that presents direct commitments to implement projects or studies that would require funding from a PARTY to implement, or information in the WQIP that directly presents costs for another PARTY, in which cases the impacted PARTY may make final decisions on those portions of the MANDATORY GROUP DELIVERABLES. GROUP DELIVERABLES are identified in the WQIP Table of Contents, in EXHIBIT 2. D. PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES: Each PARTY assumes full authority to make decisions associated with their PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLES. PARTY- SPECIFC DELIVERABLES are identified in WQIP Table of Contents, in EXHIBIT 2. If any PARTY is not satisfied with a PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE prepared under this AGREEMENT, then that PARTY may, at its own cost and expense, develop and submit separately that PARTY's own version of all or part of the PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE to the PARTY LEAD by 5:00 p.m. the day before the PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE is due to the SDRWQCB for inclusion in the WQIP. Notwithstanding a PARTY's dissatisfaction with a deliverable prepared under this AGREEMENT, or a PARTY's development and submission of a its own version of all or part of a PARTY- SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE, or both, each PARTY shall remain responsible for the payment of its share of costs for the development of the WQIP and each PARTY - SPECIFIC DELIVERABLE applicable to the PARTY as set forth in Section 4. San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 3 of 12 57 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 (4) PROGRAM BUDGET AND COSTS: The cost of developing the WQIP will not exceed $293,435 for Fiscal Year 2014, $119,675 for Fiscal Year 2015, $17,856 for Fiscal Year 2016. The costs will be shared as shown in EXHIBIT 1 and are based on a formula of 45% land area, 45% population (2010 Census data), and 10% equal division fee for each PARTY contributing storm water discharges in the WATERSHED. (5) PAYMENTS: Each PARTY shall pay its share of expenses within 90 days of receipt of an invoice from the PARTY LEAD. An invoice for the above TOTAL cost -share amount shall be sent to each PARTY no later than May 31 of each year the AGREEMENT is in effect. Funds collected and not expended at the end of the project shall be refunded to each PARTY. (6) NON - COMPLIANCE WITH AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Any PARTY that fails to comply with the conditions of this AGREEMENT shall be solely liable for any penalties lawfully assessed on that PARTY resulting from such non - compliance. Failure to comply with AGREEMENT conditions within specified timelines shall constitute non- compliance with the AGREEMENT. (7) AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT: This AGREEMENT may be amended only by consent of all the PARTIES. Any amendment shall be effective when authorized in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. (88) GOVERNING LAIN: This AGREEMENT shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. If any provision or provisions shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. In addition, each PARTY agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be performed under the terms of this AGREEMENT. (9) CONSENT AND BREACH NOT WAIVER: No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the PARTIES to have waived or consented. Any consent by any PARTY to, or waiver of, a breach by the other, whether expressed or implied, shall not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach.. (10) DISPUTES: The PARTIES agree to mediate any dispute prior to filing suit or prosecuting suit against the other parties. At least one mediation session of one day's duration with an agreed -upon mediator shall be held prior to any PARTY filing any suit San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 4 of 12 58 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 or action with regard to this AGREEMENT; the mediation costs shall be shared equally by the PARTIES participating in the mediation. In the event suit is brought upon this AGREEMENT to enforce its terms, each PARTY shall be responsible for their own attorneys' fees and costs. (11) LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY: Each PARTY to this AGREEMENT (1) shall retain its legal responsibility to comply with the MS4 PERMIT; and (2) shall pay all fines, penalties, and costs which may arise out of such PARTY's non - compliance with the MS4 PERMIT. The PARTIES acknowledge and agree that participation in this AGREEMENT does not admit or create any liability or responsibility as a discharger for any draft or potential future TMDLs. (12) APPLICATION OF PRIOR AGREEMENTS: This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter; all prior agreements, representations, statements, negotiations, and undertakings are superseded hereby. (13) TERMINATION: Any PARTY may terminate this AGREEMENT by giving written notice to the other parties no less than 30 days prior to the effective date of termination. Termination of this AGREEMENT does not release any PARTY for obligations of the MS4 PERMIT, nor does it release the PARTY from its financial responsibilities as outlined in Section 4 of this AGREEMENT. Upon termination, the terminating PARTY shall pay its cost share in full. (14) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: The obligation of each PARTY is limited to the funds appropriated for this AGREEMENT as set forth in Section 4 above. Entering into this AGREEMENT shall not be construed as obligating the PARTIES to future payment of money in excess of appropriations authorized by law. (15) EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterpart and the signed counterparts shall constitute a single instrument. (18) RIGHT TO AUDIT: Each PARTY retains the right to review and audit, and the reasonable right of access to other PARTIES' respective premises to review and audit the PARTIES' compliance with the provisions of this AGREEMENT [PARTY's Right]. The PARTY's Right includes the right to inspect and photocopy same, and to retain copies, outside of the PARTIES' premises, of any and all records, including any and all San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 5 of 12 59 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 books, records, and documents, related to the AGREEMENT with appropriate safeguards, if such retention is deemed necessary by the auditing PARTY in its sole discretion. This information shall be kept by the auditing PARTY in the strictest confidence allowed by law. San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 6 of 12 60 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: City of San Diego I HEREBY APPROVE the form and legality of the foregoing Agreement this day of 12013, Jan I. Goldsmith, City Attorney By: Deputy City Attorney DATE San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 7 of 12 61 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: For the County of San Diego Date: Approved as to Form County Counsel Date Signature Printed Name: John M. Pellegrino Title: Director of Purchasing and Contracting Signature Printed Name: James O'Day Title: Senior Deputy County Counsel San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 8 of 12 62 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: City of Del Mar Approved as to Form City of Del Mar Counsel Date Signature San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 9of12 63 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: Date: City of Poway Approved as to Form City of Poway Counsel Date Signature San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 10 of 12 64 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: For the City of Escondido Date: Approved as to Form City of Escondido Counsel Date Signature Signature San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 11 of 12 65 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed the day and year first above written. This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. This AGREEMENT shall become effective on the date of the last signature of the duly authorized representatives of the PARTIES. IN WITNESS THEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as follows: For the City of Solana Beach Date: Signature, Approved as to Form City of Solana Beach Counsel Date Signature San Dieguito Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan Cost Share Agreement November 5, 2013 Page 12 of 12 66 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 1 Cost Share 67 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 W, 0 N CD N OD CY Pre w 164 rr®1 VJ .F o F4i r� F9�9 .Vi LO 0 co O ia H W OCj p0 p0 cc 00 c Q �G yd N O 6 ��pp 00 000 In N to d o V w03ocZaz A p O CMCq �D N Foho o L�` 0000 Q n A�n . C4 co M N � �O N O N d er N M N '0 L-, N % N C ,Ny CO r' a v �G 0 W p N O 6 N � 00 000 In N to d o V w03ocZaz A p ci ¢ O Foho o L�` 0000 n A�n . C4 co M 0 O p rr o0 N '0 L-, N O N N C ,Ny a 0 O O O N mR N W3 Ca O N c+7 a° °o 8 CO ON fT O M of 9 14 tT ON i v a N N O O vi(OD LO aCr �(O O0i �o °O La Q W fn r ago 0 o_ fo rn ago C) r O O cog aoo om coo N O O O W co O fD 000 N O O O<O1, r N r N N O O O r r f0 N gfOr� rn N C6 O O " (to oN T O O Q O r N r O fA CD ~ oar C 0 0 Uu�r tr0 CD a y � N Cq o r °r C O Q J O rNr to - o _00 p 0 Oar 7 fro r a v Q y OO.`yr G 0 0°r� (00 6 fn o L O O N r0 Cyr 0 fO 0 ooC� o y 8 CD C-4 a c p 7C-7 p ai v O O N a i ONO N y� a tD 0 v a — CD c v Jvf°�rn � C9�o O p oamC a169S � (1)af°OOu) 10 N N r WU*) x • : a tD 03 W 68 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 U d o V w03ocZaz A p ci ¢ ¢ 0 O O O N mR N W3 Ca O N c+7 a° °o 8 CO ON fT O M of 9 14 tT ON i v a N N O O vi(OD LO aCr �(O O0i �o °O La Q W fn r ago 0 o_ fo rn ago C) r O O cog aoo om coo N O O O W co O fD 000 N O O O<O1, r N r N N O O O r r f0 N gfOr� rn N C6 O O " (to oN T O O Q O r N r O fA CD ~ oar C 0 0 Uu�r tr0 CD a y � N Cq o r °r C O Q J O rNr to - o _00 p 0 Oar 7 fro r a v Q y OO.