Item 1 - FY 1997/98 & FY 1998/99 Budget Amendments AGENDAREPORTS~ARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive ~ ' INITIATED BY: Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative serviceflV Peter Moote, Deputy Director of Administrative Services Andrew White, Finance Manager 4""/ DATE: June 30, 1998 SUBJECT: FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99 Budget Amendments ABSTRACT It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving budget amendments for fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-99, ,- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, FISCAL IMPACT As stated throughout this report, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving the budget amendments for fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-99. ACTION ,- = 1 of 25 JUN 3 OC1998 rrEM 1 AGENDA REPOhf CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Di~ INITIATED BY: Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative servic~ Peter Moote, Deputy Director of Administrative Services Andrew White, Finance Manager Ov DATE: June 30, 1998 SUBJECT: FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99 Budget Amendments BACKGROUND On July 1, 1997, the City Council approved the FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99 Financial Programs and established a General Fund Budget in which revenues exceeded expenditures by $191,124 and $116,512, respectively, The Financial Programs as adopted for FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99 established operating budgets of $40,4 73,150 and $39,493,290 and Redevelopment/Housing Services operating budgets of $5,181,970 and $5,251,500, In addition, the Program funded $2,417,600 for the City and Redevelopment Agency capital improvement projects, Staff has updated its midyear evaluation of the City's FY 1997-98 fiscal status and has also reviewed the approved FY 1998-99 Financial Program for necessary changes which have come to light during the current fiscal year. FINDINGS As for FY 1997-98, as in prior years there are a few end-of-the-fiscal-year adjustments which are necessary, The majority of the $56,036 increase is related to continued problems with the cogeneration facility at the pool. Staff is continuing to work with the contractor to resolve these problems so that the anticipated energy savings can be recognized, Also, some minor additions for the purchase of public works maintenance software, supplies for in-house vehicle repairs, and overtime, vacation, and sick leave coverage are included, ACTION: I J 2 of 25 JUt! 3 0 1998 I , t;M 1 -. - Agenda Report June 30, 1998 Page 2 The following is a review of proposed changes to FY 1998-99 revenue and expenditure activity, Staff is now projecting that fiscal year 1998-99 will close with a General Fund surplus of $550,749, As at midyear, the largest portion ofthis increase is due to development activity, Although this increase is substantial, accelerated development fee revenues will only be sustained during the rapid growth period of the business parks and the completion of the last two large residential projects in Poway, This is anticipated to occur over the next two to three years, Therefore, the revenue increase is short-term in nature and should not be used to support ongoing operating expenditures, Based on the latest assessed value projections from the County, property tax revenue is expected to increase by approximately $115,000 (6.8%) over FY 1997-98. Additionally, sales tax continues to increase faster than originally anticipated, resulting in a $300,000 increase, The increase in the tax increment payments is related to the increase in assessed values, the initiation of pass-through payments which had been delayed due to lawsuits, and payments related to prior years that had been held pending developer performance