Item 5 - Ordinance to Establish Citation System for Juveniles _~I 1-20-10 RECEIVED Anne M. Winter 14446 Victoria Estates Lane JAN 25 1996 Poway,CA 92064-2964 CITYOFPOWAY January 25, 1 996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Mayor and City Council of Poway City Clerk's Office 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 RE: Ordinance No. 455, TO ESTABLISH A CITATION SYSTEM FOR JUVENILES, JUVENILE LOITERING AND CURFEW VIOLATIONS, AND COST RECOVERY. Dear Mayor and Counc ill ors: /' I wish to express three concerns regarding the Proposed Ordinance, as amended on January 23. - 1. The wording of section 9.26.030 makes it unlawful for a minor to be in public between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Including during school vacations and other days the minor's school is not In session. Section 9.26.030 states, ....It shall be unlawful for any person...to loiter...between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. Monday through Friday ~ at times when such person's school is In session.. (emphasis Is mine) The .or. makes minors subject to arrest if they are in publiC between 8:30 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. Monday through Friday I nc I ud i n9 dur I n9 vacat ions, ho I i days, or staff deve lopment days. I hope It is not the intent i on of the Counc I I to subject minors to a daytime curfew on days they are not required to be in school. If not, the ord i nance shou I dread . ...between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday when such person's school is in sess Ion.. - 2. The ordinance unduly restricts the activities of students who are not required to be at a school site during the above hours because they are enrolled in PUSD's independent study program (New Directions). CC'~ ICvt~ JAN 3 0 1996 ITEM 5 ' ' ~~.~ 3. How are minors who are no longer subject to the compulsory education requirements to identify themselves to authorities if questioned? These are not academic questions. I have two teenagers in my household who are in the PUSD independent study program. They are not troublemakers. They have jobs and also attend Palomar College. They wi II also meet their compulsory education requirements well before they are 18. I am concerned that their freedom of movement will be restricted, even though they are meeting their obi igatlons. I am also concerned about my I iabi I ity. If my child is erroneously picked up as a daytime curfew violator because she is In public before 1:30 p.m., and I am not able to pick her up immediately because I am at work, am I sti II obi igated to pay the Sheriff Department's costs? This is an unfair burden on working parents. I am in favor of putting some teeth in the truancy laws. However, I feel that this Ordinance has been too hastily conceived and not enough consideration has been given to minors who are not required to be in school. Sincerely, catJt(l 1n itl:i~.tlL0 JAN 3 0 1996 ITEM 5 i "'~ -- , )J~-~ - Rosalind Orner /--- 3 tl-7b 12910 t/lmas Y,'rdes DrlvIt , Pnwal,o:"A 920(,4 - -- .----.---- DATE: 2~ .J."u>>ty 1996 TO: P1IWa) Cit) H>>I\ Fa~ 74M U55 I(H. , If'few RECEIVED Copies fO. JAN 3 0 1996 JC'I~. CIerI-. City Council CITY OF POWAY City;\i!;f.naJ!er'l. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE l'oh)'or induJ 7:' Jilll Bowcno:..: :\1.iC'kt"y C'afa;na SUSa'l ( '~lery Bob J:;mcry Don Hi;gin.son Bett), Re"fl)r'"d We rc!lpl.....Lf ,,:~ o;,llhmtt our C()ncems about the curfew law, We apologi2.e for not delivering thislener in a mor('" timely manner. But that indeed is another concern: liltlc: publicit)' before this curfew became a 'done deal.' Concerns inchlde. but not limited to: -- police questioning people because: they look young ~s. ,ng a 22 year old fot an ID card is invasion ofpnvacy this la\." indicates teens arc 'bad' this law will "01 kcep teens in school "hat is going on in Po"a)' before 1:30 pm - whoat kind of trouble do we have from leens that has he"" a " ell kept secret do teons turn 'good' after 1:30 pm not ?Iddrcs::.ing 'rOOI causes couldn't we make current !awls) addressing truanc)' worl: withoUl adding this curfew law (Cluldn't we make CUrrCI1l13.w(S) addressing shoplifting worle ",'ithoul adding this olnew law \\ ht:I1 this nev.. curfew law doesn't worle. \\rh3.t will you do tl1.en: another new law who will p:t'i for any litigation arising from this new cu.rfe-.v law "hich J:,"TOUp of people. will Poway Cit). Hall deem as questionable next month For the record. 1 believe educ(ltlon (m~' definition includes c;\,posing people to knowledge and helping th.::m gain thinkmg skills) is critical for our survival and future. Curfew may keep the teens invisible. but will nOf en,:o'Jr:l!.:c them to (unher their cducationlimpro"e their minds. If 'his law is supposed 10 help schools recover the S lost due to tn1ancy. I den'l think this will happen. I certainly wish stale S based on allcndanc:c is received in full by the PUSD. If lhi, law is supposed 10 curt.illeen shoplifllnJ:. 1 have senolls doubts that !his "ill happen. Ha\..c; tC'.~1I !ohop1iflcrs been dirccu:d to ,u;t~ tellers or ;1pology: to c:\-plorc how life ,,'ould be if e\c')'ollc did i'; ha\.c gOllcn down on hands and knecs 10 scrub shop Ooors or clean shop toilets on J I0I1):.Il:11Il bitsls, lose phone:: privileges at home: lose school activities privileges wch as football. etc. ~ - C(.~ ~~ - ITEM 5 1.'1 L .d 6L6V SS9 6L9 . .l.d3a U n\1na dH HO~.:l 1'f~S ~ ~:;, 96n ~ -;'IF. t