`yr G 0 0°r� (00 6 fn o L O O N r0 Cyr 0 fO 0 ooC� o y 8 CD C-4 a c p 7C-7 p ai v O O N a i ONO N y� a tD 0 v a — CD c v Jvf°�rn � C9�o O p oamC a169S � (1)af°OOu) 10 N N r WU*) x • : a tD 03 W 68 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O N a N DO Ln `A-0 VN m 0�1 CIO 4�p !SV e� J r d V � ry � O t3 aQ pO O n O� N 01 (� r-4 r- i in i G] 0 OR C3 �Q O wl Fwv 11.50 Qty LM 11*', rn R C 0 z M 01 0 a CD r-1 3 Oae oe aQ °R Q ae 00 w O O H 10 V "A (V 06 u7 0 irr p Ci O o vj oNd O 4 N •� DP M(� N (°On n M ~ �D " C4 w o+ n N n L Do o, v r 0 OR 9 h T LO Vi �p pO O 0\ N 9 F O vi a Ili coN �torn v- N M M COO (On Y � N co to (D Cb 0 0 �T r (°n � Y N O O O V (D M r 0 00 O (0D 0 V Di O - O O o(orn v 0 0 0000 N G C OG CO N N Y O g —W OD N 0 O 0 co Goo p N O O S OV7� ON7 O O to ^ O cm N b O 50 N O 0 (O O7 tj o F- (n _ mn CD n (n° O O in N LD 10- IM C O O N N d c - (o (- ri > V (N O p CD O O O O C.- oN � M yy _. wi C MO (nD O C1 V O O N < n (D NpN QQ [V V O O N« O y o in n m v c p � N f'1 �N OLOf- 3 - O c U o v . 2 0 8140 0 (D 2 y V fD U c0 (� Q Cp v (CDD (J OA 0-00 p aci o J Q (o Lo o to (0 a rn 0 N tQ{1 U :V iV V CO ((7 x r r V (D T W 69 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O wl o U ON CN rn R O V Q vi 0 z Q z 0 a Oae oe aQ °R N ae 00 w O O H 10 O (V 06 u7 0 ae O O 4 °D i� M(� N (°On n M ~ �D " N G M H n L o, 9 h T LO Vi �p pO O 0\ N 9 F O vi a Ili coN �torn v- N M M COO (On Y � N co to (D Cb 0 0 �T r (°n � Y N O O O V (D M r 0 00 O (0D 0 V Di O - O O o(orn v 0 0 0000 N G C OG CO N N Y O g —W OD N 0 O 0 co Goo p N O O S OV7� ON7 O O to ^ O cm N b O 50 N O 0 (O O7 tj o F- (n _ mn CD n (n° O O in N LD 10- IM C O O N N d c - (o (- ri > V (N O p CD O O O O C.- oN � M yy _. wi C MO (nD O C1 V O O N < n (D NpN QQ [V V O O N« O y o in n m v c p � N f'1 �N OLOf- 3 - O c U o v . 2 0 8140 0 (D 2 y V fD U c0 (� Q Cp v (CDD (J OA 0-00 p aci o J Q (o Lo o to (0 a rn 0 N tQ{1 U :V iV V CO ((7 x r r V (D T W 69 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 x o U p Z R O V Q vi 0 z Q z 9 h T LO Vi �p pO O 0\ N 9 F O vi a Ili coN �torn v- N M M COO (On Y � N co to (D Cb 0 0 �T r (°n � Y N O O O V (D M r 0 00 O (0D 0 V Di O - O O o(orn v 0 0 0000 N G C OG CO N N Y O g —W OD N 0 O 0 co Goo p N O O S OV7� ON7 O O to ^ O cm N b O 50 N O 0 (O O7 tj o F- (n _ mn CD n (n° O O in N LD 10- IM C O O N N d c - (o (- ri > V (N O p CD O O O O C.- oN � M yy _. wi C MO (nD O C1 V O O N < n (D NpN QQ [V V O O N« O y o in n m v c p � N f'1 �N OLOf- 3 - O c U o v . 2 0 8140 0 (D 2 y V fD U c0 (� Q Cp v (CDD (J OA 0-00 p aci o J Q (o Lo o to (0 a rn 0 N tQ{1 U :V iV V CO ((7 x r r V (D T W 69 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O N N 00 �1 > 00000 F"s7 w o� tlJ Wm9 o° 0 0 O ID 00 a I aE 00 00 oo 00 00 o Q O Oi r Lq ON N .0; O D LO oo 3° U O Z 000 000 M to O p o2 oQ d ] tF* 00 CV 00 LA o° 0 0 O ID 00 a I aE 00 00 oo 00 00 o Q #O M a 0 U d Lq U W 0 U O Z 000 000 M p o2 oQ d ] N 00 CV 00 LA Q�Ryi c0 �. G O J3 N 00 C cn eM N M � N O 3Q eE 3E � � gE n Lrn 00 a` CJ N 00 W oNQ 00 #O M a 0 U M O O 8 ON m R H n c� � C CA O M5. O 0 N H O ri v 00 o rn ago (OD T a O 9 Noo � Q O —too o a9 °o �mrn C6 oo 0w �oS o (n o bF o o (o coo N O 9 O NO (D 00 N (D co r N O O o(ro NN O W Ir P. W N r (G (V p_. O O O O O O 0 CN N M lD r O O O o w (°rD 0 LO C4 _ � o 9C2 si �o(Dr r of o 0 "o 0 0 O0 (ry r (D &6 Q6 C ONh (rD O O J O O tOn n (rD C p ON o ooinnn m cq (V M Q fV N M d O O oon � g N O �% m (D vt, 88 O 0) o D C9�oo p afO`OOO cvO (DO0) N r CO O i sf tOD LO 70 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Lq U W 0 U O Z C, p o2 oQ 3e � N 00 CV 00 LA c0 �. G O J3 N 00 C cn eM N M � N N C4 Co O n M O O 8 ON m R H n c� � C CA O M5. O 0 N H O ri v 00 o rn ago (OD T a O 9 Noo � Q O —too o a9 °o �mrn C6 oo 0w �oS o (n o bF o o (o coo N O 9 O NO (D 00 N (D co r N O O o(ro NN O W Ir P. W N r (G (V p_. O O O O O O 0 CN N M lD r O O O o w (°rD 0 LO C4 _ � o 9C2 si �o(Dr r of o 0 "o 0 0 O0 (ry r (D &6 Q6 C ONh (rD O O J O O tOn n (rD C p ON o ooinnn m cq (V M Q fV N M d O O oon � g N O �% m (D vt, 88 O 0) o D C9�oo p afO`OOO cvO (DO0) N r CO O i sf tOD LO 70 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 U W 0 U O Z M O O 8 ON m R H n c� � C CA O M5. O 0 N H O ri v 00 o rn ago (OD T a O 9 Noo � Q O —too o a9 °o �mrn C6 oo 0w �oS o (n o bF o o (o coo N O 9 O NO (D 00 N (D co r N O O o(ro NN O W Ir P. W N r (G (V p_. O O O O O O 0 CN N M lD r O O O o w (°rD 0 LO C4 _ � o 9C2 si �o(Dr r of o 0 "o 0 0 O0 (ry r (D &6 Q6 C ONh (rD O O J O O tOn n (rD C p ON o ooinnn m cq (V M Q fV N M d O O oon � g N O �% m (D vt, 88 O 0) o D C9�oo p afO`OOO cvO (DO0) N r CO O i sf tOD LO 70 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 2 Table of Contents 71 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: WQIP Table of Contents San Dieguito Watershed Management Areas Page 1 of 3 72 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Consultant Deliverable Section Content Consultant Task Type Section 1. Introduction I.1 WQIP Purpose Discuss the purpose and goal of the WQIP based on the Permit, and WQIP development process including public AMEC Task 3 aRici ation 1.2 Watershed Provide the spatial context of the WQIP. Include a GIS Management Area map of the WMA, sub - watersheds, and jurisdictional Group boundaries. This will include an overall description of the AMEC Task 3 Deliverable area including LU categories (percentages), vegetation cover, and other pertinent information. 1.3 WQIP Describe the organization of the document identifying the AMEC Task 3 Organization corresponding Permit requirements Section 2. Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions 2.1 Assessment of Compile data from RPs and public. Summarize Clean Receiving Water Water Act 303(d) list, LTEA Section 2, CLRP Section 3, AMEC Task 2 Conditions (B.2.a) and WURMP, JURMP, and Monitoring Annual Reports. Address considerations given in B.2.a.(1 -9). 2.2 Assessment of Compile data from RPs and public. Summarize LTEA Impacts from MS4 Section 2, CLRP Sections 4 and 5, and WURMP, AMEC Task 2 Discharges (B.2.b) JURMP, and Monitoring Annual Reports. Address considerations given in B.2.b. 1 -6 . Group 2.3 Identification of Use information in 2.1 and 2.2 to develop a list of priority Priority Water water quality conditions by sub - watershed. Describe the Deliverable Quality conditions including (B.2.c(l)(a -e)): Conditions (B.2.c) • Beneficial use(s) • Geographic extent AMEC Task 2 • Temporal extent o Copermittees with MS4s discharges that may cause or contribute to the priority water quality condition • Assessment of the adequacy of monitoring data and highlight data gaps. Section 3. Identification of MS4 Sources of Pollutants and/or Stressors 3.1 Identification of Identify known and suspected sources of storm water and Known and non -storm water pollutants or other stressors associated Suspected Sources with MS4 discharges that cause or contribute to the (B.2.d) highest water quality conditions specified under B.2.c (Section 2.3). Identification will consider: • Pollutant generating facilities • Location of the MS4 AMEC Task 2 • Other know and suspected sources Group • Review of available data Deliverable • Adequacy of available data Section 3. t will summarize and consolidate the existing source inventory in LTEA Section 3.3, CLRP, and other available references. 3.2 Prioritization of Describe the prioritization process and summarize and MS4 Sources and consolidate the priority sources and stressors from AMEC Task 2 Stressors (B.2.d) Section 3.1 according to the CLRP Section 3.4, et. al., the Page 1 of 3 72 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scope of Work: W®IP Table of Contents San Dieeuito Watershed Management Areas Page 2 of 3 73 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 LTEA, and other available references. 3.3 Summary of MS4 Section 3.3 will summarize the priority sources and Sources by stressors from Section 12 according to jurisdiction. AMEC Task 2 Party - Specific Jurisdiction Deliverable Section 4. Water Quality Improvement Goals, Strategies, and Schedules 4.1 Watershed o Final numeric goals to be achieved in the MS4 Management Area discharges for the highest priority water quality Numeric Goals conditions. (B.3.a(1)) o Interim numeric goals capable of demonstrating Tetra -Tech Task 4 Group incremental progress toward achieving the final Deliverable numeric goals in the MS4 discharges. o Schedule for measuring progress toward achieving the interim and final numeric goals. 4.2 Jurisdictional . Description of strategies and/or activities for each Water Quality jurisdictional runoff management program Improvement component. Strategies a Circumstances or conditions when and where the (B.3.b(1)) strategies or /activities should be or will be Tetra -Tech Task 4 Party- Specific implemented. Deliverable Monitoring, information collection, special studies, and/or data analysis that is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the strategy and/or activity. 4.3 Jurisdictional Jurisdictional schedule for implementing strategies Water Quality and achieving numeric goals Improvement Tetra -Tech Task 4 Pte'- Specific Schedules Deliverable (B.3.a(2) and B.3. 3 Section 5 Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program 5.0 Integrated The Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program will Monitoring and be designed to incorporate the monitoring and assessment Assessment requirements of Provision D, Attachment E (TMDLs), Program (13.4) and Attachment A (ASBS). The program will assess: 1) Progress toward achieving the numeric goals and schedules Group 2) Progress toward addressing the highest priority AMEC Task 3 Deliverable water quality conditions 3) Each RP's overall effort to implement the WQIP. Section 5 will provide a brief summary of the Program. The complete Program will be included as an appendix to the WQIP. Section 6. Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process 6.1 Adaptation of W IP Components 6.1.1 Re- Provide a list of triggers to adapt the Priority receiving Evaluation of water quality conditions. The re- evaluation will consider: Group Priority Water Progress toward improved water quality through AEC Task 3 Deliverable Quality implementation of the WQIP Page 2 of 3 73 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Scone of Work: W01P Table of Contents San Dieguito Watershed Manaeement Areas Conditions • New information developed when the requirements (B.5.a) ofB.2.a -c have been re- evaluated • Spatial and temporal accuracy of monitoring data • Other available data • Recommendations from the SDRWCQB and public 6.1.2 Adaptation of Provide a list of triggers to adapt the strategies and Goals, schedules. The re- evaluation will consider: Strategies and • Priority conditions, numeric goals, and schedules Schedules modified per Section 6. 