related to the OPAs. The general fund expenditure level increases from an approved budget of $17,942,758 to $18,870,021, The major components of this increase are in Planning and Engineering and are directly related to contractual costs for development activities; Le" building inspection and plan check and are funded by the increased revenues, The Financial Program for FY 1998-99 will increase from the approved total of $39,493,290 to $40,160,336 for the City, and from $5,251,500 to $5,290,330 for the Redevelopment Agency, An analysis of the water and sewer funds will be brought forth in conjunction with the water and sewer rate study in July, Attachment A provides a summary of General Fund revenues and expenditure activity, Attachment B provides a summary of the distribution of expenses by division and fund, and Attachment C provides a summary of division expenses by category, Attachment D provides a summary of significant adjustments to operating budgets. Requests for additional appropriations for line-item budgets are listed in the attached resolutions authorizing the midyear budget amendments, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, 3 of 25 JUtl 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 .. Agenda Report June 30,1998 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT As stated throughout this report, PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive this report and adopt the attached resolutions approving the budget amendments for fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-99, JLB:PAS:PM:AW:eg Attachments: Attachment A - General Fund Budget Overview, FY 1997-98 - FY 1998-99 Attachment B - City of Poway Budget by Fund - FY 1998-99 Adjusted Approved Attachment C - Program Expenditures by Category Attachment D - Summary of Significant Adjustments to FY 1997-98 and 1998-99 Budgets Attachment E - Resolution Approving Midyear Budget Amendments, City of Poway Attachment F - Resolution Approving Midyear Budget Amendments, Poway Redevelopment Agency. 4 of 25 Jutl 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 H - CITY OF POWAY REVENUE VS EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: FY 1997-98 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1998-99 $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPARTMENT APPROVED MIDYEAR APPROVED ADJUSTED FROM APPVD FROM APPVD Legislative & Administrative Services 957,827 996,144 979,807 999,793 19,986 2.04% iAdminislralive Services. . '". ..,;' .1,193,863 1,183,385 1,238,868 .1,266,723 27,855 2.25% Community Services 2,9t6,270 2,937,400 3,085,050 3,152,676 67,626 2.19% !PlanningServices "'........<: ..,'1..,. ',1,383.500 1,849,192 1,427,090 1,802.090 375,000 26.28% ,Public Services 1,417,465 1,407,743 1,568.867 1,651.851 82.984 5.29% iSalety Service&',: '.' .. ,:':.' ." ,',". 7,66&,480 7,419,478 8,172,840 8,240,890 68,250 0.84% ,Engineering Services 1,452,241 _____~,~6,891 1,470,436 1,755,998 285,562 1942% Total Gen. Fund Expendrtures 16.987,446 17,440,233 17,942,758 18,870,021 927,263 11.08% REVENUES, I Major Items Property Tax 4,048,110 4,024,133 4,184,080 4,299,080 115,000 2.75% i Sales Tax . ..: ,...:,.:.... :f~:":': :::... :-" -4,174.040' 4,480.1l42 4,695,520'. p.' 4,1195,520 . 300,000 6,39% Interest Income/Rent~1 01 Pro~. .' 687,620 778,314 710,980 710,980 0 0.00% : Stale Subventione:: ::',. -' ,~:.::\-::.:-: :1;850,000 1,853,411 . ..1,890,000' .,',:\4'.t:;;I;890,ooo, 0 0.00% Franchise Fees 810,420 826,640 838,010 862,010 24,000 2.86% i RDAlSpecialDislrict :Adrilin;:::\::.::.:! ''1,721,440 1,685,381 1,712,030 ''.;:';:1,712,030 c' 0 0.00% Development Fees 1,273,500 2,318,010 1,382,000 2,259,500 877,500 63.49% i Community Services Fees :.,":',:':',036,760 1,044,7621,057,27()', :.:'1.057,270:: 0 0,00% : SaletyServicesFe~s . . '. ' ::' .417,000 520,136 447,000 460,000 13,000 2.91% i PERS Excess EamulgS,. " ,'.. . - - . . . 'Subtotal- Major Items' 16,020,890 17,531,729 16,916,890 18,246,390 1,329,500 "-13.89% ' ,All Other Revenue Items 590,450 533,524 573,720 605,720 32,000 2.59% 'Proposed Revenue Adjustments: iLibrary Endowment Fund Interest Income 42,230 42,230 43,660 43,660 0 0.00% ,Fire Protection Fee 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 0 0.00% Total General Fund Revenue 17,178,570 18,632,483 18,059,270 19,420,770 1,361,500 __ 7:~'~ !Projected General Fund : SUIllIus/{DeIlc:II) 191,124 1,192,250 116,512 ,,. 550,7411',;" 434,237 372,70% I ---. - Attachment A 5 of 25 JUN 3 0 -1998 ITEM 1 ' . " I 00000 000000",0", 0_000<00 <0 00000 I OtD'IIIltCO .... M~"'NIt)..OO Cb CDCIHOOM'IIIltO.... &t)O)MN CD I. ..JI' ~~cn.~ u). ClC!.CJ!.~"tClCl......"tClC!. ~ ~C!.~",:Itl.~.... ~ "'!,"'!,..._"t C!. <( OONO", cncn...<OItl...O"'''' ",OOItlClClMO... ............. N 1-1 M-.:-N-.::t 0 ...CO.....&n.....O'UDCh C"') ...........coan.....o..... II) It)U)COO 0, i 0: NMN'IIIlt C'!.. MNII)<ll:tNNCDO.. G!. 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C i . , -'''iiCiiO)Ciim'(ii~'e'~.eco~ ~ m'.~"~.~m~ j'~:, g>.~g.~~~:~ bi':.l_ 7 of 25 >::;: en ::;:::;::2(J)Ou..I-Q..-, en.ou..u..Q..-, " W O(;)~ C:I- 1-:- .'---~--,-~-- CITY OF POWAY PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Operations and Capital Total Department Personnel Maintenance Outlay Program Expenditures FY 1997-98 Revised Midyear: Legislative & Administrative $ 756,461 $ 443,714 $ - $ 1,200,175 Administrative Services 1 ,497,190 1,141,701 681,502 3,320,393 Community Services 1,505,813 1,376,275 80,312 2,962,400 Planning Services 732,989 1,115,068 1,135 1,849,192 Public Services 3,776,144 18,872,363 209,244 22,857,751 Safety Services 2,430,152 4,900,934 94,392 7,425,478 Engineering Services 1,374,889 419,738 7,450 1,802,077 Total $12,073,638 $28,269,793 $1,074,035 $41.417.4bO FY 1998-1999 Amended: Legislative & Administrative $ 806,250 $ 398,320 $ - $ 1,204,570 Administrative Services 1,587,200 1,238,394 1,106,100 3,931,694 Community Services 1,616,906 1,477,810 57,960 3,152,676 Planning Services 763,620 1,038,470 - 1,802,090 Public Services 3,917,930 15,901,132 107,600 19,926,662 Safety Services 2,646,960 5,537,700 56,230 8,240,890 Engineering Services 1.439,384 459.420 2,950 1,901.754 Total $12,778,250 $26,051,246 $1,330,840 $40,160.336 Attachment C 8 of 25 JUN 3 0 1998 c ITEM 1 - Summary of FY 1997.98 Budget Adjustments The following table delineates adjustments to the FY 1997-98 budget for changes not anticipated during the midyear budget review process: Administrative Services Customer Services Vacation and sick leave (0102) coverage, 0102-1110-1300 + $7,300 Community Services Aquatics Gas and electric cost (0203) reduction not realized due to delay in operation of co- generation system; cost to be partially offset by rebate per lease agreement. 0203-2110 + $25,000 Public Services Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle and equipment (0401 ) maintenance supplies, 0401-4799 + $5,000 Water Treatment! Public works maintenance Supply (0402) software. 0402-6122c + $5,388 Water Transmission Unexpected call-outs, 0404-1140 + $3,000 (0404) Public works maintenance software. 0404-6122c + 1 ,424 Water Collection Unexpected call-outs, 0405-1140 + $1,500 (0405) Public works maintenance software, 0405-6122c + 1 ,424 Interfund Transfers Adjust transfers for funding of 421-5330 + $20,690 drainage improvements, 432-5320 - 61,810 436-5320 + 82,500 Safety Services Fire Prevention 0502-4122 + $6,000 (0502) Increased plan check activity, 0502-7753 + 6,000 Engineering Services Inspection (0603) Increased inspection activity, 0603-4112b + $20,000 Contract Traffic Engineering costs, 0603-7738 + 20,000 Attachment D 9 of 25 JUN 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 Summa continued Dep~rtmel1tl[)jvisio;';":'; \iIl'''Agatfullr~d.,:''. . Amount , ",',"..'"