1.1 (B.5.b) • Progress toward achieving numeric goals and outcomes according to schedules • New policies or regulations AMEC Task 3 • Measureable and demonstrable reductions of non - storm water discharges and pollutants in stormwater • New information developed when the requirements of B.2.b and B.2.d have been re- evaluated • Efficiency in implementing the WQIPs • Recommendations from the SDRWCQB and public 6.1.3 Adaptation of Provide a list of triggers to adapt monitoring and Monitoring assessment program based on new and available data. and Assessment AMEC Task 3 Program (B.S.c) 6.2 WQIP Update Describe the process for modifying the WQIP based on Process (B.6.b and Section 6.1. AMEC Task 3 F.2.c) 6.3 JURMP Update Describe the process for modifying the JURMP based AMEC Task 3 Process (F.2.a) modifications to the WQ1P. Section 7. References Appendices (including complete Monitoring and Assessment Program) Page 3 of 3 74 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 3 Scope of Work AM EC 75 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105 099 Task Order 44 SCOPE OF WORK: DEVELOPMENT OF THE WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN: SAN DIEGUITO WATERSHED 1.0 PURPOSE AND CONSULTANT TEAM The purpose of this multi -year Scope of Work (SOW) is to develop the WQIP for the San Dieguito Watershed. Efforts will include the selection of Priority Water Quality Conditions and Potential Strategies required under Provision F.l .a and the development of the Initial Draft WQIP incorporating the remaining components of Provision B. Two additional drafts of the WQIP will be prepared along with the Final WQIP to be submitted in January 2015 to the City during Fiscal Year (FY) 15. The Final WQIP will be submitted to the SDRWQCB in May 2015. Additional support will be provided during FY 16, should the SDRWQCB have any comments after the May 2015 submittal of the Final WQIP. The WQIP will be based on the outline provided in Attachment A. The document will be organized jurisdictionally on a sub - watershed basis. The sub - watersheds in the San Dieguito Watershed include San Dieguito River below Lake Hodges (beach, lagoon, and River), the watershed above Lake Hodges (Lake Hodges and all drainages below Sutherland Reservoir), and the watershed above Sutherland Reservoir (Sutherland Reservoir and drainages above to the headwaters). A description of this work is provided in Section 2.0 of this SOW, along with individual task deliverables based on the Permit approved on May 8, 2013. The Permit's effective date starts on June 27, 2013 (50 days after Permit approval). An anticipated SOW start date of August 1, 2013 is anticipated. Project schedules and a summary of deliverables are presented in Section 3.0. Costs are summarized in Section 4.0 and detailed in Attachment B. The Consultation Team will consist of the AMEC Team and the Tetra -Tech Team. The AMEC Environment and Infrastructure, Inc. (AMEC) Team will include AMEC, Larry Walker and Associates, Tetra -Tech, Inc. (Tetra- Tech), Brock Bernstein, and Armand Ruby Consulting under City Contract Number HI05099. The Tetra -Tech Team will consist of Tetra -Tech, Inc. and Katz and Associates under City Contract Number H 104445. The AMEC Team will have the lead role in the development of the WQIP and will be responsible for all deliverables to the City of San Diego. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare Section 4 of the WQIP, as described below, and will deliver those portions to the AMEC Team. Additionally, the Tetra -Tech Team will facilitate any scheduled workshops and meetings with the Water Quality Improvement Consultation Panel. The AMEC Team will prepare all deliverables to the City and RPs and will serve as the sole point - of- contact with the City and RPs for WQIP development. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Task 1— Project Administration and Meetings The AMEC Project Manager will be responsible for the general project -level administration and management throughout the duration of this project. The AMEC Project Manager will be the single point - of- contact for the City, RPs, and the Tetra -Tech Team. Since this is a multi -year SOW; the cost and scope for the project management and internal project management meetings is estimated by FY. Internal project management meetings will allow the AMEC Team and the City to track project budget and 76 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 schedules. A description of other types of project- related meetings is provided under this task, though the costs for the meetings are included in the budgets for Tasks 2 through 5. Project Meetings Four categories of meetings, in addition to internal project management meetings, will be included in this SOW: 1. RP Work group Meetings: RP workgroup meetings will provide a forum for the discussion topics related to the development of the WQIP for all watershed RPs or sub - watershed groups, as appropriate. Each month, at a minimum, one 1 -hour RP workgroup meetings will be held. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend up to 29 RP workgroup meetings (16 meetings in FY 14, 9 meetings in FY 15, and 4 meetings in FY16). The AMEC Team will prepare presentation and meeting materials as necessary. Some Consultant Team members will attend in person while others will attend via conference call. A tentative schedule of topics for discussion is provided in Section 3.0 (Table 1). Meeting topics may vary depending on priorities but the deadlines for required decision points will remain the same. The Tetra Tech Team will also attend up to 8 RP workgroup meetings to discuss Section 4. 2. Individual RP Meetings: Individual RP meetings will be held to discuss individual jurisdictional needs. The AMEC Team will prepare meeting materials for and attend up to 12 meetings (two with each RP) for 1 hour each. After each meeting the AMEC Team will compile action items. Individual RP meetings may be held in person or via conference call. Selected Consultant Team members will participate. The Tetra Tech Team will also attend Individual RP meetings under their SOW. _Water Quality Improvement Consultation Panel : Provision F.l.a(1)(b) requires the formation of a Water Quality Improvement Consultation Panel (or Technical Advisory Committee -TAC) to provide recommendations during the development of the WQIP. The RPs will meet with the TAC to solicit their input in conjunction with public workshops. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend a total of up to 5 TAC meetings (2 in FY 14 and 3 in FY15). These meetings will be facilitated and recorded by the Tetra -Tech Team. Each meeting is expected to be 3 hours.long (including prep time). Preparation by the AMEC Team will consist of developing meeting materials, including presentations, handouts, and agendas, as necessary. Draft and final meeting materials will be delivered to the RPs. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare meeting minutes. 4. Public Workshops: Provision F.l.a(1)(a) requires the input of public stakeholders in the development of the WQIP. The RPs will hold public workshops to solicit public input in coordination with the San Dieguito TAC to be convened by the City. The AMEC Team will prepare for and attend a total of 2 public workshops, which will be organized, facilitated, and recorded by the Tetra -Tech Team. Each workshop is expected to be up to 5 hours long. A tentative schedule of topics for discussion is provided in Section 3.0. It is anticipated that all public comments will be provided during the workshop given that the workshop schedule and topics will be made public to the RPs, TAC, and public stakeholders prior to the beginning of the WQIP development process. 77 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 Preparation by the AMEC Team will consist of developing meeting materials, including presentations, handouts, and agendas, as necessary. Draft and final meeting materials will be delivered to the RPs. The Tetra -Tech Team will prepare meeting minutes. Public workshops for the San Dieguito Watershed (this Task Order) and the Los Periasquitos Watershed (Task Order 45) will be held concurrently. Accordingly, the attached Cost Estimate reflects half the effort required for the AMEC team for these workshops. The remaining effort is included in Task Order 45. Sub -Task 1.1— Project Administration and Meetings — FY 14 Project administration includes coordinating with the City and Consultant Team to achieve project goals, budgets, and schedules during FY 14. The following tasks will be performed by AMEC as part of the task: Coordination and communication with City and RPs. Coordination and communication with the Consultant Team; and Administration of the contract for this project, including monthly invoicing, deliverable coordination, and budget tracking; This sub -task also includes discussions with the City and Consultant Team, including preparation for and attendance at a kick -off meeting and internal project management meetings. Some team members will attend in person while others will attend via conference call. It is assumed there will be total of 12 internal project management meetings per fiscal year with the City, AMEC Project Manager, and selected Consultant Team members. Sub -Task 1.2 — Project Administration and Meetings — FY 15 The project administration and meetings scope for FY 15 will be the same as the scope described in Sub - Task 1.1. Sub -Task 1.3 — Project Administration and Meetings — FY 16 The project administration and meetings scope for FY 16 will be the same as the scope described in Sub - Task 1.1. Task 2 — Identifcation of Priority Water Quality Conditions, MS4 Sources of Pollutants and Stressors, and Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies Task 2 includes effort to identify priority water quality conditions and MS4 sources of pollutants and/or stressors that cause or contribute to the highest priority water quality conditions for the San Dieguito Watershed to meet the requirements of Provisions B.2.a -e. o B.2.a Assessment of Receiving Water Conditions • B.2.b Assessment of Impacts from MS4 Discharges • B.2.c Identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions o B.2.d Identify MS4 Sources of Pollutants and/or Stressors B.2.e Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies 78 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract HI 05099 Task Order 44 The AMEC Team (including Tetra -Tech) will prepare Sections 2 and 3 of the WQIP to meet the requirements of Provision F. La(2). The potential water quality improvement strategies will be submitted