....,...,.....::,...,,"':_-...:".....:.,.."'.0 Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment and Attorney fees and 1 020-1702a + $ 6,570 Housing (1020) Litigation expenses. 1020-1702c + 3,602 1020-1702d + 57,280 Housing Adjust utility budgets, 1120-2200 + $ 9,700 1130-2200 + 4,100 1140-2200 + 20,300 Total FY 1997-98 Operating Budget Adjustments - City + $50,036 Total FY 1997-98 Interfund Transfer Budget Adjustments - City + $20,690 Total FY 1997-98 Operating Budget Adjustments - Redevelopment Agency +$101,552 10 of 25 JUt! ~ 0 1998 ITEM 1 .~.. - Summa of FY 1998-99 Bud et Amendments -- Legislative & Administrative Increase in salaries, + $11,750 City Council (010) Increase for annual events/programs, + 2,000 Increase in San Dieguito JPA dues, + 2,710 City Clerk (011) Advertising + $7,000 Administrative Services Director (100) Storage unit rental. + $1,080 Personnel (101) Temporary services, + $2,400 Reappropriate funds for training, + 5,000 Increase recruitment activity, + 2,500 Customer Services Temporary services + $7,500 (102) Study for water/sewer rate update. + 5,000 Reappropriate ambulance billing software, + 7,500 - Hands-free telephone headsets, + 1,730 Finance (103) Revised property tax estimate, + $ 65,000 Revised supplemental property tax estimate. + 30,000 Revised property transfer tax estimate, + 20,000 Revised sales tax estimate, + 300,000 Revised transient occupancy tax estimate, + 15,000 Revised SDG&E franchise tax estimate. + 24,000 Computer Services Reimbursed mileage, + $1,100 (104) Risk Management Increase in insurance premiums, +$29,824 (107) Capital Replacement Engineering inspection vehicles. +$27,000 (108) Street maintenance equipment. + 75,000 Copiers + 45,000 Computer hardware + 10,200 Computer software + 12,000 Physio-control monitor defibrillator. + 16,000 Other equipment + 60,650 Buildings - maintenance/repair. + 56,000 11 of 25 Jutl 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 I" Community Services Director (200) Maintenance on replacement copier. + $1,100 Recreation (201) Gas and electricity - Senior Center addition, + $14,500 Lake Operations (202) Dock attendants hired at lower rate, - $4,000 Reduced gas and electricity costs. - 1,350 Eliminate trailer lease, - 3,000 Carpeting - Lake Poway office. + 3,560 Operating supplies + 1 ,400 Aquatics (203) Utility savings not yet recognized, +$53,050 Federal study for chlorine gas, + 5,000 Purchase cash register, + 1,200 Handicapped lift valve. + 2,840 Performing Arts Center Reduced alarm service costs, - $2,000 (204) Old Poway Park (205) Salary reduction for staffing change, Rec Leader II. -$13,170 Salary increase for staffing change, Park Ranger. + 5,046 Planning Bldg, & Safety Increased inspection activity (expense), +$375,000 Inspection (303) Increased inspection activity (revenue), + 500,000 Public Services Vehicle Maintenance Additional supplies for vehicle repairs, + $5,000 (401) Water Supply, Reduction in chemical analysis fees, -$ 3,000 Treatment, Pumping & Various special studies, + 11 ,402 Storage (402) Revised raw water cost estimate, - 237,290 Revised recycled water cost estimate. + 18,500 Full-service water quality lab contract. + 40,000 Reappropriate for upgrade of Cloudcroft pumps, + 12,000 Reduction in operating supplies, - 5,500 ACWA dues increase. + 6,500 Consumer Confidence Report, + 2,000 Wastewater Pumping & Special studies on industrial waste monitoring, +$ 5,000 Disposal (403) Revised cost for treatment of sewer flows. - 550,000 Reappropriate for purchase of back-up pump. + 12,000 Membership in Afford JPA + 6,000 12 of 25 JUt! r 0 1998 ITEM 1 .~.. - - 'Rectucet(-) '~"... "1) :;;0 'g!9P!la.t~j -17' . Wasterwater Trans- Overtime salaries for recycled water start-up, + $ 2,000 mission/Distribution Funds to negotiate DHS discrepancies, + 15,000 (404) Reappropriate for recycled water start-up fees, + 19,400 Additional shoring equipment. + 2,000 Wastewater Collection Cal-OSHA confined workspace communication + $3,000 (405) equipment. Maintenance Control Gas and electricity for Materials Handling Yard, + $1,400 (406) Security and phone requirements of new yard, + 1,720 Reduction of costs of contractual services, - 7,000 Street Maintenance Reappropriate costs for street striping, +$110,000 (407) Street maintenance equipment. + 25,000 Drainage Maintenance Stormwater monitoring program, + $4,150 (408) Facilities Maintenance Study to evaluate maintenance needs of City (409) facilities, + $20,000 Increase in sq, ft, and service levels of janitorial services, + 11 ,900 Trails & Open Space Cost to hire ARC crew to perform City Maintenance (410) maintenance, + $20,000 Park & Landscape Salary increase for seasonal Park Maintenance Maintenance (411) Workers, + $35,200 Increase in various costs for seasonal Park Maintenance Workers. + 3,000 Additonal park electrical costs, + 6,400 Additional commercial driver training, + 1 ,400 City to assume mowing responsibility at joint use facility, - 11 ,450 Landscape Maintenance Districts Expense credit for general benefit water. - $120,000 Safety Services Director (500) Increase in cost of Xerox maintenance, + $1,800 Fire Suppression (501) Three dispatch terminals w/San Diego Fire Department. + $9,000 Reappropriate funds for slurry seal. + 9,300 13 of 25 JUII 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 I ~----- Reduce(-) j~Jtp!ypria!~(:+l Fire Prevention (502) Increased plan check activity (expense). + $13,000 Increased plan check activity (revenue), + 13,000 SD County charges for fire benefit fee, + 2,500 Paramedics (503) Health fair/monthly blood pressure checks, + $4,000 Reappropriate funds for backboards w/straps, + 1,150 Law Enforcement (504) Increase for travel and meetings. + $1,000 Increase for phone usage. + 1,000 Additional Senior Volunteer Patrol unit. + 3,000 Two 800 MHz radios for senior volunteer units, + 22,000 Engineering Capital Projects Increase in mileage reimbursement for Engineering (601) Construction Manager. + $1,200 Land Development Change temporary Secretary 1 position to full- (602) time regular Account Clerk I. + $ 24,544 Eliminate Intern position (used to partially fund Account Clerk I position), - 8,320 Increase in benefits due to change in temporary Secretary 1 position to full-time regular Account Clerk I. + 7,110 Additional 2,000 drawings to be scanned, + 4,000 Increased plan check activity (expense), + 200,000 Increased plan check activity (revenue), + 240,000 Revised misc, Engineering fees estimate, + 5,000 Revised Construction Permit-excavation estimate, + 3,000 Revised Water System Analysis estimate, + 17,000 Revised Construction Permits-grading estimate, + 2,000 Revised Engineering staff time reimbursement estimate, + 65,000 Revised Traffic Mitigation estimate + 40,100 Revised Drainage Fees estimate. - 5,000 Revised Parkland Dedication Fees estimate, + 7,000 Revised Water Connection Fees estimate, - 106,000 Revised Water Meter Installation fees estimate, + 35,000 Revised Sewer Connection fees estimate, + 124,300 14 of 25 Jutl 3 0 1998 lTEMl I" - ,,~':','., - ".' .,'" ... ........... il!