separately from the WQIP sections but will be delivered on the same schedule. Sub -Task 2.1— Priority Water Quality Conditions Literature Search and Public Data Compilation The water quality priorities identified in the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment (LTEA) and the Clean Water Act 303(d) list will provide the basis of the selection of priority water quality conditions. The 2011 LTEA and Comprehensive Load Reduction Plan (CLRP) will also be utilized to identify MS4 sources and stressors. This will include information on pollutant generating facilities, areas and/or activities, and the location of the RPs MS4s. Based on the findings of the 2011 LTEA and CLRP, additional data may be compiled from the San Diego County Copermittee Annual Monitoring Reports, the San Dieguito Watershed Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports, and the related Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports for the previous permit cycle. AMEC will submit a data request to the RPs for special study data related to potential priority water quality conditions that may have been collected in the watershed. Requests for data will be provided at the first RP Workgroup meeting. Additionally, the City, with direction from AMEC, will solicit the public for any additional relevant and available water quality data for the selection of priority water quality conditions for the San Dieguito Watershed. Public solicitation for data will be provided with the notice for the first Public Workshop. The deadline for data submittal is provided in Section 3.0. Data currently in AMEC's possession, and the format for additional data, will be discussed during RP Workgroup meetings. Task efforts will include a compilation of the data provided by the public and RPs. It is assumed that no more than three data sources will be available per sub - watershed. Sub -Task 2.2 — Priority Water Quality Conditions Development of Draft and Final Sections Results of the literature search and data analysis will be detailed in Section 2 of the Draft WQIP and the associated appendices. Section 2 will address the requirements of Provision B.2.a -c of the Permit, and will include a list of priority water quality conditions as pollutants, stressors, and /or receiving water conditions, as described in Provision B.2.c.(1), and the rationale (contained in Provision B.2.c.(2)) behind the identification of the highest priority water quality conditions. Priority water quality condition selection will be based on the 303(d) listings in the watershed. Priority selection will consider the spatial and temporal distribution of these listed constituents. A total of four iterations of Section 2 will be provided, as detailed in the deliverable schedule below. A response -to comments table will be developed for each iteration submitted to the City and the RPs. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Files will be provided electronically, including the draft that is intended for publication by the SDRWQCB for a 30 -day public comment period. The AMEC Team will work with the RPs to incorporate public comments per Provision F.l.a(1)(a). A response -to- comments table, including comments received from the public and the TAC (Provision F. La(2)), will be developed. Sub -Task 2.3 — MS4 Sources and Pollutants Literature Search and Public Data Compilation MS4 sources of pollutants and/or stressors that cause or contribute to the highest priority water quality conditions will be identified as required by Provision B.2.d of the Permit including the following: • Pollutant Generating Facilities, Areas and /or Activities • Location of RPs MS4 79 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105 099 Task Order 44 • Review of Available Data Per the requirements of Provision B.2.e, potential water quality improvement strategies will be identified. AMEC will utilize the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment and the CLRP to identify MS4 sources and stressors. As with Task 2, additional data may be compiled from the San Diego County Copermittee Annual Monitoring Reports, the San Dieguito Watershed Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports, and the related Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Plan Annual Reports for the previous permit cycle. AMEC will submit a data request to all RPs for available MS4 GIS data and additional special studies monitoring data not included in the documents listed above. Requests for data will be provided at the first RP workgroup. Much of the data required for identification and analysis of Pollutant Generating Facilities, Areas and/or Activities were compiled and presented for the watershed in the CLRP (Sections 3.1 -3.4 with an emphasis on bacteria and sediment sources). The AMEC Team will revisit this information with the RPs to determine if additional information is available to evaluate these sources and how the CLRP results can be tailored for use in the WQ1P. Sub -Task 2.4 — MS4 Sources and Pollutants Development of Draft and Final Section The AMEC Team will prepare Section 3 of the WQIP to meet the requirements of Provision B.2.d. The 37 priority source categories presented in the 2011 Long -Term Effectiveness Assessment will be compared with the highest priority water quality conditions selected in Section 2. Section 3 will provide information on the potential sources and stressors, including an assessment of the adequacy of the data available to characterize these sources on a jurisdictional basis. A total of four drafts of Section 3 will be provided, as detailed in the deliverable schedule below (note that Section 2 will be submitted on the same deliverable schedule). Files will be provided electronically, including the draft that intended for publication by the SDRWQCB for a 30 day public comment period. The AMEC Team will work with the RPs to incorporate public comments per Provision F. l .a(1)(a). A response -to- comments table, including comments received from the public, will be developed. Sub -Task 2.5 — List of Potential Strategies The AMEC Team, Ied by Tetra Tech, will develop a list of potential strategies that may be included in the WQIP. The list of potential strategies will be included as part of the first deliverable to the SDRWQCB as required under Provision B.2.e. The public, as well as, the TAC will provide input on the potential strategies. The list may include broad categories of Best Management Practices (BMPs) based on the CLRP recently completed by the RPs. Sections 4.4, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 of the Phase I CLRPs will be referenced. The list is not a section of the WQIP but separate deliverable that will guide the development of Section 4. A response -to- comments table will be developed for each iteration submitted to the City and the RPs. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: • Attend up to 8 RP Workgroup Meetings • RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions • Attend up to 6 Individual RP Meetings • Individual Meeting Follow -up Actions • Attend up to 1 Public Workshop 3.0 • I st QA/QC Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies for City (6 month deliverable) 80 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 0 2 "d Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) for RPs • 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) for TAC • 4'h Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) based on TAC Comment for RPs 0 Final Draft Section 2, Section 3, and list of Potential Strategies (6 month deliverable) to City to Deliver to SDRWQC13 • Revised Draft Section 2, Section 3, and Response -to- Comments Table Based on Public Input — Task 3 — Draft WQIP Task 3 includes efforts to develop the Draft WQIP to meet the requirements of Provision B. The Draft WQIP will include work products developed under Task 2 (including Revised Draft Section 2 and Section 3), along with: • WQIP Introduction Development (Section 1); • Incorporation of Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies, and Schedules developed by the Tetra -Tech Team or RPs selecting to Opt -out (Section 4) 16 month deliverable; • Integrated Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program (Section 5); and • Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process (Section 6). Sub -Task 3.1— Draft WQIP Introduction — Section 1 Submittal The AMEC Team will develop a draft of Section 1 concurrently with the development of Section 2 and Section 3. This will provide a basis for the development of the full WQIP. Section 1 will be delivered on the same schedule as Section 2 and Section 3. Sub -Task 3.2 — Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program The Water Quality Improvement Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP) will be developed to meet the requirements of Provision B.4.a -d to assess: 1) the progress toward achieving the numeric goals and schedules, 2) the progress toward addressing the highest priority water quality conditions for each Watershed Management Area, and 3) each RP's overall efforts to implement the WQIP. The program will be prepared according to Provision D. of the Permit, and will include TMDL monitoring per Provision B.4.c -d, as well as a Sediment Monitoring Plan in accordance with Provision D:1.e(2). A brief summary of the program will be provided in Section 5 of the WQIP. The complete MAP, which will include a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) will be included as an appendix to the Draft WQIP. All appendices, including the MAP, will be delivered simultaneously with the relevant sections. Estimates of monitoring costs will be developed for planning purposes concurrently with MAP development. Sub -Task 3.3 — Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process Development Section 6 will describe the Iterative Approach and Adaptive Management Process according to Provision B.5. The section will outline the approach for the reevaluation of priority water quality conditions, adaptation of the strategies and schedules, and adaptation of the Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Program. Sub -Task 3.4 —Draft WQIP The AMEC Team will prepare the Draft WQIP based on the sections described above and Section 4 developed by the Tetra Tech Team, which will be delivered to the AMEC Team per the schedule provided in Section 3.0. Section 4 received from Tetra Tech Team will be assumed to meet the requirements of Provision B.2.e and B.3. 