~c:I~~(-l';~, . ~.".1tDriafe~(+) ,_iQR._ (1~~. .,~" ' Engineering Inspection Increase in overtime based on historic activity, + $5,000 (603) Lower monthly cellular costs, - 3,500 Increased inspection activity, + 57,500 Revised Engineering Inspection Fee estimate, + 12,500 Revised Engineering staff time reimbursement estimate, + 50,000 Traffic Engineering Increased need for Traffic Engineering (604) consultant. + $10,300 Redevelopment Services Economic Development Increase in salaries due to positions filled at (1030) higher step than budgeted. + $12,870 Increase in benefits due to positions filled at higher step than budgeted. + 2,570 Rent and common area increase, + 2,390 HP ScanJet and DeskJet. + 1,340 Debt Service (2001) Increase for tax increment pass-through payments, + $488,544 - Increase for interest on Smith settlement. + 564,179 Redevelopment Services - Housing Mobilehome Parks Cart maintenance not done by City's vehicle maintenance, + $3,500 Poinsettia Senior Mobile Home Park (1130) Revised rental revenue estimate, + $26,393 Poway Royal Estates (1140 ) Revised rental revenue estimate, - $98,514 Haley Park Estates , (1150) Contract management. + $15,000 - 15 of 25 JUll-a 0 1998 ITEM 1 , Reduc~H. . ]~PRfOpti~telt.) CI Ps/Projects Additional funding for Water Clarifier/Recovery Project. + $ 10,000 Additional funding for Community Park Playground, + 41 ,700 Additional funding for Starridge Park Playground, + 106,160 Additional funding for Manhole Rehabilitation Project. + 150,000 Hamburger Factory Boardwalk Drainage, + 15,000 Resurfacing of City Parking Lots, + 120,000 Bette Bendixen Minipark -- funded as park fees received, + 159,000 Espola Road Park & Road -- TDA Grant. + 295,000 FY 1998-99 funding for Visitor Services, + 15,750 FY 1998-99 funding for the EYE Transitional Program, + 3,000 16 of 25 Jutl 3 0-'998 ITEM 1 - RESOLUTION NO, 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AND 1998-1999 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway adopted on July 1, 1997, the Poway Financial Program Fiscal Year 1997-98 and 1998-99, and WHEREAS, a midyear review of revenue and expenditure activity has determined that certain amendments to the Fiscal Year 1997-98 and 1998-99 Poway Financial Program are necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve and order as follows: Section 1: The following additional appropriations authorized by Resolution 98- are to be made: - FY 1997-98 :iPi~~r!fl\rn1!!f'~ ,_!S_IJIIffJi' "'0 ' ,~,l " "~,,f!il1 T''',:,' .... ..:::;Vf ""..'d.....'..."..._..,.,., 1"'1"""^"'''''''''''''''Ji'''-''' - _ '. 1!v'"~'. /">'1):'. . _..I*:-~;: ,," ," ,m.~' '..' _ u ."..~_"_ Administrative Services $7,300 0102-1110/1300 Salaries/Benefits Community Services $25,000 0203-2110 Gas & Electricity Public Services $5,000 0401-4799 Other Supplies $5,388 0402-6122c Computer Software $3,000 0404-1140 Overtime Salaries 1 .424 0404-6122c Computer Software $1,500 0405-1140 Overtime Salaries 1.424 0405-6122c Computer Software $20,690 421-5330 Interfund Transfer-Out (61,810) 432-5320 Interfund Transfer-In 82,500 436-5320 Interfund Transfer-In Attachment E 17 of 25 JUll 3 0-1998 ITEM 1 --.-.- Resolution No, 98- Page 2 Safety Services $6,000 0502-4122 Plan Check/Map Processing 6,000 0502-7753 Safety Plan Check Fees Engineering Services $20,000 0603-4112b Engineering Inspection 20,000 0603-7738 En ineerin Staff Time Reimbursement FY 1998-99 Legislative and Administrative $11,750 0010-1120/1300 Special Salaries/Benefits 260 0010-4126 Telecom Service 2,000 0010-4904 Community Relations 2,710 0010-4924 Publications & Dues 360 0011-3310 Telephone 7,000 0011-4932 Advertising Administrative Services $ 750 0100-6122a Equipment - Office General 700 0100-4799 Other Supplies & Materials 1,080 0100-4938 Rental - Buildings & Grounds $2,400 0101-1510 Temporary Services 500 0101-3140 Travel & Meetings 5,000 0101-4908 Education & Training 600 0101-4926 Tuition Reimbursement 2,500 0101-4934 Recruitment 580 0101-6136 Telecommunications Equipment $7,500 0102-1510 Temporary Services 5,000 0102-1726 Special Studies 7,500 0102-6122c Computer Software 1,730 0102-6136 Telecommunications Equipment 18 of 25 JUri 3C 0 1998 ITEM 1 .. - Resolution No, 98- __ Page 3 ',-,~"--- ~ ~,'--'-" _d_ ' '_I ...." .. ;:, ,'."N,,,,;; '"!;M,;,,'l\~WB;;J1'{~;~j.... ""- Administrative Services (continued) $ 500 0103-6122a Equipment - Office General 65,000 0103-7111 Property Taxes - Current 30,000 0103-7113 Property Taxes - Supplement 20,000 0103-7117 Property Taxes - Transfer Tax 300,000 0103-7131 Sales Tax 15,000 0103-7151 Transient Occupancy Tax 24,000 0103-7172 Franchise - SDG&E $1,100 0104-3110 Reimbursed Mileage $ 500 0107-4908 Education & Training 300 0107-4924 Printing 29,824 0107-5108 Insurance Premiums - Other $27,000 0108-6104 Autos & Trucks 75,000 0108-6106 Const. Street Maintenance - Equipment 45,000 0108-6122a Equipment - Office General - 10,200 0108-6122b Computer Hardware 12,000 0108-7122c Computer Software 16,000 0108-6124 Paramedics Equipment 60,650 0108-6199 Other Equipment 56,000 0108-6402 Buildings Community Services $1,100 0200-4308 Equipment R&M $14,500 0201-2110 Gas & Electricity 850 0201-4308 Equipment R&M $(4,000) 0202-1130 Part-time Salaries (1,350) 0202-2110 Gas & Electricity 500 0202-3140 Travel & Meetings . (3,000) 0202-4130 Blue Sky Ranch Ops 3,560 0202-4304 Building R&M 100 0202-4318 Radios R&M 1,400 0202-4760 Operating Supplies 900 0202-6122a E ui ment - Office General 19 of 25 dUll 3-0 1998 ITEM 1 Resolution No, 98- Page 4 Community Services (continued) $53,050 0203-2110 Gas & Electricity 5,000 0203-4120 Other Contractual Services (500) 0203-4916 Medical Exams 200 0203-4922 Printing 1,200 0203-6122a Equipment - Office General 2,840 0203-6414 Nonstructurallmprovements $(2,000) 0204-2200 Utilities - Other 500 0204-6199 Other Equipment $(13,170) 0205-1110 Salaries 5,046 0205-1130 Part-time Salaries 900 0205-4938 Rental - Buildings & Grounds Planning Services $375,000 0303-1706 Building Inspection Expense 500,000 0303.7734 Building Inspection Revenue Public Services (3,000) 0402-1708 Chemical Analysis Fees 11 ,402 0402-1726 Special Studies (237,290) 0402-2710 Raw Water 18,500 0402-2740 Recycled Water 40,000 0402-4120 Other Contractual Services 12,000 0402-4308 Equipment R&M (5,500) 0402-4760 Operating Supplies 6,500 0402-4924 Publications & Dues 2,000 0402-4932 Advertising $ 5,000 0403-1726 Special Studies (550,000) , 0403-2810 Metro System 12,000 0403-4308 Equipment R&M 6,000 0403-5730 Intergovernmental Fees $ 2,000 0404-1140 Overtime Salaries 15,000 0404-4120 Other Contractual Services 19,400 0404-5730 Intergovernmental Fees 2,000 0404-6199 Other E ui ment 20 of 25 JUII 3.0 1998 ITEM 1 - Resolution No, 98- - Page 5 Public Services (continued) $3,000 0405-6136 Telecommuniations Equipment $ 1 ,400 0406-2110 Gas & Electricity (7,000) 0406-4120 Other Contractual Services 1,720 0406-4308 Equipment R&M $110,000 0407-4330 R&M Street Striping 25,000 0407-6106 Const. Street Maintenance Equipment $4,150 0408-5730 Intergovernmental Fees $20,000 0409-1726 Special Studies 11,900 0409-4114 Janitorial Services $18,000 0410-4120 Other Contractual Services 1,000 0410-4516 Small Tools 500 0410-4750 Safety Supplies -- 500 0410-4928 Uniforms & Laundry $35,200 0411-1130/1300 Part-time Salaries/Benefits 6,400 0411-2110 Gas & Electricity 800 0411-3310 Telephone 2,000 0411-4516 Small Tools 600 0411-4750 Safety Supplies 1 ,400 0411-4908 Education & Training 400 0411-4928 Uniforms & Laundry (11,450) 0411-4914 Joint Use Agreement $(120,000) LMD-5106 Expense Credit Safety Services $1,800 0500-4730 PhotographiC/Copy Supplies $9,000 0501-4106 Dispatch Fire 9,300 0501-4304 Building R&M 500 0501-6112 Fire Hoses $13,000 0502-4122 Plan Check Expense 13,000 0502-7753 Plan Check Revenue 2,500 0502-4120 Other Contractual Services 21 of 25 JUrI 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 Resolution No, 98- Page 6 Safety Services (continued) $4,000 0503-4904 Community Relations 1,150 0503-6124 Paramedics Equipment $ 1,000 0504-3140 Travel & Meetings 1,000 0504-3310 Telephone 3,000 0504-4904 Community Relations 22,000 0504-6136 Telecommunications Equipment Engineering Services $1 ,200 0601-3110 Reimbursed Mileage 960 0601-3310 Telephone 200 0601-6122c Computer Software $ 