81 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 A total of two iterations of the Draft WQIP will be provided as detailed in the deliverable schedule below. The 1" Draft to the City will be, provided electronically. Up to twelve hardcopies (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions of the 2"d Draft WQIP will be provided to the RPs for comment. A response -to- comment template will be provided for the City and the RPs to complete for each deliverable. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Comments will be addressed in FY15 under Task 5. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: 9 Attend up to 8 RP Workgroup Meetings • RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 6 Individual RP Meetings 0 Individual RP Meeting Follow -up Actions 0 Attend up to 2 TAC Meetings 0 1" QA /QC Draft Section 1 for City 0 2 "d Draft Section 1 for RPs 0 l ' QA /QC Draft WQIP for City Deliverable includes: • Revised Draft Section I • Revised Draft Sections 2 &3 • I" Draft Section 4 created by Tetra Tech (16 Month Deliverable) • I51 Draft Sections 5, 6, 7 0 2"d Draft WQIP for RPs Deliverable includes: • Revised Draft Section 1 • Revised Draft Sections 2 &3 • I" Draft Section 4 completed by Tetra Tech (16 Month Deliverable) • I" Draft Sections 5, 6, 7 Task 4 -- Tetra Tech Team only Task 5 — Final WQIP (FY15) Task 5 will incorporate comments received by the RPs, SDRWQCB, and the public review process detailed in Provisions B and F. Two Draft WQ1Ps and one Final WQIP will be prepared. The AMEC Team, in consultation with the RPs, will consider public input while developing the Final WQIP, but will not necessarily respond to specific comments from the public. Sub -Task 5.1 —Draft WQIP The deliverable will include a Draft submitted to the City for review followed by a Draft to be provided to all RPs. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 350 hours of effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A comment template will be provided for the RPs to complete. All drafts will be provided electronically. Sub -Task 5.2 —Draft WQIP and 16 Month Deliverable The deliverable will include a Draft WQIP submitted to the City for review followed by a revised Draft WQIP to be provided to all RPs. This task also includes effort to finalize the 16th Month Deliverable (Section 4) with reviews by the TAC and all RPs. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 200 hours of 82 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A comment template will be provided for the RPs to complete. All drafts will be provided electronically. Sub -Task 5.3 — Final WQIP Comments from the RPs and the TAC will be used to develop the Final WQIP. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 130 hours of effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. The Final WQIP will include an initial draft submitted to the City electronically for review followed by a revised draft to be provided to all RPs. A response -to- comment template will be provided for the City and the RPs to complete for each deliverable. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Up to twelve hardcopies of the Final WQIP (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions, will be provided to the RPs. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: 0 Attend up to 9 RP Workgroup Meetings 0 RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions • Attend up to 3 TAC Meetings • Attend up to l Public Workshop 0 3`a QA /QC Draft WQIP (including 16"' Month Deliverable) for City 0 46' Draft WQIP (including I e Month Deliverable) for RPs 0 56' Section 4 (16'' Month Deliverable) for TAC • 6`h Section 4 (16'b Month Deliverable) based on TAC Comment for RPs • Final Section 4(16`h Month Deliverable) to City to deliver to SDRWQCB 0 5u' Draft WQIP for RPs 0 6u' Draft WQIP for TAC 0 7u' Draft WQIP based on TAC Comments for 0 Final WQIP for City of San Diego and RPs 0 Final WQIP to SDWQCB Task 6 —WQIP Support (FY16) Task 6 will incorporate comments received from the SDRWQCB on the Final WQIP submitted after May 2015. This task will include revision of the document based on the SDRWQCB comments that will then be reviewed by the RPs. It is assumed the City and the other RPs will review the document at the same time. This sub -task assumes a maximum total of 65 hours of effort including technical and support staff as required for budgeting purposes. A response -to- comment template will be provided for the City and the RPs to complete for each deliverable. Outstanding issues or conflicting comments will be addressed via a conference call or at the next RP Workgroup Meeting. Up to twelve hardcopies of the Final WQIP (two for each RP), with CDs containing electronic versions, will be provided to the RPs. Deliverables Der Schedule Provided in Section 3.0: • Attend up to 4 RP Workgroup Meetings • RP Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Follow -up Actions • I' QA/QC Draft WQIP for City • 2 °d Draft WQIP for RPs • Final WQIP for City and RPs 83 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 3.0 SCHEDULE This Task Order shall begin on or about August 1, 2013, contingent upon approval and execution of this SOW, and shall terminate on December 31, 2015. Note that all schedule dates are approximate and are based on an August 1, 2013 notice to proceed. If the approval of the SOW is delayed, the schedule will be adjusted appropriately through consultation with the City and other Consultant Team members. Table I provides a tentative meeting schedule, including decision points, where input will be required by the RPs to facilitate the submission of the project deliverables, and planned meeting topics. A MS Project Schedule will be provided before the beginning of project work to clarify the schedule. Note that RP Workgroup Meetings will be held the second Thursday of every month. 84 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H 105099 Task Order 44 Table 1– Tentative Schedule for RP Workgroup Meetings, WQICP Meetings, and Public Workshops 85 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Worliaroup eetinas W01CP Meetings Public Workshops Month Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Point - Date Covered Date Fiscal Year 2014 1. Kick -Off August Meeting Request 2013 Data/ Project — — — — — Process Kickoff Meeting - and Solicit Input from Public and 6 Month Deliverable Public Comment Meeting • Share anticipated 2. Present Potential schedule of August Priorities/ WQIP process 2013 Discuss Priorities — — Aug. 2013 and future Ranking opportunities for input • Solicit input on priorities and potential strategies. • Provide deadlines for submittal of data for development of priorities. 3. Present Potential Water September Strategies/ Select Quality 2013 Water Quality Priorities for Priorities October 2013 Deliverable 4. Select Potential Potential October Strategies/ Strategies for 2013 Present October 2013 -- — — — Numerical Goals Deliverable 85 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 86 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Workgroup Meetin gs W ICP Mcetin s Public Worksho Month Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Point Date Covered Date 5. Discuss Water Quality Priorities and Potential Strategies Priorities, Deliverable/ potential November Introduce Nov. 20, strategies, 2013 Assessment and — 2013 and sources — — Monitoring of pollutants Approach/ and Present Numeric stressors. Goals Development Process 6. Discuss Numeric Decision on Goals/ Tentative Introduction to Numeric December Strategy Goals for 2013 Development Approach Quality Strategy Development 7. Introduction to Scheduling and January Update on 2014 Assessment/ — — — — — Monitoring Approach Priorities, potential February 8. Update on Feb. 18, strategies, 2014 Strategies and — 2014 and sources — — Schedules of pollutants and stressors. 9. Discuss Numeric Goals based on Strategies/ Provide Response -to- Finalize March Comments Monitoring 2014 Tables for Approach Sections 2 and 3/ Update on Assessment and Monitoring Approach 86 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 87 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Worftkgrroup Meetin gs W ICP Meetings Public Workshops Month Meeting Topic Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Topics Covered Point Date Covered Date 10. Discussion of Adaptive Management Receive RP Approach/ final input on Discuss Response -to- Response-to- April 2014 Comments Comments Tables for Tables for Sections 2 and 3/ Sections 2 Update on Water an d 3 Quality Strategies May 2014 11. Discuss Draft WQIP — — — — Fiscal Year 2015 16 Month 12. Discuss Deliverable Comments on Public Meeting July 2014 Initial Draft July 22, • Solicit input WQIP – Sections — — — 2 014 on Numeric 2 and 3 Goals and Strategies 13. Discuss August Comments on 2014 Initial Draft — — — — WQIP – Section 4 14. Discuss Numeric September Comments on Sept. 17, Goals and 2014 Initial Draft — 2014 Strategies — — WQIP – Sections /Schedules 5 and 6 15. Discuss October Comments on 2014 First Revised — — Draft WQIP Sections 2 -4 16. Discuss November Comments on 2014 First Revised WQIP – Sections 5 and 6 17. Discuss Dec. 2, Numeric Comments on 2014 Goals and December Second Revised Strategies 2014 Draft WQIP – /Schedules — — Sections 2 - 4 Dec. 5, 2014 Final WQIP 87 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 88 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 RP Workgroup Meetin gs W ICP Meetings Public Workshops Month Decision Tentative Topics Tentative Meeting Topic Point Date Covered Date Topics Covered 18. Discuss Comments on January Second Revised 2015 Draft WQIP — — — — — Sections 5 and 6 February — — 2015 — — — — March 2015 — — — April 2015 Fiscal Year 2016 19. Discuss July 2015 Comments from — — — — — SDRW CB August 2015 — — — — — 20. Discuss September Comments from 2015 — — — — — SDRWQCB October 21. RP Comments on Revised Final 2015 - WQIP November 22• RP Comments on Revised Final 2015 — — — — — W IP 88 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 Approximate due dates for the deliverables for the SOW are included in Table 2 below, and is based on an August 1, 2013 start date. Dates may be modified based on the actual start of the SOW. Table 2 includes the Consultant Team members who will deliver and receive each deliverable. Table 2 -Task Order Deliverables Deliverable Submitting Receiving* Due Date Task 1- Project Management NA NA I No Deliverables Task 2 - identification of Priority Water