24,544 0602-1110 Salaries (8,320) 0602-1130 Part-time Salaries 500 0602-1140 Overtime 7,110 0602-1300 Benefits 4,000 0602-4120 Other Contractual Services 200,000 0602-4122 Plan Check 350 0602-6122a Equipment - Office General 240,000 0602-7735 Plan Check Revenue 5,000 0602-7736 Mise, Engineering Fees Revenue 3,000 0602-7234 Construction Permits-Excavation Revenue 17,000 0602-7612 Water System Analysis Revenue 2,000 0602-7235 Construction Permits-Grading Revenue 65,000 0602-7238 Staff Time Reimbursement Revenue 40,100 0602-7713 Traffic Mitigation Revenue (5,000) 0602-7712 Drainage Fees Revenue 7,000 0602-7630 Parkland Dedication Fees Revenue (106,000) 0602-7667 Water Connection Fees Revenue 35,000 0602-7669 Water Meter Installation Fees Revenue 124,300 0602-7683 Sewer Connection Fees Revenue dUll 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 ,I; 22 of 25 - Resolution No, 98- Page 7 Engineering Services (continued) $ 5,000 0603-1140 Overtime (3,500) 0603-3310 Telephone 57,500 0603-4112b Engineering Inspection 800 0603-6122c Computer Software 12,500 0603-7737 Engineering inspection Fees Revenue 50,000 0603-7738 Staff Time Reimbursement Revenue $10,300 0604-1714 Traffic Engineering CIPs/Projects $ 5,000 510-1730 Water Clarifier/Recovery 5,000 520-1730 Water Clarifier/Recovery 77,510 100-5644 Starridge Park Playground 28,650 241-5644 Starridge Park Playground 30,450 100-5643 Community Park Playground 11 ,250 241-5643 Community Park Playground ~- 150,000 520-1817 Manhole Rehabilitation 15,000 100-NEW Hamburger Factory Boardwalk Drainage 120,000 100-NEW City Parking Lots Resurfacing 159,000 411-NEW Bette Bendixen Minipark 295,000 243-NEW Espola Road Park & Ride 15,750 100-5473 Visitor Services PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 30th day of June, 1998, Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Anne Peoples Assistant City Clerk - 23 of 25 JUII 3 0 C1998 ITEM 1 ,,' ------ -- RESOLUTION NO, R-98- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 AND 1998-1999 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway adopted on July 1,1997, the Poway Financial Program Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-99, and WHEREAS, a midyear review of revenue and expenditure activity has determined that certain amendments to the Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-99 Poway Financial Program are necesesary, NOW, THEREFORE, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway does hereby resolve and order as follows: Section 1: The following additional appropriations authorized by Resolution No, R-98- are to be made: FY 1997-98 Redevelopment & Housing $ 6,570 1020-1702a City Attorney's Fees 3,602 1020-1702c Other Attorney's Fees 57,280 1020-1702d Other Attorney - Litigtion $ 9,700 1120-2200 Utilities - Other 4,100 1130-2200 Utilities - Other 20,300 1140-2200 Utilities - Other FY 1998-99 AMOUNT ACCOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION Economic Development $12,870 1030-1110 Salaries 2,570 1030-1300 Benefits 560 1030-2110 Gas & Electricity 2,390 1030-4938 Rental - Building & Grounds 1,340 1030-6122b Computer Hardware 600 1030-6122c Comouter Software Attachment F 24 of 25 Jutl 3 0 1998 ITEM 1 - Resolution No, R.98- Page 2 Mobile Home Parks $ 600 1120-4312 Outside Vehicle Maintenance 600 1130-4312 Outside Vehicle Maintenance 26,393 1130-7741 Space Rental 1,700 1140-4312 Outside Vehicle Maintenance (98,514) 1140-7741 Space Rental 600 1150-4312 Outside Vehicle Maintenance 15,000 1150-4120 Other Contractual Services Debt Service $488,544 2001-5120 Tax Increment Pass-Throughs 564,179 2001-5110 Interest Expense Programs $3,000 436-5974 EYE Transitional Pro ram PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 30th day of June 1998, Don Higginson, Chairman ATTEST: Lori Anne Peoples Assistant Secretary ITEM 1 .. 25 of 25 JUt\ 3 0 1998