Quality Conditions, MS4 Sources of Pollutants and Stressors, and Potential Water Quality Improvement Strategies 6 month deliverable Sub -Task 2.1 Literature Search and Public Data Co m ilation Received Data from Public and RPs for Analysis Public / RPs AMEC August 22, 2013 Workgroup Meeting Summaries A AEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetings Sub -Task 2.2 Development of Dra and Final Sections V QA/QC Draft Section 2, Section 3 & Appendices (6 Month Deliverable AMEC City October 25, 2013 City Comments 1st Draft Section 2 and 3(6 Month Deliverable) City AMEC October 30, 2013 2 Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 AMEC All RPs November 5, 20I3 Month Deliverable RP Comments on 2 Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices 6 Month Deliverable All RPs AMEC November 8, 2013 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 Month Deliverable )for TAC Review AMEC All RPs November 13, 2013 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs City . November 14, 2013 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices (6 Month Deliverable )for TAC Review City TAC November 15, 2013 TAC Comments on 3rd Draft Section 2, Section 3, & A endices(6 Month Deliverable) TAC AMEC November 20, 2013 TAC Reviewed 4' Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices 6 Month Deliverable AMEC All RPs December 6, 2013 Comments on TAC Reviewed 4 Draft Section 2, All RPs AMEC December 13, 2013 Section 3, & Appendices 6 Month Deliverable Draft Section 2, Section 3, & Appendices for SDRWQCB 6 Month Deliverable A AEC All RPs December 20, 2013 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city December 24, 20I3 Submit Section 2,Section 3, & Appendices to City SDRWQCB January 10, 2013 SDRWQCB 6 Month Deliverable Comments from Public on Section 2 and 3 (6 Public AMEC February 15, 2014 Month Deliverable) Provide Response -to- Comments Table for Section 2 and Section 3(6 Month Deliverable) based on AMEC Public March 13, 2014 Public Comments Receive Final Comments on Response -to- Comments Table for Section 2 and Section 3 based RPs AMEC April 10,2013 on Public Comments Revised Section 2 and Section 3 along with Response -to- Comments Table Based on Public AMEC RPs April 25, 2014 Input Sub -Task 2.3 - List of Potential Strategies Draft of Potential Strategies Tetra -Tech AMEC October 11, 2013 1'2A/QC Draft of Potential Strategies AMEC Ci October 18, 2013 89 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 Deliverable Submittin g ReceiviEg * Due Date Ci Comments on 1st Draft of Potential Strategies City AMEC October 24, 2013 2" Draft of Potential Strategies AMEC All RPs October 30, 2013 RP Comments on 2ndDraft of Potential Strategies All RPs AMEC November 6, 2013 3rd Draft of Potential Strategies for TAC Review AMEC All RPs November 13, 2013 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs city November 14, 2013 3rd Draft of Potential Strategies for TAC Review City TAC November 15, 2013 TAC Comments on Potential Strategies TAC AMEC November 20, 2013 TAC Reviewed 4` Draft of Potential Strategies AMEC All RPs December 6, 2013 Comments on 4th Draft TAC of Potential Strategies All RPs AMEC December 13, 2013 Potential Strategies for SDRWQCB AMEC A11 RPs December 20, 2013 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city December 24, 2013 Submit Potential Strategies to SDRWQCB city SDRWQCB January 10, 2014 Task 3 - Draft WQIP Sub -Task 3.4 - Draft WQIP 1" QA/QC Draft Section 1 AMEC city October 18, 2013 Ci Comments on V Draft Section 1 city AMEC October 24, 2013 2" Draft Section 1 AMEC All RPs October 30, 2013 RP Comments on 2 Draft Section 1 All RPs AMEC November 13, 2013 Draft Section lfor SDRWQCB AMEC city December 6, 2013 Section 4 Tetra -Tech AMEC May 2 2014 1" QA/QC Draft WQIP (including 16'h Month Deliverable) AMEC City May 16, 2014 Opt -out RP versions of Sections 4.2 - 4.5 of Section 4 Opt -out RP AMEC May 21, 2014 City Comments on 1 Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable City AMEC May 23, 2014 2 Draft WQIP (including 16` Month Deliverable) AMEC All RPs June 6, 2014 Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetings Task 4- Tetra Tech Team only Task 5 - Final WQIP - FY 15 Sub -Task 5.1 -Draft WQIP RP Comments on Draft WQIP All RPs AMEC July 18, 2014 3` Draft WQIP (including 16' Month Deliverable AMEC City August 15, 2014 City Comments on 3` Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable City AMEC August 29, 2014 4` Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) AMEC All RPs September 5, 2014 Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetings Sub -Task 5.2 Z2L4 WQIP and 16 Month Deliverable RP Comments on 4 Draft WQIP (including 16 Month Deliverable) All RPs AMEC September 12, 2014 5 Section 4 (16'h Month Deliverable) for TAC review AMEC All RPs September 17, 2014 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs City September 18, 2014 51 Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) for TAC review City TAC September 19, 2014 Comments from TAC on 5th Section 4(16'h Month TAC AMEC September 24, 2014 90 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Contract H105099 Task Order 44 Deliverable Submitting Receiving* Due Date Deliverable 6` Section 4 based on TAC Comments AMEC All RPs September 30, 2014 Comments from RPs on Updated 6 Draft Section 4 (Wh Month Deliverable All RPs AMEC October 8, 2014 Final Draft Section 4 (16 Month Deliverable) for Submittal to SDRWQCB AMEC All RPs October 15, 2014 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs City October 16, 2014 Submittal to SDRWQCB of Section 4 (16 1h Month Deliverable City SDRWCB October 18, 2014 5` Draft WQIP AMEC RPs November 21, 2014 RP Comments on 5th Draft WQIP RPs AMEC December 1, 2014 6 th Draft WQIP AMEC All RPs December 15, 2014 RP confirmation for TAC submittal RPs city December 16, 20I4 6'b Draft WQIP city TAC December 17 2014 Sub -Task 5.3 — Final W IP Comments from TAC 6 Draft WQIP TAC AMEC December 22, 2014 7` Draft WQIP with TAC Comments AMEC All RPs January 9, 2015 RP Comments on ? Draft WQIP with TAC Comments All RPs AMEC January 16, 2015 Final W 1P AMEC All RPs January 25, 2015 RP confirmation for SDRWQCB submittal RPs city J uary 26, 2015 Submit Final WQIP to SDW CB city SDWQCB June 27, 2015 Task 6 — WQIP Support — FYI 1 st QA/QC Draft WQIP for City AMEC City 20 days from receipt of comments from SDWQCB City Comments on 1st Draft WQIP City AMEC 5 days from receipt of document 2nd Draft WQIP for RPs AMEC All RPs 5 days after submittal to the City RP Comments on 2nd Draft WQIP All RPs AMEC 10 days from submittal to the RPs Final WQIP for City and RPs AMEC All RPs 10 days from receipt of comments from RPs Workgroup Meeting Summaries AMEC City 7 working days after workgroup meetin s *RP specific deliverables will be provided to RPs directly. 4.0 COSTS The total of this Task Order for FY 14 will be $190,824, for FY 15 it will be $112,829, and for FY 16 it will be $17,856. Labor rates and other charges will be billed per the requirements of Contract H105099. The Task Order amount may be modified by written amendment, if necessary. 91 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 � v 0 S. I!1 N CD •2 O �I U to F- -a" C N E C O K W 4 W) " r rl ra • 0 ni � ri '" I(i V m � N A b Yryry rn rl ~ V! Vl � N Vl V) VI VI N N VJ VJ N N Vl M LU N W V yl ,{ VI r• M r• �n ul .� ql ai ry u. ry r- tl m v U ry rynIy U U � •^-' N � W ry N � p O � •_ ,,; •. m v rn 6~.l mi N ^� m � `�%, � `rii w 0 Q u .- Yl M VI YNj VI VI yl 1n V1 In III V(� 9 U a� [] Y U O cr iai v p- rli OD r- V � n ry c Y- � • 3 m � O y 9 m � m n W m a a m Li m De m to LL LL Y m m rmn LL wi 1= 5 ? rn E m e lz f2 LO t c c m m 'j v o v T o n 4 q 4 5 n a U .rW, V w m m ¢¢ LL a s n: IL a e d tl c tL LL O eL .5 G IL N m N ry •t ut ry n ry n vj N M a m yY Q 1•� 92 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 Exhibit 4 Scope of Work Tetra Tech 93 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 July 8, 2013 Contract H084445, Task Order No. XX DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK For WQIP Development Support for the San Dileguito Watershed Management Area This Draft Scope of Work (SOW) identifies the level of effort needed to support the San Dieguito Responsible Parties (RPs) with development of a Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) to meet requirements set by the NPDES Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). This SOW includes close coordination with a parallel effort led by AMEC for the City of San Diego and RPs to complete the complimentary sections of the WQIP and assemble the overall plan. The tasks in this SOW are not sequential, but instead are meant to be in line with the AMEC SOW and specific sections of the WQIP (outlined in the proposed table of contents attached to the AMEC SOW). The result is that the tasks in this SOW are meant to be viewed holistically with the tasks of the AMEC SOW to provide the full understanding of the level of effort to develop the WQIP. This SOW addresses the following components identified for the WQIP: • Section 4: Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule • Facilitation of stakeholder workshops and WQICP meetings providing reporting and input on multiple key sections of WQIP In addition, this SOW takes advantage of several efforts already invested in by the RPs when developing the Draft Comprehensive Load Reductions Plan (CLRP) for this watershed, including identification of jurisdictional -based management strategies, including nonstructural and structural best management practices, to achieve pollutant load reductions. To specifically address new requirements in the permit, it will be necessary to revisit many of the assumptions for the Draft CLRP and tailor these assumptions for the WQIP. These results will be summarized in Section 4 outlined above, which can serve as the basis for internal jurisdictional planning and reporting to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This SOW and associated schedule assumes a notice to proceed (NTP) of July 1, 2013. Should this NTP change, a revision to the schedule may be required. TASK 1: Project Management Tetra Tech will maintain communication with the City's Task Order Manager or other designee and the AMEC team to keep them apprised of progress, upcoming milestones, and any issues that could potentially affect project performance. For this Task Order, Mr. Stephen Carter will serve as the Project Manager and he will be responsible for all official communications with the City. Mr. Carter will be responsible for working with the Tetra Tech Contract Administrator to ensure monthly progress reports and invoices are submitted in an accurate and timely manner on or prior to the 5th day of each month during which the Task Order is active. Mr. Carter will work with the Task Order Manager to ensure all desired information is included in the monthly progress report. At a minimum the following information will be included: 94 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 0 1. Reporting period 2. Work completed in the reporting period (activities and accomplishments) 3. Work anticipated in the following reporting period 4. Expenditures in this progress report period and cumulative total 5. Any issues or problems encountered and how these were resolved Deliverables: Monthly progress memos and meetings with the City to ensure that work completed address issues and objectives. TASK 4: Development of Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule Tetra Tech will lead development of portions of Section 4 of the WQIP: Numeric Goals, Water Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedules. The following are subtasks that specifically address development of components of this Section. 4.1. Identification of Numeric Goals and Schedules Tetra Tech will work with the RPs and AMEC to identify the following numeric goals for the WQIP, specific to the San Dieguito Watershed and inclusive of subwatersheds. • Final numeric goals to be achieved in the receiving waters for the highest priority water quality conditions m Interim numeric goals to be achieved in the receiving waters and capable of demonstrating incremental progress toward achieving the final numeric goals in the receiving waters • Schedule for measuring progress toward achieving the interim and final numeric goals The schedule for interim and final goals will be consistent with those schedules identified in approved TMDLs. The schedule for goals for other 303(d) pollutants will be established through consultation with the RPs. Tetra Tech will summarize these schedules relative to the WQIP framework, and prepare a subsection of Section 4 of the WQIP. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at one meeting of RP workgoup to discuss numeric goals • Draft Section 4.1 of the WQIP • Draft II Section 4.1 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FY15 • Draft III Section 4.1 of the WQIP ( incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Section 4.1 of the WQIP — FY15 4.2. Jurisdictional Strategies and /or Activities Task 2 of the AMEC SOW includes development of a list of potential strategies that will be included as part of the first deliverable to the SDRWQCB required under Provision B.3.b of the NPDES Permit. Much work went into development of the Draft CLRP to identify specific nonstructural and structural BMPs for each RP necessary to address TMDLs and other impairments in the watershed. This task will result in development of Section 4.2 of the WQIP, which will include a summary of those structural and nonstructural BMPs 2 95 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 1* identified for each RP during development of the CLRPs. No additional BMPs will be developed or reported beyond those previously identified in the CLRPs. The following outlines efforts anticipated for each category of BMP. Note that the tasks below assume that the WQIP will not address the need for modeling and quantification of BMP load reductions to meet TMDL -based bacteria WQBELs for impaired beaches at the mouth of San Dieguito Lagoon. Rather, a strategy willl be outlined in Section 4.1 for justification for amendments to associated WQBELs in the MS4 permit or 303(d) de- listing for those impairments. 421. Identification of Nonstructural BMPs The nonstructural BMPs identified in the CLRPs will be reviewed with the RPs to determine if any changes should be made, Should additional BMPs be identified, Tetra Tech will work closely with the RPs to develop details to be reported in the WQIP. All input from the RPs on the nonstructural BMPs to be included in the WQIP are expected by December 2013. 4.2.2. Identification of Structural BMPs Structural BMPs were identified for each RP in development of the CLRP. These included both distributed (e.g., green infrastructure) and centralized (e.g., regional detention facility) structural BMPs. The CLRPs presented maps of potential locations of structural BMPs, as well as more - detailed concepts developed for a select high priority BMPs, presented as 'BMP Fact Sheets° in the CLRP. Tetra Tech will base all assumptions for structural BMPs on information compiled for the CLRP. All input from the RPs on the structural BMPs to be included in the WQIP are expected by December 2013. Deliverables per Schedule Provided in Table 2: • Tetra Tech attendance at four meetings of RP workgoup • Tetra Tech will participate in one meeting with each individual RP to confirm strategies and activities to be included in WQIP • Draft Section 4.2 of the WQIP - May 4, 2014 • Draft II Section 4.2 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FYI • Draft III Section 4.2 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Section 4.2 of the WQIP — FY15 4.3. Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules Based on results of the previous tasks and RP input, Tetra Tech will develop schedules for each RP outlining phased BMP implementation and associated costs throughout the period to meet numeric goals established in Task 4.1. Inclusion of all costs in the schedule will provide demonstration of reasonable progress toward achieving numeric goals in the WQIP, information for RP funding and preparation, and information to regulators regarding the economic impacts of water quality regulations. However, it will be important to stipulate within the WQIP that the BMPs and associated decisions and costs beyond the Permit term are subject to funding opportunities, and should not be evaluated as an indicator of progress towards BMP -based compliance. Deliverables: • Tetra Tech attendance at up to two meetings of the RP workgoup • Tetra Tech will participate in one meeting with each individual RP 3 96 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 i • Draft Section 4.3 of the WQIP • Draft II Section 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from RPs) — FY15 • Draft III Section 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) — FY15 • Final Section 4.3 of the WQIP — FY15 TASK 7, Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation Supported by Katz Associates, this task will include facilitation of up to 2 workshops with RPs and stakeholders: Table 1. Stakeholder Workshops Workshop # Purpose Anticipated Schedule 1st Workshop - Kickoff meeting Summer 2013 -Share anticipated schedule of WQIP process and future opportunities for input - Solicit data - Obtain input on priority water quality conditions and potenfial strategies 2nd Workshop - Obtain input on goals and strategies Summer /Early Fall 2013 For each of these workshops, Katz Associates will perform the following: o Meet with Tetra Tech and AMEC for workshop preparation and developing workshop materials. • Facilitation of workshops. • Developing summary material of workshop outcomes. In addition, Katz Associates will provide facilitation of up to 5 panel meetings with the WQICP to be determined by RPs. The timing of these panel meetings will be determined throughout the duration of the project. Deliverables: 2 workshops • Summary material of workshop outcomes • 5 RP panel meetings Schedule The approximate schedule for deliverables for this SOW is shown in Table 2. This schedule assumes a NTP of July 1, 2013. All work will be completed by December 31, 2015. 4 97 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 O Table 2. Schedule of Deliverables (Deliverable I Submitting Receiving Due Date Task 1— Project Management I Tetra Tech city Monthly invoices Task 4 — Jurisdictional- Specific Strategies and/or Activities that may be Implemented by the Responsible Parties Task 4.1 - Identification of Numeric Goals Tetra Tech attendance at one meeting of RP Tetra Tech All RPs TBD work group to discuss numeric goals Draft Section 4.1 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and May 2, 2014 Ci Draft I] Section 4.1 of the WQIP (incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 comments from RPs ) City Draft III Section 4.1 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 ( incoporating comments from Stakeholders) City Final. Section 4.1 of the WQIP — FY 15 Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 City Task 4.2 - Jurisdictional- Specific Strategies and/or Activities that may be Im lemented by the Responsible Parties Tetra Tech attendance at four meetings of RP Tetra Tech All RPs TBD workgou Tetra Tech have one meeting with each individual RP to discuss strategies and Tetra Tech All RPs TBD activities to be included in WQIP Draft Section 4.2 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and May 2, 2014 City Draft II Section 4.2 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 (incorporating comments from RPs) city Draft III Section 4.2 of the WQIP AMEC and (incoporating comments from Stakeholders Tetra Tech I City FY 15 Final Section 4.2 of the WQIP — FY 15 Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 Ci Task 4.3 - Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules Tetra Tech attendance at up to two meetings of Tetra Tech All RPs TBD the RP work ou Tetra Tech will have one meeting with each individual RP to each jurisdiction's schedule Tetra Tech All RPs TBD Draft Section 4.3 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and May 2, 2014 Ci Draft 11 Section 4.3 of the WQIP (incoporating Tetra Tech AMEC and FY 15 comments from RPs city Draft III Section 4.3 of the WQIP Tetra Tech AMEC and FYI 5 (incoporating comments from Stakeholders) city Final Section 4.3 of the WQIP —FYIS Tetra Tech AMEC and CitFY15 Task 7 — Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation 1 st Workshop Katz All RPs Summer 2013 2nd Workshop Katz All RPs Summer/Early Fall 2013 Workshop summaries Katz All RPs One week following workshops 5 RP panel meetings Katz All RPs TBD 98 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 3.0 COST SUMMARY This section provides the data and information for pricing the technical support to be provided under this Task Order. The following table presents the overall cost summary and the estimated task - specific costs for providing the support outlined in the SOW. Tetra Tech proposes to perform this Delivery Order on a Time and Material basis using the rates included in our contract. Other direct costs (ODCs) will be billed at actual incurred amounts. Tetra Tech proposes to invoice in accordance with Tetra Tech's 12 accounting periods each year. Table 3. Costs Task Description Cost FY14 Cost FY15 Cost FYI 1 Project Management and Reporting $19,821 $1,224 $0 4 Development of Numeric Goals, dater Quality Improvement Strategies and Schedule 4.1 Identification of Numeric Goals and Schedules $15,784 $0 $0 4.2 Jurisdictional Strategies and /or Activities 4.2.1 Identification of Nonstructural BMPs $21,999 $3,151 $0 4.2.2 identification of Structural BMPs $16,273 $428 $0 4.3 Jurisdictional Water Quality Improvement Schedules $21,754 $2,043 $0 7 Responsible Party and Stakeholder Workshop Facilitation $6,980 $0 $0 Total $102,611 $6,846 $0 0 99 of 99 January 21, 2014 Item # 4.1 OF POu�r , Cary +IM THE C o J City ®f Poway COUNCIL. AGENDA DEPORT DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: January 21, 2014 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Penny Riley, City Manager,91M � Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Services Rich Whipple, City Planner Jason Martin, Senior Planner. Workshop on Sign Regulations for Commercial Businesses With Outdoor Display that is Permitted by the Underlying Zone Summary: On February 19, 2013, the City Council approved temporary sign regulations for a one year trial period for commercial businesses with outdoor display that is permitted by right in the underlying zone. These businesses include auto dealerships and other retail uses that engage in outdoor product display on a regular basis. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss these sign regulations, the trial period, and whether to make the regulations permanent through a future Poway Municipal Code (PMC) amendment. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to make the temporary sign regulations permanent and return to the City Council with an Ordinance amending the PMC. The temporary sign regulations will remain in place until the Ordinance for the permanent regulations goes into effect. Background: On January 15, 2013, a workshop was conducted, and on February 19, 2013, a public meeting was held to discuss temporary sign regulations for businesses with outdoor display that is permitted by the underlying zone. At the February meeting, the City Council approved the use of certain types of signs for a one -year trial period pursuant to Resolution P -13 -06 (Attachment A). In advance of the workshop and public meeting, City staff met with management representatives from several of Poway's auto dealerships to discuss potential options for improvements to signage. The auto dealerships in the City are an important component to Poway's economy. The auto dealers believe that City sign regulations need to be changed in order to assist them in promoting special sales events and to avoid losing sales to other parts of the County that have auto sales areas (auto parks). These sign standards would also apply to other retail businesses that engage in outdoor display which is permitted by the underlying zoning district in which the business is located. These would include car rentals, boat sales, nurseries, and garden supply stores. 1 of 6 January 21, 2014 Item # -5-1 Workshop on Sign Regulations January 21, 2014 Page 2 Findings: The sign types that have been allowed under the one year trial period consist of suspended banners, light pole banners, and tents. These were only allowed within the outdoor display area. The specific sign standards included in the one -year trial period are summarized in the following table: Type Suspended banner Light pole banner Tent Standards • One per business • Maximum size is 60 square feet • Not suspended over any drive aisle • Attached to light poles or other structural fixture • Not attached to landscape or fencing • Located within the outdoor display area • One banner, or one pair of banners, for each light pole • Maximum for one banner, or the combined area of two banners, is 16 square feet • Located within the outdoor display area • One per business • Maximum height is 20 feet • Maximum size is 600 square feet • Located within the outdoor display area Comments • No color or sign copy restrictions • Temporary Sign Permit (TSP) required • No color or sign copy restrictions • TSP required • No color or sign copy restrictions • No banner or other advertising devices attached to tent • Must comply with Fire Department requirement and Canopy Permit required • Temporary Use Permit (TUP) from Development Services Department required Staff understands that at least two automobile dealerships have utilized tents, at least one has utilized light pole banners, and that several have used suspended banners at various times. Staff was also told that the use of this signage over the trial period has 2 of 6 January 21, 2014 Item # 5• ( Workshop on Sign Regulations January 21, 2014 Page 3 been beneficial to sales. Staff believes that the signage that has been displayed by these businesses has been done in a way that has ensured minimal visual impacts to the community. Staff has not received any complaints or negative comments regarding the signage from the public. As described at the February 19, 2013, City Council meeting on this matter, City Council options include the following: 1. Direct staff to return to City Council with an Ordinance to amend the PMC to make the temporary sign regulations, as they are outlined in this report, permanent. 2. Direct staff to return to City Council with an Ordinance to amend the PMC to adopt the temporary sign regulations with modifications. 3. Discontinue use of the temporary sign regulations and direct staff to enforce current PMC compliance upon expiration of the one year trial. 4. Extend the trial period for another year or other specified time period. Because of the benefits to businesses and the minimal visual impacts to the community, staff recommends that the temporary sign regulations be made permanent by amending the PMC. Environmental Review This matter of this workshop discussion is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Any subsequent action by the City Council to amend the PMC would be subject to additional environmental review. Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: Notice of this Workshop was sent to the auto dealership representatives, other retail businesses that engage in City- approved outdoor display, the Chamber of Commerce, and those that spoke at the past.City Council workshops on this subject. Attachment: A. Resolution P -13 -06 3 of 6 January 21, 2014 Item # 5-1 RESOLUTION NO. P -13 -06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE USE OF ADVERTISING BANNERS AND TENTS FOR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES WITH OUTDOOR DISPLAY THAT IS PERMITTED BY THE UNDERLYING ZONE, FOR A ONE YEAR TRIAL PERIOD WHEREAS, the auto dealerships that are a part of Poway Road of Cars are a unique category of retail business that draws clientele from a broad region well beyond the Poway City limits and such regional clientele are often unfamiliar with the City and need assistance in identifying the location of the auto dealerships; and WHEREAS, the use of banners and tents will assist in locating these businesses; and WHEREAS, the auto dealerships are a unique class of retail business in that the display of their product by necessity occurs outdoors, and that other similar retail uses such as car rental, boat and recreation vehicle sales, nurseries and garden supply and retail businesses with garden centers also by necessity display their product outdoors; and WHEREAS, Chapter 17.40 of the Poway Municipal Code provides a comprehensive ordinance regulating commercial and noncommercial signs in the City of Poway, which regulations include restrictions on the use and display of certain commercial banners, flags; and other similar signs throughout the City; and WHEREAS, a City Council Workshop was conducted on this matter on January 15, 2013, and the City Council determined that it is desirable for the City to temporarily exempt certain regulations that restrict the use of outdoor commercial advertising for limited types of uses within the City in order to study the effects such displays may have on the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: This project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines in that it can be said with certainty that there is no possibility that the project will result in an impact on the environment. Section 2: The following temporary signs and tents are permitted for commercial businesses that require outdoor display by necessity when the use is permitted by right in the underlying zone, or in a land use designation area of the South Poway Specific Plan: 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT A January 21, 2014 Item # -5'•/ Resolution No. P -13 -06 Page 2 Type Standards Suspended banner v One per business O Maximum size is 60 square feet ® Not suspended over any drive aisle o Attached to light poles or other structural fixture ® Not attached to landscape or fencing 0 Located within the outdoor display area Light pole banner O One banner, or one pair of banners, for each light pole • Maximum for one banner, or the combined area of two banners, is 16 square feet • Located within the outdoor display area Tent 0 One per business • Maximum height is 20 feet • Maximum size is 600 square feet • Located within the outdoor display area Section 3: Provisions of this Resolution shall expire on February 19, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. unless extended by the City Council. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 19th day of February 2013. , John I m, Deputy Mayor ATTEST: I M. aw Krist n M. Crane, Interim City Clerk 5 of 6 January 21, 2014 Item # Y. I Resolution No. P -13 -06 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Kristen M. Crane, Interim City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. P- 13 -06, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of February 2013, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: CUNNINGHAM, VAUS, GROSCH, MULLIN NOES: NONE ABSENT: HIGGINSON DISQUALIFIED: NONE 1 �4 M (uwv Kristen M. Crane, Interim City Clerk City of Poway 6 of 6 January 21, 2014 Item # 5-.1